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Macrofauna, nutrient fluxes, porewater chemistry and sediment characteristics were measured at six intertidal mudflat sites in the Humber Estuary, U.K., during the different seasons. Nereis diversicolor , Macoma balthica and Corophium volutator were found to be the dominant macrofauna. Salinity was the baseline control on macrofauna distribution but this was overprinted by periodic impoverishment due to sediment mobilization. High resolution gel probe porewater samplers provided direct evidence for the impact of burrows on porewater chemistry. The macrofauna modified nutrient fluxes during periods of mud flat stability. Nereis caused a decrease in silicate and phosphate effluxes but enhanced ammonia release and nitrate uptake. Macoma enhanced ammonia and nitrite release. The impact of Corophium was not possible to discern. The Humber is a large, highly dynamic macrotidal estuary in which sediment resuspension has a large impact on porewater profiles, nutrient fluxes and macrofaunal communities. Simple patterns and inter-relationships which are seen in small sheltered estuaries are not observed in the Humber.  相似文献   

珠江口海域环境污染研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
由于人类活动影响, 珠江口海域环境已受到较严重污染, 对该海域环境污染规律的研究也日益受到关注。本文对珠江口海域富营养化特征和持久性毒害污染物为主的污染规律研究进展进行了综述。结果表明, 过量的氮磷输入已导致水体高度富营养化, 富营养化是诱发该海域赤潮发生的重要因素, 水体层化和富营养化耦合导致局部海域出现底层季节性缺氧, 持久性毒害污染物主要在沉积物和生物体中富集, 柱状沉积物的记录反映出沉积物中污染物积累与近30年来珠江三角洲经济快速发展密切相关。最后指出, 当前和今后该海域环境污染急需加强研究的重要方向主要包括: 持久性毒害污染物在生物体组织中的传递过程和在食物链中累积规律、富营养化条件下的复合污染效应、污染物的微生物降解机制、污染控制策略等。  相似文献   

对长江口泥质沉积区ZK6孔沉积物进行了粒度分析、同位素测年、8个重金属元素(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn)含量对比分析,综合评价了1500年以来沉积物粒度和重金属元素垂向变化特征,并从长江流域环境变化的角度揭示了流域人类活动对长江口沉积物元素赋存的影响规律。研究结果显示,ZK6孔平均沉积速率为1.85cm/a; As、Cd自底部到顶部表现出元素含量一直在逐步升高的趋势; Cr元素自底部到顶部,表现出元素含量逐步降低的趋势; Cu、Hg、Pb、Ni、Zn元素,表现出自底部到顶部先逐步降低后又含量升高的趋势; 除Cr外其他几个元素自2m以浅含量明显升高、变幅增大。8个重金属元素对长江流域环境变化的响应敏感程度由高到低依次为Cd>As>Hg>Cu>Pb>Zn>Ni>Cr。Cd、As、Hg是长江流域特别需要加强环境风险监控的指标,潜在的含量变化趋势应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

河口沉积物作为承接陆海过程的重要载体, 是有机质赋存的主要形式之一。本文研究了珠江口沉积物总有机碳、总氮含量和沉积物可溶性有机物三维荧光特征, 以及其在口内区、混合区和口外区空间差异和影响因素, 并结合碳稳定同位素(δ13C)估算了珠江口各区域沉积物中不同来源有机质的贡献。结果显示: (1)沉积物总有机碳和总氮含量空间变化相似, 口内区和混合区域沉积有机质含量显著高于口外区; 主成分分析发现, 口内区沉积有机质含量主要受径流输入的影响, 口外区主要受Fe3+的影响; (2)MixSIAR稳定同位素混合模型结果显示, 口内区和混合区沉积有机质以陆源为主, 口外区则以海源为主; (3)珠江口沉积物新生有机质较多, 可快速被利用, 总体上不利于有机碳存储; 而陆源输入导致口内区和混合区沉积有机质腐殖化程度较高, 有机碳可存储性相对较高, 口外受海源有机质和铁氧化物—有机质复合体的影响, 有机碳可存储性相对较低。本研究可为深入认知河口区沉积有机质的生物地球化学过程及有机碳存储提供参考。  相似文献   

The study of aerosols and rainwater presented here demonstrates that episodic atmospheric deposition events associated with southeasterly flow are quantitatively significant for large areas of the North Atlantic Ocean. This paper considers aluminium and manganese, with predominantly crustal sources, and lead and zinc, which are mobilised into the atmosphere primarily through anthropogenic activity. High levels of all trace metals are associated with southeasterly flow from Europe as the air passes over heavily populated and industrialised regions before reaching the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Fluxes calculated using the 1% HNO3 acid soluble metal concentration show that, although the climatological norm for this area is westerly flow, short-lived southeasterly transport events dominate the input of trace metals to this ocean region. This material may be toxic to phytoplankton or may be represent a new source of nutrients to the biological community. A significant decrease in atmospheric lead levels in polluted air is seen between June 1996 and May 1997, reflecting the decrease in use of leaded fuels in Europe. Comparing atmospheric flux values to sediment trap metal fluxes shows that the atmosphere represents the dominant source of zinc to the deep ocean, whereas an additional, non-atmospheric, manganese source this required, perhaps from mobilisation of sedimentary material from the continental shelf or long range advection of manganese rich Saharan material.  相似文献   

吴翼  付淑清  夏真 《海洋学报》2021,43(5):88-99
华南珠江三角洲河口地区受到珠江流域和近海海洋环境的共同影响,其沉积体系中承载的古地质记录对于揭示海陆交互作用下的地质地貌过程演化具有独特意义。本研究对珠江伶仃洋湾口的一条钻孔岩芯进行了环境磁学研究。研究发现,在晚更新世以来海水入侵的相对高海平面时期,岩芯沉积物中磁性矿物的组成或高矫顽力组分的来源更稳定,反映了沉积区环境的稳定性或沉积物源区的相对固定;在海水退出的风化剥蚀期,沉积序列中磁性矿物组合出现大幅度旋回变化,这表明同时期碎屑物质源区可能经历了显著的环境更替。多重磁学参数包括低频磁化率、非磁滞剩磁、饱和等温剩磁以及HIRM参数,在全岩芯中指示了比较一致的磁性变化特征;相较之下,S-ratio参数的变化更灵敏地响应了伶仃洋湾口地区海水入侵和退出背景下的沉积演化历史。  相似文献   

采用受控的自回归滑动平均模型(CARMA)分别研究了珠江河口洪、枯季对外海潮波响应的固有频率.枯季采用单输入单输出模型,洪季采用双输入单输出模型,通过验证、检验表明,模型(CARMA)可用于寻求复杂网河对外海潮波响应的固有频率,方法可靠,易操作.通过频率增益响应分析,发现枯季珠江河口的固有频率以浅水分潮频段为主,对应周...  相似文献   

采用受控的自回归滑动平均模型(CARMA)分别研究了珠江河口洪、枯季对外海潮波响应的固有频率。枯季采用单输入单输出模型,洪季采用双输入单输出模型,通过验证、检验表明,模型(CARMA)可用于寻求复杂网河对外海潮波响应的固有频率,方法可靠,易操作。通过频率增益响应分析,发现枯季珠江河口的固有频率以浅水分潮频段为主,对应周期介于6~10.0 h之间,枯季固有频率未出现在全日潮波对应的频段。洪季珠江河口的固有频率也以浅水分潮频段为主,珠江河口对浅水分潮的系统增益响应幅值最大。固有频率接近浅水分潮频段的站点,枯季较洪季固有频率减小,对应周期延长。  相似文献   

Spatial-temporal distribution of marine fishes is strongly influenced by environmental factors. To obtain a more continuous distribution of these variables usually measured by stationary sampling designs, spatial interpolation methods(SIMs) is usually used. However, different SIMs may obtain varied estimation values with significant differences, thus affecting the prediction of fish spatial distribution. In this study, different SIMs were used to obtain continuous environmental variables(water depth, water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen(DO), p H,chlorophyll a and chemical oxygen demand(COD)) in the Changjiang River Estuary(CRE), including inverse distance weighted(IDW) interpolation, ordinary Kriging(OK)(semivariogram model: exponential(OKE),Gaussian(OKG) and spherical(OKS)) and radial basis function(RBF)(regularized spline function(RS) and tension spline function(TS)). The accuracy and effect of SIMs were cross-validated, and two-stage generalized additive model(GAM) was used to predict the distribution of Coilia nasus from 2012 to 2014 in CRE. DO and COD were removed before model prediction due to their autocorrelation coefficient based on variance inflation factors analysis. Results showed that the estimated values of environmental variables obtained by the different SIMs differed(i.e., mean values, range etc.). Cross-validation revealed that the most suitable SIMs of water depth and chlorophyll a was IDW, water temperature and salinity was RS, and p H was OKG. Further, different interpolation results affected the predicted spatial distribution of Coilia nasus in the CRE. The mean values of the predicted abundance were similar, but the differences between and among the maximum value were large. Studies showed that different SIMs can affect estimated values of the environmental variables in the CRE(especially salinity).These variations further suggest that the most applicable SIMs to each variable will also differ. Thus, it is necessary to take these potential impacts into consideration when studying the relationship between the spatial distribution of fishes and environmental changes in the CRE.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in biological characteristics of small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis in the Yellow Sea were examined for the period of 1960–2008. The body size and age of small yellow croaker decreased substantially, in particular, average length of fish in 2008 was reduced by ~85% than those occurring in 1985, and at that time ~93% of the total catch was dominated by one-year-old individuals. Correspondingly, growth parameters also varied significantly over the years, i.e., k(growth coefficient) and t_0(zero-length age) gradually increased from 0.26 and –0.58 year in 1960 to 0.56 and –0.25 year in 2008, respectively. Although, L∞(body length)sharply decreased from 34.21 cm in 1960 to 24.06 cm in 2008, and t_r(inflexion age) decreased from 3.78 year in1960 to 1.61 year in 2008. There was a great increase both in natural mortality coefficient and fishing mortality coefficient. However, according to the gray correlation analysis, changes in the biological characteristics of small yellow croaker were induced by different stressors ranked as: fishing vessel powerfeeding gradesea surface temperature. This study suggests that the active fishery management measures for biological characters of fish populations should be considered.  相似文献   

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