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南海的季节环流─TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星测高应用研究   总被引:49,自引:8,他引:49  
应用1992~1996年的TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计遥感资料,研究了冬、夏季风强盛期多年平均的南海上层环流结构。研究结果表明,南海上层流结构呈明显的季节变化,在很大程度上受该海区冬、夏交替的季风支配。冬季总环流呈气旋型,并发育有两个次海盆尺度气旋型环流;夏季总环流大致呈反气旋型、但在南海东部18°N以南海域未见明显流系发育。研究还表明,南海环流的西向强化趋势明显,无论冬、夏在中南半岛沿岸和巽他陆架外缘均存在急流,其流向冬、夏相反,是南海上层环流中最强劲的一支。鉴于该海流的动力特征与海洋动力学中定义的漂流不同,有相当大的地转成分,建议称为“南海季风急流(South China Sea MonsoonJet)”.冬季南下的季风急流在南海南部受巽他陆架阻挡折向东北,沿加里曼丹岛和巴拉望岛外海有较强东北向流发育。夏季北上的季风急流在海南岛东南分为两支:北支沿陆架北上,似为传统意义上的南海暖流;南支沿18°N向东横穿南海后折向东北;二者之间(陆架坡折附近)为弱流区。两分支在汕头外海汇合后,南海暖流流速增强。就多年平均而言,黑潮只在冬季侵入南海东北部,并在南海北部诱生一个次海盆尺度的气旋型环流,这时南海暖流只出现在汕头以东海域.夏季南海北部完全受东北向流控制,未见黑潮入侵迹象.用卫星跟踪海面漂流浮标观测进行的对比验证表明,以上遥感分析结果与海上观测一致。  相似文献   

The features of eddy kinetic energy (EKE) and the variations of upper circulation in theSouth China Sea (SCS) are discussed in this paper using geostrophic currents estimated from Maps of Sea Level Anomalies of the TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data. A high EKE center is identified in the southeast of Vietnam coast with the highest energy level 1 400 cm2 ·s~(-2) in both summer and autumn. This high EKE center is caused by the instability of the current axis leaving the coast of Vietnam in summer and the transition of seasonal circulation patterns in autumn. There exists another high EKE region in the northeastern SCS, southwest to Taiwan Island in winter. This high EKE region is generated from the eddy activities caused by the Kuroshio intrusion and accumulates more than one third of the annual EKE, which confirms that the eddies are most active in winter. The transition of upper circulation patterns is also evidenced by the directions of the major axises of velocity variance ellipses between 10°and 14.5°N  相似文献   

南海TOPEX/ POSEIDON 高度计资料的正交响应法潮汐分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
根据Munk等提出的响应法 (ResponseMethod)和Groves等 ( 1 975 )的正交响应方法(OrthogonalizedConvolutionMethod)的思想 ,利用正交潮响应法对 2 4 8个周期超过 6年的南中国海的TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计资料进行潮波分析。在分析中引入全日潮族和半日潮族 ,并利用正交潮函数 (OrthotideFunction)分析出了 3个主要的全日分潮 (K1 、O1 、P1 )和 3个主要半日分潮 (M2 、S2 、N2 ) ,并给出了K1 、O1 、M2 、S2 的等振幅线和同潮时图 ,结果与其他学者的主要结果符合得很好。通过与整个海区 5 3个验潮站的主要全日分潮K1 分潮和主要半日分潮M2 分潮的比较 ,K1 分潮的振幅和迟角的平均绝对误差分别为 4.73cm和 1 1 .6°,而M2 分潮的分别为 1 1 .91cm和 2 8.4°,优于Mazzega( 1 994)的结果。  相似文献   

本文使用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)方法分析了南海海面高度(SCS-SSH)的时空变化模态,并对它们与太平洋海盆尺度振荡的关系进行了探讨分析。结果表明,SCS-SSH的第一个CSEOF模态是季节变化模态,其变化强度受到一个与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)有关的低频信号的调制,即在厄尔尼诺期间季节变化的幅度减弱(最大可降低30%,1997/98)而在拉尼娜期间季节变化增强。SCS-SSH的第二个CSEOF模态是年际-年代际尺度的低频变化模态,其空间模态的月与月之间的差异微弱,而时间模态和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)指数高度相关。然后,我们使用独立成分分析(ICA)方法提取了太平洋中的五个主要振荡成分,并检验了它们对SCS-SSH变化的各自影响。分析表明,纯粹的ENSO模态(类似于太平洋东部型ENSO)对SCS-SSH的低频变化的影响比较微弱,而ENSO的红化模态(类似于太平洋中部型ENSO)对SCS-SSH的低频变化具有明显影响。由于ENSO的红化模态是PDO信号的一个主要成分,这一结果解释了为什么在影响SCS-SSH的低频变化上PDO比ENSO更重要。径向鞍型振荡模态、黑潮延伸体处的增温模态、以及赤道的降温模态也由ICA方法提取出来,但它们对SCS-SSH低频变异的影响微弱。进一步的分析表明,太平洋的涛动信号可能以不同的方式来影响南海海面高度变化和海表温度变化。  相似文献   

Sea level data measured by TOPEX/POSEIDON over the Japan Sea from 1993 to 1994 is analyzed by assimilation using an approximate Kalman filter with a 1.5 layer (reduced-gravity) shallow water model. The study aims to extract signals associated with the first baroclinic mode and to determine the extent of its significance. The assimilation dramatically improves the model south of the Polar Front where as much as 20 cm2 of the observed sea level variance can be accounted for. In comparison, little variability in the northern cold water region is found consistent with the model dynamics, possibly due to significant differences in stratification.  相似文献   

TOPEX/POSEIDON高度计浅海潮汐混淆的初步分析   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
根据对卫星轨道特征和观测结果的分析,对TOPEX/POSEIDON(简称T/P)星载高度计在我国近海的潮致混淆现象进行了初步研究.分析表明,在浅海区T/P高度计的观测结果存在很强的潮致高频混淆.NASA分发的地球物理记录中所提供的潮汐订正值虽适用于大洋,但不能有效地除去浅海潮汐.虽然如此,T/P潮致混淆的主要频段的周期小于90d,因而可以通过滤波方法提取周期较长的海面高度季节信号,从而用于季节环流(如南海季风环流)的研究.采用FFT/IFFT方法滤波试验的结果显示,T/P的海面高度观测结果有很高的精度,滤波处理后的海面高度距平变化和地面潮位观测结果一致性良好,上、下行轨道交叉处相邻测点间的标准偏差在3cm左右,可满足南海环流研究的需要.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variations in the East Sakhalin Current (ESC) are investigated using ten-year records of the sea level anomaly (SLA) observed by the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter. The T/P SLA clearly documents seasonal and interannual variations in the ESC along the east coast of Sakhalin Island, although sea ice masks the region from January to April. Estimates of surface current velocity anomaly derived from T/P SLA are in good agreement with drifting buoy observations. The ESC is strong in winter, with a typical current velocity of 30–40 cm s−1 in December, and almost disappears in summer. Southward flow of the ESC is confined to the shelf and slope region and consists of two velocity cores. These features of the ESC are consistent with short-term observations reported in previous studies. Analysis of the ten-year records of T/P SLA confirms that the structure of the ESC is maintained each winter and the seasonal cycle is repeated every year, although the strength of the ESC shows large interannual variations. Seasonal and interannual variations in the ESC are discussed in relation to wind-driven circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk, using wind stress and wind stress curl fields derived from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis data and a scatterometer-derived wind product. Seasonal and interannual variations of the anticyclonic eddy in the Kuril Basin are also revealed using T/P SLA.  相似文献   

利用T/P 卫星高度计资料调和分析南海潮汐信息   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用j,v模型调和分析1992~2002年共10 a的TOPEX/Poseidon(T/P)海面高度距平资料,提取了南海K1,O1,P1,Q1,M2,S2,N2和K2等8个主要分潮的潮汐调和常数。分析比较了卫星上下行轨道的19个交叉点的振幅和迟角,其中M2,S2,K1和O1的平均向量均方根偏差分别是1.5,1.1,2.5和1.4 cm;将交叉点的调和常数与TPXO7.2模式的结果进行了比较,结果表明M2,S2,K1和O1分潮振幅的绝对平均误差均小于3 cm,迟角的最大绝对平均误差为7.8°。选取了与卫星轨道较近的8个验潮站,对验潮站的实测数据调和常数和本文所得调和常数进行了比较,结果显示K1分潮的向量均方根偏差为4.7 cm,M2分潮的向量均方根偏差为3.7 cm。论文结果表明利用j,v模型调和分析方法对南海海域卫星高度计资料进行潮汐信息提取是可靠的,并可为局部重力场的研究提供海洋潮汐改正数据,有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

南海海面高度季节变化的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
比较POM模式模拟与观测(TOPEX/Poseidon高度计资料)的南海海面高度(SSH)的季节变化在空间分布上的一致性和差异.结果表明:本文使用的POM模式能较好地模拟南海SSH的季节变化;冬季与夏季,春季与秋季南海海面异常场形式完全相反,冬季Ekman输运造成在西海岸的堆积要比夏季在东海岸堆积更明显,而吕宋冷涡中心附近和吕宋海峡海面季节变化振幅最大;除春季以外,在南海绝大部分海域,海面高度的季节变化主要受风力的控制,南海海面热量通量对SSH的季节变化贡献约为20%,风应力对SSH的季节变化的贡献约为80%.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the Navy' s Master Oceanographic Observation Data Set(MOODS), consisting of 116019 temperature and 9617 salinity profiles, during 1968- 1984 to investigate the temporal and spatial variabilities of South China Sea thermohaline structures and circulation. For temperature, profiles were binned into 204 monthly data sets from 1968 to 1984 (17 years). For salinity, profiles were binned into 12 climatological monthly data sets due to the data paucity. A two-scale optimal interpolation method was used to establish a three-dimensional monthly-varying gridded data set from MOODS, covering the area of 5°-25°N and 105° - 125°E and the depth from the surface to 400 m. After the gridded data set had been established, both composite analysis and the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis (for temperature only) were used to identify the major thermohaline fratures including annual mean, monthly anomalies, and interannual thermal variabilities. The inverted monthly circulation pattern  相似文献   

Based on a two-level nested model from the global ocean to the western Pacific and then to the South China Sea(SCS), the high-resolution SCS deep circulation is numerically investigated. The SCS deep circulation shows a basin-scale cyclonic structure with a strong southward western boundary current in summer(July), a northeastsouthwest through-flow pattern across the deep basin without a western boundary current in winter(January),and a transitional pattern in spring and autumn. The sensitivity ...  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a variable-grid global ocean general circulation model(OGCM) with a fine grid(1/6)°covering the area from 20°S–50°N and from 99°–150°E, and use the model to investigate the isopycnal surface circulation in the South China Sea(SCS). The simulated results show four layer structures in vertical: the surface and subsurface circulation of the SCS are characterized by the monsoon driven circulation, with basin-scaled cyclonic gyre in winter and anti-cyclonic gyre in summer. The intermediate layer circulation is opposite to the upper layer, showing anti-cyclonic gyre in winter but cyclonic gyre in summer. The circulation in the deep layer is much weaker in spring and summer, with the maximum velocity speed below 0.6 cm/s. In fall and winter, the SCS deep layer circulation shows strong east boundary current along the west coast of Philippine with the velocity speed at 1.5 m/s, which flows southward in fall and northward in winter. The results have also revealed a fourlayer vertical structure of water exchange through the Luzon Strait. The dynamics of the intermediate and deep circulation are attributed to the monsoon driving and the Luzon Strait transport forcing.  相似文献   

The seasonal variability of the significant wave height(SWH) in the South China Sea(SCS) is investigated using the most up-to-date gridded daily altimeter data for the period of September 2009 to August 2015. The results indicate that the SWH shows a uniform seasonal variation in the whole SCS, with its maxima occurring in December/January and minima in May. Throughout the year, the SWH in the SCS is the largest around Luzon Strait(LS) and then gradually decreases southward across the basin. The surface wind speed has a similar seasonal variation, but with different spatial distributions in most months of the year. Further analysis indicates that the observed SWH variations are dominated by swell. The wind sea height, however, is much smaller. It is the the largest in two regions southwest of Taiwan Island and southeast of Vietnam Coast during the northeasterly monsoon, while the largest in the central/southern SCS during the southwesterly monsoon. The extreme wave condition also experiences a significant seasonal variation. In most regions of the northern and central SCS, the maxima of the 99 th percentile SWH that are larger than the SWH theoretically calculated with the wind speed for the fully developed seas mainly appear in August–November, closely related to strong tropical cyclone activities.Compared with previous studies, it is also implied that the wave climate in the Pacific Ocean plays an important role in the wave climate variations in the SCS.  相似文献   

用TOPEX/Poseidon资料研究南海潮汐和海面高度季节变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用引入差比关系法对南海TOPEX/Poseidon卫星高度计算资料进行了潮汐分析;根据所得潮汐调和常数对卫星高度计测得的海面高度进行潮汐订证,进而得到南海各季节的海面高度距平。结果表明,南海冬、夏季季风强盛期海面高度距平位相相反,南海中部夏季为正距平,且有2个正距平中心;冬季为负距平,且有2个负距平中心。春、秋季是不同的季风过渡期,海面高度距平分布也明显不同:南海中部春季为正距平,且只有1个正距平中心;秋季为负距平,且只有1个负距平中心。研究表明,长周期分潮Sa和Saa的叠加值可以很好地逼近南海海面高度距平。根据平均海面和海面高度距平得到了合成的海面高度和地转流场,发现南海表层地转流总体上是气旋式的;秋、冬季表层环流的西向强化十分明显,春、夏季较弱;冬季黑潮通过吕宋海峡进入南海北部,夏季基本上没有进入南海。  相似文献   

Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the southwestern South China Sea have been reconstructed for the past 160 ka using the Uk37 paleothermometer from the core MD01-2392. The temperature differences between glacial times (MISs 6 and 2) and interglacial times (MISs 5.5 and 1) are 2.2~2.5 ℃. Younger Dryas event during the last deglaciation was documented in both the planktonic foraminiferal δ18O and SST records. After MIS 5.5, SSTs displayed a progressive cooling from 28.6 to 24.5 ℃, culminating at the LGM. During this gradual cooling period, warm events such as MISs 5.3, 5.1 and 3 were also clearly documented. By comparison of SST between the study core and Core 17954, a pattern of low or no meridional SST gradients during the interglacial periods and high meridional SST gradients during the glacial periods was exhibited. This pattern indicates the much stronger East Asian winter monsoon at the glacial than at the interglacial periods. Spectral analysis gives two prominent cycles: 41 and 23 ka, with the former more pronounced, suggesting that SSTs in the southern SCS varied in concert with high-latitude processes through the connection of East Asian winter monsoon.  相似文献   

By using remote sensing (ERS) data, FSU data, COADS data and Hellerman & Rosen-stein objective analysis data to analyze the sea surface wind stress in the South China Sea, it is found that the remote sensing data have higher resolution and more reasonable values. Therefore we suggest that remote sensing data be chosen in the study of climatological features of sea surface wind stress and its seasonal variability in the South China Sea, especially in the study of small and middle scale eddies.  相似文献   

We present calibration results from Jason-1 (2001-) and TOPEX/POSEIDON (1992-) overflights of a California offshore oil platform (Harvest). Data from Harvest indicate that current Jason-1 sea-surface height (SSH) measurements are high by 138 ± 18 mm. Excepting the bias, the high accuracy of the Jason-1 measurements is in evidence from the overflights. In orbit for over 10 years, the T/P measurement system is well calibrated, and the SSH bias is statistically indistinguishable from zero. Also reviewed are over 10 years of geodetic results from the Harvest experiment.  相似文献   

基于TOPEX/Poseidon资料的南海海面高度场的时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解方法,对TOPEX/Poseidon卫星高度计在南海获得的1992年10月到1999年9月约7a的海面高度观测资料进行分析,从而获得南海海面高度距平场典型的空间分布型态及其对应的时间变化特征。结果表明,南海海面高度距平场在空间上主要表现为两种典型的分布结构:(1)由于冬、夏季风反转造成海盆尺度的涡旋结构,这种分布结构对南海海面高度距平场的方差贡献达27.46%;(2)NE—SW即吕宋—越南反相双涡结构,其方差贡献达20.37%。这两个模态都明显反映了季风的反转以及季风结构所造成的影响。同时,对各空间典型场所对应的时间系数序列进行了傅立叶谱分析,结果表明南海海面高度距平场存在多种时间尺度的变化。  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(1):1-17
Sea surface elevation in the South China Sea is examined in the Topex/Poseidon altimeter data from 1992 to 1995. Sea level anomalies are smoothed along satellite tracks and in time with tidal errors reduced by harmonic analysis. The smoothed data are sampled every ten days with an along-track separation of about 40 km. The data reveal significant annual variations in sea level. In winter, low sea level is over the entire deep basin with two local lows centred off Luzon and the Sunda Shelf. In summer, sea level is high off Luzon and off the Sunda Shelf, and a low off Vietnam separates the two highs. The boundary between the Vietnam low and Sunda high coincides with the location of a jet leaving the coast of Vietnam described in earlier studies. Principal component analysis shows that the sea level variation consists mainly of two modes, corresponding well to the first two modes of the wind stress curl. Mode 1 represents the oscillation in the southern basin and shows little inter-annual variation. The mode 2 oscillation is weak in the southern basin and is strongest off central Vietnam. During the winters of 1992–1993 and 1994–1995 and the following summers, the wind stress curl is weak, and the mode 2 sea level variation in the northern basin is reduced, resulting in weaker winter and summer gyres. Weakening of the Vietnam low in summer implies diminishing of the eastward jet leaving the coast of Vietnam. The results are consistent with model simulations.  相似文献   

I~IOX \The investigation of physical oceanography in the South China Sea dates from early in the17th century and was carried out by scientists from many countries, including the United StateS,the United Kingdoms, Japan, .Russia and so on, but the survey area was rather limited at thattime and the data which were collected were still fragmentary. Since the 20th century, the investigation on the sleuth China Sea has made great progreSS not only in the scale of survey, but alsoin the depth …  相似文献   

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