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Tidal changes in the Ria de Aveiro lagoon, Portugal, show an average increase of 0.245 m in M2 amplitude and an average 17.4° decrease in M2 phase, over 16 years (1987–2004). This paper investigates the causes of these changes using: (a) an analytical model and (b) hydrodynamic (vertically integrated) model of the Ria de Aveiro lagoon.  相似文献   

This work presents results from numerical modelling studies on the hydrodynamics and sediments and passive particles transport properties in Ria de Aveiro, a shallow lagoon located on the Portuguese Northwest Atlantic coast. The hydrodynamic of the lagoon was systematically studied, from both the Eulerian and Lagragian point of view, in order to understand the overall circulation in the lagoon, characterize the dynamics of its different channels and assess the transport of suspended cohesive sediments.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

Sea level change is an important consequence of climate change due to its impact on society and ecosystems. Analyses of tide-gauge data have indicated that the global sea level has risen during the 20th century and several studies predict that the mean sea level will continue to rise during the 21st century, intensifying coastal hazards worldwide. In Portugal, the Ria de Aveiro is expected to be one of the regions most affected by sea level change.The main aim of this study is to evaluate the potential impacts of the mean sea level change on the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of the Ria de Aveiro. With this purpose, local mean sea level change was projected for the period 2091-2100 relative to 1980-1999, for different Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) scenarios developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). These projections revealed an increase in the mean sea level between 0.28 m under scenario B1 and 0.42 m under scenario A2.The results obtained for sea level rise scenario A2 projection were used to force the morphodynamic model MORSYS2D, previously implemented for the Ria de Aveiro. The modelling results were compared with model forecasts for the present sea level. The residual sediment transport and its balance at the lagoon inlet were computed and analysed for both situations. While the residual sediment transport is generally seaward, sediments tend to deposit inside the inlet due to the weak sediment transport at its mouth. The direction of the residual flux will not change with the sea level rise, but sediment fluxes will intensify, and accretion inside the inlet will increase.The rise in mean sea level will also affect the lagoon hydrodynamics. The tidal prism at the lagoon mouth will increase by about 28% in spring tide. In the lower lagoon only a slight increase of the tidal asymmetry is predicted.  相似文献   

An analysis of the intra-annual variability of hydrographic residence times, tau, is presented for the Pontevedra Ria--a large coastal system in NW Spain with a deep, unobstructed connection with the Atlantic Ocean. Ria-offshore water exchange and tau were quantified with an iterative approach to the fraction of freshwater method using 23 quasi-steady state water-salt budgets. Excluding prolonged flushing due to downwelling events at the end of the upwelling season, mean was 6 +/- 2 day in the central ria and 2 +/- 1 day in the internal ria. The tidal contribution, equal to 10-25% of total water renewal, was quantified for the first time for a Galician ria with the hydrodynamic model estuarine contaminant simulator (ECoS). The relationship between tau and residual freshwater input, Qz, was atypical, since Qz played a minor role in water exchange in comparison to periodic upwelling of East North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) from the continental shelf mainly during spring and summer. During positive upwelling stress, the intrusion of ENACW into the ria produced enhanced flushing and tau < 4 day in the central ria and < 2 days in the internal ria. Under downwelling favourable conditions, water was retained and tau prolonged to >8 and >5 days, respectively. A quantitative parameterisation of tau with upwelling and Qz was weakly significant, due to the short-term variability in ria salinity. This paper elucidates problems associated with the use of water budgets to transient coastal systems such as the Pontevedra Ria.  相似文献   

Organotin (OT) compounds have been used as biocide agents in antifouling paints since the mid 1960s and are now ubiquitous in the marine environment. Due to their high toxicity to non-target species they were banned from antifouling paints in the European Union in 2003 (2002/62/EC directive). The aim of the present work is to assess any obvious decline of the OT environmental levels at Ria de Aveiro (NW Portugal) after the ban. The organotins - monobutyltin (MBT), dibutyltin (DBT), tributyltin (TBT), monophenyltin (MPT), diphenyltin (DPT), triphenyltin (TPT), monoctyltin (MOT), dioctyltin (DOT) and trioctyltin (TOT) - were quantified in the gastropod Nassarius reticulatus, in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and in sediments. Imposex (imposition of male characters on females of gonochorist gastropods) in N. reticulatus was additionally used as a biomarker of TBT pollution. Time comparisons show a slight decrease of imposex between 2003 and 2005 probably as a consequence of the EU ban, though in some cases this trend seems to have started earlier since 2000. The fraction of TBT relatively to its metabolites has been decreasing over the last years but still remains high suggesting that there are still recent inputs of this compound into the study area.  相似文献   

The main aim of this research was to assess the mercury transport from an estuarine basin with a background of anthropogenic contamination during a spring tidal cycle (year 2009) and compare it with two previous tidal cycles (years 1994 and 1999), as part of a long‐term monitoring program. Results showed that effective mercury transport occurs both in the dissolved and particulate fractions (0.18 and 0.20 kg per tidal cycle, respectively), and despite an overall decrease in environmental contamination, results more than double previous findings on particulate transport in the system. These findings result essentially from changes in the tidal prism (net export of 2 million m3 of water), given that both dissolved and particulate concentrations did not increase over time. Hydrodynamic simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of physical disturbance (dredging) and weather events (increased freshwater flow) in these processes, and results suggest the increased freshwater flow into the system as the main forcing function for the mercury transport increment. These results highlight the importance of long‐term monitoring programs, since despite an overall improvement in local contamination levels, the enhancement of transport processes through hydrological changes increases environmental pressure away from the contamination source. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding plant water use patterns is crucial for comprehending the dynamics of the soil–plant-atmosphere continuum and evaluating the adaptability of plants across diverse ecosystems. However, there remains a gap in our comprehension of non-halophyte plants' water uptake patterns and driving factors in temperate coastal regions. For this reason, we used locust trees (a widely planted non-halophyte tree species in northern China) as a study subject. We collected water isotope data (δ2H and δ18O) for locust trees xylem and soil over two consecutive growing seasons. The MixSIAR model was used along with five distinct sets of input data (single isotopes, uncorrected dual isotopes, and corrected dual isotopes incorporating δ2H data obtained by soil water line or cryogenic vacuum distillation methods) to infer water utilization patterns. The results indicated that locust trees primarily absorb shallow soil water (0–20 cm, 29.4% ± 16.9%) and deep soil water (120–180 cm, 24.7% ± 5.8%). Pearson's correlation analysis revealed the key driving factors behind water uptake patterns were vegetation transpiration and soil salinity. Remarkably, the build up of salts in the lower soil layer (60–120 cm) hinders the absorption of water by plants. To prevent high salt concentrations from affecting water uptake in non-halophyte plants, we recommend implementing sufficient irrigation from March to April each year to meet the water needs of plant growth and regulate the accumulation of salts in various soil layers. This study reveals the dynamic water utilization strategy of non-halophyte plants in temperate coastal regions, offering valuable information for water resources management.  相似文献   

The glassfish, Ambassis jacksoniensis, is a key, mid-level species in an estuarine food web on the east coast of Australia. Estuaries are subject to contamination from urban and industrial activities. The biokinetics of Cd, Se and Zn accumulation by glassfish from water and food were assessed using radioisotopes. Metal uptake from water was not regulated over the range of water metal concentrations examined. Metal uptake from food was assessed using brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) fed radio-labelled algae. The assimilation efficiency from food was 9.5 ± 2.5%, 23 ± 2.2% and 4.6 ± 0.6% for Cd, Se and Zn, respectively. The potential for biomagnification was low for all metals. Food is the main metal uptake pathway for glassfish, with 97%, 99% and 98% of the uptake of Cd, Se and Zn, respectively, estimated to be from food.  相似文献   

Long-term temperature monitoring was carried out in a borehole drilled for investigation of the Nojima fault, an active fault in SW Japan, using the distributed optical fiber temperature sensing (DTS) technique. Temperatures in the borehole had been measured every 1 m along an optical fiber cable with a resolution of about 0.1 K over a period of 6 years. Water injection experiments were conducted in this borehole in 1997, 2000 and 2003. Monitoring of the temperature profile was started after the first injection experiment, and the temperature profile remained very stable until the start of the second injection experiment. During the second and third experiments, the temperatures in the borehole dropped due to cooling by the injected water but no appreciable temperature change was observed below about 580 m. It clearly shows that the water leaked out of the hole around this point and the leaking depth is estimated to be about 540 m based on the shape of the temperature profile. After the injection was stopped, the recovery of the temperature to the undisturbed profile was exceptionally slow around the leaking point, resulting in a local temperature anomaly, probably because the water leaking out of the hole had cooled the surrounding formations extensively. A very similar temperature anomaly was observed at the beginning of temperature monitoring, which suggests that water leaked out at the same depth in the first injection experiment as well. Between the second and third injection experiments, the top of the borehole was kept open to allow groundwater discharge for about 1 month in 2000 and 2003. In both periods, groundwater flowed out continuously and the shapes of the observed temperature profiles indicate that the groundwater entered in the hole at the same depth as the leaking point during the injection experiments. The temperature records also show that the rate of discharge had been nearly constant through the two test periods. The water discharge appears to have been little affected by the water injection. These results demonstrate that the optical fiber temperature monitoring system is a very effective tool for hydrological experiments.  相似文献   

Inundation patterns in two of the largest savanna floodplains of South America were studied by analysis of the 37‐GHz polarization difference observed by the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (Nimbus‐7 satellite). Flooded area was estimated at monthly intervals for January 1979 through to August 1987 using mixing models that account for the major landscape units with distinctive microwave emission characteristics. Results are presented separately for five subregions in each of the two floodplain regions to show the spatial as well as temporal variability in inundation patterns. The total area inundated during the 9 years varied between 2069 and 78 460 km2 in the Llanos de Moxos (also spelled as Mojos; median area, 23 383 km2) and 1278 and 105 454 km2 in the Llanos del Orinoco (median, 25 374 km2), not including the open‐water area of permanent lakes and river channels. The correlation between flooded area and river stage was used to extend the inundation records over a 30‐year period in the Moxos (1967–97) and a 58‐year period (1927–85) in the Orinoco. Interannual variability in inundation is greater in the Moxos than the Orinoco. Comparison of these data, however, with a previously published analysis of the Pantanal wetland shows that inundation patterns in these two floodplain regions are not as variable across years as they are in the Pantanal. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The physical properties of snow, including apparent density, snow cover distribution and snowmelt in the Nahr El Kelb basin (Mount Lebanon), were studied in order to design a simple empirical snowmelt model. In February 2001, snow covered an area of 1600 km2 on Mount Lebanon, representing a water equivalent of 1.1 x 109 m3. The snow surface area was calculated by combining TM5 images with a digital elevation model, and field observations made every three days, from 1400 to 2300 m altitude. The depletion of snow cover was measured from the end of December 2000 to the end of June 2001. The snowmelt was measured from surface depletion on a degree-day basis. A simple model relating the daily snowmelt to the product of wind speed and average positive daily air temperature, is presented and discussed. For Mount Lebanon, this model gave a better approximation of snowmelt than a simple degree-day model.  相似文献   

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