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Morphological changes in coastal areas, especially in river estuaries, are of high interest in many parts of the world. Satellite data from both optical and radar sensors can help to monitor and investigate these changes. Data from both kinds of sensors being available for up to 30 years now, allow examinations over large timescales, while high resolution sensors developed within the last decade allow increased accuracy. So the creation of digital elevation models (DEMs) of, for example, the wadden sea from a series of satellite images is already possible. ENVISAT, successfully launched on March 1, 2002, continues the line of higher resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging sensors with its ASAR instrument and now also allows several polarization modes for better separation of land and water areas. This article gives an overview of sensors and algorithms for waterline determination as well as several applications. Both optical and SAR images are considered. Applications include morphodynamic monitoring studies and DEM generation.
Andreas NiedermeierEmail:

康悦  文军  张堂堂  田辉  陈昊 《地球物理学报》2014,57(8):2473-2483
卫星遥感数据具有估算时空尺度上地表参量的优势,在陆地环境状况评估和监测等方面有很大的应用潜力.本文利用美国地球观测系统卫星搭载中等分辨率成像光谱仪(EOS/MODIS)在黄土高原2002-2010年期间获取的每16天归一化植被指数(NDVI)和每日地表温度(LST)数据,分析了黄土高原地区LST-NDVI空间的基本特征.结果发现:当研究区域足够大且遥感数据时间序列足够长时,LST-NDVI空间中(NDVI,LST)散点并非呈三角形或梯形分布.为了能够利用EOS/MODIS的NDVI和LST数据正确地评估陆面的干湿状况,本文给出了利用数据集合法确定LST-NDVI空间中干边和湿边的数值,即在LST-NDVI空间中,利用NDVI等值区间内LST最大值和最小值的集合代表干边和湿边的数值,并进一步证明了在LST-NDVI空间中干边和湿边数值并非呈线性关系.在分析LST-NDVI空间特征的基础上,通过构建地表温度-植被干旱指数(TVDI),探讨其在评估黄土高原地区陆面的干湿状况的应用潜力.结果表明:由TVDI距平表征的陆面的干湿程度与局地降水距平有很好的关联性,二者在时空分布上有较好的对应关系.在我国陇东黄土高原塬区,TDVI数值与地面观测的表层土壤湿度有很好的相关性,相关系数在0.67以上,并通过显著性为1%的检验.由此说明:如果合理选取干边和湿边的数值,TDVI可应用于区域陆面干湿程度的客观评估.  相似文献   

Vegetation and soil properties and their associated changes through time and space affect the various stages of soil erosion. The island of Ishigaki in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan is of particular concern because of the propensity of the red‐soil‐dominated watersheds in the area to contribute substantial sediment discharge to adjacent coastal areas. This paper discusses the application of remote sensing techniques in the retrieval of vegetation and soil parameters necessary for the distributed soil‐loss modelling in small agricultural catchments and analyses the variation in erosional patterns and sediment distribution during rainfall events using numerical solutions of overland flow simulations and sediment continuity equations. To account for the spatial as well as temporal variability of selected parameters of the soil‐loss equations, a method is proposed to account for the variability of associated vegetation cover based on their spectral characteristics as captured by remotely sensed data. To allow for complete spatial integration, modelling the movement of sediment is accomplished under a loose‐coupled GIS computational framework. This study lends a theoretical support and empirical evidence to the role of vegetation as a potential agent for soil erosion control. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the progress and development on remote sensing technology applied in earthquake monitoring research are summarized, such as differential interference synthetic aperture radar (D-InSAR), infrared remote sensing, and seismo-ionospheric detecting. Many new monitoring data in this domain have been used, and new data processing methods have been developed to obtain high-precision images about crustal deformation, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), surface latent heat flux (SLHF), and ionospheric parameters. The development in monitoring technology and data processing technique largely enriches earthquake research information and provides new tools for earthquake stereoscope monitoring system, especially on the space part. Finally, new developing trend in this area was introduced, and some key problems in future work were pointed out.  相似文献   


湖相沉积是过去气候环境变化研究的重要地质记录.东北平原在早-中更新世时期曾发育一个巨型湖泊(松嫩古湖), 对这一古湖的演化历史和机制仍需多钻孔的进一步研究.本研究针对东北平原杜蒙(HL)钻孔沉积物开展了26Al/10Be同位素年代学、古地磁年代学、磁化率地层学和岩石磁学研究, 结果表明: (1)令字组和林甸组湖相沉积的界线为约900 ka; (2)林甸组的磁化率明显高于令字组, 令字组的高矫顽力弱磁性矿物贡献相对较大; (3)林甸组磁化率的升高可能与湖平面降低、水动力增强、入湖的强磁性矿物增多或者氧化还原条件改变, 从而生成了强磁性铁的硫化物有关; (4)约900 ka前后, 松嫩古湖萎缩, 可能与中更新世气候转型期间大西洋深层翻转流(Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, 简称AMOC)减弱致使热带辐合带(Intertropical Convergence Zone, 简称ITCZ)南移, 以及海平面下降造成更多陆地暴露地表, 水汽输送距离增加, 进而共同导致东亚夏季风降水减少有关.


叙述门限自回归模型建模的基本原理及步骤,利用东北地区年最大震级序列数据建立门限自同归模型SETAR(2,4,3),并依此对东北地区未来可能发生的最大地震进行预测.结果表明,该模型预测精度较高,其研究结论对东北地区未来地震活动趋势预测具有参考意义.  相似文献   

Hydrological modelling of mesoscale catchments is often adversely affected by a lack of adequate information about specific site conditions. In particular, digital land cover data are available from data sets which were acquired on a European or a national scale. These data sets do not only exhibit a restricted spatial resolution but also a differentiation of crops and impervious areas which is not appropriate to the needs of mesoscale hydrological models. In this paper, the impact of remote sensing data on the reliability of a water balance model is investigated and compared to model results determined on the basis of CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) Land Cover as a reference. The aim is to quantify the improved model performance achieved by an enhanced land cover representation and corresponding model modifications. Making use of medium resolution satellite imagery from SPOT, LANDSAT ETM+ and ASTER, detailed information on land cover, especially agricultural crops and impervious surfaces, was extracted over a 5-year period (2000–2004). Crop-specific evapotranspiration coefficients were derived by using remote sensing data to replace grass reference evapotranspiration necessitated by the use of CORINE land cover for rural areas. For regions classified as settlement or industrial areas, degrees of imperviousness were derived. The data were incorporated into the hydrological model GROWA (large-scale water balance model), which uses an empirical approach combining distributed meteorological data with distributed site parameters to calculate the annual runoff components. Using satellite imagery in combination with runoff data from gauging stations for the years 2000–2004, the actual evapotranspiration calculation in GROWA was methodologically extended by including empirical crop coefficients for actual evapotranspiration calculations. While GROWA originally treated agricultural areas as homogeneous, now a consideration and differentiation of the main crops is possible. The accuracy was determined by runoff measurements from gauging stations. Differences in water balances resulting from the use of remote sensing data as opposed to CORINE were analysed in this study using a representative subcatchment. Resulting Nash–Sutcliff model efficiencies improved from 0.372 to 0.775 and indicate that the enhanced model can produce thematically more accurate and spatially more detailed local water balances. However, the proposed model enhancements by satellite imagery have not exhausted the full potential of water balance modelling, for which a higher temporal resolution is required.  相似文献   

分季节的太湖悬浮物遥感估测模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据1996-2002年无锡太湖监测站的水质资料分析,太湖悬浮物具有季节性特征,因而分季节的悬浮物估测模型比单一的模型可能更加适合用来估测太湖全年的悬浮物浓度.在分析太湖水体光谱特征的基础上,根据太湖悬浮物的季节性分布特征,使用春夏秋冬四季的Landsat TM/ETM图像和准同步的水质采样数据,建立了太湖分季节的悬浮物估算模型.结果表明:估测因子(B2 B3)/(B2/B3)在春、秋、冬三季都能很好地估测出悬浮物的浓度(R2>0.52).夏季由于叶绿素的干扰性较大,悬浮物的估测效果不理想.冬季的估测效果最好(R2=0.81),模型为lnSS=14.656×(B2 B3)/(B2/B3) 1.661,其中,ln SS表示悬浮物取自然对数后的值,B2、B3为TM/ETM图像经过6S大气校正、3×3低通滤波后第2、3波段的反射率值.  相似文献   

中国东北地区远震P波走时层析成像研究   总被引:6,自引:14,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国东北流动和固定台网的234个宽频带地震仪记录的远震波形数据,采用波形相关方法拾取了57251个有效相对走时残差数据,进一步采用FMTT(Fast Marching Teleseismic Tomography)层析成像的方法,反演获取了研究区下方深达800 km的P波速度结构.结果显示:在长白山下方发现有一个高速异常结构,这可能就是俯冲到欧亚大陆板块下方的太平洋板块,由于板块的部分下沉,使得板块的形状并没有呈现出明显的板片状.长白山、阿尔山、五大连池火山下方都有低速异常体,长白山和阿尔山下的低速异常向下延伸至地幔转换带,可能与其上部的火山形成有关.五大连池火山下方的低速异常向下延伸至200 km左右,不同埋深的低速异常结构可能意味着五大连池与长白山和阿尔山有着不同的成因.松辽盆地呈现以高速异常为主导高低速异常混合分布的特性,暗示松辽盆地可能有岩石圈拆沉的过程,盆地南部下方的低速异常与长白山和阿尔山下的低速异常有连通性,可能是下地幔热物质上涌的一个通道.  相似文献   

中国东北地区远震S波走时层析成像研究   总被引:6,自引:10,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国东北流动和固定台网的234个宽频带地震仪在2009年6月—2011年5月所记录的远震波形数据,采用波形相关方法拾取了10301个有效的S震相相对走时残差数据,进一步采用两种射线走时层析成像的方法,反演获取了研究区下方深达800 km的S波速度结构,不同射线走时层析成像方法的结果对本区的S波速度异常结构起到一定的约束作用.S波成像结果与我们先前开展的P波成像研究结果整体相似:在长白山下方发现有一个高速异常结构,这可能就是俯冲到欧亚大陆板块下方的太平洋板块,由于板块的部分下沉,使得板块的形状并没有呈现出明显的板片状.长白山、阿尔山、五大连池火山下方都有低速异常体,长白山和阿尔山下的低速异常向下延伸至地幔转换带附近,可能与其上部的火山形成有关.五大连池火山下方的低速异常向下延伸至200 km左右,不同埋深的低速异常结构可能意味着五大连池与长白山和阿尔山有着不同的成因.松辽盆地呈现以高速异常为主导、高低速异常混合分布的特性,暗示松辽盆地岩石圈地幔可能遭受了改造与破坏,可能有岩石圈拆沉的过程,盆地南部下方的低速异常与长白山和阿尔山下的低速异常有连通性,可能是下地幔热物质上涌的一个通道.S波和P波相似的成像结果从另一个角度展示了中国东北地区的上地幔速度异常结构,对我们认识此区的地下结构提供了重要的约束.  相似文献   

Monthly composites of multi-year sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) have been used in combination with ocean model simulations to study bio-physical distribution patterns at Porcupine and Rockall Bank, two large submarine banks in the Northeast Atlantic in close proximity to the European shelf edge. Seven years (January 1998–December 2004) of remotely sensed data have been collated to create monthly climatological fields and to analyse principal spatio-temporal characteristics. At both banks, a region of cooler SST is found over the summit region compared to warmer waters of the surrounding ocean, less apparent in summer when capped by the seasonal thermocline. Enhanced Chl-a levels are found over both banks with a lifetime partly exceeding the bloom period. At Rockall Bank, both SST and Chl-a signals are more pronounced and persistent showing a 30% increase in annual Chl-a levels over the summit area with an even higher ratio in spring and autumn. A combination of physical processes appears to promote the enhanced productivity over both banks through the generation of a quasi-steady dome of cold, dense water during winter convection and upwelling events. This cold dome is associated with the presence of a retentive circulation based on Taylor cap dynamics and tidal rectification processes. The larger and more persistent enhancement of Chl-a levels over Rockall Bank would appear due to its isolated nature as well as its size. In contrast, Porcupine Bank is partly attached to the Irish shelf edge and exposed to the poleward flowing shelf edge current which may strip passive particles from the central bank region. Satellite derived Chl-a spring/summer distributions over the banks have been used to initialise model simulations of passive tracer dispersion. Timescales for the observed lifetime of the remotely sensed Chl-a patches are consistent with model derived retention timescales and simple scaling for the dispersion of passive biological material over the banks. Surface particle residence times over Rockall Bank are estimated to exceed Porcupine Bank values by a factor of two. Finally, the tidal contribution to individual particle motion is found to be large in some Rockall Bank areas, but less important at Porcupine Bank.  相似文献   

Development of hydrological models for seasonal and real-time runoff forecast in rivers of high alpine catchments is useful for management of water resources. The conceptual models for this purpose are based on a temperature index and/or energy budget and can be either lumped or distributed over the catchment area. Remote sensing satellite data are most useful to acquire near real-time geophysical parameters in order to input to the distributed forecasting models. In the present study, integration of optical satellite remote sensing-derived information was made with ground meteorological and hydrological data, and predetermined catchment morphological parameters, to study the feasibility of application of a distributed temperature index snowmelt runoff model to one of the high mountainous catchments in the Italian Alps, known as Cordevole River Basin. Five sets of Landsat Multispectral Scanning System (MSS) and Thematic Mapper (TM) computer-compatible tapes (CCTs) were processed using digital image processing techniques in order to evaluate the snow cover variation quantitatively. Digital elevation model, slope and aspect parameters were developed and used during satellite data processing. The satellite scenes were classified as snow, snow under transition and snow free areas. A second-order polynomial fit has been attempted to approximate the snow depletion and to estimate daily snow cover areal extent for three elevation zones of the catchment separately. Model performance evaluation based on correlation coefficient, Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient and percentage volume deviation indicated very good simulation between measured and computed discharges for the entire snowmelt period. The use of average temperature values computed from the maximum and minimum temperatures into the model was studied and a suitable algorithm was proposed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

太湖秋季水体遥感反射比的简单经验估测模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2004年10月现场测量了太湖水体的遥感反射比、后向散射系数以及其他必要参数,实验室测量了水体的悬浮颗粒物质浓度.首先把太湖划分为3个大区,即遥感反射比受湖底影响的区域(影响区)、不受湖底影响的区域(非影响区)以及可能受湖底影响的区域(可能影响区),然后再把太湖分为高混浊、中混浊、低清澈以及高清澈等4类水体类型,分别列出了各种水体区域类型的相关属性数据.在整个太湖区域范围内,建立了后向散射和悬浮颗粒物质浓度的经验回归模型;仅在非影响区内,建立了遥感反射比和后向散射的经验回归模型,并可以利用悬浮颗粒物质浓度直接估测遥感反射比.最后详细分析了模型的精度.  相似文献   

A map of temporary small water bodies (TSWB) at 1 km resolution was derived for the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid regions of sub-Saharan western Africa where the spatio-temporal distribution of actual surface water occurrence exhibits high inter- and intra-annual variability. Water bodies and humid areas have been mapped and characterized by the analysis of 10 daily small water bodies (SWB) maps based on SPOT VEGETATION (VGT) data spanning the period January 1999–September 2007. Further analysis of the SWB time series provided additional information about the seasonal recurrence of water bodies as well as their hydrological function. A map derived from a continuous time series assures the inclusion of temporary features, a clear advantage compared to other datasets, which are based on several single date observations. The method described in this paper targets at a rapid creation of TSWB maps based on the SWB time series for different time intervals and regions.An accuracy assessment has been carried out with a stratified random sampling approach and a one-stage cluster analysis that relies on high-resolution satellite data to verify the detected water bodies. The overall accuracy, considering only the commission error, is 95.4% for the whole study region, with best results in the arid and semi-arid climate zone. The method to map water bodies delivers satisfactory results, particularly for sparsely vegetated areas as well as flat areas of the study region. In more humid, more vegetated areas and in mountainous areas, the possibility of false detections increases due to surface characteristics.  相似文献   

丁香  王晓青 《地震》2005,25(1):111-116
基于遥感提取地震灾情信息,需要处理高分辨率的大数据量遥感影像。采用数据库的方式,对系统处理过程中可能用到的图像文件、典型震害样本文件、系统特征模型库文件、GIS文件以及以往地震处理实例等文件进行管理,将系统各种资源融为一体,将提高地震应急震害遥感评估的效率,提高应急的速度。文中针对IDL在数据库管理方面的不足,提出了利用IDL与VB联合开发遥感图像数据库的解决方案,并具体介绍了图像数据库的实现方式。  相似文献   

陶纯苇  姜超  孙建新 《地球物理学报》2016,59(10):3580-3591
应用CN05观测资料,以及参与国际耦合模式比较计划第5阶段(CMIP5)中的26个模式,评估了新一代全球气候模式对东北三省气候变化模拟能力并选出4个较优模式,发现经过筛选得出的较优模式集合平均模拟结果的可靠性得到进一步加强,尤其体现在对气温的模拟上.在此基础上着重分析了多模式集合在不同典型浓度路径(RCPs)下对未来气候变化特征的预估.结果表明:21世纪的未来阶段,东北三省将处于显著增温的状态,且RCP8.5情景下的增温速率(0.53℃/10a)明显高于RCP4.5情景下的速率(0.22℃/10a);空间上,北部地区将成为增温幅度最大、增温速率最高的区域.未来降水将会相对增加,但波动较大,21世纪末期RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下的降水增加幅度分别为11.24%和15.95%;空间上,辽宁省西部地区将成为降水增加最为显著的区域.根据水分盈亏量,21世纪未来阶段,RCP4.5情景下的东北三省绝大多数地区未来将相对变湿,尤其到了中后期;RCP8.5情景下则是中西部地区将相对变干,其余地区则会相对变湿.  相似文献   

遥感技术在防震减灾领域中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效地组织救灾和震后重建,快速地获取地震造成的破坏程度、破坏范围成为至关重要的一环。遥感技术本身所具有的宏观性、时效性、经济高效性使其被广泛应用于防震减灾事业中。本文简单介绍了遥感技术的原理、特点及其在防震减灾领域中的应用历史及现状。在借鉴已有成果的基础上较系统地阐述了遥感技术在地震防灾方面的应用及展望。  相似文献   

The present paper describes the analysis and modeling of the South China Sea (SCS) temperature cycle on a seasonal scale. It investigates the possibility to model this cycle in a consistent way while not taking into account tidal forcing and associated tidal mixing and exchange. This is motivated by the possibility to significantly increase the model’s computational efficiency when neglecting tides. The goal is to develop a flexible and efficient tool for seasonal scenario analysis and to generate transport boundary forcing for local models. Given the significant spatial extent of the SCS basin and the focus on seasonal time scales, synoptic remote sensing is an ideal tool in this analysis. Remote sensing is used to assess the seasonal temperature cycle to identify the relevant driving forces and is a valuable source of input data for modeling. Model simulations are performed using a three-dimensional baroclinic-reduced depth model, driven by monthly mean sea surface anomaly boundary forcing, monthly mean lateral temperature, and salinity forcing obtained from the World Ocean Atlas 2001 climatology, six hourly meteorological forcing from the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting ERA-40 dataset, and remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) data. A sensitivity analysis of model forcing and coefficients is performed. The model results are quantitatively assessed against climatological temperature profiles using a goodness-of-fit norm. In the deep regions, the model results are in good agreement with this validation data. In the shallow regions, discrepancies are found. To improve the agreement there, we apply a SST nudging method at the free water surface. This considerably improves the model’s vertical temperature representation in the shallow regions. Based on the model validation against climatological in situ and SST data, we conclude that the seasonal temperature cycle for the deep SCS basin can be represented to a good degree. For shallow regions, the absence of tidal mixing and exchange has a clear impact on the model’s temperature representation. This effect on the large-scale temperature cycle can be compensated to a good degree by SST nudging for diagnostic applications.  相似文献   

东北地区背景噪声的Rayleigh和Love波相速度层析成像   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用中国数字地震台网位于东北地区的122个宽频地震台站的18个月记录的三分量连续地震噪声数据,采用互相关方法提取了Rayleigh和Love波经验格林函数,并利用时频自动分析技术获取了相应的相速度频散曲线.通过反演频散曲线,获得了Rayleigh和Love波周期为8~35 s的二维相速度分布.结果表明,东北地区相速度的分布存在横向和垂向的不均匀性.短周期的相速度分布同地表地质构造密切相关,松辽盆地及山间沉积盆地呈现低速异常,而大兴安岭、小兴安岭及东部的一些山岭显示高速异常.随着周期的增加,位于中间的松辽盆地变为高低速相间,两侧的造山带呈现低速异常.这种异常的转变,可能是受构造活动或者莫霍面深度的影响.另外,在周期为20~35 s 频段内,Rayleigh和Love波同一周期的相速度在松辽盆地和位于吉林地区的郯庐断裂带表现不一致,表明可能存在径向各向异性.  相似文献   

重震反演中国东北地壳上地幔三维密度结构   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用重力和地震P波到时数据反演得到了中国东北地区地壳上地幔三维密度结构.与单一的重力或地震反演相比,重震反演一方面有效地克服了重力反演结果垂向分辨率低的问题,另一方面也提高了地震反演结果的可靠性.结果显示:中国东北地区的地壳及上地幔剩余密度异常分布与构造单元具有明显的相关性,造山带对应低密度异常,盆地对应高密度异常;区域内火山下方有明显的低密度体存在,可能是由于太平洋板块俯冲进入上地幔并部分滞留,在滞留板块深部脱水和软流圈热物质共同作用下产生了上涌岩浆,喷发后形成了火山.  相似文献   

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