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Turkish coastal zone elevation to sea level rise was illustrated using a digital elevation model and methods in a geographical information system. It was intended to determine several parameters such as population, settlements, land use, wetlands, contribution to national agricultural production, and taxes at risk using high-resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission topographic, orthorectified Landsat Thematic Mapper Mosaics and census data with geographical information system methods within 0- to 10-m elevation of the national level. All parameters were examined for coastal cities, coastal districts, settlements, and villages' status. It was found that approximately 7,319 km2 of land area lies below the 10-m contour line in Turkey and is, hence, highly vulnerable to sea level rise. Twenty-eight coastal cities, 191 districts, and 181 villages or towns are located below the 10-m contour line in the study area. The findings suggest that the Turkish Ministry of Environment should declare new areas protected and develop special environmental programs at the national level.  相似文献   

现存的约80%的亚马逊热带雨林位于巴西境内,因此巴西的研究者们正在致力于森林的可持续管理,利用森林固定更多的碳。然而,如大部分拥有较长海岸线的国家一样,巴西目前已经错失机会保护好另一种重要的碳储存库,即红树林、海草和海涂。9 000 km的巴西海岸线生长着由各类植物组成的各种生态系统,  相似文献   

Outlier Detection for Compositional Data Using Robust Methods   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Outlier detection based on the Mahalanobis distance (MD) requires an appropriate transformation in case of compositional data. For the family of logratio transformations (additive, centered and isometric logratio transformation) it is shown that the MDs based on classical estimates are invariant to these transformations, and that the MDs based on affine equivariant estimators of location and covariance are the same for additive and isometric logratio transformation. Moreover, for 3-dimensional compositions the data structure can be visualized by contour lines. In higher dimension the MDs of closed and opened data give an impression of the multivariate data behavior.  相似文献   

利用多光谱遥感数据提取植被污染信息的新方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
程博  刘少峰  梅雪峰 《现代地质》2005,19(3):458-464
有效监测植被污染的现状和变化是空间遥感技术的优势。根据植被在生长过程中在由红光和近红外波段组成的“植被视面”上的位置和迁移规律,提出了通过建立数学模型进行坐标旋转进而提取反映植被生长状况的绿度信息的方法,并且采用多光谱ASTER卫星遥感数据对江西德兴铜矿区的植被污染进行了应用研究。结果表明此方法可以消除土壤背景的影响,有效地判别植被长势的强弱,为在植被茂密覆盖区根据植被的长势和分布状况来判别生态环境状况提供了新思路,为其他相似的卫星数据的应用提供了科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

浅覆盖区基于ASTER 数据的蚀变矿物识别方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨长保 《地质与勘探》2009,45(6):761-766
国内外提取蚀变矿物的报道中,多数采用高光谱数据(图像和光谱曲线),而这两者具有数据价格昂贵和大范围进行反演蚀变矿物比较困难的缺点.ASTER在短波红外和热红外波段时刻画岩石中矿物成分具有一定的优势.本文选择内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗北部地区为研究区域,尝试用ASTER图像进行蚀变矿物识别的研究,并给出了对五种常见矿物提取的主成分分析方法.通过对提取结果的实地调查验证发现,本文所给方法对铁氧化物(褐铁矿和赤铁矿等)、绿泥石、高岭石等蚀变信息提取效果很好,鉴于伊利石和明矾石均以K~+、Al~(3+)和OH~-离子为主要成分,对区分二者的效果并不明显.  相似文献   

Giarrusso  C. C.  Carratelli  E. Pugliese  Spulsi  G. 《Natural Hazards》1999,20(2-3):295-309
Italian legislation provides for hazardcontingency plans to be prepared by the regional,provincial and local authorities. Despite the extentof damage often caused on the Italian coasts by theaction of the sea, sea related hazards have so farbeen usually ignored; only recently a limited budgetin some provinces was allocated for the analysis ofrisks related to storm damage.The present paper reports on the proceduresand the techniques employed and tested within theframework of the provincial contingency plan onthe coast of the Salerno province in Italy (Figure 1).The work was mainly oriented to the evaluation ofthe potential damage that can be caused by the directaction of waves on coastal areas and on thepreparation of hazard maps. The methods and the datathat can be used to evaluate the risks are reviewed here,first by rapid examination of the wave fieldformation offshore and its transformation on shallowwater and then by considering the run-up on beachesand infrastructures; the paper is focussed inparticular on these latter problems, which – formsome point of view – are original and specific tocivil protection problems.  相似文献   

The Mississippi River Delta Complex (MRDC) has experienced extensive wetland loss in the last century due, in part, to flood control levees that have isolated the lower Mississippi River and its sediment resource from adjacent wetlands. Reconnecting the River to these wetlands through diversions is being used and proposed on a larger scale for the future, to reduce wetland loss rates. However, some currently operating diversions (e.g., Caernarvon and Davis Pond) have been implicated in causing negative impacts on wetland ecosystem structure and function due to increased nutrient loads in diverted Mississippi River water combined with insufficient sediment delivery. Initial assessments of these concerns were carried out in a greenhouse setting where six nutrient enrichment treatment levels (control, NO3, NH4, PO4, SO4, and Combo [NO3?+?NH4?+?PO4?+?SO4]) were applied with and without sediment addition to 60 marsh sods from a Sagittaria lancifolia-dominated oligohaline wetland at rates simulating the Davis Pond Diversion of the Mississippi River. After 25 months, independent enrichment with N (regardless of form) and sediment was generally beneficial to wetland structure and function, while SO4 enrichment had the opposite effect, regardless of sediment addition. Simultaneous application of N and P (i.e., the Combo treatment level) ameliorated the negative impacts of SO4-loading, but the concurrent application of sediment did not, likely because the loading rate was based on a diversion that was designed to deliver water and not to maximize sediment input. Nonetheless, sediment input is critical to the sustainability of MRDC wetlands experiencing high rates of deterioration. Thus, optimizing future diversions to maximize sediment delivery, along with continued surveillance of negative nutrient effects, are recommended management decisions.  相似文献   

Holistic understanding of estuarine and coastal environments across interacting domains with high-dimensional complexity can profitably be approached through data-centric synthesis studies. Synthesis has been defined as “the inferential process whereby new models are developed from analysis of multiple data sets to explain observed patterns across a range of time and space scales.” Examples include ecological—across ecosystem components or organization levels, spatial—across spatial scales or multiple ecosystems, and temporal—across temporal scales. Though data quantity and volume are increasingly accessible, infrastructures for data sharing, management, and integration remain fractured. Integrating heterogeneous data sets is difficult yet critical. Technological and cultural obstacles hamper finding, accessing, and integrating data to answer scientific and policy questions. To investigate synthesis within the estuarine and coastal science community, we held a workshop at a coastal and estuarine research federation conference and conducted two case studies involving synthesis science. The workshop indicated that data-centric synthesis approaches are valuable for (1) hypothesis testing, (2) baseline monitoring, (3) historical perspectives, and (4) forecasting. Case studies revealed important weaknesses in current data infrastructures and highlighted opportunities for ecological synthesis science. Here, we list requirements for a coastal and estuarine data infrastructure. We model data needs and suggest directions for moving forward. For example, we propose developing community standards, accommodating and integrating big and small data (e.g., sensor feeds and single data sets), and digitizing ‘dark data’ (inaccessible, non-curated, non-archived data potentially destroyed when researchers leave science).  相似文献   

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data were used to investigate vegetation changes after Hurricane Katrina (2005) for the Weeks Bay Reserve and surrounding area of coastal AL. Landsat 5 satellite images were acquired before landfall (March 24, 2005), after landfall (September 16, 2005), and 8 months after landfall (April 28, 2006). The March 2005 to September 2005 image comparison showed that average NDVI values decreased by 49% after landfall. Continuing into the next year, average NDVI values were −44% lower in April 2006 than they were in March 2005. Among habitat types, the estuarine emergent wetland experienced the largest average NDVI value decrease (−64%). The estuarine emergent wetland NDVI values continued to decrease by −27% from September 2005 to April 2006, whereas other habitats increased in NDVI. This continued suppression of NDVI values was attributed to increased salinity from the storm surge and to regional drought conditions that occurred after landfall. These results provide insight into the sensitivity of coastal vegetation from the interactions of both tropical cyclones and long-term environmental conditions.  相似文献   

梭罗草在青藏铁路取土场植被恢复中的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
根据青藏铁路工程建设中的生态环境保护以及植被恢复建设的迫切需要,在青藏铁路沱沱河试验段高寒草原区取土场开展植被恢复的试验工作,主要研究和分析了梭罗草(Kengyilia thoroldiana(Oliv.)J.L.Yang,Yen et Baum)在青藏铁路取土场植被恢复中的应用,为青藏铁路工程建设中的取土场植被恢复提供科学依据.结果表明:青藏铁路建设过程中形成的取土场属次生裸地,其有机质含量为3.31 g·kg-1,pH为8.84.梭罗草为高原干旱地区乡土多年生草本植物,具有耐寒旱、抗风沙以及耐盐碱等特性.在取土场植物的出苗率接近50%,越冬率可达75%以上.恢复第2年植物群落盖度为41%,群落地上生物量和地下生物量分别达到(128.16±41.85)g·m-2和(266.50±95.69)g·m-2.可见,无论是种子萌发和植物越冬,还是植物个体生长发育以及人工植物群落特征,梭罗草表现出对青藏铁路沿线高寒干旱地区气候和土壤环境具有较好的适应性.只要采用高原乡土植物种类和采取相应的植被恢复技术措施,青藏铁路多年冻土区取土场次生裸地的植被快速恢复是可行的.  相似文献   

Metrics of fish production are often used to guide habitat restoration in coastal ecosystems. In this study, we present a general model framework to estimate the absolute production potential of fish (i.e., fish and large decapods) derived from coastal habitats. Production potential represents lifetime production, whether or not the fish uses the habitat of interest for their entire lifespan. The framework uses an age-structured Leslie population matrix with length-dependent survival and fecundity, coupled with growth and length-weight functions. Uncertainty quantification was also included and accounted for parameter dependencies using copulas. Given the limited abundance data available, we made the simplifying assumptions of steady-state populations and a direct scaling of the resultant proportional stable age distribution with observed fish density (in at least one age class). Literature values for regional estimates of mortality and growth were used. We applied our model using data of fish density from seagrass (Zostera marina, eelgrass) beds and bare soft-sediment bottom on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. A total of 22 species of fish was collected. Species-specific estimates of fish production potential from seagrass ranged from 8.6 × 10?3 to 50.0 g WW m?2 year?1, with uncertainty estimates being within the same order of magnitude as the median. Production potential of most fishes was enhanced by seagrass relative to adjacent bare sediment. The model framework can be adapted and extended to include increasing complexity (e.g., time dependencies) as more extensive data are acquired, and thus has application beyond that presented here.  相似文献   

Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

罗忠文 《地球科学》2002,27(3):267-270
在比较目前主要GIS存储方式的基础上,认为基于对象关系型数据库存储GIS数据是一种良好的选择。讨论了对象关系型数据库系统Postgre-SQL的特点及其适合于存储GIS数据的一些优异特性,主要包括基本的空间数据类型及内置空间操作符及可扩展机制等;并讨论了基于OpenGIS标准扩展该数据库以实现地理信息数据存储的方法,主要包括空间数据类型的扩展及空间操作扩展;最后讨论了三维地理信息系统的扩展,在三维数据结构方面采用单纯复型作为基本数据模型,在空间的几何属性中引入几何体的包围盒,并通过R-树等索引函数进一步提高速度。另外还实现了空间数据操作的两类重要函数,即空间位置判断和并、交、分、割、裁剪等物体运算函数。所有的内核函数基于C及C 实现,而在客户端通过JAVA实现服务器数据的访问。  相似文献   

为了准确计算泥质砂岩储层的Qv,提出了利用核磁共振测井计算Qv的方法,通过对56块同时具有阳离子交换量和孔隙度、渗透率数据的岩心样品的分析,建立了阳离子交换量与综合物性指数的关系模型。为了解决准确而连续地计算综合物性指数的问题,提出了利用核磁共振测井横向驰豫时间几何平均值求取Swanson参数、进而利用Swanson参数获取综合物性指数的方法。同时利用核磁共振测井法、自然伽马测井相对值法、自然电位测井图版法3种计算Qv的方法对准噶尔盆地南缘4口井资料进行了处理,并对处理结果作了对比分析。结果表明:在泥质砂岩厚层段,3种方法都可以简单而有效地计算Qv。与岩心资料相比,核磁共振测井法计算的相对误差为13%,自然伽马测井法计算的相对误差为19%,自然电位测井法计算的相对误差为22%;在砂泥岩薄互层,用核磁共振测井法计算的Qv比其它两种方法计算的结果更为可靠,更能反映地层的真实情况。  相似文献   

Embracing doubt, a signature strength of science, is an essential core component of an ignorance-based-world view (IBWV) that assumes the areas of certainty are small relative to the large field of ignorance. The contrasting knowledge-based world view (KBWV) assumes that small and mostly insignificant knowledge gaps exist. When the KBWV is combined with a sense of urgency to “do something,” then the intellectual landscape is flattened, the introduction of new ideas is impeded, monitoring and adaptive management is marginalized, risky behaviors continue, and social learning is restricted. The history of three coastal Louisiana land-uses (agricultural impoundment, marsh management, and dredging) is one of ignored and untested assumptions that might have provided a cause-and-effect means to avoid catastrophic land losses—the result of a KBWV that remains the primary perspective of Louisiana’s current coastal restoration and management program that includes river diversions and a proposed expansion of hurricane protection levees into wetlands. I argue from the pathology of results that willful adoption of an IBWV in the administration, management, and implementation of restoration will reduce the scale and diversity of significant missteps in the future, improve project efficiencies, and cause fewer unintended consequences that cannot (again) be retracted.  相似文献   

刘汉湖 《地质与勘探》2013,49(2):359-366
高光谱遥感作为全新的遥感技术,在我国目前处于探索研究阶段。本文在高光谱遥感图像处理基础上,对美国Cuprite矿区岩矿开展了基于像元统计和基于波谱特征的分类识别实验研究,提取了八类岩矿分布信息,并应用混淆矩阵评价了不同分类方法、不同岩矿种类的分类精度,研究成果表明:岩矿空间分布越集中,波谱特征越明显,其分类精度越高;分类方法上,基于波谱特征的分类法优于基于传统统计分析的分类法,这为高光谱遥感技术在遥感地质矿物填图的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在四川会理县银星地区1:2.5万化探工作中,分别采用传统数据处理方法、衬度异常法、分形法进行数据处理,分析结果认为:衬度异常法计算过程简单,但对高背景区域异常的分解效果不明显;分形法计算过程复杂,却能强化不同背景区的地球化学异常。具体工作中通过不同数据处理方法的组合,择优进行推断解译,具有强化弱异常信息,提高找矿效率的重要功效。  相似文献   

在四川会理县银星地区1:2.5万化探工作中,分别采用传统数据处理方法、衬度异常法、分形法进行数据处理,分析结果认为:衬度异常法计算过程简单,但对高背景区域异常的分解效果不明显;分形法计算过程复杂,却能强化不同背景区的地球化学异常。具体工作中通过不同数据处理方法的组合,择优进行推断解译,具有强化弱异常信息,提高找矿效率的重要功效。  相似文献   

Chesapeake Bay supports a diverse assemblage of marine and freshwater species of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) whose broad distributions are generally constrained by salinity. An annual aerial SAV monitoring program and a bi-monthly to monthly water quality monitoring program have been conducted throughout Chesapeake Bay since 1984. We performed an analysis of SAV abundance and up to 22 environmental variables potentially influencing SAV growth and abundance (1984–2006). Historically, SAV abundance has changed dramatically in Chesapeake Bay, and since 1984, when SAV abundance was at historic low levels, SAV has exhibited complex changes including long-term (decadal) increases and decreases, as well as some large, single-year changes. Chesapeake Bay SAV was grouped into three broad-scale community-types based on salinity regime, each with their own distinct group of species, and detailed analyses were conducted on these three community-types as well as on seven distinct case-study areas spanning the three salinity regimes. Different trends in SAV abundance were evident in the different salinity regimes. SAV abundance has (a) continually increased in the low-salinity region; (b) increased initially in the medium-salinity region, followed by fluctuating abundances; and (c) increased initially in the high-salinity region, followed by a subsequent decline. In all areas, consistent negative correlations between measures of SAV abundance and nitrogen loads or concentrations suggest that meadows are responsive to changes in inputs of nitrogen. For smaller case-study areas, different trends in SAV abundance were also noted including correlations to water clarity in high-salinity case-study areas, but nitrogen was highly correlated in all areas. Current maximum SAV coverage for almost all areas remain below restoration targets, indicating that SAV abundance and associated ecosystem services are currently limited by continued poor water quality, and specifically high nutrient concentrations, within Chesapeake Bay. The nutrient reductions noted in some tributaries, which were highly correlated to increases in SAV abundance, suggest management activities have already contributed to SAV increases in some areas, but the strong negative correlation throughout the Chesapeake Bay between nitrogen and SAV abundance also suggests that further nutrient reductions will be necessary for SAV to attain or exceed restoration targets throughout the bay.  相似文献   

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