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变质岩分类的三要素是:变质岩的物质成分(化学成分、矿物成分)、变质岩的组构(结构、构造)和变质岩的成因(变质作用类型和形成变质岩的物理化学条件).由于变质岩的化学成分、矿物成分、组构特征和形成变质岩的地质环境十分复杂,致使至今尚无以变质岩分类三要素为基础的、内容比较完善的分类方案.本文中主要变质岩的分类是以其分类三要素为基础编制的,首次将不同成因的变质岩类并列于同一表中、将鉴定变质岩的主要标志性矿物成分和组构特征列入同一分类表中.该分类对鉴定变质岩石具有可操作性和实用性,分类表中涵盖了自然界主要的变质岩石. 相似文献
The effects of accretion, erosion and radiogenic heat on the metamorphic evolution of collisional orogens 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Petrological and thermochronological data provide our best record of the thermal structure of deeply eroded orogens, and, in principle, might be used to relate the metamorphic structure of an orogen to its deformational history. In this paper, we present a two-dimensional thermal model of collisional orogens that includes the processes of accretion and erosion to examine the P – T evolution of rocks advected through the orogen. Calculated metamorphic patterns are similar to those observed in the field; metamorphic temperatures, depths and ages generally increase with distance from the toe of the orogen; P – T paths are anti-clockwise, with rocks heating during burial and early stages of unroofing, followed by cooling during late-stage unroofing. The results indicate that peak metamorphic temperatures within the core of a collisional orogen and the distance from the toe of an orogen to the metamorphic core can be related to the relative rates of accretion, erosion and plate convergence. Model orogens displaying high metamorphic temperatures (>600 °C) are associated with low ratios of accretion rate to plate convergence velocity and with high heat flow through the foreland. Model orogens with metamorphic cores far from the toe of the orogen are associated with high ratios of accretion rate to erosion rate. Calculated metamorphic gradients mimic steady-state geotherms, and inverted thermal gradients can be preserved in the metamorphic record, suggesting reconsideration of the concept that the metamorphic record does not closely reflect geothermal gradients within an orogen. 相似文献
四川丹巴穹状变质地体 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
四川西部丹巴地区最为引人注目的地质构造是穹状变质地体的发育。华北、扬子和羌塘三个板块之间的南北向和东西向双向收缩,引起区内发育了大小不等的十几个穹状变质地体,自北而南有马奈、春牛场、丹巴、公差、格宗等变质穹隆。多数穹隆的核部出露的是前寒武纪的片麻岩和混合岩,例如春牛场侵入体。其中的片麻岩原岩、黑云母和角闪石质片麻岩均属本区最老的岩石。它不整合于志留纪地层之下,年代学研究证明其年代属新元古代(大约865~785Ma)。混合岩从形态上说,多为条带状,偶见角砾状的角闪石质混合岩。但是也有不少穹隆,核部是花岗岩类。岩石化学研究证明,它们大多属于S型花岗岩,仅个别为I型。穹状变质地体的外围变质带可分三类:(1)巴罗带型区域递增变质带,有的显示变质带的倒转;(2)巴肯型变质带;(3)低级区域变质带,多数是中压绿片岩相。巴罗带变质的泥质岩,多数变晶矿物如黑云母、十字石、石榴石均具早期低级变质矿物的定向包裹物,显示明显叠加变质的信息。变质泥质岩的∑REE=(195~274)×10-6,(La/Yb)n=0·811~1·917。稀土配分曲线和微量元素蛛网图具Nb、P、Ti负异常,显示大陆地壳的特征,是陆缘碎屑物质区域变质产物。巴肯带出露于丹巴以北,主要变质泥质岩是夕线石片麻岩类,常见铁铝榴石而少见堇青石,说明原岩富铁贫镁,局部出现锌铁尖晶石。由北侧的巴肯带到巴罗型变质的公差穹隆到南部的格宗穹隆变质带是从高温到低温连续变化的。因之,我们倾向于认为松潘—甘孜造山带的东南缘是一个规模较大的、呈NE向分布的低—中压区域变质带,总体是一条热轴,垂直走向,向东南温度逐步降低。据前人同位素年龄资料:M1巴罗型区域变质发生于约210~205Ma,马奈花岗岩U-Pb锆石年龄为(197±6)Ma。M2巴肯型变质与岩体侵入有关,年龄约为164Ma。M3喜马拉雅期重结晶的黑云母年龄约为30Ma。总之,丹巴变质穹隆的形成是青藏高原东北部地质构造演化中重要的一幕,其主要活动期起于印支晚期最后结束于喜马拉雅期的隆升和挤出。依据低压高温变质带的空间分布,推测本区印支末期存在一NE向的热轴,同时也是S型花岗岩体的出露区。至于木里一带穹隆与丹巴穹隆在变质程度上的差异,应当归因于印支晚期的陆壳增厚过程中,北倾南倒逆冲剪切造成区域热流的不均一性。也说明了青藏高原东北缘在喜山期隆升之前具有复杂的构造变质历史。 相似文献
造山带热结构对大陆碰撞带的形态大小、构造式样、岩浆活动和变质作用具有重要控制作用。然而,热结构对碰撞成矿作用的控制还不清楚。本文概述比利牛斯、阿尔卑斯、加里东、扎格罗斯、青藏高原和华力西等全球主要碰撞带的热结构与成矿系统发育特征,对比各个造山带内不同矿床类型成矿温度变化,探讨热结构对碰撞成矿的控制作用。研究表明,碰撞带主要发育盆地流体有关的密西西比河谷型铅锌矿床、变质流体有关的造山型金矿床和岩浆热液有关矿床(斑岩铜矿床、云英岩型钨锡矿床和岩浆热液有关的铌钽锂铍矿床等)。其中,前两者在大多数碰撞带内均有发育,代表了大陆碰撞成矿作用的基本类型。这些矿床的成矿温度在热碰撞带比较高而在冷碰撞带则偏低。岩浆热液有关矿床一般只出现在比较热的碰撞带内,这些热碰撞带的温度压力条件有很大区域在湿固相线以内,热扰动能够造就地壳发生部分熔融形成含矿岩浆。 相似文献
通过对澜沧江杂岩带小黑江-上允地区蓝片岩的岩相学、地球化学、成因矿物学以及相平衡模拟的综合研究,阐述蓝片岩的原岩以及变质演化过程。地球化学分析结果显示,蓝片岩具有一致的稀土元素配分模式,具弱Eu正或负异常,稀土元素和微量元素特征与OIB相似,其原岩可能为OIB型玄武岩。详细矿物学研究表明,本区蓝片岩记录了俯冲峰期蓝片岩相变质和峰期后绿片岩相变质两个变质阶段,其矿物组合分别为蓝闪石+钠长石+多硅白云母+绿泥石+绿帘石和蓝闪石+钠长石±阳起石+绿泥石+绿帘石。通过Na_2O-Ca O-Fe O-MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-H_2O-O体系相平衡计算,得到两个阶段的压力范围分别约为0.95 GPa和0.40 GPa。 相似文献
阿尔金碰撞造山带西段的构造特征 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13
根据阿尔金山西段前早古生代变质岩的岩石组成、沉积建造、变形变质作用改造历史、岩石地球化学特征等研究,将阿尔金碰撞造山带西段划分为3个构造单元北阿尔金地块、中阿尔金地块(包括英格里克构造-蛇绿混杂岩带、肖鲁克·布拉克高压变质岩带和塔什萨依玉石矿高绿片岩相-低角闪岩相变质岩带)和南阿尔金地块(包括南阿尔金中-新元古界隆起带和阿尔金南缘复合构造-蛇绿混杂岩带).提出该碰撞造山带经历了前长城纪古陆核形成阶段、长城纪-青白口纪不同基底联合阶段和早古生代洋陆转换阶段3个阶段的构造演化. 相似文献
根据阿尔金山西段前早古生代变质岩的岩石组成、沉积建造、变形变质作用改造历史、岩石地球化学特征等研究,将阿尔金碰撞造山带西段划分为3个构造单元:北阿尔金地块、中阿尔金地块(包括英格里克构造-蛇绿混杂岩带、肖鲁克·布拉克高压变质岩带和塔什萨依玉石矿高绿片岩相—低角闪岩相变质岩带)和南阿尔金地块(包括南阿尔金中—新元古界隆起带和阿尔金南缘复合构造-蛇绿混杂岩带)。提出该碰撞造山带经历了前长城纪古陆核形成阶段、长城纪—青白口纪不同基底联合阶段和早古生代洋陆转换阶段3个阶段的构造演化。 相似文献
The extent to which kinetic barriers to nucleation and growth delay the onset of prograde metamorphic reaction, commonly known as overstepping, is related to the macroscopic driving force for reaction, termed reaction affinity. Reaction affinity is defined in the context of overstepping as the Gibbs free‐energy difference between the thermodynamically stable, but not‐yet‐crystallized, products and the metastable reactants. Mineral reactions which release large quantities of H2O, such as chlorite‐consuming reactions, have a higher entropy/volume change, and therefore a higher reaction affinity per unit of temperature/pressure overstep, than those which release little or no H2O. The former are expected to be overstepped in temperature or pressure less than the latter. Different methods of calculating reaction affinity are discussed. Reaction affinity ‘maps’ are calculated that graphically portray variations in reaction affinity on equilibrium phase diagrams, allowing predictions to be made about expected degrees of overstepping. Petrological consequences of variations in reaction affinity include: (i) metamorphic reaction intervals may be discrete rather than continuous, especially in broad multivariant domains across which reaction affinity builds slowly; (ii) reaction intervals may not correspond in a simple way to reaction boundaries and domains in an equilibrium phase diagram, and may involve metastable reactions; (iii) overstepping can lead to a ‘cascade effect’, in which several stable and metastable reactions involving the same reactant phases proceed simultaneously; (iv) fluid generation, and possibly fluid presence in general, may be episodic rather than continuous, corresponding to discrete intervals of reaction; (v) overstepping related to slowly building reaction affinity in multivariant reaction intervals may account for the commonly abrupt development in the field of certain index mineral isograds; and (vi) P–T estimation based on combined use of phase diagram sections and mineral modes/compositions on the one hand, and classical thermobarometry methods on the other, may not agree even if the same thermodynamic data are used. Natural examples of the above, both contact and regional, are provided. The success of the metamorphic facies principle suggests that these kinetic effects are second‐order features that operate within a broadly equilibrium approach to metamorphism. However, it may be that the close approach to equilibrium occurs primarily at the boundaries between the metamorphic facies, corresponding to discrete intervals of high entropy, dehydration reaction involving consumption of hydrous phases like chlorite (greenschist–amphibolite facies boundary) and mica (amphibolite–granulite facies boundary), and less so within the facies themselves. The results of this study suggest that it is important to consider the possibility of reactions removed from equilibrium when inferring the P–T–t evolution of metamorphic rocks. 相似文献
Thermal models for Barrovian metamorphism driven by doubling the thickness of the radiogenic crust typically meet difficulty in accounting for the observed peak metamorphic temperature conditions. This difficulty suggests that there is an additional component in the thermal budget of many collisional orogens. Theoretical and geological considerations suggest that viscous heating is a cumulative process that may explain the heat deficit in collision orogens. The results of 2D numerical modelling of continental collision involving subduction of the lithospheric mantle demonstrate that geologically plausible stresses and strain rates may result in orogen‐scale viscous heat production of 0.1 to >1 μW m?3, which is comparable to or even exceeds bulk radiogenic heat production within the crust. Thermally induced buoyancy is responsible for crustal upwelling in large domes with metamorphic temperatures up to 200 °C higher than regional background temperatures. Heat is mostly generated within the uppermost mantle, because of large stresses in the highly viscous rocks deforming there. This thermal energy may be transferred to the overlying crust either in the form of enhanced heat flow, or through magmatism that brings heat into the crust advectively. The amplitude of orogenic heating varies with time, with both the amplitude and time‐span depending strongly on the coupling between heat production, viscosity and collision strain rate. It is argued that geologically relevant figures are applicable to metamorphic domes such as the Lepontine Dome in the Central Alps. We conclude that deformation‐generated viscous dissipation is an important heat source during collisional orogeny and that high metamorphic temperatures as in Barrovian type metamorphism are inherent to deforming crustal regions. 相似文献
大多数阴极发光研究都是在从岩石样品分选出的锆石上进行的。然而,要弄清形成演化历史复杂的锆石成因很困难。为了克服这一不足,更好地了解锆石是如何受周围环境的影响,对变质岩广泛分布的大青山地区3个变质岩石样品进行了薄片下的锆石阴极发光研究。主要结论为:包裹在造岩矿物中的锆石,变质增生边不发育,但可发生不同程度的重结晶;流体对锆石重结晶和变质增生边形成具有重要的意义,流体可来自岩石体系之外,也可来自其内部;以往的研究中,一些重结晶锆石可能被错误地当作了变质增生锆石。 相似文献
通过对辽宁清原太古宙地体中代表性剖面的地层地球化学研究,表明本区太古宙上壳岩浑南群和清原群金含量明显低于地壳金丰度值,反映了金在后期成矿能量作用下,发生了迁移-聚集成矿的趋向,形成了各种类型金矿床。地层中金和其它微量元素相关性研究表明,金常与亲铁和亲铜元素形成多元素组合。 相似文献
片麻岩是点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带最常见的岩石类型,主要由夕线石榴黑云二长片麻岩、石榴黑云斜长片麻岩以及含十字石蓝晶夕线石榴片麻岩所组成,其原岩的化学成分与华北克拉通典型孔兹岩系十分相似.岩相学、成因矿物学和变质反应性质研究以及温压条件估算结果表明,研究区片麻岩类岩石变质峰期的温压条件为T=700~770℃,P=0.5~0.8GPa,已达到或接近麻粒岩相变质,晚期退变质阶段的温压条件为T=600~650℃,P=0.35~0.45GPa.片麻岩变质演化的P-T轨迹具有顺时针型式.在麻粒岩相变质阶段,片麻岩类岩石普遍发生深熔作用,主要表现为含水矿物黑云母的脱水熔融和长英质矿物的部分熔融.该项研究对于进一步揭示青藏高原东南缘点苍山-哀牢山造山带的变质演化深熔作用机理及动力学过程具有重要的科学意义. 相似文献
苏鲁高压-超高压变质地体南缘高压与超高压变质带接触关系的确定对该地区构造格局的建立具有重要的意义。研究表明苏鲁高压-超高压变质地体南缘高压变质带内的锦屏群底部含砾岩层不整合覆盖于超高压变质带南部的朐山花岗片麻岩之上,含砾岩层中的砾石虽然经历了后期的塑性变形改造,但其地质特征仍展示出地层下部层位沉积砾石特有的性质。此外,同位素年代学研究揭示出朐山花岗片麻岩与锦屏群变质岩的原岩分别形成于859Ma和814Ma。这些都说明锦屏群变质岩与下伏朐山花岗片麻岩原岩之间的接触关系为角度不整合。在后期的构造运动过程中它们一起经历了高压-超高压变质变形作用,折返过程中锦屏群变质岩向北西西方向逆冲,形成叠加于不整合接触面的韧性剪切带。 相似文献
拉萨地块松多超高压变质带含石榴石白云母石英片岩为榴辉岩的围岩,岩石的矿物组合为石榴石、白云母、钠长石、绿泥石、石英及少量金红石、榍石。石榴石具有明显的成分环带,从核部到幔部Xprp=[Mg/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]缓慢升高,Xsps=[Mn/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]逐渐降低,表明石榴石从核部到幔部的成分记录了温度逐渐升高的进变质过程;幔部到边部,Xprp=[Mg/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]略微降低,Xgrs=[Ca/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]明显升高,Xsps=[Mn/(Mg+Fe+Mn+Ca)]先升高后降低,表明石榴石边部成分受到了退变质作用改造,呈现扩散环带的特征。利用Thermocalc变质相平衡计算软件在Mn NCKFMASHO体系下计算出含石榴石云母石英片岩的P-T、P-M(H2O)视剖面图,结合石榴石镁铝榴石等值线、钙铝榴石等值线及饱和水含量等值线限定出含石榴石云母石英片岩的峰期变质条件为约27×105k Pa,523/580℃,对应的峰期矿物组合为(g-Jd-Cr-Law(+Phn+q/Coe+H2O)。石榴石核部到幔部成分记录了主要的进变质演化,结合饱和水等值线的变化,判断进变质阶段为升温升压的冷俯冲过程,岩石经历了蓝片岩相至榴辉岩相的变质演化;P-M(H2O)视剖面图及饱和水等值线反映了岩石在减压中的流体行为,通过其变化特征可以确定岩石在峰期之后先经历近等温降压的早期退变质过程,晚期降温降压的退变轨迹则由石榴石边部成分所确定,此过程中,岩石发生了角闪岩相至绿帘角闪岩相变质,并在后期经历了绿片岩相变质叠加。近等温降压的退变质过程反映了快速抬升的构造运动过程,早期硬玉转变为钠长石可能发生在这个阶段。对比含石榴石云母石英片岩与榴辉岩的P-T轨迹,峰期变质温压及变质演化特征,提出含石榴石云母石英片岩曾经历过高压变质,结合野外相互伴生的地质关系,认为该片岩与榴辉岩经历了相同或者相似的俯冲折返过程。 相似文献
The higher grade metamorphic zonation of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt in central Shikoku, Japan 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
T. HIGASHINO 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》1990,8(4):413-423
The higher grade metamorphic zonation of the Sambagawa (= Sanbagawa) belt is established for the first time for the whole area of central Shikoku. As discontinuous reactions to define the isograd are absent, the metamorphic grade is primarily determined by the Mg-Fe partitioning between garnet and chlorite along representative traverses. However, for regional mapping, mineralogical features of the pelitic schists, such as using mineral assemblages of more than divariant equilibrium, the modal garnet to chlorite ratio, and the optical properties of chlorite, are employed as auxiliary criteria.
The presence of the highest grade mineral zone in the middle of the structural level is confirmed, but its spatial distribution is far more complex than hitherto accepted. Thermal axes are now confirmed at three different structural levels. A model is presented in which the stacking of thrust sheets of different grade took place while metamorphic reactions were in progress. Thermal readjustment brought a continuous metamorphic temperature gradient across and within the thrust sheets. Tectonic blocks of metagabbro and ultramafic rock were emplaced synchronously with thinning and subsequently also re-equilibrated. Local anomalies of metamorphic grade, represented by mixing of schists of different metamorphic grade, exist, but they are due to a later stage event. 相似文献
The presence of the highest grade mineral zone in the middle of the structural level is confirmed, but its spatial distribution is far more complex than hitherto accepted. Thermal axes are now confirmed at three different structural levels. A model is presented in which the stacking of thrust sheets of different grade took place while metamorphic reactions were in progress. Thermal readjustment brought a continuous metamorphic temperature gradient across and within the thrust sheets. Tectonic blocks of metagabbro and ultramafic rock were emplaced synchronously with thinning and subsequently also re-equilibrated. Local anomalies of metamorphic grade, represented by mixing of schists of different metamorphic grade, exist, but they are due to a later stage event. 相似文献
Paleoproterozoic supercontinent: Origin and evolution of accretionary and collisional orogens exemplified in Northern cratons 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M. V. Mints 《Geotectonics》2007,41(4):257-280
The evolution of the North American, East European, and Siberian cratons is considered. The Paleoproterozoic juvenile associations concentrate largely within mobile belts of two types: (1) volcanic-sedimentary and volcanic-plutonic belts composed of low-grade metamorphic rocks of greenschist to low-temperature amphibolite facies and (2) granulite-gneiss belts with a predominance of high-grade metamorphic rocks of high-temperature amphibolite to ultrahigh-temperature granulite facies. The first kind of mobile belt includes paleosutures made up of not only oceanic and island-arc rock associations formed in the process of evolution of relatively short-lived oceans of the Red Sea type but also peripheral accretionary orogens consisting of oceanic, island-arc, and backarc terranes accreted to continental margins. The formation of the second kind of mobile belt was related to the activity of plumes expressed in vigorous heating of the continental crust; intraplate magmatism; formation of rift depressions filled with sediments, juvenile lavas, and deposits of pyroclastic flows; and metamorphism of lower and middle crustal complexes under conditions of granulite and high-temperature amphibolite facies that, in addition, spreads over the fill of rift depressions. The evolution of mobile belts pertaining to both types ended with thrusting in a collisional setting. Five periods are recognized in Paleoproterozoic history: (1) origin and development of a superplume in the mantle that underlay the Neoarchean supercontinent; this process resulted in separation and displacement of the Fennoscandian fragment of the supercontinent (2.51–2.44 Ga); (2) a period of relatively quiet intraplate evolution complicated by locally developed plume-and plate-tectonic processes (2.44–2.0 (2.11) Ga); (3) the origin of a new superplume in the subcontinental mantle (2.0–1.95 Ga); (4) the complex combination of intense global plume-and plate-tectonic processes that led to the partial breakup of the supercontinent, its subsequent renascence and the accompanying formation of collisional orogens in the inner domains of the renewed Paleoproterozoic supercontinent, and the emergence of accretionary orogens along some of its margins (1.95–1.75 (1.71) Ga); and (5) postorogenic and anorogenic magmatism and metamorphism (<1.75 Ga). 相似文献
点苍山变质杂岩新生代变质-变形演化及其区域构造内涵 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
点苍山变质杂岩体是哀牢山-红河韧性剪切带四个变质杂岩体之一,遭受了多期多阶段变质-变形作用改造。本文重点针对点苍山杂岩的新生代变质-变形作用,尤其是以富铝质高级变质岩即夕线石榴黑云片麻岩和侵位于其中的糜棱岩化细晶花岗质岩石开展了深入研究。对夕线石榴黑云片麻岩的显微构造分析与矿物共生组合研究,确定了高角闪岩相和低角闪岩相变质矿物共生组合,分别为:石榴石(Grt)+夕线石(Sil)+钾长石(Kfs)+黑云母(Bi)+斜长石(Pl)±石英(Q)和夕线石(Sil)+白云母(Ms)+黑云母(Bi)+石英(Q)。对其中的变质锆石进行SHRIMP U-Pb测试,获得了新生代三个阶段的变质作用年龄,即54.2±1.7Ma、31.5±1.5Ma和27.5±1.2Ma.本文还深入研究了侵位于高级变质岩中的一个花岗岩质糜棱岩的宏观与显微构造特点,其LA-ICP-MS年龄为24.4±0.89Ma,代表着同剪切就位花岗质岩浆侵位和结晶年龄。夕线石榴黑云片麻岩中变质锆石从2150~27Ma多期多阶段表观年龄的发育,表明点苍山变质杂岩体具有复杂的构造演化史。点苍山杂岩的多阶段新生代构造-热演化归咎于印度-欧亚板块会聚与碰撞作用(约54Ma)、造山后伸展作用(大约40~30Ma)和沿着哀牢山-红河剪切带大规模左行走滑变形作用(约27~21Ma)。 相似文献
大兴安岭扎兰屯地区前寒武纪变质岩系年龄及其构造意义 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
大兴安岭扎兰屯地区出露较多的前寒武纪变质岩系,包括先前认为是古元古代的兴华渡口群、新元古代的佳疙瘩组和新元古代—早寒武世的倭勒根岩群,但一直缺少精确的年代学依据。通过LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测年,对这3个变质岩群的原岩时代进行了厘定。结果显示,兴华渡口群中绿泥石白云母片岩的锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为520.1±4.3Ma(n=11,MSWD=1.6),佳疙瘩组中长英质糜棱岩锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为512.0±2.9Ma,倭勒根岩群中绿泥绢云片岩最年轻锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为491.7±11.9Ma,年龄最密集区加权平均值为516.7±4.5Ma。锆石图像特征及Th/U值均显示岩浆型锆石特征。综上所述,扎兰屯地区出露的兴华渡口群、佳疙瘩组和倭勒根群形成时代均为早古生代早期,而非先前认为的"前寒武纪"。同时,上述年龄谱系表明,该地区在480~500Ma和500~530Ma存在2期强烈的岩浆活动,应与东北地区晚泛非期岩浆-变质事件有关。 相似文献
南岭东段麻粒岩相变质岩的发现及其地质意义 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
本文报道了在南岭东段闽西南中元古代桃溪组变质岩中发现的麻粒岩相变质岩。其矿物组合和化学成分显示这些变质岩的原岩是沉积岩。成岩格子和温压计算限定它们的峰期变质作用发生在750-880℃和1.1GPa的高温高压条件下,表明这些表壳岩由于构造作用曾经成为下地壳的物质组成,并经历了麻粒岩相变质作用。等温降压的P-T-t轨迹指示它们很可能是在中生代伸展构造背景下快速抬升到浅部。这些麻粒岩的成分显然与东南沿海地区发现的基性麻粒岩捕虏体的不同,暗示这两地区下地壳的物质组成可能存在差异,也许这就是造成两个地区花岗岩类型不同的最主要原因。 相似文献