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Governments, civil society, and policymakers assert the potential of international migration to foster development and alleviate poverty. Often such claims are rooted in macroscale geopolitical analyses of migration and development, which mask the localized, uneven, and embodied ways family members “left behind” bear the costs and subsidize the U.S./Mexico (inter)national integration project. Informed by feminist geopolitics, this article demonstrates how the left behind disproportionately bear the hidden costs of neoliberal restructuring and migration. We draw upon Mexican Migration Project (MMP) ethnosurvey data to frame the narratives of migrant family members left behind. Narratives were constructed through in‐depth interviews conducted in rural Veracruz. We conclude that in the absence of geographically specific examinations of the hidden costs associated with neoliberal development and migration it is possible that “migration for development” programs and policies may exacerbate inequities that will perpetuate migration and further weaken Mexican origin communities.  相似文献   

基于信阳师范学院地理科学学院2001—2012级学生生源分布和就业数据统计,运用基尼系数和集中化指数识别分析了地理科学专业应届毕业生的生源地、就业地的时空格局。研究发现:研究对象的生源地和就业地呈"大分散、小集聚"且就业地分布较生源地分布分散的格局;来自不同地区的毕业生迁移距离具有标度分布的统计规律,可为高校的招生和就业工作提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):177-178

The “Harvest of Hope” was an interdisciplinary science/geography project that provided students from two different schools and very diverse backgrounds the opportunity to work in a cooperative community service effort. With teacher coordination from both districts involved in the project, students from an inner-city school and a suburban school planted, tended, and harvested crops on unused school property and donated the food to organizations providing resources to the needy. “Harvest of Hope” was designed to aid the needy of Denver and teach high school students about real-world geography issues. Students also gained knowledge of issues inherent in world agriculture and the group problem-solving process. From a social perspective, inner-city students and suburban students had the opportunity to interact and gain an appreciation for cultural diversity. Most importantly, students learned through this project to think globally, but act on a local level.  相似文献   

Through a re‐reading of my Ph.D. fieldwork on Cuba's biotechnology industry, I empirically pull apart the relationship between fieldwork practice and knowledge production as experienced in my research. I argue that reflexivity is an insufficiently critiqued concept and, as a result, that its widespread influence in contemporary fieldwork practice works to obscure the influence of “others”, not just on the “doing” of research but on the conceptual development of the methodology itself. I make this argument by focusing on the various strategies I employed to actualise my research methodology, the problems I met with and the subsequent pull of my research in new directions. I cover such issues as gaining access, working in multiple locales across antagonistic polities, what happens when fieldwork goes wrong and the notion of “empirical drift”. I use these issues to examine how I was actively constructing both my field and my research methodology at the same time and through others. I try to show how the fact that fieldwork can be simultaneously a lived experience, a socially constructed performance and an episteme accounts for much of its distinctive qualities as a milieu in which existing knowledge is put to the test, or added to. I argue that these same qualities allow it to be a deeply intertextual process, or a joint work between the researcher and the field. This, I suggest, warrants greater recognition.  相似文献   

"The research reported here evaluates whether students come to the UK mainly for educational reasons, and therefore perceive their stay as temporary, or whether emigration for study is being used as part of a conscious strategy by people intending to become future labour migrants.... The simplest interpretation of the results appears to be that migration, experienced as a result of international moves for study purposes, does not influence planning of further migration moves. But the research also indicates that migration for education is closely tied to other types of population redistribution and should be treated by population geographers as an integral part of international migration systems." Data were collected by questionnaire survey from 349 engineering students at Hong Kong universities and 82 Hong Kong students studying engineering in the UK.  相似文献   

针对中国东南沿海部分地区未通过大规模人口迁移而实现转型的就地城镇化现象,选择3个就地城镇化发达地区,在问卷调查数据的支撑下,构建了“乡村拉力一城市拉力”(“双拉力”)概念模型,探讨乡村劳动力迁移行为、迁移意愿及其城镇化效应。结果显示,居民迁移行为不太频繁,且多数为就地就近的近距离迁移;同时迁移意愿不够强烈,并且倾向于近...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the mechanism through which a reform in environmental education (EE) programs affects pupils’ relation to the environment. We surveyed 589 pupils aged 9–12 years in three types of Israeli elementary school: regular schools, schools that implement an EE program (designated “green schools”), and schools that implement a more intensive EE program (designated “persistent green schools”). Analyzing the results obtained from our questionnaire, we found that both EE programs had a positive effect on environmental attitudes. Importantly, however, only persistent green schools showed a direct positive effect on environmental behavior. In addition, we assessed the influences of various demographic and other factors on pupils’ relation to the environment. Of note, we found that students who spent their leisure time watching TV or engaging with other electronic media expressed less concern about the environment.  相似文献   

领域与地盘:中西方权地观之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯璐璐  刘云刚 《地理科学》2019,39(7):1055-1062
通过对中西权地观中情感属性、权力属性、空间属性对比,提出地盘作为关系的空间投影发挥作用。根据塑造地盘的关系属性的不同,将地盘分为情感型地盘、工具型地盘及混合型地盘3类。地盘体系中讲究人情、信任与求和,通过模糊正规权力的空间边界对抗空间阻力,形成缓冲我与非我的圈层结构。  相似文献   

赵思敏  芮旸  杨钰华 《地理研究》2022,41(3):810-829
学前和义务教育阶段学生由乡到城的跨尺度流动影响教育资源配置和社会治理,事关乡村振兴和教育公平。解析乡村学生跨尺度流动的内涵并构建其研究框架,融合县级统计数据和调查访谈数据对陕西省淳化县进行实证分析。结果表明:① 淳化县乡村学生存在跨尺度流动现象并趋于加剧,突出表现为跨县域的跳跃流动成为主体和流动时间提前至幼儿园阶段,乡村义务教育设施的小规模化趋势和学前教育设施“城挤乡空”的潜在风险因此出现。② 乡村学生跨尺度流动的影响因素呈4级递阶结构,进城落户和随迁就学政策是深层动因,教育资源配置、父母文化程度与学校教学质量、家庭经济资本、父母籍贯分别为中层与浅层影响因素,父母工作地、家庭购房情况、学校寄宿条件和上学距离是表层直接影响因素。③ 推力因素和家庭心理门槛的消除促使乡村学生流出,但实现流动需克服“人、钱、居”三大中间阻力和路径门槛,流入地的最终确定则受拉力因素和区位门槛的共同作用,整个流动过程的发生始终受资源分配不均形成的梯度力和随迁就学等政策的影响。建议多渠道增加乡村优质教育资源供给,扩大省级政府及副省级城市的教育统筹权,推动教育治理模式的流动性转向。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with how existing migration policies affect individual migrant women's choices, in particular, with the advancement, or consolidation, of a migrants' rights perspective. The focus is thereby on those migrants classified as unskilled, who constitute the largest and most vulnerable category among migrants. The analysis of migration policies has conventionally been approached from a state/government‐centred viewpoint that sees states as the key actors. This paper, however, emphasises a larger number of actors ‐ governmental and non‐governmental ‐ as well as the power relations among them to argue that protection through “legal regulation” in the absence of actual implementation is an incomplete solution to alleviate unfair labour conditions that migrants in general, and migrant women specifically, experience. Measures designed to “protect” migrants must be accompanied by measures that empower them, a role that has largely been taken on by existing migrant worker non‐governmental organisations (NGOs). Focussing on intra‐Asian migration flows in which Southeast Asia is the main labour sender and East Asia the receiver of Southeast Asian migrants, the paper explores the nexus between law and civic activism in the specific subject area of international labour migration and its gender implications.  相似文献   

This paper argues that calls for multicultural curricula in universities across the US can be met with strategic curricular interventions that radically confront gendered racisms across regional, national, and international racial formations. Faculty who risk making such interventions should plan for student and institutional resistances. Intersecting consumer and corporate interests desire universities to be socially nonconflictual and economical places of leisure and entertainment, not sites of critical intervention. Accordingly, we theorize how and why faculty committed to oppositional multiculturalism might be cast as transgressive. In so doing, we pay particular attention to how identity politics are quadrangulated through embodiment, performance, time, and place. We additionally discuss ways for systematically working against the grain of gendered racisms and for supporting those who are teaching multiculturalism (critically) or seen to embody it. Working against the grain is particularly important as we enter the 21st century, given the increasing diversification of faculty and student bodies in universities across the US and the attendant risks “diverse” persons take, risks generally not experienced or acknowledged by White Americans.  相似文献   

This paper argues that calls for multicultural curricula in universities across the US can be met with strategic curricular interventions that radically confront gendered racisms across regional, national, and international racial formations. Faculty who risk making such interventions should plan for student and institutional resistances. Intersecting consumer and corporate interests desire universities to be socially nonconflictual and economical places of leisure and entertainment, not sites of critical intervention. Accordingly, we theorize how and why faculty committed to oppositional multiculturalism might be cast as transgressive. In so doing, we pay particular attention to how identity politics are quadrangulated through embodiment, performance, time, and place. We additionally discuss ways for systematically working against the grain of gendered racisms and for supporting those who are teaching multiculturalism (critically) or seen to embody it. Working against the grain is particularly important as we enter the 21st century, given the increasing diversification of faculty and student bodies in universities across the US and the attendant risks “diverse” persons take, risks generally not experienced or acknowledged by White Americans.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(8):492-497

ESCALATION is a one-hour simulation game that treats international power politics from a geographic perspective. It has been pilot-tested in several high schools and two universities. ESCALATION is deemed appropriate for high school geography and social studies classes, and for introductory college geography courses. Three important geographic principles are dramatically demonstrated by the activity. First, students discover that traditional ways of viewing maps can create misleading geographic stereotypes. Second, students learn the importance of cultural conditioning in viewing international relations. Third, students learn that numerous interacting factors influence nations in their selection of allies. The activity elaborated in the article provides geography teachers with a practical, ready-made teaching activity that is powerful in concepts and dramatic in presentation. The classroom teacher simply needs to transform the map (Figure 1) into a transparency and briefly review the simulation procedures. The teacher then presents the four sequential stages in the ESCALATION game and conducts a post-simulation discussion of what happened and why. The activity, in short, provides geography and social studies teachers with a simulation activity that combines role playing, decision-making, and surprise to generate several important geographic concepts and principles. The surprise climax invariably produces considerable discussion.  相似文献   

地理学视角下的出国旅居研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文谨  白凯  孙星 《地理科学进展》2013,32(7):1148-1158
近年来, 随着全球一体化的不断深入, 出国旅居现象正逐步升温。本文通过梳理国外关于出国旅居问题的研究文献, 总结出其主要关注以下几个方面:海外留学、跨文化冲突与融合, 及旅居者启程前与归国后的适应。相关文献显示, 虽然以往的出国旅居研究没有地理学背景的学者介入, 但其中却存在或隐含了一条明确的地理学“人—地—时空”研究脉络, 旅居者随着空间改变对新地区文化的适应甚至认同, 就是旅居者产生“地方感”的过程。由此提出, 应将出国旅居明确纳入文化地理学的研究范畴, 从地理学视角来关注这一现象。  相似文献   

The article explores how the use of the Internet in school settings influences the way young people develop as citizens in an interconnected world and the possible implications for teaching geography subject at school. First, this topic is approached theoretically through a discussion of new forms of citizenship. The issue is investigated by using interview data and observations on the use of the Internet by upper secondary school students in Norway when searching for information about distant places. During the interviews, knowledge about tropical rainforests was used as a practical example. The main finding is that although the students could access information about a large part of the world from their laptop, a distance remained between the students and the rainforests and those who live in them. The article also reveals that, although it is often argued that the national context is weakened as a frame for civic engagement, the students referred to it as a basic frame when engaging with what is distant. Thus, it may be questioned how the use of the Internet in schools contributes to the development of students as global citizens.  相似文献   

21世纪以来,全球化进程加速,国际移民成为研究热点问题,而当前欧美学界针对移民社会融合的研究具有三方面特征:首先,国际移民社会融合的维度呈现多样化;其次,移民社会融合的主动性及其对社区空间的塑造作用成为研究热点;最后,研究视角存在“方法论上的民族主义”和“政治正确的价值倾向”。与之相对,国内学界对国际移民社会融合的研究能够准确地把握国家背景、政治制度、移民政策对移民社会融合的影响作用;以及在全球化背景下国际移民在世界城市快速流动的旅居者特性,且充分注意到移民的多元性和融合的开放性。而不足之处在于,缺少对于社会融合多尺度、多维度的探讨;缺乏对于不同族裔、不同类型的移民群体间社会融合路径、模式、机制的比较。新形势下,国内研究有必要超越西方学者的思考,探讨国际移民社会融合的中国路径,为我国城市解决全球化带来的国际移民融合问题提供新思路。  相似文献   

Out-migration from rural areas and generational shifts create conditions whereby increasing numbers of private forest owners live at a distance from their forestland. Geographical distance and non-residency have been raised as issues that may possibly weaken these owners’ relationships with their properties. Drawing on the “sense of place” concept as a frame of analysis for 51 qualitative interviews with resident and nonresident private forest owners from two areas in Sweden, this study provides in-depth understanding of how geographical distance and place of residency shape owners’ feelings about their forest properties. The study shows that sense of place is constructed in complex and multifaceted ways over time and that social and historical contexts and processes beyond the forest environment can make owners feel closeness to their distant properties. Thus, geographical distance or residency alone does not explain variations in these forest owners’ feelings of distance or closeness to their properties.  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,我国高校迎来了一个前所未有的高速发展时期.规模扩招带来校舍明显不足,校园拥挤不堪导致高校纷纷寻求空间扩张.高校新区的概念就是在这一实践中应运而出.高校新区发展在实践中产生的种种问题,又引发了政府、理论界、高校等各方面的思考.作者首先介绍了大学城发展的起源,并对高校新区与大学城2个概念及其关系给予了界定;其次,在对郑州4个高校新区深入调查研究的基础上,借助相关理论,对其进行了利弊分析;最后,针对我国高校新区建设与发展中存在的共性问题,提出了几点思考.  相似文献   

全球留学生留学网络时空演化及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于联合国教科文组织公布的全球高等学校留学生流动数据,借鉴网络科学,利用社会网络分析方法和负二项回归模型,对2001—2015年全球留学网络时空演化及其影响因素进行研究。主要结论为:① 时序演化特征上,全球留学网络关系流从4921个增加到9137个,平均加权度从8004迅速增加到20834,表明全球留学网络不仅学生数量在增加,且留学路径数量也在不断增加。② 拓扑结构上,从以美国为单一核心,演变成以美国、中国为双核心的拓扑结构,亚洲国家逐渐成为全球留学网络的主体,欧洲国家的中心性逐渐萎缩。③ 空间结构上,全球留学网络具有明显的等级层次性,美国是全球性主导型节点,德国、捷克是区域性主导型节点,次级主导型节点从25个增加到32个,全球留学网络“东向西、南到北”的地理空间格局正在发生变化,中国、澳大利亚等国成为新的区域性中心,区域化成为全球留学网络一个重要趋势。④ 回归分析发现,留学目的地国高等教育质量、高校在校生数量、人均GDP、留学目的地国与留学生来源国间的历史联系及全球化水平与留学生流量呈显著正相关关系,地理距离、语言临近性与留学生流量呈显著负相关关系,表明语言差异的阻抗作用在迅速减弱,地理距离仍然是阻碍学生流动的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

Across Africa households are commissioning new domestic buildings for their own use or to rent out rather than waiting for governments to supply urban shelter. We conceptualize this as two interwoven processes: building houses for a new middle class and the building of a new middle class identity. We draw particular attention to the impact of international migration on these processes. The paper uses quantitative data from building permits and qualitative data from 29 interviews and walk-round tours with homeowners and government officials in Buea, Cameroon. Despite some significant caveats (related to housing the urban poor, regulating building standards, and lost local government revenue), we argue that these individually initiated building projects do a reasonable job of meeting local demand for shelter. However, from the perspective of identity-building these buildings are less successful. Whilst homeowners take considerable pride in their building projects, the statements that these structures make about their identities are not always “read” by their neighbours in the way owners hope. New housing is the lens through which Buea’s residents interpret growing levels of inequality and its associated social tensions.  相似文献   

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