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A high spatial resolution Ar–Ar dating study of compositionally zoned micas using UV laser extraction has been used to investigate the effect of composition and compositional boundaries upon argon diffusion in mica. The crystals are characterised by muscovite cores and Li–F–Rb–Cs-rich lepidolite rims produced by the interaction of a residual melt-vapour phase with the original muscovite during the late stages of pegmatite crystallisation. Single crystals exhibit dramatic intra-grain age variations, with a maximum range of 2,880–2,117 Ma. Backscattered electron images combined with UV-laser analyses reveal that apparent ages younger than 2,600 Ma are directly associated with the compositionally distinct rims, suggesting that Ar diffusion was faster in the lepidolite than in muscovite. Although it is not possible to be fully quantitative using the present data, it seems that argon diffusion rates in lepidolite are similar to those in biotite. Major rearrangements of the crystal structure needed to accommodate high concentrations of lithium, fluorine and large interlayer cations (Rb+, Cs+) in muscovite account for lower argon retentivity of the crystal rims. In most cases the age profiles show no disturbance at the compositional boundary, despite the transition from a di-octahedral to tri-octahedral mica, indicating that in general the boundaries do not act as fast diffusion pathways. However, in some cases there is a clear drop in ages at the compositional boundary, which acts as an effective sub-grain boundary. The difference between the two types may be related to the internal structure of the compositional boundaries or their degree of contact with the grain boundary network of the rock.  相似文献   

New single grain fusion and core-rim 40Ar/39Ar laserprobe phengite data from the Saih Hatat high-pressure terrane in NE Oman show that individual samples yield a range of apparent ages which is similar to that previously reported from across the entire terrane. The majority of the determined ages are older than the previously reported U-Pb zircon peak metamorphic age. Core to rim age variations within individual grains range from no discernible difference across the grain to grains with older cores, or, rarely, older rims; some samples manifest all three patterns. Numerical diffusion modelling shows that due to the peak temperature of ca. 550°C, the measured apparent ages cannot be explained by simple cooling or by partial retention of crystallisation or detrital ages in an open system. The age variability is better explained by spatially and temporally variable open or closed system behaviour at the mm-cm scale coupled with pervasive and heterogeneously distributed excess argon. Anomalously old eclogite phengite 40Ar/39Ar ages are due either to internally derived 40Ar inherited from a K-bearing precursor, or externally derived 40Ar distributed by grain boundary fluids. Mica-rich schists within the eclogite boudins yield younger phengite ages, suggesting excess argon was absent or diluted. Pelites hosting the eclogite appear to have been affected by later fluid ingress during deformation and greenschist-facies overprint and yield very variable ages commonly with apparently older rims on younger cores. The grain- and sample-scale age variations measured in Saih Hatat indicate that the grain boundary network in eclogite pods was not an efficient transfer pathway for argon transport, whereas the grain boundary network in the surrounding pelites acted as a more efficient pathway on the timescale of the metamorphic cycle.  相似文献   

Geotectonically the Fengyang and Zhangbaling regions belong to the North China craton and the Dabie-Sulu oragene, respectively. Neo-Archean gneiss and amphibolite and metamor-phosed sea-facies sodic volcanic rocks axe the main outcrops in the two regions, respectively. The Zhangbaling terrane strike-skipped along the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone in Mesozoic and Cenozo-ic eras and got close to the Fengyang terrane. Mesozoic Yanshanian intrusions occur broadly in thetwo regions. Gold-beating quartz veins occur in the metamorphic rocks in the Fengyang region and in the granodiorite and metamorphosed sea-facies sodic volcanic rocks in the Zhanghaling region.Generally, the formation of the auriferous quartz veins involved three stages. At the first stage,gold-poor sulfide quartz veins were formed; at the second stage gold-rich quartz sulfide veins wereformed; and at the third stage gold-poor barite and/or carbonate veins were formed. The 40^Ar/29^Ar step-heating plateau ages of the first-stage and the second-stage quartz aggregates from the Zhuding, Maoshan and Shangeheng gold deposits range between 116.1 0.6 Ma and 118.3 0.5 Ma and are pretty close to their least apparent ages and isoehronal ages, respectively. All plat-eau, least apparent and isoehronal ages range between 113.4 0.4 Ma and 118.3 0.5 Ma,which are considered as the formation age range of the quartz. It is reasonable and reliable to takethe 40^Ar/39^Ar age range of the quartz as the formation age range of gold-bearing quartz veins onthe basis of spatial relationship between gold-bearing quartz veins and their country rocks. Thegold deposits in the two regions were formed in Aptian, Cretaceous, when the Tancheng-Lujiangfault zone moved as a normal fault with slightly right-lateral strike-skip, was extensional and expe-rienced very strong magnmtic process. It is shown that the magnmtic hydrothermal fluid is a veryimportant part of the gold ore-forming hydrothermal fluid in the Fengyang and Zhanghaling re-gions. The formation of the gold ore deposits in the Fengyang and Zhanghaling regions had genetic relations with the extensional movement of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone and magmatic activities and took place under the extensional dynamic condition in Late Cretaceous. Therefore, the exten-sional movement of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone presented the energy and space for magmatic and gold ore-forming processes.  相似文献   

The Rodna Mountains afford the most internal structural window into the crystalline units of the Eastern Carpathians in Romania. The Rodna Mountains consist of Variscan metamorphic nappes that were restacked in the Alpine phase of Carpathian development forming the Subbucovinian and Infrabucovinian nappes. In order to evaluate age of deformation, ten samples were taken from the zone of greenschist facies mylonitic schist that marks the Alpine tectonic boundary between the Subbucovinian and Infrabucovinian nappes and 40Ar/39Ar laser single-grain ages determined for schistosity-forming muscovite. Microstructural assessment of quartz and muscovite distinguished two deformation events. Single-grain ages from the microstructurally most strongly reworked samples (four samples) give a tight clustering of ages at ca. 95 Ma. The least reworked schists have a broader clustering of ages spanning ca. 200–280 Ma with a late Permian peak and some samples showing outlier ages in the range 200–100 Ma. The relative development of the outliers, which correlates with evidence for increased microstructural reworking, is interpreted to mark progressive isotopic resetting. The ca. 95 Ma ages for the most reworked schists are estimates for the age of the Alpine nappe stacking. The ca. 200–280 Ma ages are similar to those of magmatism, metamorphism, and sedimentation thought to mark post-Variscan-pre-Alpine rifting and ocean basin formation in parts of the Alps and may be the thermal imprint of a related event in the Eastern Carpathians.  相似文献   

The Malkhan granite-pegmatite system located in Central Transbaikalia, in the southwestern portion of the Malkhan-Yablonovy structure-formational zone of the Caledonian folding comprises two granite massifs (Bolsherechensk and Oreshny) and a miarolitic pegmatite field of the same name, which adjoins the Chikoi deep-seated fault and Lower Cretaceous Chikoi rift depression in the north. The first 40Ar/39Ar data were obtained on porphyritic biotite granites of the Oreshny massif and on K-feldspar, muscovite, and lepidolite from the Oktyabrskaya pegmatite vein. According to these data, the age of the granitepegmatite system is 123.8–127.6 Ma, which is consistent with the age of Lower Cretaceous rocks from the Chikoi depression. The intimate spatial relationship and isochronism between the Chikoi depression and the Malkhan granite-pegmatite system are strongly suggestive of a rift regime that affected its evolution, thus highlighting the need to regard the evolution of this system as being intimately related to depression development. Such a model can easily be realized within the framework of the concept of a metamorphic core complex, which was used to explain the nature of Transbaikal-type rift depressions and conjugate granite-gneiss swells.  相似文献   

Noblesse multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer is specially designed for multi-collection of Ar isotopes with different beam sizes, especially for small ion beams, precisely, and hence is perfectly suitable for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. We have analyzed widely used sanidine, muscovite, and biotite standards with recommended ages of ~ 1.2–133 Ma, with the aim to assess the reliability of Noblesse for 40Ar/39Ar dating. An ESI MIR10 30W CO2 laser was used for total fusion or incremental heating samples. Extracted gases were routinely purified by four SAES NP10 getters (one at ~ 400 °C and others at room temperature). A GP50 getter and a metal cold finger cooled by liquid N (? 196 °C) were also attached for additional purification if necessary. The Ar isotopes were then measured by Noblesse using Faraday or multiplier according to the signal intensities. Over a period of 1.5 months 337 air calibrations produced a weighted mean 40Ar/36Ar of 296.50 ± 0.08 (2σ, MSWD = 4.77). Fish Canyon sanidine is used to calculate J-values, which show good linear relationship with position in irradiation. The age of four mineral standards (Alder Creek sanidine, Brione muscovite, Yabachi sanidine, and Fangshan biotite) are within error of the accepted ages. Five Alder Creek sanidine aliquots yielded an age range of 1.174–1.181 ± 0.013 Ma (2σ) which broadly overlaps the established age of the standard and the uncertainty approaches those of the foremost Ar/Ar laboratories in the world. The weighted mean ages of four Brione muscovite aliquots (18.75 ± 0.16 Ma, 2σ), five Yabachi sanidine aliquots (29.50 ± 0.19 Ma, 2σ), and three Fangshan biotite aliquots (133.0 ± 0.76 Ma, 2σ) are consistent with the recommended values of these standards, and the uncertainties are typical of modern Ar/Ar laboratories world-wide.  相似文献   

Resulting from study of the geological structure of the Franz Josef Land and Svalbard archipelagoes, this work presents new 17 40Ar/39Ar age datings for basalts taken during coastal expeditions in 2006–2010. Radiological age determination for intrusive units (sills) located in the western part of Nordensciold Land (Spitzbergen Island) has been made for the first time. In relation to use of the interpretation results of marine geological-geophysical data, the distribution peculiarities and time ranges for Jurassic-Cretaceous basic magmatism within the studied regions of the Barents Sea continental margin and within the Arctic as a whole are discussed.  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar geochronological method was applied to date magmatic and hydrothermal alteration events in the Mantos Blancos mining district in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile, allowing the distinction of two separate mineralization events. The Late Jurassic Mantos Blancos orebody, hosted in Jurassic volcanic rocks, is a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia-style Cu deposit. Two superimposed mineralization events have been recently proposed. The first event is accompanied by a phyllic hydrothermal alteration affecting a rhyolitic dome. The second mineralization event is related to the intrusion of bimodal stocks and sills inside the deposit. Because of the superposition of several magmatic and hydrothermal events, the obtained 40Ar/39Ar age data are complex; however, with a careful interpretation of the age spectra, it is possible to detect complex histories of successive emplacement, alteration, mineralization, and thermal resetting. The extrusion of Jurassic basic to intermediate volcanic rocks of the La Negra Formation is dated at 156.3 ± 1.4 Ma (2σ) using plagioclase from an andesitic lava flow. The first mineralization event and associated phyllic alteration affecting the rhyolitic dome occurred around 155–156 Ma. A younger bimodal intrusive event, supposed to be equivalent to the bimodal stock and sill system inside the deposit, is probably responsible for the second mineralization event dated at ca. 142 Ma. Other low-temperature alteration events have been dated on sericitized plagioclase at ca. 145–146, 125, and 101 Ma. This is the first time that two distinct mineralization events have been documented from radiometric data for a copper deposit in the metallogenic belt of the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Laser-probe dating of mylonite whole-rock samples from the North Tianshan—Main Tianshan fault zone that cross-cuts the North Tianshan domain’s southern margin yielded 40Ar/39Ar spectra with 255–285 Ma ages. Biotite from an undeformed, Early Carboniferous granite, which cuts the steep mylonitic foliation in the Proterozoic basement of the Yili arcs’s southern margin, gave a 263.4 ± 0.6 Ma plateau age (1σ). Pre-Carboniferous metasediments overlying this basement yielded plateau ages (1σ) of 253.3 ± 0.3 (muscovite) and 252.3 ± 0.3 (biotite) Ma. The Permian ages of mylonites date movement on these ductile, dextral strike-slip shear zones, whereas the mica ages are interpreted by recrystallisation as a result of fluid flow around such transcurrent faults. We propose that the Tianshan’s Permian syn-tectonic bimodal magmatism was created in a non-plume-related Yellowstone-like extensional–transtensional tectonic regime. Gold mineralisation, tracing aqueous flow in the crust, peaked in Permian time and continued locally into the Triassic. The picture is emerging that a convective fluid system partly driven by magmatic heat, existed in a strongly fractured and weakened crust with an elevated heat flow, leading to regional-scale isotope resetting. We suggest that surprisingly young isotopic ages in the literature for early orogenic (ultra)high-pressure metamorphism are similarly due to fluid-mediated recrystallisation.  相似文献   

The Late Triassic Central Patagonian Batholith is a key element in paleogeographic models of West Gondwana just before to the break-up of the supercontinent. The preexisting classification of units of this batholith was mainly based on isotopic and geochemical data. Here we report the results of field mapping and petrography, backed up by three new 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages, which reveal previously unnoticed relationships of the rocks in the batholith. Based on the new information we present a reorganization of units where the batholith is primarily formed by the Gastre and the Lipetrén superunits. The Gastre Superunit is the oldest magmatic suite and is composed of I-type granites which display evidence of felsic and mafic magma interaction. It is formed by 4 second-order units: 1) equigranular hornblende–biotite granodiorites, 2) porphyritic biotite–hornblende monzogranites, 3) equigranular biotitic monzogranites and 4) hornblende quartz-diorites. Emplacement depth of the Gastre Superunit is bracketed between 6 and 11 km (1.8–3 kbar), and the maximum recorded temperatures of emplacement are comprised between 660 and 800 °C. The recalculated Rb/Sr age is 222 ± 3 Ma and the porphyritic biotite–hornblende monzogranites yielded a 40Ar/39Ar age in biotite of 213 ± 5 Ma. On the other hand, the Lipetrén Superunit is made up by fine-grained biotitic monzo- and syenogranites that postdate magma hybridization processes and intrude all the other units. The recalculated Rb/Sr age for this suite is identical to a 40Ar/39Ar age in biotite extracted from one of its monzogranites (206.4 ± 5.3 and 206 ± 4 Ma, respectively). This and the observed textural features suggest very fast cooling related to a subvolcanic emplacement. An independent unit, the “Horqueta Granodiorite”, which has previously been considered as the record of a Jurassic intrusive stage in the Central Patagonian Batholith, gave a 40Ar/39Ar age in biotite of 214 ± 2 Ma. This and the reexamination of available isotopic data allow propose that this granodiorite unit is part of the Late Paleozoic intrusives in the region. The Late Triassic Central Patagonian Batholith is overlain by 190–185 Ma volcano-sedimentary rocks, suggesting that it was exposed sometime between the latest Triassic and earliest Jurassic times, roughly coeval with a major accretionary episode in the southwestern margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

Muscovite and biotite from a crustal-scale mylonite zone (Pogallo Shear Zone, southern Alps) were investigated using furnace step-heating and in-situ UV-laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Undeformed muscovite porphyroclasts yield 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 182.0ǃ.6 Ma, whereas in-situ UV-laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar dating and furnace step-heating of strongly deformed muscovite and biotite grains display a range of apparent ages that are systematically younger. The range of 40Ar/39Ar ages measured in the deformed muscovite and biotite is consistent with protracted cooling through argon closure in minerals that exhibit variably developed segmentation on the intra-grain scale. These microstructurally controlled segments are bound by either first-order lattice discontinuities, sub-microscopic structural defects and/or zones of high defect density, which create variable length-scales for intragranular argon diffusion. The observed deformational microstructures within muscovite and biotite acted as intra-grain fast diffusion pathways in the slowly cooled mylonitic rocks. Therefore, the high-spatial resolution 40Ar/39Ar data record the initial and final closure to argon diffusion over a time span of about 60 Ma.  相似文献   

We report here a40Ar-39Ar age of 66.0 ± 0.9 Ma (2σ) for a reversely magnetised tholeiitic lava flow from the Bhimashankar Formation (Fm.), Giravali Ghat, western Deccan province, India. This age is consistent with the view that the 1.8–2 km thick bottom part of the exposed basalt flow sequence in the Western Ghats was extruded very close to 67.4 Ma.  相似文献   

More than 100 volcanic necks composed of basanites and melanephelinites occur in Scania, southern Sweden, at the junction of two major tectonic lineaments, the Phanerozoic Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (STZ) and the Proterozoic Protogine Zone. New 40Ar/39Ar isotope analyses of whole rock fragments of nine selected basalt necks suggest that the Mesozoic alkaline volcanism in the Scanian province commenced earlier than previously reported and comprised three separate volcanic episodes that span a total period of ca. 80 Myr: a first Jurassic (191–178 Ma), a second at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary (ca. 145 Ma), and a final middle Cretaceous episode (ca. 110 Ma). The new results allow for precise time correlations between eruption events in the Scanian and those in the North Sea volcanic provinces. The older, early Jurassic event in Scania is largely synchronous with that in the Egersund Basin and the Forties field whereas the event at ca. 145 Ma is correlated with activity in the Central Graben. These volcanic episodes also correlate in age with Kimmerian tectonic activity. Volcanic activity in the middle Cretaceous period has also been dated in the triple junction in the North Sea and offshore in the Netherland Sector. The correlation of basalt volcanism in Scania with the Egersund nephelinites strongly suggest that volcanism was triggered by repeated tectonic activity along the STZ. Geochemical data of alkaline mafic rocks in the Scanian and the North Sea volcanic provinces imply that different provinces have largely unique geochemical signatures in favour of a heterogeneous mantle in the North Sea volcanic region. However, basalts of different generations in one and the same province cannot be readily separated on the basis of geochemistry, suggesting that the same lithospheric mantle was the source of repeated volcanism over time in each province. The data suggest a low degree of melting of a volatile-bearing mantle lherzolite enriched in incompatible elements with the exception of the Forties basalts in the rift centre, produced by larger degree of melting and evolved by fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Mineralization and alteration events at ten Miocene porphyry Cu and porphyry-related epithermal mineral deposits in southern, central, and northern Ecuador were dated by means of molybdenite Re-Os, biotite and alunite 40Ar/39Ar, and titanite U-Pb geochronology. Most of these hydrothermal events show a spatio-temporal correlation with porphyry intrusion emplacement as constrained by zircon U-Pb ages. The total age range for these events spans the 23.5–6.1 Ma period, without displaying systematic along- or across-arc age distribution trends. While epithermal deposits tend to be spatially associated with volcanic rocks of a similar age, porphyry Cu deposits in Ecuador are frequently spatially associated with deeper-seated basement units and batholith-scale precursor intrusive systems assembled over ≥5 m.y. time periods. In most cases, formation of the porphyry Cu deposits is related to the youngest magmatic (-hydrothermal) event in a given area, postdating batholith construction at a regional scale. The majority of Miocene deposits occurs in southern Ecuador where areally extensive, post-mineralization (late Miocene to recent) volcanic sequences with the potential to conceal mineralization at depth are lacking. Only few Miocene deposits occur in northern-central Ecuador, where they mainly crop out in the Western Cordillera, west of the productive present-day volcanic arc. The surface distribution of post-mineralization arc volcanism reflects along-arc variations in subducting slab geometry. Porphyry Cu and epithermal deposits in Ecuador define a Miocene metallogenic belt broadly continuous with its coeval counterpart in northern-central Peru. Although both belt segments were formed in an overall similar tectonomagmatic and metallogenic setting, their respective metal endowments differ significantly.  相似文献   

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