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The variation in the geo-electric resistivity of the superficial soils across the Niger Delta was investigated by running profiles spanning over 350 km and covering all the geomorphic zones of the Niger Delta, using a Schlumberger electrode configuration. The results indicate characteristic resistivity ranges. The spatial variation in resistivity was explained by differences in topographic elevation, depth to water table, soil type, and water quality. Based on the soil resistivities in the various geomorphic zones, the corrosivity of the soils were determined and methods of cathodic protection prescribed. A north–south traverse will generally experience a decreasing soil resistivity that is truncated at the beach ridges.  相似文献   

范二川 《贵州地质》2002,19(1):31-36
本文在叙述矿床地质特征的前提下,从储矿场形成,红土型金矿形成及成矿后剥蚀残留三个阶段论述了红旗坡土型金矿床成矿作用。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩红土中1.4nm间层矿物及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳酸盐岩红土中1.4nm间层矿物及其环境意义朱立军(贵州工学院,贵阳550003)关键词红土,间层矿物,土壤环境1.4nm间层矿物是指由绿泥石晶层与2:1型含水膨胀层交互连生所构成的不规划间层粘土矿物,其中2:1型含水晶层可以是蒙脱石层,也可以是蛭石...  相似文献   

Many deltas exhibit gravitational deformation of their sedimentary cover. In these systems, the décollement layers do not always consist of rock salt but sometimes of overpressured shale. Unlike salt, the efficiency of detachment in shale depends on the magnitude of fluid overpressures and it varies through time and space, as rapid sedimentary burial progrades into deeper water. As a result, the gravity deformational domains are progressively translated seaward. Sandbox models involving high air pore pressures were used to simulate such gravity-driven shale tectonics in prograding deltas. Models were built with sand of various permeabilities and air was injected to simulate the mechanical effects of fluid overpressure. Our apparatus for the injection of air allowed us to control subsurface pressures in space and time during the experiments, and it was used to simulate the advance of the front of the overpressured domain during the sedimentary progradation. In our models, sand kept obeying a frictional behavior, for medium to high pore pressures, and the detachment appeared as very thin shear bands. Compressional belts that formed during the experiment were dominated by asymmetric basinward-verging fore-thrusts, as is often observed in deep-water, shale-detached foldbelts. Where the value of fluid pressures approached that of the lithostatic stress, sand was fluidized, resulting in ductile strains analogous to what occurs in highly overpressured mobile shale. During progradation, ancient buried thrustbelts were reactivated, thereby controlling later extension. During the experiments, sand volcanoes, analogous to mud volcanoes, formed in relation with tectonic structures. Some of them developed near normal faults but many of them formed directly above old buried thrusts.  相似文献   

Geochemical and geochronological studies were conducted on basalts and laterites from the Bolaven Plateau in southern Laos in order to evaluate the mobility and mineralization of REE, Y and Sc during laterization. The basalts are classified into three categories: (i) small volumetric alkali basalt (eruption age: 15.7 Ma), large volumetric olivine tholeiite (1.2 Ma) and quartz tholeiite with olivine tholeiite (younger than 0.5 ± 0.2 Ma). Formation of REE minerals during laterization result in mobilization and fractionation of REE and Y in laterite profiles. Occurrence of florencite‐(Ce) in a laterite profile derived from alkali basalt immobilizes REE (particularly LREE) and this leads the laterites to be enriched in LREE relative to the parent basalt. Few positive Ce anomalies in this profile suggest that florencite‐(Ce) [(Ce)Al3(PO4)2(OH)2] formation was followed by CeO2 precipitation due to the change of redox condition. In tholeiite‐derived laterite profiles, florencite is not recognized and REE and Y tend to be depleted relative to the parent basalts with positive Ce anomalies. This is interpreted as scavenging REE3+ except for Ce4+ from the laterite profile in oxidizing conditions. Sc behaves similarly to Fe during laterization and it is more abundant in the tholeiitic laterite than that in the alkali basaltic laterite. Results of sequential extraction indicate that REE of the alkali basaltic laterite are contained in residual phase, which is dominantly florencite‐(Ce), but they are rarely present in ion‐adsorption phase. It is concluded that basaltic laterites have a low potential of REE resource in terms of low REE contents and a difficulty in REE extraction.  相似文献   

本文采用高分辨率层序地层学理论,研究尼日尔三角洲中尼日利亚M区块的层序及沉积特征。选择基准井对全井段的岩屑资料进行细致的观察描述,确定自然伽马、声波等曲线对岩性的响应特征;解释主要钻井的岩性剖面;根据岩性剖面,参照地震剖面中揭示的钻井相对于沉积倾向剖面中所在的位置,选择相应的模型划分不同级别的基准面旋回;通过对钻井基准面旋回的形态、厚度、出现频率等属性特征的分析,进行基准面旋回对比,建立等时的层序格架。研究总结了不同级次旋回界面和旋回类型的识别特征,将研究层段分为9个长期旋回。基于对该区构造、沉积背景、物源供应状况及演化特征,分析了该区三角洲的基本类型、随层序及体系域的时空演化等要素。总结了分流河道、水下分流河道、砂坝等若干骨架沉积微相的旋回组合特征、叠加样式等,为储、盖组合及勘探目标评价提供了的依据。  相似文献   

进入20世纪50年代以来,我国海岸侵蚀日趋明显,一些海岸带资源或油田设施遭到破坏。针对我国黄河三角洲和长江三角洲海岸线的侵蚀现状,分析了我国海岸线侵蚀的主要因素:河流泥沙减少;海平面的上升或海洋动力因素增强以及人为因素的影响。并对目前我国所采用的海岸防护措施进行了分析。提出了我国海岸防护工程类型较多,应根据海岸侵蚀的特点采用不同的措施或多种形式组合,因势利导,使工程达到最好的防护效果。  相似文献   

本文通过岩心、测井、录井资料,结合研究区古气候特征、岩性特征、古生物标志和沉积构造特征,提出江汉油田潜江凹陷新沟咀组属于盐湖盆地浅水湖泊三角洲沉积。在盐湖沉积背景下,新沟咀组沉积时期气候相对干旱,水体较浅,无深湖-半深湖沉积,且研究区地势平缓,倾角相对较小,在河流入湖处发育浅水三角洲沉积体系,并且发育三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲泥三种沉积亚相。以沉积相平面分布图为基础,建立了新沟咀组浅水三角洲沉积模式。  相似文献   

新疆西准噶尔巴尔鲁克山一带下—中泥盆统库鲁木迪组曾被广泛认为是滨海-浅海沉积相。通过测制库鲁木迪组Ⅰ、Ⅱ岩相剖面,结合工作区内库鲁木迪组岩性、沉积构造、厚度、化石等特征,研究其沉积岩石学及相特征,划分沉积相单元、组合序列,分析其由冲积扇、扇三角洲及滨-浅海相组成,重点建立该区早—中泥盆世沉积模式,为后期区域地质矿产调查工作提供一定的基础地质资料。  相似文献   

The largest plain in the North Vietnam has formed by the redundant sediment of the Red River system. Sediment supply is not equally distributed, causing erosion in some places. The paper analyzes the evolvement and physical mechanism of the erosion. The overlay of five recent topographical maps (1930, 1965, 1985, 1995, and 2001) shows that sediment redundantly deposits at some big river mouths (Ba Lat, Lach, and Day), leading to rapid accretion (up to 100 m/y). Typical mechanism of delta propagation is forming and connecting sand bars in front of the mouths. Erosion coasts are distributed either between the river mouths (Hai Hau) or nearby them (Giao Long, Giao Phong, and Nghia Phuc). The evolvement of erosion is caused by wave-induced longshore southwestward sediment transport. Meanwhile sediment from the river mouths is not directed to deposit nearshore. The development of sand bars can intensively reduce the erosion rate nearby river mouths. Erosion in Hai Hau is accelerated by sea level rise and upstream dams. Sea dike stability is seriously threatened by erosion-induced lowering of beach profiles, sea level rise, typhoon, and storm surge.  相似文献   

Three dimensional seismic-reflection data from the western Niger Delta were used to investigate the segmentation and linkage of a syn-sedimentary normal fault array and to estimate the influence of a pre-existing normal fault on the geometry and growth of younger faults. The nucleation, growth and linkage of a regional (seaward-dipping) deltaic fault system were analyzed on reflectivity time-/horizon slices and vertical seismic sections. In the deep subsurface, a master fault that consists of two segments (northwestern, NW, and southeastern, SE) grew through time into a single fault by lateral tip propagation reaching a final length of about 15 km. After attaining this length, displacement along the fault system developed non-uniformly through time. The analysis of the hanging-wall sediments of the deep-seated master fault shows two different processes of vertical linkage above the NW and SE segment. The SE segment links vertically to several younger faults contemporaneously with displacement accumulation on the master fault; in contrast, fault linkage above the NW segment occurred only after an interval of master-fault inactivity connecting the deep-seated structure upwards to a single syn-sedimentary normal fault. The observed differences in fault development suggest that although multi-segment deltaic faults form single fault systems after segment linkage, individual pre-linkage characteristics can be preserved, supporting a possibly diverse upward growth and connection to younger faults in the overburden. The geological interpretations presented highlight the influence of large deep-rooted structures on the development, location and geometry of shallow deltaic faults, documenting the influence of an older structural grain on delta tectonics.  相似文献   

渤中25-1南油田浅水三角洲各微相粒度特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以测井相为手段,通过对渤中25-1南油田某评价井粒度资料的分析,揭示了浅水三角洲各微相的粒度特征,并在此基础上对不同微相和同一微相不同部位的粒度特征进行了比较,阐述了差异的原因。分析结果表明,浅水三角洲的粒度累计曲线形态和粒度C-M图特征有别于曲流河和普通河控三角洲,体现了浅水三角洲独特的水动力特征。  相似文献   

蔚县煤田含煤沉积范围大约600km^2。储量丰富,是一个具有远景发展的含煤地区。煤层总厚度10m以上的富煤带,主要分布于水峪、崔家寨、陡涧子、黄崖、烟墩坡一带,正是古基底斜坡带的凹陷处。蔚县煤田早中侏罗世含煤沉积,主要由河流或湖滨河口三角洲相、湖泊相、泥沼相组成。其中以湖泊相、沼泽相为主,河流相次之。富煤带和富煤中心主要赋存于三角洲前缘的泥炭沼泽环境中,是富煤沼泽相形成的有利场所。  相似文献   

Deltaic aquifers are complex due to the important heterogeneity of their structure and their hydrogeological functioning. Auger drilling provides localized, but very robust geological and hydrogeological information, while geophysical surveys can provide integrated subsurface information. An effective, easy-to-use and low-cost methodology combining geological/hydrogeological information from Auger drillings and the results from three geophysical techniques (Electromagnetic mapping, Electrical Sounding and Electrical Resistivity Tomography) is being developed to characterize the structure of a typical Mediterranean deltaic aquifer. A first hypothesis about hydrodynamic properties of the aquifer is also obtained. The study area is located in the Rhone delta (Middle Camargue/southern France). Integration of geophysical and geological techniques allowed identifying the presence and lateral extension of the Saint-Ferréol paleochannel, the vertical contact between lagoonal–fluvial deposits and the marine clayed silt that separate the superficial aquifer from the deeper aquifer. Likewise, high north–south heterogeneity and east–west homogeneity were highlighted in the study area. Presence of clay in sandy deposits in the low areas implies changes in lateral hydraulic permeability. This fact, jointed to the low hydraulic gradient, suggests a slow groundwater flow in the local system. The Rhone delta presents a typical configuration of a Mediterranean deltaic aquifer, thus this methodological approach can be used for similar deltaic Mediterranean systems.  相似文献   

角洲砂体是中国陆相盆地最重要的油气储集层之一,建立层序地层格架内三角洲砂体骨架露头地质模型,对于三角洲砂体分布预测有重要意义。对鄂尔多斯盆地东缘多个延长组曲流河三角洲露头剖面开展了深入的高分辨率层序地层学研究,正确识别出以长61下部下切河谷底面以及对应整合面为界面的三级基准面旋回,构建了三级基准面旋回格架内三角洲砂体骨架原型模型,建立了三级基准面旋回内三角洲平原分流河道(河流)样式响应模式图。该项研究表明,三级基准面旋回过程中,不同基准面升降速率下分流河道发生规律性的下切、充填、迁移、漫溢及河型改变,控制了层序地层格架内三角洲砂体的类型、形态、规模和连通性。这对于认识三角洲砂体的分布规律,分析三角洲砂体形成岩性地层圈闭的条件有重要帮助。深入开展多种地质背景下层序格架内三角洲砂体分布规律研究,有助于实现三角洲砂体分布“成因上可解释、时空上可预测”的层序地层学研究目标。  相似文献   

针对前人提出准噶尔盆地腹部石西地区下侏罗统八道湾组三段为曲流河三角洲沉积的观点,笔者根据碎屑岩的结构、沉积构造及砂体的空间展布等特征,认为八道湾组三段是在较强水动力条件下牵引流沉积的产物,其沉积环境应属于辫状河三角洲沉积。通过对研究区八道湾组三段辫状河三角洲的沉积特征进行综合研究,认为该区辫状河三角洲发育2种亚相和5种微相:辫状河三角洲平原分流河道、河漫沼泽,辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道、支流间湾、河口砂坝。并分析了其展布特征与演化过程,推测该区八道湾组三段沉积早期湖平面下降,研究区内发育辫状河三角洲前缘沉积;中期湖平面继续下降,发育辫状河三角洲平原沉积;晚期湖平面上升,沉积物有所变细。西北部哈拉阿拉特山—德仑山及扎伊尔山物源体系是其主要物源区。  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of emergent greenbelt vegetation has received considerable attention in the recent years, post-Great Indian Ocean Tsunami (26 December 2004). In the present work, a comprehensive laboratory study on the hydraulic resistance characteristics due to a group of slender cylindrical members representing flexible plantation has been carried out in a laboratory open channel. The model stem groups comprised of individual members of different sizes and concentrations in staggered configuration. The sizes and concentrations were chosen in such a way that they would fall into the practical ranges of vegetations in coastal forestry. The results indicate that the flow resistance varies with stem concentration, stem diameter and elastic properties of the individual members and the flow velocity. Based on the results, the Darcy friction factor, f, for various flow and vegetative parameters was derived. A new empirical equation is proposed for evaluating f for partially submerged vegetation in staggered configuration for a wide range of depths of flow in relation to un-deflected plant heights. It is expected that the f thus determined will be useful in modelling the shallow flows using shallow water equations.  相似文献   

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