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为适应厦门市经济建设发展的需要,厦门市决定在厦门全岛建设环岛公路。对厦门大学至香山路段,将裁弯取直,在前埔东侧海岸建造路堤和护岸,公路可由厦门大学通过路堤直达香山。路堤和护岸后侧将填海造陆。根据规划要求,今后在填海造陆区将建造国际会议展览中心。为与拟建的国际会展中心建筑相协调,造成优美的景观,因此要求在国际会展中心正前方的海边采用直立式护岸结构。交通部第一航务工程勘察设计院(以下简称一航院)于1997年11月完成本项目的方案设计,参加设计方案评比。经厦门市组织有关专家评审,确定采用一航院提出的消…  相似文献   

海岸带边坡防浪林消浪理论与实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨建民 《海洋通报》2008,27(2):16-21
在海岸边坡上种植防浪林是一种新的护岸形式,应用理论分析和模型实验对其进行了初步研究.建立波浪在斜坡上传播的控制方程及边界条件,应用摄动理论求解非线性解,得到了一阶精确解和二阶近似解.在模型实验中,确定几何比尺为 1∶10,选取桧柏树枝作为防浪林模型,根据量纲分析,确定的主要影响因素是海岸边坡坡度、波高、波周期、水深与防浪林树宽.实验结果表明,防浪林宽度与岸坡坡度对消浪效果影响较大.  相似文献   

刘达  黄本胜  邱静  谭超 《海洋工程》2016,34(2):16-23
沿海防浪林能形成柔性的植物消浪体系,可以有效降低风暴潮灾害。由于防浪林消浪效果受波浪、近岸水深及植物等多重因素的影响,消浪机理较为复杂,以往的系统研究成果较少。本文以立面二维自由面紊流模型为工具,建立了基于植物冠层特征的多孔介质模型,精细地模拟了破碎波对植物带的冲击,并与物理模型试验结果进行了对比验证,计算分析了植物带宽度、植物密度、滩地水深等因素对消浪效果的影响。  相似文献   

才多  诸裕良 《海洋工程》2014,32(6):41-48
通过基于考虑波浪非线性频散关系的椭圆型缓坡方程数学模型(RIDE),在原高阶的控制方程中添加植物阻力项,建立了模拟植物区波浪传播的数学模型(RIDE-VEG)。将计算结果与规则波在植物场中变形的水槽试验数据进行比较,验证良好,并分析了植物区特征参数对于波浪传播的影响。针对相对淹没度、植物密度和波浪周期等因素对波高衰减的影响进行敏感性分析,结果表明其三者对于消浪效果的影响是单调的,但消浪效果对于波浪周期的敏感程度则较其余二者为弱。与其他学者的研究相比,忽略流场效应的RIDE-VEG模型较其它的模型计算更为简便,且计算结果较为满意。  相似文献   

内河航道岸坡上种植植物,能够起到消减船行波、保护岸坡稳定的作用。本文借助物理模型试验,通过对不同植物分布密度、不同航速的组合试验资料分析,发现柔性植物对船行波具有显著的消减功效,并呈现随着植物密度的增加,植物对船行波爬高、回落、流速的消减呈现出逐渐趋缓的态势,经过拟合分析,确立了植物分布密度与消减船行波爬高与回落关系的经验公式,可为生态航道构建提供技术支持。  相似文献   

浮式防波堤具有对海洋环境友好、施工方便、造价受水深影响小等优点,在海岸工程领域有广阔的应用前景。但受消波效果不稳定、结构易破坏且对锚泊系统要求高等因素的影响,浮式防波堤在实际工程应用中面临较大的挑战。本文采用物理模型试验以及基于OpenFoam的数值模拟方法,对一种由双浮筒、双竖板与水平连接板组成的新型浮式防波堤结构进行消浪性能研究。讨论波浪要素、相对竖板高度、相对水平连接板宽度等因素对双筒双板式浮式防波堤(DCDPFB)消浪性能的影响,分析其周围形成的局部涡量与速度场变化,确定相对最优的结构尺寸。结果表明,相对水平连接板宽度、相对竖板高度和半圆柱体尺寸是影响DCDPFB消浪性能的关键因素;波高与入水深度对透射系数的影响较小;DCDPFB周围形成的局部涡量与速度场变化是耗散波浪能量的重要因素;按照相对最优结构尺寸建造的DCDPFB试验段,在海上原型试验中表现出良好的消波性能。  相似文献   

为使防波堤同时具有良好的掩护效果和水体交换能力,提出了两种带有透浪通道的新型直立式防波堤。基于Fluent求解器建立了三维数值波浪水槽,通过与试验结果对比,验证了该数值水槽求解波浪与透空堤作用具有较高的精度。对两种防波堤在规则波作用下的透浪特性进行了研究,结果表明:透射系数K_t与透空率呈正线性相关,且可通过调整透浪通道间距,使相同透空率下K_t降低20%~30%。对同一结构,K_t随相对波长的增大而显著增大,但受相对波高的影响较小。在透空率大于0.16后,异型沉箱防波堤的消浪性能明显优于错位沉箱。基于数值计算结果,给出了以上两种透空堤波浪透射系数的经验公式。  相似文献   

本文基于雷诺平均的Navier-Stokes方程和k-ε模型求解湍流流动,采用流体体积法(Volume of Fluid,VOF)追踪自由表面运动,建立无反射波浪数值水槽,对多消浪室开孔沉箱的消浪特性进行数值模拟研究.将单消浪室和多消浪室开孔沉箱反射系数和结构前波面分布的数值分析结果与物理模型试验结果进行对比验证,两者...  相似文献   

多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤消浪特性试验研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
本文回顾了已有的关于透空式防波堤的波浪透射率的理论计算方法,分析了多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤的消浪机理。结合防波堤断面波浪试验,探讨多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤的消浪特性。研究结果表明多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤能够显著消减波浪,它的应用突破了透空式防波堤仅适用于小尺度风浪水域的经验。研究发现影响防波堤消浪效果的因素中,挡板的透空率和设置方式的影响最为显著。文中提出的减小波浪透射率的方法可供设计部门参考。  相似文献   

为研究敷设消浪材料不同构造浮箱的消浪性能,通过物模试验得到规则波作用下不同周期、不同波高、不同锚泊方式及不同结构形式下浮箱的透射系数(C_t)、反射系数(C_r)及波能衰减系数(C_s)。研究结果表明:随着相对堤宽(B/L)的增大,不同构造浮箱的透射系数均逐渐减小,反射系数逐渐增大,波能衰减系数逐渐增大;敷设消浪材料的浮堤相比于单浮箱透射系数减小了0.10左右,而采用方箱-垂直板式构造的浮堤消浪性能相对于单浮箱透射系数减小了0.10~0.15,且敷设消浪材料的浮堤结构在研究的2种波高下,相对堤宽达到0.30时,透射系数可减小到0.25;当浮堤采用张紧式锚泊时,其消浪性能相对于悬链式锚泊浮堤减小了0.10左右,通过对比不同构造浮箱的消浪性能,可为实际工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper provides a practical method for estimating the drag force on a vegetation field exposed to long-crested (2D) and short-crested (3D) nonlinear random waves. This is achieved by using a simple drag formula together with an empirical drag coefficient given by Mendez et al. (1999), in conjunction with a stochastic approach. Here the waves are assumed to be a stationary narrow-band random process. Effects of nonlinear waves are included by adopting the Forristall (2000) wave crest height distribution representing both 2D and 3D random waves.  相似文献   

蒋昌波  徐进  邓斌  陈杰  屈科 《海洋工程》2020,38(3):1-11
为研究近岸植物的非均匀分布对海啸波的消减作用,采用非静压单相流模型计算了5种不同密度分布植物与孤立波的相互作用,分析不同密度分布植物对海啸的消波特性。结果表明在植物总株数相同时,具有不同分布密度植物的消波效果相近,透射波波高差小于3%、最大流速差小于5.4%,但是不同植物密度分布情况下植物区前的反射系数有所不同,反射系数最大差为80.2%。此外,所有分布的植物区对波高和流速的透射系数随着波高和植物区长度变化的趋势是一样的,在不同入射波高和植物区长度情况下5种分布均呈现出相似的沿程衰减机制。  相似文献   

葛昭佩  唐军  赵楚嫣 《海洋学报》2022,44(11):111-120
本文基于OpenFOAM建立三维波浪数值水槽,模拟计算植被水域波浪作用下的床面切应力,分析了入射波高、植被密度、植被淹没高度、水流对植被水域波浪作用下床面切应力的影响。结果表明:纯波时,由于植被的阻水作用,植被水域床面切应力沿程衰减,其衰减程度与入射波高、植被密度及植被淹没高度呈现正相关;与纯波时相比,在波浪和同向流共同作用下正向床面切应力幅值增大,负向床面切应力幅值减小;弱水流对植被水域床面切应力的大小及分布无明显影响;强水流时,床面切应力在植被水域先增大后逐渐减小并在植被水域后显著降低。  相似文献   

Analyzing the dynamic response and calculating the tendon tension of the mooring system are necessary for the structural design of a tension leg platform (TLP). The six-degree-of-freedom dynamic coupling responses and the mooring characteristics of TLP under random waves are studied by using a self-developed program. Results are verified by the 1:40 scaling factor model test conducted in the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering at Shanghai JiaoTong University. The mean, range, and standard deviation of the numerical simulation and model test are compared. The influences of different sea states and wave approach angles on the dynamic response and tendon tension of the mooring system are investigated. The acceleration in the center and corner of the deck is forecasted.  相似文献   

张洪运  庄丽华  阎军  马小川 《海洋科学》2017,41(10):149-157
南海北部外陆架和上陆坡分布着大量的各种类型的深水沙波,经过统计,这些沙波的活动性十分迥异,有着不同于浅水沙波的运移机制。基于国内外对该地区沙波研究成果的总结,指出天文潮、风暴潮等因素均不可能造成海底沙波的持续运动。南海北部同时是世界上内波活动最频繁的区域,与沙波活动区存在空间一致性。经过本文的综述分析,南海北部频发的内波可以造成海底的强流,是造成该海域海底沙波活动的主要原因,未来应在此框架理论下,进行相关证实研究。  相似文献   

A vertical two-dimensional numerical model has been applied to solving the Reynolds Averaged Navier- Stokes (RANS} equations in the simulation of current and wave propagation through vegetated and non- vegetated waters. The k-e model is used for turbulence closure of RANS equations. The effect of vegeta- tion is simulated by adding the drag force of vegetation in the flow momentum equations and turbulence model. To solve the modified N-S equations, the finite difference method is used with the staggered grid system to solver equations. The Youngs' fractional volume of fluid (VOF) is applied tracking the free sur- face with second-order accuracy. The model has been tested by simulating dam break wave, pure current with vegetation, solitary wave runup on vegetated and non-vegetated channel, regular and random waves over a vegetated field. The model reasonably well reproduces these experimental observations, the model- ing approach presented herein should be useful in simulating nearshore processes in coastal domains with vegetation effects.  相似文献   


The construction of a 100-km road network is planned on a land reclamation area in the Oujiang Estuary in China. The embankment had a height of 4 m and a base width of 60 m. The reclamation area is newly filled by a 3-m dredger fill on a 48-m thick layer of marine clay. Estimation of the settlement of the future road network is difficult. To guide the construction of the road network, a 1/100-scale centrifuge model test was performed with a marine clay sample from the construction site to simulate the layered settlements and evaluate the drainage effect of prefabricated vertical drains in the dredger fill in the following 10 years. The results of the centrifuge modeling test are verified by 10-month in situ monitoring, which shows agreement between the centrifuge modeling test results and the in situ results. The test results indicate that additional time is needed to reinforce the newly added dredger fill by the surcharge preloading method to uplift the elevation of the reclamation area with dredger fill.  相似文献   

The paper is intended to extend the investigations about the nature of abnormal waves that have been reported in the work of Guedes Soares et al. (Characteristics of abnormal waves in North Sea states. Applied Ocean Research 25, [337–344]). The same dataset gathered at the oil platform North Alwyn in the North Sea during the November storm in 1997 is used along with the time series from the Draupner platform, in which an abnormal wave occurred. The data are reanalyzed from the viewpoint of the applicability of second-order models to fit large waves. The observed results confirm that the second-order approximation is not adequate to describe highly asymmetric and abnormal waves.  相似文献   


This study investigates the impact of pile cap size, soft layer thickness and pile strength on load transfer and settlement behaviors of embankments supported by floating and fixed T-shaped deep cement mixing piles and conventional DCM piles under volume control. Preliminary investigation is performed by a series of small-scale physical model tests. The results reveal that the differential settlement can be substantially reduced with an enlarging pile cap as a result of larger embankment load transferred to the piles. The extended numerical analysis results demonstrate that the pile efficacy is related to the individual pile bearing capacity, which, in turn, depends on the pile cap size. The soft layer thickness has an insignificant effect on differential settlement but a significant effect on average settlement, while the pile strength plays an important role in differential settlement only when the cap size is not very large. Shape factor of at least 3.0 is recommended to ensure the reduction in differential settlement and minimize the effect of the change in pile strength.  相似文献   

A physical model study of combined refraction and diffraction of waves through a breakwater gap at different incident angles was conducted. Both regular and random waves with narrow and broad frequency and direction spreading were studied. Besides the presence of a mild bottom slope in the lee of the breakwater, the distribution of wave heights across the width of a navigation channel inside the model harbor was also simulated. In addition to contributing to an understanding of the phenomenon of refraction and diffraction of random waves, the relatively complete set of data obtained can serve as a benchmark for testing of numerical models.  相似文献   

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