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《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1674-1679
Potassium feldspars in pegmatites of the Mama district are microclines and orthoclases. In granitoid pegmatites and undifferentiated vein pegmatites, unaffected by postmagmatic processes, the feldspars are represented by orthoclase with the X-ray triclinism (△p) as 0.0-0.4. Wherever postmagmatic solutions were active, in granitoid pegmatitic fields or zonal bodies of vein pegmatites, the feldspars are represented by microcline with △p as 0.5-1.0. At that, the ultimate microcline is recorded only in micaceous zones. There is a connection between △p and Ba content of the feldspars High concentrations of Ba interfere with order in the feldspar crystal structures. There is a definite inverse relationship between △p and Ba in feldspars containing 0.9-2.6% Ba. In feldspars which are low in Ba, △p may vary at one and the same concentration of Ba. Such state of the crystal structure of feldspars is metastable. The magnitude of △p depends upon conditions of the original crystallization and on factors conducive to orderliness in the crystal structure, as well as the interferences, specifically the effect of the admixture elements. — Authors.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the data on oriented intergrowths of minerals in pegmatites of the Il’meny Mountains. Two-feldspar, two-mica, biotite-amphibole, biotite-pyroxene, and pyroxene-amphibole intergrowths have been revealed in syenitic and miaskitic pegmatites. The orientation of exsolution products has been studied in sunstone (aventurine) and moonstone feldspars, nepheline, and cancrinite. Corundum-biotite-feldspar and two-mica intergrowths and exsolution lamellae occur in stellate corundum from corundum-feldspar veins. Syntactic intergrowths of various amphiboles and chlorites have been detected in pegmatoid ultramafic rocks. Regular quartz-feldspar (graphic) and two-feldspar intergrowths are typical of granitic pegmatites. Two-mica, columbite-samarskite, columbite-ilmenorutile, zircon-xenotime, cassiterite-ilmenorutile, cassiterite-ixiolite, cassiterite-tantalite, tantalite-stibiotantalite, fergusonite-columbite, pyrochlore-fergusonite, and beryl-cordierite intergrowths have been found in granitic pegmatites as well. New intergrowth laws have been established for many pairs of minerals.  相似文献   

R. H. Vernon 《Lithos》1978,11(4):283-289
High-grade metapelitic gneisses rich in cordierite and K-feldspar at Cooma, N.S.W., Australia, show microstructural evidence of partial to complete replacement of cordierite grains with biotite inclusions by fine-grained, symplectic intergrowths of andalusite, biotite and quartz. The replacement occurred during the later stages of the history of the Cooma Complex, under retrograde conditions. An equation for the local reaction: cordierite+red-brown biotite+H2O+K+ andalusite+green-brown biotite+quartz+H+ can be balanced approximately, using compositions obtained from microprobe analyses of the minerals involved. The volumes occupied by the solid reactants and solid products are nearly identical. The potassium and water were derived from an unknown external source, possibly connected with the replacement of K-feldspar by muscovite in nearby rocks.  相似文献   

Natural deformation microstructures of feldspars have been investigated optically in augen gneisses and pegmatites from southern France that exhibit microstructures due to polyphase deformation. This deformation was produced in both cases under a pressure of about 2 Kb and a temperature decreasing from about 550° to 200–300°C.In microcline, recrystallization, tension gashes and shear planes are the most important microstructures observed. In plagioclase, shear planes and kink-bands prevail. The development of these structures is controlled primarily by three parameters: temperature, influence of the surrounding material and amount of bulk strain. The orientation of the planes of anisotropy of the minerals with respect to the compression axis is also important. Some perthitic patterns are ascribed to deformation.  相似文献   

The data on photoluminescence (PL) that precisely detects Eu2+ centers and X-ray luminescence (XL) were compared for plagioclases and potassium feldspars in 21 samples from muscovite pegmatites of the Mama region. The Eu contents determined in 10 samples vary from 10?4 to 10?6 wt %. Europium occurs mainly as bivalent species that replaces Sr2+, Ca2+, and Ba2+. Eu is gained in the products of early crystallization, and its relative amounts decrease by an order of magnitude in the course of pegmatite formation down to complete disappearance in late generations of feldspars. It is shown that Eu2+ can be detected in XL spectra, and the Eu2+ content can be determined in qualitative terms, for instance, by the intensity of radiation band 400–420 nm in plagioclase.  相似文献   

Dislocations in intermediate plagioclase feldspars, which were deformed under granulite facies conditions, have been analysed. The study reveals extensive ductile deformation by intracrystalline slip and by twinning. Six out of the seven possible Burgers vectors were identified: \(b = \left[ {001} \right],\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ {110} \right],\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ {1\bar 10} \right],\left[ {101} \right],\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ {112} \right]and\tfrac{1}{2}\left[ {1\bar 12} \right]\) . Most, perhaps all, dislocations are dissociated by up to 200 Å. The microstructure is dominated by [001] screw dislocations, most of which appear to be dissociated in (010). The dominant slip system appears to be (010) [001]. Large grain-to-grain variations in the density of free dislocations indicate that the plastic strain in individual grains depended upon the Schmid factor for (010) [001]. The microstructure suggests that the rate-controlling step for high-temperature creep of plagioclase is cross-slip of extended [001] screw dislocations. The rheological contrast between feldspar and quartz is partly due to a difference in stacking fault energy.  相似文献   

R.H. Vernon  G.D. Pooley 《Lithos》1981,14(1):75-82
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), involving images produced by back-scattered electrons, reveals the microstructures of symplectic intergrowths replacing cordierite, which generally are too fine-grained and/or intricately intergrown for investigation using an optical microscope. Microprobe analysis, combined with the SEM technique, enables accurate identification of the intergrown minerals, and permits inference of equations for the local chemical changes involved in the formation of the intergrowths. Generally, the local replacement appears to have involved partial reactions taking place in a larger reactive system. Intergrowths forming partial pseudomorphs of cordierite in three metamorphic complexes consists of up to three minerals, only two of which comprise the intergrowth in any one domain. The following intergrown pairs of minerals have been identified: quartz-Al2SiO3, quartz-biotite, biotite-oligoclase, biotite-K-feldspar, muscovite-oligoclase, oligoclase-andalusite, K-feldspar-andalusite, aluminous orthopyroxene-Al2SiO3, and aluminous anthophylite-Al2SiO3.  相似文献   

The microstructures of microcline from some granitic rocks and pegmatites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerical simulations of the growth of a large crystal face of plagioclase in response to an instantaneous undercooling below the equilibrium temperature are presented for model granodiorite and basalt melts with varying water contents. The simulations suggest that the anorthite content of plagioclase decreases uniformly from the composition in equilibrium with the bulk melt as undercooling is increased, and that the water content in the melt has little influence on this result. Comparison of the simulations with sharp compositional changes in natural profiles suggests that undercoolings of tens of degrees C can be rapidly imposed on plutonic phenocrysts. Large changes of undercooling most likely result from chilling of the magma and local convection around growing crystals. The observation in experiments that growth rate does not increase rapidly with increasing water content in the starting melting composition can be attributed to the concentration of water at the crystal face during growth; the action of water to reduce liquidus temperature and undercooling has a greater effect on growth rate than its action to increase transport rates. Even at large undercooling, there is no significant increase in temperature at the interface caused by the release of heat of crystallization.Simulations are presented to illustrate how disequilibrium growth processes due to undercooling can modify the normal zoning profiles expected from fractionation. Assuming that an undercooling is necessary to cause nucleation, normal zoning can result if crystal growth takes place at constant or increasing undercooling, but reverse zoning can occur at decreasing undercooling. Undercooling during growth is controlled by the relative rate of cooling and the rate at which the liquidus temperature is decreased by the accumulation of residual components and volatiles in the melt. Consequently, normal zoning should be promoted by rapid cooling, contemporaneous crystallization of other phases, and absence of volatiles, while reverse zoning should be expected in phenocrysts grown in slowly-cooled melts or in melts where volatiles are concentrated. The zoning patterns found in many plutonic plagioclase crystals suggest that their compositions are in significant disequilibrium with the melt; consequently, they are unsuitable for use in geothermometers.Approximate calculations suggest that the amount of water concentrated at the surface of growing phenocrysts in plutons can promote local convection. Comparison of simulated and observed oscillatory zoning profiles suggests that oscillatory zoning is not explained by a re-nucleationdiffusion model (Harloff 1927), but is readily explained by periodic local convection.  相似文献   

The nature of exsolution of ilmenite in titanomagnetite and of the alteration of ilmenite in Rosetta black sands was investigated by the electron micro-probe analyzer. The mode of formation of such micro-intergrowths has been explained and mainly attributed to oxidation processes.
Zusammenfassung Die Entmischungen von Ilmenit und Titanomagnetit und die Umwandlungen von Ilmenit des Schwarz-Sandes aus Rosetta wurden mit Hilfe der Elektronen-Mikrosonde qualitativ untersucht. Die Art von solchen Verwachsungen und deren Entwicklungsablauf wurden diskutiert.

An initial phase of an extensive geochemical study of pegmatites from the Black Hills, South Dakota, indicates potassium feldspar composition is useful in interpreting petrogenetic relationships among pegmatites and among pegmatite zones within a single pegmatite. The KRb and RbSr ratios and Li and Cs contents of the feldspars within each zoned pegmatite, to a first approximation, are consistent with the simple fractional crystallization of the potassium feldspar from a silicate melt from the wall zone to the core of the pegmatites. Some trace element characteristics (i.e. Cs) have been modified by subsolidus reequilibration of the feldspars with late-stage residual fluid.KRb ratios of the potassium feldspar appear to be diagnostic of the pegmatite mineral assemblage. The relationship between KRb and mineralogy is as follows: Harney Peak Granite (barren pegmatites) > 180; Li-Fe-Mn phosphate-bearing pegmatites = 90?50; spodumene-bearing pegmatites = 60?40; pollucitebearing pegmatites < 30. Although the KRb ratios suggest that the pegmatites studied are genetically related by fractional crystallization to each other and the Harney Peak Granite, overlapping RbSr ratios and the general increase in Sr and Ba with decreasing KRb indicate the genetic relationship is much more complex and may also be dependent upon slight variations in source (chemistry and mineralogy) material composition and degrees of partial melting.  相似文献   

The ratios Na/Li, K/Li, Na/Cs and K/Cs have been calculated for exchange equilibria among the Li and Cs silicates spodumene, petalite, eucryptite, and pollucite, and the alkali feldspars albite and K-feldspar plus quartz, in pure water and in chloride solutions at temperatures from 100° to 700°C and pressures from 0.5 to 4 kbar, using available thermodynamic data for minerals and the modified HKF equation of state for aqueous species. For exchange equilibria between Li-bearing aluminosilicates and the alkali feldspars, the activities of the alkali metals in solution under most of the conditions investigated follow the order Li>Na>K, and Na/Li and K/Li decrease with decreasing temperature. For exchange equilibria between pollucite and the alkali feldspars the order is Na>K>Cs in solution; Na/Cs and K/Cs increase strongly with decreasing temperature. The absolute values of these alkali metal ratios are in good agreement with the few available experimental data. The effect of chloride ion pairing on the calculated ratios is slight and does not consistently improve agreement between theory and experiment. These results suggest that the alteration of eucryptite, petalite or spodumene to albite and/or K-feldspar should be a normal consequence of the closed system evolution of rare element pegmatites upon cooling, in agreement with the ubiquity of such phenomena world-wide. On the other hand, alteration of pollucite to albite or K-feldspar upon cooling is only likely to occur if external fluids, with very high Na/Cs and/or K/Cs ratios, gain access to the pegmatite. Owing to the heterogeneity of rare element pegmatites, the fluid need not be external to the entire pegmatite, but could be simply external to the particular zone containing pollucite. Fluids in equilibrium with typical subsolidus rare metal pegmatite assemblages will invariably have high Li contents, thus explaining the common occurrence of Li-metasomatic halos about pegmatites. These same fluids are predicted to have relatively low Cs contents, in apparent agreement with the lesser role of Cs relative to Li in metasomatic halos. However, preferential formation of complexes of the alkali metals with fluoride, borate or aluminosilicate components potentially could alter the calculated alkali metal behaviors.  相似文献   

The author summarises the results of his studies of Central and West African rare-metal pegmatites and supplements them by the newest datas obtained by H. Adam in Ivory Coast. He compares then the classification of African rare-metal pegmatites with the classifications obtained in U.S.S.R., in U.S.A. and in Canada for the same kind of pegmatites. The author's conclusions may be summarised as follows: (a) The rare-metal pegmatite types succeed each other in a more or less defined order which is independent from the ages of the orogenies as well as from the nature and from the degree of metamorphism of enclosing rocks. (b) The spatial distribution of the rare-metal pegmatite types in or around the granitic intrusions depends from the depth at which the parent granites are crystallizing. — When the granites are crystallizing at relatively shallow depths, the rare-metal pegmatites and partially the quartz veins and the associated mineralizations are located in the granitic bodies them selves. When the granites are crystallizing at more and more greather depths, the rare-metal pegmatites, the quartz veins and the associated mineralizations as well as the secondary phenomena such as albitization and greisenization are no more restricted to the granitic intrusions, but with the increasing depth of their crystallization are more and more penetrating in the roofs of the granitic cupolas. In addition it must be underlined that in granites crystallizing at shallow depths, the dimensions of the individual pegmatites are small and have no economic value; the rare-metal pegmatites associated with granitic intrusions cyrstallizing at greather depths may reach gigantic dimensions and certain types may be mined for tin, niobium, tantalum, beryl and lithium minerals; (c) In the same metallogenic province may co-exist granitic intrusions having crystallized at diffrent depths or at diffrent geological ages. To each depth of crystallization of the granitic intrusions corresponds a specific spatial distribution pattern of rare-metal pegmatites characterized by the distance of different pegmatite types to the granitic contacts as well as by the dimensions of the pegmatite types and by the size of their minerals. This may outline a special zonation within a metallogenic province. — At the end of the paper, the author gives a comparison of Central and West African rare-metal pegmatite type classification with similar classifications obtained in U.S.S.R., in U.S.A. and in Canada. From this comparison it results that the evolution of the pegmatitic process remains the same throughout geological epochs and is independent of the nature of the enclosing rocks. The magnitude and the fullness of this process are depending from the depth of crystallization of the granitic intrusions.
Résumé L'auteur résume ses observations sur les pegmatites à métaux rares du centre et de l'ouest africain, il les complète par des nouvelles données et notamment par celles de H. Adam, relatives à la Côte d'Ivoire et les compare aux données obtenues sur d'autres continents et notamment en URSS, au Canada et aux Etats Unis. — Les conclusions relatives aux pegmatites à métaux rares du centre et de l'ouest africain sont résumées ci-dessous: (a) les types de pegmatites à métaux rares se succèdent dans un ordre déterminé indépendant de l'âge, de la nature et du degré de métamorphisme des roches dans lesquelles elles cristallisent; (b) la répartition spatiale ou la zonéographie des types de pegmatites à métaux rares dépend de la profondeur de la mise en place des intrusions granitiques auxquelles les pegmatites sont associées. Lorsque les intrusions granitiques cristallisent à faible profondeur, les pegmatites et partiellement les filons de quartz avec leurs minéralisations sont contenus dans les granites. Lorsque les granites cristallisent à des profondeurs de plus en plus grandes, les pegmatites à métaux rares, les filons de quartz et les minéralisations de columbo-tantalite, de béryl, de minerais lithiques, de cassitérite et de wolfram, quittent les granites et, à mesure que la profondeur de mise en place augmente, se localisent de plus en plus loin des contacts dans les roches encaissantes; de plus, dans les granites de faible profondeur, les dimensions des pegmatites à métaux rares sont très faibles; les pegmatites associées avec des intrusions plus profondes peuvent atteindre des dimensions géantes de même leurs minéraux. Seules ces dernières offrent un intérêt économique; (c) dans une même province métallogénique, on peut rencontrer des intrusions granitiques mises en place à des profondeurs différentes et, parfois, à des époques différentes. A chaque profondeur de mise en place correspond une distribution spatiale particulière des types de pegmatites à métaux rares, caractérisés par leurs dimensions et par la grandeur des minéraux individuels. — Ces distributions spatiales différentes des types de pegmatites, jointes aux différences des dimensions des pegmatites et de leurs minéraux peuvent, à leur tour, dessiner une zonation à l'intérieur d'une province métallogénique. — A la fin de la note, l'auteur fait une comparaison rapide de la classification des types de pegmatites à métaux rares du centre et de l'ouest africain avec les classifications de la même catégorie des pegmatites de l'URSS, du Canada et des Etats Unis. De cette comparaison il en résulte que le processus pegmatitique évolue de manière très semblable à travers les époques géologiques indépendamment de la nature des roches encaissantes; mais l'ampleur du processus dépend de la profondeur de la mise en place des intrusions granitiques auxquelles les pegmatites sont associées.

Summary Pegmatitic dikes and masses of various sizes occur in a granite intrusion in the Mashad area, northeastern Iran. Their geochemistry, as well as that of the parent granite was investigated using some 40 specimens. Major constituents and trace elements were determined by means of X-ray fluorescence and spectrographic methods. Anomalously high concentrations of Be and Nb and indications of their minerals beryl and columbite were observed. Therefore, the pegmatites of this area may prove to be a potential source for Be, Nb, Ta and possibly Li.
Mineralogische und geochemische Untersuchung einiger Pegmatite aus der Gegend von Mashad, Nordost-Iran
Zusammenfassung In einer Granitintrusion in der Gegend von Mashad, Nordost-Iran, kommen pegmatitische Gänge und Massen verschiedener Größe vor. Unter Verwendung von etwa 40 Proben wurde ihre Geochemie und die ihres Muttergranites untersucht. Die Hauptbestandteile und Spurenelemente wurden mit Röntgenfluoreszenz und spektrographischen Methoden bestimmt. Außergewöhnlich hohe Konzentrationen an Be und Nb und Hinweise auf ihre Minerale Beryll und Columbit wurden beobachtet. Die Pegmatite dieser Gegend könnten sich folglich als potentielle Lieferanten für Be, Nb, Ta und möglicherweise Li herausstellen.

With 1 Figure  相似文献   

The effect of the formation conditions of pegmatites in the Mama-Chuya mica belt on the distribution of isomorphic Al, Ti, and Ge impurities in quartz detected by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) has been estimated using the isogen method, which takes into account the relationship between this distribution and geological time. It has been revealed that each of the studied types of pegmatite veins is described by special isogens that reflect interrelations between concentrations of various isomorphic impurities. The typification of veins, enrichment of parental melt in water, and other factors affect the isogens. New potentialities of the isogen method for genetic analysis of quartz have been established.  相似文献   

玛湖凹陷二叠系风城组是近几年准噶尔盆地页岩油接替的主攻领域,但其页岩成岩改造强烈,原始岩性归属尚不明确。X射线粉晶衍射测得风城组页岩黏土矿物含量普遍较低(<10%),长英质矿物含量较高(60%~80%)。薄片分析发现风城组长英质页岩存在三种类型:① 粉砂级(4~63 μm)长石和石英碎屑含量丰富,为典型的粉砂岩;② 燧石条带和团块发育,为富硅页岩;③ 长英质基质发育,呈非碎屑状,且火山尘及火山玻璃少见,其矿物组成和形态与典型的黏土岩、粉砂岩及沉凝灰岩明显不同。背散射图像和高精度扫描电镜测得该长英质基质由碎屑和自生石英、钾长石和钠长石共同组成,可见黏土矿物、碎屑钾长石和钠长石向自生石英转化,碎屑钾长石向自生钠长石转化。通过调研全球中新生代碱湖沉积中自生硅酸盐矿物组合特征和成岩演化规律,探讨了二叠系风城组“贫”黏土矿物和“富”自生长英质矿物的原因,并提出风城组发育一类“改造长英质页岩”,主要由原始黏土和长石碎屑矿物和火山物质经过多期成岩改造而成。早期高碱(pH>9)沉积和成岩环境增加了SiO2溶解度和元素铝的活性,导致黏土矿物、泥级—细粉砂级长英质碎屑、火山灰等在入湖后发生“溶解、转化”,形成次稳定的硅酸盐矿物,如沸石和含镁蒙皂石,在经历漫长埋藏成岩后进一步转化为更为稳定的石英、钾长石和钠长石。碱湖页岩的成岩改造过程消耗了黏土矿物和火山灰,极大增加了页岩脆性,同时伴生了大量基质溶孔和晶间孔,是一类优质的页岩储层。  相似文献   

Magnetite-ilmenite oxidation-exsolution intergrowths from an original titanomagnetite microphenocryst from an ash flow tuff unit have been studied using conventional transmission electron microscopy and analytical electron microscopy. Silicon has been found to be in solid solution in all of the magnetite studied and in some of the coexisting ilmenite. The average value in magnetite is 1.2 wt.% Si, equivalent to solid solution of 9 mole % Fe2SiO4. Silicon is also present in very small silicate inclusions and as unusual Si-rich domains of uncertain origin in magnetite. The inclusions and domains may be irregularly distributed through the magnetite in sizes well below those resolvable with the electron microprobe. Microprobe analyses for Si in magnetite generally reflect these heterogeneities in addition to a component presumably in solid solution. The petrologic implications of the data can be assessed only when relevant thermochemical data become available and the distribution of Si in magnetite is better understood.Contribution No. 376 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan  相似文献   

Comparison of observed microstructures and deduced physical parameters of natural deformations with those encountered in superplastic metals permits identification of superplastic behaviour in rocks. From microstructural evidence, superplastic flow of feldspar is inferred to have occurred in the deformation of a granite from Miéville, Aiguilles-Rouges massif, Switzerland. The original igneous orthoclase and oligoclase phenocrysts have both recrystallised to fine-grained albite which has deformed by superplastic flow. This change in crystal chemistry was associated with a large negative change in free energy, enabling recrystallised grains of a very small size to be stable under the prevailing conditions, thereby producing the pre-requisite conditions for superplastic behaviour.  相似文献   

Composition and zoning of amphibole in agpaitic pegmatites of the 1.16 Ga Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland record the chemical evolution of the final stages of an already extremely fractionated melt. Our results show that the general differentiation trends found in the earlier rocks of the complex are continued in the pegmatites, albeit with some significant modifications: the dominating exchange mechanism of Na + Si Ca + Al in the amphiboles of the magmatic stage changes to K + Si Ca + Al and K Na in some pegmatitic samples. Na/K ratios in amphiboles, which generally increase in the course of the Ilímaussaq fractionation, partly display a reversal during the crystallization of the most differentiated amphiboles.

The alkali trends are probably related to the buffering of Na+and K+activity by the co-crystallization of albite and microcline. This buffering favors Na+in cooling fluids. This mechanism is lost when analcime replaces feldspar as a stable phase in the late stages of crystallization, e.g. due to locally elevated H2O activity. Analcime does not incorporate significant amounts of K and accordingly, amphibole incorporates more K in analcime-bearing assemblages. The Na–K variation in amphiboles in the Ilímaussaq pegmatites allow a detailed view into the late-stage evolutionary trends of a textbook agpaitic complex. The transition from silicate melt to aqueous fluid is recorded by the change of the dominant alkali ion in the pegmatitic amphiboles from Na to K.

Only in the very latest stage, virtually K-free mineral assemblages in analcime–aegirine veins support the existence of a Na-dominated aqueous fluid.  相似文献   

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