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经济发展对地质工作的需求因时空条件而异:在时间上演进是动态的,空间分布是不均衡的。1与时俱进的需求在经济发展的长时期中,对地质工作的总体需求处于相对稳定状态,与之相适应的地质工作在惯性作用下逐渐从需求驱动演变为供给驱动。到经济发展的不同阶段转换时期,对地质工作的需求结构发生变化,地质工作也要随着以新的主导需求取代原来的供给驱动,才能跟上经济发展新阶段的要求。在中国经济建设的不同时期和不同经济体制下,地质工作驱动力也会发生某种程度的变化。1.1中国地质工作的不同定位和需求1952年初,中央政府制定了国家“一五”计…  相似文献   

宝玉石产品是特殊商品:宝玉石是一种个性很强的商品。钻石一向被认为是国际上价格最稳定的商品,实际上也在涨价。其他高档宝石和高档玉雕工艺品虽比不上钻石,但其保值作用也是显而易见的.中低档宝石市场在改革开放中随人们经济收入的增加将大幅度增长.这是不容忽视的国内需求市场。宝石产品中,经营高档宝石风险比较大,搞成本核算比较难。但是,由于比较少,不能  相似文献   

水是一种市场商品水的需求在空间和时间上的分配并不与自然界水的供给分配一致。这种分配上的差异需要空闻上靠输水建筑物调节,在时间上靠修建水库或者靠改变已有地表水或地下水的蓄水能力来调节。当这种调节可以经济地实现时,而且水质可以满足标准或可以经济地处理,则水就成为一种市场商品,成为与石油、天然  相似文献   

本文对钛金属资源概况及国内钛矿生产现状进行的阐述,通过多组数据参照对比,对钛的供给需求情况以及价格走势情况进行了分析,并对未来钛市场未来走势进行了预测。  相似文献   

张福良  季洪伟 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):143-144
当前我国正处经济增速减缓的新常态,供给侧结构性改革应运而生。我国乃至世界的矿业更是处于发展的严冬之季,产能严重过剩,大宗商品价格持续走低。在当前形势下,我们要用新常态眼光看待矿业未来发展之路,因地制宜,着力加强供给侧改革,刻不容缓。  相似文献   

金融危机逆转市场需求,矿产品全线下跌 由于全球范围的金融危机加剧了投资者对于世界经济面临衰退的担忧,国际市场各类大宗商品价格10月再度呈现暴跌态势。除了供需基本面的担忧外,国际金融市场持续动荡使得投资者拥有了更加强烈的投资避险意识,这也是商品期货遭到疯狂抛售的重要原因。  相似文献   

张掖市经济用水与水资源社会性稀缺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在投入产出理论的基础上,建立了价值-实物混合型的水资源投入产出模型,以张掖市为例,从各产业部门的用水特征、各产业部门间的水关系以及地区商品贸易等方面系统地分析了造成水资源稀缺的社会经济原因.结果表明:尽管张掖水资源短缺,但它却拥有一个较强耗水能力的经济体系,其经济系统运行对水资源的需求几乎是其当前可用自然形态水的两倍,远远超出其水资源供给能力,对当地有限的水资源产生了巨大的压力;各产业部门的用水特征及部门间的投入产出关系决定了张掖市经济生产对水资源产生的压力难以通过贸易的形式转移到其它富水地区,然而其贸易结构却造成每年都有相当数量的水资源随商品以虚拟水的形式流向外地,并最终导致了张掖市水资源的社会性稀缺.  相似文献   

土地供给侧结构性改革是指用改革的办法推进土地结构调整,减少土地资源的无效和低端供给,扩大有效和中高端供给,增强供给结构对需求变化的适应性和灵活性,促进土地利用方式转变。本文从上海资源环境紧约束的实际出发,围绕"人本化、网络化、社会化、数据化、法制化"的新常态和"五量调控"的新要求,从清理无效供给、加快低效供给"新陈代谢",增加有效供给、提高土地市场的适应性和开放度,引导节约集约用地、提升供给对需求的引领作用等方面介绍了上海土地供给侧结构性改革的政策设计与有益实践,为特大型城市推进土地供给侧结构性改革提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

中国能源研究会能源政策研究中心近日透露,今年的煤炭供需形势偏紧,煤炭价格看涨,理由是2011年是“十二五”开局之年,发展经济将是各级政府的主旋律,由此将带动煤炭需求增加,而供给方面,煤炭企业重组的推进、淘汰落后产能的实施将会减缓煤炭产能的增加速度。  相似文献   

三年内放开所有适宜商品价格据悉,国家一项物价改革方案即将开始实施,该方案要求在今后三年内,把所有适宜放开的物价全部放开,八年内形成新的价格体制。这套物价改革方案对今后政府管理价格的商品和逐步放开价格的商品都作了原则的规定,提出以此建立市场形成价格为主体的物价运行机制。物价改革方案确定了今后政府直接管理的价格,限制在以下五个范围:1、缺乏竞争而又对政治社会稳定和对国民经济长期发展有重大影响的商品和劳务价格,例如原油、天然气、少数稀有金属等。  相似文献   

铁是我国用量最大、用途最广的金属,新冠肺炎疫情期间国际铁矿石市场出现较多新变化,分析国际铁矿石供需和市场格局变化原因,研判未来趋势,对于保障我国铁矿石资源稳定供应具有重要意义.本文首先分析了新冠肺炎疫情下,全球钢铁产量、铁矿石供应和价格变化趋势,分析发现受新冠肺炎疫情影响,全球铁矿石供需格局进一步集中,呈现"两个国家,...  相似文献   

Gold has played an important role in the settlement and economics of the United States. Commercial production from 24 states totaled more than 420 million troy ounces (13,000 metric tons) from 1804 through 1995. There were, no doubt, early undocumented discoveries by Native Americans, but the first records are those from the mid-1600's in the east and from the 1770's in the west. Commercial production began in 1804 in North Carolina and spread among several Appalachian states in the 1820's and 1830's as placer deposits were discovered and exploited. After peaking in the 1830's and 1840's, Appalachian production began to decline as deposits were worked out and as miners moved westward in response to the news of the discoveries in California in 1848. Appalachian production virtually ceased with the Civil War while production from California and adjacent states remained at several millions of ounces per year. As the California Gold Rush waned, new discoveries brought the Rocky Mountain states, South Dakota, and Alaska into prominence. Local, state and total production responded to time of discovery, extent of placers, labor availability, technology, government mandates and, of course, the price of gold. By 1900, the major gold rushes had occurred and most of the major producing districts were defined; however, the fixed price of gold (since 1837) provided a decreasingly attractive incentive for more exploration and exploitation. The rise in the price of gold, during the Depression provided a powerful incentive to increase gold production, but one that was cut short by War Production Board Order L-208 which closed the gold mines in 1942. In the post-war period, the fixed price, combined with the prohibition of American gold ownership, again proved to be a disincentive and gold production dropped. The era of free gold price that began in 1968, followed by the permission for Americans to again own gold, brought new interest in gold with prices rising briefly in 1980 to US$850 per ounce and remaining above US$350 per ounce through 1995. This higher price, combined with the technology for bulk mining and processing of low grade ores, provided incentive for new exploration and exploitation. Consequently, gold production soared above 10 million ounces per year in the early 1990's with 65% coming from Nevada. There has been a general decrease in the grade of gold ores since the early 1900's and significant changes in the methods of recovery. Despite the decreasing grade, the reserves of recoverable gold have more than doubled since the early 1970's.  相似文献   

淤长型潮滩剖面形态演变模拟: 以江苏中部海岸为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘秀娟  高抒  汪亚平 《地球科学》2010,35(4):542-550
在泥质、砂质物质共存的淤长型潮滩, 其剖面的塑造受到潮流作用下堆积过程的控制.为探讨这种潮滩剖面的演变过程, 以江苏中部海岸为研究对象建立了大小潮周期性作用下的潮滩剖面演变模型, 模拟了潮滩均衡态剖面形态与初始坡度、潮差、沉积物供应量之间的关系及潮滩的持续淤长剖面.模拟结果表明: (1)淤长型潮滩剖面达到均衡态时的形态是上凸的, 且与初始形态无关; (2)在外源一定的条件下, 潮滩的宽度与潮差呈正相关; (3)外源物质供应越丰富, 潮滩宽度越大; (4)潮滩的冲淤状态由沉积物的供应量决定; (5)对大潮高潮位附近的无沉积带进行充填可实现对其长期持续淤长剖面的模拟; (6)有丰富沉积物来源的潮滩, 在调整至均衡态后仍持续向海淤长, 并在淤长过程中保持均衡态; (7)当在模型中输入有关江苏海岸的参数时, 模拟的潮滩宽度和坡度与江苏海岸的潮滩一致.   相似文献   

农用地转用生态补偿价格评估实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农用地价值是农用地功能与效益的综合体现,但由于对农用地价值缺乏完整认识,导致我国农用地大量被低价转为建设用地。以吉林省四平市为例,从完全资源价格角度出发,探讨了农用地生态价值构成,并利用资源环境经济学的影子价格法、市场替代法、碳税法对其生态价值进行评估。  相似文献   

新世纪全球核电及铀生产态势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析目前世界铀的供需情况及核电生产现状的基础上,对新世纪铀的生产、库存、消耗、价格等进行了展望。铀作为军民两用战略物资,其生产、库存、消耗等,受世界政治、经济、军事局势的影响。本文对新世纪全球核电及铀生产态势进行分析,试图给人们提供一个对思考未来铀工业发展前景。  相似文献   

Geomechanical changes may occur in reservoirs due to production from reservoirs. Study of these changes has an important role in upcoming operations. Frictional equilibrium is one of the items that should be determined during the depletion as it may vary with respect to time. Pre-existing faults and fractures will slide in regions where there is no frictional equilibrium. Hence, it may be concluded that reduction in pore pressure can initiate the sliding of faults. Whereas, it is also possible that faults will not exist after a certain time as production recovers the equilibrium. Casing shearing or lost circulation may be occurred due to faulting. In reservoirs which depletion leads to frictional equilibrium, decrease of fractures and faults leads to some variations in permeability. Hence, predicting the effect of depletion on frictional equilibrium is required in dealing with casing shearing or lost circulation in drilling of new wells. In addition, permeability modeling will be more precise during the life of reservoirs. Estimation of necessary time to create or vanish faults is vital to be successful in production from wells or drilling new wells. Achieving or loosing of equilibrium mainly depends on in situ stresses and rate of production. Estimation of the in situ stresses at the initiation state of reservoir is the key to study the state of faults. The next step is to predict the effects of depletion on in situ stresses. Different models are suggested in which decrease of horizontal stresses is predicted as function of pore pressure variation. In these models, different assumptions are made such as simplifying the poroelastic theory, ignoring the passing time, and considering the geometry of reservoir. In this article, a new model is proposed based on theory of inclusions and boundary element method. This state-of-the-art model considers the geometry of reservoir. In addition, changes of in situ are obtained as a function of time to reach to a more precise model capable of applying during the reservoir life. Finally, the model is imposed on real cases. The effect of depletion on faults is studied in reservoirs of normal and strike-slip stress regimes, and conventional and proposed models are compared. For this aim, in the first step, mechanical earth models of these two reservoirs are built using logging and coring data. Stress polygon method and poroelastic horizontal strain model are used for strike-slip and normal regimes, respectively. In reservoir 1 which is in a strike-slip stress regime, a fault is distinguished in formation microimaging (FMI) log. For this reservoir, the required time to achieve to frictional equilibrium is calculated. In the reservoir 2, the potential depth of fault sliding is analyzed and required time for faulting in that depth is predicted. The predicted time for satisfaction of frictional equilibrium using the proposed model has a significant difference with the predicted time using the previous methods. In addition, the proposed model predicts that different parts of reservoir 2 are willing for faulting during depletion. The previous model determines only one point that faulting may happen. It is necessary to use this new model to consider different important factors such as geometry and time to gain more accurate predictions.  相似文献   

随着不确定性因素在商业交易中的越来越突出的影响,考虑价格随机波动的动态定价研究成为管理经济学的重要课题。作者把随机误差所带来的不确定因素引入制造商主导定价数学模型,引入零售价格的期望、方差和转移价格的期望,将不完全信息博弈转化为完全信息博弈,并结合最优生产和存储模型,运用泛函极值方法解决供方先动需方后动的转移价格定价问题。获得了最优转移价格的预期龙的结构模型和预期价格与价格波动的比例关系,进而指出掌握定价主动权的制造商一方掌控了大部分利润。  相似文献   

When we think about the loss caused by natural disasters, we generally think about the direct economic loss. Although the direct economic loss is often obvious, the subsequent indirect economic loss can also be quite substantial. This research is a case study about the indirect economic impact of the Hunan electricity disruptions resulting from the 2008 snowstorms in southern China. Utilizing the computable general equilibrium model, this study shows that the indirect economic loss in Hunan Province resulting from electricity supply disruptions is estimated at USD 372 million over a 3-month recovery period. We also compare our results with other studies that use input–output models and discuss how the total regional economic resilience can mitigate economic losses through market substitutions and price changes.  相似文献   

后危机时代矿产品价格趋势分析   总被引:17,自引:13,他引:4  
王高尚 《地球学报》2010,31(5):629-634
通过对近50年来石油、铜、铝、镍价格变化趋势分析, 总结了矿产品价格长周期变化规律: 不变价格呈周期性下降趋势, 现价价格呈台阶状上升趋势。铜、铝、镍不变价格的绝对下降反映了人类技术进步带来生产效率的不断提高, 而石油不变价格的上升反映了资源稀缺程度对石油价格的重要影响; 由资源稀缺性决定的资源性商品的生产效率难以与其他商品生产效率同步提高, 必然以现价价格阶段性上涨实现价格平衡。结合矿产品成本、供需趋势和市场体系分析, 判断后金融危机时代矿产品价格平台为: 石油60~80美元/桶、铜3500美元/吨、铝2100美元/吨、镍14000美元/吨。  相似文献   

目前,我国年钢铁产量快速增长,造成市场上铁矿石供小于求,价格快速上扬。铁矿为北京市允许开采矿种,保有储量仅2亿吨,可供现有铁矿山开采35年,因此应加大铁矿资源的勘查力度,增添新的矿产地,满足钢铁生产的需求。北京密云、怀柔北部山区的变质岩中鞍山式铁矿石,为主要找矿方向。  相似文献   

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