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孔石莼与2种海洋微藻的胞外滤液交叉培养研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在实验室条件下,采用海洋大型海藻石莼(Ulva pertusaKjellm.)和海洋微藻青岛大扁藻(Platymonas helgolandicaKylin var.tsingtaoensis)、亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense(Lebour)Balech)的滤液做了交叉培养研究,初步探索藻间的克生机制。试验结果表明,不同温度处理下,2种微藻滤液对石莼生长的影响均有显著的差异。不同温度处理的石莼滤液对青岛大扁藻生长的影响差异显著,而对亚历山大藻生长的影响差异不显著。可以推测:石莼对亚历山大藻的抑制作用很可能是通过细胞的直接接触来完成的;而石莼对青岛大扁藻的抑制作用和两种微藻对石莼的抑制作用主要是通过分泌胞外产物(Extracellular products,ECP)来实现的,至于其它的方式和途径有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

中国渤海的微口线虫属(线虫动物门)一新种   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
描述了中国渤海自由生活海洋线虫一新种,奥氏微口线虫Tershellingia austenae sp.nov ,奥氏微口线虫与同属相近种马尔代夫微口线虫的区别特征是:体长(前者为770~950μm,后者为2370μm)、亚头刚毛的位置(前者位于化感器的两边,后者位于化感器之后)及长度(前者明显长于后者),化感器宽度与相应体直径的比例在新种中也更大一些(50~60 vs 45).提供了一个表格式检索表,以助鉴定和比较该属缺乏明显界定食道后球的一个种组.模式标本存放于英国伦敦自然历史博物馆.  相似文献   

Two new species (Nitzschia sinensis Liu, sp. nov. and Podosira granulata Liu, sp. nov.) and one new variety (Xanthiopyxis microspinosa var. ellipticus Liu, var. nov.) collected from the urface sediments off the southern Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea are described and a list of diatoms from the surface sediments in the survey area and some new records in China are attached.  相似文献   

This study reviews all species belonging to the families Laodiceidae,Lovenellidae,Malagazziidae,and Mitrocomidae in the South China Sea.Two new species,Eucheilota carinata sp.nov.and Halopsis nanhaiensis sp.nov.,are described and illustrated.One genus,Staurostoma,and two species,Staurostoma sp.and Octophialucium aphrodite(Bigelow,1928),are first recorded in China seas.The key to all medusa genera and species of Lovenellidae and Malagazziidae are presented.Other data are briefly summarized to the list and distribution of species presented on the family Laodiceidae,Lovenellidae,Malagazziidae and Mitrocomidae in the South China Sea.The type specimens are deposited in the Third Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration,China.  相似文献   

In the present study, four new species of the genus Reticunassa Iredale, 1936 collected from Chinese waters are described and illustrated. Reticunassa hugokooli sp. nov., Reticunassa jungi sp. nov. and Reticunassa aureolineata sp. nov. were collected from the northeastern coast of Taiwan Island, whereas Reticunassa fuscofasciata sp. nov. was collected from the northeastern coast of Taiwan Island and the South China Sea. The four new species can be distinguished conchologically from other congeners mainly in protoconch, shell shape, sculpture, and coloration. These findings demonstrate that the biodiversity of this group in China might be largely underestimated.  相似文献   

This study reviews all genera and species belonging to the family Bougainvilliidae from the South China Sea.The Nubiella atentaculata Xu and Huang,2004 formerly included in the genus Nubiella,now is transferred to a new genus Paranubiella and included in the Bougainvilliidae as Paranubiella atentaculata(Xu and Huang,2004)n.comb..Two new species,Paranubiella nanhaiensis Xu,Huang and Guo,sp.nov.and Nubiella apapillaris Xu,Huang and Guo,sp.nov.from the South China Sea are described and illustrated in the present paper.In addition,the key to known genera of family Bougainvilliidae and species of genus Nubiella are described.Other data are briefly summarized to the list of species presented on the family Bougainvilliidae in the South China Sea.The type species were deposited at the Third Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration.  相似文献   

本文描述了采自中国南海中南部花水母亚纲一新属四新种:南海宽管水母,新属、新种Laticanna nanhaiensis gen.nov. et sp.nov.,芽拟原帽水母,新种Protiaropsis gemmifera sp.nov.,南海潜水母,新种Merga nanhaiensis sp.nov.和顶室无球水母,新种Rhabdoon apiciloculus sp.nov.。编制了深帽水母科已知属分属检索表和拟帽水母属、潜水母属以及无球水母属已知种分种检索表。模式标本保存于中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所。  相似文献   

南海带鱼遗传变异及其分类的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
带鱼是我国海洋鱼类中最重要的经济鱼类,过去进行了大量的研究,多认为中国近海的带鱼为一个种,而不同的学者分别认为存在3,4和5个种群。从1976年开始,我们试图主要用生化方法并结合形态学资料研究带鱼的分类。1983和1988年报道了我们通过带鱼肌浆蛋白和形态学部分资料的研究认为中国近海带  相似文献   

本文审查了中国南海感棒水母科、触丝水母科、玛拉水母科和帽冠水母科有关种类。记述了二个新种:隆脊真唇水母,新种Eucheilota carinata sp.nov.和南海盐生水母,新种Halopsis nanhaiensis sp.nov.和二个新记录属种:十字胃水母Staurostoma sp.及阿弗罗八拟杯水母Octophialucium aphrodite(Bigelow,1928)。编制了触丝水母科和玛拉水母科所有已知属和分种的检索表。此外,还简介了中国南海感棒水母科、触丝水母科、玛拉水母科和帽冠水母科已知种类名录及分布。模式标本保存于国家海洋局第三海洋研究所。  相似文献   

-In this paper, a new species of deep-water Siphonophora, Lensia multicristoides sp. nov., collected from the middle South China Sea is described and compared with some similar species in the genus.  相似文献   

先后于1959,1960,1987-1993年在南海采集口足类标本。经研究确认其中有2新种,分别隶属于虾蛄科和猛虾蛄科,命名为脊尾近虾蛄和中华猛虾蛄。模式标本保存于中国科学院海洋研究所。  相似文献   

本文复查了中国南海丝螅水母目高手水母科的所有属,解决了该科和一些属、种存在的分类问题,并给予更新的鉴别。以前,无手单肢水母Nubiella atentaculata Xu and Huang,2004包含在单肢水母属内,现变换为拟单肢水母新属Paranubiella n.gen.,隶属于高手水母科内,原无手单肢水母新组合为无手拟单肢水母Paranubiella atentaculata(Xu and Huang,2004) n.comb.。本文记述了二个新种:南海拟单肢水母,新种Paranubiella nanhaiensis sp.nov.和无突单肢水母,新种N.apapillaris sp.nov.。此外编制了高手水母科已知属和单肢水母属已知种的检索表,总结了中国南海高手水母科已知种名录。模式标本保存于国家海洋局第三海洋研究所。  相似文献   

在进行南海北部浮游硅藻的研究过程中,曾见到5种细胞壁极薄、外观非常晶莹透明的圆盘状硅藻。经在相差显微镜和电子显微镜下进行详细研究,发现它们都是尚未描述过的新种圆筛藻: 1.细束纹圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus minutifasciculatus sp.nov. 2.薄壁圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus tenuithecus sp.nov. 3.汕头圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus shantouensis sp.nov 4.海南圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus hainanensis sp.nov. 5.平壳圆筛藻 Coscinodiscus planithecus sp.nov. 它们都分布在南海北部的近岸水域,数量相当可观,是该海区近岸性浮游植物组成的重要成分,其数量变动及密集区的位移都与沿岸水的消长情况相关。它们又是海洋动物的基础饵料,是海洋中的原始生产者,而且还是重要的微体化石和造岩藻类。近年来在石油探测中,圆筛藻又被用做鉴别地层的依据。因此为使圆筛藻能更好地在国民经济中发挥作用,首先必须了解这些种类的形态特征与分布情况,否则在应用于生产实际时就会遇到困难。  相似文献   

In the course of identifying the samples of Siphonophora from the East China Sea and South China Sea, a new Siphonophora, Vogtia microsticella sp. nov. , was noted. The new species is distinguished from other five species in the genus in nectophore as follows: Parahorse-shoe shaped with five bluntly rounded projections, the two projections below the ostium, i. e. the basal projections, approach each other. The dorsal facet is smooth without any gelatinous prominence. Smaller are the nectosac and the ostium.  相似文献   

One new species of free-living marine nematodes Cephalanticoma filicaudata sp. nov. from the Huanghai Sea, China is described and illustrated. Cephalanticoma filicaudata sp. nov. is characterized by well developed cephalic capsule, three teeth at the anterior of oesophagus, excretory pore opens posterior to cervical setae, only two cervical setae per file, body length longer than 5 200 μm, tail long and no ventral-lateral seta between the supplement and the cloacal opening. Types are deposited in the College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China.  相似文献   

作者鉴定中国科学院海洋研究所“金星”号调查船于1975及1976年在东海大陆架区进行综合海洋调查所采的底栖生物标本时,发现近丽海葵属(Paracalliactis)的一个新种一一中华近丽海葵(Paracalliactis sinica sp. nov,)。新种的模式标本保存于中国科学院海洋研究所(青岛)。  相似文献   

通过对南海采集的沉积物进行分析,发现一新种奇足威伦狭腹猛水蚤,这也是首次在中国海报道威伦狭腹猛水蚤属。新种奇足威伦狭腹猛水蚤与同属其它种的主要区别特征是:身体表面除尾节有小刺外,其余各节表面均光滑;第四胸足外肢第三节内侧具两根刚毛;雌性第五胸足內肢具4根刚毛和刺,外肢顶端具一根尖刺,尾叉长约为宽的六倍。  相似文献   

One new species of free-living marine nematode Cephalanticoma brevicaudata sp. nov. from the South China Sea is described. Cephalanticoma brevicaudata sp. nov. is characterized by spindle body with relatively short tail; head with cephalic capsule; three teeth at anterior of pharynx; excretory pore opens posterior to cervical setae; three cervical setae per file; spicules arcuate, cephalate and ventrally bent proximally, and blunt distally, 1.8 a.b.d. long, without ventral ala; gubernaculun slender, simple rod, without apophyses; tubular supplement 34 μm long, 2.3 a.b.d. in front of cloaca.  相似文献   

文章描述了发现于南海南沙海槽的一新种——南沙深海浮萤(Bathyconchoecia nanshaensis sp. nov.)。该种个体小,壳长度(CL<1.0mm)和壳高度(~70% CL)与小深海浮萤(Bathyconchoecia paulula)和太平洋深海浮萤(Bathyconchoecia pacifica)非常相似。但是, 根据不对称腺体开口的位置、下颌骨的臀齿边缘的结构, 以及第六肢的位置可以把该种和这两个相似的物种区分开。  相似文献   

于东海陆架沉积物中发现并描述一自由生活海洋线虫新种:镰刀光皮线虫Actinonema falciforme sp.nov.镰刀光皮线虫的主要鉴定特征为:六根外唇刚毛和四根头刚毛成一圈;表皮具复杂而前后不同的装饰和侧分化;大而明显的化感器椭圆形,中间具一横裂口;单前精巢,反折;前后双卵巢,反折;缺失交接刺和引带,仅具有镰刀形引带侧件。在光皮线虫属中,只有镰刀光皮线虫和长尾光皮线虫A.longicaudatum缺失交接刺和引带,而仅具有引带侧件。镰刀光皮线虫可根据较短的体长、镰刀形引带侧件和较短的尾部而区别于长尾光皮线虫。  相似文献   

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