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月池内流体存在活塞和晃荡两类振荡现象。基于线性势流理论,推导了波浪斜向入射下,直墙前矩形月池辐射和绕射问题的解析解。通过分离变量法和特征函数展开法求解了速度势函数,根据边界条件来确定速度势函数中的未知系数,由速度势函数计算斜向波与矩形月池相互作用的水动力系数和波浪激励力,对它们的变化规律进行了分析讨论,研究了底部开口大小、波浪入射角度对矩形月池水动力特性的影响以及直墙远近对波浪力的影响。结果表明,月池底部开口大小对流体水平作用的影响较小,而对流体垂直作用的影响较大;波浪入射角度的变化对矩形月池横荡和横摇运动时的水动力特性有一定的影响;在一定条件下,直墙的存在会使得月池在水平方向所受到的波浪力比开敞水域中的要大。  相似文献   

The mixing and circulation associated with a bathymetrically arrested estuarine front was studied using hydrographic and current data. A quasisteady front, exhibiting strongly convergent surface flows, is formed along the steeply sloping inner margins of the flood tide delta during each semidiurnal tide cycle. This front separates the brackish ambient water within a deep estuarine basin from the incoming oceanic tidal water. The position of the front is dependent on the local water depth and the difference in density between the two water masses. Beneath the surface there is an inclined frontal interface where static stability is very low and vertical mixing intense. A vertically integrated horizontal momentum equation was derived for flow in the upper layer and an estimate made as to the value of the associated entrainment coefficient.  相似文献   

The results from a~1 km resolution HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), forced by 1/2° Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS) atmospheric data, were used in order to study the dynamic response of the Persian Gulf to wintertime shamal forcing. Shamal winds are strong northwesterly winds that occur in the Persian Gulf area behind southeast moving cold fronts. The period from 20 November to 5 December 2004 included a well defined shamal event that lasted 4–5 days. In addition to strong winds (16 m s?1) the winter shamal also brought cold dry air (Ta=20 °C, qa=10 g kg?1) which led to a net heat loss in excess of 1000 W m?2 by increasing the latent heat flux. This resulted in SST cooling of up to 10 °C most notably in the northern and shallower shelf regions. A sensitivity experiment with a constant specific humidity of qa=15 g kg?1 confirmed that about 38% of net heat loss was due to the air–sea humidity differences. The time integral of SST cooling closely followed the air–sea heat loss, indicating an approximate one-dimensional vertical heat balance. It was found that the shamal induced convective vertical mixing provided a direct mechanism for the erosion of stratification and deepening of the mixed layer by 30 m. The strong wind not only strengthened the circulation in the entire Persian Gulf but also established a northwestward flowing Iranian Coastal Current (ICC, 25–30 cm s?1) from the Strait of Hormuz to about 52°E, where it veered offshore. The strongest negative sea level of 25–40 cm was generated in the northernmost portion of the Gulf while the wind setup against the coast of the United Arab Emirates established a positive sea level of 15–30 cm. The transport through the Strait of Hormuz at 56.2°E indicated an enhanced outflow of 0.25 Sv (Sv≡106 m3 s?1) during 24 November followed by an equivalent inflow on the next day.  相似文献   

The current study was carried out over a period of one year to characterise the coastal migrant fishery of Kenya. The study looked at gears and vessels used, and ownership, demographic factors including ages of the fishers and family sizes, migrant activity and resource conservation at two main fishing villages in Kenya; Vanga and Mayungu in the south and north coasts, straddling at 4.663°S and 39.215°E and 3.214°S and 40.135°E respectively. Further, the fishers were categorised with regard to fishing, gear and vessel operation and trade, and evolution upon entry into the fishery was also assessed in order to define fisher-stake in the fishery for resource management and conservation planning. Structured questionnaires were used to interview the fishers, and data and information recorded from 1018 fishers during the survey. Migrants accounted for over 63% of the fishers in the two study sites, with majority of the fishers lying in the 15–45 year age bracket. Dependence level averages at 4–6 person families per fisher. Entry to the fishery was mainly at seamen level, progressing to fishermen and finally to fish dealers (tajiris), with the latter holding >62% capital in the fishery. Resource management in the fishery was low and only 10% of the fishers were active participants in marine conservation and community beach management issues. Fisher migrations were mainly monsoon season-linked (>58%) although social factors such as family location determined to a great extent the expanse of the migrations. The revival of fisheries cooperatives and active participation in community resource management and conservation groups is envisaged as the key to the sustainability of both the marine resources and the economies associated with this high mobility, cross-border fishery.  相似文献   

哺乳动物类白蛋白家族成员包括白蛋白(albumin,ALB)、维生素D结合蛋白(vitamin D binding protein,DBP)、甲胎蛋白(alpha-fetoprotein,AFP)和alpha-白蛋白(afamin,AFM)以及甲胎蛋白相关蛋白(alpha-fetoprotein related pro...  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing observations show that during winter, sea surface temperature (SST) presents the structure of double warm tongues in the Huanghai Sea trough:the western and the eastern warm tongues. Numerical experiments based on POM are carried out to study the forming mechanism of this thermal structure and its relation to the Huanghai Sea Warm Current (HSWC). The control experiment reproduces this phenomenon quite well, and comparing experiments investigate the effect of wind and tide. It is found that the western warm tongue is mainly caused by the HSWC, which can be strengthened by wintertime southward wind. The eastern warm tongue develops under the influence of an anti-clockwise circulation which is induced by the temperature front of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass (HSCWM) in summer and autumn. In the eastern portion of this circulation, the northward current carries warm water to the north, forming the eastern warm tongue, which remains till winter.  相似文献   

The Okinawa marginal basin was opened by crustal extension into the Asian continent, north of the Taiwan collision zone. It is located behind the Ryukyu Trench subduction zone and the Ryukyu active volcanic arc. If we except the Andaman Sea, the Okinawa Trough is the only example of marginal backarc basin type, opened into a continent at an early stage of evolution. Active rifting and spreading can be observed. Synthesis of siesmic reflection, seismic refraction, drilling, dredging and geological field data has resulted in interpretative geological cross sections and a structural map of the Ryukyu-Okinawa area. The main conclusions of the reconstruction of this backarc basin/volcanic arc evolution are. (1) Backarc rifting was initiated in the volcanic arc and propagated along it during the Neogene. It is still active at both ends of the basin. Remnants of volcanic arc are found on the continental side of the basin. (2) There was synchronism between opening and subsidence of the Okinawa Trough and tilting and subsidence of the forearc terrace. The late Miocene erosional surface is now 4000 m below sea-level in the forearc terrace, above the trench slope. Retreat and subsidence of the Ryukyu trench line relative to the Asian continental plate, could be one of the causes of tilting of the forearc and extension in the backarc area. (3) A major phase of crustal spreading occurred in Pliocene times 1.9 My ago in the south and central Okinawa Trough. (4) En échelon rifting and spreading structures of the central axes of the Okinawa Trough are oblique to the general trend of the arc and trench. The Ryukyu arc sub-plate cannot be considered as a rigid plate. Rotation of 45° to 50° of the southern Ryukyu arc, since the late Miocene, is inferred. The timing and kinematic evolution of the Taiwan collision and the south Okinawa Trough opening suggest a connection between these two events. The indentation process due to the collision of the north Luzon Arc with the China margin could have provoked: lateral extrusion; clockwise rotation (45° to 50° according to palaeomagnetic data) and buckling of the south Ryukyu non-volcanic arc; tension in the weak crustal zone constituted by the south Ryukyu volcanic arc and opening of the south Okinawa Trough. Similar lateral extrusions, rotations, buckling and tensional gaps have been observed in indentation experiments. Additional phenomena such as: thermal convection, retreating trench model or anchored slab model could maintain extension in the backarc basin. Such a hypothetical collision-lateral backarc opening model could explain the initiation of opening of backarc basins such as the Mariana Trough, Bonin Trough, Parece Vela — Shikoku Basin and Sea of Japan. A new late Cenozoic palaeogeographic evolution model of the Philippine Sea plate and surrounding areas is proposed.  相似文献   

台湾海峡西部冬季余流的时空变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new data set of observations by six cruises of ship-mounted acoustic doppler current profiler(SADCP) and three 40 d long bottom-mounted ADCPs(BADCPs) is employed to reveal the spatiotemporal variability of tidal and subtidal currents in the western Taiwan Strait(TWS) during winter season. The results confirm the existence of intense cotidal lines for M_2 tidal current, which is located north of 25°N. In this case, no existence of an amphidromic point can be identified. It is also revealed that the counter-wind current(CWC) can extend through the whole western TWS and even occupy the entire water column during winter monsoon relaxation. However,this CWC is observed to be thoroughly overwhelmed by the downwind China coastal current(CCC) during the two big monsoon bloom events in the winter of 2007, and the CCC consequently extends southward throughout the western TWS instead. Most importantly, the variation of the spatial extent for the CWC and the CCC in the western TWS is found to be well explained by the first two modes of the vector empirical orthogonal function(VEOF) analysis, that is, it is mainly controlled by a wind-driven quasi barotropic current as the first mode and slightly modulated by a relatively weak background current with a first-order baroclinic structure as the second mode.  相似文献   

The shipping of water is a problem that affects naval and offshore structures. Estimating its propagation on the decks of these structures by using analytical methods has been a main concern of projects. However, classical approaches disregard the decay tendency of water elevation time series and tend to overestimate the resultant water on deck. This paper is concerned with estimating the evolution of water along the deck of a fixed structure due to shipping water events. An analytical convolution model is proposed to estimate water elevations. The model considers the freeboard exceedance time series and the mean shipping flow velocity as inputs and the frictional effects of the bottom by resistance coefficients, which enables an approximated representation of the water elevation time series over the deck. It was validated with experiments of isolated shipping water events that were generated with the wet dam-break approach. The results obtained with the proposed model captured the experimental results, approximating the peak values and the decay trend of time series. Improvement of the proposed approach over classical models to represent shipping water elevations was demonstrated by comparing the results obtained with those of the dam-break model of Stoker.  相似文献   

结合卫星遥感海表温度、三维再分析温度资料和数值模拟结果,研究了东海黑潮温度锋从海表到底层的三维结构特征.结果 表明:东海黑潮海表温度锋在冬季和春季较强,秋季次之,夏季消失.多年平均的东海黑潮海表温度锋区范围主要在70~700m水深区域,温度锋的中心线与黑潮的流轴大致平行,在济州岛以南的黑潮中段区域有北上的分支.受台湾暖...  相似文献   

由于钓鱼岛隆起的地质与地球物理资料相对缺乏,前人对该区域系统研究较少,关于其构造演化存在许多争议。本文通过重磁资料,结合反射地震剖面解释研究了西湖凹陷东侧的中段钓鱼岛隆起的构造与沉积特征,并进一步完善了其演化模式。研究结果表明,隆起内部存在多个残余凹陷,残留地层具有“北多南少”的分布特征,据此以舟山-国头断裂为界,可以将中段钓鱼岛隆起进一步分为南、北两个亚段。南、北亚段边界处在舟山-国头断裂的延长线上。同时,隆起西部的岩浆岩体分布于平坦剥蚀面T20之下,而东部存在岩浆活动引起的“基底尖峰”,空间重力异常的梯度带恰好与“基底尖峰”的西缘对应,以“基底尖峰”的西缘为界,将中段钓鱼岛隆起大致分成东、西两区,其中西区又可以进一步分为发育岩浆岩体的西Ⅰ区和局部残留凹陷的西Ⅱ区。西区由西湖凹陷经构造反转与岩浆活动改造而成,东区保留了古隆起。综合分析推断,中段钓鱼岛隆起是在古隆起的基础上经历多次构造与岩浆活动演化而成。  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2002,4(2):121-135
Numerical studies of surface ocean fronts forced by inhomogeneous buoyancy loss show nonhydrostatic convective plumes coexisting with baroclinic eddies. The character of the vertical overturning depends sensitively on the treatment of the vertical momentum equation in the model. It is less well known how the frontal evolution over scales of O(10 km) is affected by these dynamics. Here, we compare highly resolved numerical experiments using nonhydrostatic and hydrostatic models and the convective-adjustment parametrization. The impact of nonhydrostatic processes on average cross-frontal transfer is weak compared to the effect of the O(1 km) scale baroclinic motions. For water-mass distribution and formation rate nonhydrostatic dynamics have similar influence to the baroclinic eddies although adequate resolution of the gradients in forcing fluxes is more important. The overall implication is that including nonhydrostatic surface frontal dynamics in ocean general circulation models will have only a minor effect on scales of O(1 km) and greater.  相似文献   

Using a variational inverse model, a wintertime ocean circulation is obtained in the East Sea of Korea bounded by transects of 34° N, 38° N in latitude and 132° E in longitude and coastlines. The hydrographic data observed by FRDAK (Fisheries Research and Development Agency of Korea) are used for determining the vertical structure and also used as data constraints. In the current study, the model was constrained only by the geostrophic balance and bottom topography. Preliminary model results showed that the vertical distributions of temperature in February 1983 were homogeneous in the coastal region south of 35°30′ N and that the extension of cold water mass along the eastern coast of Korea was noticed in the northern part of the study area. Meandering northward flows with the scale of 150 km are also observed to be dominant in the surface layer (10–100 m).  相似文献   

By using existing data obtained in the offshore area from the Boso Peninsula to the Joban Coast, it was shown that the double structure of the Kuroshio Front — which is usually found along the northern edge of the Kuroshio Extension to the east 143°E (Nagataet al., 1986 ; Shinet al., 1988) — is hardly found at the edge of the Kuroshio when it is flowing along the Japanese coast or in the area to the west of 142°E. It was suggested that the cold and fresh water core beneath the density front of the double structure originates from the fresh and cold Oyashio Water which is captured beneath the Kuroshio Front just off the Kashima Coast. The double structure of the Kuroshio Front would be generated and developed very rapidly in the region between 142°E and 143°E just after the Kuroshio leaves the Japanese coast.  相似文献   

PDO的三维空间结构和时间演变特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用再分析次表层海温资料和CCSM3模式的1870-1999年130 a模拟试验的结果,分析了北太平洋年代际变化(PDO)的三维空间结构和时间演变特征.结果表明,CCSM3模式较好的模拟了北太平洋年代际变化的主要特征,对再分析资料和模式结果的分析都表明从北太平洋表层至次表层的中层,年代际变化是非常显著的,PDO不仅仅局...  相似文献   

Below the sill depth (at about 2400 m) of the Alpha-Mendeleyev ridge complex, the waters of the Canada Basin (CB) of the Arctic Ocean are isolated, with a 14C isolation age of about 500 yr. The potential temperature θ decreases with depth to a minimum θm≈−0.524°C near 2400 m, increases with depth through an approximately 300 m thick transition layer to θh≈−0.514°C, and then remains uniform from about 2700 m to the bottom at 3200–4000 m. The salinity increases monotonically with depth through the deep θm and transition layer from about 34.952 to about 34.956 and then remains uniform in the bottom layer. A striking staircase structure, suggestive of double-diffusive convection, is observed within the transition layer. The staircase structure is observed for about 1000 km across the basin and has been persistent for more than a decade. It is characterized by 2–3 mixed layers (10–60 m thick) separated by 2–16 m thick interfaces. Standard formulae, based on temperature and salinity jumps, suggest a double-diffusive heat flux through the staircase of about 40 mW m−2, consistent with the measured geothermal heat flux of 40–60 mW m−2. This is to be expected for a scenario with no deep-water renewal at present as we also show that changes in the bottom layer are too small to account for more than a small fraction of the geothermal heat flux. On the other hand, the observed interfaces between mixed layers in the staircase are too thick to support the required double-diffusive heat flux, either by molecular conduction or by turbulent mixing, as there is no evidence of sufficiently vigorous overturns within the interfaces. It therefore seems, that while the staircase structure may be maintained by a very weak heat flux, most of the geothermal heat flux is escaping through regions of the basin near lateral boundaries, where the staircase structure is not observed. The vertical eddy diffusivity required in these near-boundary regions is O(10−3) m2 s−1. This implies Thorpe scales of order 10 m. We observe what may be Thorpe scales of this magnitude in boundary-region potential temperature profiles, but cannot tell if they are compensated by salinity. The weak stratification of the transition layer means that the large vertical mixing rate implies a local dissipation rate of only O(10−10) W kg−1, which is not ruled out by plausible energy budgets. In addition, we discuss an alternative scenario of slow, continuous renewal of the CB deep water. In this scenario, we find that some of the geothermal heat flux is required to heat the new water and vertical fluxes through the transition layer are reduced.  相似文献   

The intensification of upwelling front and two-cell circulation is studied numerically in a two dimensional level model. Upwelling front is set initially with longshore geostrophic flow. The uniform wind stress forces the ocean which has an infinite north-south coast line. Two-cell circulation, downwelling just inshore-side of the front and upwelling offshore-side, is induced, and the front is intensified. It is found that the intensification is occurred in the inshore-side of the front, and the intensification is basically due to the deviation from the thermal-wind balance, as is shown bySuginohara (1977). It is found that the inshore-side cell intrudes under the pycnocline. It seems to reproduce the observed two-cell circulation.  相似文献   

Wave-induced seabed instability in front of a breakwater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D.S. Jeng 《Ocean Engineering》1997,24(10):887-917
The wave-induced soil response in a porous seabed has become an important factor for the stability of offshore facilities, because many marine structures may have failed due to seabed instability and concomitant subsidence. An analytical solution is presented for the wave-induced soil response under the action of a three-dimensional wave system. Based on this general solution, the mechanism of seabed instability is then investigated. The general solutions for pore pressure and effective stresses are readily reducible to two dimensions for progressive waves, and are compared to theoretical and experimental work available. Some dominant factors affecting the wave-induced seabed instability are discussed; including permeability, seabed thickness and degree of saturation.  相似文献   

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