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Twelve samples of Nigerian laterites were obtained from Ilorin, a rapidly growing urban center, and capital of Kwara State, Nigeria. Three varieties of laterites (clay, gravel and crust) were identified and subjected to mineralogical, chemical and geotechnical analyses which included: identification of clay and non-clay minerals by X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques; chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer analysis; pH of soil in water; moisture contents and specific gravity determinations, grain size analysis; compaction test by Harvard Compaction Apparatus and unconfined compressive strength determination.The laterite soil samples are composed of kaolinite and illite clay minerals with some quartz and feldspar. They were found to be rich in SiO2 (45%) Fe2O3, (16%) and Al203 (10%).These soils yielded maximum strength when compacted on the dry side of their optimum moisture content (OMC).The soils are not expected to perform very well as concrete aggregates since they contain high amounts of SiO2 and Fe2O3. These oxides are known to have deleterious effects on construction materials, particularly concrete aggregates.  相似文献   

Thirty nine focal mechanisms for shallow, intermediate and deep earthquakes that occurred during the period 1964–1967 in the Indonesian Region have been studied from the first initial motion of the P or PKP waves.The position of the two nodal planes, maximum-pressure axis and maximumtension axis are presented in this paper. The correlation between the state of the pressure distributions and earthquake generating stress systems that produce shallow, intermediate and deep earthquakes are also presented. There is some systematic agreement between the results of the same study already given by others and which is presented in this paper.The dominant modes of deformation are reverse or thrust fault and normal fault rather than strike-slip faulting.  相似文献   

Hourly averaged net all-wave radiation data spanning a complete three-year period (2010-2012) at a meteorological station located inside the Obafemi Awolowo University campus in Ile-Ife (7.52° N, 4.52° E), Nigeria is presented in this study to investigate its diurnal and seasonal variations. Using a high-sensitivity four-component net radiometer, the data represents so far the most consistent and detailed information available for a tropical location in West Africa. From the dataset, hourly maxima of the net radiation occurred at 14:00 LT (GMT + 1), whose values increased considerably from 337.6 ± 146.4 Wm−2 in July, which is the peak of the wet season, to 441.7 ± 82.4 Wm−2 in March, the end of the dry season. April and October, both of which mark the beginning and end of the raining season at Ile-Ife have recorded the highest values of 584.7 and 612.2 Wm−2, respectively. There was strong intra/inter-seasonal variation observed in the monthly mean values of the net radiation due mainly to the fluctuations in cloudiness and humidity. In the study area, the data indicated a net radiative heating taking place at the surface, whose annual trend follows a bimodal distribution. The present data supports the results published in earlier studies by other authors.  相似文献   

Odemerho  Francis O. 《GeoJournal》1993,29(4):371-376
GeoJournal - Inspite of step-up efforts at controlling flood hazards in Third World cities, the frequency and magnitude of the flood problem have more than doubled in recent years. A survey of the...  相似文献   

In September 1998 tropical storm “Earl” swept southern Mexico, producing intense rainfall in the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Among the most devastated cities was Motozintla, located in the drainage basin of the Allende, La Mina and Xelajú Grande Rivers. The rainfall from the tropical storm totaled 175 mm on September 8 and 130 mm on September 9, duplicating in two days the average monthly precipitation in the region. Numerous landslides occurred in the vicinity of Motozintla, depositing large volumes of material into the Xelajú Grande stream. Much of this sediment was subsequently remobilized, yielding debris flows, hyperconcentrated flows, and sediment-laden flows that inundated most sections of Motozintla city. The flows covered an approximate area of 3.15 km2 with a minimum volume of 4.4 × 106 m3 of sediment. Communication of Motozintla with the rest of the Chiapas State was interrupted for about a month, as was the supply of potable water, food, electricity, and fuel. The geologic record around Motozintla indicates that the Xelajú Grande River has been a pathway for similar large floods during the last 6000 years. The oldest deposit yielded a radiocarbon age of 5320 ± 100 14C years. B.P. At least two historic floods have occurred during the last 100 years, a time period defined by a stratigraphically distinct tephra of 1902. Frequency analysis of the historical record of daily rainfall in the Motozintla area suggests that events like that of September, 1998, have a recurrence interval of about 25 years. After the catastrophic flows of 1998, the mitigation measures by Municipal Authorities were made without regard to geological and environmental factors, or to taking into consideration the flow magnitude and appropriate hazard-mitigation techniques, with the result that Motozintla remains at serious risk for future floods. Unfortunately, prior to the publication of this study, in early October 2005, Motozintla was seriously damaged again by intense rain provoked by Hurricane Stan.  相似文献   

The hydrologic and water-quality characteristics of a small tropical riverine wetland at Ulakwo, near Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, were evaluated by analysis of stream hydrographs, the groundwater flow system, and geochemical analyses. This research is an initial step toward providing information needed to develop a programme of sustainable development of the ecosystem. The wetland is underlain by a layer of organic debris and hydromorphic soils, which in turn are underlain by an unconfined alluvial sand aquifer about 80 m thick. Horizontal and upward vertical hydraulic head gradients of about 0.002 and 0.001, respectively, and the results of a flow-net analysis suggest that considerable amounts of groundwater flow into the wetland. Low concentrations of Fe, NO3, PO4, and SO4 in the wetland water column are probably due to short-term removal of these nutrients from the surface-water by adsorption on the surficial wetland organic matter and bottom sediments. The groundwater flow system is important in the maintenance of the wetland, which probably plays an important role in the flow stabilisation and improvement of the water quality of the river. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study attempts regression/correlation analysis between maize yield and weather variables based on data analysed for the entire growing season and the different physiological stages of the crop's growth for Kabba in the wet sub-humid climate of Nigeria. The implications of the relationships obtained are examined for maize growth at the station.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the dominant mechanisms of slope failures and identifies potential obstacles to landslide-hazard reduction at the Iva Valley area, Enugu, Nigeria. The landscape is replete with landslide scars and gullies of varied sizes and the slope deposits comprise unconsolidated, friable sands inter-bedded with thin units of montmorillonitic claystone. Forty-three landslide events were identified in the study area with most being shallow, short run-out movements with slip-surface depth <2 m. The study found the landslides mainly occur in the beginning of rainy season characterized by short duration, high intensity rainfall. An integrated approach comprising field mapping, laboratory tests and numerical analyses reveals that the barren nature of the slopes prior to the outset of rainy season, high rainfall intensity, erosion, overgrazing, soil characteristics and the site’s unique lithologic sequence are the main causes of instability. Shearing tests under several conditions showed that the soils strongly strain-soften until low steady-state strength is achieved. A computer code, based on this strength reduction technique, used input parameters obtained from the field and laboratory studies to simulate a landslide with similar structure, travel distance and distribution area. It is noted that urbanization has gradually increased the vulnerability of the society’s poor to landslide hazards as they now erect unplanned residence (tents and blocks) on the slopes. This work is part of a regional study aimed at finding ways of protecting the vulnerable by generating data that could be used to build future landslide susceptibility map.  相似文献   

Coastal flooding has caused significant damage to a number of communities around the Firth of Clyde in south-west Scotland, UK. The Firth of Clyde is an enclosed embayment affected by storm surge generated in the Northern Atlantic and propagated through the Irish Channel. In recent years, the worst flooding occurred on 5th January 1991 with the estimated damage of approximately £7M. On average, some £0.5M damage is caused each year by coastal flooding. With the latest climate change predictions suggesting increased storm activity and the expected increase in mean sea levels, these damages are likely to increase. In line with the expansion of flood warning provision in Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has developed a flood warning system to provide local authorities and emergency services with up to 24 h warning of coastal flooding within the Firth of Clyde and River Clyde Estuary up to Glasgow City Centre. The Firth of Clyde flood warning system consists of linked 1-D and 2-D mathematical models of the Firth of Clyde and Clyde Estuary, and other software tools for data processing, viewing and generating warning messages. The general methodology adopted in its implementation was developed following extensive consultation with the relevant authorities, including local councils and police. The warning system was launched in October 1999 and has performed well during four winter flood seasons. The system currently makes forecasts four times a day and is the only operational coastal flood warning system in Scotland.This paper summarises the development of the warning system, gives a review of its operation since its launch in 1999 and discusses future developments in flood warning in Scotland.  相似文献   

Flood Forecasting and Warning at the River Basin and at the European Scale   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Application of recent advances in numerical weather prediction (NWP) has the potential of allowing delivery of flood warning to extend well beyond the typical lead times of operational flood warning at the river basin scale. A prototype system, a European Flood Forecasting System (EFFS) developed to deliver such pre-warnings, aiming at providing a pre-warning at lead times of between 5 and 10 days is described. Considerable uncertainty in the weather forecast at these lead times, however, means that resulting forecasts must be treated probabilistically, and although probabilistic forecasts may be easy to disseminate, these are difficult to understand. This paper explores the structure of operational flood warning, and shows that integration in the flood warning process is required if the pre-warning is to fulfil its potential. A simple method of summarising the information in the pre-warning is presented, and the system in hindcast mode is shown to give clear indication of an upcoming major event in the Rhine basin up to 10 days before the actual event. Finally recommendations on the use of data assimilation to embed the EFFS system within an operational environment are given.  相似文献   

A syenite gneiss associated with biotite pyroxenite and biotite-muscovite gneiss forms an elongated mass covering about 150 km2 in the basement complex around Shaki in Western Nigeria. It lies conformably in the biotite-museovite gneiss to which it is similar in texture. The biotite pyroxenite occurs as patches of varying sizes widely distributed throughout the syenite but is not found in any of the surrounding rocks.18 chemical analyses and 62 modal analyses show that the syenite is composed essentially of microcline (in places slightly perthitic), albite, quartz, diopsidic augite and hornblende and is chemically characterised by the unusual combination of very high K2O with high MgO, FeO and CaO contents. The biotite pyroxenite and the syenite contain high amounts of the trace elements characteristic of both magnesian ultra-basic rocks and granitic rocks.The syenite and the biotite pyroxenite are believed to have originated through two metasomatic alteration processes; one characterised by CaO+FeO+MgO and the other by K2O. The two processes are believed to have been simultaneous and related. The process may be analogous to that obtaining during fenitisation.  相似文献   

西安高陵马坊滩渭河洪水变化研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
赵景波  李胜利 《沉积学报》2006,24(6):857-863
根据高陵渭河马坊滩河漫滩沉积剖面中的沉积层测量和147个样品的粒度分析和历史记载的年代资料,研究了西安高陵渭河距今14001100年间洪水和降雨量变化。高陵渭河古洪水沉积分层清楚,能敏感反映洪水的变化和短期降水量的变化,也能弥补历史文献记载的不足。粒度成分和粒度参数资料指示,高陵马坊滩厚约3.5m的河漫滩沉积剖面至少包括了9个颗粒成分不同的沉积层,代表了9个大洪水阶段;其中厚度大、粒度粗的第2、4、6、8层形成时的洪水规模比厚度小、粒度细的第1、3、5、7、9层形成时要明显大。这9个大洪水阶段均比2003年洪水大,第2、4、6、8阶段应为特大洪水阶段。根据沉积学原理和洪水沉积物粒度成分差异,可确定这9个阶段洪水规模由大到小的顺序是:第2阶段>第6阶段>第4阶段>第8阶段>第3阶段>第1阶段>第5阶段>第9阶段>第7阶段。这9个阶段的洪水发生时河漫滩上的洪水深度均大于2m,当时洪水深度、洪水动力和规模均比现代洪水大,大洪水发生的原因应当是当年降水量的明显增加造成的。   相似文献   

新疆阿勒泰地区的洪水特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
受洪水补给来源和阿尔泰山山势影响,阿勒泰地区洪水发生时间比新疆其他以高山永久积雪和冰川融水补给为主的河流偏早。因此,从认识洪水特性、预防洪水灾害角度出发,对阿勒泰地区洪水发生机制、时空分布和变化特点进行分析研究是很有必要的。利用阿勒泰地区各主要河流1960~2011年历年洪峰、冬季和汛期降水、气温和700hPa高空温度资料,对洪水发生机制、时空分布和变化特点进行分析。结果表明:(1)本区洪水类型有融雪型洪水、融雪与降水混合型洪水和暴雨型洪水;(2)洪水与冬季积雪和汛期气温、降雨有关;(3)汛期过程相对短,主汛期发生时间以5月下旬至6月中旬期为主;(4)洪水挟沙能力强,汛期含沙量占年含沙量近90%;(5)暴雨洪水多发生于阿勒泰地区的中东部区域河流上;(6)全区洪水具有同步性,洪水年际变化相对小。  相似文献   

岷河宕昌"2000·5"暴雨洪水分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白李成  汪贵民  杜克胜 《水文》2002,22(4):61-63
2000年5月31日,甘肃省宕昌县境内岷河中上游发生了一场短历时特大暴雨洪水。分析了该次暴雨洪水的雨量、暴雨特性、洪峰流量、洪量、洪水特性及重现期,有助于掌握和了解局地大暴雨洪水的特性,为防灾减灾工作提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper describes a recent large rockslide, which occurred at Su village in Lishui, Zhejiang Province, China, on September 28, 2016. In the past decade, a vegetation-free deformed surface was clearly visible and frequent rockfalls were noticed. Due to strong sustained rainfall, approximately 0.4 million m3 of granite blocks rapidly descended from the upper part of the hillside. The mass rushed into the V-shaped valley resulting in the formation of a barrier dam and dammed lake. The catastrophic rockslide caused 27 deaths and more than 20 houses were destroyed. The evolutionary process before the rockslide is clearly captured by high-resolution remote sensing images and photos. Video of the rockslide and field investigations show entrainment of superficial material in the middle and lower parts of the slope.  相似文献   

The research site is the whole landmass of the Federal College of Education, Zaria, seated on basement complex of north-central Nigeria. Direct current resistivity geophysical method was employed to characterise parameters such as the basement depth and topography, aquifer depth and thickness, weathered basement distribution as well as mapping of orientations of fractures and faults present in the premises using radial sounding technique. The conventional vertical electrical sounding (VES) Schlumberger array was carried out at 40 stations, and eight of which were radial stations. Radial sounding was used to establish resistivity anisotropy which gives clue for the choice of consistent VES profile direction used throughout the fieldwork. Results from the resistivity interpretation suggest three layers in most parts of the premises with some minor occurrence of two and four layers. The first layer (topsoil) has its thickness ranging between 3.5 and 14.0 m; second layer (weathered basement) thickness ranges between 9.0 and 36.5 m, while the third layer (fresh basement) is deepest (40.1 m) towards the eastern corner of the area. The aquifer depth ranges from 1.5 to 4.0 m with a thickness range of 5.0 to 14.0 m. The thickest aquifer occurs around the centre to the west in the area. Results from radial sounding show presence of resistivity anisotropy, an insight to fracturing and faulting; this is more pronounced around the west-central part of the premises.  相似文献   

The Obudu dam is being built across Abeb river in Obudu area of the Cross River State (Nigeria). The earthfill dam will be approximately 18 m high with a crest length of 385 m. The dam site is located within part of the Obudu crystalline basement plateau which is a region of low seismicity. The terrain is smoothly undulating and low lying and was known to be composed of unclassified basement and decomposed bedrock (overburden). The present study was carried out to assess the suitability of the chosen dam axis based on the determination of the nature and geotechnical characteristics of the overburden and bedrock. The investigation included geophysical surveys, bearing capacity tests (cone penetrometer and standard penetration), classification and grain size distribution as well as tests for compaction, consolidation and compressive strength. The results show that the bedrock is heterogeneous, including gneisses sillimanite, biotite and granite types), dolerite, quartzite and pegmatite with an overall moderate strength (about 76.04 MN m−2 average) and fair rock mass rating (RMR). The bedrock along the dam axis is apparently lacking in major fractures which could lead to short circuiting of the future impoundment. The overburden (soil) comprises silt (MH, ML), silty clay (CL) and silty sand (SM) with a combined thickness of about 2–20 m, increasing away from the valley floor towards the shoulders. Generally the overburden is of suitable compressive strength (150–300 KN m−2), low to medium plasticity and swelling potential and low permeability (up to 1.41 × 10−7 ms−1) which would ensure a tight reservoir. The material settlement is expected to be small and slow. Accordingly, excavation of up to 5 m, decreasing towards the valley shoulders has been suggested to expose the recommended bearing medium: fresh/competent bedrock and overburden in the valley floor and flanks, respectively. While a detailed investigation of burrow areas was not part of the present study, a few potential sites in the dam axis and reservoir areas have been suggested based on the evaluation of material properties.  相似文献   

何口水文站是淮河三级河流--澧河的重要控制站.该站自建站以来,断面以上曾发生"19750806"、"19750808"、"20000715"、"20040717"四次大范围堤防漫溢及多处决口的特大洪水.在水文年鉴中,这些洪水的洪峰流量均为断面处的实测流量,不包括断面以上漫溢决口的流量,因此设计单位进行水文频率计算时不能直接应用.如何确定这些洪水的洪峰流量是设计单位多次向我们提出的要求.笔者应用单位线法、径流深与洪峰流量相关法、上下游洪峰流量相关法等三种方法对上述洪水的洪峰流量进行了分析计算,并对成果进行比较论证,供有关部门应用时参考.  相似文献   

Long-term stability of the waterway system of the hydropower plants is crucial and should not be underestimated. The compromise may result in severe economic consequences related to revenue loss caused by the plant closedown for needed repair, extra resources and time required for repair work, and third party loss related to industries and societies at large. In addition, possible contractual disputes between the clients and the contractors may arise in some occasions. Serious accidents may happen during repair and construction work with loss of life, since engineering geological environment (conditions) in the rock mass changed once under water for long period. This article focuses on one of the recent shaft collapse that happened in Norway in 2008. The article discusses and analyses the dynamics of burst debris flood that took place on 9 May 2009, while removing the slide rock mass deposited in the 45° inclined shaft of the Svandalsflona hydropower plant located at the Southern Norway. Careful review on the geological conditions inside the shaft, evaluation on the course of events, investigations on the inspections and inspections reports, assessment on the temperature and precipitation conditions have been carried out to come to the conclusion on what might have triggered the sudden burst flood.  相似文献   

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