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We present a new ray bending approach, referred to as the Eigenray method, for solving two‐point boundary‐value kinematic and dynamic ray tracing problems in 3D smooth heterogeneous general anisotropic elastic media. The proposed Eigenray method is aimed to provide reliable stationary ray path solutions and their dynamic characteristics, in cases where conventional initial‐value ray shooting methods, followed by numerical convergence techniques, become challenging. The kinematic ray bending solution corresponds to the vanishing first traveltime variation, leading to a stationary path between two fixed endpoints (Fermat's principle), and is governed by the nonlinear second‐order Euler–Lagrange equation. The solution is based on a finite‐element approach, applying the weak formulation that reduces the Euler–Lagrange second‐order ordinary differential equation to the first‐order weighted‐residual nonlinear algebraic equation set. For the kinematic finite‐element problem, the degrees of freedom are discretized nodal locations and directions along the ray trajectory, where the values between the nodes are accurately and naturally defined with the Hermite polynomial interpolation. The target function to be minimized includes two essential penalty (constraint) terms, related to the distribution of the nodes along the path and to the normalization of the ray direction. We distinguish between two target functions triggered by the two possible types of stationary rays: a minimum traveltime and a saddle‐point solution (due to caustics). The minimization process involves the computation of the global (all‐node) traveltime gradient vector and the traveltime Hessian matrix. The traveltime Hessian is used for the minimization process, analysing the type of the stationary ray, and for computing the geometric spreading of the entire resolved stationary ray path. The latter, however, is not a replacement for the dynamic ray tracing solution, since it does not deliver the geometric spreading for intermediate points along the ray, nor the analysis of caustics. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method along three canonical examples.  相似文献   

We describe the behaviour of the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays in a velocity model with a split intersection singularity. The anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays crossing the split intersection singularity are smoothly but very sharply bent. While the initial–value rays can be safely traced by solving Hamilton’s equations of rays, it is often impossible to determine the coefficients of the equations of geodesic deviation (paraxial ray equations, dynamic ray tracing equations) and to solve them numerically. As a result, we often know neither the matrix of geometrical spreading, nor the phase shift due to caustics. We demonstrate the abrupt changes of the geometrical spreading and wavefront curvature of the fast anisotropic–ray–theory S wave. We also demonstrate the formation of caustics and wavefront triplication of the slow anisotropic–ray–theory S wave.Since the actual S waves propagate approximately along the SH and SV reference rays in this velocity model, we compare the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays. Since the coupling ray theory is usually calculated along the anisotropic common S–wave rays, we also compare the anisotropic common S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays.  相似文献   

Paraxial ray methods have found broad applications in the seismic ray method and in numerical modelling and interpretation of high-frequency seismic wave fields propagating in inhomogeneous, isotropic or anisotropic structures. The basic procedure in paraxial ray methods consists in dynamic ray tracing. We derive the initial conditions for dynamic ray equations in Cartesian coordinates, for rays initiated at three types of initial manifolds given in a three-dimensional medium: 1) curved surfaces (surface source), 2) isolated points (point source), and 3) curved, planar and non-planar lines (line source). These initial conditions are very general, valid for homogeneous or inhomogeneous, isotropic or anisotropic media, and for both a constant and a variable initial travel time along the initial manifold. The results presented in the paper considerably extend the possible applications of the paraxial ray method.  相似文献   

3D multivalued travel time and amplitude maps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An algorithm for computing multivalued maps for travel time, amplitude and any other ray related variable in 3D smooth velocity models is presented. It is based on the construction of successive isochrons by tracing a uniformly dense discrete set of rays by fixed travel-time steps. Ray tracing is based on Hamiltonian formulation and includes computation of paraxial matrices. A ray density criterion ensures uniform ray density along isochrons over the entire ray field including caustics. Applications to complex models are shown.  相似文献   

The numerical tracing of short ray segments and interpolation of new rays between these ray segments are central constituents of the wavefront construction method. In this paper the details of the ray tracing and ray-interpolation procedures are described. The ray-tracing procedure is based on classical ray theory (high-frequency approximation) and it is both accurate and efficient. It is able to compute both kinematic and dynamic parameters at the endpoint of the ray segments, given the same set of parameters at the starting point of the ray. Taylor series are used to approximate the raypath so that the kinematic parameters (new position and new ray tangent) may be found, while a staggered finite-difference approximation gives the dynamic parameters (geometrical spreading). When divergence occurs in some parts of the wavefront, new rays are interpolated. The interpolation procedure uses the kinematic and dynamic parameters of two parent rays to estimate the initial parameters of a new ray on the wavefront between the two rays. Third-order (cubic) interpolation is used for interpolation of position, ray tangent and take-off vector from the source) while linear interpolation is used for the geometrical spreading parameters.  相似文献   

Paraxial ray methods for anisotropic inhomogeneous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new formalism of surface-to-surface paraxial matrices allows a very general and flexible formulation of the paraxial ray theory, equally valid in anisotropic and isotropic inhomogeneous layered media. The formalism is based on conventional dynamic ray tracing in Cartesian coordinates along a reference ray. At any user-selected pair of points of the reference ray, a pair of surfaces may be defined. These surfaces may be arbitrarily curved and oriented, and may represent structural interfaces, data recording surfaces, or merely formal surfaces. A newly obtained factorization of the interface propagator matrix allows to transform the conventional 6 × 6 propagator matrix in Cartesian coordinates into a 6 × 6 surface-to-surface paraxial matrix. This matrix defines the transformation of paraxial ray quantities from one surface to another. The redundant non-eikonal and ray-tangent solutions of the dynamic ray-tracing system in Cartesian coordinates can be easily eliminated from the 6 × 6 surface-to-surface paraxial matrix, and it can be reduced to 4 × 4 form. Both the 6 × 6 and 4 × 4 surface-to-surface paraxial matrices satisfy useful properties, particularly the symplecticity. In their 4 × 4 reduced form, they can be used to solve important boundary-value problems of a four-parametric system of paraxial rays, connecting the two surfaces, similarly as the well-known surface-to-surface matrices in isotropic media in ray-centred coordinates. Applications of such boundary-value problems include the two-point eikonal, relative geometrical spreading, Fresnel zones, the design of migration operators, and more.  相似文献   

Recently, several expressions for the two-point paraxial travel time in laterally varying, isotropic or anisotropic layered media were derived. The two-point paraxial travel time gives the travel time from point S′ to point R′, both these points being situated close to a known reference ray Ω, along which the ray-propagator matrix was calculated by dynamic ray tracing. The reference ray and the position of points S′ and R′ are specified in Cartesian coordinates. Two such expressions for the two-point paraxial travel time play an important role. The first is based on the 4 × 4 ray propagator matrix, computed by dynamic ray tracing along the reference ray in ray-centred coordinates. The second requires the knowledge of the 6 × 6 ray propagator matrix computed by dynamic ray tracing along the reference ray in Cartesian coordinates. Both expressions were derived fully independently, using different methods, and are expressed in quite different forms. In this paper we prove that the two expressions are fully equivalent and can be transformed into each other.  相似文献   

The recursive nature of rays in blocky models can be exploited to solve some difficult problems in seismic modelling. Each segment of a ray travels from an initial point up to a reflecting interface, where it is split into reflected and transmitted ray segments, which each continue in a similar way. The tree structure that thus emanates is conveniently handled by a recursive scheme. Recursion allows an automatic generation of all phases on a seismogram, together with all information necessary to analyse or select them. By operating recursively with a ray cell, bounded by a pair of vicinal rays in 2D, or a triplet of vicinal rays in 3D, and two successive isochrons, the two-point ray-tracing problem is reduced to a simple interpolation. Also, the cellular approach allows for a stable and robust evaluation of dynamic ray quantities without any paraxial tracing, which is cumbersome in blocky models of realistic complexity. Geometric shadows are filled by recursively generated diffractions. The recursive ray tracer has found applications in the fast computation of Green's functions in target-oriented inversion and in phase identification in VSP.  相似文献   

Wavefront charts in anisotropic gradient media are a useful tool in ray geometric constructions, particular in shear-wave exploration. They can be constructed by: (i) a family of wavefronts that contains a vertical plane as member - it is convenient to choose constant time increments; (ii) tracing one ray that makes everywhere the angle with the normal to the wavefront that is required by the anisotropy of the medium; (iii) scaling this ray to obtain a set of rays with different ray parameters; (iv) shifting these rays (with wavefront elements attached) so that they pass through a common source point; (v) interpolating the wavefronts between the elements. The construction is particularly simple in linear-gradient media, since here all members of the family of wavefronts are planes. Since the ray makes everywhere the angle prescribed by the anisotropy with the normal of the (plane) wavefronts, the ray has the shape of the slowness curve rotated by ?π/2. For isotropic media the slowness curve is a circle, and thus rays are circular arcs. The circles themselves intersect in the source point and in a second point above the surface of the earth. This provides a simple proof that wavefronts emanating from a point source in an isotropic linear-gradient medium are spheres: inversion of the set of circular rays with the source as centre maps the pencil of circular rays into a pencil of straight lines passing through a point. A pencil of concentric spheres around this point is perpendicular to the pencil of straight lines. On inverting back the pencil of spheres is mapped into another pencil of spheres that is perpendicular to the circular rays.  相似文献   

Traveltime computation by wavefront-orientated ray tracing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For multivalued traveltime computation on dense grids, we propose a wavefront‐orientated ray‐tracing (WRT) technique. At the source, we start with a few rays which are propagated stepwise through a smooth two‐dimensional (2D) velocity model. The ray field is examined at wavefronts and a new ray might be inserted between two adjacent rays if one of the following criteria is satisfied: (1) the distance between the two rays is larger than a predefined threshold; (2) the difference in wavefront curvature between the rays is larger than a predefined threshold; (3) the adjacent rays intersect. The last two criteria may lead to oversampling by rays in caustic regions. To avoid this oversampling, we do not insert a ray if the distance between adjacent rays is smaller than a predefined threshold. We insert the new ray by tracing it from the source. This approach leads to an improved accuracy compared with the insertion of a new ray by interpolation, which is the method usually applied in wavefront construction. The traveltimes computed along the rays are used for the estimation of traveltimes on a rectangular grid. This estimation is carried out within a region bounded by adjacent wavefronts and rays. As for the insertion criterion, we consider the wavefront curvature and extrapolate the traveltimes, up to the second order, from the intersection points between rays and wavefronts to a gridpoint. The extrapolated values are weighted with respect to the distances to wavefronts and rays. Because dynamic ray tracing is not applied, we approximate the wavefront curvature at a given point using the slowness vector at this point and an adjacent point on the same wavefront. The efficiency of the WRT technique is strongly dependent on the input parameters which control the wavefront and ray densities. On the basis of traveltimes computed in a smoothed Marmousi model, we analyse these dependences and suggest some rules for a correct choice of input parameters. With suitable input parameters, the WRT technique allows an accurate traveltime computation using a small number of rays and wavefronts.  相似文献   

Point-to-curve ray tracing is an attempt at dealing with multiplicity of solutions to a generic boundary-value problem of ray tracing. In a point-to-curve tracing (P2C) the input parameters of the boundary-value problem (BVP), such as the ends of the ray, are allowed to vary along a curve. The solutions of the BVP automatically wander from one solution branch to another generating a nearly complete multi-valued solution of the BVPs.A procedure for transforming an arbitrary iterative algorithm, solving a ray tracing BVP to a corresponding P2C algorithm, is presented. Bifurcations of the solution curve of the P2C problem at caustics are studied and an algorithm for obtaining the bifurcating branches is developed. In particular, transition from real rays to complex rays in a caustic shadow offers an additional link between otherwise disconnected solution curves of the P2C problem. The topological structure of a generic solution curve and its implications for the algorithm are studied.  相似文献   

Asymptotic methods provide an efficient way to compute seismograms in heterogeneous media. However, zeroth-order ray theory, the simplest of the asymptotic methods, often fails because of the presence of caustics. Maslov theory is an extension of zeroth-order ray theory, which gives a uniformly valid expression of the wavefield everywhere, including the caustics. This result is given in terms of an integral of ray data over one or two ray parameters. It is shown in this paper how geometrical arrivals are constructed in the one and two-parameter Maslov integrals.In practice Maslov seismograms have been computed using only one ray parameter. However, in three-dimensional media two parameters are needed to uniquely define a ray. In this paper we present an efficient algorithm to compute two-parameter Maslov integrals. The Maslov integral is evaluated by computing the frequency-to-time Fourier transform prior to integration over the ray parameters. The wavefield is then discretized by smoothing with a boxcar function. The resulting expression, which only requires the results of ordinary kinematic and dynamic ray tracing, cen be computed efficiently and robustly. A numerical example is given that illustrates the use of this algorithm.  相似文献   

In the computation of paraxial travel times and Gaussian beams, the basic role is played by the second-order derivatives of the travel-time field at the reference ray. These derivatives can be determined by dynamic ray tracing (DRT) along the ray. Two basic DRT systems have been broadly used in applications: the DRT system in Cartesian coordinates and the DRT system in ray-centred coordinates. In this paper, the transformation relations between the second-order derivatives of the travel-time field in Cartesian and ray-centred coordinates are derived. These transformation relations can be used both in isotropic and anisotropic media, including computations of complex-valued travel times necessary for the evaluation of Gaussian beams.  相似文献   

Dynamic ray tracing plays an important role in paraxial ray methods. In this paper, dynamic ray tracing systems for inhomogeneous anisotropic media, consisting of four linear ordinary differential equations of the first order along the reference ray, are studied. The main attention is devoted to systems expressed in a particularly simple choice of ray-centered coordinates, here referred to as the standard ray-centered coordinates, and in wavefront orthonormal coordinates. These two systems, known from the literature, were derived independently and were given in different forms. In this paper it is proved that both systems are fully equivalent. Consequently, the dynamic ray tracing system, consisting of four equations in wavefront orthonormal coordinates, can also be used if we work in ray-centered coordinates, and vice versa. vcerveny@seis.karlov.mff.cuni.cz  相似文献   

The 4 × 4 T -propagator matrix of a 3D central ray determines, among other important seismic quantities, second-order (parabolic or hyperbolic) two-point traveltime approximations of certain paraxial rays in the vicinity of the known central ray through a 3D medium consisting of inhomogeneous isotropic velocity layers. These rays result from perturbing the start and endpoints of the central ray on smoothly curved anterior and posterior surfaces. The perturbation of each ray endpoint is described only by a two-component vector. Here, we provide parabolic and hyperbolic paraxial two-point traveltime approximations using the T -propagator to feature a number of useful 3D seismic models, putting particular emphasis on expressing the traveltimes for paraxial primary reflected rays in terms of hyperbolic approximations. These are of use in solving several forward and inverse seismic problems. Our results simplify those in which the perturbation of the ray endpoints upon a curved interface is described by a three-component vector. In order to emphasize the importance of the hyperbolic expression, we show that the hyperbolic paraxial-ray traveltime (in terms of four independent variables) is exact for the case of a primary ray reflected from a planar dipping interface below a homogeneous velocity medium.  相似文献   

The coupling ray theory is usually applied to anisotropic common reference rays, but it is more accurate if it is applied to reference rays which are closer to the actual wave paths. If we know that a medium is close to uniaxial (transversely isotropic), it may be advantageous to trace reference rays which resemble the SH–wave and SV–wave rays. This paper is devoted to defining and tracing these SH and SV reference rays of elastic S waves in a heterogeneous generally anisotropic medium which is approximately uniaxial (approximately transversely isotropic), and to the corresponding equations of geodesic deviation (dynamic ray tracing). All presented equations are simultaneously applicable to ordinary and extraordinary reference rays of electromagnetic waves in a generally bianisotropic medium which is approximately uniaxially anisotropic. The improvement of the coupling–ray–theory seismograms calculated along the proposed SH and SV reference rays, compared to the coupling–ray–theory seismograms calculated along the anisotropic common reference rays, has already been numerically demonstrated by the authors in four approximately uniaxial velocity models.  相似文献   

Summary Principles of an alternative approach to the ray theory and paraxial ray approximation (PRA) theory are discussed. Invariant equations for the ray, the eikonal equation and basic equations of the PRA-theory are derived on the basis of Riemannian geometry. Paraxial rays and paraxial time field equations in general curvilinear coordinates are shown as an example of application.  相似文献   

Gaussian beam is an important complex geometrical optical technology for modeling seismic wave propagation and diffraction in the subsurface with complex geological structure. Current methods for Gaussian beam modeling rely on the dynamic ray tracing and the evanescent wave tracking. However, the dynamic ray tracing method is based on the paraxial ray approximation and the evanescent wave tracking method cannot describe strongly evanescent fields. This leads to inaccuracy of the computed wave fields in the region with a strong inhomogeneous medium. To address this problem, we compute Gaussian beam wave fields using the complex phase by directly solving the complex eikonal equation. In this method, the fast marching method, which is widely used for phase calculation, is combined with Gauss–Newton optimization algorithm to obtain the complex phase at the regular grid points. The main theoretical challenge in combination of this method with Gaussian beam modeling is to address the irregular boundary near the curved central ray. To cope with this challenge, we present the non-uniform finite difference operator and a modified fast marching method. The numerical results confirm the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the most important results of the paraxial complex geometrical optics (CGO) in respect to Gaussian beams diffraction in the smooth inhomogeneous media and discusses interrelations between CGO and other asymptotic methods, which reduce the problem of Gaussian beam diffraction to the solution of ordinary differential equations, namely: (i) Babich’s method, which deals with the abridged parabolic equation and describes diffraction of the Gaussian beams; (ii) complex form of the dynamic ray tracing method, which generalizes paraxial ray approximation on Gaussian beams and (iii) paraxial WKB approximation by Pereverzev, which gives the results, quite close to those of Babich’s method. For Gaussian beams all the methods under consideration lead to the similar ordinary differential equations, which are complex-valued nonlinear Riccati equation and related system of complex-valued linear equations of paraxial ray approximation. It is pointed out that Babich’s method provides diffraction substantiation both for the paraxial CGO and for complex-valued dynamic ray tracing method. It is emphasized also that the latter two methods are conceptually equivalent to each other, operate with the equivalent equations and in fact are twins, though they differ by names. The paper illustrates abilities of the paraxial CGO method by two available analytical solutions: Gaussian beam diffraction in the homogeneous and in the lens-like media, and by the numerical example: Gaussian beam reflection from a plane-layered medium.  相似文献   

Ray theories are a class of methods often chosen to compute synthetic seismograms due to their efficiency and ability to deal with complex, three-dimensional inhomogeneous media. To deal with the large number of rays needed to compute synthetic seismograms, a ray generation algorithm is given which is capable of generating a numerical code describing each ray. The code describes a subset of all possible rays by considering only pre-critical reflections. In a horizontally plane-layered medium the generation of rays and computation of amplitudes and traveltimes can be efficiently accomplished by grouping the rays into reflection order and dynamic analogue groups. Expressions summing all unconverted rays and rays with a single mode conversion are given for source and receiver located at arbitrary positions within the medium. Examples of zero-offset synthetic VSPs obtained by this method are given.  相似文献   

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