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The philosophy of ‘working with nature’ and ‘working with the river’ is increasingly embedded in global management practice. However, what does this mean? Has real progress been made in operationalizing what is known, how scientists and practitioners work and how rivers are conceptualized as integral parts of landscapes, culture and society? The first sections of this commentary outline what this philosophy means to us (the authors) and briefly summarize the evolution of associated concepts and principles in recent decades. In the final section, we comment on what we believe needs to be done to ‘work with the river’ in practice. We are communicating to both river scientists and practitioners as a collective when we ask: Will we be brave enough to hold the course in the face of many global challenges, be ready to respond when called upon, and commit to creation of diverse, inclusive and open access communities of practice in geoethical programmes that ‘work with the river’?  相似文献   

四川省分布着金沙江、雅砻江、大渡河、岷江、沱江、涪江、嘉陵江和渠江等8大水系。由于金沙江、雅砻江和大渡河等流域的水电站基本处于高海拔、高地震烈度、高边坡和地质条件复杂的高山峡谷中,据相关法律法规,有必要加强水电站地震监测。经30多年的努力,8大水系共计16个电站建成专用地震监测台网并投入运行,其余56座电站的地震监测工作推进较缓,文中对四川省主要水系流域地震监测情况予以详细阐述,希望为地震监测工作推进缓慢的流域提供参考,促进地震监测工作的顺利实施。  相似文献   


River managers worldwide are increasingly addressing flow needs for ecosystem processes and services in their management plans for dams and reservoirs. However, while planning and scientific assessments have advanced substantially, successful re-operation of infrastructure to achieve environmental benefits has been more limited. The Sustainable Rivers Project (SRP) was formalized in 2002, as a national partnership between the United States Army Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy to define and implement environmental flows through adaptive reservoir management. The project has focused on eight demonstration basins containing 36 Corps dams, but is designed to direct the collective experience from these sites to help guide agency-wide operational changes for as many as 600 dams to benefit up to 80 000 river kilometres and tens of thousands of hectares of related floodplain and estuarine habitat. This article summarizes the progress to date on defining and implementing environmental flows through the SRP, and evaluates the technical, social, legal, and institutional factors that act as dominant enabling conditions and constraints to implementation.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman  相似文献   

崔伟中 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):77-82
流域管理是以水资源的自然流域特性和多功能属性为基础的管理制度,它的目标是使有限的水资源实现优化配置和发挥最大效益.流域管理的问题直接关系到以水资源的可持续利用支持经济社会的可持续发展的大局.通过分析我国流域管理存在的问题,借鉴国外成功的流域管理经验,提出要进一步明确流域管理和行政区域管理的事权,加快流域管理相应的法律法规建设,加大流域管理的支撑保障能力建设,充分发挥流域管理机构科学规划决策、有效配置调控和有力监督控制的作用,进一步探索适合不同流域的管理模式,加大构建公共参与和民主协商机制力度,探索建立流域水资源管理可持续利用的市场机制.  相似文献   

The Spey Bay coastline and the estuary of the River Spey exhibit a rapidly evolving planform. They provide an opportunity to study geomorphological changes in a coupled coastal/estuarine system which can be measured over hours and days rather than the years and decades associated with more slowly evolving landscape features. Attempting to understand coastal and estuarine geomorphology provides engineers and earth scientists with an exciting intellectual challenge. This is not, however, simply an academic challenge because the successful management of coastal and estuarine environments depends on improving this understanding. The impetus behind our work in this area is the protection of land-use interests. It is in this context that Babtie Dobbie Limited have been employed in studying the River Spey since 1962. This paper is based on a practical case study performed for coastal and river engineering purposes between 1990 and 1992. The case study was formulated using the results and conclusions of earlier geomorphological studies of the area undertaken over the past 32 years. Knowledge gained from previous studies was crucial in designing the detailed methods and techniques employed in the 1990–1992 geomorphological study. Methods used included historical analyses, photogrammetry, numerical modelling, geographic information systems (GIS) and interpretation of the complex processes which drive landform changes in the estuary and along the adjacent shoreline. The improved understanding of geomorphological processes that has been achieved has enabled engineers to formulate a new management strategy. Central to this strategy are engineering solutions to river and coastal stability and flooding problems which are in sympathy with the environment and which take maximum advantage of our understanding of geomorphological processes.  相似文献   

The management of the Rhine is often seen as an exemplary case of international river basin management. In the Rhine basin, countries that went to war with each other twice in the last century have managed to reach agreements on many issues and water quality has improved considerably. The improvement in water quality is often attributed to the activities of the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine and in particular to its Rhine Action Plan. In order to test this assertion, this paper describes and analyzes the development of international co-operation on the water quality of the Rhine since 1945. It concludes that water quality improvement cannot be attributed to any single factor. Instead, a whole array of interrelated factors are at play, including the European Union, other international fora such as the North Sea Ministerial Conferences, domestic legislation, the activities of environmental NGOs and waterworks, growing environmental awareness, and the changing structure of the industry in the basin. Because of the importance of contextual factors, the Rhine experiences cannot simply be applied to basins with a different context. In many cases, international river basin management may be promoted most effectively by promoting co-operation at the river basin level. In many other cases, however, it may be more effective to identify and then work on the contextual factors that (1) have the biggest leverage effect in the specific case and (2) can be influenced most effectively.  相似文献   

Coefficients describing at‐a‐station power‐law relationships between discharge and width were calculated by applying multilevel models to field data collected during routine hydrological monitoring at 326 gauging stations across New Zealand. These hydraulic geometry coefficients were then estimated for each of these stations using standard stepwise multiple‐linear regression models. Analysis was carried out to quantify how the relationship between width and discharge changed in relation to several available explanatory variables. All coefficients describing the at‐a‐station hydraulic geometry were found to have statistically significant relationships with catchment area. Statistically significant relationships between each of the coefficients were also found with the addition of catchment climate as an explanatory variable. Further statistically significant relationships were found when station elevation and channel slope, as well as hydrological source of flow and landcover of the upstream catchment were added to the explanatory variables. The level of confidence that can be associated with estimates of width at ungauged sites, and sites with limited data availability, was then assessed by comparing model predictions with independent paired data on observed width and discharge from 197 sites. When compared against these independent data, model predictions of width were improved with the addition of predictor variables of the hydraulic geometry coefficients. The greatest improvements were made when climate was added to catchment area as predictor variables. Minor improvements were made when all available information was used to predict width at these independent sites. Although the analysis was purely empirical, results describing relationships between hydraulic geometry coefficients and catchment characteristics corresponded well with knowledge of the processes controlling at‐a‐station hydraulic geometry of river width. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamics and functions of large wood have become integral considerations in the science and management of river systems. Study of large wood in rivers took place as monitoring of fish response to wooden structures placed in rivers in the central United States in the early 20th century, but did not begin in earnest until the 1970s. Research has increased in intensity and thematic scope ever since. A wide range of factors has prompted these research efforts, including basic understanding of stream systems, protection and restoration of aquatic ecosystems, and environmental hazards in mountain environments. Research and management have adopted perspectives from ecology, geomorphology, and engineering, using observational, experimental, and modelling approaches. Important advances have been made where practical information needs converge with institutional and science leadership capacities to undertake multi-pronged research programmes. Case studies include ecosystem research to inform regulations for forest management; storage and transport of large wood as a component in global carbon dynamics; and the role of wood transport in environmental hazards in mountain regions, including areas affected by severe landscape disturbances, such as volcanic eruptions. As the field of research has advanced, influences of large wood on river structures and processes have been merged with understanding of streamflow and sediment regimes, so river form and function are now viewed as involving the tripartite system of water, sediment, and wood. A growing community of researchers and river managers is extending understanding of large wood in rivers to climatic, forest, landform, and social contexts not previously investigated. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author wants to explore the knowledge development in two crucial fields, river management and coast management in the 19th century and first decades of the 20th century. Were there similar characteristics in this development? Which types of knowledge can be distinguished? Who were the principal actors in these processes? Did the knowledge evolution have a Dutch stamp or a rather international flavour?To structure the analysis, the author uses the concept of technology regime, a set of technical rules which shapes the know-how of engineers, their design rules and research processes. The analysis shows that the knowledge development of river management and coastal management followed different evolution paths between 1800 and 1940. In the field of river management, a substantial amount of mathematical and physical theories had been gradually developed since the end of the 17th century. After 1850, the regularization approach met gradually a widespread support. Empirical data, design rules, theoretical knowledge and engineering pivoted around the regularization approach, and a technology regime around this approach emerged. The regularization regime further developed in the 20th century, and handbooks were increasingly shaped by mathematical and physical reasoning and formulas. On the other hand, coastal management was until the 1880s a rather marginal activity. Coastal engineering was an extremely complex and multidimensional field of knowledge which no engineer was able to grasp.The foundation of a Dutch weather institute was a first important step towards a more theoretical approach. The Zuiderzee works (starting in 1925) gave probably the most important stimuli to scientific coastal research. It was also a main factor in setting up scientific institutes by Rijkswaterstaat. So from the 1920s, Rijkswaterstaat became a major producer of scientific knowledge, not only in tidal modelling but also in coastal research. Due to a multidisciplinary knowledge network, coastal research transformed from a marginal to a first-rank scientific field, and this transformation enabled Rijkswaterstaat to set a much higher level of ambition in coastal management. The 1953 flood and the Deltaworks marked a new era. New design rules for sea dykes and river levees, based on a revolutionary statistical risk approach were determined, and design rules for the Deltaworks estuary closures were developed, being enabled by the development of hydraulic research.  相似文献   

Applications of ergodic reasoning (or location for time substitution) aid efforts at environmental reconstruction and prediction, providing a useful tool to analyse and communicate stages of landscape evolution. Analysis of the historical range of behaviour and change that a river system has experienced can be used to interpret thresholds that have been breached, and underlying controls and/or triggers for adjustment and change. This information can be used to forecast future trajectories of adjustment and provide target conditions for management activities. This paper uses a case study from upper Wollombi Brook, New South Wales, Australia to demonstrate how ergodic reasoning can be used to assess river behaviour, change and responses to natural and human‐disturbances. The ‘river evolution diagram’ developed by Brierley and Fryirs (Geomorphology and River Management: Applications of the River Styles Framework. Blackwell Publishing: Oxford, 2005) is presented as a means for depicting the range of behaviour and evolutionary variability of this river. These approaches can be readily applied in other systems. Implications for approaches to analysis of river evolution and management are outlined. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The coastal zones are areas of high biological productivity and intense human pressure. Environmental challenges arise from pollution and from urban and industrial development. Administrative, social and legal challenges centre upon the need for sound management of coastal zone resources, as an important component of national strategies for sustainability. A number of specific actions have been set out in Agenda 21, the principal product of the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. But these need to be carried forward within cross-sectoral, integrated coastal area management procedures. International action is also needed because marine ecosystems rarely coincide with national boundaries, and are affected by international economic, social and legal decisions.

International scientific co-operation on marine issues is already well established, and many regional action plans and Conventions have been adopted. Technological co-operation is less advanced. Such efforts need to be intensified, and continuously adapted. Sound plans for the future must be based on good science, critical economic evaluation of resources, sensitive evaluation of social and cultural factors and of the needs of local communities, evaluation of the risks of climate change, sea-level rise and other changes, and monitoring as a basis for continuing adaptation.  相似文献   

对“油储”项目在大庆实施获得成果的概述及认识   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本项目立项不久,为验证所开展理论研究的有效性,从各课题优选内容,提出直接介入大庆外围及深部油气储量预测工作的额外研究内容,旨在于提升本项目的理论研究水平和应用价值.1998年研制集群计算机、研发叠前地震资料并行处理平台及辅助软件包,促成本项目与国际同步(2000年)生成“三维波动方程叠前深度偏移成像”算法及软件,提升了我国在勘探地球物理研究领域地震成像的能力.1999年,在大庆组装8个节点集群机,处理150km地震资料,在82线的深度剖面上,发现“凹中隆”内部结构和断裂特征.后经布署三维地震勘探及多项研究,大庆决定钻探“徐深1井”并获得重大突破,揭开了大庆发现大气田的序幕,极大地显现并提升了大庆油田的可持续发展空间.分别在北京和大庆两地设立“油储地球物理研究中心”,业已表明,合理的科研组织思路及举措,有利于重大项目成果的集成与应用,以及形成研究团队的群体突破态势.  相似文献   

Observing Global Surface Water Flood Dynamics   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Flood waves moving along river systems are both a key determinant of globally important biogeochemical and ecological processes and, at particular times and particular places, a major environmental hazard. In developed countries, sophisticated observing networks and ancillary data, such as channel bathymetry and floodplain terrain, exist with which to understand and model floods. However, at global scales, satellite data currently provide the only means of undertaking such studies. At present, there is no satellite mission dedicated to observing surface water dynamics and, therefore, surface water scientists make use of a range of sensors developed for other purposes that are distinctly sub-optimal for the task in hand. Nevertheless, by careful combination of the data available from topographic mapping, oceanographic, cryospheric and geodetic satellites, progress in understanding some of the world’s major river, floodplain and wetland systems can be made. This paper reviews the surface water data sets available to hydrologists on a global scale and the recent progress made in the field. Further, the paper looks forward to the proposed NASA/CNES Surface Water Ocean Topography satellite mission that may for the first time provide an instrument that meets the needs of the hydrology community.  相似文献   

To predict future river flows, empirical trend projection (ETP) analyses and extends historic trends, while hydroclimatic modelling (HCM) incorporates regional downscaling from global circulation model (GCM) outputs. We applied both approaches to the extensively allocated Oldman River Basin that drains the North American Rocky Mountains and provides an international focus for water sharing. For ETP, we analysed monthly discharges from 1912 to 2008 with non‐parametric regression, and extrapolated changes to 2055. For modelling, we refined the physical models MTCLIM and SNOPAC to provide water inputs into RIVRQ (river discharge), a model that assesses the streamflow regime as involving dynamic peaks superimposed on stable baseflow. After parameterization with 1960–1989 data, we assessed climate forecasts from six GCMs: CGCM1‐A, HadCM3, NCAR‐CCM3, ECHAM4 and 5 and GCM2. Modelling reasonably reconstructed monthly hydrographs (R2 about 0·7), and averaging over three decades closely reconstructed the monthly pattern (R2 = 0·94). When applied to the GCM forecasts, the model predicted that summer flows would decline considerably, while winter and early spring flows would increase, producing a slight decline in the annual discharge (?3%, 2005–2055). The ETP predicted similarly decreased summer flows but slight change in winter flows and greater annual flow reduction (?9%). The partial convergence of the seasonal flow projections increases confidence in a composite analysis and we thus predict further declines in summer (about ? 15%) and annual flows (about ? 5%). This composite projection indicates a more modest change than had been anticipated based on earlier GCM analyses or trend projections that considered only three or four decades. For other river basins, we recommend the utilization of ETP based on the longest available streamflow records, and HCM with multiple GCMs. The degree of correspondence from these two independent approaches would provide a basis for assessing the confidence in projections for future river flows and surface water supplies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Central Asia is one of the regions with the highest probability of conflicts over water. Kazakhstan is the main Central Asian economic power and therefore it is important to understand how the country’s water management policy is influencing water availability in the other Central Asian states. Already, the Central Asian economies are developing under increasing water deficiency, resulting in developmental problems. The main reasons for this are increasing political tensions and worsening ecological and socio-economic conditions. Kazakhstan was the first country in Central Asia to develop the pre-requisites for a transition towards integrated water resources management (IWRM). Therefore, Kazakhstan has potential to lead the development of transboundary water integration between all Central Asian states. A scenario for successful regional cooperation on water management in Central Asia involves establishing legal mechanisms for water management following international water law, assistance by international agencies and donors, and integrated social, economic and environmental methodology.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of remote sensing techniques has created numerous options for researchers seeking spatial datasets, especially digital elevation models (DEMs), for geomorphic investigations. This yields an important question regarding what DEM resolution is most appropriate when answering questions of geomorphic significance. The highest possible resolution is not always the best choice for a particular research aim, and DEM resolution should be tailored to fit both the scale of investigation and the simplicity/complexity of modelling processes applied to the dataset. We find that DEM resolution has a significant effect on a simple model of bed load sediment connectivity in the Lockyer Valley, Queensland. We apply a simple bed load transport threshold to catchment DEMs at three different resolutions – 1 m, 5 m, and 25 m. We find that using a 1 m resolution DEM generates numerous disconnections along tributary channel networks that underestimates the sediment contributing area, i.e. effective catchment area (ECA), of seven tributary basins of Lockyer Creek. Utilizing a coarser (lower‐resolution) DEM helps eliminate erroneous disconnections, but can reduce the detail of stream network definition. We find that the 25 m resolution DEM provides the best measure of ECA for comparing sediment connectivity between tributary catchments. The utility of simple models and coarse‐resolution datasets is important for undertaking large, catchment‐scale geomorphic investigations. As catchment‐scale investigations are becoming increasingly entwined with river management and rehabilitation efforts, scientists need not embrace an ‘out with the old’ philosophy. Simple models and coarse‐resolution datasets can help better integrate geomorphic research with management strategies and provide inexpensive and quick first‐order insights into catchment‐scale processes that can help focus future management efforts. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The strong wet and dry seasons of tropical monsoon hydrology in India necessitate development of storage and flow diversion schemes for utilization of water to meet various social and economic needs. However, the river valley schemes may cause adverse flow-related impacts due to storage, flow diversion, tunnelling and spoil disposal. There may be critical reaches in which altered flows are not able to sustain the river channel ecology and riparian environment that existed prior to implementation of the storage and diversion schemes. In the past, environmental flows in India have usually been understood as the minimum flow to be released downstream from a dam as compensation for riparian rights, without considering the impacts on the river ecosystem. Rivers in India have been significantly influenced by anthropogenic activities over the past 60 years and have great social and religious significance to the vast population. This paper explores various aspects of past, present and future environmental flow assessment (EFA) in India highlighted by case studies from rivers across the nation. It demonstrates that multidisciplinary studies requiring expertise from a range of fields are needed for EFA, and that environmental flows are necessary for aquatic ecosystems to remain in a healthy state and for the sustainable use of water resources. The major focus areas for the development of EFA research in India are the creation of a shareable database for hydrological, ecological and socioeconomic data, developing hydrology–ecology relationships, evaluation of ecosystem services, addressing pollution due to anthropogenic activities and promotion of research on EFA. At the same time, efforts will be needed to develop new methods or refine existing methods for India.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Jain, S.K. and Kumar, P., 2014. Environmental flows in India: towards sustainable water management. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 751–769.  相似文献   

lINTRoDUCTIONAbroadobjectiveofcooperativeresearchattheNorthwestWatershedResearchCenterandEco-HydraulicsResearchGroupistodevelopdetailedunderstandingofthetemporalandspatialvariabilityofstreamflow,sedimentandwaterquaIityconstituentsinacontinuumfromheadwatersthroughestuaries.Thispaperpresentsselectedaspectsofourongoingresearch,focusedonstreamsystemsinsemi-arid,uplandrangelandwatersheds.Publicawarenessoftheroleofriversinregionalecologicalsystems,andconcernforpreserving,enhancingandrestorin…  相似文献   

Improving our ability to detect changes in terrestrial and aquatic systems is a grand challenge in the environmental sciences. In a world experiencing increasingly rapid rates of climate change and ecosystem transformation, our ability to understand and predict how, when, where, and why changes occur is essential for adapting and mitigating human behaviours. In this context, long-term field research infrastructures have a fundamentally important role to play. For northern boreal landscapes, the Krycklan Catchment Study (KCS) has supported monitoring and research aimed at revealing these changes since it was initiated in 1980. Early studies focused on forest regeneration and microclimatic conditions, nutrient balances and forest hydrology, which included monitoring climate variables, water balance components, and stream water chemistry. The research infrastructure has expanded over the years to encompass a 6790 ha catchment, which currently includes 11 gauged streams, ca. 1000 soil lysimeters, 150 groundwater wells, >500 permanent forest inventory plots, and a 150 m tall tower (a combined ecosystem-atmosphere station of the ICOS, Integrated Carbon Observation System) for measurements of atmospheric gas concentrations and biosphere-atmosphere exchanges of carbon, water, and energy. In addition, the KCS has also been the focus of numerous high resolution multi-spectral LiDAR measurements and large scale experiments. This large collection of equipment and data generation supports a range of disciplinary studies, but more importantly fosters multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary research opportunities. The KCS attracts a broad collection of scientists, including biogeochemists, ecologists, foresters, geologists, hydrologists, limnologists, soil scientists, and social scientists, all of whom bring their knowledge and experience to the site. The combination of long-term monitoring, shorter-term research projects, and large-scale experiments, including manipulations of climate and various forest management practices, has contributed much to our understanding of boreal landscape functioning, while also supporting the development of models and guidelines for research, policy, and management.  相似文献   

Rona Vink  Horst Behrendt 《水文研究》2002,16(16):3227-3244
Pollutant transport and management in the Rhine and Elbe basins is still of international concern, since certain target levels set by the international committees for protection of both rivers have not been reached. The analysis of the chain of emissions of point and diffuse sources to river loads will provide policy makers with a tool for effective management of river basins. The analysis of large river basins such as the Elbe and Rhine requires information on the spatial and temporal characteristics of both emissions and physical information of the entire river basin. In this paper, an analysis has been made of heavy metal emissions from various point and diffuse sources in the Rhine and Elbe drainage areas. Different point and diffuse pathways are considered in the model, such as inputs from industry, wastewater treatment plants, urban areas, erosion, groundwater, atmospheric deposition, tile drainage, and runoff. In most cases the measured heavy metal loads at monitoring stations are lower than the sum of the heavy metal emissions. This behaviour in large river systems can largely be explained by retention processes (e.g. sedimentation) and is dependent on the specific runoff of a catchment. Independent of the method used to estimate emissions, the source apportionment analysis of observed loads was used to determine the share of point and diffuse sources in the heavy metal load at a monitoring station by establishing a discharge dependency. The results from both the emission analysis and the source apportionment analysis of observed loads were compared and gave similar results. Between 51% (for Hg) and 74% (for Pb) of the total transport in the Elbe basin is supplied by inputs from diffuse sources. In the Rhine basin diffuse source inputs dominate the total transport and deliver more than 70% of the total transport. The diffuse hydrological pathways with the highest share are erosion and urban areas. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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