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In the later part of the Pleistocene, variations in global ice volume have been dominated by an approximate 100,000-year cycle. Analysis of 2-Myr-long oxygen isotope record from an equatorial Pacific core indicates that this is true only for the last 900,000 years. Prior to this time the amplitude of the 100,000-year cycle is much reduced, as is the variance of all oscillations with periods greater than 60,000 years. Based on results of time series analysis of this 2-Myr-long record, the Pleistocene glacial cycles can be divided into three sections: (1) the late Pleistocene (0–900 kyr B.P.) where the variations in the isotope record are dominated by the 100,000-year cycle; (2) the middle Pleistocene (900–1450 kyr B.P.) in which low-frequency components are not as important as in the later period of the Pleistocene, and (3) the early Pleistocene/late Pliocene (1450–2000 kyr B.P.) where general reductions of importance at all frequencies is seen as compared to the later intervals. Recent modeling efforts which describe variations in global ice volume show that the dominant low-frequency component observed in the late Pleistocene can result from different time constants for the rate of glacial growth and decay in response to variations in the Earth's orbital parameters. It is hypothesized that during the early Pleistocene the rate of growth and decay of glaciers were more similar and that continental erosion by successive glacial advances lowered the land surface in areas of ice-cap formation to below sea level. When the ice caps became marine-based, more rapid decay of the ice became possible.  相似文献   

In Northern Hemisphere deglaciation records, the transition from the last glacial to the Holocene indicates a rapid return to near-glacial conditions during the Younger Dryas, whereas their Southern Hemisphere ice core counterparts record two separate cooling events: the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Oceanic Cold Reversal. Spatial distribution and relative timing of these events in both hemispheres are central for our understanding of causes and mechanisms of abrupt climate change. To date, no marine record from the southern mid-latitudes conclusively demonstrates that the Younger Dryas was a significant event in the Southern Ocean. Here, we present high-resolution oxygen isotope and iron content records of a radiocarbon-dated sedimentary sequence from the Great Australian Bight, which constrains oceanic and atmospheric changes during the last deglaciation. Oxygen isotopes from planktonic foraminifera indicate two rapid cold reversals (between 13.1 and 11.1 kyr BP) separated by a brief warming. The sedimentary iron content, interpreted as a proxy for wind strength, indicates a simultaneous change in atmospheric circulation pattern. Both records demonstrate the existence of cooling events in the Southern Hemisphere, which are synchronous with the Northern Hemisphere Younger Dryas cold reversal (between 12.9 and 11.5 kyr BP). Such evidence for the spatial distribution and timing of abrupt climatic fluctuations is essential data for groundtruthing results derived from global climate models.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on climate variations caused by the orbital effect and solar activity over the last one million years and oscillations (warming or cooling) of the climate since the last ice age retreat. Attention is paid to a significant discrepancy in the trend of global temperature change during the modern interglacial epoch (Holocene) obtained by various methods. A long-term cooling trend was observed in the summer temperature of the Northern Hemisphere during the last 2000 years.  相似文献   

One of the most striking features of the Quaternary paleoclimate records remains the so-called 100-kyr cycle which is undoubtedly linked to the future of our climate. Such a 100-kyr cycle is indeed characterised by long glacial periods followed by a short-interglacial (10–15 kyr long). As we are now in an interglacial, the Holocene, the previous one (the Eemian, which corresponds quite well to Marine Isotope Stage 5e, peaking at 125 kyr before present, BP) was assumed to be a good analogue for our present-day climate. In addition, as the Holocene is 10 kyr long, paleoclimatologists were naturally inclined to predict that we are quite close to the next ice age. Simulations using the 2-D climate model of Louvain-la-Neuve show, however, that the current interglacial will most probably last much longer than any previous ones. It is suggested here that this is related to the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, which will be almost circular over the next tens of thousands of years. As this is primarily related to the 400-kyr cycle of eccentricity, the best and closest analogue for such a forcing is definitely Marine Isotopic Stage 11 (MIS-11), some 400 kyr ago, not MIS-5e. Because the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere also plays an important role in shaping long-term climatic variations – especially its phase with respect to insolation – a detailed reconstruction of this previous interglacial from deep sea and ice records is urgently needed. Such a study is particularly important in the context of the already exceptional present-day CO2 concentrations (unprecedented over the past million years) and, even more so, because of even larger values predicted to occur during the 21st century due to human activities.  相似文献   

Some areas within ice sheet boundaries retain pre-existing landforms and thus either remained as ice free islands (nunataks) during glaciation, or were preserved under ice. Differentiating between these alternatives has significant implications for paleoenvironment, ice sheet surface elevation, and ice volume reconstructions. In the northern Swedish mountains, in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al concentrations from glacial erratics on relict surfaces as well as glacially eroded bedrock adjacent to these surfaces, provide consistent last deglaciation exposure ages (∼8-13 kyr), confirming ice sheet overriding as opposed to ice free conditions. However, these ages contrast with exposure ages of 34-61 kyr on bedrock surfaces in these same relict areas, demonstrating that relict areas were preserved with little erosion through multiple glacial cycles. Based on the difference in radioactive decay between 26Al and 10Be, the measured nuclide concentration in one of these bedrock surfaces suggests that it remained largely unmodified for a minimum period of 845−418+461 kyr. These results indicate that relict areas need to be accounted for as frozen bed patches in basal boundary conditions for ice sheet models, and in landscape development models. Subglacial preservation also implies that source areas for glacial sediments in ocean cores are considerably smaller than the total area covered by ice sheets. These relict areas also have significance as potential long-term subglacial biologic refugia.  相似文献   

The loess record in southern Tajikistan and correlation with Chinese loess   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In the present study, the Chashmanigar loess–soil sequence in southern Tajikistan is studied; this loess section has a paleomagnetic basal age of about 1.77 Myr. Magnetic susceptibility, color reflectance and grain size were systematically measured for closely spaced samples from the section. Paleosols consistently have a finer grain size distribution, higher magnetic susceptibility, redder color reflectance and lower dust sedimentation rate than loess horizons, suggesting a colder, drier and dustier environment during glacial periods than in interglacial periods. The grain size record was tuned to variations in obliquity and precession of the Earth’s orbit. The resulting magnetic susceptibility, grain size and color reflectance time series all show well-expressed astronomical periodicities during the Pleistocene. The mid-Pleistocene climate transition, characterized by a shift of dominant climatic periods from 41 kyr to 100 kyr at about 1.0–0.8 Myr, is clearly documented in these proxy records. Comparison of the Chashmanigar loess record with the Lingtai loess section in China and the ODP site 677 δ18O record shows that during the entire Pleistocene, the climate cycles recorded by the Central Asian loess can be well correlated to the Chinese loess and deep-sea oxygen isotope records. It is suggested that alternations of loess and soil horizons both in Central Asia and China could be basically forced by global ice volume variations, although different wind systems have controlled the Pleistocene loess transport and sedimentation in the two areas.  相似文献   

A 400-mm-long stalagmite from Tangshan Cave, Nanjing has been analyzed by a high-precision TIMS-U series dating method and also determined for oxygen and carbon stable isotopic compositions. The results provided a high-resolution paleoclimate record for eastern China during a time interval (from 54 000 to 19 000 aBP) of the last glaciation. The continuous record of oxygen-18 variations in the stalagmite, indicating a precipitation history of the East Asian monsoon, shows not only signals of the Heinrich events, but also the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles which are first found in the last glacial climate record of the East Asian monsoon area. Although the stalagmite-based climatic signals match well with the GRIP ice core record, some differences between the two records can be recognized: (1) The last glacial climate changes in eastern China exhibited a long-term remarkably cooling trend, superimposed on which were four successive Bond’s cycles illustrated by the δ18O curve. This strong cooling tendency may be an effect of the strong summer monsoon event during the MIS 3 over the Tibetan Plateau. (2) There exist some phase differences of 1000–2000 years between the cooling events in the stalagmite-based climate signal and the GRIP ice core record. Such differences should be further verified by calibrations of multiple dating methods  相似文献   

The solution of energy-balance model of the Earth global climate and the EPICA Dome C and Vostok experimental data of the Earth surface palaeotemperature evolution over past 420 and 740 kyr are compared.In the framework of proposed bifurcation model (i) the possible sharp warmings of the Dansgaard-Oeschger type during the last glacial period due to stochastic resonance is theoretically argued; (ii) the concept of climatic sensitivity of water in the atmosphere, whose temperature instability has the form of so-called hysteresis loop, is proposed, and based on this concept the time series of global ice volume over the past 1000 kyr, which is in good agreement with the time series of δ18O concentration in the sea sediments, is obtained; (iii) the so-called “CO2 doubling” problem is discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of interocean carbon isotopic gradients over the last 2.5 m.y. is examined using high-resolution δ13C records from deep sea cores in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Over much of the Northern Hemisphere ice ages, relative reductions in North Atlantic Deep Water production occur during ice maxima. From 2.5 to 1.5 Ma, glacial reductions in NADW are less than those observed in the late Pleistocene. Glacial suppression of NADW intensified after 1.5 Ma, earlier than the transition to larger ice sheets around 0.7 Ma. At a number of times during the Pleistocene, δ13C values at DSDP Site 607 in the North Atlantic were indistinguishable from eastern equatorial Pacific δ13C values from approximately the same depth (ODP Site 677), indicating significant incursions of low δ13C water into the deep North Atlantic. Atlantic/Pacific δ13C values converge during glaciations between 1.13-1.05 m.y., 0.83-0.70 m.y., and 0.46-0.43 m.y. This represents a pseudo-periodicity of approximately 300 kyr which cannot easily be ascribed to global ice volume or orbital forcing. This partial decoupling, at low frequencies, of the δ18O and δ13C signals at Site 607 indicates that variations in North Atlantic deep water circulation cannot be viewed simply as a linear response to ice sheet forcing.  相似文献   

The results of a high-resolution mineral magnetic study combined with major element geochemistry analysis, oxygen isotopes and 14C AMS stratigraphy are reported for deep-sea gravity cores MD77-169 and MD77-180 located in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, respectively. Core MD77-169 covers the last 280 kyr and core MD77-180 covers the last 160 kyr. In both cores, rock magnetic parameters indicate that the magnetic assemblage is dominated by pseudo-single domain titanomagnetite grains, with grain-size variations following a strong 23 kyr periodicity. Smaller magnetic grain sizes are observed during periods characterized by a strong summer monsoon. In addition, in core MD77-180, we observe a correlation between magnetic grain size and a chemical index of alteration. This suggests that these magnetic grain-size changes are related to chemical weathering driven by summer monsoon rainfall. A comparison of the GISP2 ice core isotopic record and the magnetic grain-size record of the Bay of Bengal shows that rapid temperature variations documented in the ice core (Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles and Heinrich events), during the last glacial period are also present in the magnetic grain-size record. Heinrich events and cold stadial events are characterized by relatively large magnetic grain sizes. Furthermore, Heinrich events are characterized by lower values of the chemical index of alteration implying a lower degree of chemical weathering related to significantly drier conditions on the continent. We suggest that rapid cold events of the North Atlantic (Heinrich events) during the last glacial stages are characterized by a weaker summer monsoon rainfall over the Himalaya via an atmospheric teleconnection.  相似文献   

Information about variations in solar activity and climate on the time intervals from 130 years to four–five last centuries, including results of instrumental measurements (Wolf numbers, actinometry, thermometry) and indirect indicators (ice core acidity, NO 3 ? ion concentration in polar ice, temperature tree-ring reconstructions), has been analyzed for the Northern Hemisphere and its high-latitude part. It has been obtained that the observed relation between secular variations in solar activity and near-Earth temperature resulted from the effect of the corresponding variation in aerosol transparency of the stratosphere on terrestrial climate. It has been also indicated that long-term variations in the aerosol content of the stratosphere can, in turn, be related to secular cycles in atmospheric ionization caused by variations in fluxes of ionizing cosmic particles.  相似文献   

High-resolution oxygen isotope records over the last 2249 ka (MIS 1–86) have been obtained from cores of the upper section (105.08 m) at ODP Site 1143 (water depth of 2772 m) drilled in the Nansha area, southern South China Sea. The sampling resolution is at about 2 ka intervals, resulting in one of the best oxygen isotope records over the global ocean. The oxygen isotope curves, displaying details in the Pleistocene glacial cycles, have revealed a nearly 300 ka long stage of transition from a predominant 40 ka to 100 ka periodicity. Therefore, the “Mid-Pleistocene Revolution” should be considered as a process of transition rather than an abrupt change. Within the 100 ka glacial cycles, the changes in tropical sea surface water were found to lead those in high-latitude ice sheet. Our comparisons show that the ice sheet expansion and the glacial stage extension in the Northern Hemisphere with the 100 ka cycles must have been driven not by ice sheet itself, but by processes outside the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

A comparison of the oxygen isotope signal in deep-sea benthic foraminifera with the record of glacio-eustatic sea level for the last 160,000 years reveals that the amplitude of the benthic δ18O records predicts more continental ice volume than appears to be reflected in lowered sea level stands. These differences between the benthic δ18O ice volume estimates and radiometrically-dated records of eustatic sea level are consistent with the presence of a large floating Arctic Ocean ice mass during glacial intervals. The presence of an Arctic Ocean ice sheet during glacial intervals may account for the two climatic modes observed in oxygen isotope records which span the entire Pleistocene. The early Pleistocene (1.8 to 0.9 Myr B.P.) interval is characterized by low-amplitude, high-frequency δ18O fluctuations between glacial and interglacial periods, while the late Pleistocene (0.9 Myr B.P. to present) is characterized by large-amplitude, low-frequency δ18O changes. These two climatic modes can be explained by the initiation of earth orbital conditions favoring the co-occurrence of glacial period Arctic Ocean ice sheets and large continental ice sheets approximately 900,000 years before present.  相似文献   

In order to derive a radiometric age marker for the end of the penultimate glacial–interglacial transition, we compiled published U-series isotope measurements on corals from the period extending from stage 6 to the middle of the last interglacial, and computed the corresponding open-system ages using Thompson et al. model (Thompson, W.G., Spiegelman, M.W., Goldstein, S.L., Speed, R.C., An open-system model for U-series age determinations of fossil corals. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 210 (2003) 365–381). We obtain a global mean age of 126 calendar kyr BP (ka) ± 1.7kyr (2σ) for the beginning of the last interglacial sea level high stand. After showing that the phase relationships observed between changes in sea level, North Atlantic benthic and planktonic foraminifera oxygen isotopic records, and atmospheric methane over the last deglaciation were likely also valid over the penultimate deglaciation, we derive an age of 131.2ka ± 2kyr (2σ) for the abrupt increase in atmospheric CH4 and North Atlantic surface temperature marking the end of the penultimate glacial–interglacial transition. This age is consistent with U–Th dates of the penultimate glacial–interglacial transition recorded in speleothems from sites where speleothems isotopic records are synchronous with North Atlantic temperature records over the last deglaciation. Finally, we show that the phase obtained between the climatic response and northern hemisphere summer insolation is not constant from Termination II to Termination I, implying that northern hemisphere summer insolation alone cannot explain the timing of terminations.  相似文献   

The Milankovi theory stresses that the summer insolation in the high northern latitudes that is dominated by the precession cycle controls the glacial/interglacial cycles in global climate change.If the climate system responds linearly to the external insolation forcing,the precession cycle of 23 or 19 ka should dominate the variations in the climatic proxy records.I performed spectral and evolutive cross spectral analyses on the high resolution benthic 18O and 13C records from the South China Sea and the North Atlantic,the proxies of global ice volume and ocean carbon reservoir respectively.I found that the obliquity instead of the eccentricity or the precession is the most marked cycle in the global ice volume and ocean carbon reservoir variations over the past 5 Ma.The analysis further reveals that only at the obliquity band instead of the eccentricity or the precession band does the global ice volume and ocean carbon reservoir display consistently high coherency and stable phase relationship over the past 5 Ma.The consistently positive or near-zero phases of the benthic 18O relative to the benthic13C at the obliquity band suggest that the global carbon cycle is involved in the polar ice sheet growth as an important internal feedback,not a determinative driving factor.The obliquity instead of the precession or the eccentricity takes the dominant role of driving the global climate change during the Pliocene and Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The study of climatic changes since the Late Glacial Age has become one of the hotspots of the PAGES in recent years.Deep-sea cores from the high-latitude area show that the climate was very unstable during the transitional period from the Late Glacial Age to the Holocene[1,2],which has also been testified by the geological records from ocean sediments,ice cores and terrestrial sections in different latitudes of the earth[3—8].What’s more,climatic instability also ex-isted in the Holoce…  相似文献   

The foraminiferal δ 18O and δ 13C records for the past 5 Ma at ODP Site 1143 reveal the linear responses of the Plio-Pleistocene climatic changes in the southern South China Sea to orbital forcing at the obliquity and precession bands. The phase of the δ 18O variations with the orbital forcing is opposite to that of the δ 13C, which may be caused by the frequent El Niño events from the equatorial Pacific. The amplification of the Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet at ñ3.3 Ma probably affected the development of the 100-ka climatic cycles. Its further spreading may spur the 100-ka climatic cycle to become the dominant cycle in the late Pleistocene. The “Mid- Pleistocene Transition” event has localized influence on the isotopic variations in the southern South China Sea. The foraminiferal δ 13C records for the past 5 Ma at Site 1143 are highly coherent with the orbital forcing at the long eccentricity band, and lead the δ 18O records at the shorter eccentricity band, highlighting the importance of the carbon cycle in the global climate change.  相似文献   

We present a time series of carbon and oxygen stable isotope records of the last 30?000 14C years throughout the last glacial-postglacial cycle from western Qinghai-Xizhang (Tibet) Plateau. A 20-m core drilled in the south basin of Zabuye Salt Lake was analyzed for inorganic and organic carbon and total sulfur contents, δ13C and δ18O values of carbonates. Our results indicate that climatic changes have led to a drastic negative shift of stable isotope ratios at the transition between the Last Full Glacial and the postglacial phase during Later Pleistocene times (∼16.2 kyr BP), and a rapid positive shift at the transition from Pleistocene to Holocene (∼10.6 kyr BP). The first shift is marked by the drop of δ18Ocarb values of about 10‰ (from +2 to −8‰) and δ13Ccarb values of about 3‰ (from 5 to 2‰). The second shift which occurred at the transition from Pleistocene to Holocene was of similar magnitude but in the opposite direction. Isotope data, combined with total organic and inorganic carbon contents and the lithological composition of the core, suggest this lake was an alluvial pre-lake environment prior to ca. 28 14C kyr BP. During ca. 28-16.2 14C kyr BP, Zabuye Lake was likely a moderately deep lake with limited outflow. The cool and arid glacial climate led the lake level to drop drastically. Extended residence time overwhelmed the lower temperature and caused a steady increase of δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb values and total inorganic carbon content in the sediments. During ca. 16.2-10.6 14C kyr BP, this lake probably overflowed and received abundant recharge from melting glaciers when the deglaciation was in its full speed. A spike of markedly enhanced δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb is seen at ∼11.5 kyr BP, probably due to the isotopic effects left behind by the short but severe Younger Dryas (YD) event. After ca. 10.6 14C kyr BP, Zabuye Lake probably closed its surface outflow, due to strong desiccation and drastic climate warming. The Early and Middle Holocene were characterized by unstable climatic conditions with alternating warmer/cooler episodes as indicated by the severe fluctuations of total organic carbon, δ13C and δ18O values. A hypersaline salt lake environment was finally formed at Zabuye after ∼5 14C kyr BP when the mirabilite and halite concentrations steadily increased and became the dominant minerals in the sediments. Severe imbalance of inflow/outflow resulted in the drastic increase of total sulfur, δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb values and dominance of halite in the lake since ca. 3.8 kyr BP to present.  相似文献   

错鄂湖200m深井岩芯古地磁测年表明,错鄂湖形成于约2.8Ma年前.沉积岩性组合、粒度特征和磁化率变化揭示了约3次大的沉积环境变化过程,反映了至少2次剧烈的青藏高原隆升过程;同时,孢粉组合也揭示了构造隆升导致的植被组合的变化.初步研究认为,大的湖泊沉积环境变化主要是在青藏高原不断隆升的背景上进行的.2.8-2.5Ma和0.8Ma以来的沉积环境演化主要受构造运动的控制,而2.5-0.8Ma环境演化过程更多的受到冰期-间冰期旋回气候变化的影响.  相似文献   

A mutual climatic range method is applied to the Mediterranean marine pollen record of Semaforo (Vrica section, Calabria, Italy) covering the period from ∼2.46 Ma to ∼2.11 Ma. The method yields detailed information on summer, annual and winter temperatures and on precipitation during the nine obliquity and precession-controlled ‘glacial’ periods (marine isotope stages 96 to 80) and eight ‘interglacial’ periods (marine isotope stages 95 to 81) characterising this time interval. The reconstruction reveals higher temperatures of at least 2.8 °C in mean annual and 2.2 °C in winter temperatures, and 500 mm in precipitation during the ‘interglacials’ as compared to the present-day climate in the study area. During the ‘glacials’, temperatures are generally lower as compared to the present-day climate in the region, but precipitation is equivalent. Along the consecutive ‘interglacials’, a trend toward a reduction in annual and winter temperatures by more than 2.3 °C, and toward a higher seasonality is observed. Along the consecutive ‘glacials’, a trend toward a strong reduction in all temperature parameters of at least 1.6 °C is reconstructed. Climatic amplitudes of ‘interglacial–glacial’ transitions increase from the older to the younger cycles for summer and annual temperatures. The cross-spectral analyses suggest obliquity related warm/humid–cold/dry ‘interglacial–glacial’ cycles which are superimposed by precession related warm/dry– cold/humid cycles. A time displacement in the development of temperatures and precipitation is indicated for the obliquity band by temperatures generally leading precipitation change at ∼4 kyr, and on the precession band of ∼9.6 kyr in maximum.  相似文献   

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