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使用改进的美国普林斯顿大学区域海洋环流模式(POM)对南海及邻近海区1998年1 ̄8月海况进行了数值模拟,所得的主要结果与海洋观测及已有的一些研究结果基本一致。模拟结果表明:1 ̄8月,黑潮南海分支是南海北部的一支重要海流;除冬季月份外,南海暖流都清晰可见;黑潮右侧的大尺度反气旋性暖涡1 ̄8月都存在。在所模拟的海区中,南海海区表层海流与季风关系最密切,季节变化最明显。另外,改进的POM能较好地再现1  相似文献   

南海及邻近海区海况季节变化的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任雪娟  钱永甫 《气象学报》2000,58(5):545-555
文中使用改进的美国普林斯顿大学区域海洋环流模式 (POM)对南海及邻近海区海况季节变化特征进行了数值模拟 ,所得的主要结果与海洋观测及已有的一些研究结果相吻合。模拟结果表明 :1~ 1 2月 ,黑潮南海分支是南海北部的一支重要海流 ;黑潮右侧的大尺度反气旋性暖涡全年都存在。在所模拟的海区中 ,南海海区表层海流受季风影响最大 ,季节变化最明显示。改进的 POM对海温的季节变化特征也有较好的模拟能力 ,能再现西南季风爆发前后 ,南海及邻近海区表层海温的突增和暖水区的北推过程 ,以及东北季风开始前后 ,海温的下降过程。这为以后发展区域海气耦合模式奠定了基础。  相似文献   

1998年南海夏季风建立前后的突变特征及爆发过程   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
利用南海季风试验所得到的最新资料分析了1998年南海夏季风建立前后的突变特征及其爆发过程,初步认定1998年亚洲夏季风最早(5月23日)在南海地区建立,它是亚洲冬季风形势向夏季风形势转换的最早体现。副高从南海地区连续东撤是南海地区夏季风建立的直接过程,它的撤出有利于不稳定能量的释放,形成南海夏季风的爆发性。提出赤道印度洋地区的西风和降水向中南半岛地区扩展、华南静止锋活跃南压,这种形式的中低纬相互作  相似文献   

A coupled regional air-sea model is developed by using the regional climate model (P-σ RCM)and the regional ocean model (POM),which is used to simulate East Asian monsoon and oceanicelements in East Asian coastal waters.The simulated surface layer oceanic elements are basicallyconsistent with the reality and can reflect the interaction between the monsoon and the surfacelayer currents.The great difference with the reality is “cold drift” of the simulated surfacetemperature.The coupled model has certain ability to simulate the atmosphere geopotential heightfields,precipitation and low-level southwest wind from May to August in 1998.It can display theprocess of summer monsoon onset during the third dekad of May and the evolution features afterthe onset.The differences between the simulation results of the coupled model and that of thesingle P-a RCM are shown mainly in the low-level atmosphere and the model internal regions.  相似文献   

A coupled regional air-sea model is developed by using the regional climate model (P-σ RCM) and the regional ocean model (POM),which is used to simulate East Asian monsoon and oceanic elements in East Asian coastal waters.The simulated surface layer oceanic elements are basically consistent with the reality and can reflect the interaction between the monsoon and the surface layer currents.The great difference with the reality is "cold drift" of the simulated surface temperature.The coupled model has certain ability to simulate the atmosphere geopotential height fields,precipitation and low-level southwest wind from May to August in 1998.It can display the process of summer monsoon onset during the third dekad of May and the evolution features after the onset.The differences between the simulation results of the coupled model and that of the single P-σ RCM are shown mainly in the low-level atmosphere and the model internal regions.  相似文献   

1998年夏季中国南部低频降水特征与南海低频夏季风活动   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
朱乾根  徐国强 《气象科学》2000,21(3):239-248
1998年 5~ 8月 4 0°N以南的中国地区低频 (含准 4 5天、准 2 3天和准14天 )降水率及其方差占总降水率及其方差的比重很大 ,因此研究低频降水及与其相对应的低频环流对长江流域洪涝的影响是很重要的。研究表明 ,准 4 5天东西向低频槽脊由南海不断向北传播 ,以及低槽中的低频低涡向西传播是形成长江流域低频降水的重要原因 ,低频降水主要位于低频西风区 ,而低频槽南侧的低频西风实质是南海低频夏季风的表现 ,由此可见 ,南海低频夏季风的向北传播对长江流域降水具有重要贡献。  相似文献   

The latest dataset from the SCS(South China Sea)Monsoon Experiment is used to investigatethe features of abrupt change in some meteorological elements before,during and after the summermonsoon's establishment in 1998 and explore its onset characteristic process.We have arrived at apreliminary conclusion that the 1998 Asian summer monsoon is established first in the SCS as earlyas May 23,which is representative of the earliest indicator of the conversion from a winter into asummer monsoon situation in Asia;the continued retreat eastward of the western Pacificsubtropical high from the SCS region has direct effect on the SCS summer monsoon establishmentbecause the withdrawal favors the release of unstable energy,responsible for the sudden onset ofthe monsoon.Our tentative investigation indicates that the eastward extension of the westerly andrainfall band from the equatorial Indian Ocean into the Indo-China Peninsula and the southwardspreading of an active South-China stationary front,acting as the interaction between mid and lowlatitude systems,are likely to be the characteristic events contributing to the subtropical high'seastward retreating and the summer monsoon's onset over the SCS.  相似文献   

局地海陆热力对比对南海夏季风爆发影响的数值试验   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
使用P-σ区域气候模式,通过两组海温异常下的数值试验和2个理想试验来初步探讨南海与中南半岛局地海陆热力对比对南海夏季风爆发的影响。结果表明:冬春季南海海温增暖使南海高低空均呈现出有利于季风环流形成的形势,促进南海夏季风的爆发;冬春季南海海温变冷的作用则基本相反。南海地区局地海陆热力对比是南海夏季风爆发的可能原因之一,这种局地的海陆热力差异叠加在大尺度的海陆热力差异作用之上,对南海季风在南海地区突发性爆发特征的形成起了一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

温度,盐度和风应力对南海海流模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用美国普林斯顿大学海洋模式(POM)对南中国海的年平均海流进行了数值模拟,对温盐结构和风应力在海流形成中的作用进行了较详细的讨论。结果表明,仅有温盐水平不均匀分布也可以驱动海水而生成南海海流,但此种海流的结构较乱,最大流速只有30~40cm·s-1。若温盐无水平结构,则在风应力驱动下,南海海流的结构较为有序,且最大流速可增至60~70cm·s-1。在温盐水平分布不均匀并有风应力的作用时,生成的南海海流与仅有风应力作用时的海流场较相似,说明在南海海流的形成中,风应力的作用更为重要。海面自由高度的分析也证明了上述结论。  相似文献   

The latest dataset from the SCS(South China Sea) Monsoon Experiment is used to investigate the features of abrupt change in some meteorological elements before,during and after the summer monsoon's establishment in 1998 and explore its onset characteristic process.We have arrived at a preliminary conclusion that the 1998 Asian summer monsoon is established first in the SCS as early as May 23,which is representative of the earliest indicator of the conversion from a winter into a summer monsoon situation in Asia;the continued retreat eastward of the western Pacific subtropical high from the SCS region has direct effect on the SCS summer monsoon establishment because the withdrawal favors the release of unstable energy,responsible for the sudden onset of the monsoon.Our tentative investigation indicates that the eastward extension of the westerly and rainfall band from the equatorial Indian Ocean into the Indo-China Peninsula and the southward spreading of an active South-China stationary front,acting as the interaction between mid and low latitude systems,are likely to be the characteristic events contributing to the subtropical high's eastward retreating and the summer monsoon's onset over the SCS.  相似文献   

1998年南海夏季风低频振荡特征分析   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
利用NCEP/NCAR1998年再分析资料和SST资料,研究了南海夏季风的低频振荡特征。结果表明,南海夏季风的低频振荡对南海夏季风的爆发具有加强的作用;南海低频低层辐合(散)区对应低频降水正(负)值区;南海地区的大气低频振荡以向北、向东传播为主,南海地区低频散度在垂直方向呈现出相互补偿的特征。  相似文献   

1998年南海西南季风活动的初步分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用NCEP再分析资料和OLR、SST观测数据,分析了1998年南海西南季风的建立日期、强度的多时间尺度变化特征、与海面温度的相互作用以及对广东降水的影响.得出南海西南季风建立的日期为5月17日(5月4候).1998年为弱季风年,OLR具有1个月左右的振荡周期,西南风具有半个月左右的振荡周期.孟加拉湾地区季风和105°E越赤道气流是南海季风低频变化的重要策源地.1998年南海季风弱,主要是由于初春赤道东太平洋海温正距平,并导致南海-阿拉伯海海温正距平的结果.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONLocatingatthesoutheasternpartofAsia,theSouthChinaSea(SCS)linkstheIndianOceanandwesternPacificandimmediatelyborderswiththeSouthAsiamonsoonregion.ItisanimportantlocationinwhichtheEastAsiamonsoonsysteminteractswiththeIndianOceanoneandamostdirectsourceofmoistureforthesubtropicalmonsoonsysteminEastAsia.TheSCSmonsoonanomaliescandirectlyaffectonthetemporal-spatialdistributionofprecipitationinthesouthofChinaandtheChangjiangRivervalleysothatseriousfloods/droughtsarecaused.Com…  相似文献   

黑潮地区海温影响南海夏季风爆发日期的数值试验   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
采用合成分析和相关分析等方法讨论了季节转换时期(4~6月)黑潮地区海温异常同海夏季风爆发时间和西太平洋副高位置与强度的影响。教值模拟结果进一步表明,该地区海温正针导致西太平洋副高位置偏南,强度偏强,南海夏季风建立较晚,弱度偏北 ,江淮流流域偏涝;反之亦然。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAmongdrivingfactorsfortheEastAsianmonsoonareplanetary-scaleland-seathermodynamiccontrast(e.g.betweentheEurasiancontinentandthePacificOcean)andsub-planetary-scaleone(e.g.betweentheIndochinaandtheSouthChinaSea).ItisovertheSouthChinaSea(SCS)andadjoiningareasthattheEastAsiansummermonsoonfirstbreaksout.ItthenadvancestotheregionsofEastAsiaandSouthAsia.ItisthereforenaturaltofindlocalgeographicandtopographiceffectsoftheSCSregionevidentlyshownontheonsetoftheSCSsummermonsoon…  相似文献   

不同时间尺度上南海夏季风强度与海洋热力条件的关系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
用NCAR/NCEP1958—1997年共40年资料对南海夏季风撤退的气候特征进行了分析。8月上旬西伯利亚冷空气开始南进,由于青藏高原的阻挡作用,在我国东部大陆推进得很快,到达南海后继续向南推进,最后导致9月中旬左右南海夏季风从南海撤退。就个别年份而言,最早的撤退时间是8月中,最晚的是10月中,可以差两个月。南海夏季风撤退与建立过程是很不相同的,南海夏季风和夏季风雨带的建立都是爆发性的,在全区域几乎是同时建立,但撤退是由北向南缓慢撤退的,历时一个月左右。在撤退期间,南海降水形势变化不大,但在撤退之后,南海夏季风雨季转变为ITCZ雨季,其相应和雨区随着太阳南移向南推进。南海夏季风撤退后,南海降水30—60天振荡明显减弱,而准两周振荡仍比较活跃。  相似文献   

本文用美国普林斯顿大学海洋模式(POM)的南海版本(SCS-POM) 模拟了持续冬季风风应力作用下,南海海流的响应特征。结果表明,从静止的海洋 出发,定常冬季风风应力驱动下的南海海流有明显的时间变化,垂直积分后的海流 (全流)约需120天左右的时间,方能达到准稳定态,表层、次表层和深层海流的时 间演变也有类似特征。模拟结果还表明,SCS-POM有能力模拟出南海边界流、沿 岸流和海流的涡旋状结构。  相似文献   

The oscillation characteristics of 1948 - 2003 South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon intensity (SCSSMI) is analyzed by wavelet transform and the relationship between SCSSMI filtered by Lanczos filter at different time scale and oceanic thermal conditions is studied. The results show that SCSSMI exhibits dominant interannual (about 4 a), decadal (about 9 a) and interdecadal (about 38 a) oscillation periods. The interannual variation is the strongest and the interdecadal variation the weakest. The region of significant correlation between SCS summer monsoon intensity and oceanic thermodynamic variables at different time scale is greatly different. Significant correlation area of interannual variation of SCSSMI is concentrated in near equatorial region. Corresponding correlation displays quasi-biannual variability. If positive anomalies of SST and the depth of thermocline happen in eastern equatorial Indian Ocean and western equatorial Pacific, and negative anomalies of SST and the depth of thermocline happen in western equatorial Indian Ocean and eastern equatorial Pacific in previous autumn and winter, the interannual variation of SCSSMI will enhance. If the condition is contrary, interannual variation of SCSSMI will weaken. The interannual variation of SCSSMI will influence SST. The region surrounding SCS and east of Australia shows significantly negative correlation in autumn, and significantly positive correlation exhibits in west equatorial Indian Ocean, eastern equatorial Pacific and equatorial Atlantic in winter. The decadal variation of SCSSMI is modulated by PDO. Interdecadal variation of SCSSMI is relevant to the global warming and PDO.  相似文献   

季风涡旋对台风活动有重要的影响,因此研究季风涡旋的形成机制有利于提高台风预报的准确性。此研究利用中尺度非静力数值模式WRF-ARW模拟1991年8月季风涡旋的生成过程,并对其生成机制进行分析。模式结果表明,此次季风涡旋个例是由一个中纬度气旋性低压发展而来。初期中纬度高层正位势涡度的强迫作用有利于对流层低层气旋性低压的发展和维持,随后高层动力强迫作用减弱,但中纬度气旋性低压在南移过程中其东南侧对流带逐渐与低纬地区的对流带合并,使得对流潜热释放增强,进而使低压在Gill响应的作用下不断加强并最终形成季风涡旋。同时,涡旋的对流结构表现出明显的非对称性,因而使其得以维持较大尺度。敏感性试验的结果表明对流层高层强迫对于初始低层扰动的发展至关重要,而后期热带地区的潜热释放有利于季风涡旋的增强。  相似文献   

影响我国热带气旋活动的气候特征及其与太平洋海温的关系   总被引:12,自引:13,他引:12  
基于小波包分解重构方法,利用NCEP/NCAR逐丑再分析资料,讨论了南亚夏季风与季内西太平洋副高活动的关系,提出和定义了用以诊断副高活动的夏季风频域能量判据。诊断结果除佐证了副高已有的一些研究结果和变化规律外,还揭示出副高与季风间一些新的关系特征。  相似文献   

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