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海洋声层析应用与观测研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
综述了自20世纪80年代以来国际上开展的主要海洋声层析观测实验.对它在海洋观测里的应用和取得的成果进行了系统总结和回顾,主要包括:(1)海洋中尺度现象观测;(2)海流,潮流,涡度的测量;(3)对流监测;(4)流量和热量输运测量;(5)气候声学测温;(6)内波观测;(7)沿海声学层析;(8)中国学者的工作.对海洋声层析的相关问题作了评述,指出了海洋声学层析研究的重大意义、广阔的应用前景和存在的难点,对我国在这一领域的研究进行了展望并提出一些建议.  相似文献   

相控震源对地震信号信噪比的改善研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
当测区噪声很强,采用组合震源工作仍然不能满足信噪比要求时,为进一步提高地震勘探信噪比,引入能形成定向地震波的相控震源.针对水平层状介质模型,对组合震源、相控震源地震进行了数值模拟,并定量计算了采用4,8,15,20单元的组合与相控震源地震数据的信噪比,同组合地震相比,相控地震使来自不同反射层的反射波信号的信噪比平均提高了154~990 dB.结果表明,相控震源地震得到的反射波信号信噪比高于组合地震,并且随着激震器数目增加,相控震源合成地震记录中的反射波地震数据信噪比明显提高.  相似文献   

The Sydney Environmental Monitoring Programme (EMP) measured the environmental performance of Sydney's new deepwater sewage outfalls against a wide range of criteria related to impacts on marine ecosystems and on human use of marine resources. It consisted of a number of interacting studies conducted during the period 1989 to 1993. Given that all the studies have now been finalized and the data analysed and presented (see papers in this volume), it is appropriate to review the program as a whole and identify, with the benefit of hindsight, where things could have been done better. This paper focuses mainly on the experimental design and statistical treatment of the studies conducted, although management problems are also briefly addressed. Overall it is concluded that the studies making up the EMP contributed greatly to enhancing our understanding of the marine environment of the coastal shelf off Sydney, an area which had previously received only limited attention. Most of the studies, however, suffered from deficiencies in experimental design, which was difficult to overcome when analysing the data. It will be important, in designing future integrated monitoring studies, to draw on the experience of programs such as this to avoid some of the pitfalls which appear to be inherent in these types of large programs.  相似文献   

佘山地磁信号的小波消噪处理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
上海地铁9号线开通后,佘山地震基准台地磁观测受到严重影响,本文运用小波分析的方法,对被地铁9号线干扰的余山地磁数据进行消噪处理,并将变换后得到的结果和没有地铁干扰的崇明地震台同一仪器观测的地磁数据进行时序变化和相关系数比较,消噪处理效果较明显。  相似文献   

The formation of signals in the receiving channel of the recording system is assumed to be described by the linear procedure of convolution (Duhamel’s integral) in the first approximation. In this case, distortions caused by irregularity in the amplitude-frequency characteristic of electroacoustic converters (receivers) can be reduced and a real form of input signals can be recovered. To do this, it is required to know the impulse characteristic of the receiver and the amplifying part of the input channel of the system and to perform secondary data processing. A principal possibility of recovering a form of the input signals in such a way is shown.  相似文献   

A problem of optimal arrangement of points of observation on surfaces of cylindrical form is considered. An accurate solution of this problem for these systems of observations is obtained. The optimal ratio of a cylinder diameter to the length of its generatrix from the standpoint of the optimal design of the experiment is determined.  相似文献   

Posidonia oceanica is an endemic seagrass from the Mediterranean Sea. It is an indicator of water quality and of the ecological state of coastal ecosystems. The aim of this paper is to test acoustic telemetry for monitoring the position of P. oceanica meadow limits with varied types. After evaluating the accuracy of the system, we present results from a spatiotemporal survey of P. oceanica meadows on nine sites located on the French coast. The method has been demonstrated to be highly efficient for high precision underwater mapping regardless of meadow type, with 1 cm accuracy for a distance of 40 m between the base and the pointer. A temporal survey led at Cerbere-Banyuls shows a weak global progression of 4 m2 (progression of 26 m2 - regression of 22 m2) between 2006 and 2010. Finally, we discuss the cost and efficiency of this method, and wether it should be generalized for further studies.  相似文献   

台风是全球最具破坏力的气象灾害之一,由于台风过境时现场海洋观测资料相对匮乏,与目前对台风的监测、预报和防灾减灾的迫切需求尚不相匹配。近年来,利用地震学观测资料与技术手段,通过台风激发的地震背景噪声,对台风进行监测的新方法逐渐兴起。本文对近年来有关台风激发地震背景噪声机理、源区分布以及基于地震背景噪声的台风定位追踪、海浪参数反演等研究进展进行综述,分析已取得的研究成果及可能存在的问题,讨论并展望基于地震学的台风监测研究思路与热点。基于地震学的台风监测有望为传统台风观测与研究提供跨学科的观测资料与技术支持。  相似文献   


地震背景噪声特性及噪声源的分布研究逐渐成为深化背景噪声层析成像的关键问题.海岛地区由于特殊的地理位置,其背景噪声具有相对独特的特征.地脉动(约0.003~1 Hz)是地震背景噪声中能量最强的分量,其激发与特性被认为与海浪运动和固体地球之间的相互作用有关,但海岛地区地脉动特征与海洋波浪场之间的关系尚未被充分研究.本文利用西北太平洋海岛地震台站的连续记录数据、波浪浮标的实测数据以及WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ海浪模式的数值模拟结果,通过地震学和海洋学的交叉,分析海岛地区地脉动信号的时频特性及其与海洋波浪场之间的相关性,从海洋学角度对地脉动信号的特征及激发进行探讨与解释.结果表明,海岛地区地脉动信号相对于内陆地区更强,并具有明显且稳定的季节性变化特征:高频地脉动信号(0.12~0.32 Hz)在夏秋季节(5月-10月)相对较弱,而在冬春季节(11月-次年4月)相对较强,与北半球海洋活动季节性变化相一致.此外,海岛地区地脉动主要受周边海域波浪场影响,与周边海域波浪能功率密度及实测和数值模拟所得的有效波高均具有很好的互相关性.该研究结果同时表明可进一步发展利用地脉动观测数据反演海表波浪场的可能,为海洋科学研究中海表波浪场连续观测数据的获取提供地震学上的支持.


Logging and continuous coring are carried out when drilling and looking for materials such as gravels, sand, and clay or in order to evaluate the fracture state of a deep site intended for waste storage. However, in some cases of non-consolidated formations, the results may be disappointing because of the borehole conditions. Full waveforms, as seismic signals, provide information about physical parameters of the grounds crossed by the sonic tool, and this information is almost independent of borehole conditions. Traditional displays in variable area or density show the wave arrival times and the frequencies with depth; for variable density, a color scale permits to see clustered instantaneous phases.In order to determine precisely and simultaneously the three signal parameters (arrival time, frequency, and amplitude) in the depth-propagation time domain, a 3-D visualization software has been developed. The “view” parameters, which give a nice display of the 3-D→2-D projection of the signals in a parallel perspectives relative to depth, are estimated on the monitor screen in an interactive way. A larger size version of the software is available for displaying in detail the acoustic signals for the whole borehole. However, this program needs a large computer, and the maximum size of the drawing depends on the computer memory available for use.The comparison between traditional and 3-D displays shows that without previous preprocessing, the 3-D visualization (1) shows the very small and continuous variations of amplitude (and, therefore, of attenuation) with depth better; and (2) can bring out interferences and “energetic peaks” by simply changing the “view” parameters. As the attenuation of the different waves is directly determined, fresh zones can be distinguished immediately from fracture zones and hard ground from soft ground. The geometry of major fracturing can be deduced directly from graphical representation; i.e. open or closed, and horizontal or oblique fractures. The calculation of their “vertical thickness” is straightfoward. Microfractures, induced by drilling or otherwise, are not detected, but microfractured rocks are detectable.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals in Ruapehu Crater Lake, which are now being telemetered via a satellite transmission system, show promise as a possible precursor of increased volcanic activity from Ruapehu. The start of a recent period of rapid heating of Crater Lake was preceded by low-frequency (2 Hz) acoustic signals. These accompanied similar frequency seismic signals, but seemed to be produced independently. Audio-frequency (350–3000 Hz) acoustic noise also showed a very clear peak shortly before the lake temperature started to rise.  相似文献   

In the present work, the potential of correlation methods applied to acoustic signals backscattered from suspended sediments, is examined with regard to the measurement of near-bed vertical profiles of the horizontal current velocity. The technique uses the cross-correlation of the backscattered signal between pairs of downward looking horizontally separated transducers, to measure the time taken for suspension structures to advect from one transducer to another. This approach requires a degree of spatial coherence in the suspension field, and advantage is taken of this coherence to measure the flow. To investigate the technique, backscattered data collected using an array of transducers has been examined. The array was deployed along stream in an estuarine environment, which was subject to strong rectilinear currents, and high levels of suspended sediment concentration. Using pairs of transducers with separations between 0.25–5.42 m, the structure of the suspension field has been assessed, the implication of these observations for measuring flow discussed, and nearbed measurements of current profiles obtained. The results show that in the estuarine environment investigated, if the transducer pair separation was of the order of a metre or less, and currents were sufficient to retain sediments in suspension, vertical profiles of the horizontal current could be measured. To assess the results conventional electromagnetic and impeller current meter measurements were collected at four heights above the bed. Comparison of the conventional reference measurements with the cross-correlation velocities show that the correlation method has the potential to provide reliable measurements of near-bed current profiles.  相似文献   

The Alpha Ridge is one of three subparallel trending ridges that cut the Arctic Ocean. It is roughly Late Cretaceous to Eocene in age, and seismic refraction records suggest it comprises a thick sequence of oceanic crust. During the 1983 CESAR expedition 20 similar samples of acoustic basement were dredged from the walls of a major graben of the Alpha Ridge, at one site. These are the only basement samples ever recovered from the ridge and provide the first direct evidence for its nature, composition and possible origin.The basement samples are highly altered pyroclastic rocks composed almost entirely of basaltic volcanic clasts with little matrix. Although the rocks are highly altered, most primary textures and structures are preserved. Most clasts are highly amygdaloidal to scoriaceous, fine grained to glassy, and angular to subround with rare vesicle controlled boundaries. Little reworking is suggested because a single clast type predominates, many of the clasts are subangular, and any amount of reworking would result in destruction of the delicate scoriaceous clasts.Rare clinopyroxene phenocrysts comprise the only unaltered portion of the rocks. They are salitic in composition (Wo49–53, En32–41, Fs11–15), with significant amounts of Ca, Al and Ti. Salitic clinopyroxenes are typical of alkalic basalts.Interpretation of the whole rock geochemistry based on relatively immobile elements, (Nb, Zr, Tio2, and Y), and chondrite-normalized incompatible trace element and REE patterns indicates that the volcanic rock fragments are of alkalic basalt. Geochemical discriminators suggest a within-plate tectonic setting.Textural evidence suggests that the CESAR basement rocks were sampled from a rapidly emplaced submarine fallout deposit that was erupted at a depth at least less than 800 m and likely less than 200 m. High extrusive rates would have been required to build the ridge up to shallow depth prior to the cessation of volcanism. The alkalic affinity of the rocks strongly suggests that the Alpha ridge was not formed by volcanism at an island arc or a mature spreading centre. It is also unlikely that it formed as a “leaky” fracture zone. Alkalic basalts, however, are commonly associated with various types of oceanic aseismic ridges. It is suggested that the Alpha Ridge is an aseismic ridge that formed due to voluminous hotspot volcanism as spreading began in the Canada Basin. Such hotppot activity may have been responsible for initiating the rifting, breakup, and dispersal that eventually formed the Canada Basin.  相似文献   

The Barwon Region Water Authority in Victoria, Australia, commissioned a new subtidal ocean sewage outfall in February 1989. This outfall replaced an old intertidal outfall, and presently discharges via a diffuser in an average depth of 15m some 1.2km offshore in Bass Strait. Examination of biological communities around the old outfall prior to the change revealed distinct differences in biotic assemblages close to the outfall. An ongoing monitoring programme, implemented in 1986, has assessed not only the recovery in this intertidal area, but also the major changes to macroalgal communities on surrounding reefs, subtidal infauna populations in sandy sediments, and rocky shore communities.  相似文献   




Experimental study of ultralong wave band for electro-magnetic signals and acoustic emission during rock fracture(曹惠馨)(钱书清)(吕...  相似文献   

An analysis of amplitude variations in the noise and storm-induced impulsive VLF electromagnetic signals recorded at Yakutsk along paths above earthquakes is reported. It is shown that amplitude characteristics of storm-induced VLF signals can usefully supplement signals of radio stations as used in the radio monitoring of regions above earthquakes. The effect on these signals due to earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5 is observed as an amplitude increase within the three days following an earthquake. The pre-seismic variations in the storm-induced signal amplitude which can be regarded as precursors are generally observed as increased amplitudes (within 10 days before the earthquake) with a subsequent minimum.  相似文献   

Correlations of seismic noise are commonly used to monitor temporal variations of relative seismic velocity in period ranges from 1 s up to 100 s. Of particular interest is the detection of small changes in the order of 0.01–0.1 % in propagation speeds. Measuring such small differences can, however, be significantly biased by temporal variations in the properties of the noise sources within the corresponding frequency band. Using synthetic data, we show that apparent relative velocity variations might appear only due to changes in the amplitude and frequency content caused by source variations. Removing such unwanted effects by applying narrow bandpass filters in the preprocessing restricts the high-resolution analysis of any signal due to Gabor’s uncertainty limit, i.e., the correlation function suffers a limited resolution to time delay estimates for small correlation times, low-frequency ranges, and in narrow frequency bands. Better understanding of spatiotemporal noise source properties and the theoretical limitations of time–frequency analysis is critical for accurate and reliable passive monitoring.  相似文献   

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