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The evolution of the galaxy mass function MF (and luminosity function LF) depending on merging of galaxies is discussed. The richness and masses of most massive (and most luminous) galaxies of a cluster are chosen as a characteristic of the bright edge of LF. Mergers are simulated by a Monte-Carlo method. The probability of merging depends on the masses of galaxies. The ratio of the current number of galaxies to the initial one plays the role of the time scale. Transformation to real time and redshift is realized with help of the Smoluchowsky kinetic equation (SE) solution, describing the merging process and making possible to find the dependence of the galaxy number on time. The dependencies of richness, masses and magnitude differences of most massive and brightest galaxies of a cluster on redshift have been obtained. Creation of cD-galaxy has been retraced on small redshifts. The masses of the second and less massive cluster galaxies grow, but after the creation of the cD-galaxy they begin to decrease. Comparison of obtained results with data of the catalogues is provided. Correspondence in mentioned dependencies is observed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigate current problems connected with the formation of cD galaxies. The subject of the present paper is to compare internal properties of the cD galaxy Zw162010 with cluster properties of Abell 1795. This consideration is a first attempt to find commonly valid essential correlations between peculiarities of brightest cluster members as structures and active phenomena and global cluster properties as for instance galaxy populations and concentration degrees. The colours, the X-ray emission, and the velocity of the cD galaxy are used to discuss the obvious influence of the environment on the evolution of the active nucleus. In a second paper (Kirchner et al. 1992) the radio structure is used to investigate the influence of the surrounding cluster medium onto the development of the active nucleus. Furtheron, various jet ejection scenarios will be quantitatively examined.  相似文献   

The theory of gravitational lensing of background quasars by stars in the halo of a galaxy is considered. In the limiting case of small ‘optical depth’, only one star is close enough to the beam to cause strong scattering, and the effect of all the other stars is treated as a perturbation with both systematic and random components. The perturbation coming from weak scattering can increase the number of images and the amplification in those cases where the amplification is already high; such events are preferentially selected in flux limited observations. The theory is applicable to the apparent association of background quasars with foreground galaxies. A comparison with earlier work on the same problem is given. The relevance of these results to gravitational lensing by galaxies as perturbed by random inhomogeneities surrounding the ray path is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We study the kinematic properties of stars under the combined potential of a Kuzmin disk with a simple radial oscillation and a logarithmic halo. The results are: 1) There exist stable, ordered and near-circular orbits. 2) The effect of the oscillating disk is greater on orbits with smaller angular momenta and on that departly greatly from the near-circular orbits. 3) Most of the motion in the disk is ordered motion. 4) Orbits that depart greatly from the near-circular orbits generally have chaotic motion and may eventually escape. But the actual fraction escaped in one Hubble time is small. 5) Disk oscillation may be one of the mechanisms for the formation and long-term maintenance of some star clusters; the larger the amplitude, the greater may be the number of clusters; for a given disk galaxy, there may be more clusters with small than with large angular momenta.  相似文献   

Tests and constraints on current theories of galaxy formation and evolution are presented. They are derived from observations of the Northern Hubble Deep Field with WFPC2 and NICMOS. Photometric redshifts, extinctions and spectral energy distributions are calculated for all objects in the field. The tests and constraints are derived from the output of this analysis. The tests of the predictions from hierarchical and pure luminosity evolution galaxy evolution calculations favor the hierarchical model. Constraints are provided by the current luminosity function and its evolution to a redshift of 6. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present here rigorous analytical solutions for the Boltzmann-Poisson equation concerning the distribution of stars above the galactic plane. The number density of stars is considered to follow a behaviour n(m,0) ∼H(m - m0)m−x, wherem is the mass of a star andx an arbitrary exponent greater than 2 and also the velocity dispersion of the stars is assumed to behave as < v2(m)> ∼ m−θ the exponent θ being arbitrary and positive. It is shown that an analytic expression can be found for the gravitational field Kz, in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions, the limiting trends being Kz∼z for z →0, while Kz constant for z → infinity. We also study the behaviour of < |z(m)|2>,i.e. the dispersion of the distance from the galactic disc for the stars of massm. It is seen that the quantity < |z(m)|2> mt-θ, for m→ t, while it departs significantly from this harmonic oscillator behaviour for stars of lighter masses. It is suggested that observation of < |z(m)|2> can be used as a probe to findx and hence obtain information about the mass spectrum.  相似文献   

The dwarf population of starburst galaxies is analyzed by the method of evolving population synthesis. The results show that the existence of an additional population can give a good fit to the available number counts and redshift surveys. These dwarf galaxies readily evolve into low surface brightness objects and become undetectable in our local neighbourhood.  相似文献   

The observed relationship between stellar mass and effective radius for early type galaxies, pointed out by many authors, is interpreted in the context of Clausius’ virial maximum theory. In this view, it is strongly underlined that the key of the above mentioned correlation is owing to the presence of a deep link between cosmology and the existence of the galaxy Fundamental Plane. Then the ultimate meaning is: understanding visible mass-size correlation and/or Fundamental Plane means understanding how galaxies form. The mass-size relationship involves baryon (mainly stellar) mass and its typical dimension related to the light, but it gets memory of the cosmological mass variance at the equivalence epoch. The reason is that the baryonic component virializes by sharing virial energy in about equal amount between baryons and dark matter, this sharing depending, in turn, on the steepness of the dark matter distribution. The general strategy consists in using the two-component tensor virial theorem for determining the virialized baryonic configurations. A King and a Zhao density profile are assumed for the inner baryonic and the outer dark matter component, respectively, at the end of the relaxation phase. All the considerations are restricted to spherical symmetry for simplicity. The effect of changing the dark-to-baryon mass ratio, m, is investigated inside a ΛCDM scenario. A theoretical mass-size relation is expressed for the baryonic component, which fits fairly well to the data from a recently studied galaxy sample. Finally, the play of intrinsic dispersion on the mass ratio, m, is discussed in the light of the cusp/core problem and some consequences are speculated about the existence of a limit ml expected by the theory.  相似文献   

The brightest blue stars in the M33 galaxy have peculiar images. A method to resolve them into components was applied. The brightest members stars atV15–16 mag were recognized as multiple ones. Some stars up toV=17 mag have multiple structures, too. The image of the brightest blue stars consist of two or more components and probably some of them, in fact, resemble dense stellar groups such of R 136 in 30 Dor.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we have studied dynamical friction during a parabolic passage of a companion galaxy past a disk galaxy. This paper continues with the study of satellites in circular orbits around the disk galaxy. Simulations of orbit decay in a self gravitating disk are compared with estimates based on two-body scattering theories; the theories are found to give a satisfactory explanation of the orbital changes. The disk friction is strongly dependent on the sense of rotation of the companion relative to the rotation of the disk galaxy as well as on the amount of mass in a spherical halo. The greatest amount of dynamical friction occurs in direct motion if no spherical halo is present. Then the infall time from the edge of the disk is about one half of the orbital period of the disk edge. A halo twice as massive as the disk increases the infall time four fold. The results of Quinn and Goodman, obtained with a non-self-gravitating method, agree well with our experiments with massive halos (Q 0 1.5), but are not usable in a more general case. We give analytic expressions for calculating the disk friction in galaxies of different disk/halo mass ratios.  相似文献   

We are carrying out a programme to measure the evolution of the stellar and dynamical masses and M/L ratios for a sizeable sample of morphologically-classified disk galaxies in rich galaxy clusters at 0.2 < z < 0.9. Using FORS2 at the VLT we are obtaining rotation curves for the cluster spirals so that their Tully-Fisher relation can be studied as a function of redshift and compared with that of field spirals. We already have rotation curves for ∼ 10 cluster spirals at z = 0.83, and 25 field spirals at lower redshifts and we plan to increase this sample by one order of magnitude. We present here the first results of our study, and discuss the implications of our data in the context of current ideas and models of galaxy formation and evolution. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The surface brightness profile in the V band of the Phoenix dwarf galaxy shows two stellar components: an inner one, which contains all the young stars of the galaxy, and an outer one predominantly populated by red stars. Deep color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), based on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations and reaching the oldest turn-offs, are used to analyze the inner and outer stellar components. Results show that, together with an old stellar population, the outer field contains also an intermediate-age population. These results are compatible with a scenario in which star forming regions are shrinking with time (the shrinking scenario). It seems more difficult to support a halo-disk scenario, which would require extended structures populated only by really old stars. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The total kinetic energy of the Galaxy is estimated from the potential energy by applying the virial theorem. The limits of the potential energy depend strongly on the value of the local escape velocity. They are estimated to be between −7. 1016 MȮ km2s−2 and −1. 1016 MȮ km2s−2 (escape velocity approximately between 450 km s−1 and 600 km s−1). The specific kinetic energy of the Galaxy as a whole is most likely about 21 000 km2s−2, being equally distributed among the subsystems if the local escape velocity is near its lower limit; the higher the local escape velocity is, the higher is the specific kinetic energy of the Galaxy due to the influence of the dark corona. The specific kinetic energy of the dark corona tends to become equal to that of the Galaxy as a whole for very high values of the local escape velocity. For the purpose of estimating the totl potential energy of the Galaxy, inter alia, a new model of the Milky Way is developed, which yields both the potential and the density analytically so that it is suitale for calculating the galactocentric orbits.  相似文献   

N -body/hydrodynamical simulations of the formation and evolution of galaxy groups and clusters in a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology are used in order to follow the building-up of the colour–magnitude relation in two clusters and in 12 groups. We have found that galaxies, starting from the more massive, move to the red sequence (RS) as they get aged over times and eventually set upon a 'dead sequence' (DS) once they have stopped their bulk star formation activity. Fainter galaxies keep having significant star formation out to very recent epochs and lie broader around the RS. Environment plays a role as galaxies in groups and cluster outskirts hold star formation activity longer than the central cluster regions. However, galaxies experiencing infall from the outskirts to the central parts keep star formation on until they settle on to the DS of the core galaxies. Merging contributes to mass assembly until z ∼ 1, after which major events only involve the brightest cluster galaxies.
The emerging scenario is that the evolution of the colour–magnitude properties of galaxies within the hierarchical framework is mainly driven by star formation activity during dark matter haloes assembly. Galaxies progressively quenching their star formation settle to a very sharp 'red and dead' sequence, which turns out to be universal, its slope and scatter being almost independent of the redshift (since at least z ∼ 1.5) and environment.
Differently from the DS, the operatively defined RS evolves more evidently with z , the epoch when it changes its slope being closely corresponding to that at which the passive galaxies population takes over the star-forming one: this goes from z ≃ 1 in clusters down to 0.4 in normal groups.  相似文献   

The evolution of small-scale density perturbations on the background of increasing large-scale perturbations of supercluster size will be considered. In the case that the characteristic length scales of both perturbation modes differ significantly, the interaction between both modes has to be taken into account already within lowest order of approximation. It will be shown that in this case an effective amplification for the smaller-scale perturbations occurs. For these perturbations the characteristic times of evolution decreases in dependence on the considered mass-scales more or less rapidly. Therefore, the growth of adiabatic density perturbations on mass-scales up to galaxy masses seems to be triggered by the density evolution of superclusters which the smaller-mass perturbations are embedded in. A model for the formation of observed condensed matter distribution will be proposed.  相似文献   

A photometry in the V, R, I (Cousins) system has been performed for stars in the galaxy Cassiopeia 1. The resulting colour-agnitude (CM) diagram of Cas 1 reveals the existence of blue stars and the absence of red ones. From an analysis of the CM diagram of the galaxy it is concluded that Av = 4.0 mag, and the distance modulus (m – M)o = 24.5 mag, corresponding to a distance of 790 kpc. The visual magnitude of the galaxy is V = 14m.62 (Mv = −13m.8) and the colour index (V – R) = 0.89 mag. From the distance determination the galaxy Cassiopeia 1 is a member of the Local group.  相似文献   

The formation of a disk galaxy within a slowly growing dark halo is simulated with a new chemo-dynamical model. The model describes the evolution of the stellar populations, the multi-phase ISM and all important interaction. I find, that the galaxy forms radially from inside-out and vertically from top-to-bottom. The derived stellar age distributions show that the inner halo is the oldest component, followed by the outer halo, the triaxial bulge, the halo-disk transition region and the disk. Despite the still idealized model, the final galaxy resembles present-day disk galaxies in many aspects. In particular, the stellar metallicity distribution in the halo of the model resembles the one of M31. The bulge in the model shows, at least two stellar subpopulations, an early collapse population and a population that formed later out of accreted disk mass. In the stellar metallicity distribution of the disk, I find a pronounced ‘G-dwarf problem’ which is the result of a pre-enrichment of the disk ISM with metal-rich gas from the bulge. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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