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Utilising ambient seismic energy naturally propagating in the Earth as an alternative approach to active body-wave seismic investigations has been a topic of interest for a number of decades. However, because ambient surface-wave arrivals typically are of much greater amplitude than ambient body-wave energy, significant data signal processing and long recording times are required to mitigate this and other coherent noise sources, and to correlate sufficient reflected body-wave energy to converge to a stable image. Even for these scenarios, identifying and validating imaged body-wave reflection events remain challenging. In active-source investigations, extended imaging condition gathers are used to examine velocity (in)accuracy. Herein, we develop an ambient direct migration approach that uses a novel ambient (deconvolution) extended imaging condition. We simulate synthetic ambient-wavefield seismic data for two different models and use a field data set from Lalor Lake in Manitoba, Canada, to conduct a series of numerical experiments to demonstrate the velocity sensitivity and long-term stationarity of ambient-wavefield seismic data in the migration image domain. Tests with varying global velocity perturbations show a characteristic reflector moveout in deconvolution extended imaging condition gathers that can serve as a diagnostic of reflected ambient body-wave energy. We illustrate that this imaging formalism, under idealised circumstances, gives comparable results to conventional seismic methods, which extends the use of extended imaging condition gather-based image validation to ambient-wavefield seismic data scenarios. We assert that this may be a valuable tool for the validation of ambient migration techniques that to date have yielded largely inconclusive results. 相似文献
Flavio Poletto Cinzia Bellezza Kees Wapenaar Aronne Craglietto 《Geophysical Prospecting》2012,60(5):838-854
We formulate the Kirchhoff‐Helmholtz representation theory for the combination of seismic interferometry signals synthesized by cross‐correlation and by cross‐convolution in acoustic media. The approach estimates the phase of the virtual reflections from the boundary encompassing a volume of interest and subtracts these virtual reflections from the total seismic‐interferometry wavefield. The reliability of the combination result, relevant for seismic exploration, depends on the stationary‐phase and local completeness in partial coverage regions. The analysis shows the differences in the phase of the corresponding seismic interferometry (by cross‐correlation) and virtual reflector (by cross‐convolution) signals obtained by 2D and 3D formulations, with synthetic examples performed to remove water layer multiples in ocean bottom seismic (OBS) acoustic data. 相似文献
In this paper, we study the possibilities of the use of microtremor records in the detection and delineation of near‐surface underground cavities. Three‐dimensional physical modelling data showed that the averaging amplitude spectra of a large number of microtremor records makes it possible to evaluate the frequencies and amplitudes of compressional standing waves generated by microtremor in the space between the ground surface and underground cavities. We illustrate how these parameters can be used to estimate the shape of the underground cavity horizontal projection. If the compressional wave velocity in the enclosing rock is known, it is possible to evaluate the depth to the cavity top using the frequencies of the standing waves. The results of the field experiment confirmed the possibility of underground cavities detection using microtremor data. 相似文献
In this paper we present a workflow for microseismic feasibility studies that allows a thorough assessment of the probability of success of the monitoring project to be made. The workflow includes the following elements: assessment of the value of information to establish the business case; identification of hardware options to investigate deployment options; survey of analogue cases to confirm the do‐ability of the project; modelling of event location errors and detectability to establish the most favourable array geometry; generation of full waveform synthetics to anticipate undesired seismic features. A study comprising all these elements provides the reference frame for discussions with service companies, limiting misunderstandings and avoiding missed opportunities. 相似文献
We address the problem of increasing the signal-to-noise ratio during surface microseismic monitoring data processing. Interference from different seismic waves causes misleading results of microseismic event locations. Ground-roll suppression is particularly necessary. The standard noise suppression techniques assume regular and dense acquisition geometries. Many pre-processing noise suppression algorithms are designed for special types of noise or interference. To overcome these problems, we propose a novel general-purpose filtration method. The goal of this method is to amplify only the seismic waves that are excited in the selected target area and suppress all other signals. We construct a linear projector onto a frequency domain data subspace, which corresponds to the seismic emission of the target area. The novel filtration method can be considered an extension of the standard frequency–wavenumber flat wave filtration method for non-flat waves and arbitrary irregular receiver-position geometries. To reduce the effect of the uncertainty of the velocity model, we suggest using additional active shot data (typically the perforation shots), which provide static travel time corrections for the target area. The promising prospects of the proposed method are confirmed by synthetic and semi-synthetic data processing. 相似文献
Surface arrays became an important tool for monitoring the induced seismicity in hydraulic fracturing experiments and for assessing the impact of fluid injection on the fracturing process of microearthquakes. The layout of sensors plays a key role in this task because it controls the accuracy of event locations and retrieved seismic moment tensors. We simulate various configurations of grid sensor arrays characterized by a different number of sensors, array span, sensor spacing, depth of sources and various shear/tensile source mechanisms of events. The moment tensor inversion is carried out using synthetically calculated P-wave amplitudes with added random noise. A bias in the solutions is evaluated by errors in the double-couple percentage of inverted moment tensors because the double-couple errors inform us about the sensitivity of the network to detect the shear/tensile fracturing mode of induced microearthquakes. The results show that the accuracy of the double-couple percentage is mostly controlled by the offset-to-depth ratio R defined as the ratio of half of the network size to the event depth. The optimum value of R is in the range of 0.75–1.5 irrespective of the type of the focal mechanism. If 121 (11 × 11) sensors are distributed in a regular grid and recorded data are characterized by a 10% random noise, the double-couple error is less than 6%. This error increases, if R is not optimum or if the number of sensors is reduced. However, even sparse arrays with 49 (7 × 7) or 16 (4 × 4) sensors can yield a reasonable accuracy, provided the surface grid arrays are designed to have an optimum size. 相似文献
Katerina Polychronopoulou Athanasios Lois Deyan Draganov 《Geophysical Prospecting》2020,68(1):232-253
As the global need for mineral resources is constantly rising and the exploitable concentrations of these resources tend to become increasingly complex to explore and exploit, the mining industry is in a constant quest for innovative and cost-effective exploration solutions. In this context, and in the framework of the Smart Exploration action, an integrated passive seismic survey was launched in the Gerolekas bauxite mining site in Central Greece. A passive seismic network, consisting of 129 three-component short-period stations was installed and operated continuously for 4 months. The acquired data permitted detection of approximately 1000 microearthquakes of very small magnitude (duration magnitude ranging between –1.5 and 2.0), located within or at a very close distance from the study area. We use this microseismicity as input for the application of passive seismic interferometry for reflection retrieval, using the body waves (P- and S-wave coda) of the located microearthquakes. We retrieve by autocorrelation zero-offset virtual reflection responses, per component, below each of the recording stations. We process the acquired results using reflection processing techniques to obtain zero-offset time and depth sections, both for P- and for S-waves. In the context of the present work, we evaluate one of the acquired depth sections, using an existing seismic line passing through the Gerolekas passive seismic network, and we perform forward modelling to assess the quality and value of the acquired results. We confirm that passive seismic reflected-wave interferometry could constitute a cost-effective and environmentally friendly innovative exploration alternative, especially in cases of difficult exploration settings. 相似文献
利用电阻率层析成像技术,对辉县市常村镇尖圪头水库溶洞进行了探测。水库库底内的破碎、裂缝以及溶洞等隐患部位有清晰的反映。水库库底的隐患探测具有重要价值和意义,是水库安全的保障,而且关系到局部地区安全的大事。 相似文献
Florencia Balestrini Deyan Draganov Alireza Malehmir Paul Marsden Ranajit Ghose 《Geophysical Prospecting》2020,68(1):200-213
In mineral exploration, new methods to improve the delineation of ore deposits at depth are in demand. For this purpose, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio through suitable data processing is an important requirement. Seismic reflection methods have proven to be useful to image mineral deposits. However, in most hard rock environments, surface waves constitute the most undesirable source-generated or ambient noise in the data that, especially given their typical broadband nature, often mask the events of interest like body-wave reflections and diffractions. In this study, we show the efficacy of a two-step procedure to suppress surface waves in an active-source reflection seismic dataset acquired in the Ludvika mining area of Sweden. First, we use seismic interferometry to estimate the surface-wave energy between receivers, given that they are the most energetic arrivals in the dataset. Second, we adaptively subtract the retrieved surface waves from the original shot gathers, checking the quality of the unveiled reflections. We see that several reflections, judged to be from the mineralization zone, are enhanced and better visualized after this two-step procedure. Our comparison with results from frequency-wavenumber filtering verifies the effectiveness of our scheme, since the presence of linear artefacts is reduced. The results are encouraging, as they open up new possibilities for denoising hard rock seismic data and, in particular, for imaging of deep mineral deposits using seismic reflections. This approach is purely data driven and does not require significant judgment on the dip and frequency content of present surface waves, which often vary from place to place. 相似文献
定量分析碳酸盐岩孔洞型储集体的地震响应特征,对孔洞储集体的预测和刻画研究有着重要意义.基于声波方程,在忽略多次散射的情况下,导出了深层小尺度孤立洞体的地震响应近似解析式,该解析表达式给出了孔洞尺度、充填程度与地震振幅属性之间的关系.分析表明:(1)当孔洞异常体尺度小于地震波长的1/8时,反射波振幅与异常体体积呈近似正比关系;(2)异常体横向上的尺度对反射波振幅的影响主要由菲涅耳半径控制,同时振幅随横向尺度的变化规律受到纵向尺度的影响;(3)异常体纵向上的尺度对反射振幅的影响主要表现为调谐效应,当纵向上的尺度等于调谐厚度(地震波长的1/4)时,反射振幅最强.不同尺度溶洞的数值模拟研究结果以及不同填充物的单洞物理模型试验和溶洞群物理模型试验验证了以上结论的正确性. 相似文献
Constantin Mildner Filippo Broggini Carlos Alberto da Costa Filho Johan O.A. Robertsson 《Geophysical Prospecting》2019,67(8):2085-2103
Imaging a target zone below a salt body can be challenging because large velocity contrasts in the overburden between the salt and surrounding sediments generate internal multiples, which interfere with primary reflections from the target level in the imaging process. This can lead to an erroneous interpretation of reflections in the sub-salt area if multiples are misinterpreted as primaries. The Marchenko redatuming method may enable imaging of the sub-salt target area where the effect of the multiply-scattering overburden is removed. This is achieved by creating a redatumed reflection response where virtual sources and receivers are located below the overburden using a macromodel of the velocity field and the surface reflection data. The accuracy of the redatumed data and the associated internal multiple removal, however, depends on the accurate knowledge of the source wavelet of the acquired reflection data. For the first time, we propose a method which can accurately and reliably correct the amplitudes of the reflection response in field data as required by the Marchenko method. Our method operates by iteratively and automatically updating the source function so as to cancel the most artefact energy in the focusing functions, which are also generated by the Marchenko method. We demonstrate the method on a synthetic dataset and successfully apply it to a field dataset acquired in a deep-water salt environment in the Gulf of Mexico. After the successful source wavelet estimation for the field dataset, we create sub-salt target-oriented images with Marchenko redatumed data. Marchenko images using the proposed source wavelet estimation show clear improvements, such as increased continuity of reflectors, compared to surface-based images and to conventional Marchenko images computed without the inverted source wavelet. Our improvements are corroborated by evidence in the literature and our own synthetic results. 相似文献
Pneumatic seismic sources, commonly known as airguns, have been serving us well for decades, but there is an increasing need for sources with improved low-frequency signal and reduced environmental impact. In this paper, we present a new pneumatic source that is designed to achieve these goals by operating with lower pressures and larger volumes. The new source will release more air creating larger bubbles with longer bubble periods than airguns. The release of the air will be tuned so that the rise time will be longer and the sound pressure level and its slope will be lower. Certain engineering features will eliminate cavitation. Larger bubbles increase low-frequency content of the signal, longer rise times decrease mid-frequency content and the elimination of cavitation reduces high-frequency content. We have not yet built a full-scale version of the new source. However, we have manufactured a small-scale low-pressure source incorporating most of the engineering features, and tested it in a lake. Here, we present the lake data that, as expected, show a significant reduction in the sound pressure level, increase in rise time, decrease in slope and decrease in high-frequency content while maintaining the same low-frequency content when the source prototype is operated at low pressure compared with high pressure. Synthetic data produced by numerical modelling of the full-scale proposed pneumatic source suggest that the new source will improve the low-frequency content and can produce geophysically useful signal down to 1 Hz. 相似文献
Nam Pham;Sergey Fomel; 《Geophysical Prospecting》2024,72(1):125-141
We propose a method to generate seismic images with corresponding fault labels for augmenting training data in automatic fault detection. Our method is based on two generative adversarial networks: one for creating a fault system and the other for generating two-dimensional seismic images with faults as a condition. Our method can capture the characteristics of field seismic data during inference to generate samples that have properties of both field seismic data and synthetic training data. We then use the newly generated seismic images with corresponding fault labels to train a convolutional neural network for fault picking. We test the proposed approach on a three-dimensional field dataset from the Gulf of Mexico. We use different areas in the field dataset as input to generate new training data for corresponding fault-picking models. The results show that the generated training data from our method help in improving the fault-picking models in the targeted areas. 相似文献
溶洞作为碳酸盐岩地区常见的一类局部不良地质体,其波场特征常常与形态、填充物、空间方位等因素相关,而受此影响地震类方法对溶洞的探测效果往往不理想.因此,要想实现地震类方法对溶洞的准确探测,首先需要明确不同状态下溶洞的波场特征.针对上述问题,考虑到实际隧道空间形态,本文首次采用柱坐标系下的一阶速度-应力弹性波动方程对隧道空间进行数值模拟,通过通量矫正技术压制频散,同时对已开挖段隧道与围岩的边界采用自由边界条件处理.对不同半径、不同填充物、不同方位的溶洞以及复杂溶洞模型的数值模拟结果及波场特征分析表明:本文提出的方法可实现隧道空间全波场高精度数值模拟,波场特征符合波的运动学与动力学特征;不同情况下溶洞波场特征的差异可有效的指导溶洞的探测与识别. 相似文献
R.M. Laws D. Halliday J.-F. Hopperstad D. Gerez M. Supawala A. Özbek T. Murray E. Kragh 《Geophysical Prospecting》2019,67(6):1443-1471
Marine seismic vibrators are generally considered to be less intrusive than airguns from an environmental perspective. This is because they emit their energy spread out in time, rather than in a single, high-intensity pulse. There are also significant geophysical benefits associated with marine vibrators, and they stem from the ability to specify in detail the output acoustic waveform. The phase can be specified independently at each frequency. Such detailed control cannot be achieved with conventional airgun sources, where the phase can only be modified using simple overall time delays. The vibrator phase can be employed in several different ways: it can be applied to the overall source phase in a sequence so that it varies from one source point to the next; it can be applied to the individual vibrators within the source array so the source directivity is changed; it can be applied to the overall source phase of each source in a simultaneous source acquisition. Carefully designed phase sequences can attenuate the residual source noise, and this in turn allows extra source points to be interleaved between the conventional ones. For these extra source points, the relative phase of the vibrators within the array can be chosen to create a transverse gradient source, which illuminates the earth predominantly in directions out of the plane of the sail line without left/right ambiguity. If seismic vibrator data are acquired using interleaved conventional and transverse gradient sweeps, more information is collected per kilometre of vessel travel than is the case in conventional acquisition. This richer data acquisition leads to the possibility of acquiring all the necessary seismic data in a shorter time. Three-dimensional reconstruction techniques are used to recover the same image quality that would have been obtained using the conventional, more time-consuming acquisition. For a marine vibrator to be suitable for these techniques it must, in general terms, have ‘high fidelity’. The precise device specifications are defined through realistic end-to-end simulations of the physical systems and the processing. The specifications are somewhat more onerous than for a conventional vibrator, but they are achievable. A prototype vibrator that satisfies these requirements has been built. In a simulated case study of a three-dimensional deep-water ocean bottom node survey, the seismic data could have been acquired using marine vibrators in one third of the time that it would have taken using airguns. 相似文献
Extracting accurate common image angle gathers from pre-stack depth migrations is important in the generation of any incremental uplift to the amplitude versus angle attributes and seismic inversions that can lead to significant impacts in exploration and development success. The commonly used Kirchhoff migration outputs surface common offset image gathers that require a transformation to angle gathers for amplitude versus angle analysis. The accuracy of this transformation is one of the factors that determine the robustness of the amplitude versus angle measurements. Here, we investigate the possibility of implementing an extended imaging condition, focusing on the space-lag condition, for generating subsurface reflection angle gathers within a Kirchhoff migration. The objective is to determine if exploiting the spatial local shift imaging condition can provide any increase in angle gather fidelity relative to the common offset image gathers. The same restrictions with a ray-based approach will apply using the extended imaging condition as both the offset and extended imaging condition method use travel times derived from solutions to an Eikonal equation. The aims are to offer an alternative ray-based method to generate subsurface angle gathers and to understand the impact on the amplitude versus angle response. To this end, the implementation of the space-shift imaging condition is discussed and results of three different data sets are presented. A layered three-dimensional model and a complex two-dimensional model are used to assess the space shift image gathers output from such a migration scheme and to evaluate the seismic attributes relative to the traditional surface offset common image gathers. The synthetic results show that the extended imaging condition clearly provides an uplift in the measured amplitude versus angle over the surface offset migration. The noise profile post-migration is also improved for the space-lag migration due to the double summation inside the migration. Finally, we show an example of a space-lag gather from deep marine data and compare the resultant angle gathers with those generated from an offset migration and a time-shift imaging condition Kirchhoff migration. The comparison of the real data with a well log shows that the space-lag result is a better match to the well compared to the time-lag extended imaging condition and the common offset Kirchhoff migration. Overall, the results from the synthetics and real data show that a Kirchhoff migration with an extended imaging condition is capable of generating subsurface angle gathers with an incremental improvement in amplitude versus angle fidelity and lower noise but comes at a higher computational cost. 相似文献
One of the problems encountered in a variety of near-surface investigations is detecting and mapping localized heterogeneities. The heterogeneities may be classified under two kinds of objects: (1) a point diffractor that can be considered as an approximation of a small quasi-isometric, such as small karstic cavities and caves; (2) a linear diffractor roughly approximating an elongated object, such as a tube or fault plane. The point and linear diffractors generate two types of seismic diffraction: tip and edge waves, respectively. During the last few decades, different methods were proposed by many researchers for detecting these heterogeneities utilizing seismic waves diffracted by them. An alternative method for detecting point diffractors using a time-reversal principle combined with focusing analysis is proposed in this study: we present an extension of the time-reversal method for linear diffractors. It consists of a coherent summation of seismic energy along edge-diffraction traveltimes. Real data examples show the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed method. 相似文献
In this paper, we deduced the corresponding first-order velocity–stress equation for curvilinear coordinates from the first-order velocity–stress equation based on the modified Biot/squirt model for a two-dimensional two-phase medium. The equations are then numerically solved by an optimized high-order non-staggered finite difference scheme, that is, the dispersion relation preserving/optimization MacCormack scheme. To implement undulating free-surface topography, we derive an analytical relationship between the derivatives of the particle velocity components and use the compact finite-difference scheme plus a traction-image method. In the undulating free surface and the undulating subsurface interface of two-phase medium, the complex reflected wave and transmitted wave can be clearly recognized in the numerical simulation results. The simulation results show that the curvilinear-grid finite-difference method, which uses a body-conforming grid to describe the undulating surface, can accurately reduce the numerical scattering effect of seismic wave propagation caused by the use of ladder-shaped grid to fit the surfaces when undulating topography is present in a two-phase isotropic medium. 相似文献
Senad Subašić Nicola Piana Agostinetti Christopher J. Bean 《Geophysical Prospecting》2020,68(7):2094-2103
We use a passive seismic high-frequency receiver function method to image the shallow structure around a mine site. This is a relatively new application of a standard method for mapping major discontinuities in the crust and upper mantle at a scale small enough to be relevant in an exploration context. Data collected in a 21-instrument array is inverted for isotropic velocity structure. The retrieved velocities in the south-eastern part of the array match very well with available sonic log measurements in the top 800 m. Based on the differences in receiver function behaviour for stations across the array, recovered velocity profiles and their similarity to sonic log measurements, the target area is split into two separate regions along a north-northeast trending line that correlates well to the strike of the dominant structure in the area – the Navan Fault. Our results demonstrate the ability of receiver functions to provide both qualitative and quantitative information in an exploration environment. 相似文献