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以岩体正交异性弹性理论为基础,用X射线法,在安宁河断裂带测区,沿横过和平行断裂带的6条测线,测量了岩体三维宏观残余应力,绘成了宏观残余应力场水平和铅直三维主分量水平分布等值线图、水平和铅直最大剪应力水平分布等值线图及水平主应力线图,研究了此种场对大地震的控制作用。  相似文献   

安欧  高国宝 《地震》1996,16(3):271-276
以岩体正交异性弹性理论为基础,用X射线法,在安宁河断裂带测区,沿横过和平行断裂带的条测线,测量了岩体三维宏观残余应力,绘成了宏观残余应力场水平和铅直三维主分量水平分布等值线图水平和铅直最大剪应力水平分布等值线图及水平主应力线图,研究了此种场对大地震的控制作用。  相似文献   

安欧  高国宝 《地震工程学报》1993,15(3):63-69,87
本文介绍了测量岩体中三维区域残余应力和嵌镶残余应力及其弹性应变能密度的方法,并给出了鲜水河断裂带上的5个大口径深钻孔岩芯的具体测量结果,分析了鲜水河断裂带古构造残余应力及残余应变能密度沿深度的分布规律。结果表明,残余应力及残余弹性应变能密度均随深度的增加而增大。本文还估算了该断裂带岩体中储存的残余弹性应变能的量级。  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带的构造大地测量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用短边GPS点阵、短基线标石阵和精密激光测距,在与鲜水河断裂带的断层破裂带垂直的剖面上和构造盆地内进行构造大地测量,获得了断层软弱带和断层蠕变带上的最佳形变分布。综合利用相关地学成果和理论,揭示了构造形变所隐含的动力学信息,识别了断层应变带、塑性流变带和主断面在地面的分布范围。用外围GPS远场联测成果探讨了该断裂带的驱动力机制,匡正了其“左旋”运动和现今活动速度的含义。最后,评估了该断裂的地震活动趋势。  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带区域第四纪构造应力场的分期研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用断层滑动方向资料反演构造应力张量的分期计算方法,获得鲜水河断裂带区域第四纪以来两期主要构造应力作用:第1期为早~中更新世,构造应力作用以北东-南西向挤压为特征;第Ⅱ期自晚更新世至今,构造应力作用以近东西向挤压和近南北向拉张为特征  相似文献   

本文根据中国西南部四个强震带残余应力场水平和铅直分布的测量和实验研究结果,讨论了古构造残余应力场对震源的作用:降低震源岩体强度,增大震源岩体形变,与现今应力场迭加在一起促成地震,随岩体破裂释放残余弹性能加到震源释放的现今弹性能中去提高震级和地震活动水平。  相似文献   

用激光测距小网的观测资料研究鲜水河断裂带的活动特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用跨鲜水河断裂带的两个激光测距小网1985-1997年的重复观测资料,分析研究了鲜水河断裂带的活动特征。通过对观测资料的数据处理,获得了测区较客观的位移场和应变场。形变分析结果表明,鲜水河断裂带北段处于蠕动状态,南段则处于应变积累的闭锁状态。  相似文献   

古构造残余应力场X射线测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以岩体正交各向异性弹性理论为基础,用X射线衍射法,沿红河断裂带布设7条测线,沿迁西山字型构造带布设11条测线,完成了岩体中三维残余应力测量,绘出了宏观残余应力场等值线及主应力线图、微观残余应力场等值线图,算出了岩体内两种残余弹性应变能密度场,确定了其形成时期。  相似文献   

安欧  高国宝 《地震地质》1996,18(1):25-29
以岩体正交异性弹性理论为基础,用X射线法,在龙门山断裂带测区,选取3个小区深钻孔系列的岩心,测量了岩体中宏观残余应力场的水平和铅直三维主分量、水平和铅直最大剪应力,及其应变能密度随深度的分布,分析了它们沿深度的分布规律,估算了该断裂带岩体中储存的宏观残余弹性应变能的量级  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带的现今水平形变及构造动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
据鲜水河断裂带水平测距的新成果,讨论该带现今构造运动的动态特征。在分析水平形变的基础上,联系表层构造形变和区域背景,探讨地块沿断裂带运动的模式。认为该带的现今运动主要表现为断裂带两侧地块往东南的同向不等速滑动,其地表形变效应则与左旋走滑相一  相似文献   

The Xianshuihe Fault, the boundary of Bayan Har active tectonic block and Sichuan-Yunnan active tectonic block, is one of the most active fault zones in the world. In the past nearly 300 years, 9 historical earthquakes of magnitude ≥ 7 have been recorded. Since 2008, several catastrophic earthquakes, such as Wenchuan MS8 earthquake, Yushu MS7.1 earthquake and Lushan MS7 earthquake, have occurred on the other Bayan Har block boundary fault zones. However, only the Kangding MS6.3 earthquake in 2014 was documented on the Xianshuihe Fault. Thus, the study of surface deformation and rupture behavior of large earthquakes in the late Quaternary on the Xianshuihe Fault is of fundamental importance for understanding the future seismic risk of this fault, and even the entire western Sichuan region. On the basis of the former work, combined with our detailed geomorphic and geological survey, we excavated a combined trench on the Qianning segment of Xianshuihe fault zone which has a long elapse time. Charcoal and woods in the trench are abundant. 30 samples were dated to constrain the ages of the paleoseismic events. Five events were identified in the past 9  000 years, whose ages are:8070-6395 BC, 5445-5125 BC, 4355-4180 BC, 625-1240 AD and the Qianning earthquake in 1893. The large earthquake recurrence behavior on this segment does not follow the characteristic earthquake recurrence model. The recurrence interval is 1000~2000 years in early period and in turn there is a quiet period of about 5 000 years after 4355-4180 BC event. Then it enters the active period again. Two earthquakes with surface rupture occurred in the past 1000 years and the latest two earthquakes may have lower magnitude. The left-lateral coseismic displacement of the 1893 Qianning earthquake is about 2.9m.  相似文献   

安欧 《地震》1995,(3):214-221
岩石接触面在高温高围压下经过几天便烧结起来而有很高但低于原岩的剪切强度。烧结面与主压应力方向夹角大于55—65°时,便不再断裂而沿其它方向剪断。实验最低温压相当地壳10km深,这应是地壳大断裂的上部裂面与下部烧结层的界限深度,受力后便向下延裂,在下部形成震源。这可能是鲜水河断裂带震源在10—25km深重复发生的原因。由带内大震机制解P轴方向与地球自转速率变化趋势的关系、区域残余应力场水平主压应力分布方向与断裂带走向的关系,讨论了带内大震活动时段的原因。由带内裂面烧结条件、残余和现今应力高值区、岩体低强度区及储存弹性应变能高值区的分布,研究了带内大震空间分布原因。  相似文献   

安欧  高国宝 《地震研究》1993,16(2):169-177
以岩体正交各向异性弹性理论为基础,用X射线衍射法,在红河断裂带测区,选用12个大口径钻孔用金刚石钻头钻取的岩芯,测量了岩体中三维宏观残余应力和微观残余应力及其弹性应变能密度随深度的分布,分析了它们沿深度的分布规律。  相似文献   

Xianshuihe Fault, a main strong earthquake activity belt in southwest China, begins from Ganzi in the northwest, passes through Luhuo, Daofu, and Kangding, and then extents along the Dadu River valley. The fault is divided into two parts at Shimian, one part turns to south and converses to Anninghe Fault extending further to south, the other part, continuing to extend to southeast, cutting through Xiaoxiangling and then changing to Daliangshan Faults in the north of the Yuexi Basin, has the length of about 400km. Since 1700AD, there have happened 22 earthquakes larger than magnitude 6.0 and 8 earthquakes larger than magnitude 7.0. In this paper, we systematically collated and computed the gravity repetition measurement data along the Xianshuihe fault zone since 1988, and by referring to the anomaly index of gravity field of the predecessor achievements, analyzed the spatial-temporal variation of the regional gravity field and the relation to the occurrence of ≥ MS5.0 earthquakes. The mechanism of the regional gravity changes is further studied, and also the implication of strong earthquake risk because of the dynamic variation of gravity field in the near future is discussed.The results show that:1)The mobile gravity observation has the ability to detect crustal activity and MS ≥ 5.0 earthquake events. 2)There is definite correspondence between interannual gravitational field change and the 8 earthquakes among the 13 MS ≥ 5.0 earthquakes occurring in the surveying area since 1988, which can be determined according to the change of interannual gravitational field. Three M ≥ 6.0 earthquakes occurred 3~4 years after the abnormal image was developed, 4 earthquakes that occurred in the region of no data available were not determined. 3)A significant feature of the spatial-temporal variation of the regional gravity is a north-south run-through image before 2004, and characterized by the alternatively positive or negative variation in different year, the earthquakes of MS ≥ 5.0 occurring in this period were not distributed along the fault. Gravity variation magnitude indicates that there were two similar crustal material movement waves before 2004, corresponding to the course of earthquake space-time distribution from strong to weak in the study area. After 2010, the variation image shows that the local positive and negative zones are concurrent within a year, different from the image before 2004, and earthquakes of MS ≥ 5.0 basically occurred on the fault. It is believed that the variation of gravity field since 1988 and the seismic distribution fit with the geodynamic mode of strong and weak stages of the northeast motion of Indian plate. According to the conclusion we can try to optimize gravity anomaly index. After the Kangding earthquake in 2014, the north segment of Moxi Fault was still subject to negative high value changes till 2017 and then the gravity variation was further developed to a four quadrant distribution image. Based on the analysis of this paper and the previous variation trend of gravity field, we believe that the north segment of Moxi Fault has the background of medium-long term, strong or large earthquake risk.  相似文献   

运用格点尝试法推断了沂沭断裂带现状构造应力场的分段受力环境,初步分析了沭断裂带及其两侧块体在中强地震前后构造应力环境的变化特点。其变化特点为:震前3个区主应力方位值有一个明显的增大趋势;3个区的增大变化为不同步;沂沭带主应力方位值增大出现时间较晚,增幅较大,为阶跃性增大;山东东部的主张应力方位值幅度增大,持续达4年以上,震后3个区主应力方位值出现明显的同步性回落,沂沭带的主应力降幅巨大。  相似文献   

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