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生态城市空间结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓清华 《热带地理》2003,23(3):279-283
回顾了生态城市空间结构相关领域的理论研究,重点分析了具有生态城市思想的城市空间结构理论,并将其分为四类模式:风水模式、人本主义模式、技术模式、发展生态模式,认为今后研究的主要方向是发展生态模式,其构成要素、布局特点等则是研究的重点.  相似文献   

绿洲景观若干理论问题的探讨   总被引:43,自引:9,他引:43  
本文应用近年来日益活跃的景观生态学研究成果,对绿洲的概念,基本特征,分布,景观类型,景观命名等理论问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国农村工业发展型式研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文根据系统与环境相互作用理论,依初始主导环境因素将农村工业发展型式划分为6种基本类型:农副产品加工型、城市扩散辐射型、矿产资源开发型、外资外贸推动型、人力资本推动型、市场加工循环推动型,并依是由权力精英或是由经济精英发动将6种基本类型划分为12种亚型;本文重点对各个型式的形成条件和特征进行了分析,对不同型式的发展潜力和存在问题进行了对比,并探讨了它们在欠发达地区的适用性。  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划中GIS技术应用研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
吴良林 《热带地理》1999,19(4):371-375
通过作者参加的广西十几个县市土地利用总体规划方案编制的实践总结, 阐述地理信息系统技术应用于土地利用总体规划方案编制的原理及主要应用方面, 介绍土地规划中图形处理与量算, 规划方案辅助决策, 计算机辅助土地利用地图制图的过程和技术。  相似文献   

In the series of analytical techniques for identification of chemical substances,infrared spectrometrypresents by far the highest information content.However,the information is most complicated too.Itconcerns a multitude of band positions,band intensities and band shapes,which,moreover,can bedisturbed by matrix and other effects.The high redundancy,however,allows conclusions to be made bya qualitative,subjective procedure.IR is often used to prove the equality between a sample and a reference material,e.g.in quality controlof a production process.In forensic control,the question to be answered is mostly not to prove equality,but whether or not the presence of a compound in a sample,e.g.a drug,can be proved.Moreover,testinghas to be performed according to objective rules.To fulfil these requirements,a new retrieval algorithm,the‘Adequate Peaks Search’,is presented.Itconcerns representing the reference spectra by sets of adequate peak positions and the sample spectrumby a set of all peak positions,whereafter the cross-sections of the sample set and the reference sets aredetermined.The concept‘adequate peak’is defined and criteria have been formulated to evaluate theresults into a positive(presence of the analyte is proved) or negative(presence is not proved)conclusion.The detection limit when the Adequate Peaks Search(APS)method was applied was four to seven timeslower than that attained by a number of experts.  相似文献   

文云朝  汪一鸣 《地理研究》1998,17(2):201-207
通过研究比利时瓦隆区国土规划与农村整治的任务与实践,深入探讨了土地规划在国土整治中的重要作用及其有关经验.结合我国的实际情况,就国土整治工作的重点,土地管理与农村整治的紧迫性,以及土地规划与国土规划的关系,进行了中外对比分析,从洋为中用的角度,针对性地提出了一些意见.  相似文献   

How do land conversion rates throughout the urban hierarchy respond to changes in economic, demographic, and physical factors? An analysis of the quantity and intensity of rural land consumed for urban development highlights certain regularities in the urban growth process as well as great variability. Population change, economic function, and soil capability show the greatest promise in explaning the provision of land for urban development. It is concluded that more systematic and sensitive measures of urban land-use requirements are needed before urban and rural land uses can be budgeted effectively.  相似文献   

A quantitative procedure for analyzing and comparing distortion in mental maps is presented. Using a microcomputer and digitizer, and by developing a distortion index, comparisons are made by direct analysis of mental maps. A case study of the mental maps of Israel of high school and university students showed a tendency to generalize shape to simple geometric forms, with foreshortening of north-south lines and exaggeration of east-west distances.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionRuraldevelopmentisthesetofactivitiesandactionstakentogetherbydiverseindi-vidualsandorganisationleadingtoprogress.Differentpeopledefineprogressdifferently:conventionallyitequalstoprogressinmaterials-growthofincomesandwealth.Povertyallevi…  相似文献   

While many studies have documented pathways of river degradation, few studies have assessed the character, capacity, and stages of river recovery. In this paper, a generic procedure to measure river recovery is developed and applied in Bega catchment, on the south coast of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The approach is based on analysis of geomorphic units and ergodic reasoning. Historical data and field analyses are used to identify stages of river evolution throughout Bega catchment. From this, stages of river condition and pathways of adjustment are assessed for three river styles at different positions within the catchment. Five categories of river condition are identified. Intact reaches operate in a self-adjusting manner, whereby processes maintain the pre-disturbance geomorphic character of the reach. The processes occurring in restoration reaches maintain and enhance the geomorphic structure of the reach. These reaches are moderately resilient to change. The river has experienced degradation, but has recovered to a condition approximating its pre-disturbance character and behavior. Degraded reaches are still adjusting to disturbance and the processes of recovery have not yet begun. The river is experiencing progressive deterioration away from the structure and function of the pre-disturbance condition. Turning-point reaches are at the transitional stage where they can either recover or revert to a degraded state. Finally, a creation reach has a self-adjusting character and behavior but operates under altered catchment boundary conditions. The character and behavior of the river do not equate to pre-disturbance conditions; rather, the river is well adjusted to the prevailing catchment boundary conditions of water and sediment transfer, and vegetation cover and composition (among many factors). Once these conditions have been identified for each river style, all reaches in a catchment are placed on pathways of degradation and recovery, and predictions made about their direction of change. The three river styles analyzed in Bega catchment demonstrate differing recovery pathways. Some reaches are adjusting toward a restored condition, while others are adjusting toward a new (or creation) condition. The geomorphic recovery potential of each reach is determined by assessing the connectivity of reaches throughout the catchment and interpreting limiting factors to recovery (e.g., water and sediment transfer, vegetation and coarse woody debris [CWD] character and distribution). [Key words: geomorphic river condition, river recovery, river degradation, recovery potential, fluvial geomorphology, river management.]  相似文献   

地理现象分形研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
赵锐  顾其钧 《地理科学》1994,14(1):9-15

雷琼第四纪火山活动的新认识   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文根据76个岩石样品的年龄和107个钻孔剖面的对比,认为本区第四纪火山活动可分为6期,并具有以喷溢为主,多旋回,从海相向陆相转变的,文中以较多的岩石学证据论证了岩浆源地和火山构造环境,同时从板块构造观点论述了雷琼裂谷的发育阶段和火山活动兴衰过程。  相似文献   

立足于农村社区扶贫实践的工作经验及一系列相关工具和方法,探讨建立参与性农村评估(PRA)和交互式地理信息系统(interactive GIS)为主体支持的基层社区土地利用规划模式。通过规划中广泛吸收社区农户的意愿,发展农户参与土地资源合理利用的意识和有效管理社区土地的能力,细化、落实县、乡级土地利用规划的各项指标体系,协调县、乡级规划和社区规划间的矛盾与冲突,进一步深入落实优化土地资源配置的政策和原则,提高土地利用规划的有据性、有效性及可操作性,为农村社区可持续发展创造必要的条件。  相似文献   

Most existing work on residential mobility has assumed that the household relocation decision is an intrinsically significant object of inquiry. In contrast, we argue that mobility derives its significance primarily from the particular historical and locational contexts within which it occurs. We suggest, therefore, that future mobility research should be directed away from the development of a theory of mobility per se and toward a more explicit articulation of mobility studies to existing theories of urbanization and social change.  相似文献   

广东城市化进程的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄镇国  张伟强 《热带地理》2001,21(2):135-138
认为广东至2010年的城市化目标以50%为宜,在城市化进程中,下列问题值得重视;加速发展中小城市;采取城乡一体化发展模式;逐步建立若干个大都市圈;依法做好土地利用规划;注意城市分质供水的发展趋势;建设多功能的城市;国家、企业、个人多元化参与城市化的进程。  相似文献   

人口地图编制方法新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马永立 《地理科学》1997,7(4):342-345
人口地图的编制应针对不同地域的人口分布特征,确定相应的制图单元和表示方法,并拟定相应的人口资料搜集途径和方法。常州市人口图的编制实践说明,城市人口图以多边形的人口密集小区为制图单元,运用多边形分级比值法较为理想。  相似文献   

喀斯特侵蚀过程中藻类作用的微形态研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
张捷 《地理学报》1993,48(3):235-243,T001
通过对我国及国外典型喀斯特区域的样品观察,本文对内陆及海岸灰岩表面藻类的分布、对基岩的作用类型和机制以及在喀斯特地貌侵蚀形态发育过程中的作用进行了初步的分析和探讨,所有结果表明,藻类作用十分普遍并在尺度上具有层次性,在微观尺度上形成了独特形态,藻类的侵蚀机制有化学和机械之分,最基本的过程为钻孔作用。  相似文献   

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