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廣元測候所開始觀测中央研究院氣象研究所鑒於嘉陵江河谷焉寒潮入川之主要途徑,其上游尚乏可靠之測候紀錄,爰擇定廣元籌設測候所一處,藉供研討川北氣候之資料,經調員訓練前往籌備,業於九月成立,五日開始觀测。九月二十一日日全食觀測是日中國科學社假氣象研究所舉行社友會,並在該所觀測日全食。氣象研究所同人並於日食時間,測候各項天氣要素之燮異。邵陽通訊湖南七月份雨量,湘南多於湘中湘西,上半月少於下半月,舆過去四年同月平均數比较,湘南幾超過二倍。南獄是月一日之雨量,竟達267.2mm,造成全  相似文献   

物候之觀察,我國起源甚早,詩豳風七月之"春日載陽,有嗚倉庚"及"四月秀葽,五月嗚蜩"等(1),皆物候紀述之最古者。夏小正、禮记、呂氏春秋、淮南子、易緯及逸周書諸書,更詳記物候(2),分節氣之早遲,以為耕作之準則。歐西之物候學,早在希臘時代已略具端倪,自十八世紀而降,且成為研究之科學(3)。顧我國古籍中所載者,已曆時數千年,古今氣候有異,南北地域亦殊,自未可實用於今日之全國,唯有施行普遍觀察,探求物候之變遷,庶可從事新月令之制定也。近年物候之調查,自民國国廿三年起卽由中央農業實驗所各地農情報告員觀測记載,選定之物類,植物凡廿一類,動物有九種,觀測之標準植物為發芽、葉盛、始花、盛花、果熟及落葉;動物則為始見、初嗚及絕見。民國二十三年至二十四年三月之紀錄,業經盧鋈君撰有"物候初步報告"一文(4),本篇乃赓续盧君之作,将逐年各地所記  相似文献   

作者利用南京北極閣1936年每日二十四小時觀測所得地面風之紀錄,今請分析幾個特性如次:(一)馬氏分佈曲線之配合Th.Hesselberg及E.Bjorkdal二氏(1)曾指出渦旋風中水平分量(Horizontalkomponente des turbulenten Windes)之分佈可藉一特定之分佈函數表出之,厥後Th.Hesselberg氏利用挪威A_s地方地面風之紀錄,又著文(2)申論配合馬氏分佈曲線(Die MaxwellscheVerteilungskurve)之結果。南京位居東亞,在此季風區域内之地面氣流,是否循從馬氏分佈定律?其結論與西歐情形有何殊異?是乃本節所欲探究者。第一表南京地面風之頻率分佈(%)  相似文献   

高空變形埸的改變,是大型天氣過程中最簡單的一個過程,亦是在目前能應用於具有物理基礎的分析與预告方法上的唯一的大型過程。高空變形場實際上就是某幾種高空的氣壓系統。它的意義本文的作者在1940年早已經介始過了。高空變形埸是極有用處的。它在天氣分析中是作爲一個比較高一級的天氣系統。它和天氣學上现有的初极的系統(例如氣旋與反氣旋及其他)相比較,是有更廣泛的预告可能性。關於高空變形埸比地面氣壓埸的優點,我們在過去已經講過一些。大家知道,在與锋生過程及與锋生過程有相聯的氣旋和反气旋的生成過程中,對流層的高空變形埸是起很重要的作用的。同時我们還着重指出高空變形场  相似文献   

Isentropic AnlysIs(等位温層分析)*,C.G.Rossby著,載美國氣象學會氣象業報,18卷,6-7期之201-210頁:應用位置溫度和比較濕度二因子來分析天氣,不過是氣象界近数年間的事,但他在氣象學演進的過程中,却放出了異樣的光彩,因為這兩因子,不但富保有守性,並且還有動力學的意義。現在我們分析天氣、不僅僅從經驗上或實際上可以體會得到,並且在理論上也奠定了鞏固的基礎,因為現在的分析法,已從平面進到立體,二度進入三度。在一九二八年Bergeron發表了‘天氣三度分析論’,我們對於天氣的  相似文献   

中日戰爭發生后,中央氣象研究所奉令西遷。留駐漢口期内,該所特派專人假武昌神學院施行高層氣流之探测。統計自二十六年十月一日開始,同年十二月四日停止,實得有效氣球觀測次數如下:  相似文献   

顧震潮  葉篤正 《气象学报》1955,26(3):167-181
近年來我國的氣象观测資料愈來愈多,天氣工作实踐中对於西藏高原地形对东亞大氣環流的影响也逐漸了解得比过去更多。有一些过去個別年份的事实还不是普遍的,因而一些推斷和結論需要修改;但更多的观測事实則更深刻的証明了地形对天氣过程和大氣環流的重要性。中亞細亞的天氣实踐也証明了这些。曾  相似文献   

朱抱真 《气象学报》1953,24(4):157-186
目次 一.前言——東北低壓是一個重要的天氣系統 二.東北低壓的發展分析舉例 三.東北低壓在春季發展的條件和原因 1.低壓即将發展以前和發展末期高空溫壓場的構造 2.没有發展的東北低壓 3.同一個高空低壓槽裏南北兩個地面低壓系統的發展問题 4.地形對低壓在春季發展最频繁的作用 四.結語 一.前言——東北低壓是一個重要的天氣系統 曾做過我國天氣分析预報工作的同志都知道:在我國的大陸上很少發现比較强大的低壓系統,但是東北地區則是一個例外。我们時常在東北發现有比较强大的閉合的低壓系統。這種東北低壓在四季裏都能出现,但是以春季最爲频繁,低  相似文献   

(一)地理環境與峨眉山之氣壓升降峨眉山在四川盆地西南,居東經103度41分。北緯29度28分,高度約三千公尺,北有邛崍山,西有大雪山,南有大涼山,三面包圍,各山高度均達三千公尺以上,其西之西藏高原,面積遼闊,拔海高度,亦不下四千公尺。峨眉山當川康交界大相嶺之東側,靑衣江大渡河东西環流,匯於樂山。其地理環境舆卓立華北大平原之泰山異,而天氣現象遂亦颇有不同之處。該處之氣象觀測。始於民國二十一年八月,翌年八月極年終了,卽行結束。迨二十八年四川建設聽及氣象研究所議定恢復,於四月開始工作,迄三十年三月適滿二載,茲篇所述,以近二年之紀錄為主,而以極年觀測為輔。夫大氣壓力乃隨高度而遞减,高山氣壓自視其鄰近低處氣壓為低,北為無可懷疑之  相似文献   

民國二十九年四月至六月份自桂南形勢緊張後,武漢測候所即準備遷移黔北,旋擇定湄潭玉皇閣為所址,於四月一日開始在湄恢復觀測工作,五月二十九日起並恢復制圖預報。松潘測候所,自本年一月間由氣象研究所派鍾侃君前往負責籌備,經兩月時間,部署就緒,於四月一日開始觀測。  相似文献   

This work investigates the distribution of high winds above Beaufort scale 6 in the offshore zones of China using high-resolution satellite measurements.A numerical experiment is carried out in order to find out the effects of Taiwan Island on the formation of strong winds.The analysis indicates that the distribution of high wind occurrence is similar to that of the average wind velocity in winter.High winds tend to be anchored in special topographical regions,such as the Taiwan Strait,the Bashi Channel and the southeast coast of Vietnam.High winds occur much more frequently over the warmer than the colder flank of Kuroshio front as it meanders from Taiwan to Japan.The frequency of high winds decreases drastically in spring.The Taiwan Strait maintains the largest high wind occurrence.Besides,high winds remain frequent in the Bashi Channel,the southeast tip of Taiwan Island and the warmer flank of Kuroshio front.In summer,high winds generally occur infrequently except over a broad region off the southeast coast of Vietnam near 10°N and the frequency there decreases from southwest to northeast.High winds around Taiwan Island present near axisymmetric distribution with larger frequency along southeast-northwest direction and smaller frequency along southwest-northeast direction.The dominant direction of high winds exhibits a counterclockwise circulation surrounding the island.The frequency of high winds increases rapidly in autumn and almost repeats the distribution that appears in winter.The simulation results suggest that the effects of Taiwan Island topography on high winds vary with seasons.In winter,topography is the major cause of high winds in the surrounding oceanic zones.High winds in both Taiwan Strait and the southeast corner of the island disappear and the frequency decreases gradually from south to north when the terrain is removed.However,in summer,high wind frequency derived from two simulations with and without terrain is almost identical.We attribute this phenomenon to the factors which are responsible for the formation of high winds.  相似文献   

利用山东省122个国家级地面气象观测站的风速数据与欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)提供的ERA- Interim再分析数据,采用小波分析、带通滤波等方法对2015年9月—2020年9月山东的大风天气及相应的低频大气环流形势进行分析。结果表明,近几年山东的大风天气有増加的趋势,春季大风发生频次最多,秋季最少;山东半岛东部大风频次最多,鲁南地区最少;全年只有7月偏南大风站次较偏北大风多,其余月份多以偏北大风为主。山东大风具有显著的11~13 d与20~23 d的低频振荡周期。其中,春季大风以11~13 d的振荡周期为主,秋、冬季以20~23 d的振荡周期为主,夏季大风的振荡周期不明显。振荡周期的演变与大范围的大风过程有对应关系,大范围的大风过程大致发生在振荡的波峰处。春季偏北大风盛行时,多伴有经向风自北向南的传播。秋季大约以35°N为界,对流层中高层在35°N以北,经向风自南向北传播,35°N以南,则是自北向南传播,对流层中低层反之。山东春季大风产生之前,乌拉尔山东侧低频气旋与黄海上空低频反气旋同时出现并东移,之后衍生出华北低频反气旋与渤海低频气旋,这两个系统的加强促使华北上空偏北风加大,为山东大风的产生提供了可能。同时,华北地区经向风正距平逐渐被负距平所代替,是山东大风天气产生的又一先兆。  相似文献   

A statistical study of GMS low cloud winds in January,April,July and October,1983 shows that on an average,there exist 223.5 low cloud winds over western North Pacific each synoptic time.The low cloud winds have a diurnal change with more low cloud winds at 12 Z than at 00 Z. The wind fields at 850 hPa over western North Pacific,with and without application of low cloud winds, have been analyzed by a successive correction scheme.The results indicate that the flow patterns without low cloud winds are considerably distorted from short of wind data over the oceanic region.On the contrary,with application of low cloud winds,the flow patterns get much more improved over the oceanic region.  相似文献   

杨文凯  白洁  严卫  刘健文 《气象》2007,33(4):35-39
云迹风反演中的一项很重要的工作是选取随风移动、变化缓慢的云,即示踪云。文中设计了一种示踪云选取算法,以改善云迹风的质量和密度分布。该算法的特色是反演风的位置并不固定在反演网格的中心位置,而是通过梯度分析的方法使反演风的位置得到优化,再经过积雨云检测和灰度分布均匀程度检验,剔除不适合用来反演的目标物。对用该方法选取的示踪云进行云迹风反演,然后对反演出的云迹风进行环流分析,并与探空风进行比较。结果表明,反演出的云迹风质量好,密度很高,清晰地反映出天气系统的风场结构。  相似文献   

We used simultaneous measurements of surface PM2.5 concentration and vertical profiles of aerosol concentration, temperature, and humidity, together with regional air quality model simulations, to study an episode of aerosol pollution in Beijing from 15 to 19 November 2016. The potential effects of easterly and southerly winds on the surface concentrations and vertical profiles of the PM2.5 pollution were investigated. Favorable easterly winds produced strong upward motion and were able to transport the PM2.5 pollution at the surface to the upper levels of the atmosphere. The amount of surface PM2.5 pollution transported by the easterly winds was determined by the strength and height of the upward motion produced by the easterly winds and the initial height of the upward wind. A greater amount of PM2.5 pollution was transported to upper levels of the atmosphere by upward winds with a lower initial height. The pollutants were diluted by easterly winds from clean ocean air masses. The inversion layer was destroyed by the easterly winds and the surface pollutants and warm air masses were then lifted to the upper levels of the atmosphere, where they re-established a multi-layer inversion. This region of inversion was strengthened by the southerly winds, increasing the severity of pollution. A vortex was produced by southerly winds that led to the convergence of air along the Taihang Mountains. Pollutants were transported from southern–central Hebei Province to Beijing in the boundary layer. Warm advection associated with the southerly winds intensified the inversion produced by the easterly winds and a more stable boundary layer was formed. The layer with high PM2.5 concentration became dee-per with persistent southerly winds of a certain depth. The polluted air masses then rose over the northern Taihang Mountains to the northern mountainous regions of Hebei Province.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of the meridional winds over oceanic areas and SST for 1950-1979 extracted from the data sets of COADS, the long-term variability of the meridional winds over the equatorial Indian-Pacific oceans and its relationship to the onset and development of El Nino events have been studied. The major results are as follows:(1) There is a great similarity between ITCZ over the Pacific and SST in the seasonal trend, with ITCZ and high SST found in the Southern Hemisphere in winter and in the Northern Hemisphere in summer.During El Nino years, unusual meridional winds were often observed, with significant convergence of meridional winds occurring over near-equatorial regions.(2) For the near-equatorial meridional winds, there are three types of interannual LFO:QBO, SO, FYO. QBO plays an important role in the unusual behavior of meridional winds for El Nino years, while SO is very important for both El Nino and cold water years. These two oscillations may fit well to the observed variation in the meridional wind. FYO may enhance the variation of meridional winds.(3) Interannual LFO of meridional winds originates in the Indian Ocean-Maritime Continent and coastal area of East Pacific. Unusual activities of winter monsoon in both hemispheres and trade winds off the coastal area of East Pacific are believed to be their major cause.(4) Monsoon-trade interaction shows up in the significant amplification of the disturbances of meridional winds while they propagate eastward from monsoon area to trade wind area.  相似文献   

秦剑  赵刚  綦正信  朱保林  陈艳  刘瑜 《气象》2013,39(6):749-758
利用2008年在金沙江下游溪洛渡水电站坝区及向家坝水电站库区获得GPS低空探空资料以及同步地面观测资料,统计分析了坝区从地面开始到大气边界层2000 m高度四季不同高度的风场变化特征.结果表明:(1)春季溪洛渡坝区大气边界层以偏西风为主导风向,1500m高度层以下静风和小风出现频率大,是四个季节中地面静风、小风出现频率的最大值;(2)夏季地面静风、小风出现频率为四个季节中最小,夏季大气边界层中低层主要盛行西风和西北偏西风;(3)秋季溪洛渡坝区大气边界层中低层主要盛行偏西风,到高层则逐渐转变为偏北风;(4)冬季溪洛渡坝区大气边界层低空盛行以西风和西北偏西风为主导的偏西风;中高层主要风向是西风、西南偏西风、东风和东北偏东风;(5)溪洛渡坝区秋、冬季大气边界层西风、东北偏北风、东北偏东风风速最大值均出现在2000m高度层.  相似文献   

Temperature inversions are frequently observed in mountainous urban areas and can cause severe air pollution problems especially in wintertime. This study investigates wintertime winds in and around the Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, metropolitan area in the presence of a temperature inversion using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with the Seoul National University Urban Canopy Model (SNUUCM). Ulaanbaatar is located in complex terrain and in a nearly east-west-oriented valley. A wintertime scenario with clear skies, weak synoptic winds, and a temperature inversion under the influence of a Siberian high-pressure system is selected. Local winds are weak in the presence of the temperature inversion. In the daytime, weak mountain upslope winds develop, up-valley winds appear to be stronger in the urban area than in the surrounding areas, and channeling winds are produced in the main valley. The bottom of the temperature inversion layer rises up in the urban area, and winds below the bottom of the temperature inversion layer strengthen. In the nighttime, mountain downslope winds and down-valley winds develop. Urban effects in the presence of the temperature inversion are examined by comparing the results of simulations with and without the city. It is shown that in the daytime the urban area acts to elevate the bottom of the temperature inversion layer and weaken the strength of the temperature inversion layer. Winds east of the city weaken in the afternoon and down-valley winds develop later in the simulation with the city.  相似文献   

中间层顶区域大气平均风场年和半年振荡的全球结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2003~2011年TIDI(TIMED Doppler Interferometer)风场观测数据研究了中间层顶区域80~105 km纬向平均风场年振荡和半年振荡振幅和相位的全球分布结构,并给出了它们的年际变化。在热带地区,纬向风半年振荡最显著。振幅峰值中心位于南半球10°S~20°S范围,出现与平流层半年振荡类似的相对于赤道不对称的分布,并且振幅峰值与以前在该区域的研究结果存在较大差别。在中高纬度地区,纬向风和经向风被年振荡所控制。纬向风在高度100 km以下中高纬度都存在振幅大值中心;经向风年振荡只出现在两半球中纬度高度95 km以下,并且南北半球振幅峰值中心分布不一致。分析结果还显示年振荡和半年振荡振幅存在显著地年际变化,相位的年际变化则较小,但北半球热带地区经向风年振荡振幅和相位表现出2年周期的变化。  相似文献   

地面强风可直接造成人员伤亡和经济损失,严重影响出行安全、工农业生产等社会秩序。强风的发生与天气系统和复杂下垫面的共同作用密切相关,在城市区域尤为明显。受数值模拟技术和计算资源的限制,对实际天气条件下大范围城区的强风现象进行建筑物分辨率的大规模数值模拟研究仍是一个挑战。本研究利用中尺度气象模式嵌套流体计算动力模式的超高分辨率局地气象预报系统,对强冷空气过程造成广州市区的一次强风事件进行数值模拟,深入探讨强风的精细结构和形成机制。结果表明,伴随着强冷空气入侵,广州市区的平均风速和风场高频扰动均明显增强,且在城市冠层顶尤为明显,呈现区域不均匀的三维结构,数值模拟与地面观测相一致。较大范围的强风速和阵风主要出现在建筑物较为低矮的老城区上空,并持续影响下游河道等开阔区域。在高层建筑密集的新城区,虽然整体风速明显减弱,但能在平行风向的街道狭管和下游区域形成局地强风。特别是,超高层建筑群引起显著的垂直环流,导致强风扰动向下传播,造成最大风速达8 m s?1的地面局地强风,阵风指数接近2。上游建筑群引起的风场扰动呈现大尺度湍流结构,能沿着平均气流传播影响数公里之远的下游地区。当风场扰动经过广州塔等单体超高层建筑时,可在其两侧绕流区再次加强,形成局地强风。局地强风和阵风还出现在垂直于风向排列的沿江高层建筑群的侧边,与建筑屏风的阻挡效应和缺口溢出有关。研究结果促进认识城市强风的时空特征和物理机制,有助于提升城市气象的精细化预报水平。  相似文献   

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