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Two types of pseudotachylytes are observed in the Balmuccia peridotite of the Ivrea zone (Southern Alps, Italy). A-type pseudotachylytes correspond to previously studied occurrences and were formed under temperatures comprising between 550 and 900 °C and pressures comprising between 0.6 and 1.2 GPa. These conditions were met in the Ivrea crust between 350 and 270 Ma, suggesting that A-type pseudotachylytes were formed during Variscan tectonics or Permian transtensional tectonics. B-type pseudotachylytes post-date A-type pseudotachylytes. Textural characteristics of B-type veins suggest a formation in the upper continental crust, at depths of about 5–10 km or less. Petrological constraints indicate that the exhumation of the Ivrea crust at such shallow depths was achieved later than c.  70 Ma, thus providing a maximum age of 70 Ma for B-type veins. Pseudotachylytes appear as markers of the poly-orogenic evolution of the Alpine belt.  相似文献   

In the Cuthbert Lake region of north-central Manitoba, northeasterly trending ultramafic-mafic dikes, part of the Molson dike swarm, show a range of composition from gabbro to olivine-hornblende pyroxenite to hornblende peridotite. The major dike which is ultramafic in composition is 60 m thick. Olivine and chromian spinel were the earliest cumulus phases formed in a subcrustal magma chamber before the emplacement of the dikes. Orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene were formed following emplacement at about 1120° C. Plagioclase and hornblende were the latest phases to crystallize from the intercumulus melt. Mineralogical and chemical variations across the major dike are interpreted to have resulted from flow differentiation of multiple injections of magma carrying suspended olivine crystals. Olivine phenocrysts changed their compositions from about Fo87 to values ranging from Fo80to Fo73 as a function of the amount of intercumulus melt. The composition of this melt is estimated to have been basaltic. A mafic dike, about 10 m thick and occurring about 20 m away from the main ultramafic dike, is believed to have been formed from magmas that were tapped from an upper layer overlying the olivine-rich zone in a subcrustal magma chamber. Separation must have occurred when clinopyroxene and plagioclase appeared on the liquidus.Geological Survey of Canada Contribution 36486  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1389-1400
Post-orogenic mafic dikes are widespread across eastern Shandong Province, North China Craton, eastern China. We here report new U–Pb zircon ages and bulk-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data for representative samples of these rocks. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon analysis of two mafic dike samples yields consistent ages of 118.7 ± 0.25 million years and 122.4 ± 0.21 million years. These Mesozoic mafic dikes are characterized by high (87Sr/86Sr) i ranging from 0.7082 to 0.7087, low ?Nd(t) values from??17.0 to??17.5, 206Pb/204Pb from 17.14 to 17.18, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.44 to 15.55, and 208Pb/204Pb from 37.47 to 38.20. Our results suggest that the parental magmas of these dikes were derived from an ancient, enriched lithospheric mantle source that was metasomatized by foundered lower crustal eclogitic materials prior to magma generation. The mafic dikes underwent minor fractionation during ascent and negligible crustal contamination. Combined with previous studies, these findings provide additional evidence that intense lithospheric thinning beneath eastern Shandong occurred at ~120 Ma, and that this condition was caused by the removal/foundering of the lithospheric mantle and lower crust.  相似文献   

BAKER  A. J. 《Journal of Petrology》1990,31(1):243-260
Stable isotope compositions of Ivrea Zone marbles and associatedlithologies are in general heterogeneous. The oxygen isotopecomposition of quartz in pelites ranges from 18O +9 to + 17(SMOW) and does not vary systematically with metamorphic grade.Peridotites retain oxygen isotope signatures close to mantlevalues. Marble calcites vary in isotopic composition from 13C + 2(PDB),180 +24(SMOW)to 13C –6(PDB), 18O + 13 (SMOW).Depletions in 18O and 13C may be explained dominantly by interactionwith fluids derived from within the observed metasedimentarysequence during prograde metamorphism. 18O and 13C show gradients of greater than 5/m across marblemargins and within marbles. The preservation of such isotopicgradients is not consistent with the long-term presence of grain-boundary-scaleinterconnected fluid films in and around marbles. There is ageneral lowering of 18O within individual marble bodies althoughlarge carbon and oxygen isotopic gradients are present. Calcitein marbles may attain oxygen isotope equilibrium, but rarelycarbon isotope equilibrium, with surrounding metapelites. Infiltrationof marbles must involve a component of channelized fluid flow. The general lack of isotopic equilibration within the sequencerequires channelized fluid flow and limited fluid-rock ratios.Large pervasive mantle to crust fluid fluxes are not consistentwith the observations. *Present address: Natural Environment Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1EU, England  相似文献   

 Field, mineralogical and petrological data are presented on a newly found carbonatite occurrence associated with “kamafugite” lava at Cupaello, central Italy. This carbonatite occurrence is part of the Late Pleistocene Umbria-Latium ultra-alkaline district (ULUD) which extends southwards within the Apennines to Mount Vulture, delineating an important magmatic province along the most peripheral belt of the Tyrrhenian extensional tectonic system. This province is distinct, but probably related genetically with the more abundant and common leucite-bearing assemblages of the Roman Comagmatic Region and represents the first reported occurrence of carbonatite assemblages in the Mediterranean Basin. The Cupaello suite indicates that primary or near-primary mantle silicate melts of “kamafugitic” composition are transitional with Ca-carbonatite liquid and provides direct evidence of immiscibility of carbonatite from “kamafugite” magma. It is inferred that a primary mantle origin of Ca-carbonatites is conditional upon a potential silicate magma that may be coupled with the carbonatite, but may not have reached the surface. The data indicate a strong genetic link between ULUD Ca-carbonatites and some African analogues, supporting the view that their genesis depends on similar source and associated tectonic conditions. Received: 17 January 1995 / Accepted: 14 June 1995  相似文献   

The metamorphic rocks of the Ivrea Zone in NW Italy preserve a deep crustal metamorphic field gradient. Application of quantitative phase equilibria methods to metapelitic rocks provides new constraints on the P–T conditions recorded in Val Strona di Omegna, Val Sesia and Val Strona di Postua. In Val Strona di Omegna, the metapelitic rocks show a structural and mineralogical change from mica‐schists with the common assemblage bi–mu–sill–pl–q–ilm ± liq at the lowest grades, through metatexitic migmatites (g–sill–bi–ksp–pl–q–ilm–liq) at intermediate grades, to complex diatexitic migmatites (g–sill–ru–bi–ksp–pl–q–ilm–liq) at the highest grades. Partial melting in the metapelitic rocks is consistent with melting via the breakdown of first muscovite then biotite. The metamorphic field gradient in Val Strona di Omegna is constrained to range from conditions of ~3.5–6.5 kbar at ≈650 °C to ~10–12 kbar at >900 °C. The peak P–T estimates, particularly for granulite facies conditions, are significantly higher than those of most earlier studies. In Val Sesia and Val Strona di Postua, cordierite‐bearing rocks record the effects of contact metamorphism associated with the intrusion of a large mafic body (the Mafic Complex). The contact metamorphism occurred at lower pressures than the regional metamorphic peak and overprints the regional metamorphic assemblages. These relationships are consistent with the intrusion of the Mafic Complex having post dated the regional metamorphism and are inconsistent with a model of magmatic underplating as the cause of granulite facies metamorphism in the region.  相似文献   

The Mersin ophiolite, represented by approximately 6-km-thick oceanic lithospheric section on the southern flank of the Taurus calcareous axis, formed in the Mesozoic Neo-Tethyan ocean some time during Late Cretaceous in southern Turkey. The ultramafic and mafic cumulates having over 3 km thickness consist of dunite ± chromite, wehrlite, clinopyroxenite at the bottom and pass into gabbroic cumulates in which leucogabbro, olivine-gabbro and anorthosite are seen. Crystallization order is olivine (Fo91−80) ± chromian spinel (Cr# 60-80), clinopyroxene (Mg#95−77), plagioclase (An95.6−91.6) and orthopyroxene (Mg#68−77). Mineral chemistry of ultramafic and mafic cumulates suggest that highly magnesian olivines, clinopyroxenes and absence of plagioclase in the basal ultramafic cumulates are in good agreement with products of high-pressure crystal fractionation of primary basaltic melts beneath an island-arc environment. Major, trace element geochemistry of the cumulative rocks also indicate that Mersin ophiolite was formed in an arc environment. Coexisting Ca-rich plagioclase and Forich olivine in the gabbroic cumulates show arc cumulate gabbro characteristics. Field relations as well as the geochemical data support that Mersin ophiolite formed in a supra-subduction zone tectonic setting in the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys in southern Turkey.  相似文献   

In the southern part of the Ivrea Zone (Italy), the majority of the Mafic Formation is composed of: 1. amphibole-bearing gabbro; 2. a series of rocks ranging from norites to charnockites; 3. leucocratic charnockites. In the proximity of metasedimentary septa within the Mafic Formation, the igneous lithologies are in many places intimately and chaotically intermingled, giving rise to a marble-cake structure. Whole-rock chemistry, and oxygen and strontium isotopic compositions indicate that the mafic and felsic rocks are dominated by mantle and crustal sources respectively. The norite-charnockite suite may be modelled as the mixing product of basic and acid melts. Abundant plastic deformation structures suggest that mafic and hybrid rocks experienced an important tectonic event during or soon after their crystallization. Melting of crustal country rocks continued after the deformation event and produced the undeformed leucocratic charnockites. The study area exemplifies some of the possible effects of the intrusion of a large volume of basic magma into hot crust.  相似文献   

Jurassic basanite necks occurring at the junction of two major fault zones in Scania contain ultramafic (peridotites, pyroxenites) and mafic xenoliths, which together indicate a diversity of upper mantle and lower crustal assemblages beneath this region. The peridotites can be subdivided into lherzolites, dunites and harzburgites. Most lherzolites are porphyroclastic, containing orthopyroxene and olivine porphyroclasts. They consist of Mg-rich silicates (Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fetot) × 100; 88–94) and vermicular spinel. Calculated equilibration temperatures are lower in porphyroclastic lherzolites (975–1,007°C) than in equigranular lherzolite (1,079°C), indicating an origin from different parts of the upper mantle. According to the spinel composition the lherzolites represent residues of 8–13% fractional melting. They are similar in texture, mineralogy and major element composition to mantle xenoliths from Cenozoic Central European volcanic fields. Dunitic and harzburgitic peridotites are equigranular and only slightly deformed. Silicate minerals have lower to similar Mg# (83–92) as lherzolites and lack primary spinel. Resorbed patches in dunite and harzburgite xenoliths might be the remnants of metasomatic processes that changed the upper mantle composition. Pyroxenites are coarse, undeformed and have silicate minerals with partly lower Mg# than peridotites (70–91). Pyroxenitic oxides are pleonaste spinels. According to two-pyroxene thermometry pyroxenites show a large range of equilibration temperatures (919–1,280°C). In contrast, mafic xenoliths, which are mostly layered gabbronorites with pyroxene- and plagioclase-rich layers, have a narrow range of equilibration temperatures (828–890°C). These temperature ranges, together with geochemical evidence, indicate that pyroxenites and gabbroic xenoliths represent mafic intrusions within the Fennoscandian crust.  相似文献   

Despite its extreme aridity, the Ordos Basin in northern China is rich in groundwater. Many artesian wells or springs with large fluxes are utilized for drinking, irrigation and industrial production. In a search for the origin of the groundwater, a detailed investigation of the stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in the local precipitation, the river water, the springs, the well water, as well as the soil water extracted from six soil profiles in the Ordos Basin, was carried out. The data show that δD, δ18O and TDS values of the river water are similar to those of groundwater, while the TDS values of the soil water are about ten times greater than those of groundwater. Furthermore, the mean isotopic compositions of the local precipitation are significantly higher than those of river water and groundwater. Based on the chloride mass balance method, the estimated recharge rates range from 5.2 to 17.2 mm/year, with a mean value of 10.5 mm/year. The results show that the main source of recharge of the groundwater in the Ordos Basin is not the local precipitation, but must come from a region where the precipitation is characterized by much lower δD and δ18O values. In addition, the groundwater in the Ordos Basin contains a component of mantle-derived 3He and crust-derived 4He suggesting that the groundwater may partly derive from flows through basement faults beneath the Ordos Basin.  相似文献   

Summary ¶Sm–Nd, Rb–Sr and Pb–Pb isotopic compositions of 34 intrusive AMCG (anorthosite–mangerite–charnockite–granite) suite rocks and spatially related ferrodiorites and gabbros from the Lofoten Islands, northern Norway, suggest that almost all Lofoten intrusive rocks can be modelled as a mixture of mainly two components: Archean lower crustal material and an about 1.8Ga mantle-derived component. Isotopically, the gabbros and anorthosites overlap the mangeritic rocks in all three isotope systems. Hence, the isotopic data are in agreement with a model that relates the mangeritic rocks to the fractionation of crustally contaminated mantle-derived basaltic melts. Overlap in all three isotopic systems indicates that at least part of the assimilation process predates or accompanies fractionation. Whole rock geochemistry supports this model: based on major, minor, and trace element data, primitive 1.79–1.86Ga mangerites could have formed from anorthosite residual liquids – the ferrodiorites – by fractionation processes involving Fe–Ti oxides, Fe–Mg silicates and apatite combined with contamination of the ferrodiorites with about 50wt.% crustal anatectic melt.Received May 7, 2002; revised version accepted November 26, 2002 Published online: April 14, 2003  相似文献   

One of the best-preserved Neo-Tethyan ophiolite complexes of Iran (Southern Caspian Sea ophiolite complex) is exposed in north of Iran. Crustal ultramafic cumulative rocks are mainly composed of dunite, wehrlite, olivine clinopyroxenite and clinopyroxenite. Mafic plutonic rocks consist of isotropic and layered gabbros. Geochemical studies show that these rocks have subalkalic tholeiitic affinity. Partial melting has been an important process in the formation of the studied rocks. Normalized trace element patterns in the studied rocks show enrichment in LREE and depletion in Nb and Zr. Studied mafic–ultramafic samples are formed by 30 % partial melting of mantle lherzolite from a depleted-arc source. These characteristics show suprasubduction environment and formation in a marginal basin above a subduction zone.  相似文献   

Cretaceous alkaline intrusive rocks present in the Bitterfontein area comprise a suite having compositions ranging from olivine melilitite to syenite. These rocks which include some of lamprophyric affinity form part of the widespread dominantly alkaline suite of intrusives occurring in a broad zone parallel to the south western African coastal regions. This paper presents the petrology of the Bitterfontein alkaline rocks together with mineral and rock analyses. The chemistry of the rocks shows the suite to define a SiO2 enrichment trend linking the compositions of olivine melilitite to oversaturated basic rocks. This trend is compared with trends defined by essentially tholeiitic volcanics and kimberlite-olivine melilitite compositions and a genetic relationship with the latter is apparent. Polybaric crystallisation of a larnite normative liquid in a crustal environment coupled with fractionation especially of phlogopite is important in the generation of members of the Bitterfontein suite. Phlogopite fractionation represents a deviation by the Bitterfontein suite from the evolutionary trend predicted by experimental work for low pressure anhydrous compositions in the Fo-La-Ne-SiO2 system.  相似文献   

New major- and trace-element data of bulk-rocks and constituent minerals, and whole-rock Re-Os isotopic compositions of samples from the Lherz Massif, French Pyrenees, reveal complex petrological relationships between the dominant lithologies of lherzolite ± olivine-websterite and harzburgite. The Lherz peridotite body contains elongate, foliation parallel, lithological strips of harzburgite, lherzolite, and olivine-websterite cross-cut by later veins of hornblende-bearing pyroxenites. Peridotite lithologies are markedly bimodal, with a clear compositional gap between harzburgites and lherzolites ± olivine-websterite. Bulk-rock and mineral major-element oxide (Mg-Fe-Si-Cr) compositions show that harzburgites are highly-depleted and result from ∼20-25 wt.% melt extraction at pressures <2 GPa. Incompatible and moderately-compatible trace-element abundances of hornblendite-free harzburgites are analogous to some mantle-wedge peridotites. In contrast, lherzolites ± olivine-websterite overlap estimates of primitive mantle composition, yet these materials are composite samples that represent physical mixtures of residual lherzolites and clinopyroxene dominated cumulates equilibrated with a LREE-enriched tholeiitic melt. Trace-element compositions of harzburgite, and some lherzolite bulk-rocks and pyroxenes have been modified by; (1) wide-spread interaction with a low-volume LREE-enriched melt +/− fluid that has disturbed highly-incompatible elements (e.g., LREEs, Zr) without enrichment of alkali- and Ti-contents; and (2) intrusion of relatively recent, small-volume, hornblendite-forming, basanitic melts linked to modal and cryptic metasomatism resulting in whole-rock and pyroxene Ti, Na and MREE enrichment.Rhenium-Os isotope systematics of Lherz samples are also compositionally bimodal; lherzolites ± olivine-websterite have chondritc to suprachondritic 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os values that overlap the range reported for Earth’s primitive upper mantle, whereas harzburgites have sub-chondritic 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os values. Various Os-model age calculations indicate that harzburgites, lherzolites, and olivine-websterites have been isolated from convective homogenisation since the Meso-Proterozoic and this broadly coincides with the time of melt extraction controlled by harzburgite Os-isotope compositions. The association between harzburgites resulting from melting in mantle-wedge environments and Os-rich trace-phases (laurite-erlichmanite sulphides and Pt-Os-Ir-alloys) suggests that a significant portion of persistent refractory anomalies in the present-day convecting mantle of Earth may be linked to ancient large-scale melting events related to wide-spread subduction-zone processing.  相似文献   

山东中生代基性脉岩的元素地球化学及其成因   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研究区脉岩 SiO2含量变化范围为 48.63%~ 56.02% ,岩性上以煌斑岩、辉绿岩和辉长岩为主 ,以富集轻稀土元素 (LREE)和大离子亲石元素 (LILE)、亏损重稀土元素 (HREE)和高场强元素 (HFSE)为特征.主元素和微量元素研究表明 ,基性脉岩源区存在明显的地壳混染作用和少量富碳酸岩交代作用,该交代作用可能与扬子下地壳物质的参与有关.  相似文献   

闽西晚中生代基性岩脉的地球化学研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
对闽西三个地区基性岩脉的地球化学研究发现,该区域的基性岩脉为亚碱性岩石系列,具有高 Al、低 Ti、Na2O > K2O的特征;相对富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高强场元素.半村辉绿岩脉和拔里角闪辉长岩脉以 Nb、Ta、Ti负异常为特征,林子坟辉长辉绿岩脉具有 Nb、Ta负异常和 Ti弱正异常.半村和拔里的岩脉稀土元素总量高,明显富集轻稀土元素,(La/Yb)N=6.8~8.4;林子坟的岩脉稀土元素总量相对较低,轻稀土元素弱富集,(La/Yb)N=2.0.结合基性岩脉的地球化学特征和区域构造演化分析,初步认为半村和拔里的基性岩脉来自与俯冲作用有关的富大离子亲石元素流体交代的富集地幔;林子坟基性岩脉是软流圈地幔部分熔融的产物,地壳混染作用是其相对富集大离子亲石元素的原因.结合玄武岩构造环境判别图解可知,半村和拔里岩脉具有的大陆边缘弧的特征并不指示基性岩脉形成的构造环境,而是说明其源区受到俯冲板片派生出来的流体交代作用.半村和拔里岩脉形成于大陆板内拉张带,林子坟岩脉形成于板内裂谷环境.与华南其他地区的基性岩脉对比表明,虽然晚中生代华南地区处于拉张的构造背景下,但是岩脉形成的构造环境与微量元素地球化学特征均有明显的差异,反映了各地区构造环境演变和地幔演化的复杂性.  相似文献   

中国东南部中生代基性岩脉时空分布与形成机理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国东南部发育的基性岩脉见于中生代各个时期,其年龄从内陆至沿海逐渐变新,与区内花岗岩年龄有相同的变化趋势,但两者活动高峰期不重合。基性岩脉主要发育于花岗岩体内部的拉裂带,鲜见穿过花岗岩上方或周围的沉积变质盖层。中生代各时期的基性岩脉与相应时期的中酸性和基性火山岩浆活动具有清晰的分带现象。进一步研究表明,基性岩脉与同期基性火山岩应是同源不同相的产物,而中酸性喷发的岩浆与基性喷发(侵入)的岩浆,则可能分别来自壳内熔融层和壳下(地幔)熔融层或壳内岩浆层的上部和下部。中酸性与基性岩浆活动的"错峰"现象和基性岩脉带的"迁移"现象,均与本区中生代陆壳系统的内能变化有关。  相似文献   

The Erro-Tobbio peridotites (Voltri Massif, Ligurian Alps) represent subcontinental lithospheric mantle tectonically exhumed during Permo–Mesozoic extension of the Europe–Adria lithosphere. Previous studies have shown that exhumation started during Permian times, and occurred along kilometer-scale lithospheric shear zones which enhanced progressive deformation and recrystallization from spinel- to plagioclase-facies conditions. Ongoing field and petrologic investigations have revealed that the peridotites experienced, during uplift, a composite history of diffuse melt migration and multiple episodes of ultramafic–mafic intrusions. In this paper we present the results of field, structural and petrologic–geochemical investigations into a sector of the Erro-Tobbio peridotite unit that preserves well this multiple intrusion history. Melt impregnation in the peridotites is evidenced by significant plagioclase enrichment and crystallization of unstrained orthopyroxene replacing kinked mantle olivine and clinopyroxene; impregnating melts were thus opx-saturated. Melt–rock interaction caused chemical changes in mantle minerals (e.g. Al decrease and REE increase in cpx; Ti and Cr# enrichment in spinel). Nevertheless, clinopyroxenes still exhibit LREE depletion (CeN/SmN = 0.006–0.011), indicating a depleted signature for the percolating melts. Melt impregnation was thus related to diffuse porous flow migration of depleted MORB-type melt fractions that modified their compositions towards opx saturation by mantle–melt interaction during ascent. The impregnated peridotites are intruded by a hectometer-scale stratified cumulate body, mostly consisting of troctolites and plagioclase wehrlites, showing gradational, interfingered contacts with the host mantle rocks. Subsequent intrusion events are revealed by the occurrence of olivine gabbros as decameter-wide lenses, variably thick (centimeter- to meter-scale) dykes and thin dykelets, which crosscut both the peridotite foliation and the magmatic layering in the cumulates. Overall, major and trace element compositions of minerals in the intrusives indicate that they represent variably differentiated cumulus products crystallized from rather primitive N-MORB-type aggregated melts. Slightly more evolved compositions are shown by olivine gabbros, relative to the troctolites and plagioclase wehrlites of the cumulate body. Mineral chemistry features (e.g. the Fo–An correlation and high Na, Ti, Mg# in cpx) indicate that the studied intrusive rocks crystallized at moderate pressure conditions (3–5 kbar, i.e. 9–15 km depth). Our study thus points to a progressive transition from porous flow melt migration to emplacement of magmas in fractures, presumably related to progressive change of lithospheric mantle rheology during extension-related uplift and cooling.  相似文献   

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