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华北地区地壳P波三维速度结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1968年邢台地震以后的30余年中, 中国地震局系统先后在大华北地区布置30余条、近20000km的人工地震宽角反射/折射深地震测深(DSS) 剖面, 用以研究地壳及上地幔顶部的速度结构, 取得了大量研究成果.但以往的研究明显的不足是未能形成华北区域性的地壳三维速度结构模型, 从大区域的角度为研究华北地区地壳深部构造特征提供地震学方面的依据.因此, 在现已发表的DSS剖面资料的基础上, 选择了14条测线的资料, 利用地理信息系统(ARC/INFO) 的“矢量化”功能, 以及克里格数据网格化技术构建华北区域性的地壳三维速度结构模型, 从而对华北研究区内地壳三维速度结构的特点得到如下认识: (1) 华北地区地壳表层P波速度变化幅度大, 平面结构较复杂, 大体上划分为相间排列、走向趋势以北西向为主的3个速度区.海河平原和渤海湾的低速带是研究区范围内速度最低的低速区.资料的情况说明, 研究区内沉积盖层的地质构造与上地壳构造之间虽有一定继承性, 但也存在较大差别. (2) 总体上看, 在华北研究区内地壳的P波速度随深度增大而增大, 但局部地区出现速度倒转的现象, 东区的海河平原低速异常逐渐消失, 而西区的山西地堑则以相对低速异常特征为主.区内地壳以太行山脉为界, 划分为东、西两区; 东部和西部, 结晶基底以上地层的构造方向不完全一致; 东部的黄淮海地块, 区域构造以北东向为主, 而西部包括山西地块和鄂尔多斯地块东缘, 其构造方向则以北西向为主. (3) 根据莫霍面的形态特征, 研究区地壳可大致划分为6个区块; 在山西地块范围内, 莫霍面呈近南北向的凹陷带, 地壳厚度大; 内蒙古地块南缘和燕山地块南部, 莫霍面表现出褶皱带的构造特征, 其延展趋势为近东西方向; 鄂尔多斯地块东缘, 莫霍面构造相对复杂, 呈近北西向凸、凹相伴的褶皱; 黄淮海地块(华北裂谷带中、北部) 为莫霍面隆坳区, 隆、坳相间排列, 构造较复杂, 但从整体上看, 这是全区莫霍面最浅的隆起区段; 鲁西台背斜主要为莫霍面断陷区, 其断陷带沿枣庄—曲阜一线向北西方向延伸.   相似文献   

综合前人资料分析了川—滇构造带及其邻区地壳-上地幔速度结构与地震分布的关系。结果表明,川—滇构造带具有同青藏高原地壳-上地幔结构相似的某些特征;地震活动主要沿安宁河断裂带和小江断裂带分布。震源以永仁、渡口和会理三地所在区域最浅,向四周渐深  相似文献   

金沙江川滇交界段构造一地貌特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

王方国 《矿物岩石》1990,10(1):61-69,T004
本文对川滇地区某纯橄榄岩体的地质特征进行了初步研究。该岩体的岩石新鲜,几乎没有蛇纹石化。岩体具层状构造,岩石中发育扭折带、巨晶、碎斑、等粒镶嵌结构、板块镶嵌结构等特殊的地幔岩结构构造。此外,岩石化学及地球化学特征了都表明该纯橄榄岩体属于蛇绿岩层序中堆积的一个组成部分。  相似文献   

川滇南北向构造带的两开两合及成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
川滇南北向构造带是中国西南地区最重要的构造-成矿带之一,产铜、铁、铅锌、磷、镍、金、银、钨锡、碲等多种矿产。该构造带的构造演化可分为前震旦纪的板块成型期和早震旦世的后造山期、晚震旦世-早新生代的板内稳定-破裂-造山期和晚新生代的后造山期,即本区陆壳在早元古代形成后曾两开两合,并在其不同时期控制了不同矿床形成。  相似文献   

川滇交界地区地壳结构及现代地壳活动模式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据地球物理异常及大地测深资料探讨川滇交界地区的地壳深部构造背影及地壳结构特征,并综合多方面的研究资料,以两板块碰撞、青藏高原窿升为构造背景,以川滇菱形断块运动为基本模式,全面系统地揭示川滇交界面区的现代地壳活动性。从地壳运动图象中可以清楚地看到断块差异性活动是现代地壳活动主要形式。  相似文献   

河西走廊中部地区三维速度结构研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
董治平  张元生 《地球学报》2007,28(3):270-276
利用天然地震记录资料,对河西走廊中部地区三维速度结构与震源参数进行了反演,获得了该区的三维速度图像.分层速度结果反映出研究区深部结构的一些重要信息.①浅部沉积层的速度为5.00~6.15 km/s,垂直速度梯度接近0.15 km/s;结晶基底埋深约7 km,速度为6.15 km/s.②上地壳深达18 km,速度约为6.33 km/s;民乐盆地速度略高于祁连山和龙首山,阿拉善地块存在明显的向河西走廊下插的现象.③中地壳底部深约30 km,速度为6.58 km/s;较显著的速度变化区正位于北祁连与河西走廊过渡  相似文献   

川滇黔交界地区铅锌矿床含矿角砾岩特征及其构造意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
川滇黔交界地区的铅锌矿床中普遍发育含矿角砾岩。文章综述了角砾岩的成因分类,在重点矿床野外地质调查的基础之上,对川滇黔交界地区的铅锌矿床含矿角砾岩进行了详细研究。结果表明:大部分含矿角砾岩显示张性角砾岩的特点,仅个别矿床同时出现挤压角砾岩。综合区域地质构造演化特征和典型铅锌矿床的同位素测年数据,可大致推断出,从中二叠世茅口期以来该铅锌成矿区伸展构造至少有2期:一期发生在铅锌矿化之前或同时,即早二叠世/晚二叠世的升降运动(东吴运动)与晚二叠世峨眉山玄武岩喷发期间,此次伸展作用形成的角砾岩为成矿流体提供了大量的容矿空间,并最终导致成矿流体沿断裂运移并充填沉淀而形成角砾状或网脉状-脉状构造的矿石;另一期发生在铅锌矿化之后,即白垩纪—古近纪,发育一系列正断层,并有可能破坏了铅锌矿体的连续性。  相似文献   

In this paper, 3-D velocity images of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Nanbei tectonic zone of China are constructed using P-wave travel time residuals of earthquakes, with the data supplied by China's seismic networks and the International Seismic Centre.During the model parameterization in the tomographic inversion the interpolation function of grid node velocities is used as the space function of velocity, and the velocity function is allowed to be discontinuous. The difficulties caused by large memory demand and high computing cost in solving the system of equations are avoided by utilizing the least squares QR decomposition algorithm. Thus, the stability of the algorithm is ensured. Though resolution images are not derived in the inversion process based on the resolution theory of Backus and Gilbert, a covariance resolution method is put forward by the authors. The resolution analyses have proved the reliability of the image results. 3-D ray tracing is conducted to obtain the ray paths in a s  相似文献   

通过测井约束波阻抗反演技术,不仅提高地震资料纵向、横向分辨率,也提高了对复杂煤层及煤层宏观结构解释精度.利用该技术可对煤层厚度及结构进行定量解释,较好地完成了勘探中的任务要求.该技术可应用于煤田类似任务要求的勘探工作中.  相似文献   

3D structure of the crust and upper mantle in the studied area has been analyzed from surface wave tomography. The velocity distribution in the uppermost crust is symmetrical on two sides of the central line of the sea, and coincides with the structure of crystalline basement. The essential difference in tectonics between the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea mainly lies in that the velocity structures of their lower crust and upper mantle are identical to those of South China and North China respectively. In the upper mantle there exists a high-velocity zone with a nearly EW strike from the Hangzhou Bay, China, to the Tokara Channel, Japan, along about the latitude of 30°N. It is found that between the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea there are systematical differences in geomorphology, geology, seismicity, heat flow, quality factor and gravity and aeromagnetic anomalies, which is related to both left-lateral shear dislocation and right-lateral tear of the Benioff zone from the Hangzhou Bay to the Tokara Channel.It is inferred that the East China Sea was formed by Cenozoic back-arc extension. The boundary between the North China and South China crustal blocks stretches along the southern piedmont of Mts. Daba-Dabie-Hangzhou Bay-Tokara Channel, and the subduction zone at the Okinawa trench is the eastern boundary of the South China crustal block. The movements of the Pacific plate, Indian plate and upper mantle rather than the Philippine plate subduction have played a dominant role for the modern tectonic movements in East Asia.  相似文献   

利用高纵向分辨率的测井资料与连续观测的地震资料进行波阻抗反演,可以大大提高三维地震资料对地下地质情况的研究程度。以山西常村矿为例,介绍了波阻抗反演在目的层位追踪、薄层辨别、断点断距的确定、陷落柱的解释以及冲刷无煤带的圈定等方面的应用。实例表明波阻抗反演地震剖面比常规地震剖面具有明显的优势,特别是在薄层的分辨率能力上,波阻抗反演表现的尤为突出,如在该区波阻抗反演剖面上,不仅能够分辨15#煤层的三个分层,同时对6#、9#、12#薄煤层也有清晰的反映。  相似文献   

The special seismic tectonic environment and frequent seismicity in the southeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau show that this area is an ideal location to study the present tectonic movement and background of strong earthquakes in mainland China and to predict future strong earthquake risk zones. Studies of the structural environment and physical characteristics of the deep structure in this area are helpful to explore deep dynamic effects and deformation field characteristics, to strengthen our understanding of the roles of anisotropy and tectonic deformation and to study the deep tectonic background of the seismic origin of the block's interior. In this paper, the three-dimensional(3D) P-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle under the southeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau is obtained via observational data from 224 permanent seismic stations in the regional digital seismic network of Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces and from 356 mobile China seismic arrays in the southern section of the north–south seismic belt using a joint inversion method of the regional earthquake and teleseismic data. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of the P-wave velocity anomalies in the shallow upper crust is closely related to the surface geological structure, terrain and lithology. Baoxing and Kangding, with their basic volcanic rocks and volcanic clastic rocks, present obvious high-velocity anomalies. The Chengdu Basin shows low-velocity anomalies associated with the Quaternary sediments. The Xichang Mesozoic Basin and the Butuo Basin are characterised by lowvelocity anomalies related to very thick sedimentary layers. The upper and middle crust beneath the Chuan–Dian and Songpan–Ganzi Blocks has apparent lateral heterogeneities, including low-velocity zones of different sizes. There is a large range of low-velocity layers in the Songpan–Ganzi Block and the sub–block northwest of Sichuan Province, showing that the middle and lower crust is relatively weak. The Sichuan Basin, which is located in the western margin of the Yangtze platform, shows high-velocity characteristics. The results also reveal that there are continuous low-velocity layer distributions in the middle and lower crust of the Daliangshan Block and that the distribution direction of the low-velocity anomaly is nearly SN, which is consistent with the trend of the Daliangshan fault. The existence of the low-velocity layer in the crust also provides a deep source for the deep dynamic deformation and seismic activity of the Daliangshan Block and its boundary faults. The results of the 3D P-wave velocity structure show that an anomalous distribution of high-density, strong-magnetic and high-wave velocity exists inside the crust in the Panxi region. This is likely related to late Paleozoic mantle plume activity that led to a large number of mafic and ultra-mafic intrusions into the crust. In the crustal doming process, the massive intrusion of mantle-derived material enhanced the mechanical strength of the crustal medium. The P-wave velocity structure also revealed that the upper mantle contains a low-velocity layer at a depth of 80–120 km in the Panxi region. The existence of deep faults in the Panxi region, which provide conditions for transporting mantle thermal material into the crust, is the deep tectonic background forthe area's strong earthquake activity.  相似文献   

江国明  赵大鹏  张贵宾 《地球科学》2009,34(6):1001-1011
双差分地震定位法采用了一维射线追踪法和直角坐标系, 不适合于复杂速度模型中的地震定位.本研究采用三维射线追踪技术和球坐标系改进了双差分定位法, 扩大了它的应用范围.为了检验新方法的可行性和准确性, 以日本海地区下方的深发地震为研究对象, 通过对比4种复杂速度模型中双差分定位结果, 分析速度结构对双差分定位的影响.结果表明, 改进后的双差分定位法受速度结构变化的影响较小, 而且当震源区的速度模型越接近真实速度结构时, 定位结果的精度越高, 这为利用深发地震研究地球深部构造奠定了基础.   相似文献   

根据体波层析成像技术,利用大量走时数据,做出0°~180°E,30°S~90°S范围内0~2889km深的三维速度分布图像,得到欧亚地区局部区域岩石圈及地幔的高分辨率速度结构,并从地球动力学角度出发对这些成像结果做进一步解释。  相似文献   

直流电阻率测深中二维反演程序对三维数据的近似解释   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
熊彬  阮百尧等 《地球科学》2003,28(1):102-106
直流电阻率测深剖面数据解释最好的方法是二维反演,这是由于它反演速度快,而三维反演则需要很多的实测数据、很长的计算时间。而且通过对几种三维模型测深数据的二维反演结果的研究,发现尽管对无走向的良导矿体,二维反演方法所圈定的异常中心与真实矿体中心有一定的误差,但基本上还是能反映矿体的真实形态和中心位置。当矿体具有一定的走向长度时,则无论对高阻矿体还是良导矿体二维反演的效果都很好。  相似文献   

郑元满  姚长利  张晨 《现代地质》2012,26(6):1225-1230
由于三维反演计算非常耗时,导致目前的重磁三维自动反演系统的工作方式效率低。为了改善工作效率和提高反演结果的质量,提出实时可视化自动反演方式,设计并开发了一个重磁三维实时可视化反演系统。该系统在三维反演计算的过程中,将中间反演结果同时进行成图可视化,使得工作人员能及时分析和评价中间反演结果并能修改参数,以此来介入和引导复杂的反演过程,快速有效地得到比较理想的反演结果。该系统具有实时性、交互性和引导性特点。对该系统进行了分析和设计,并给出了其中的关键技术与设计方案。  相似文献   

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