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Sea surface height profiles derived from 2‐year, repeat track, Geosat altimeter data have been compared with a regional gravimetric geoid in the western North Sea, computed using a geopotential model and terrestrial gravity data. The comparison encompasses 18 Geosat profiles covering a 750 × 850 km area of the North Sea. After a second‐order polynomial was used to model the long‐wavelength differences which cannot be clearly separated over an area of this size, results show agreement to better than ±3 cm for wavelengths between approximately 20 and 750 km. In regions where terrestrial gravity data were not available to improve the geoid, similar comparisons with the OSU91A geopotential model alone show differences of up to ±6 cm. This illustrates the importance of incorporating local gravity data in regional geoid computations, and partly validates the regional gravimetric geoid solution and Geosat sea surface profiles in the western North Sea. It is concluded that, in marine areas where the sea surface topography is known to be small in magnitude, Geosat sea surface profiles can act as an independent control on gravimetric geoids in the medium‐wavelength range.  相似文献   

运用调和分析方法分离卫星高度计资料中的潮汐信息   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计资料中的潮汐高频混淆现象,采用潮汐调和分析方法,通过比较卫星上、下行轨道交叉点两组资料分析的分潮振幅和分离潮汐后的海面高度;同时比较潮位站实测资料与遥感资料分析的分潮振幅,结果表明:采用潮汐调和分析可以有效地分离高度计资料中的潮汐信息。  相似文献   

联合Jason-1/2、T/P、Envisat、ERS-1/2、Geosat等多代卫星测高数据计算中国近海及邻域(0°~42°N,100°~140°E)2′×2′重力异常。对卫星测高数据分别进行共线处理和自交叉点平差,并以T/P卫星测高数据为基准进行多星数据联合平差,有效削弱了卫星测高数据的时变影响和不协调性;利用逆Vening-Meinesz公式计算重力异常,与船测重力相比,均方根误差为5.4mGal。结果表明,通过引入高精度的卫星测高数据,结合多项平差处理手段,提高了海洋重力异常的计算精度。  相似文献   

Modelling bathymetry by inverting satellite altimetry data: A review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With the advent of satellite altimetry it has become possible to determine the gravity field of the oceans on a global scale. This set of data can be used to predict the bathymetry of deep-seafloor features such as seamounts and ridges. During the last two decades, several algorithms which can be used to develop bathymetric predictions from satellite altimeter data have been published. The characteristics and quality of these algorithms are reviewed in this study. Based on this analysis, we suggest some guidelines for processing data towards the production of maps showing predicted bathymetry for economical purposes.  相似文献   

To provide easy access to the large number of Seastat and Geosat altimeter observations collected over the last decade, we have plotted these satellite altimeter profiles as overlays to the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). Each of the 32 overlays displays along-track gravity anomalies for either ascending (southeast to northwest) or descending (northeast to southwest) altimeter passes. Where Seasat and Geosat profiles coincide, only the more accurate Geosat profiles were plotted. In poorly charted southern ocean areas, satellite altimeter profiles reveal many previously undetected features of the seafloor.  相似文献   

The recovery of quantities related to the gravity field (i.e., geoid heights and gravity anomalies) is carried out in a test area of the central Mediterranean Sea using 5' × 5' marine gravity data and satellite altimeter data from the Geodetic Mission (GM) of ERS‐J. The optimal combination of the two heterogeneous data sources is performed using (1) the space‐domain least‐squares collocation (LSC) method, and (2) the frequency‐domain input‐output system theory (IOST). The results derived by these methods agree at the level of 2 cm in terms of standard deviation in the case of the geoid height prediction. The gravity anomaly prediction results by the same methods vary between 2.18 and 2.54 mGal in terms of standard deviation. In all cases, the spectral techniques have a much higher computational efficiency than the collocation procedure. In order to investigate the importance of satellite altimetry for gravity field modeling, a pure gravimetric geoid solution, carried out in a previous study for our lest area by the fast collocation approach (FCOL), is used in comparison with the combined geoid models. The combined solutions give more accurate results, at the level of about 15 cm in terms of standard deviation, than the gravimetric geoid solution, when the geoid heights derived by each method are compared with TOPEX altimeter sea surface heights (SSHs). Moreover, nonisotropic power spectral density functions (PSDs) can be easily used by IOST, while LSC requires isotropic covariance functions. The results show that higher prediction accuracies are always obtained when using a priori nonisotropic information instead of isotropic information.  相似文献   

黄海、渤海TOPEX/Poseidon高度计资料潮汐伴随同化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先将大约10a的TOPEX/Poseidon(T/P)高度计资料沿星下轨迹点做潮汐调和分析,提取得到各分潮的调和常数,利用伴随同化方法,同化到二维非线性潮汐数值模式中,模拟了黄海、渤海区域M2,S2,O1,K1等4个潮汐分潮,并根据计算结果给出了各分潮的同潮图.将计算值与观测值的进行偏差统计,结果表明计算值与验潮站资料符合良好.研究过程中做了两类试验:一类试验是针对不同的参数进行优化,一类试验是针对不同的资料进行同化.第一类试验表明:将开边界条件和底摩擦系数同时作为模型优化的控制参数,其结果明显优于单独优化开边界条件;第二类试验表明:同时同化高度计资料与验潮站资料,比单独同化其中任一种资料,对模式计算结果都有较好的改进.研究结果表明,采用伴随同化方法,利用T/P高度计资料和验潮站资料作为同化数据能有效改进模拟结果,用来反演黄海、渤海的潮波系统是可行的.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry observations and tide gauge data are invaluable tools to diagnose and resolve tidal constituents over the Oceans and Seas. The aim of this study is to introduce a new purely empirical tide model named TM-IR01 in the Persian Gulf, Oman Sea, and North Indian Ocean. The observations of three altimeter sensors including TOPEX/POSIDON, JASON1, and JASON2 and 13 coastal tide gauge (TG) stations are processed and analyzed in this research. First of all, the least square spectral analysis is utilized to recover the significant tide components and consequently the amplitude and phases of the constituents are found during the tide modeling. Finally, the analysis results are interpolated into a grid of 1/4° using the Kriging method. TM-IR01 model is validated by comparing with TG stations and global tide models. It is shown that for main tidal frequencies M2, S2, K1, and O1 the root mean square error (RMSE) between TM-IR01 and TG stations results are 0.372, 0.130, 0.141, and 0.084?m, respectively, and also the RMSE between TM-IR01 and FES2004 models are 0.231, 0.087, 0.027, and 0.042?m, respectively. Validating with FES2012 and Tpxo7.2, the results obtained are close to the above values.  相似文献   

利用多代卫星测高数据计算中国近海及邻域重力异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高海洋重力场数据的精度和空间分辨率,联合Jason-1/2、T/P、Envisat、ERS-1/2、Geosat等多代卫星测高数据计算中国近海及邻域(0°~42°N,100°~140°E)2′×2′重力异常。对卫星测高数据分别进行共线处理和自交叉点平差,并以T/P卫星测高数据为基准进行多星数据联合平差,有效削弱了卫星测高数据的时变影响和不协调性;利用逆Vening-Meinesz公式计算重力异常,与船测重力相比,均方根误差为5.4 mgal。结果表明,通过引入高精度的卫星测高数据,结合多项平差处理手段,提高了海洋重力异常的计算精度。  相似文献   

基于卫星高度计资料提取浙江近海的潮汐信息   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用Topex/Poseidon(T/P)、Jason-1和Jason-2卫星24a的原始轨道及6a的变轨轨道高度计资料,对浙江近海区域内进行潮汐调和分析,得到8个主要分潮(Q_1、O_1、P_1、K_1、N_2、M_2、S_2和K_2)的调和常数.比较卫星轨道交叉点处潮汐调和常数结果显示,8个分潮总体综合误差在原始轨道,变轨轨道及原始轨道与变轨轨道交叉点处的和方根RSS值分别为3.16、7.02、5.54cm;用卫星高度计资料及31个近岸验潮站得到的潮汐分布与21个验潮站资料结果进行比较,M_2、S_2、N_2、K_1和O_1主要分潮的多点向量均方根偏差分别为4.32、3.64、1.97、2.61、1.83 cm;本研究结果与前人数值模拟结果比较显示M2、S2分潮在对比点处的多点向量均方根偏差在11、8 cm左右,最后给出了浙江近岸及近海区域更为精确的5个主要分潮(M_2、S_2、N_2、K_1和O_1)的同潮图.  相似文献   

崔伟  王伟  马毅  杨俊钢 《海洋学报》2017,39(2):16-28
本文利用22年的AVISO卫星高度计融合数据,基于WA涡旋自动识别方法对西北太平洋的中尺度涡进行了识别追踪,并统计分析了研究区域中尺度涡的空间分布特征、运动属性以及季节和年际变化。研究结果表明:22年间共追踪到生命周期超过30 d的气旋涡3 841个,反气旋涡2 836个,气旋涡数量多于反气旋涡。涡旋大部分向西移动,西向传播的涡旋分布在整个研究区域,而东向传播的涡旋则集中在黑潮及其延伸区。涡旋主要存在15°~30°N的纬度带间;分别而言,气旋涡主要分布在研究区域的北部和南部,而反气旋涡主要分布在副热带逆流区。30°~35°N之间的黑潮延伸区具有明显更高的涡动能和涡振幅,与同纬度区域相比这里的涡旋半径也较高。在季节和年际变化上,春季出现的中尺度涡最多,夏季最少;对涡旋的月生成数目与ENSO指数MEI比较发现,西北太平洋涡旋活动变化并不直接与ENSO现象相关。  相似文献   

重力恢复和气候试验GRACE(gravity recovery and climate experiment)卫星极大地提高了地球重力场的精度和分辨率,特别是中长波分量,联合卫星测高数据可获得全球海洋表面大尺度洋流循环。另外,新一代地球重力和海洋环流探测卫星GOCE(gravity field and steady-state ocean circulation explorer)于2009年3月成功发射,采用卫星重力梯度测量原理,对重力场的高频部分非常敏感,使其高分辨率监测全球海洋循环成为可能。本文利用1~7年GRACE观测数据确定的重力场模型和18个月GOCE观测数据确定的地球重力场模型GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3,联合卫星测高确定的平均海面高模型MSS_CNES_CLS_11,分别估计全球海洋表面地转流,并且与实测浮标数据结果进行比较。分析表明GOCE重力卫星确定的重力场模型具有更高的空间分辨率,能够确定高精度和高空间分辨率的全球海洋地转流,如墨西哥湾暖流的细节和特征,并且与实测浮标结果基本一致。而基于1~4年GRACE观测资料的模型不能很好估计全球地转流特征,基于7年GRACE观测资料的重力场模型ITG-Grace2010s确定的全球地转流的精度仍低于18个月GOCE观测数据确定的地球重力场模型GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3的结果,估计的全球地转流仍含有较大的噪声,不能很好地反应中小尺度地转流细节特征。并计算ITG_Grace2010s和GOCE_TIM3的稳态海面地形和全球平均地转流的内符合精度,结果显示,在全球范围内,GOCE_TIM3的稳态海面地形和全球平均地转流的精度都比ITG_Grace2010s结果的精度有着很大的改善,其中ITG_Grace2010s的稳态海面地形的精度为21.6cm,而GOCE_TIM3的结果则为7.45cm,ITG_Grace2010s的全球平均地转流的精度为40.7cm/s,而GOCE_TIM3的结果则为19.6cm/s。  相似文献   

本文使用一种基于SLA数据的涡旋识别方法,通过22年的AVISO高度计测高数据对孟加拉湾的中尺度涡特征进行了研究。本文主要分析了孟加拉湾涡旋的地理分布、涡旋极性、涡旋生命周期和传播距离、涡旋产生和消失位置、涡旋传播方向和移动轨迹、涡旋运动特征、涡旋属性的演化以及涡旋活动的季节和年际变化等特性。涡旋主要分布在孟加拉湾西部海域,并且大部分涡旋向西移动。涡旋极性分布显示气旋涡更经常出现在湾的西北部和南部,而反气旋涡主要出现在湾的东部。在22年间,共追踪探测到生命周期超过30天的气旋涡565个、反气旋涡389个;对所有生命周期和传播距离而言都是气旋涡数量居多。所有观测到的涡旋的运动属性分析显示气旋涡的涡旋平均振幅大于反气旋涡;对平均半径和平均移动速度而言,气旋涡和反气旋涡相差不大。而且,涡旋属性演化显示生命周期超过90天的涡旋具有明显的双阶段演化特征,包括一个前50天的涡旋成长阶段和一个50天之后的涡旋消亡阶段。针对涡旋活动的季节变化,气旋涡在春季居多而反气旋涡在夏季较多;长生命周期的涡旋季节分布显示在孟加拉湾涡旋活动具有明显的季节分布特征。涡旋数量的年际变化与EKE变化有一个明显的负相关。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBeing a current of high temperature and high salinity, the Kuroshio carries a large amount ofheat from low latitude tropical ocean to high latitude ocean, and plays an imPOrtant role in theheat balance in East Asia. The variability of the Kurosl,io can affect the climate of East Asia, aswell as the ocean environment and the fishery resources. A lot of studies showed that the variabilitiies of the Kuroshio were related to the global changes especially to the onset of ENSO.…  相似文献   

西太平洋8708号台风海面风、浪结构及其关系的遥感研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以Geosat卫星高度计1987年8月11日在西太平洋海域上的-上升轨道测得的风、浪资料为基础,统计分析了8708号台风影响下的海面风速和海浪特征.结果显示,此次台风影响下的海面风速和海浪波高的空间分布具有相对台风中心近似对称的结构特征,但在台风内区,台风移动方向的右方风速较左方风速增加较快,同时在台风外围,右方风速较左方风速衰减也较快;有效波高没有明显的内、外区结构,且左、右方波高随距离变化也呈不同的衰减率;风速与有效波高的关系在台风中心左右也呈现明显的不同;本文给出了台风的风速及波高随相对台风中心距离变化的经验关系式,以及合风风速与波高的经验关系式等.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on sea level has received a great deal of attention by scientists worldwide. In this context, the problem of sea levels on global and regional scales have been analyzed in a number of studies based on tide gauges observations and satellite altimetry measurements. This study focuses on trend estimates from 18 high-quality tide gauge stations along the Mediterranean Sea coast. The seasonal Mann-Kendall test was run at a 5% significance level for each of the 18 stations for the period of 1993-2015 (satellite altimetry era). The results of this test indicate that the trends for 17 stations were statistically significant and showed an increase (no significant trend was observed only at one station). The rates of sea level change for the 17 stations that exhibit significant trends, estimated using seasonal Sen's approach, range after correction for Vertical Land Motion (VLM) from 1.48 to 8.72 mm/a for the period 1993-2015. Furthermore, the magnitude of change at the location of each tide gauge station was estimated using the satellite altimetry measurements. Thus, the results obtained agree with those from the tide-gauge data analysis.  相似文献   

Patterns of the South China Sea (SCS) circulation variability are extracted from merged satellite altimetry data from October 1992 through August 2004 by using the self-organizing map (SOM). The annual cycle, seasonal and inter-annual variations of the SCS surface circulation are identified through the evolution of the characteristic circulation patterns. The annual cycle of the SCS gener- al circulation patterns is described as a change between two opposite basin-scale SW-NE oriented gyres embedded with eddies: low sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) (cyclonic) in winter and high SSHA (anticyclonic) in summer half year. The transition starts from July--August (January--February) with a high (low) SSHA tongue east of Vietnam around 12°~14° N, which de- velopa into a big anticyclonic (cyclonic) gyre while moving eastward to the deep basin. During the transitions, a dipole structure, cyclonic (anticyclonic) in the north and anticyclonic (cyclonic) in the south, may be formed southeast off Vietnam with a strong zonal jet around 10°~12° N. The seasonal variation is modulated by the interannual variations. Besides the strong 1997/1998 e- vent in response to the peak Pacific El Nino in 1997, the overall SCS sea level is found to have a significant rise during 1999~ 2001, however, in summer 2004 the overall SCS sea level is lower and the basin-wide anticyclonic gyre becomes weaker than the other years.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThegeoidistheiargeopotentials~econfidingmostlywiththemeanseasurfaceandisdenotedastheheightrelativetotheidealelliPSes~eoftheearth.Thegeoidundulationsinglobalaceareupto100m.TheunevenstructureOftheearthgivesrisetotheunevenfeatureofthecitysot...  相似文献   

The global distributions of eight principal tidal constituents, M2 , S2 , K1 , O1 , N2 , K2 , P1 , and Q1 , are derived using TOPEX/Poseidon and JASON-1(T/P-J) satellite altimeter data for 16 a. The intercomparison of the derived harmonics at 7000 subsatellite track crossover points shows that the root mean square (RMS) values of the tidal height differences of the above eight constituents range from 1.19 cm to 2.67 cm, with an average of about 2 cm. The RMS values of the tidal height differences between T/P-J solutions and the harmonics from ground measurements at 152 tidal gauge stations for the above constituents range from 0.34 cm to 1.08 cm, and the relative deviations range from 0.031 to 0.211. The root sum square of the RMS differences of these eight constituents is 2.12 cm, showing the improvement of the present model over the existing global ocean tidal models. Based on the obtained tidal model the global ocean tidal energetics is studied and the global distribution of the tidal power input density by tide-generating force of each constituent is calculated, showing that the power input source regions of semidiurnal tides are mainly concentrated in the tropical belt between 30 S and 30 N, while the power input source regions of diurnal tides are mainly concentrated off the tropic oceans. The global energy dissipation rates of the M2 , S2 , K1 , O1 , N2 , P1 , K2 and Q1 tides are 2.424, 0.401, 0.334, 0.160, 0.113, 0.035, 0.030 and 0.006 TW, respectively. The total global tidal dissipation rate of these eight constituents amounts to 3.5 TW.  相似文献   

High resoultion Eulerian mean velocity field has been derived by combining the satellite tracked surface drifter data with satellite altimetry and ocean surface winds. The drifter data used in this study includes Argos and surface drifter data from Global Drifter Program. Maps of Sea Level Anomaly(MSLA) weekly files with a resolution of(1/3)° in both Latitude and Longitude for the period 1993–2012 have been used. The Ekman current is computed using ocean surface mean wind fields from scatterometers onboard ERS 1/2,Quikscat and ASCAT. The derived mean velocity field exhibits the broad flow of Antarctic Circumpolar Current with speeds up to 0.6 m/s.Anomalous field is quite significant in the western part between 20° and 40°E and in the eastern part between 80°E and 100°E with velocity anomaly up to 0.3 m/s. The estimated mean flow pattern well agrees with the dynamic topography derived from in-situ observations. Also,the derived velocity field is consistent with the in-situ ADCP current measurements. Eddy kinetic energy illustrates an increasing trend during 1993–2008 and is in phase coherence with the Southern Annular Mode by three month lag. Periodic modulations are found in the eddy kinetic energy due the low frequency Antarctic Circumpolar Wave propagation.  相似文献   

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