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用统计学的方法对浙江沿岸海平面进行了研究, 采用多种海平面上升预测模式进行了计算和预测, 结果表明: 浙江沿岸的海平面存在明显的季节变化, 其变化曲线浙北、浙中沿岸为单峰型, 而浙南沿岸为双峰型, 南北地域差异较大。浙江沿岸过去30 a 间海平面平均上升速率为(2.63±0.06) m m /a。研究还表明, 未来浙江沿岸海平面还将上升, 按模式计算, 至2050年上升29 cm , 到2100 年估计上升值为60 cm 。  相似文献   

利用中国气象局国家气象中心整编的中国194站1951年1月1日—2003年5月31日逐日气温资料,应用一元线性回归方法得出了东亚地区不同强度冷空气的变化趋势;文中将冷空气入侵我国的3条主要路径进行了定义,明确了每年不同路径发生的次数,并得出不同路径的气候特征。结果发现:全国大部中强冷空气和寒潮年发生次数呈减少趋势,但少部分地区出现中强冷空气年发生次数增多趋势。就路径而言,西路冷空气年发生次数同比中、东两路减少趋势明显;就季节而言,冬季冷空气发生次数同比秋、春两季减少明显。  相似文献   

利用福建沿海4个验潮站实测潮位资料,在分析实测资料变化趋势的基础上,采用谱分析的方法分析年平均海平面的变化趋势,得到了4个站年平均海平面变化模型,并对未来50年福建沿海的海平面上升趋势进行预测。  相似文献   

基于江苏沿海连云港、吕四两个测点的验潮站多年的观测资料以及AVISO卫星高度计资料,利用统计分析方法和潮汐调和分析方法研究江苏沿海地区的海洋水位变化特征。结果表明:江苏沿海海平面和潮差均呈上升趋势,海平面上升速度达3.35 mm/a,高于全球和区域海平面的上升速度;对采样间隔为1 h的潮位连续观测数据作调和分析,各验潮站主要半日分潮的振幅呈上升趋势,全日分潮的振幅呈下降趋势,S_a分潮的周期性变化与El Nino现象有关。  相似文献   

本文通过对中国沿海25个观测站水位资料的分析,初步探讨了中国沿海1980-2012年增减水的变化特征及与海平面变化的关系。结果表明:(1)中国沿海增减水的季节变化特征明显,相邻站由于受到的气象状况相同,其沿海增减水变化的过程相近,但是变化幅度存在较大差异。从空间分布看,沿海增减水的变化幅度呈现中间大南北小的区域特征,自长江口至广东沿海,增减水的年变化幅度最大,年变幅平均为5.0~7.5 cm;南海周边及北部湾沿海,增减水的年变化幅度次之,年变幅平均为4.0~5.5 cm;自渤海至黄海沿海,增减水的年变化幅度较小,年变幅平均为3.3~3.5 cm。(2)从时间变化看,1980-2012年中国沿海年平均增减水长期基本没有趋势性变化,但明显存在2至5年的周期性变化信号,该信号的震荡幅度为0.1 cm。经过高频滤波后,对沿海月平均增减水序列与Niño3.4指数进行相关性分析,相关系数为-0.5,该相关系数通过了显著性检验,说明中国沿海的增减水变化与ENSO事件呈现负相关关系。(3)中国沿海增减水的长期变化及空间分布特征均与海平面变化不同。1980-2012年,中国沿海海平面的上升速率为2.9 mm/a,而增减水长期基本无趋势性变化;另外,其季节变化与海平面的季节变化从时间和区域上均不存在一致性。(4)但是,短期海平面的变化与增减水有关,并且增减水对短期海平面的贡献根据其具体情况而定,增水幅度大且持续时间长的过程对短期海平面有抬升作用,其贡献率最大可达65%;反之,减水幅度大且持续时间长的过程则对短期海平面有降低的作用。  相似文献   

张赤军 《海洋学报》2002,24(5):19-25
海面倾斜与高程基准密切相关,它已经受到大地测量学界和海洋学界的重视.进一步讨论了大地水准的测量精度,指出了大地(几何)水准与沿海验潮资料的不符是由于海面的倾斜;分析了海面倾斜的机理,其中包括海流、海水密度分布、气压、台风引起的破碎波等的作用;提出了用海水异常密度的三维分布计算大地水准面的扰动,实质上它反映了海面的倾斜,该量占大地水准测量结果的73%,这进一步说明密度的异常乃是我国沿海海面倾斜的主要原因.  相似文献   

中国沿岸近期多年月平均海面随机动态分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
田晖  陈宗镛 《海洋学报》1998,20(4):9-16
本文以最大熵谱分析了中国沿岸15个站1971~1995年月平均海面序列,得出中国沿岸月平均海面的主要振动为年振动和半年振动,而主要低频周期在中国北方各站为18.6a,从长途至厦门各站为9a左右.然后以随机动态拟合分析方法计算出中国沿岸月平均海面相对上升速率范围为(1.07±0.83)mm/a,并同时指出该方法计算出的上升速率受时段长度及低频周期的影响.最后,给出了中国沿岸月平均海面变异的时空分布,并说明了厄尔尼诺现象主要影响中国南部沿海的月均海面.  相似文献   

福建沿海全新世高温期的气候与海面变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
王绍鸿  吴学忠 《台湾海峡》1992,11(4):345-352
本文综合分析了福建沿海全新世高温期的孢粉资料和海平面变化资料,建立了气温和海平面变化曲线.结果表明,8ka,B.P.前为气温和海平面上升期,8ka,B.P.以来为高温期和高海平面期,海平面升降与气温升降几乎同步.  相似文献   

I~IOXThe sea level rise threatens China's coastal plains and river deltas and makes them the vulnerable areas due to their loW elevation.Since the 1980s, the Chinese scientists have paid great attention to the problem of the sealevel rise caused by the global warming. They have analyZed and calculated the trend of the relative sea level change along the China's coast in the past 50 a. The result of study shows that therising rate of the sea level along China's coast is (1. 7 i 0. 3) rum/a.…  相似文献   

From the analyses of the satellite altimeter Maps of Sea Level Anomaly(MSLA) data, tidal gauge sea level data and historical sea level data, this paper investigates the long-term sea level variability in the East China Sea(ECS).Based on the correlation analysis, we calculate the correlation coefficient between tidal gauge and the closest MSLA grid point, then generate the map of correlation coefficient of the entire ECS. The results show that the satellite altimeter MSLA data is effective to observe coastal sea level variability. An important finding is that from map of correlation coefficient we can identify the Kuroshio. The existence of Kuroshio decreases the correlation between coastal and the Pacific sea level. Kurishio likes a barrier or a wall, which blocks the effect of the Pacific and the global change. Moreover, coastal sea level in the ECS is mainly associated with local systems rather than global change. In order to calculate the long-term sea level variability trend, the empirical mode decomposition(EMD) method is applied to derive the trend on each MSLA grid point in the entire ECS. According to the 2-D distribution of the trend and rising rate, the sea level on the right side of the axis of Kuroshio rise faster than in its left side. This result supports the barrier effect of Kuroshio in the ECS. For the entire ECS, the average sea level rose 45.0 mm between 1993 and 2010, with a rising rate of(2.5±0.4) mm/a which is slower than global average.The relatively slower sea level rising rate further proves that sea level rise in the ECS has less response to global change due to its own local system effect.  相似文献   

Based on sea level, air temperature, sea surface temperature(SST), air pressure and wind data during 1980–2014,this paper uses Morlet wavelet transform, Estuarine Coastal Ocean Model(ECOM) and so on to investigate the characteristics and possible causes of seasonal sea level anomalies along the South China Sea(SCS) coast. The research results show that:(1) Seasonal sea level anomalies often occur from January to February and from June to October. The frequency of sea level anomalies is the most in August, showing a growing trend in recent years. In addition, the occurring frequency of negative sea level anomaly accounts for 50% of the total abnormal number.(2) The seasonal sea level anomalies are closely related to ENSO events. The negative anomalies always occurred during the El Ni?o events, while the positive anomalies occurred during the La Ni?a(late El Ni?o) events. In addition, the seasonal sea level oscillation periods of 4–7 a associated with ENSO are the strongest in winter, with the amplitude over 2 cm.(3) Abnormal wind is an important factor to affect the seasonal sea level anomalies in the coastal region of the SCS. Wind-driven sea level height(SSH) is basically consistent with the seasonal sea level anomalies. Moreover, the influence of the tropical cyclone in the coastal region of the SCS is concentrated in summer and autumn, contributing to the seasonal sea level anomalies.(4) Seasonal variations of sea level, SST and air temperature are basically consistent along the coast of the SCS, but the seasonal sea level anomalies have no much correlation with the SST and air temperature.  相似文献   

基于海洋站潮位观测和中国沿海海平面变化影响调查等数据,分析了辽东湾沿岸海平面变化及海岸侵蚀状况,并定量评估了未来海平面上升情景下,辽东湾两岸典型沙质海岸侵蚀影响和沙滩养护投入。分析预测和评估结果表明:1980-2017年,辽东湾沿海海平面上升速率为3.0 mm/a,其中辽东湾东岸沿海海平面上升速率明显高于西岸。2009-2017年,辽宁营口白沙湾、绥中网户、绥中南山港和绥中团山气象观测场岸段后退和下蚀较为严重,部分岸段滩肩蚀退达2~3 m/a。预计2100年,辽东湾沿海海平面上升幅度在20~48 cm之间,由海平面上升引发的辽东湾海岸侵蚀土地损失为23.1 km2,土地经济损失为1410万元。为减缓海岸侵蚀,旅游沙滩和一般沙滩养护总投入分别为11亿元和46亿元,全岸段养护成本较高,应选取旅游沙滩等重点岸段进行养护。  相似文献   

The phase of the sea surface height annual variation in the East China Sea along China’s continental coast is delayed from that in the open ocean area, most probably because of seasonal strong monsoon winds. To elucidate this mechanism, we conducted an idealized model experiment using a rectangular shallow ocean with a sloped seafloor forced by southward blowing winds. We obtain a locally confined high SSH near the western boundary found in the East China Sea. The delay of the phase of the sea surface height (SSH) along the China coast can be interpreted as follows. The SSH of the East China Sea is high over large areas in September and low in March due to the expansion/contraction of seawater, which is attributable to the sea surface heat flux. However, near the continental boundary SSH becomes high in January and low in July under the influence of a monsoon winds. The phase delay along the continental boundary should appear by superposing these two time series with a phase difference near the boundary.  相似文献   

浙江沿岸基准面调查和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对浙江沿岸主要验潮站的基准面进行调查和研究的基础上,确定了定海、大榭、健跳、坎门等站的潮高基面与1985国家高程基准的关系,这在沿海工程和灾害防御中有着重要价值。研究表明,浙江沿岸平均海平面量值高于1985国家高程基准,一般为20cm左右;杭州湾的澉浦和浙南的琵琶门站多年平均海平面与邻近站不尽协调,它们的潮高基面可能有误  相似文献   

用三维水动力模型Ecomsed,在第四次IPCC评估报告SRES A1B气候情景下,分析21世纪海平面变化对东中国海风暴潮及沿岸脆弱性的影响。在A1B气候情景海平面变化影响下,对17个台风个例进行模拟。结果表明:受海平面变化影响风暴潮增减水出现大概10 cm的变化,风暴潮增水提前,风暴潮增水时段延长;台风强度越大,海平面变化对风暴潮增水强度的影响越明显。海平面变化对海岸带脆弱性具有很大影响,苏北浅滩及环渤海海岸带脆弱性将增强,校核水位在东中国海将会增大。  相似文献   

TrendanalysisofrelativesealevelriseorfallofthetidegaugestationsinthePacific¥MaJirui;TianSuzhen;ZhengWenzhenandChaiXinminInsit...  相似文献   

Based on long-term tide gauge observations in the last 60 years, the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of sea level change along the coast of China are analyzed. The results indicate that the sea level along the coast of China has been rising at an increasing rate, with an estimated acceleration of 0.07 mm/a2. The rise rates were 2.4 mm/a, 3.4 mm/a and 3.9 mm/a during 1960–2020, 1980–2020 and 1993–2020, respectively. In the last 40 years, the coastal sea level has risen fastest in the South China Sea and slowest in the Yellow Sea. Seasonal sea levels all show an upward trend but rise faster in winter and spring and slower in autumn. Sea level change along the coast of China has significant periodic oscillations of quasi-2 a, 4 a, 7 a, 11 a, quasi-19 a and 30–50 a, among which the 2–3 a, 11 a, and 30–50 a signals are most remarkable, and the amplitude is approximately 1–2 cm. The coastal sea level in the most recent decade reached its highest value in the last 60 years. The decadal sea level from 2010 to 2019 was approximately 133 mm higher than the average of 1960–1969. Empirical orthogonal function analysis indicates that China’s coastal sea level has been changing in a north-south anti-phase pattern, with Pingtan and Fujian as the demarcation areas. This difference was especially obvious during 1980–1983, 1995–1997 and 2011–2013. The coastal sea level was the highest in 2016, and this extreme sea level event was analyzed to be related mainly to the anomalous wind field and ENSO.  相似文献   

三沙市海域海平面变化   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
使用1993-2011年的台站和卫星高度计资料详细分析了三沙市海域近19 a的海平面变化特征及规律。结果表明:三沙市周边海域海平面存在明显的季节变化,且区域特征明显。海平面变化除了明显的年和半年周期,2~3 a、4~7 a和准9 a的周期也较显著。海平面长期变化呈现明显的波动上升趋势,且空间分布上区域特征显著,西沙群岛南部海域海平面上升趋势最强,西沙群岛北部与中沙群岛西部次之,南沙群岛东部海平面上升速率较快,南沙群岛西部上升趋势最弱。受大气环流等异常气候事件的影响,1998年和2010年海平面的年际变化波动较大,年变化振幅显著偏高。未来三沙市海平面将继续上升,预计2030年、2050年、2070年和2100年海平面将比常年分别升高约11 cm、20 cm、30 cm和45 cm。  相似文献   

本文选取ECMWF ORAS4再分析数据对1959-2015年热带太平洋海平面的低频变化进行了分析。热带太平洋海平面年际变化第一模态反映了ENSO爆发阶段的海平面变化,热带东、西太平洋变化反相,其时间序列与Niño3.4指数高度相关。海平面第二模态则体现了El Niño爆发前后热带太平洋暖水的输运过程。El Niño爆发前热带西太平洋暖水聚集的位置,以及爆发后暖水向赤道外输运的位置在两类El Niño事件中均有所不同。此外,ENSO的周期在近半个世纪发生了显著的年代际变化,这一变化与热带太平洋的年代际变化有关。热带太平洋的年代际变化对海平面趋势变化也有着显著的影响。卫星高度计观测到的近20年海平面的快速上升(下降)正是由20世纪90年代后热带太平洋频繁的位相转换引起的。  相似文献   

应用海湾和半封闭矩形海域改进的Taylor问题的解研究海平面上升对M2分潮旋转潮波系统及沿岸潮差的变化.将南黄海概化为一等深矩形海域,初步研究在海平面上升3 m和5 m条件下该海域旋转潮波系统的演化趋势,继而分析沿岸潮差变化特征.初步分析研究表明:随着海平面上升,该海域M2分潮的无潮点有向东南方向偏移的趋势,受此影响,沿岸潮差呈现不同的变化特征,靠近无潮点的左侧及湾顶海岸变化明显,而远离无潮点的右侧及湾顶海岸则变化不大.  相似文献   

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