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One goal of seafloor geodesy is to measure horizontal deformation of the seafloor with millimeter resolution. A common technique precisely times an acoustic signal propagating between two points to estimate distance and then repeats the measurement over time. The accuracy of the distance estimate depends upon the travel time resolution, sound speed uncertainty, and the degree to which the path computed from propagation equations replicates the actual path traveled by the signal. In this paper, we address the error from ray propagation equations by comparing three approximations to Snell's Law with ellipsoidal geometry.  相似文献   


We calibrate a technique to use repeated multibeam sidescan surveys in the deep ocean to recover seafloor displacements greater than a few meters. Displacement measurements from seafloor patches (3?km by 20?km) on the port and starboard side of the ship are used to estimate vertical and across-track displacement. We present displacement measurements from a survey of the Ayu Trough southwest of the Marianas Trench using a 12?kHz multibeam. Vertical and across-track displacement errors for the 12?kHz multibeam sonar are typically 0–2?m with RMS uncertainties of 0.25–0.67 m in the across-track and 0.37–0.75 m in the vertical as determined by 3-way closure tests. The uncertainty of the range-averaged sound velocity is a major error source. We estimate that variations in the sound velocity profile, as quantified using expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) during data collection, contribute up to 0.3?m RMS uncertainty in the across-track direction and 1.6?m RMS uncertainty in the vertical direction.  相似文献   

The GNSS-Acoustics (GNSS-A) method couples acoustics with GNSS to allow the precise localization of a seafloor reference in a global frame. This method can extend on-shore GNSS networks and allows the monitoring of hazardous oceanic tectonic phenomena. The goal of this study is to test the influence of both acoustics ray tracing techniques and spatial heterogeneities of acoustic wave speed on positioning accuracy. We test three different ray tracing methods: the eikonal method (3D sound speed field), the Snell-Descartes method (2D sound speed profile), and an equivalent sound speed method. We also compare the processing execution time. The eikonal method is compatible with the Snell-Descartes method (by up to 10 ppm in term of propagation time difference) but takes approximately a thousand times longer to run. We used the 3D eikonal ray tracing to characterize the influence of a lateral sound speed gradient on acoustic ray propagation and positioning accuracy. For a deep water (? 3,000 m) situation, frequent in subduction zones such as the Lesser Antilles, not accounting for lateral sound speed gradients can induce an error of up to 5 cm in the horizontal positioning of a seafloor transponder, even when the GNSS-A measurements are made over the barycenter of a seafloor transponder array.  相似文献   

声学方法进行海底沉积物遥测分类:综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文讨论利用声学遥测方法进行海底沉积物分类的目的、用途及该项技术的发展背景和现状。重点介绍目前主要的用于浅、表层沉积物分类的声学遥测方法,包括选通等幅脉冲、宽频带脉冲、连续线性扫频脉冲等正入射方法和侧扫声呐、多波束测深等斜入射方法。回顾它们的发展历史,评述它们的技术现状,并讨论它们的进一步发展  相似文献   

The accuracy of GPS/Acoustic positioning is crucial for monitoring seafloor crustal deformation. However, the slant range residual is currently the only indicator used to evaluate the precision of positioning seafloor transponders. This study employs a unique Seafloor Acoustic Transponder System (SATS) to evaluate the accuracy of GPS/Acoustic seafloor positioning. The SATS has three transponders and an attitude sensor in a single unit, which provides true lengths of transponder baselines and true attitude of the SATS to ensure assessment reliability and validity. The proposed approach was tested through a GPS/Acoustic experiment, in which an off-the-shelf acoustic system was used to collect range measurements. Using GPS/Acoustic geodetic observations, the positions of three transponders on the SATS were estimated by an optimization technique combined with ray-tracing calculations. The accuracy of the GPS/Acoustic seafloor positioning is assessed by comparing the true baselines and attitude with the results derived from the position estimates of the three transponders. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to investigate the robustness of the GPS/Acoustic positioning results to changes of sound speed. Experimental results demonstrate that the use of the SATS can help to assess the validity of the GPS and acoustic travel time measurements in the GPS/Acoustic seafloor positioning.  相似文献   

水下拖体声学超短基线定位测量及其卡尔曼滤波技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
水声超短基线定位技术是探测水下目标的有效手段。超短基线定位测得的原始数据具有不同程度的随机离散性。为了得到能够真实反映目标运动轨迹变化的坐标数据 ,本文应用了卡尔曼滤波技术来处理定位原始数据 ,取得了良好的结果  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relationship between the propagation time and the integral of the sound velocity profile (SVP) with respect to depth (SVP area for short) for positioning seafloor reference points. We proved a linear relationship between the propagation time and the SVP area and defined its mathematical expression (ST law). We showed in three simulations of possible variations in SVPs (random errors, internal waves, or a combination of both) that this ST law is verified. Using this new law in a simulated experiment, the ranging residuals due to sound velocity change through time are significantly improved. With this method, monitoring the SVP while acquiring travel times to a submerged transponder can significantly reduce the positioning errors of the transponder.  相似文献   

声学定位技术是各类水下潜器的必备技术之一。重点介绍了水下长基线声学系统的组成、工作原理及国内外发展现状,分析了该技术的应用方向,为我国长基线声学定位技术的发展和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

We have obtained precise estimates of the position of Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) on the sea bottom. Such estimates are usually uncertain due to their free falling deployment. This uncertainty is small enough, or is correctable, with OBS spacing of more than 10 km usually employed in crustal studies. But, for example, if the spacing is only 200 m for OBS reflection studies, estimates of the position with an accuracy of the order of 10 m or more is required.The determination was carried out with the slant range data, ship position data and a 1D acoustic velocity structure calculated from Conductivity–Temperature–Depth (CTD) data, if they are available. The slant range data were obtained by an acoustic transponder system designed for the sinker releasing of the OBS or travel time data of direct water wave arrivals by airgun shooting. The ship position data was obtained by a single GPS or DGPS. The method of calculation was similar to those used for earthquake hypocenter determination.The results indicate that the accuracy of determined OBS positions is enough for present OBS experiments, which becomes order of 1 m by using the DGPS and of less than 10 m by using the single GPS, if we measure the distance from several positions at the sea surface by using a transponder system which is not designed for the precise ranging. The geometry of calling positions is most important to determine the OBS position, even if we use the data with larger error, such as the direct water wave arrival data. The 1D acoustic velocity structure should be required for the correct depth of the OBS. Although it is rare that we use a CTD, even an empirical velocity structure works well.  相似文献   

智能水下机器人水声精确定位技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了智能水下机器人水声定位技术,给出系统的组成、定位教学模型。论述了提高定位精度措施,最后给出试验测量结果。  相似文献   

RTK GPS在超短基线声学定位系统安装校准中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
超短基线(uhra short base line,USBL)声学定位系统的换能器安装是具有一定方向性的,但是,在安装过程中,不能保证换能器方向与船艏方向严格一致,必然存在不可忽视的系统误差,影响了测量精度;因此,必须通过校准消除系统误差。本文应用高精度RTKGPS实现了换能器安装方向的校准,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

声波二次定位技术在KD-1高精度地震采集中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
滩浅海KD-1地区位于黄河入海口以北浅海水域及滩涂两栖地带,由于复杂的地表条件和表层结构条件,使得以往浅层资料分辨率较差、信噪比低、连续性较差,深层资料能量弱、信噪比低、干扰背景较大,小构造、小断层及潜山内幕不清晰。为了满足滩浅海高精度油气资源勘探的需要,在野外资料采集过程中,将检波器沉放到海底。因为随着海水深度和潮流的变化,使得海底检波点位置在水下发生偏移,故在放炮前需要对海底检波点位置进行声波二次定位,测得海底检波点在海底的实际坐标位置。通过对该区高精度地震勘探中声波二次定位资料的实际应用,取得了显著的应用效果。  相似文献   

海底大地基准网将是新一代国家综合PNT(Positioning, Navigation and Timing)系统建设的重要组成,也是未来海洋立体观测系统的基础设施。联合全球卫星导航定位系统和声学测距的GNSS-声学定位技术可用于高精度水下定位,直接服务于海底大地基准网建设。本文聚焦海底大地基准建设技术,简要梳理了国内外水下声学导航定位技术及系统背景,分析总结了海底大地基准建设的站址勘选及布放技术要点,在讨论GNSS-声学观测平台和数据采集技术基础上,重点探讨了GNSS-声学定位的数据处理方法研究进展,最后简单介绍了GNSS-声学的当前主要应用并展望了未来海底大地基准建设的技术需求和应用问题。  相似文献   

结合声波射线传播规律提出了双曲面模型水声定位的数据模拟方法。利用该方法模拟一定浮标网形下声源位于某区域约2 000m水深处10km×10km范围内的声线双曲面模型定位观测数据,进行定位解算,并将截止角的概念引入水声定位中。定位结果显示,大部分区域水下DGPS定位系统的外符合定位精度在水平方向优于5m,垂直方向优于10m;网形中间区域精度较高,三维定位精度为亚米级。引入角度限制后,定位区域内外符合定位精度水平方向优于1m,垂直方向优于4m。  相似文献   

海底底质特性描述及分类是当今浅海声学的研究热点,海底沉积物的物理结构特性与其声学响应特征密切相关。在分析海底沉积物声传播特性的基础上,应用现代计算机信号分析技术手段,对海底沉积物声学响应波形提取了4个特征参数:声速、波幅指数、波形关联维分形指数和声波频谱的频率矩。以这4个特征参数作为输入向量,海底沉积物的结构类型作为输出向量,建立径向基概率神经网络模型。研究表明建立的神经网络模型具有较强的海底沉积物分类预报能力。  相似文献   

海底沉积物的声学测量是海底测深的关键技术之一,应用于海底地形地貌测量、海洋矿产资源开采和海底工程建设等。海底沉积物声学测量方法中的原位测量方法可以避免保真采样法的强扰动性和遥测法的准确度、精度及灵敏度的不确定性等缺点,如何改进原位测量系统渐成为海底探测的研究热点。通过分析现有海底沉积物原位测量设备测试换能器的工作原理,针对垂直压入方式换能器测量深度有限,提出了一种通过改变换能器压入沉积物的角度来增加测量深度的方法。在理论上论证出在不低于换能器接收阈值时,测量深度随着掠射角的增加而增加。在不增加压入深度的前提下提供了一种增加测量深度方法。  相似文献   

研究了在动态条件下对人员无法到达区目标定位的方法,分别研制了GPS激光测距定位系统和GPS近景信息采集系统。设计了水上动态实验,分析了两套系统的定位精度,验证了两套系统在动态测量模式下的可用性,提出了对人员无法到达区目标定位的新手段。  相似文献   

对深海环境中工作的潜器或设备载体进行定位测量是深海调查的重要任务之一,本文基于射线声学原理对超基线声学定位系统的定位数据提出了一种迭代处理算法,能够得到非常精确的水平距离测量结果,这种方法对于大洋调查的深拖系统和其他下水设备定位有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

水声导航、定位技术发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水声导航、定位技术在海洋科学和海洋工程中有着广泛的应用,近年来已逐渐向高精度、多传感器、多手段融合的方向发展.本文以导航、定位声纳的发展为关注对象,概述了水声导航、定位技术在技术前沿上的发展状况,提炼出其技术发展趋势,并介绍了水声导航、定位技术的应用前景.  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2012,35(1):63-85

We introduce an iterative inversion method to address the problems in high-order seafloor topography inversion using gravity data (gravity anomaly and vertical gravity gradient anomaly), such as the difficulty in computing the equation and the uniqueness of the calculation results. A part of the South China Sea is selected as the experimental area. Considering the coherence and admittance function of gravity topography and vertical gravity gradient topography, the inversion band of the gravity anomaly and vertical gravity gradient anomaly in the study area is 30?km–120?km. Seafloor topography models of different orders are constructed using an iterative method, and the performance of each seafloor topography model is analyzed against ETOPO1 and other seafloor topography models. The experimental results show that as the inversion order increases, the clarity and richness of seafloor topographic expression continuously improve. However, the accuracy of seafloor topography inversion does not improve significantly when the inversion order exceeds a certain value, which is related to the contribution of high-order seafloor topography to gravity information. The results show that the accuracy of BGT4 (inversion model constructed by the gravity anomaly) is slightly poorer than that of BVGGT4 (inversion model constructed by the vertical gravity gradient anomaly) in areas with complex topography, such as multi-seamounts and trenches, and the results are generally better in areas with flat seafloor topography.  相似文献   

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