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大量研究表明,酸沉降引起酸化敏感性湖泊湖水的酸化,会影响湖泊系统汞的赋存状态和相互转化。但是,对于酸沉降同时引起的湖泊SO4^2的增加是否会影响湖泊汞的赋存状态和相互转化尚存在分歧。而对于非酸化敏感湖泊,受酸沉降影响湖水仍然呈现碱性的湖泊结果如何还不清楚。据此,本文综述了湖泊体系中汞的生物地球化学循环演化规律,并总结近年来的研究成果,结合我国西南地区湖泊所处的特殊地质环境及其污染和研究现状,指出对酸沉降区域碱性湖泊中汞的生物地球化学演化规律进行研究的必要性和重大意义。  相似文献   

以龙里典型喀斯特地区马尾松纯林及马尾松-阔叶树混交林为研究对象,研究了两个群落的生物量、营养元素贮量、分布及循环特征.结果表明:马尾松纯林、马尾松-阔叶树混交林的生物量分别为40.62t/hm2、48.32t/hm2,混交林的乔木层总生物量比马尾松纯林高18.97%,根系生物量较纯林高65.12%.混交林乔木层各器官营养元素的含量整体大于马尾松纯林,两群落乔木层N、P、K、S的含量表现出一致的趋势,叶>根>枝>干.混交林乔木层各元素的积累量分别比纯林高47.97%~197.67%,凋落物层各元素贮量比纯林高85.40%~318.301%.混交林的年归还量、年存留量和年吸收量均大于马尾松纯林,且各元素循环系数大于马尾松纯林.马尾松林与阔叶树混交可以有效地提高群落生物量和营养元素循环的能力.  相似文献   

丰水期红枫湖流域氮污染特征的变化规律研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丰水期对汇入红枫湖的后六河、麻线河、羊昌河和桃花园河等河水中氮素的形态和含量进行测定,结果表明NO3--N是氮素的主要形态,约占TN的25%~65%;三态氮在空间分布上,从上游至下游,四条河流表现出不同的变化规律,后六河NH4+-N、NO2--N与NO3--N的变化规律基本上一致外,含量总体上逐渐增加;其它三条河流中,NH4+-N与NO3--N的含量呈现相反的变化趋势,NO2--N的变化规律则不明显。该流域整体上表现为非点源污染的特征。后六河和麻线河地下水中NO3--N的含量明显高于相应河水中的含量。该研究对亚热带小流域河水中氮磷含量及形态变化研究具有借鉴意义,对该流域的环境规划、环境管理和环境污染治理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

1IntroductionEnzymaticandmicrobialdegradationoforganicmatterhasabearingnotonlyonearlydiagene sis,butalsoonelementcyclingandmicrobedistributioninlakesediments.Somereportsshowedtheabundancevariationsoforganicmatterinsediments (BurdigeandGardner,1998;ArthurandDean ,1998;WanGuojiangetal.,2 0 0 0 ) .However,duetothecomplexchemicalcompositionoforganicmatter,mechanismsofenzymaticandmicrobialdegradationandvariationsofeachchemicalcomponentneedtobestudiedfurther.Underanoxiccondition ,SO2 -4 isanimpo…  相似文献   

散落核素7Be和137Cs在洱海和红枫湖沉积物中蓄积对比   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
沉积物柱芯分别采自滇西地区的洱海和黔中地区的红枫(及百花)湖,散落核素7Be和137Cs在沉积物中的蓄积特征对比分析表明,7Be在洱海及红枫湖沉积物中的累计值分别为(237±73)Bq/m2和(783±44)Bq/m2;按校正到沉降年代的数值,1986年以前137Cs的累计值分别为(519±26)Bq/m2及(3704±56)Bq/m2.由模式计算获知,(1)7Be和137Cs在红枫湖沉积物中的蓄积以侵蚀影响为主;在洱海的蓄积受直接散落控制.(2)在洱海和红枫湖地区7Be大气散落累计值分别为(0.07±0.02)Bq/cm2及(0.08±0.01)Bq/cm2;1986年以前137Cs大气散落累计值分别为(0.11±0.01)Bq/cm2及(0.37±0.01)Bq/cm2,显示出滇西与黔中地区之间137Cs散落的地区差异.这一现象可能反映出青藏高原对滇西地区存在着全球性大气扩散污染物散落的屏蔽效应.  相似文献   

城市内陆型湖泊湿地对城市生态系统具有重要的作用。以武汉市武湖为例,采用数理统计、营养盐指数、地累积指数和潜在生态风险指数等方法,对武湖表层沉积物中的氮、磷、有机质和重金属的平面分布特征、影响因素、富集污染程度、生态风险进行评价。结果表明: 武湖西北部表层沉积物中总氮、总磷和有机质的含量明显高于东南部,武湖周边地表径流和农田是营养元素的主要来源,旱地较水田有利于沉积物中总磷的富集; 武湖沉积物中有机质为内源水生植物和外源陆生植物的混合来源,与总氮具显著正相关关系; 沉积物中重金属含量总体较低,局部呈现高镉,平面上总体北部高于南部; 沉积物中重金属富集程度和潜在风险较低,局部地区镉和铅为轻微富集,镉和汞具中等潜在风险; 沉积物的潜在生态风险为低至中等,潜在生态风险与沉积物中镉的分布高度一致。  相似文献   

Karstic bauxite deposits are widespread in Central Guizhou Province, SW China, and high-grade ores are frequently sandwiched with overlying coal and underlying iron-rich layers and form a special “coal–bauxite–iron” structure. The Lindai deposit, which is one of the most representative karstic bauxite deposits in Central Guizhou Province, was selected as a case study. Based on textural features and iron abundances, bauxite ores in the Lindai deposit are divided into three types of ores, i.e., clastic, compact, and high-iron. The bauxite ores primarily comprise diaspore, boehmite, kaolinite, illite, and hematite with minor quartz, smectite, pyrite, zircon, rutile, anatase, and feldspar. The Al2O3 (53–76.8 wt.%) is the main chemical contents of the bauxite ore samples in the Lindai district, followed by SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, MgO, S, and P etc. Our geological data on the Lindai deposit indicated that the ore-bearing rock series and its underlying stratum have similar rare earth elements distribution pattern and similar Y/Ho, Zr/Hf, and Eu/Eu1 values; additionally, all ore-bearing rock samples are rich in MgO (range from 0.16 wt.% to 0.68 wt.%), and the plots of the dolomites and laterites lie almost on or close to the weathering line fit by the Al-bearing rocks in Zr vs. Hf and Nb vs. Ta diagrams; suggesting that the underlying Middle Cambrian Shilengshui Formation dolomite is the parent rock of bauxite resources in the Lindai district.Simulated weathering experiments on the modern laterite from the Shilengshui Formation dolomite in the Lindai bauxite deposit show that hydrogeological conditions are important for karstic bauxite formation: Si is most likely to migrate, its migration rate is several magnitudes higher than those of Al and Fe under natural conditions; the reducing inorganic acid condition is the most conducive to Al enrichment and Si removal; Fe does not migrate easily in groundwater, Al enrichment and Fe removal can occur only in acidic and reducing conditions with the presence of organic matter.The geological and experimental studies show that “coal–bauxite–iron” structure in Lindai deposit is formed under certain hydrogeological conditions, i.e., since lateritic bauxite or Al-rich laterite deposited upon the semi-closed karst depressions, Si can be continuously removed out under neutral/acidic groundwater conditions; the coal/carbonaceous rock overlying the bauxitic materials were easily oxidized to produce acidic (H2S, H2SO4, etc.) and reductant groundwater with organic materials that percolated downward, resulting in enrichment of Al in underlying bauxite; it also reduced Fe3+ to its easily migrating form Fe2+, moving downward to near the basal carbonate culminated in precipitating of ferruginous (FeS2, FeCO3, etc.) strata of the “coal–bauxite–iron” structure. Thus, the bauxitic materials experienced Al enrichment and Si and Fe removal under above certain hydrogeological conditions forming the high-quality bauxite.  相似文献   

From June 2004 to December 2004, Lake Dianchi, which had large scale of cyanobacterial blooms was investigated in order to study P-fractionation in the suspended matter and the sediment. The investigation improves our understanding of phosphorus in Lake Dianchi and the relationship between phosphorus and cyanobacterial blooms. It contributes to the available literature on the behavior of P in hypertrophic lakes. The distribution of P-fractions in Lake Dianchi was not uniform from northwest to south, but was closely related to the trophic status of the whole lake. The concentrations of total phosphorus, labile P (NH4Cl-P), Organic P (NaOH-NRP) and loss on ignition in suspended matter were positively correlated with the strength of cyanobacterial blooms. Total phosphorus in suspended matter was relatively stable for almost half an year and closely related to Chl. a concentration. The main content of organic phosphorus is in the cyanobacterial blooms. The concentrations of phosphorus bound to metal oxides and carbonates (NaOH-SRP and HCl-P) in sediment were similar to NaOH-SRP and HCl-P in the corresponding suspended matter. The latter two forms of P in suspended matter were not affected by cyanobacterial blooms, indicating that the inorganic phosphorus is derived from the sediment after resuspension from the sediment due to wind and wave action. The contribution of the different P-fractions to TP in sediment and in suspended matter indicates that NH4Cl-P in the suspended matter is an important buffer for maintaining dissolved phosphorus in water.  相似文献   

近年来,在汶川地震等强震区常发生一种特大的高位滑坡地质灾害,它从高陡斜坡上部位置剪出并形成凌空加速坠落,具有撞击粉碎效应和动力侵蚀效应,导致滑体解体碎化,从而转化为高速远程碎屑流滑动或泥石流流动,并铲刮下部岩土体,使体积明显增加。新磨滑坡就是这种典型,它发生于2017年6月24日,滑坡后缘高程约3450m,前缘高程约2250 m,高差1200 m,水平距离2800 m,堆积体体积达1637×10~4m~3,摧毁了新磨村村庄,导致83人死亡。新磨滑坡地处叠溪较场弧形构造带前弧西翼,母岩为中三叠统中厚层变砂岩夹板岩,是1933年叠溪Ms7.5级震中区(烈度X度)和汶川Ms8.0级强震区(烈度IX度),形成震裂山体。滑源区分布多组不连续结构面,将厚层块状岩体分割成碎裂块体,在高程3150~3450 m区间形成明显的压裂鼓胀区,特别是存在2组反倾节理带,具有典型的"锁固段"失稳机理。滑坡体高位剪出滑动,连续加载并堆积于斜坡体上部,体积达390×10~4m~3,导致残坡积岩土层失稳并转化为管道型碎屑流;碎屑流高速流滑至斜坡下部老滑坡堆积体后,因前方地形开阔、坡度变缓,转化为扩散型碎屑流散落堆积,具有"高速远程"成灾模式。据此,可建立强震山区高位滑坡的早期识别方法,当陡倾山脊存在大型岩质高位滑坡时,应当考虑冲击作用带来的动力侵蚀效应和堆积加载效应,特别是沿沟谷赋存丰富的地下水时,发生高速远程滑坡的可能性将明显增加。因此,在地质灾害调查排查中,在高位岩质滑坡剪出口下方的斜坡堆积体上的聚居区等应划定为地质灾害危险区。在强震山区地质灾害研究中,不仅应采用静力学理论分析滑坡的失稳机理,而且应采用动力学方法加强运动过程的成灾模式研究。  相似文献   

文章选取贵州省普定县作为黔西喀斯特区的典型县域,依据1980年第二次土壤普查数据和2011年实测土壤数据,运用土壤类型法,计算该县域近30年(1980-2011年)农田表层(0~20 cm)土壤有机碳(SOC)储量和密度的变化,并借助逐步回归分析,对该县域近30年农田表层SOC动因进行分析,结果表明:(1)普定县近30年来农田0~20 cm表土有机碳库总体表现为基本持平且略有上升的趋势,增幅为0.95%,年均变化量15.31 kg C·hm-2·a-1;(2)不同类型农田土壤的表层有机碳储量和密度变化较大,其中水稻土固碳幅度最大,为28.95%,而山地灌丛草甸土的丢碳最为严重,降幅达70.22%;(3)农田表层SOC密度年均变化量在空间分布上总体表现为县城中部、南部和三岔河及夜郎湖地区呈增加趋势,而在县城以西、以东及斗篷山大部分区域则为下降态势,这主要受土壤类型空间分布差异所致;(4)影响普定县农田表层SOC变化的主要因素有SOC密度初始值(1980年)、C/N、砾石体积比和速效K密度等,其中SOC密度年均变化量与SOC密度初始值和砾石体积比呈负相关,与C/N和速效K密度呈正相关。总的来看,近30年的人为活动对普定县农田表土有机碳总库存未产生负面影响。   相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(4):501-511
With the adjustment of industrial structure, many high pollution enterprises will gradually shut down. This process will produce a large number of high-risk pollution plots and cause a series of environmental problems. In this study, geophysical detection and direct push technology were applied to investigate soil and groundwater pollution in a typical brownfield in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, China. The results showed that Chlorotoluene and its ramification were the main pollutants for the brownfield. Pollution decreased with depth and was quite uneven in the brownfield. Production and wastewater treatment areas were heavily polluted, where volatile organic compounds contaminated and semi-volatile organic compounds were found 12 m and 15 m below the land surface, respectively. About 18880 m3 groundwater was contaminated. This study is significant to develop a geological survey work mode for the postindustrial era.  相似文献   




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