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南黄海悬浮体的垂直分布特性及其指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重点研究了南黄海典型断面的悬浮体垂直分布特性及其指示意义。结果表明:四季南海黄海北部断面悬浮体分布的共同特征是西高东低,冬、春季鲁北沿岸流携带悬浮体向南输运和黄海暖流北上是南黄海与北黄海进行物质交换的重要方式和途径;夏半年南黄海中部断面深水域存在的表层云团状悬浮体高值区或"中层悬浮体最大值"现象与该海域的生物活动具有密切的联系;冬、春季苏北浅滩外侧海域近岸区的悬浮体含量显著高于夏、秋季,且冬半年近岸区的悬浮体具有向外海输运的趋势;长江口东北部断面各季节均存在2个悬浮体高值区,其中位于断面西部近岸海域的高值区与长江冲淡水(夏季)或苏北沿岸水(冬季)的影响有关,位于断面东部深水域处的悬浮体高值区是黄海西部沿岸流物质输运的结果,并与济州岛西南部海域的泥质区总体相对应,黄海与东海的物质交换过程主要通过夏季长江冲淡水东北向扩展与冬半年黄海西部沿岸流南下和黄海暖流北上进行。另外,水体层化和陆架锋也显著影响着南黄海悬浮体的垂直分布状况,锋面是控制夏季悬浮体向外海深水区输运的主要物理机制。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of sediments of cores taken from different areas of the Barents Sea was studied. The study involves reactive iron (Fereact) and reduced sulfur. The surficial oxidized layer with a thickness of 0.5–25 cm is characterized by increased content of Fe(III) in the form of oxyhydroxides and possibly hydroxophosphates. This layer is locally enriched in Mn. Reactive iron in sediments of horizons, which underlie the oxidized layer, is probably present mainly in the composition of silicates. The role of sulfides (acid-soluble phases and pyrite) among Fereact forms is predominantly subordinate. The core of pre-Holocene sediments is characterized by a strong correlation between the total content of reduced sulfur and its isotopic composition. This testifies to authigenic origin of pyrite in the pre-Holocene mud.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical cycle of methane in the Barents Sea was studied using isotope geochemistry to determine the rates of microbial methane oxidation. It was established that microbiological processes (glucose consumption, 14CO2 assimilation, sulfate reduction, and slow methane oxidation) in oxidized surface and weakly reduced sediments are marked by only insignificant change in SO 4 2? concentration and absence of notable growth of total alkalinity and N/NH4 downward the sediment core. Microbial methane productivity was 0.111 × 106 mol day?1. Taking into account the volume of water column, microbial methane consumption therein can be as much as 1.8 × 106 mol day?1.  相似文献   

In 1976, the Institute of Physics of the Earth and the Institute of Oceanology, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, carried out deep seismic soundings in the Barents Sea along a profile 700 km long northeast of Murmansk. A system of reversed and overlapping traveltime curves from 200 to 400 km long has been obtained. The wave correlation was effected by several independent approaches, which identified on the records the refracted and reflected waves from boundaries in the Earth's crust and the upper mantle. Different methods were applied for the solution of the inverse problem: the isochrone method, the intercept-time method, and the iteration method.The use of these different methods gives an indication of the general applicability of the interpretation and of the most reliable elements in the seismic model.All the interpretations and representations of the section positively establish an essentially horizontal inhomogeneity of the Earth's crust in the Barents Sea. On the whole the structure is similar to that of deep sedimentary basins of the East European platform. The thickness of the sedimentary layer varies from 8 to 17 km, the average crustal thickness is about 35–40 km; the velocities in the upper part of the consolidated crust are 5.8–6.4 km/s; in the lower crust they are 6.8–7.0 km/s and higher.  相似文献   

Based on the results of multiannual oceanographic research at the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute in the “Kola Meridian” secular section, the recent tendencies of cyclic climate changes in the Barents Sea are discussed on the basis of the data on ice coverage and coastal meteorological conditions. It has been shown that a return from the extremely warm and warm state to the normal one was observed in the period of winter 2005/06–winter 2010/11. Further, this may be changed both to cooling and warming, which verifies the hypothesis about predominance of cyclic natural variability in the thermal and ice characteristics of the Arctic Region.  相似文献   

The geochemical study of the suspended matter in the waters of the Amazon River and its tributaries revealed that the chemical composition of this material ranges widely; however, generally, it is similar to the average composition of the suspended matter in the rivers and clayey sedimentary rocks around the world. Against this background, an essential regional Hg enrichment due to the anthropogenic factor is distinguished. The suspensions from the so-called clear waters from the tributaries of the Amazon River—Xingu and Trombetas—demonstrate the local enrichment in Pb, Sn, Zn, and organic carbon indicating the ore mineralization of the drainage basin, and points to the presence of metal-organic complexes.  相似文献   

The neodymium concentration, CNd, and isotopic composition, εNd, in seawater have been determined in the water column at five sites in the Barents Sea-Fram Strait area where most of the water exchange between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic takes place. In the main Arctic Ocean inflow branch across the Barents Sea the concentration and isotopic composition (CNd = 15.5 pmol/kg and εNd = −10.8) are similar to those reported for the northeastern Nordic Seas, which is consistent with this region being a source area for the Arctic inflow. Due to the addition of Nd from Svalbard shelf sediments, the CNd in the surface waters above 150 m, in the Fram Strait inflow branch is higher by a factor of 2 and the εNd is shifted to lower values (−11.8).In the stratified Nansen Basin, where cold low salinity water overlies warmer Atlantic water the CNd and εNd do not vary with the vertical temperature-salinity structure but are essentially constant and similar to those of the Atlantic inflow throughout the entire water column, down to 3700 m depth, which indicates that the Nd is to a large extent of Atlantic origin.Compared to the Atlantic inflow water, the Nd in the major Arctic Ocean outflow, the Fram Strait, show higher CNd in the surface waters above 150 m, and a higher εNd (−9.8) throughout the entire water column down to 1300 m depth. Sources for the more radiogenic Nd isotopic composition in deep water of the Fram Strait outflow most likely involve boundary exchange with sediments on the shelf and slope as the water passes along the Canadian archipelago. River water is a possible source in the surface water but it also seems likely that Pacific water Nd, modified by interactions on the shelf, is an important component in the Fram Strait surface outflow. Changes in the relative proportions of inflow of river water and flow of Pacific water through the Arctic Ocean could thus influence the isotopic composition of Nd in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary glaciation in the south-western Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moraine ridges have been morphologically and seismically identified in the south-western Barents Sea. Some of these ridges were deposited in front of ice lobes from the northern part of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, others in front of glaciers located on the southern Barents Sea shelf. The moraine ridges were probably deposited during the Weichselian, possibly the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of studying the content, composition, and distribution of chloroform bitumoids (CBs) in the Holocene sediments of the Barents Sea (cruise 68 of the R/V Akademik...  相似文献   

Three different types of methods are used to assess the ability to determine erosion amounts and to provide estimates of uncertainty. In the situation of dynamical indicator methods, such as seismic velocity, sonic logs, density logs, or drilling exponent methods, intrinsic assumptions and parameter values used provide only a broad statement on the resolution of uplift/erosion events. None of the methods is more accurate, at best, to better than ± 1 km and likely much worse. For geological model procedures, exemplified by considerations of Airy isostasy and by bed upturning near a salt dome in the Nordkapp Basin of the Barents Sea, the uncertainties are again of the order of ± 500–1000 m. With thermal indicator procedures, the bulk of the constraint information from available data is needed to determine paleoheat flux with little left over to constrain the erosion, implying a minimum uncertainty of ± 500 m on erosion determinations. No method seems capable of resolving erosional events to better than a minimum uncertainty of ± 500 m, and likely no better than ± 1 km.  相似文献   

在嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)作用下,污泥生物沥浸体系中常会有次生铁矿物形成,这些矿物对污泥脱水和重金属溶出有重要影响。本研究模拟生物沥浸体系,考察了一价阳离子(K+、NH4+、Na+)和污泥DOM(dissolved organic matter)对次生铁矿物形成的影响。结果表明,一价阳离子生成次生黄铁矾类矿物的能力迥异,其中K+的成矾能力最强,120 mmol/L NH4+和80 mmol/L Na+会抑制体系中黄钾铁矾形成。在1.6 mmol/L K+-120 mmol/L NH4+-40 mmol/L Na+和1.6 mmol/L K+-80 mmol/L NH4+-80 mmol/L Na+两个处理所得矿物的结晶度均低于1.6 mmol/L K+-80 mmol/L NH4+-40 mmol/L Na+处理所得矿物的结晶度。另外,在50 mg/L DOM(以DOC计)存在的生物氧化体系,Fe2+最大氧化速率为4.96 h-1,比没有DOM存在时降低48.1%,矿物结晶度也明显低于后者。可见,过高的一价阳离子和DOM含量会影响A.ferrooxidans菌生理生化活性,降低Fe2+氧化速率,继而影响Fe3+供应,使微环境中的黄铁矾形成动力发生改变,最终在一定程度上影响了次生铁矿物的形成。  相似文献   

Carbonate macrofaunal remains and diagenetic tubes collected from a number of structures in the Central Barents Sea area during the 18th TTR (Training Through Research) cruise were subdivided into three groups according to the results of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes analysis. The first group includes carbonates that were formed from bicarbonate only from surrounding sea waters. The carbonates of the second group were formed during diagenesis with use of mixed sources of bicarbonate. The fourth group includes methane-derived carbonates that were formed as a result of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM).  相似文献   

Ferromanganese concretions from the Svalbard shelf in the Barents Sea show slightly convex shale-normalized REE patterns with no Eu anomalies. Concretions from the Gulf of Bothnia, northern part of the Baltic Sea, exhibit an enrichment of light REE and negative Eu anomalies. This difference is interpreted as a consequence of different conveyor mechanisms of the REE to the sediment.It is suggested that dissolving biogenic debris contributes to the convex pattern obtained in the Barents Sea, whereas an inorganic suspended fraction with scavenged REE is the main carrier in the Gulf of Bothnia. During oxic diagenesis in the sediment, the scavenged REE are set free into the porewater and contribute to the distribution pattern in concretions found in the Gulf of Bothnia.Small Mn-rich spheroidal concretions are enriched two to five times in REE compared to average shale, whereas Mn-poor flat concretions are low in REE. Specific surface area of the concretion and the depth of burial in the oxidized surface sediment are two factors that strongly affect the enrichment of the REE.Weak Ce anomalies are present in the analysed concretions and a redox level dependence is seen.  相似文献   

Occurrence conditions and lithological-paleontological characteristics of two diamicton units developed in the southeastern segment of the Barents Sea shelf are considered. It is shown that they are lithologically analogous to the present-day (undoubtedly aqueous) diamicton mud. Correlation between bulk densities of both varieties and consolidation degree (consistency) is described by a single regression equation. We present pieces of evidence contradicting the widespread point of view about the diamicton as a glacial till moving along the seafloor. They are primarily represented by paleontological remains, mainly foraminiferal assemblages. It is shown that dislocations observed in cores and traditionally considered as glaciotectonic movements are confined to fault zones in the acoustic basement and they represent fragments of secondary neotectonic structures. Ridges and hills mapped previously as glacial accumulation morphostructures reflect a relict topography of the recent subaerial shelf development not masked by sedimentation so far.  相似文献   

Manganese minerals in the polymetallic nodules from the Central Pacific Ocean were studied using electron microscopy. The principal Mn minerals, being vernadite and todorokite, exhibit different electron diffraction patterns and morphological features. According to its morphological feature, todorokite shows three phases: fibrous, lamellar and lath-shaped. Both vernadite and todorokite are authigenic minerals. While vernadite was mainly precipitated directly from the relevant solution by microbiological oxidation, todorokite was separated from the solution chemically without the help of microbe. Hence, these two minerals show a close genetic relation.  相似文献   

The separated clay fraction (material <μ) of surface and sub-surface sediment samples from the southwestern Barents Sea is described. The partitioning of the major and minor elements within the different grain-size fractions of the sediment and between detrital and non-detrital phases demonstrates that the clay chemistry of these oxic shelf sediments is terrigenous in origin.The clays are a variable mixture of micaceous debris and illite with chloritic material, minor expandable clay and occasional kaolinite. Carbonate debris and amphibole occur locally. The semi-quantitative analysis suggests the existence of a considerable variation in the relative content of the principal mineralogical components and this is confirmed by the investigation of the major and minor elements. The terrigenous chemistry provides a more sensitive index of clay variability and allows the recognition of three distinct petrographic provinces.  相似文献   

Processing of data from regional geophysical surveys completed in the northern Barents Sea has provided updates to gravity and magnetic databases, structural maps of seismic interfaces, and positions of anomaly sources, which made a basis for 3D density and magnetic models of the crust. The new geological and geophysical results placed constraints on the boundaries between basement blocks formed in different settings and on the contours of deposition zones of different ages in the northeastern Barents Sea. The estimated thicknesses of sedimentary sequences that formed within certain time spans record the deposition history of the region. There is a 20-50 km wide deep suture between two basins of Mesozoic and Paleozoic ages in the eastern part of the region, where pre-Late Triassic reflectors have no clear correlation. The suture slopes eastward at a low angle and corresponds to a paleothrust according to seismic and modeling data. In the basement model, the suture is approximated by a zone of low magnetization and density, which is common to active fault systems. The discovery of the suture has important geological and exploration implications.  相似文献   

Layers from one manganese nodule dredged from the Philippine Sea(16°56'N, 129°48'E; water depth, 5700 m) and 45 bulk nodules from offshore Minami-Torishima Island, Japan(23°3'N, 153°22'E; water depth, 1200 m) were analyzed chemically and their origin is discussed based on geochemical constraints. In general, Cu, Ni, Zn and Mo tend to increase with increasing Mn content, while Co, Pb, Ba, V, Sc, Th, and the rare earth elements(REEs) show less variation with increasing Mn content. Nodule 42 H from the Philippine Sea has an average Mn/Fe ratio close to 1 and shows a positive Ce anomaly, suggesting a predominant hydrogenous origin. Profiles of 230Th230 ex and Thex/232 Th ratios in the outer ~0.3 mm of nodule 42 H indicate a steady growth rate of ~1.7 mm/Myr. Nodule E30 from offshore Minami-Torishima is characterized by lower Mn, Fe, Mn/Fe(0.53) and Mo/V(0.2) ratios but higher P and Cu/Ni(0.31) ratio relative to other nodules from that area. The Ce content of E30 is unusually low(82 ppm) when compared with other nodules from the area and it is the only nodule analyzed with a negative Ce anomaly(-0.64). Based on the geochemical data we suggest that most nodules from offshore Minami-Torishima are primarily of hydrogenous origin except E30, which is dominated by hydrothermal input, and E45, which has about a 35% hydrothermal contribution.  相似文献   

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