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Kolguev Island in the Russian Arctic has a unique tundra ecosystem and an indigenous Nenets population whose livelihood is traditionally based on reindeer herding. The Nenets faced a major crisis in 2013–2014 when the reindeer population collapsed. Widely different explanations for this collapse were put forward. This lack of a shared perspective points at the failure of genuine joint knowledge production (JKP) in the island’s UNEP–GEF’s ECORA project (2004–2009). The ECORA project aimed to achieve integrated ecosystem management by stimulating dialog and mutual learning among indigenous people, state agencies, and scientists. This paper analyses the failure of ECORA’s JKP, using a recently developed framework of conditions for successful JKP. The results suggest that ECORA met none of these conditions. It failed at bringing the scientific and indigenous knowledge systems together, and the produced knowledge did not resonate with indigenous people’s perception of living in Kolguev.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore how Western scientific concepts and attitudes towards indigenous knowledge, as they pertain to resource management and climate change, differ from the prevailing view in modern Russia. Western indigenous leaders representing the Inuit and Saami peoples are actively engaged in the academic and political discourse surrounding climate change, whereas their Russian colleagues tend to focus more on legislation and self-determination, as a post-Soviet legacy. We contribute to the debate with data from the Nenets tundra, showing how different research has employed the three crucial Western research paradigms of climate change, wildlife management and indigenous knowledge on the ground. We suggest that the daily practice of tundra nomadism involves permanent processes of negotiating one's position in a changing environment, which is why "adaptation" is woven into the society, and cosmology as a whole, rather than being separable into distinct "bodies" of knowledge or Western-designed categories. We argue that research agendas should be placed in their proper local and regional context, and temporal framework: for example, by collaborating with herders on the topics of weather instead of climate change, herding skills instead of wildlife management, and ways of engaging with the tundra instead of traditional ecological knowledge.  相似文献   

从自发组建的非政府组织到北极事务中颇具影响力的权力组织,原住民组织已经成长为北极事务中不可忽视的利益攸关方。在获取北极事务参与权及实施行动决策中,北极原住民组织展现了独特的思考和实践。基于批判地缘政治学的理论视角观察因纽特环北极理事会为代表的原住民组织的发展历程,发现:(1)北极原住民组织强调基于文本生产的知识权力获取方式;(2)制度性参与是原住民组织的主要行动路径。北极事务参与权的获取及针对性行动策略的实施帮助原住民组织成功影响和重塑了北极的治理理念、身份认同与地理空间,推动北极地区向着善治和良治发展。通过对因纽特环北极理事会案例的解析,可以为中国拓展自身在北极地区的合作空间提供参考。  相似文献   

王琦  石莉  万芳芳 《极地研究》2013,25(2):176-184
北极地区是俄罗斯的重要关注领域,其战略重要性正在迅速提升。俄罗斯决心通过政治、经济和军事手段成为北极核心国家。俄政府于2008年制定了《截至2020年及之后俄罗斯联邦北极地区国家政策》,旨在维持俄罗斯“北极领导国家”的地位。结合俄罗斯在极地的一系列举措,从经济、法律、军事和地缘政治这几个角度分析俄罗斯北极政策中的关键内容,同时关注当前俄罗斯在极地区域的政策与2001年由俄罗斯总统普京签署的《俄罗斯联邦至2020年期间的海洋政策》中的北极战略中所呈现出的态度之间的差别。最后,从有利因素和制约因素两方面评估俄罗斯北极政策目标的实施前景。  相似文献   

基于地缘环境的“地理位置—地缘关系—地缘结构”分析框架,对北极地区的地缘环境进行全面解析,并进一步分析“冰上丝绸之路”对北极地区地缘环境的影响。研究发现:1)北极地区地缘环境复杂,地理位置上,北极位于地球最北端,蕴含着丰富的资源,拥有极高的战略价值,是世界主要国家争夺的对象;地缘关系上,涉及到的主体与主题繁多,主要包括北极国家、近北极国家和原住民相互之间的关于领土、经济、能源、权利等多样议题;地缘结构上,北极地区地缘结构经历了“美苏争霸”—“破冰合作”—“新一轮竞赛”3个阶段的演变,当前结构呈现出“中心—次中心—外围”的特征。2)“冰上丝绸之路”的提出顺应了气候变化的趋势,推动北极地区区域合作,近北极国家参与北极事务,原住民保护,从而使地缘结构的中心更加稳定,地缘体之间联系更加紧密,并且进一步拓展了地缘关系网络。  相似文献   

Compared to climate, land use change is expected to comprise a more important component of global change in the coming decades. However, climate is anticipated to supass land use as a factor later in the next century, particularly in the Arctic. Discussed here are the implications of land use and climate change on the Yamal peninsula of north-west Siberia, homeland of the Yamal Nenets. Since the discovery of super-giant natural gas fields in the 1960s, extensive exploration has resulted in direct withdrawal of large areas for infrastructure development and associated disturbance regimes have led to cumulative impacts on thousands of additional hectares of land. The land withdrawals have pushed a relatively consistent or increasing number of reindeer onto progressively smaller parcels of pasture. This has led to excessive grazing and trampling of lichens, bryophytes and shrubs and, in many areas, erosion of sandy soils via deflation. The low Arctic tundra lies entirely within the continuous permafrost zone and ice-rich substrates are widespread. One implication of this is that both anthropogenic and zoogenic distubance regimes may easily initiate thermokarst and aeolian rosion, leading to significant further losses of pastures. Even without industrial distubance, a slight change of the climate would result in massive thermokarst erosion. This would have negative consequences equal to or greater than the mechanical distubances described above. The synergistic effects of land use coupled with climate, change therefore have profound implication for the ecosystems of Yamal, as well as the future of the Nenets culture, society and economy.  相似文献   

论北极原住民的人口结构与社会问题——以加拿大为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文探讨近十几年来加拿大北极北极原住民人口的快速增长以及人口结构年轻化现象.由此而来的一系列社会问题的产生,尤其是年轻男性高的自杀率更应引起全世界人民的关注.这给原住民社会的发展造成了极大的障碍。我们在关注北极丰富的自然资源、环境问题以及军事安全问题,不应该忽视祖祖辈辈生活中这土地上的原住民当下所面临的各种社会问题。  相似文献   


The nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), on southeastern Europe’s Balkan Peninsula, is a unique product of international peace building based on a consociational model of ethnic power sharing. Organized around protection of “vital interests” of its constituent ethnic communities, the BiH state is radically decentralized. In forest administration, national government is practically nonexistent; multiple substate entities including cantons and municipalities operate as autonomous, self-governing units. This paper finds that the politics of accommodation, ironically couched in the language of rights, creates conditions of illiberal dissociation which block consensual natural resource governance. Conservation policies which require political compromise, thus, face a challenge in BiH’s illiberal consociation. Through policy analysis and interviews with representatives of key organizations affected by the 2008 Law on Una National Park, this study finds that when policies are implemented at levels of expected cooperation, the resultant needs are to reconcile rifts of interpretation and coordinate competencies vertically among dissociative bureaucracies.  相似文献   

北极地区历来是相关涉域国家博弈的战略高地。特别是21世纪以来气候变化的影响愈发显著,高度敏感的北极地区正在经历海冰的加速消融,掀起地缘政治学科对其的研究热潮。文章通过梳理Web of Science核心合集数据库中98篇北极地缘政治文献,归纳了西方地缘政治视角下的北极研究发展脉络、视角转向和热点议题,并展望未来北极地缘政治研究的发展趋势。结果发现:1)西方学界对北极地缘政治的研究领域广泛,主题丰富,研究规模总体上呈现波动增长态势;2)西方的北极地缘政治研究涵盖了古典、批判、流行、女性主义等多元地缘政治视角,研究内容以政治、经济为主,地缘政治文化研究相对匮乏;3)地缘政治、经济、文化视角的交叉融合趋势愈发明显;4)未来北极地区地缘政治研究将在理论框架研究、跨学科研究和情感文化等非物质领域产生新的研究思路与方向。  相似文献   

More than half of Australia's lands and coastal regions are now encompassed within the boundaries of native title claims. The claims and the 'native title communities' who have lodged them are shaping a new geography of Australia's lands and seascapes. These communities derive from traditional ownership and thus have a different, and more fundamentally authoritative, basis to the indigenous 'residential communities' whose representative organisations are the mechanism through which governments have promoted indigenous self-management and which dominate in public affairs. Recognition of native title provides some opportunities for indigenous people to negotiate for benefits which will address their marginalised and economically dependent status but these are limited by the protection given to non-indigenous interests and are often proving they can be very difficult to realise. Overcoming indigenous marginalisation, promoting co-existence between indigenous and other Australians, and securing sustainability in rural regions requires that institutional reform goes beyond legally bounded interpretations of where native title does and does not still exist. Rebuilding indigenous institutions for governance of country is fundamental to achieving necessary change but political will and resources to support the process are critically lacking.  相似文献   

北极地区地缘关系研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文检索了科学引文索引(Web of Science)和中国知网(CNKI)中北极地区地缘关系的相关文献,借助CiteSpace文献分析软件的关键词共现分析功能,系统综述了2000年以来国内外关于北极地区地缘关系的研究重点。从研究内容上看,国外研究主要关注主权政治、航道利用、资源管理和原住民权益等主体性议题,而国内则着重关注地缘政治、航道交通、资源经济和地区治理等参与性议题。就研究方法上看,国内外研究中定性与定量方法兼具,但仍以定性方法和描述性方法为主。随着北极地区的发展,研究方法和研究视角有待丰富,研究领域和研究深度亟需进一步拓展和加强。北极地区具有重要的战略意义,未来应结合现代技术,借鉴国际上的地区发展理论,开展北极地区的可持续发展研究和中国参与研究,并构建新时代北极地区地缘环境理论。  相似文献   


All states, whether governed by liberal or illiberal regimes, face the prospect of momentous and potentially catastrophic environmental impacts due to climate change. Historically, energy policy has been directed towards simply achieving energy security. This goal has now been significantly complicated by the need to achieve it while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental non governmental organizations (ENGOs) could play a crucial role in promoting the transition to energy and climate security but the relative (il)liberalism of the political regime they operate under influences their effectiveness. This article assesses how ENGOs have impacted on the transition to energy and climate security in Myanmar and Thailand, two Southeast Asian countries highly susceptible to climate impacts and characterized by illiberal rule. It finds that the impact of ENGOs was highly dependent on their strategies, tactics and operation, with community-level projects providing a key route to effect change under conditions of extreme illiberalism.  相似文献   

Transboundary rivers have important geopolitical and geo-economic connotations, but riparian states of transboundary rivers are often driven by their own rapid population growth and economic development to be-come involved in regional conflicts about the development and use of water resources. Therefore, finding a balance between the need for fair and reasonable development of water resources and the effective protection of environment from an ecological perspective has become a major problem faced by the international community. This paper begins with consideration of international water laws related to transboundary rivers and then reviews advances in the research on benefit-sharing, ecological compensation mechanisms, and adaptive management systems. We believe that existing international water laws form a complete legal system and that more attention needs to be paid to transboundary cooperation and sustainable water resource use. With respect to how transboundary water conflicts are resolved, there is a trend to move away from single water resource allocation (a zero-sum game) to benefit-sharing in order to achieve a win-win situation for riparian states, but there are still some difficulties in transboundary ecological compensation. In China, the central government has paid attention to horizontal ecological compensation between upstream and downstream, offering guidance to promote establishment of inter-province ecological compensation. Based on existing practice, horizontal ecological compensations are still in their infancy, small in scale, supported by a weak legal system, lacking market mechanisms to encourage their use and relying on fiscal transfers as the method of payment. In the future, China will need to intensify its research on legal system development, international cooperation, and benefit-sharing as these impact transboundary water resources. Because government can be seen as a management department with multiple identities (enabler, regulator and buyer), to improve adaptive transboundary ecological compensation mechanisms, government must develop as soon as possible data sharing platforms, standards of water consumption behaviors and intergovernmental policies (or ordinances).  相似文献   

Wixman R 《Soviet geography》1981,22(10):667-675
Correlation analyses are used to examine the relationship between the presence of Russians in a territory and the degree to which the indigenous people shift to the use of Russian as their native language. Data are from the Soviet censuses of 1959, 1970, and 1979.  相似文献   

俄罗斯油气资源空间分布格局及可达性评估   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
俄罗斯地区油气资源储量十分丰富,未探明储量的地区也有巨大的资源应用前景。随着气候变化加剧,北极通航变为可能,俄罗斯也寄希望于通过北极航道,大力发展其能源贸易。本文将俄罗斯交通网络作为连接资源和港口的重点,采用空间统计方法刻化俄罗斯油气资源空间分布特征,并通过栅格成本距离法、加权平均旅行时间和区位优势潜力等方法量化各港口对油气资源的可达性,得出结论:① 油气资源集中分布在西西伯利亚平原,俄罗斯全域的港口可达性呈“西部高,中部低”的特征;② 俄罗斯东北地区港口的资源可达性普遍较差,西北地区港口资源可达性较好。综合考虑油气资源、地理位置和项目合作等方面,可重点建设萨别塔、摩尔曼斯克和符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)3个港口;③ 附近交通网络的布设密集度影响港口的资源可达性。随着气候变暖,冻土融化,加上中俄“冰上丝绸之路”倡议的逐步实施,未来远东地区港口的资源可达性可能有进一步提升的空间。  相似文献   

张天媛  黄季夏  王利 《地理学报》2021,76(5):1122-1135
由于社会经济迅速发展,中国对能矿资源的需求量日益增加。因此,中国和资源大国俄罗斯展开了大量的能源贸易。在全球气候变暖、北极航道通航性逐渐提高的背景下,两国港口间的能源运输可通过东北航道完成,在时间、成本、安全性等方面将优于通过传统航道运输。本文采用加权平均旅行时间量化气候变化情景下2030—2070年中国港口到俄罗斯油气资源的可达时间,并建立海运成本体系,计算经由东北航道进行资源运输的成本,得到如下结论:① 中国港口到达俄罗斯石油资源的可达性优于天然气资源;② 中国港口的资源可达时间每十年平均减少7 h,南通港到达俄罗斯资源的可达性最佳;③ 中国港口的资源海运成本每10 a平均降低0.5万美元,从南通港出发的航线成本在所有港口中最低;④ 在高排放浓度情景下,以商船作为媒介的中国港口资源可达性提升潜力巨大,应用前景乐观。本文量化并评估了2030—2070年中俄港口间能源贸易的时间与成本,为中俄能源海上贸易运输提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):140-144

An internship is academic credit awarded to students for supervised work obtained outside the standard classroom environment. The goal here is to present the format of a structured internship program and the tangible and intangible benefits to students, faculty, and the employing agencies. We define a structured internship as a university program that links classroom activities to the work outside the classroom. Classroom activities can include papers with internship objectives, resume and cover letter writing, journals of daily work tasks and oral presentations of work experiences. Students benefit from job-specific skills and career guidance as well as skills that are transferable to other jobs such as communication, office management, and problem solving. Faculty benefit through linkages to the non-academic work community. The employing agencies can complete small tasks, meet people who are possibly future employees, and better anticipate the skills of future employees.  相似文献   

The Malaysian government regards the country's indigenous peoples as “backward” and in need of “modernization.” It aims to assimilate them into the so‐called mainstream society and to incorporate their lands and resources into national and global markets. These policy objectives leave little scope for indigenous groups to pursue their own life projects. Indigenous communities want to share in the benefits of economic development, but they are not prepared to give up their lands, cultures, and identities to obtain them. They have attempted to ward off the negative consequences of development projects by forming advocacy nongovernmental organizations, engaging in various forms of resistance, and seeking redress of their grievances in the courts. Most of all, they want recognition of their rights to land and place. The efficacy of their agency is severely hampered by a battery of repressive laws and by their own political weakness.  相似文献   

北极地区区域经济特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以环北极国家的北极行政区域为统计范围.利用环北极国家2001年和2005年的官方经济统计数据,对北极地区的经济状况、资源潜力和发展趋势作了统计和初步分析,结果表明:(1)2005年。北极地区国内生产总值(GDP)为2322亿美元,比2001年的1194亿美元几乎翻了一倍。相对于北美、北欧、俄罗斯其他地区,环北极国家的北极地区GDP对于全国的贡献不大.大部分不到1/10。(2)大部分北极地区以油气、矿物、木材、捕鱼等自然资源开采为第一经济支柱产业:在为数不多的民族自冶区或原住民居住地区保留了采撷、狩猎、毛皮加工等传统农业;金融、贸易、旅游等服务业在北欧和北美的少数北极地区有所发展。  相似文献   

翟浩明  石晶 《干旱区地理》2017,40(2):462-468
21 世纪以来,生态建设、绿色发展成为经济社会协调发展的重要内容,尤其对沙尘暴频繁、沙进人退现象严重、自然生态环境脆弱的塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘地区,生态文明建设意义深远。为此,以塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘地区麦盖提县为例,通过对麦盖提县概况与生态林业建设现状进行概述,运用生态学、经济学等相关理论方法从生态效益、经济效益、社会效益三个方面进行分析评估。结果表明:麦盖提县生态林建设带来的生态效益价值为5.43×108元,经济效益价值为25.84×108元,提供就业岗位6 300 个,解决5 243 人就业问题。生态林业发展效益明显,对于促进新疆政治社会和谐稳定、生态环境改善、经济繁荣可持续、广大群众脱贫致富意义重大。  相似文献   

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