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干涉SAR的二维相位解缠算法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相位解缠是干涉合成孔径雷达(INSAR)应用的重要步骤之一。本文通过一定的实验研究,对比分析了现有的几种主要的相位解缠算法的原理和特点,路径积分算法的避域算子和最小二乘算法的全局算子是这两类解缠算法的本质特征。而各种不同的算法对不同的数据也各自有其特定的适宜性,算法的选择应该视实际数据的特点而定。  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达 (SAR)差分干涉测量 (D -InSAR)是利用SAR图像的相位信息提取地表沿雷达视线向的形变信息的一种有效手段。该文阐述D -InSAR的基本原理 ,分析该技术在地震监测、火山研究和细微的地表形变监测等方面的应用研究 ,并分析未来D -InSAR的应用前景。  相似文献   

ERS SAR干涉测量技术用于区域尺度森林制图研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光学遥感数据由于受云雾的影响,很难在区域尺度上获得时间一致的图像,而微波遥感数据又一直无法提供足够的类型信息。雷达干涉测量技术的出现解决了这一瓶颈问题,雷达干涉相关值影像已经成功地用于土地利用分类。该文论述了干涉土地利用影像(ILU)的生成、基于ILU影像的森林分类方法、大区域ILU影像的几何纠正及镶嵌技术,并利用ERS SAR串行轨道数据生成的ILU影像成功地对我国东北三省进行了森林制图,其分类平均精度在82%以上。  相似文献   

雷达干涉处理过程中,平地相位去除在整个干涉处理过程中是不可忽视的一步.平地相位一方面使干涉条纹密集化,另一方面加大了后续相位解缠以及相位到DEM转化的难度,基于频谱位移的去平算法是目前比较常用的方法,常规的频谱位移算法忽视了图像本身特点,通过圆周位移之后,仍然有大量的残余相位,导致去平结果不够准确.文中采用改进的常规频移去平算法,根据干涉纹图距离向与方位向平地相位分布情况,采用分块插值频移算法;并用短基线的SRTM数据以及长基线的JERS-1数据进行了实验.通过与常规频移方法比较,结果表明,该改进算法能有效去除干涉纹图中的平地相位.  相似文献   

在系统分析量化图形构成的基础上,从数学基础、内容图形和辅助要素三个方面阐述了二维坐标系量化图形展现的基本概念。  相似文献   

张东芳  ;张利娜 《西部资源》2014,(1):191-193,197
本文提出了一种基于凝聚层次聚类(Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering,HAC)的合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)影像分割算法。该算法采用自底向上的策略,将相似的像素聚合成同一斑块。另外,本文利用了异质性作为衡量斑块相似性的标准。本文利用了两景2010年Envisat ASAR影像来开展图像分割实验。实验结果显示,本文算法的分割精度均在0.75以上,有效保持了SAR影像中溢油斑块的边界信息。  相似文献   

时序差分干涉技术是近年来地面沉降监测领域的重要研究方向,基于时间序列SAR影像的稳定点目标识别和检测是进行时序差分干涉技术的关键和基础.本文针对短时间序列SAR影像的特点和普遍使用的点目标识别方法的局限性,借鉴散射体识别方法,综合考虑振幅和相位在时序SAR影像上的变化特征,采用多时相子孔径共轭内积和子孔径信息熵来获取时间序列过程中能够保持相位稳定的点目标,并用平均相干系数对选取的相干点目标进行修正.选取包含广州城区、东莞部分区域的2007年3月至2009年1月的17景Envisat ASAR数据进行实验,分别计算了方位向、距离向以及交叉向共轭内积和信息熵,并用基于高分辨率卫星影像数据解译的土地利用数据对提取的相干点目标进行验证.结果表明,利用多时相的子孔径影像共轭内积和信息熵可以得到比较可靠的相干点目标,交叉共轭内积在试验区域能获取精度高达92%的相干点目标.  相似文献   

在系统分析量化图形构成的基础上,从数学基础、内容图形和辅助要素三个方面阐述了二维坐标系量化图形展现的基本概念。  相似文献   

通过对加性高斯白噪声条件下正弦型信号瞬时相位分布情况进行研究,提出了一种新的BPSK(Binary Phase Shift Keying)信噪比估计方法.含噪信号瞬时相位的方差与信噪比之间存在近似线性的一一对应关系,以此为基础通过将含噪信号的估计方差与理论值相比较获得信噪比估计值.该方法直接对基带过采样信号进行处理,不需要事先进行符号定时与同步.使用计算机仿真测试了算法的估计性能,并与高阶累积量方法和子空间分解方法进行了比较,结果表明该算法具有更高的估计精度.  相似文献   

采用水热法合成了二维层状材料——镁镍铁水滑石(MgNiFe-LDH),考察不同水热时间和水热温度对MgNiFe-LDH合成的影响,通过X射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、扫描电镜(SEM)和热分析(TG/DTG)等测试方法,对样品的结构、形貌及热性能进行表征。将合成的MgNiFe-LDH添加至聚丙烯(PP)制备MgNiFe-LDH/PP复合材料,通过对材料加速老化测其力学性能,研究了添加MgNiFe-LDH前后材料机械性能变化。结果表明,当Mg~(2+):Ni~(2+):Fe~(3+)=2∶1∶1,水热温度140℃、水热时间24 h时,合成的MgNiFe-LDH为片状,形貌较为规整,颗粒粒径约为2μm。MgNiFe-LDH/PP复合材料经加速老化后,填充MgNiFe-LDH复合材料的抗老化性能优于纯PP,当MgNiFe-LDH的填充量为6 wt%复合材料拉伸强度不变,可明显提高PP的抗老化性能。  相似文献   

Summary. For the case of a well completely penetrating a confined aquifer of infinite extent, an analysis is made of the flow processes in the well-aquifer system due to periodic pressure variations like earth tides and barometric tides. It is shown that the earth tides lead to well fluctuations with a negative phase difference (phase lag), while the barometric tides cause well fluctuations with a positive phase difference (phase advance).
In both cases the amplitudes and phases of the well fluctuations depend on frequency and are therefore different for the individual components of the tidal spectra. These frequency characteristics need to be studied more carefully than is the case now. A schematic model of a device is described that could not only be used for this purpose, but also for the determination of the specific storage S s and the conductivity k. the method would be closely related to the well-known slug or bail tests.  相似文献   

在碱金属碳酸盐熔盐中加入碳酸锶是抑制熔盐燃料电池中氧化镍阴极腐蚀的手段之一。研究含碳酸锶的碳酸盐熔盐系相平衡对碳酸盐熔盐燃料电池的电解质配方有参考价值。报道了用差热分析和目测法测量的Na2 CO3-SrCO3系熔盐相图的结果。结果表明碳酸锶在碳酸钠中存在有限固溶度 ,所形成的中间化合物Na2 Sr(CO3) 2 在 75 8℃异分熔化  相似文献   

There is a need to estimate reserve uncertainty for large lease areas. Detailed 3D models of heterogeneity are not necessarily required, but there is a need to integrate all available data into an in-situ reserve estimate with uncertainty. A 2D mapping approach is presented to appraise reserves accounting for multiple variables, multiple data sources, and uncertainty. The approach can be considered in three primary steps: (1) Bayesian updating is used to determine local distributions of uncertainty for each primary variable while integrating multiple secondary information, (2) matrix simulation is employed to jointly and simultaneously simulate multiple collocated variables to determine a derived variable such as OOIP, and (3) probability field simulation then is applied to permit joint simulation of multiple locations. This methodology permits local and global uncertainty assessment while integrating multiple sources of information. An application to the McMurray Formation in Alberta, Canada is demonstrated.  相似文献   

D2EHPA溶剂萃取除钙研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究采用D2EHPA(二-(2-已基己基)磷酸)为萃取剂的溶剂萃取法,在制备高纯碳酸锶工艺中的除钙问题。考察了萃取平衡时间、稀释剂、平衡pH值、温度、水相钙离子浓度、萃取剂浓度等因素对钙萃取率的影响,并研究了反萃条件及溶剂萃取除钙过程中锶的损失率。结果表明,D2EHPA(二-(2-已基己基)磷酸)-磺化煤油体系是除钙的优良萃取体系;萃取平衡时间在1 min左右;在平衡pH值为2.3~2.7的范围内,分配系数与pH值的关系为logD=2.0985pH-5.0215,钙的饱和萃取率达到83%;萃取过程的热效应很小,萃取率与萃取剂浓度的关系为logD=1.7312logCH2A2+2.5116;萃取过程符合液体离子交换机理,萃取络合物的组成为CaA2.1.4624H2A2;在粗碳酸锶盐酸浸取并除钡、铁杂质后的溶液中,D2EHPA(二-(2-已基己基)磷酸)-磺化煤油体系对钙的一次萃取率为46.11%,锶的损失率仅为0.35%,采用逆流多级萃取,可以完全除去其中的钙,得到高纯的氯化锶溶液。  相似文献   

This article describes a research project that realised a national standard for 3D geo-information. The standard was developed as part of a pilot in which more than 65 private, public and scientific organisations collaborated to analyse and push 3D developments in the Netherlands (run between March 2010 and June 2011). The 3D standard was established through several steps. First, a comparison between the existing 3D computer-aided design and GIS standards was carried out that selected the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard CityGML as the optimal 3D standard to align to. Second, the equivalent concepts in CityGML and the existing national standard for large-scale topography (Information Model Geography [IMGeo]) were identified. Third, IMGeo was extended to 3D following the principles of CityGML Application Domain Extensions. The model was tested by applying it to real data. Based on the experiences of this pilot, this article proposes a framework of guidelines and principles for extending CityGML for national purposes, deduced from the modelling experiences. This is a unique contribution since experiences on extending CityGML are new and not well described in the OGC CityGML specifications. Finally, this article presents the change requests (CRs) which have been submitted to OGC to make the CityGML standard more suited for integration with existing 2D topographic information models. The CRs were formulated based on experiences from developing this nationwide 3D standard.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of the smooth topological Generalized Area Partitioning (tGAP) structure represented by a space-scale partition, which we term the space-scale cube. We take the view of ‘map generalization as extrusion of data into an additional dimension’. For 2D objects the resulting vario-scale representation is a 3D structure, while for 3D objects the result is a 4D structure.

This paper provides insights in: (1) creating valid data for the cube and proof that this is always possible for the implemented 2D tGAP generalization operators (line simplification, merge and split/collapse), (2) obtaining a valid 2D polygonal map representation at arbitrary scale from the cube, (3) using the vario-scale structure to provide smooth zoom and progressive transfer between server and client, (4) exploring which other possibilities the cube brings for obtaining maps having non-homogenous scales over their domain (which we term mixed-scale maps), and (5) using the same principles also for higher dimensional data; illustrated with 3D input data represented in a 4D hypercube.

The proposed new structure has very significant advantages over existing multi-scale/multi-representation solutions (in addition to being truly vario-scale): (1) due to tight integration of space and scale, there is guaranteed consistency between scales, (2) it is relatively easy to implement smooth zoom, and (3) compact, object-oriented encoding is provided for a complete scale range.  相似文献   

无机水合盐是一类重要的相变储能材料,具有使用范围广、导热系数大、相变潜热大、毒性小、价格便宜等优点。但这类材料在使用过程中易出现"过冷"及"相分离"现象,严重制约了其在实际中的应用。介绍了通过添加成核剂和增稠剂等几种解决无机水合盐相变储能材料使用过程中"过冷"及"相分离"的新方法,并对今后的研究提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

用差热分析法及X-射线衍射法重新测定了CsCl-BaCl2二元系相图,结果表明该体系同时有1∶1和2∶1(CsCl∶BaCl2)的中间化合物生成,同时纠正了不同作者对该体系研究所得出的不同结论,并重新绘制了该二元体系的相图。  相似文献   

基于TIN的体布尔算法及其地质应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出一种基于TIN的体布尔操作算法,即采用快速碰撞检测方法、改进的三角形求交算法和三角形包含测试算法,能解决复杂地质体的交、并、差等布尔操作。该方法不仅可以有效处理具有侵入、交错等复杂空间关系的地质体建模问题,还适用于基于地质模型的工程分析应用,如开挖模拟等,并在北京市某岩土工程信息系统建设项目中得到了检验。  相似文献   

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