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本文根据动画地图表示内容和常用动画技术的特点,对二维动画地图的表示方法进行了探讨。归纳了基于空间分布特征的表示方法、基于动画地图用途的表示方法和基于动画技术的表示方法及其分类,并讨论了影响选择表示方法的因素和几种表示方法相互配合的应用规律,对动画地图可视化的理论与技术的研究有一定参考。  相似文献   

公开地图的表示关乎国家安全、领土完整、民族尊严,具有严肃的政治性、严密的科学性和严格的法定性。动画效果地图是大众喜闻乐见而又十分有效的信息传播载体。但在公开表示方面存在盲区,是"问题地图"的高发区,可能造成严重的不良影响。本文总结了动画效果地图的常见类型、高发问题及成因,提出了动画效果地图表示方法建议,明确了地图底图和动画效果都要符合公开地图表示有关要求,对动画效果地图的制作和公开使用具有一定的指导性和启发性。  相似文献   

COVID-19疫情期间,为了让疫情的确诊疑似病例数量、定点医疗机构分布、确诊患者的行动轨迹更为直观可视,通过对接福建省卫健委的疫情统计数据,利用地图动态渲染、地图聚合等地图前端绘制技术,实现疫情动态变化信息的地图表达。基于天地图·福建的地图服务接口,采用leaflet地图框架,基于微信公众号设计福建省新冠肺炎疫情动态分析系统,从地图的视角动态展示福建省新冠肺炎的发展过程,包含了疫情分区、定点医院、确诊病例轨迹等信息的地图可视化,直观易懂地展示福建省新冠疫情的发展态势,为政府对疫情防控提供决策依据,同时也为类似需求项目的开展提供了解决思路。  相似文献   

根据动画地图的特点,考虑动画地图的空间认知特性,提出了感知变量这一新概念,将传统动画地图设计中常用的视觉变量进行拓展,并对感知变量的分类进行了阐述,指出听觉变量和触觉变量等具有较好的辅助作用。另外,通过新闻动画地图的设计与实现,总结了感知变量在动画地图中的作用及应用规律,并指出感知变量的研究对电子地图设计具有较大的理论意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,江西省卫健委通过官方网站每日发布疫情信息,各商业平台也积极发布疫情地图信息,让公众了解疫情的最新态势、政策措施和工作进展,有效缓解了公众的焦虑情绪。但分析发现公布的疫情信息存在以文字描述为主、位置信息模糊、县级以下详细程度不足等问题。提出了基于"天地图·江西"平台研制疫情专题图和开发江西疫情地图移动端的设计方案,利用"天地图·江西"现有的GIS服务资源和数据优势,快速将疫情数据空间化并发布疫情专题图,构建WebGIS架构开发江西省疫情地图移动端,为疫情数据发布和公众了解疫情信息提供直观、可读性强的可视化平台。  相似文献   

基于FLASH的CS4开发环境,从矢量地图制作、地图信息添加、动画效果应用、地图缩放和鹰眼等功能的实现出发,探讨一种成本低廉、维护方便、易于发布的电子地图制作方法。  相似文献   

本文通过舆情大数据对我国及美国使用的8款疫情地理信息应用程序进行疫情防控、疫情地理信息应用之间的关系分析,形成了3方面的认识:①测绘地理信息在疫情防控中具有比较重要的作用;②与美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学疫情地图相比,我国的疫情地图网站、APP应用程序等仍是获取国内疫情地理信息的主要渠道;③由企业提供的疫情地理信息应用比由政府部门提供的疫情地理信息应用影响广、应用深。  相似文献   

本文首先指出在WinGIS系统及其他图形工具,电子地图等软件在缩放漫游方面所存在的问题,在此基础上提出了一种使用地理逻辑窗口对地图进行动态裁剪与动画式显示并顾及多尺度与地图综合的缩放漫游方法,从而可以快速而稳定地对跨图幅地图进行了无级缩放和自由漫游。  相似文献   

针对疫情地图对街道小区层级疫情信息表达的详细程度不足、用户体验感不够友好等问题,提出了市级尺度疫情电子地图的设计和制作方法,主要展现不同疫情阶段地市级、街道小区层级的疫情情况.在设计中重点考虑用户需求的变化及其用图体验,深入研究了市级尺度疫情电子地图的底图设计、表示内容设计和静动态显示设计的方法.并以河南省郑州、信阳、...  相似文献   

随着中国与海上丝绸之路沿线国家合作的深入,越来越多的国家特色专题内容被引入地图。本文将增强现实技术应用到《海上丝绸之路》地图设计,使用Unity开发引擎和Vuforia SDK,研究并实现了交互式的地图虚拟信息APP开发。使用智能手机实时扫描地图,虚拟展示3D动画或图文,通过点击、缩放等交互方式扩展地图内容,提高地图的信息容量。  相似文献   

Animation is an important method of communicating information that lends itself to cartographic display. Cartographers may be delinquent in their utilization of this technique. Meteorologists, medical researchers, and physical scientists, employing mini-, mainframe, and supercomputers, are creating today's most sophisticated animated maps and continue to develop high-quality systems for data display. Though today's cartographers are concerned with the geometric accuracy and computer automation of their map products, they may be overlooking current developments in spatiotemporal display within other disciplines. Creating a method to bridge the current animation gap between cartography and these disciplines has been the primary goal of this research. Since personal computers are the platforms most commonly available to cartographers, development of animated cartographic displays is feasible with this technology. As a result of this research, an interactive microcomputer-based animated map of U.S. surface temperatures was designed to help understand the rapid climatic change occurring during the 20th century.  相似文献   


Animations have become a frequently utilized illustration technique on maps but changes in their graphical loading remain understudied in empirical geovisualization and cartographic research. Animated streamlets have gained attention as an illustrative animation technique and have become popular on widely viewed maps. We conducted an experiment to investigate how altering four major animation parameters of animated streamlets affects people’s reading performance of field maxima on vector fields. The study involved 73 participants who performed reaction-time tasks on pointing maxima on vector field stimuli. Reaction times and correctness of answers changed surprisingly little between visually different animations, with only a few occasional statistical significances. The results suggest that motion of animated streamlets is such a strong visual cue that altering graphical parameters makes only little difference when searching for the maxima. This leads to the conclusion that, for this kind of a task, animated streamlets on maps can be designed relatively freely in graphical terms and their style fitted to other contents of the map. In the broader visual and geovisual analytics context, the results can lead to more generally hypothesizing that graphical loading of animations with continuous motion flux could be altered without severely affecting their communicative power.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is the effectiveness of dynamic point symbols in the presentation of quantitative data. Such symbols are of particular use in the design of animated maps and computer games. The authors examine three existing techniques of using dynamic point symbols to present quantitative data: blinking, pulsation, and rotation. The aim of the study is to compare their effectiveness with that of classical cartographic animation techniques. The results of the study show that in animated map design, dynamic point symbols might be used to present not only qualitative but also quantitative data with comparable effectiveness. The results may serve as the basis for designing dynamic point symbols to be as effective as the classical techniques used in animated cartography.  相似文献   

Predictions of the 1960s about the computer's potential to change cartography are finally being fulfilled. Dynamic maps for vehicle navigation, interactive cartographic/statistical tools, and map animation are being investigated actively. As these new environments for mapping become available, we must reevaluate past questions about transformations from reality to data and data to map. In this paper, we consider these transformation questions in the context of statistical map animation. The issues discussed were raised in producing a “map movie” depicting the spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) over time. Jenks' data model concept is used as the basis for a typology of data models representing phenomena typically depicted by enumeration unit data. The typology is then used to evaluate symbolization decisions for AIDS incidence maps. Implications for symbol selection imposed by dynamic rather than static maps are considered, as are technical issues involved in producing the animation on a microcomputer platform. A hybrid symbolization method that we have termed the “chorodot” is suggested as a way to meet the constraints on symbolization imposed by animation and to represent the appropriate data model for AIDS incidence.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):313-320

The potential of unclassed animated choropleth maps as a solution to false patterns of geographic change arising from data classification is investigated. Old concerns about unclassed choropleth maps may be mitigated through map interactivity that offers four advantages over traditional data legends, and previous insights from testing static choropleth maps do not necessarily translate to animated cartography. Data from user testing revealed unclassed animated choropleth maps neither help nor hurt the ability of map readers to understand patterns of geographic change. However, the unclassed map (1) appeared 'less jumpy' to participants and was perceived to run at a slower pace (despite running at the same number of frames per second), and (2) subtle geographic shifts (e.g., seasonal unemployment cycles) were more readily noticed on the unclassed maps. Preliminary results also suggest classed data emphasise stability over time – while their unclassed counterparts improve our ability to see changes. This paper also outlines animated simultaneous contrast as a new perceptual issue in the creation of animated choropleth maps.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):292-303

The presentation of graphics and maps on the Internet has led to the development of several new techniques. The use of dynamics and animations in maps has increased, and new types of applications are emerging frequently. Recently, several map providers on the web have introduced zooming in maps as an animated operation. In this paper, we look closer into how the animated zoom is perceived by participants in an experiment, and compare these observations with a corresponding test where the map scale is changed in more abrupt steps. The results indicate significant preference for the animated zoom. The experiment itself is carried out through the World Wide Web and all the participants made their contribution from their own computers.  相似文献   

Scientists visualize data for a range of purposes, from exploring unfamiliar data sets to communicating insights revealed by visual analyses. As the supply of numerical environmental data has increased, so has the need for effective visual methods, especially for exploratory data analysis. Map animation is particularly attractive to earth system scientists who typically study large spatio-temporal data sets. In addition to the "visual variables" of static maps, animated maps are composed of three basic design elements or "dynamic variables"–scene duration, rate of change between scenes, and scene order. The dynamic variables can be used to emphasize the location of a phenomenon, emphasize its attributes, or visualize change in its spatial, temporal, and attribute dimensions. In combination with static maps, graphs, diagrams, images, and sound, animation enhances analysts' ability to express data in a variety of complementary forms.  相似文献   

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