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The available bandwidth of ocean acoustic channels is inherently narrow that impedes high-transmission rate and makes it difficult for multiple users to communicate simultaneously. To alleviate this problem, spatial diversity antennas are used to increase the date rate. In this paper, we employ the spatial diversity equalizers (SDE) to increase the effective channel bandwidth by minimizing the mean-square error (mse). Although joint equalizers have been used in digital telephone subscriber lines to suppress crosstalk, we apply the concept to ocean acoustic channels and show that multiuser communication is possible despite the narrow-channel bandwidth. In addition, we will show that the advantage of SDE is not because we use more taps, but because we collect the data carried through various ocean paths. By applying the saddle point integration method to multiinput multioutput (MIMO) channels, we compute the probability of error (PE) to show that a factor of 3-4 of channel reuse is possible  相似文献   

Stable adaptive teleoperation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A study is made of how the existence of transmission time delays affects the application of advanced robot control schemes to effective force-reflecting telerobotic systems. This application best exploits the presence of the human operator while making full use of available robot control technology and computing power. A physically motivated, passivity-based formalism is used to provide energy conservation and stability guarantees in the presence of transmission delays. The notion of wave variable is utilized to characterize time-delay systems and leads to a configuration for force-reflecting teleoperation. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated experimentally. Within the same framework, an adaptive tracking controller is incorporated for the control of the remote robotic system and can be used to simplify, transform, or enhance the remote dynamics perceived by the operator  相似文献   

海底油气集输管网可靠性评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘震  潘斌 《海洋工程》2003,21(4):104-109114
对海底油气集输管网进行了可靠性评估,提出了一种适用于树状海底油气集输管网可靠性评价的方法,将流可靠度和单元重要度的概念引入到海底油气集输管网可靠性的分析中,该方法能够有效地评价海底油气集输管网的可靠性。  相似文献   

应用电流梯度检测技术在滨海条件下进行了牺牲阳极保护下的海底管线外防腐层破损检测,并根据海洋环境的腐蚀特性设计了海底管线防腐涂层现场检测的有效实施方案.结果表明,该技术的检测方案可行,可以通过电流梯度法进行海底管线牺牲阳极和涂层破损检测.  相似文献   

Free floating subsea robots are often subjected to complex hydrodynamic loads due to waves/currents and wakes from nearby structures. This makes control extremely difficult. Good hydrodynamics data might counteract this. This paper presents hydrodynamics data for two configurations undergoing various combinations of steady translation and approximately steady rotation. The two configurations are: a spherical body with a single fixed link arm and a two link arm without a body. For both configurations neural networks were found to provide a reasonable fit to the data. We believe that such fits could be used to improve control.  相似文献   

通过分析不同类型水下采油树的特点及其优缺点,提出水下采油树设计时所需的主要参数。采油树的类型应根据不同的油田开发模式进行选择,在此基础上再制定水下采油树的整体设计方案。综合考虑水深、油藏的特性、井口装置的型式和采油作业的方式等方面的因素,在保证水下采油树强度、稳定性的条件下,进行具体的结构设计、流动保障设计、热绝缘设计、防腐设计和密封设计。同时,为确保水下采油树的安全性和可靠性,需要特别考虑水下采油树的材料问题,并进行可靠性分析和风险分析。  相似文献   

面对通航区很可能发生的船舶抛锚、落物以及沉船等事故造成的危险,使用新型沉箱防护设施对水下生产系统进行安全防护,但目前撞击载荷下沉箱防护设施的安全评估标准并无明确界定。采用有限元方法对水下生产系统沉箱安全防护设施的撞击损伤进行了深入研究,考虑不同落物形状、下落速度、落物质量、碰撞位置对沉箱防护设施撞击损伤的影响。结果表明,锚、长方体落物对沉箱撞击最严重;撞击速度和落物质量与撞击应力成正比;对于非对称开孔的沉箱顶盖,距离开孔较近区域为应力敏感区,受到撞击时撞击应力较大。  相似文献   

以海洋油气开发工程为实例,利用HYSYS和PIPEFLOW软件,分析了影响海底混输管网计算的若干因素,指出了HYSYS和PIPEFLOW的适用条件,最终确立了海底混输管网优化算法,提高计算效率。  相似文献   

海底海洋的观测探测,亟需大范围、长时间的观测平台。海底AUV有三大要点:适应海底机动性的结构、适应海底复杂环境的机敏运动性能、适应海底的水声通信定位技术。本文分析了海底AUV的发展与演变历程,凝练出海底AUV的关键技术难题,并相应地给出海底AUV水动力外形优化技术、海底AUV机敏运动控制技术、海底水声通信与定位导航技术、海底接驳与充电技术的解决思路。最后以碟形结构的水下直升机为例,给出了海底AUV的实践探索一例。本文将为海底AUV及其观测探测技术的发展提供指导意义。  相似文献   

随着海洋科学技术的发展和人类对于海洋油气资源认识的不断增加,海洋油气资源的开发从近海走向远海。作为海洋油气运输主要方式的海洋管道,其铺设问题成为焦点。常见海洋管道工程铺设方法为:拖曳铺设、卷筒铺设、J型铺设、S型铺设。通过引入先进的国际海洋工程软件OrcaFlex并结合国内外关于海洋管道铺设的工程手册及相关规范、标准,如DNV、API、AWS等,实时模拟研究S型海洋管道铺设过程。结合作者工作经历及实际海洋铺管工程背景算例分析,研究铺管上弓段接触点、悬垂段及触底段在铺设过程中的各自静力、动力特性。对海洋管道S型铺设过程中应该注意的一些有关设计、工艺和HSE低成本安全高效铺设等方面提出几点有用的意见。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments on conically shaped oil collectors beneath a marine riser are described. The collection concept involves oil, water and gas entering the collector and being driven into a separating sytem by gas-lift. A parametric study involving various collector shapes, heights above the wellhead, and gas, oil and water flow rates was carried out. The important dimensionless variables were identified and quantified with the conclusion that effective collection is possible if the collector height is sufficiently small and the ratio of water pumped to gas flow is sufficiently large. Increased collector heights can be accommodated at the expense of requiring increased water flows by use of larger diameter risers. The amount of gas required for most efficient oil collection is found to be much less than is expected to come from most blowouts when a single collector and riser system is used. This difficulty can be greatly diminished by the use of a specially designed gas-separating collector which passes most of the gas to the surface through a riser separate from the one which carries the liquids.  相似文献   

As there are no specific guidelines on design of subsea pipelines crossing active seismic faults, methods for land buried pipelines have been applied to. Taking the large seismic fault movement into account, this paper proposes improved methods for seismic designs of subsea pipelines by comprehensively investigating the real constraining of soil on the pipelines, the interaction processes of soil with the pipeline, the plastic slippage of the soil, and the elastic-plastic properties of the pipeline materials. New formulas are given to calculate the length of transition section and its total elongation. These formulas are more reasonable in mechanism, and more practical for seismic design of subsea pipelines crossing active faults.  相似文献   

When a subsea pipeline is laid on an uneven seabed, certain sections may have an initial elevation with respect to the far-field seabed, eo, and thus potentially affecting the on-bottom stability of the pipeline. This paper focuses on quantifying the effects of the upstream dimensionless seabed shear stress, θ, and Reynolds number, Re, on: (1) the maximum dimensionless seabed shear stress beneath the pipe, θmax, to be compared to the critical shear stress in order to determine whether scour would occur and progress towards an equilibrium state; and, (2) the dimensionless equilibrium scour depth beneath the pipe, Seq/D. Using a 2-D Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach along with the k-ω Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulence model, a parametric study involving 243 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations was conducted. The simulation results were used to develop a closed-form equation for the prediction of θmax. Subsequently, experimental measurements of Seq/D have been compiled from published literature, to develop a new closed-form equation for the prediction of Seq/D with a high correlation to the experimental data. In summary, we present two closed-form equations for the prediction of θmax and Seq/D for pipelines with an initial eo/D, which are applicable for both clear-water and live-bed conditions. The effects of θ and Re have been included, albeit Re having a small influence as compared to the other parameters.  相似文献   

水下采油设施下放是海上油气工程开发中的重要环节。经过长期发展,人们已研究出多种下放方法,但如何优选恰当的下放方法是尚待解决的问题。考虑海洋环境中可供数据源的复杂性、不确定性与不完整性,多目标、主客观要素并重是优选方法设计的重要准则。针对水下下放方法优选特点,建立对应评价指标体系。考虑评价指标体系多目标优选决策的特点,提出多目标非均一化灰色关联度模型;为更好地体现主客观要素并重并辩证表达决策者的主客观偏好,在非均一化处理中,运用回归原理与靶向偏差评价思想,提出变系数主客观权值修正模型。最后结合具体案例验证模型的可行性与有效性。结果表明,模型能够满足优选对象要求,对类似多目标主客观评价优选模型的建立具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

海底管道止屈器形式与设计方法研究概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
海底管道的屈曲传播特性对于其整体安全性是极其不利的,一旦发生屈曲传播,会使整个海底管道结构发生失效破坏,为了解决屈曲传播问题同时兼顾经济性的考虑,可以在海底管道上安装止屈器。通过对国外已有止屈器资料的广泛深入调研,首先对止屈器的主要形式进行了总结和对比分析,然后对止屈器的设计方法和流程进行了简要总结。为我国深水海底管道铺设过程中止屈器的选择和设计提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

The presence of a fractured zone at a tunnel face can threaten the stability of the tunnel by causing water leakage and degradation of the soil strength. In this case, to stabilize the tunnel face, the pore water pressure is generally reduced and the loss of soil particles is prevented by installing drainpipes. The installation of drainpipes, however, can cause the concentration of flow channels and other ground instability problems. In this paper, a novel pin-holed pipe anchor is proposed to overcome the problems occurring in subsea tunnels. The pin-holed pipe anchor is a pipe-type support member designed to reinforce the ground while simultaneously enabling flow into the tunnel. Here, the design requirements of the pin-holed pipe anchor were examined through material tests, and the structural–hydraulic characteristics of the pin-holed pipe anchor were investigated through a model test. Furthermore, the applicability of the pin-holed pipe anchor to an actual tunnel was evaluated by numerical analysis of actual tunnels. Through selection of an appropriate perforated drainage area and bonded length, the pin-holed pipe anchor contributed to the improvement of the structural and hydraulic stabilities of the tunnel.  相似文献   

深水水下管汇安装方法研究与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水下生产系统由于其在开发深水油气田和边际油气田时具有明显的综合经济优势,已被世界上很多国家作为油田开发的一种重要方式广泛研究和应用。基于大量水下生产系统开发方案和工程实例的调研,针对其中水下管汇安装的工程实例,在安装方法的确定、设计和应用方面进行了深入研究,总结了适应不同要求下的多种安装方法,列举和比较各自的优点和限制条件。为油气田开发尤其是深水油气田采用水下生产系统的开发方式时,选择合适的安装方法给出了参考和建议。  相似文献   

水下采油树井口连接器是连接采油树和井口的关键设备,对深海水下勘探开发及采油树的安装连接具有不可或缺的重要意义。以一种锁块式水下连接器为例,介绍其结构组成和工作原理,通过有限元建立连接器的三维模型,分析连接器在下放安装工况、连接锁紧工况、正常生产工况和钻完井工况下的连接性能,得出井口与采油树本体接触面作用力、VX钢圈接触应力和锁块受力情况随外部载荷的相互关系。结果表明,VX钢圈在整个过程中都能够保持良好密封,井口与采油树本体接触面未发生分离,弯矩对连接器连接性能影响很大,在额定弯矩作用时连接器部分锁块已发生弹塑性失效。  相似文献   

张力腿平台(TLP)水下丛式井口布局设计关系到立管服役期间的安全性,是含有丛式井口平台设计过程中考虑的主要因素。根据TLP立管安装、钻井以及防碰等要求,考虑尾流效应对丛式立管的影响,研究水下丛式井口布局设计准则,对丛式井口—立管系统进行碰撞分析以确定水下井口间距阈值,提出水下丛式井口圆形布局方法和相应的布局设计流程。通过算例对计算方法进行了具体运用。研究表明:与目前采用的"等边三角形网格"方法相比,水下丛式井口圆形布局方法可允许水下整体基盘安装位置误差达到水下井口间距阈值的20%,立管的最大倾角可达到0.5°,安装作业窗口增加1倍以上。本方法对水下整体基盘安装位置误差的容错能力强,能有效扩大丛式立管钻井和安装作业窗口,提高丛式立管作业安全性,研究结果可为TLP丛式井口的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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