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The Broccatello lithological unit (Lower Jurassic, Hettangian to lower parts of Upper Sinemurian) near the village of Arzo (southern Alps, southern Switzerland) is a mound-shaped carbonate deposit that contains patches of red stromatactis limestone. Within the largely bioclastic Broccatello unit, the stromatactis limestone is distinguished by its early-diagenetic cavity system, a relatively fine-grained texture, and an in-situ assemblage of calcified siliceous sponges (various demosponges and hexactinellids). A complex shallow subsurface diagenetic pathway can be reconstructed from sediment petrography in combination with comparative geochemical analysis (carbon and oxygen isotopes; trace and rare earth elements, REE + Y). This pathway includes organic matter transformation, aragonite and skeletal opal dissolution, patchy calcification and lithification, sediment shrinkage, sagging and collapse, partial REE remobilization, and multiple sediment infiltration. These processes occurred under normal-marine, essentially oxic conditions and were independent from local, recurring syn-sedimentary faulting. It is concluded that the stromatactis results from a combination of calcite mineral authigenesis and syneresis-type deformation. The natural stromatactis phenomenon may thus be best explained by maturation processes of particulate polymer gels expected to form in fine-grained carbonate sediments in the shallow subsurface. Conditions favorable for the evolution of stromatactis appear to be particularly frequent during drowning of tropical or subtropical carbonate platforms.
Daniel BernoulliEmail:

A new brachiopod, Arzonella exotica n. g. n. sp., from the Liassic (Broccatello) of Arzo in the Southern Alps of Switzerland was described. By the associated rhynchonellid brachiopod Sulcirostra alpina the stratigraphical stage could be specified as Sinemurian. Arzonella exotica is an unusual, probably conservative form. Its systematic position is not established yet. Possible relationships were discussed.  相似文献   

Upper Jurassic phosphate stromatolites of the Almola Sierra (Southern Spain) encrust macrofossils and hardgrounds, and form oncoids included within pelagic, condensed fossiliferous limestones. Their accretion was determined by bacterially mediated precipitation of phosphate, by the trapping and binding of fine siliciclastics and pelagic biomicrite and by the encrustation of benthonic foraminifera. Phosphorous, trace elements and rare-earth elements were concentrated from degraded organic matter and seawater by stromatolite-building communities, which mediated the formation of phosphate-rich and Fe-Al-Si-rich organic gels under oxic conditions, favouring the precipitation of amorphous mineral precursors (ACP and Fe-Al-Si oxyhydroxides). The observed Ce-enrichment for some stromatolites is explained by oxidative scavenging of Ce4+ from seawater by Fe—Mn oxyhydroxides. The bacterially mediated gels were able to migrate and fill the voids of the stromatolite structure, and later changed to carbonate-fluorapatite, haematite and poorly crystalline Fe-rich clays under postoxic conditions. Phosphatization of trapped carbonate particles also occurred. The phosphate stromatolites formed on a sediment-starved pelagic swell, during periods of no carbonate sedimentation and hardground development. Stromatolite lamination provides evidence for rhythmic alternation between bacterially mediated phosphogenesis, sedimentation and erosion, suggesting episodic changes in the sedimentary environment. Although some of the parameters that controlled phosphate precipitation associated with the stromatolites (local high organic productivity, sediment starvation, moderate depth of deposition and physicochemical conditions) were similar to those found in modern and ancient phosphogenic settings, the palaeogeographical framework and the intensity of sedimentary processes were different to those of the World's major phosphorite deposits.  相似文献   

Clay mineral assemblages determined by X-ray diffraction, in the Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous hemipelagic/pelagic sediments and in the Upper Cretaceous flysch sequences of the Lombardian Basin (Southern Alps) record tectonic and possibly climatic changes in the source areas and to a lesser extent, alterations during burial diagenesis.In the hemipelagic/pelagic sediments exposed in the Breggia valley in southern Switzerland, the clay fraction is dominated by illite and smectite and seems not to be altered much by burial diagenesis. The varied clay mineral assemblages of the Liassic sediments result from intense erosion of emergent source areas exposed during early rifting phases. A distinction between smectite-rich limestones and illite-rich marls in these syn-rift to early post-rift sediments could reflect short-term climatic fluctuations or, alternatively, a preferential replacement of smectite by illite during incipient burial diagenesis in the marls. The predominantly smectitic composition of the clay fraction in the upper Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous sediments documents gentle erosion of smectite-rich soils developing under a warm and seasonally humid climate on a relatively stable distant source area.In the Aptian, an increase in illite in the clay fraction of the hemipelagic Scaglia Lombarda Group points to an increased detrital influx from emergent source areas. This influx is related to the onset of orogenic movements along the Austroalpine/South Pennine active margin, resulting in Middle Cretaceous flysch sedimentation in the Austroalpine realm.Increasing influx from emergent continental crust is reflected by the high amounts of illite and chlorite in the Upper Cretaceous flysch sequences of the eastern Brianza area. However, the high amounts of chlorite in limestone turbidites in the lower part of the flysch sequence (Pontida Formation, Turonian) suggest transformation of smectite to chlorite under conditions of burial diagenesis. In the younger flysch deposits (Bergamo Flysch, Upper Santonian-Campanian) detrital clay minerals are preserved. The occurrence of kaolinite and smectite beside illite and minor chlorite suggests intense weathering and less relief during deposition of the Bergamo Flysch.
Zusammenfassung Röntgendiffraktometrisch bestimmte Tonmineral-Assoziationen in den jurassisch-unterkretazischen hemipelagischen und pelagischen Sedimenten sowie in den Oberkreide-Flyschen des Lombardischen Beckens der Südalpen erlauben wichtige Rückschlüsse über tektonische und eventuell klimatische Änderungen in den Liefergebieten sowie, in etwas geringerem Maße, über Veränderungen während der Uberlagerungs-Diagenese.Die vorwiegend illitisch-smektitische Tonfraktion der hemipelagisch/pelagischen Sedimente der Breggia-Schlucht (Tessin, Süd-Schweiz) scheint wenig verändert durch die Überlagerungs-Diagenese. Die stark variable Zusammensetzung der Tonfraktion der liassischen Sedimente deutet auf eine intensive Erosion der während des frühen Riftings herausgehobenen Liefergebiete. Eine Differenzierung zwischen Smektit-reichen Kalken und Illitreichen Mergeln in den syn- und frühen post-rift-Sedimenten des Lias deutet auf kurzfristige klimatische Fluktuationen (Milankovitch-Zyklen) oder auf einen Ersatz von Smektit durch Illit während der beginnenden Überlagerungs-Diagenese in den Mergeln. Die hauptsächlich smektitische Zusammensetzung der Tonfraktion in den mittel-jurassischen bis unter-kretazischen Sedimenten weist auf eine weniger intensive Erosion Smektit-reicher Böden in relativ stabilen, weit entfernten Liefergebieten mit einem warmen und saisonal humiden Klima.Eine deutliche Zunahme der Sedimentationsraten und des Illits in der Tonfraktion der hemipelagischen Scaglia Lombarda belegt einen zunehmenden detritischen Einfluß vom Aptian an. Dieser detritische Einfluß läßt sich mit dem Einsetzen orogener Heraushebung längs des aktiven Kontinentalrandes an der Süd-Penninikum/Ostalpin-Grenze in Verbindung bringen, da er mit Flysch-Ablagerungen in Süd-Penninikum und Ostalpin zeitlich zusammenfällt.Eine zunehmend detritische Schüttung aus kontinentalen kristallinen Liefergebieten läßt sich in den Illit- und Chlorit-reichen Tonmineral-Assoziationen der Oberkreide-Flysche der östlichen Brianza (Provinz Como, Nord-Italien) erkennen. Die hohen Chlorit-Konzentrationen in Kalk-Turbiditen im unteren Teil der Flysch-Abfolge (Pontida-Formation, Turonian) lassen hingegen eher eine diagenetische Umwandlung von Smektit in Chlorit vermuten. In den jüngeren Flysch-Ablagerungen (Bergamo-Flysch, Oberes Santonian bis Campanian) läßt sich die ursprüngliche detritische Tonmineral-Vergesellschaftung noch erkennen. In dieser Formation deutet das Vorkommen von Kaolinit und Smektit neben Illit und wenig Chlorit auf eine intensive Verwitterung und ein kleineres Relief im Hinterland.

Résumé Les minéraux argileux des formations jurassiques et crétacées du Bassin Lombard (Alpes méridionales) sont étudiés par diffraction des rayons X. Les variations des cortèges argileux des sédiments pélagiques et des flyschs du Crétacé supérieur résultent de modifications tectoniques, climatiques et dans une moindre mesure d'évolutions diagénétiques liées à l'enfouissement.L'illite et la smectite dominent très largement les assemblages minéralogiques dans les sédiments pélagiques et hémipélagiques étudiés dans les gorges de la Breggia (Tessin, Suisse méridionale). L'influence de la diagenèse d'enfouissement paraît modérée et les assemblages argileux très diversifiés des formations liasiques reflètent une érosion active des zones continentales au début du rifting. Dans les formations syn-rift alternantes calcaire-marne, la fraction argileuse des marnes est systématiquement enrichie en illite par rapport à celle des calcaires. Ces relations entre minéralogie des argiles et lithologie résultent soit de fluctuations climatiques, soit d'une illitisation préférentielle des smectites dans les intervalles marneux.A partir du Jurassique moyen et supérieur et jusqu'au Barrémien inclus, la fraction argileuse des sédiments est très smectitique. Elle reflète l'érosion superficielle de sols riches en smectites développés sous climat chaud à humidité saisonnière contrastée sur des domaines continentaux aplanis et probablement très éloignés. A l'Aptien, les apports illitiques importants traduisent, le long de la marge active Austroalpine/Sud Pennique, le début de mouvements orogéniques responsables du dépôt des flyschs dans le domaine Austro-alpin.Dans les faciès flysch du Crétacé supérieur de la Brianza orientale, les apports d'illites et de chlorites s'accordent avec l'augmentation de l'érosion sur les domaines continentaux. Cependant, l'influence d'une diagenèse d'enfouissement est attestée en particulier par les très fortes proportions de chlorites présentes dans les turbidites calcaires (Pontida formation, Turonien). Dans les dépôts de flysch plus récents (Bergamo flysch, Santonien-Campanien), les minéraux argileux détritiques sont mieux préservés. La présence systématique de kaolinite et de smectite suggère le développement d'une altération continentale importante sur des reliefs moins marqués par rapport aux périodes plus anciennes du Crétacé supérieur.

- . , , . Breggia (Tec, ), . . /, , , . , , . , , , , , , , ( ), . , , . Scaglia Lombarda . / , . , , Brianza ( , ). ( , ) . ( , ) . , , , .

Syn-rift sediments in basins formed along the future southern continental margin of the Jurassic Tethys ocean, comprise, in the eastern Alps of Switzerland, up to 500 m thick carbonate turbidite sequences interbedded with bioturbated marls and limestones. In the fault-bounded troughs no submarine fans developed; in contrast, the fault scarps acted as a line source and the asymmetric geometry as well as the evolution of the basin determined the distribution of redeposited carbonates. The most abundant redeposits are bio- and lithoclastic grainstones and packstones, with sedimentary structures indicating a wide range of transport mechanisms from grain flow to high- and low-density turbidity currents. Huge chaotic megabreccias record catastrophic depositional events. Their main detrital components are Upper Triassic shallow-water carbonates and skeletal debris from nearby submarine highs. After an event of extensional tectonism, sedimentary prisms accumulated in the basins along the faults. Each prism is wedge-shaped with a horizontal upper boundary and consists of a thinning- and fining-upward megacycle. Within each megacycle six facies associations are distinguished. At the base of the fault scarp, an association of breccias was first deposited by submarine rockfall and rockfall avalanches. A narrow, approximately 4000 m wide depression along the fault was subsequently filled by the megabreccia association, in which huge megabreccias interfinger with thin-bedded turbidites and hemipelagic limestones. The thick-bedded turbidite association covered the megabreccias or formed, farther basinward, the base of the sedimentary column. Within the thick-bedded turbidites, thinning- and fining-upward cycles are common. The overlying thin-bedded turbidite association shows nearly no cyclicity and the monotonous sequence of fine-grained calciturbidites covers most of the basin area. With continuous filling and diminishing sediment supply, a basin-plain association developed comprising fine-grained and thin-bedded turbidites intercalated with bioturbated marls and limestones. On the gentle slopes opposite the fault escarpment, redeposited beds are scarce and marl/limestone alternations as well as weakly nodular limestones prevail.  相似文献   

The nodular limestones and red marls of the Ankara region, deposited during the early to middle Jurassic, show similar palaeontological and sedimentological characteristics to those of the red nodular limestones form the Northern Alps (Adnet limestones) and from the Southern Alps (Ammonitico Rosso).
The nodular limestones appear to be hardground breccias drowned into the red marly limestones due to the instability of the bottom. The association of sponge spicules, crinoid fragments, small ostracods, benthic foraminifers, shell debris and common micrite matrix suggests a subtidal environment. The subsequent formation of red marly limestones consists of the partial dissolution of the shells; this suggests that a low sedimentation rate and/or sedimentological breaks took place during the precipitation of the ammonite-bearing marls.
The nodular limestones (hardground breccias) and the Ammonitico Rosso-type facies of the Ankara Jurassic succession were formed in a deeper subtidal environment and/or deeper shelf extending into the basin. The hardground layers drowned into the Ammonitico rosso were likely formed on a local carbonate shelf, that deepened increasingly through the early to middle Jurassic. Development of a local submarine clastic fan within the carbonate succession of the Ankara Jurassic basin indicates an irregular bottom topography induced by the syn-sedimentary faults.  相似文献   

U-Pb analyses of single monazite grains from two granulite facies metapelites in the Ivrea Zone (Southern Alps) reveal the presence, in both samples, of at least three different ages and prove that earlier interpretations of supposedly concordant monazite data as cooling ages are unwarranted. One group of monazite data defines a subconcordant discordia line with an upper intercept age of 293.4 ± 5.8 Ma and a lower intercept age of 210 ± 14 Ma. The upper intercept is interpreted as the real cooling age of the monazites. The lower intercept is interpreted as an episode of fluid-driven Pb-loss, indicated by the presence of internal and external corrosion structures not only of the monazites but also of the zircons in the same samples that are also rejuvenated at 210 ± 12 Ma. Another group of monazite data lies above the concordia. The presence of excess 206Pb indicates that these crystals have grown below the monazite blocking temperature, thus after the granulite facies metamorphism. The age of growth of the new monazite crystals is approached by their 207Pb/235U ages that range between 273 and 244 Ma. The two groups of post-cooling age (post-293.4 ± 5.8 Ma) monazite data correspond to two distinct late- and post-Variscan geotectonic regimes that affected the Southern Alps, (1) Permian transtension with decompression and anatectic melting; (2) Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic rifting with geographically dispersed hydrothermal activity and alkaline magmatism. Received: 7 July 1998 / Accepted: 4 November 1998  相似文献   

The Julian Alps are located in NW Slovenia and structurally belong to the Julian Nappe where the Southern Alps intersect with the Dinarides. In the Jurassic, the area was a part of the southern Tethyan continental margin and experienced extensional faulting and differential subsidence during rifting of the future margin. The Mesozoic succession in the Julian Alps is characterized by a thick pile of Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic platform limestones of the Julian Carbonate Platform, unconformably overlain by Bajocian to Tithonian strongly condensed limestones of the Prehodavci Formation of the Julian High. The Prehodavci Formation is up to 15 m thick, consists of Rosso Ammonitico type limestone and is subdivided into three members. The Lower Member consists of a condensed red, well-bedded bioclastic limestone with Fe–Mn nodules, passing into light-grey, faintly nodular limestone. The Middle Member occurs discontinuously and consists of thin-bedded micritic limestone. The Upper Member unconformably overlies the Lower or Middle Members. It is represented by red nodular limestone, and by red-marly limestone with abundant Saccocoma sp. The Prehodavci Formation unconformably overlies the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic platform limestone of the Julian Carbonate Platform; the contact is marked by a very irregular unconformity. It is overlain by the upper Tithonian pelagic Biancone (Maiolica) limestone. The sedimentary evolution of the Julian High is similar to that of Trento Plateau in the west and records: (1) emergence and karstification of part of the Julian Carbonate Platform in the Pliensbachian, or alternatively drowning of the platform and development of the surface by sea-floor dissolution; (2) accelerated subsidence and drowning in the Bajocian, and onset of the condensed pelagic sedimentation (Prehodavci Formation) on the Julian High; (3) beginning of sedimentation of the Biancone limestone in the late Tithonian.  相似文献   

In the construction of balanced sections through thick-skinned belts, basement bodies are frequently assumed to be rigid and internally undeformed (with the exception of regional scale fault-bend-folding) and only backstripping of thrust faults is performed during their retrodeformation, possibly leading to underestimations of the regional shortening. This simplifying assumption is generally made because reliable information on internal strain in basement is lacking and the sedimentary cover of the internal parts of thrust belts has been removed by erosion.In a basement exposure in the eastern Orobic Alps, Alpine-age ductile structures (mainly chevron to sub-isoclinal folds rarely associated with cleavage formation) were recognized on the basis of overprinting criteria, folding style and fabric orientation and their areal distribution was determined by foliation trace mapping. Although unevenly distributed in different lithologies, ductile deformation is considerable (average shortening is 47%). Neglecting such internal strain during construction of balanced sections leads, for this area, to an underestimation of at least 10%, but could be more than 40% if the observed basement shortening is extrapolated to other basement-involved thrust bodies across the entire width of the deformed belt.It is concluded that detailed structural studies of the basement, for example those using a foliation trace mapping technique, are necessary to define the internal strain of basement bodies so that the shortening of thick-skinned belts can be more accurately calculated.  相似文献   

The Early Jurassic dolomitized carbonates are a hydrocarbon exploration target in Northern Italy. Of these carbonates, the Liassic Albenza Formation platform and the overlying Sedrina Formation shelf were studied to define a pervasive dolomitization model and to shed light on dolomite distribution in the sub‐surface. Field work, as well as analyses of well cores, stable isotopes, trace elements and fluid inclusions, was carried out on the outcropping thrust belt and sub‐surface deformed foreland of the Southern Alps. Petrographic analyses showed a first, pervasive, replacement dolomitization phase (D1) followed by volumetrically less important dolomite cement precipitation phases (D2, D3 and D4). The δ18O values fall between ?8·2‰ and 0·1‰ Vienna‐Pee Dee Belemnite with the more depleted samples belonging to dolomite cement‐rich dolostones; the δ13C ranges from 2·6‰ to 3·7‰ Vienna‐Pee Dee Belemnite. Analysis of trace elements showed different Fe and Mn contents in the sub‐surface and outcropping dolostones, and a higher Fe in the younger dolomite cements. An increase in the precipitation temperature (up to 130 °C from fluid inclusion data) and a decrease in diagenetic fluid salinity (from sea water to brackish) are observed from the first pervasive replacement dolomite to the dolomite cement phases. Field observations indicate that, in the Albenza Formation, dolomitization was limited to palaeohighs or faulted platform margins in the Early Jurassic carbonates. The pervasive replacement phase is interpreted based on a ‘compaction model’; the formation fluids expelled from compacting basinal carbonates could have funnelled along faults into permeable palaeohighs. The high homogenization temperature of the dolomite cements and decreased salinities indicate precipitation at great depth with an influx of meteoric water. These data, along with the thermal history, suggest that the dolomite cements precipitated according to the ‘tectonic squeegee’ dolomitization model. The dolomite precipitation temperature was set against the thermal history of the carbonate platform to interpret the timing of dolomite precipitation. The dolomite precipitation temperatures (90 to 100 °C) were reached in the studied formations first in the thrust fold belt (Early Tertiary, 60 Ma), and then in the foreland succession during the Late Tertiary (10 Ma). This observation suggests that the dolomite precipitation fronts moved southwards over time, recording a ‘diagenetic wave’ linked to the migration of the orogenic system. Observations suggest that the porosity increased during the first phase of replacement dolomitization while the dolomite cementation phases partially occluded the pores. The distribution of porous dolomitized bodies is therefore linked to the ‘compaction dolomitization’ model.  相似文献   

The Strona-Ceneri Zone comprises a succession of polymetamorphic, pre-Alpidic basement rocks including ortho- and paragneisses, metasedimentary schists, amphibolites, and eclogites. The rock pile represents a Late Proterozoic or Palaeozoic subduction accretion complex that was intruded by Ordovician granitoids. Eclogites, which occur as lenses within the ortho-paragneiss succession and as xenoliths within the granitoids record a subduction related high-pressure event (D1) with peak metamorphic conditions of 710 ± 30 °C at 21.0 ± 2.5 kbar. After isothermal uplift, the eclogites experienced a Barrowtype (D2) tectonometamorphic overprint under amphibolite facies conditions (570-630 °C, 7-9 kbar). U-Pb dating on zircon of the eclogites gives a metamorphic age of 457 ± 5 Ma, and syn-eclogite facies rutile gives a 206Pb/238U age of 443 ± 19 Ma classifying the subduction as a Caledonian event. These data show that the main tectonometamorphic evolution of the Strona-Ceneri Zone most probably took place in a convergent margin scenario, in which accretion, eclogitization of MOR-basalt, polyphase (D1 and D2) deformation, anatexis and magmatism all occurred during the Ordovician. Caledonian high-pressure metamorphism, subsequent magmatism and Barrow-type metamorphism are believed to be related to subduction and collision within the northern margin of Gondwana. Editorial handling: Edwin Gnos  相似文献   

New palaeontological evidence points to a temporary marine transgression in the Early Permian into the Collio Basin, a major palaeogeographic feature of the present-day Southern Alps. The thick volcaniclastic succession filling the basin (Collio Formation) is widely held as deposited in alluvial to lacustrine settings. Rare calcareous foraminifers were recently found in a single sandstone interval, containing phosphate nodules, from the uppermost Collio Formation. A temporary seaway, necessary for the foraminifera to spread into a continental basin, implies that (i) the Collio Basin lake was not only an intramontane (as commonly viewed), but also a coastal lake, and (ii) its altitude did not exceed the amplitude of a first-order sea-level rise, that is, about 100 m. These constraints, along with striking similarities as to tectonic context, accumulation rates and geochemical signature, suggest that the Collio Basin was a California-type basin, resembling in particular the present-day Salton Sea (CA, USA).  相似文献   

In the Vélez Blanco region (province of Almeia), filament limestones occur associated with pellet limestones, crinoidal limestones, radiolarian limestones, Saccocoma limestones and tintinnid limestones. These predominantly Late Jurassic rocks are underlain by Middle Jurassic oolitic limestones and overlain by Cretaceous pelagic limestones and marls.A distinction can be made between long and short filaments. The former are interpreted as undamaged valves, the latter as shell fragments of the pelagic pelecypod Bositra buchi. Bositra valves and fragments have been sorted by weak current (and/or wave) action.In the Saccocoma limestones, evidence for similar sorting of Saccocoma debris has been found.The radiolarian limestones represent a low-energy basin environment, but are not comparable with recent deep-sea radiolarian oozes.Nodular limestone intercalations and hiatuses represent a current- (and/or wave-) swept environment.The occurrence of filament-rich and Radiolaria-bearing, but benthos-poor, intervals within the oolitic limestone indicates that the deposition of such rocks can take place at moderate sea depths.  相似文献   

Microfabrics were analysed in calcite mylonites from the rim of the Pelvoux massif (Western Alps, France). WNW-directed emplacement of the internal Penninic units onto the Dauphinois domain produced intense deformation of an Eocene-age nummulitic limestone under lower anchizone metamorphic conditions (slightly below 300 °C). Two types of microfabrics developed primarily by dislocation creep accompanied by dynamic recrystallisation in the absence of twinning. Coaxial kinematics are inferred for samples exhibiting grain shape fabrics and textures with orthorhombic symmetry. Their texture (crystallographic preferred orientation, CPO) is characterised by two c-axis maxima, symmetrically oriented at 15° from the normal to the macroscopic foliation. Non-coaxial deformation is evident in samples with monoclinic shape fabrics and textures characterised by a single oblique c-axis maximum tilted with the sense of shear by about 15°. From the analysis of suitably oriented slip systems for the main texture components under given kinematics it is inferred that the orthorhombic textures, which developed in coaxial kinematics, favour activity of <10–11> and <02–21> slip along the f and r planes, respectively, with minor contributions of basal-<a> slip. In contrast, the monoclinic textures, which developed during simple shear, are most suited for duplex <a> slip along the basal plane. The transition between the dominating slip systems for the orthorhombic and monoclinic microfabrics is interpreted to be due to the effects of dynamic recrystallisation upon texture development. Since oblique c-axis maxima documented in the literature are most often rotated not with but against the shear sense, calcite textures alone should not be used as unequivocal shear sense indicators, but need to be complemented by microstructural criteria such as shape preferred orientations, grain size estimates and amount of twinning.  相似文献   

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