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On the basis of bathymetric data and other geological and geophysical data obtained during the first survey conducted by Chinese Mainland in the area off eastern Taiwan Island from May to June in 2000, the morphological features of the region, the tectonic control to the seafloor topography and their tectonic implication are studied and discussed. The results have revealed that both the slope zone of the Ryukyu arc and the Ryukyu Trench present a typical morphotectonic characteristics controlled by the trench-arc system in the West Pacific Ocean. At the slope of eastern Taiwan Island the isobathic lines parallel to the coastline and distribute densely in nearly N-S direction and the slope gradient of topography is large. Such a unique feature is attributed to the collision of the Luzon arc and Eurasia continent. In the Huatung Basin, turbidity fans and submarine canyons are well developed, the formations of which are mainly related to the steep topography of the slope of the Luzon arc and the abundant s  相似文献   

基于2000年5~6月在台湾岛以东海域调查获得的多波束全覆盖测深等地质和地球物理资料,对该海域海底地形特征进行了研究,探讨了构造对海底地形的控制作用及其构造地质意义.研究表明,琉球岛弧岛坡区和琉球海沟表现为典型的西太平洋沟-弧-盆体系控制下的构造地形;台湾岛东部岛坡等深线近南北向平行密集排列,地形坡度大,弧陆碰撞造就了该区独特的地形特征;花东盆地海底峡谷发育,其形成主要受基底起伏和走滑断裂的控制;加瓜海脊东西两侧水深和地形特征明显不同,但其基底可能属于花东盆地,加瓜海脊的东侧对应了两个不同性质板块的边界;西菲律宾海盆表现为北西向线状脊-槽相间排列,并遭受北东向转换断层的切割,根据海底地形、转换断层和磁异常条带的方向推测,研究区海底形成于距今60~45Ma的西菲律宾海盆北东-南西向扩张期.  相似文献   

The Gagua Ridge, carried by the Philippine Sea Plate, is subducting obliquely beneath the southernmost Ryukyu Margin. Bathymetric swath-mapping, performed during the ACT survey (Active Collision in Taiwan), indicates that, due to the high obliquity of plate convergence, slip partitioning occurs within the Ryukyu accretionary wedge. A transcurrent fault, trending N95° E, is observed at the rear of the accretionary wedge. Evidence of right lateral motion along this shear zone, called the Yaeyama Fault, suggests that it accommodates part of the lateral component of the oblique convergence. The subduction of the ridge disturbs this tectonic setting and significantly deforms the Ryukyu Margin. The ridge strongly indents the front of the accretionary wedge and uplifts part of the forearc basin. In the frontal part of the margin, directly in the axis of the ridge, localized transpressive and transtensional structures can be observed superimposed on the uplifted accretionary complex. As shown by sandbox experiments, these N330° E to N30° E trending fractures result from the increasing compressional stress induced by the subduction of the ridge. Analog experiments have also shown that the reentrant associated with oblique ridge subduction exhibits a specific shape that can be correlated with the relative plate motion azimuth.These data, together with the study of the margin deformation, the uplift of the forearc basin and geodetic data, show that the subduction of the Gagua Ridge beneath the accretionary wedge occurs along an azimuth which is about 20° less oblique than the convergence between the PSP and the Ryukyu Arc. Taking into account the opening of the Okinawa backarc basin and partitioning at the rear of the accretionary wedge, convergence between the ridge and the overriding accretionary wedge appears to be close to N345° E and thus, occurs at a rate close to 9 cm yr–1. As a result, we estimate that a motion of 3.7 cm yr–1±0.7 cm should be absorbed along the transcurrent fault. Based on these assumptions, the plate tectonic reconstruction reveals that the subducted segment of the Gagua Ridge, associated with the observable margin deformations, could have started subducting less than 1 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

The formation and tectonic evolution of Philippine Sea Plate and KPR   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Philippine Sea Plate has an extremely special tectonic background. As an oceanic plate, it is almost entirely surrounded by subduction zones with complex internal tectonic features. On the basis of enormous published literature, this paper offers a comprehensive overview of the tectonic and evolution history of the Philippine Basin and the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) in the Philippine Sea Plate, and discusses the geological features of KPR. Referring to relevant definitions of various "ridges" stipulated in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, so the KPR is believed to be a remnant arc formed during the opening of the Parece Vela and Shikoku Basins in the Philippine Sea Plate. It is a submarine ridge on oceanic plate rather than a submarine elevation. And thus, it is not a natural component of the Japan continental margin.  相似文献   

菲律宾海的地势特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
菲律宾海位于西太平洋大陆边缘,它的周边被岛弧和深海沟所环绕,海域内有数条近南北向的构造脊。近南北向和近东西向的构造将菲律宾海海底地势分割成不同的部分,构成明显不同的地势特征:(1)深海沟呈链状环绕着海域周边分布。(2)近南北向的九州 帛琉海岭将海底分成东西两半,东半部主要是岛弧区,西半部主要是海盆区。(3)海脊与岛弧呈近南北向伸展并贯穿全区,海脊与岛弧之间为海盆。海盆底多为丘状起伏,并有轻度切割。(4)海岭、海台呈块状分布在海盆之上,长垣分布在菲律宾海沟的东侧。(5)岛弧周围分布有岛架和岛坡地势。菲律宾海的地势特征和它的构造特征相一致。  相似文献   

The location of the India-Arabia plate boundary prior to the formation of the Sheba ridge in the Gulf of Aden is a matter of debate. A seismic dataset crossing the Owen Fracture Zone, the Owen Basin, and the Oman Margin was acquired to track the past locations of the India-Arabia plate boundary. We highlight the composite age of the Owen Basin basement, made of Paleocene oceanic crust drilled on its eastern part, and composed of pre-Maastrichtian continental and oceanic crust overlaid by ophiolites emplaced in Early Paleocene on its western side. A major fossil transform fault system crossing the Owen Basin juxtaposed these two slivers of lithosphere of different ages, and controlled the uplift of marginal ridges along the Oman Margin. This transform system deactivated ∼40 Myrs ago, coeval with the onset of ultra-slow spreading at the Carlsberg Ridge. The transform boundary then jumped to the edge of the present-day Owen Ridge during the Late Eocene-Oligocene period, before seafloor spreading began at the Sheba Ridge. This migration of the plate boundary involved the transfer of a part of the Indian oceanic lithosphere formed at the Carlsberg Ridge to Arabia. This Late Eocene-Oligocene tectonic episode at the India-Arabia plate boundary is synchronous with a global plate reorganization event corresponding to geological events at the Zagros and Himalaya belts. The Owen Ridge uplifted later, in Late Miocene times, and is unrelated to any major migration of the India-Arabia boundary.  相似文献   

Hydrographic casts down to the bottom along two zonal sections at 12°N and 13°N (from 144°E to 127°E) were made with a CTD. Their analysis verified the existence of cold and saline abyssal water between the Mariana Ridge and the Kyushu-Palau Ridge. This result provides evidence of flow into the Philippine Sea through the deep gap called the Yap-Mariana Junction. The properties of deep water are variable in the West Mariana basin but quite homogeneous in the Philippine Basin, indicating the transitional nature in the West Mariana Basin and the existence of older bottom water in the Philippine Basin. A close examination suggests that the bottom water is slightly colder in the western part of the Philippine Basin than in the eastern part of the basin. This slightly colder deep water with a hundred kilometer scale in the western Philippine Basin might be related to a broad western boundary current flowing equatorward along the eastern rise of the Philippine Trench.  相似文献   

Morphology and tectonics of the Yap Trench   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We conducted swath bathymetry and gravity surveys the whole-length of the Yap Trench, lying on the southeastern boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate. These surveys provided a detailed morphology and substantial insight into the tectonics of this area subsequent the Caroline Ridge colliding with this trench. Horst and graben structures and other indications of normal faulting were observed in the sea-ward trench seafloor, suggesting bending of the subducting oceanic plate. Major two slope breaks were commonly observed in the arc-ward trench slope. The origin of these slope breaks is thought to be thrust faults and lithological boundaries. No flat lying layered sediments were found in the trench axis. These morphological characteristics suggest that the trench is tectonically active and that subduction is presently occurring. Negative peaks of Bouguer anomalies were observed over the arc-ward trench slope. This indicates that the crust is thickest beneath the arc-ward trench slope because the crustal layers on the convergent two plates overlap. Bouguer gravity anomalies over the northern portion of the Yap Arc are positive. These gravity signals show that the Yap Arc is uplifted by dynamic force, even though dense crustal layers underlie the arc. This overlying high density arc possibly forces the trench to have great water depths of nearly 9000 m. We propose a tectonic evolution of the trench. Subduction along the Yap Trench has continued with very slow rates of convergence, although the cessation of volcanism at the Yap Arc was contemporaneous with collision of the Caroline Ridge. The Yap Trench migrated westward with respect to the Philippine Sea Plate after collision, then consumption of the volcanic arc crust occurred, caused by tectonic erosion, and the distance between the arc and the trench consequently narrowed. Lower crustal sections of the Philippine Sea Plate were exposed on the arc-ward trench slope by overthrusting. Intense shearing caused deformation of the accumulated rocks, resulting in their metamorphism in the Yap Arc.  相似文献   

本文依托菲律宾海浅地层剖面资料,结合前人已发表的该区域样品资料和钻孔资料,对九州-帕劳海脊以及与海脊相邻的西菲律宾海盆和帕里西维拉海盆浅层沉积物特征进行了初步研究.研究认为海底以下浅层沉积物一般存在3个波阻抗界面,根据其反射特征划分为4个基本类型,并对剖面特征的成因进行了初步探讨,认为在沉积物的沉积过程中,沉积物供给、...  相似文献   

Eleven seismic reflection profiles across Shirshov Ridge and the adjacent deep-water sedimentary basins (Komandorsky and Aleutian Basins) are presented to illustrate the sediment distribution in the western Bering Sea. A prominent seismic reflecting horizon, Reflector P (Middle—Late Miocene in age), is observed throughout both the Aleutian and Komandorsky Basins at an approximate subbottom depth of 1 km. This reflector is also present, in places, on the flanks and along the crest of Shirshov Ridge. The thickness of sediments beneath Reflector P is significantly different within the two abyssal basins. In the Aleutian Basin, the total subbottom depth to acoustic basement (basalt?) is about 4 km, while in the Komandorsky Basin the depth is about 2 km.Shirshov Ridge, a Cenozoic volcanic feature that separates the Aleutian and Komandorsky Basins, is an asymmetric bathymetric ridge characterized by thick sediments along its eastern flank and steep scarps on its western side. The southern portion of the ridge has more structural relief that includes several deep, sediment-filled basins along its summit.Velocity data from sonobuoy measurements indicate that acoustic basement in the Komandorsky Basin has an average compressional wave velocity of 5.90 km/sec. This value is considerably larger than the velocities measured for acoustic basement in the northwestern Aleutian Basin (about 5.00 km/sec) and in the central Aleutian Basin (5.40–5.57 km/sec). In the northwestern Aleutian Basin, the low-velocity acoustic basement may be volcaniclastic sediments or other indurated sediments that are overlying true basaltic basement. A refracting horizon with similar velocities (4.6–5.0 km/sec) as acoustic basement dips steeply beneath the Siberian continental margin, reaching a maximum subbottom depth of about 8 km. The thick welt of sediment at the base of the Siberian margin may be the result of sediment loading or tectonic depression prior to Late Cenozoic time.  相似文献   

The Three Kings Ridge has been reinterpreted as a west-facing island arc under which a significant amount of Norfolk Basin lithosphere may have been subducted. Examination of additional seismic reflection profiles adds credence to this interpretation and suggests the presence of a north-south transition from subduction under the northern half of the ridge, evidenced by well-preserved island-arc morphology, to obduction along the southern half of the ridge. This obduction probably obliterated the trench, resulting in overthrusting and severe deformation of the forearc basin as well as intense faulting of the volcanic arc.  相似文献   

日本西南部的南海海槽是一个典型的俯冲系统,由菲律宾海板块向欧亚板块俯冲形成,其俯冲板片包含了九州-帕劳洋脊(KPR)、Kinan海山链、四国海盆和伊豆-小笠原岛弧(IBA)等多种地质单元。为了研究不同地质单元的板块俯冲效应,本文系统分析了南海海槽的地球物理和岩石地球化学特征。重力和热流特征显示南海海槽中部具有低的重力异常(-20–-40 mGal)和高的热流值(60–200 mW/m2),而东西两侧的热流值(20–80 mW/m2)较低。地震模拟结果显示俯冲板块的地壳厚度为5–20 km。地球化学结果表明俯冲板块的下覆地幔成分从西到东逐渐亏损。无震洋脊(如KPR、Kian海山链和Zenisu洋脊)的俯冲是控制南海海槽俯冲效应的主要因素。首先,无震洋脊的俯冲可能使上覆板块发生变形,沿着增生楔前缘出现不规则的地形凹陷。其次,无震洋脊的俯冲是大型逆冲地震的止裂体,阻碍了南海海槽1944年Mw 8.1和1946年Mw 8.3地震破裂的传播。此外,KPR和热的、年轻的四国海盆的俯冲会导致俯冲板片熔融,在日本岛弧上出现埃达克质岩浆活动,并为斑岩铜金矿床提供成矿物质。地球物理和地球化学特征的差异表明尽管IBA已经和日本岛弧发生碰撞,但作为IBA的残留弧,KPR仍然处于俯冲阶段,与日本岛弧之间有明显的地形分界,呈现单向收敛的状态。  相似文献   

跨菲律宾海的重复断面水文观测揭示: 菲律宾海底层水体从1990s到2010s增暖了0.002~0.01℃。在西马里亚纳海盆和四国海盆, 较冷的下层绕极深层水(Lower Circumpolar Deep Water, LCDW)减少, 较暖的LCDW增加; 而在菲律宾海盆, 较冷的变性LCDW减少, 较暖的变性LCDW增加。菲律宾海盆4000dbar的热通量是0.0413W·m-2, 而西马里亚纳海盆和四国海盆的是0.0221W·m-2。菲律宾海盆由于深层海洋热膨胀引起的局地海平面上升速度是0.0621mm·yr-1, 而西马里亚纳海盆和四国海盆的是0.0333mm·yr-1。  相似文献   

日本九州俯冲带是菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块汇聚边界上一个独具特色的区域, 也是研究俯冲带内板块构造作用的理想场所。为了解该俯冲带内的板间应力状态和相互作用, 本研究利用震源深度大于20km的97251个地震事件, 通过b值计算详细刻画了该俯冲板片上表面以及垂直海沟走向的剖面特征。结果发现, b值表现出明显的空间变化, 整体上沿南海海槽和琉球海沟从东北往西南方向逐渐增大, 同时在俯冲的九州-帕劳海脊上存在显著的低值区。从b值与应力的负相关性推断, 进入俯冲带的海脊以及海脊东北侧的四国海盆洋壳与俯冲带上覆板片耦合作用较强; 而在海脊西南侧, 俯冲带内汇聚板片的耦合作用相对较弱。究其原因, 本文认为九州-帕劳海脊两侧俯冲洋壳在形成时代和汇聚速率上的差异起着重要作用。对于九州-帕劳海脊来说, 俯冲带浅部的低b值区主要是由于隆起的海脊增强了与上覆板块的耦合作用。随着俯冲深度的增加和俯冲板片倾角的急剧变陡, 沿海脊可能发生了板片撕裂, 从而释放了海脊与上覆板片间的挤压-剪切应力, 使耦合程度大大减弱。  相似文献   

Crustal seismic structures beneath the West Philippine Sea are determined by using explosive sources (0.5–108.6 kg) and ocean bottom seismometers to measure refracted compressional waves. Total crustal thicknesses are shown to be thinner in the eastern part of the ocean basin, approaching only 3.5 km. Crustal thinning toward the east is consistent with the Palau Kyushu Ridge being a remnant transform fault connecting the Central Basin Ridge and the Kula Pacific Ridge in the past. A velocity-depth inversion from the westernmost refraction profile indicates the upper transitional crust layer to have strong velocity gradients which gradually decrease with depth; the lower crust is characterized by a nearly constant velocity gradient. The western part of the ocean basin is also shown to have more typical oceanic thicknesses, as is found in deep ocean basins of the Pacific. Spectral energy models using WKBJ synthetic seismograms suggest that there is a sharp seismic discontinuity between the crust and moho in the western part of the basin. Predicted water depths for the West Philippine Basin using an age-depth relation and corrected for an isostatic response to the measured crustal thicknesses, are still 300 meters shallower than observed depths. The depth anomaly can not be fully reconciled by thinner crust in the eastern part of the basin. This observation implies that a deeper seated anomaly is present beneath the West Philippine Basin.  相似文献   

The structural framework of the southern part of the Shackleton Fracture Zone has been investigated through the analysis of a 130-km-long multichannel seismic reflection profile acquired orthogonally to the fracture zone near 60° S. The Shackleton Fracture Zone is a 800-km-long, mostly rectilinear and pronounced bathymetric lineation joining the westernmost South Scotia Ridge to southern South America south of Cape Horn, separating the western Scotia Sea plate from the Antarctic plate. Conventional processing applied to the seismic data outlines the main structures of the Shackleton Fracture Zone, but only the use of enhanced techniques, such as accurate velocity analyses and pre-stack depth migration, provides a good definition of the acoustic basement and the architecture of the sedimentary sequences. In particular, a strong and mostly continuous reflector found at about 8.0 s two-way traveltime is very clear across the entire section and is interpreted as the Moho discontinuity. Data show a complex system of troughs developed along the eastern flank of the crustal ridge, containing tilted and rotated blocks, and the presence of a prominent listric normal fault developed within the oceanic crust. Positive flower structures developed within the oceanic basement indicate strike-slip tectonism and partial reactivation of pre-existing faults. Present-day tectonic activity is found mostly in correspondence to the relief, whereas fault-induced deformation is negligible across the entire trough system. This indicates that the E–W-directed stress regime present in the Drake Passage region is mainly dissipated along a narrow zone within the Shackleton Ridge axis. A reappraisal of all available magnetic anomaly identifications in the western Scotia Sea and in the former Phoenix plate, in conjunction with new magnetic profiles acquired to the east of the Shackleton Fracture Zone off the Tierra del Fuego continental margin, has allowed us to propose a simple reconstruction of Shackleton Fracture Zone development in the general context of the Drake Passage opening.  相似文献   

The U.S. Navy’s Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) hydrophone arrays are extemely efficient receptors of a high-frequency earthquake energy phase known as the t(ertiary)-wave, or t-phase (Fox et al., 1994). After a nearly 30-year hiatus in such studies, SOSUS arrays are again being utilized to detect t-phases and to locate seismic and volcanic events occurring along the Gorda seafloor spreading center (Fox et al., 1995; Fox and Dziak, 1998). Earlier, Northrop et al. (1968) also used other military arrays to infer tectonic structure along the Gorda Ridge. From October 1964 through December 1966, over 600 low-magnitude earthquakes occurred along the Gorda Ridge. Nearly all of these events had magnitudes below the detection thresholds of land-based seismic networks. Northrop et al. (1968) interpreted the geographic distribution of these events as evidence for a nascent fracture zone near the midpoint of the ridge. In the present study, the spatial distributions of these older data and, for the first time, their temporal distributions as well, were examined with respect to detailed bathymetry of the ridge that was acquired in the early 1980s. This analysis, of 570 on-axis and 74 off-axis events, led to the following observations: (1) nearly all of the Gorda Ridge t-phase events occurred in discreet swarms centered about the ridge axis, (2) most of the events within each of 8 (of 9) observed swarms occurred mainly along single ridge segments, and, (3) reconfirming the earlier Northrop et al. (1968) conclusion, most of the events originated in the region of a major change in the strike of the ridge axis. During the 27-month interval that the ridge was observed, relatively few t-phase events took place along the northernmost segment of the Gorda Ridge where the 1996 eruption occurred. However, a unique sequence of small events which visually resemble the events associated with a Juan de Fuca Ridge eruption in 1993 (Fox et al., 1995) and a Gorda Ridge eruption in 1996 (Fox and Dziak, 1998) may have been associated with an eruption on the ridge during 1965.  相似文献   

The Kane Transform offsets spreading-center segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by about 150 km at 24° N latitude. In terms of its first-order morphological, geological, and geophysical characteristics it appears to be typical of long-offset (>100 km), slow-slipping (2 cm yr-1) ridge-ridge transform faults. High-resolution geological observations were made from deep-towed ANGUS photographs and the manned submersible ALVIN at the ridge-transform intersections and indicate similar relationships in these two regions. These data indicate that over a distance of about 20 km as the spreading axes approach the fracture zone, the two flanks of each ridge axis behave in very different ways. Along the flanks that intersect the active transform zone the rift valley floor deepens and the surface expression of volcanism becomes increasingly narrow and eventually absent at the intersection where only a sediment-covered ‘nodal basin’ exists. The adjacent median valley walls have structural trends that are oblique to both the ridge and the transform and have as much as 4 km of relief. These are tectonically active regions that have only a thin (<200 m), highly fractured, and discontinuous carapace of volcanic rocks overlying a variably deformed and metamorphosed assemblage of gabbroic rocks. Overprinting relationships reveal a complex history of crustal extension and rapid vertical uplift. In contrast, the opposing flanks of the ridge axes, that intersect the non-transform zones appear to be similar in many respects to those examined elsewhere along slow-spreading ridges. In general, a near-axial horst and graben terrain floored by relatively young volcanics passes laterally into median valley walls with a simple block-faulted character where only volcanic rocks have been found. Along strike toward the fracture zone, the youngest volcanics form linear constructional volcanic ridges that transect the entire width of the fracture zone valley. These volcanics are continuous with the older-looking, slightly faulted volcanic terrain that floors the non-transform fracture zone valleys. These observations document the asymmetric nature of seafloor spreading near ridge-transform intersections. An important implication is that the crust and lithosphere across different portions of the fracture zone will have different geological characteristics. Across the active transform zone two lithosphere plate edges formed at ridge-transform corners are faulted against one another. In the non-transform zones a relatively younger section of lithosphere that formed at a ridge-non-transform corner is welded to an older, deformed section that initially formed at a ridge-transform corner.  相似文献   

台湾增生楔的构造单元划分及其变形特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
台湾增生楔位于欧亚板块、菲律宾海微板块和南海的结合部位,是现代弧陆碰撞研究的理想场所。通过对南海973航次在该区域的多道地震剖面的解释,对该增生楔进行了构造单元的划分,并分析了变形特征。认为台湾增生楔是由3个部分,即弧陆碰撞产生的增生部分、洋内俯冲产生的增生部分和增生楔后端在恒春海脊和北吕宋海槽之间的构造楔组成,研究区的高屏斜坡、恒春海脊和北吕宋海槽西端变形带分别是3个部分的反映。自中中新世以来,南海洋壳开始沿着马尼拉海沟向菲律宾海微板块俯冲,形成增生楔中洋内俯冲增生部分;与此同时菲律宾海微板块开始向NW方向移动,前缘的吕宋岛弧自6.5Ma B.P以来与亚洲陆缘斜向碰撞,形成增生楔中弧陆碰撞增生部分。碰撞首先发生在台湾岛的北部,由于弧陆强烈的挤压作用,增生楔后端部分向北吕宋海槽倒冲楔人,使得上部的北吕宋海槽的沉积发生隆升变形。滨海的各个地貌单元可以和台湾陆上的地貌单元相联系,它们具有相似的地质特征,但是由于陆上部分增生历史久,不仅抬升为陆,而且地层的年代也更老。  相似文献   

The Philippine Basin,surrounded by a series of oceanic trenches,is an independent deep ocean basin in the West Pacific Ocean.Its middle part is divided into three marginal sea sub-basins by the Kyushu-Palau and West Mariana Ridges,namely,the West Philippine Basin,the Shikoku and Parece Vela Basins and the Mariana Trough.This paper,through the analysis of the geomorphologic features and gravity and magnetic characteristics of the basin and identification of striped magnetic anomalies,suggests that the entire Philippine Basin developed magnetic lineation of oceanic nature,and therefore,the entire basin is of the nature of oceanic crust.The basin has developed a series of special geomorphic units with different shapes.The KPR runs through the entire Philippine Basin.From the view of geomorphologic features,the KPR is a discontinuous seamount chain (chain-shaped seamounts) and subduction beneath the Japanese Island arc at the Nankai Trough which is the natural boundary between the basin and the Japanese Island arc.At the positions of 25 N,24 N,23 N and 18 N,obvious discontinuity is shown,which belongs to natural topographic discontinuity.Therefore,the KPR is topographically discontinuous.  相似文献   

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