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The purpose of this paper is to study, for small values of , the three-dimensional pq resonant orbits that are close to periodic second species solutions (SSS) of the restricted three-body problem. The work is based on an analytic study of the in- and out-maps. These maps are associated to follow, under the flow of the problem, initial conditions on a sphere of radius around the small primary, and consider the images of those initial points on the same sphere. The out-map is associated to follow the flow forward in time and the in-map backwards. For both mappings we give analytical expressions in powers of the mass parameter. Once these expressions are obtained, we proceed to the study of the matching equations between both, obtaining initial conditions of orbits that will be 'periodic' with an error of the order 1–, for some (1/3,1/2). Since, as 0, the inner solution and the outer solution will collide with the small primary, these orbits will be close to SSS.  相似文献   

We compare families of simple periodic orbits of test particles in the Newtonian and relativistic problems of two fixed centers (black holes). The Newtonian problem is integrable, while the relativistic problem is highly non-integrable.The orbits are calculated on the meridian plane through the fixed centersM 1 (atz=+1) andM 2 (atz=–1) for energies smaller than the escape energyE=1. We use prolate spheroidal coordinates (, , =const) and also the variables =cosh and =–cos . The orbits are inside a curve of zero velocity (CZV). The Newtonian orbits are also limited by an ellipse and a hyperbola, or by two eillipses. There are 3 main types of periodic orbits (1) elliptic type (around both centers), (2) hyperbolic-type, and (3) resonant-type.The elliptic type orbits are stable in the Newtonian case and both stable and unstable in the relativistic case. From the stable orbits bifurcate double period orbits both symmetric and asymmetric with respect to thez-axis. There are also higher order bifurcations. The hyperbolic-type orbits are unstable. The Newtonian resonant orbits are defined by the ratiot µ/t =n/m of oscillations along and during one period, and they are all marginally unstable. The corresponding relativistic orbits are stable, or unstable. The main families are figure eight orbits aroundM 1, or aroundM 2 (3/1 orbits); gamma, or inverse gamma orbits (4/2); higher resonant families 5/1,7/1,...,8/2,12/2,...;, more complicated orbits, like 5/3, and bifurcations from the above orbits. Satellite orbits aroundM 1, orM 2, and their bifurcations (e.g. double period) exist in the relativistic case but not in the Newtonian case. The characteristics of the various families are quite different in the Newtonian and the relativistic cases. The sizes of the orbits and their stabilities are also quite different in general. In the Appendix we study the various types of straight line orbits and prove that some subcases introduced by Charlier (1902) are impossible.  相似文献   

We present some qualitative and numerical results of the Sitnikov problem, a special case of the three-body problem, which offers a great variety of motions as the non-integrable systems typically do. We study the symmetries of the problem and we use them as well as the stroboscopic Poincarée map (at the pericenter of the primaries) to calculate the symmetry lines and their dynamics when the parameter changes, obtaining information about the families of periodic orbits and their bifurcations in four revolutions of the primaries. We introduce the semimap to obtain the fundamental lines l 1. The origin produces new families of periodic orbits, and we show the bifurcation diagrams in a wide interval of the eccentricity (0 0.97). A pattern of bifurcations was found.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Formulae containing the elements of the variational matrix are obtained which determine the linear iso-energetic stability parameters of periodic orbits of the general three-body problem. This requires the numerical integration of the variational equations but produces the stability parameters with the effective accuracy of the numerical integration. The procedure is applied for the determination of horizontally critical orbits among the members of sets of vertical-critical periodic orbits of the threebody problem. These critical-critical orbits have special importance as they delimit the regions in the space of initial conditions which correspond to possibly stable three-dimensional periodic motion of low inclination.  相似文献   

The stability ofL 4 and the motion aboutL 4 in the restricted problem of three bodies is investigated when there is three-to-one commensurability between the long and short periods of motion, that is, when the mass ratio has the value =0.013516.... The two time scale method is used (1) to show thatL 4 is an unstable equilibrium point when =3, (2) to determine for what initial conditions periodic orbits occur when 3, (3) to determine the stability of the periodic orbits, and (4) to investigate the boundedness of the motions aboutL 4 when 3.  相似文献   

We study the bifurcations of families of double and quadruple period orbits in a simple Hamiltonian system of three degrees of freedom. The bifurcations are either simple or double, depending on whether a stability curve crosses or is tangent to the axis b=–2. We have also generation of a new family whenever a given family has a maximum or minimum or .The double period families bifurcate from simple families of periodic orbits. We construct existence diagrams to show where any given family exists in the control space (, ) and where it is stable (S), simply unstable (U), doubly unstable (DU), or complex unstable (), We construct also stability diagrams that give the stability parameters b1 and b2 as functions of (for constant ), or of (for constant ).The quadruple period orbits are generated either from double period orbits, or directly from simple period orbits (at double bifurcations). We derive several rules about the various types of bifurcations. The most important phenomenon is the collision of bifurcations. At any such collision of bifurcations the interconnections between the various families change and the general character of the dynamical system changes.  相似文献   

Periodic orbits in the Stormer problem are studied using the symmetry lines of the Poincaré map introduced by De Vogelaere. Many known facts are explained by mean of these lines. The dynamics of four special symmetry lines when the Stormer parameter 1 changes is presented, and we obtain a clear global view of the structure of the simple periodic orbits and their bifurcations, including the asymmetrical ones. New asymmetrical multiple periodic orbits are obtained.  相似文献   

We study the structure of chaos in a simple Hamiltonian system that does no have an escape energy. This system has 5 main periodic orbits that are represented on the surface of section by the points (1)O(0,0), (2)C 1,C 2y c, 0), (3)B 1,B 2(O,±1) and (4) the boundary . The periodic orbits (1) and (4) have infinite transitions from stability (S) to instability (U) and vice-versa; the transition values of are given by simple approximate formulae. At every transitionS U a set of 4 asymptotic curves is formed atO. For larger the size and the oscillations of these curves grow until they destroy the closed invariant curves that surroundO, and they intersect the asymptotic curves of the orbitsC 1,C 2 at infinite heteroclinic points. At every transitionU S these asymptotic curves are duplicated and they start at two unstable invariant points bifurcating fromO. At the transition itself the asymptotic curves fromO are tangent to each other. The areas of the lobes fromO increase with ; these lobes increase even afterO becomes stable again. The asymptotic curves of the unstable periodic orbits follow certain rules. Whenever there are heteroclinic points the asymptotic curves of one unstable orbit approach the asymptotic curves of another unstable orbit in a definite way. Finally we study the tangencies and the spirals formed by the asymptotic curves of the orbitsB 1,B 2. We find indications that the number of spiral rotations tends to infinity as . Therefore new tangencies between the asymptotic curves appear for arbitrarily large . As a consequence there are infinite new families of stable periodic orbits that appear for arbitrarily large .  相似文献   

Formulae containing the elements of the variational matrix are obtained which determine the linear isoenergetic stability parameters of three-dimensional periodic orbits of the general three-boy problem. This requires the numerical integration of the variational equations but produces the stability parameters with the effective accuracy of the numerical integration. The conditions for stability, criticality, and bifurcations are briefly examined and the stability determination procedure is tested in the determination of some three-dimensional periodic orbits of low inclination bifurcating from vertical-critical coplanar orbits.  相似文献   

Vibrational transition probabilities-namely, Franck-Condon factors and -centroids-have been evaluated using an approximate analytical method for theD-X system of SiS. Morse potential energy curves forD 1 andX 1+ states of SiS have been constructed using the latest spectroscopic data. The value of -centroids for the band have been found to decrease linearly with the corresponding wavelength.  相似文献   

Infinite series expansions are obtained for the doubly averaged effects of the Moon and Sun on a high altitude Earth satellite, and the results used to interpret numerically integrated examples. New in this paper are: (1) both sublunar and translunar satellites are considered; (2) analytic expansions include all powers in the satellite and perturbing body semi-major axes; (3) the fact that retrograde orbits have more benign eccentricity behavior than direct orbits should be exploited for high altitude satellite systems; and (4) near circular orbits can be maintained with small expenditures of fuel in the face of an exponential driving force one forI ab, whereI b=180°–I a andI a is somewhat less than 39.2° for sublunar orbits and somewhat greater than 39.2° for translunar orbits.Nomenclature a semi-major axis - A lk coefficient defined in Equation (11) - B lk coefficient defined in Equation (24) - C km coefficient defined in Equation (25) - D, E, F coefficients in Equations (38), (39) - e eccentricity - H k expression defined in Equation (34) - expression defined in Equation (35) - I inclination of satellite orbit on lunar (or solar) ring plane - J 2 coefficient of second harmonic of Earth's gravitational potential (1082.637×10–6 R E 2 ) - K k, Lk, Mk expressions in Section 4 - expressions in Section 4 - p=a(1–e 2) semi-latus rectum - P l Legendre polynomial of degreel - q argument of Legendre polynomial - radial distance of satellite - R E Earth equatorial radius (6378.16 km) - R, S, W perturbing accelerations in the radial, tangential and orbit normal directions - syn synchronous orbit radius (42 164.2 km=6.6107R E) - t time - T satellite orbital period - T orbital period of perturbing body (Moon) - T e period of long periodic oscillations ine for |I|<I a - T s synodic period - U gravitational potential of lunar (or solar) ring - x, y, z Cartesian coordinates of a satellite with (x, y) being the ring plane - coefficient defined in Equation (20) - average change in orbital element over one orbit (=a, e, I, , ) - 1,23 unit vectors in thex, y, z coordinate directions - r , s , w unit vectors in the radial, tangential and orbit normal directions - =+ angle along the orbital plane from the ascending node on the ring plane to the true position of the satellite - angle around the ring - gravitational constant times mass of Earth (3.986 013×105 km s–2) - gravitational constant times mass of Moon (or Sun) - m gravitational constant times mass of Moon (/81.301) - s gravitational constant time mass of Sun (332 946 ) - ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter - radius of lunar (or solar) ring - m radius of lunar ring (60.2665R E) - s radius of solar ring (23455R E) - true anomaly - argument of perigee - 0 initial value of - i critical value of in quadranti(i=1, 2, 3, 4) - longitude of ascending node on ring plane This work was sponsored by the Department of the Air Force.  相似文献   

Resume On étudie la stabilité des solutions périodiques d'un couplage de systèmes linéaires au voisinage de résonances. Les valeurs propres distinctes k de la matrice du système linéaire non perturbé sont telles que kj=iq pour tout couple [k, j]; i=–1, q est un nombre entier, la fréquence de la solution. Une application est faite pour un système à trois degrés de liberté au voisinage de la résonance 221.
Hamiltonian systems in the neighbourhood of an equilibrium solution. II:The stability of periodic solutions
The stability of the periodic solutions for an Hamiltonian system is investigated. Here the distinct eigen values k of the matrix of the unperturbated linear system are such that kj=iq for any [k, j]; i=–1, q is an integer, is the frequency of the periodic solution. An application is made for a system with three degrees of freedom, near the resonance 221.

This paper reports on the numerical determination of families of periodic oscillations in the case =0.000 95 of the restricted problem. The families emanating out of the collinear Lagrangian pointsL 1,L 2,L 3 are examined as well as some asymmetric periodic oscillations related to them. An effort is made to complete the global picture of simple-periodic symmetric oscillations in the present case of the problem (the S-J case). This is done by examining the orbits with initial conditions such that the infinitesimal body starts from a position on the 1-axis (02 = 0) with a negative initial velocity perpendicular to this axis . In a previous article this investigation has been carried out for negative values of 01, where the position of the small primary defines 1=0. Now we proceed to consider orbits with 01>0. The phase portrait of asymmetric periodic orbits is also examined.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, daß die unter der Einwirkung einer Momentenimpulsserie entstehende Bewegung eines rotierenden Flugkörpers mit Nutationsdämpfung sich vollständig einem regelmäßigen Polygon entnehmen läßt, das durch das Trägheitsmomentenverhältnis, den Integralwert eines Einzelimpulses, den Drall und eine die Dämpfung charakterisierende KonstanteK 0 bestimmt ist.Die Bewegung setzt sich aus logarithmischen Spiralen zusammen, derenn-ten Anfangsradius man erhält, indem man den Teilungspunkt des im VerhältnisK 0:1 geteilten (n–1)-ten Radius mit der (n+1)-ten Polygonecke verbindet.Es wird bewiesen, daß das Konstruktionsnetz zu einem im äußeren Polygon liegenden ähnlichen inneren Polygon konvergiert, das gegenüber ersterem gedreht ist.Einfache Beziehungen zur Bewegungsbestimmung mit dem Polygonschema werden für Pulsfrequenzen angegeben, die ganzzahlige Vielfache oder Bruchteile der Spinfrequenz sind.
It is shown that the motion of a spinning body with nutation damping due to a series of torque pulses can be completely derived from a regular polygon determined by the ratio of inertias, the integral of one pulse, the momentum and a constantK 0 characterizing damping.The motion is composed of spirals thenth initial radius of which is obtained by connecting the dividing point of the (n–1)th radius with the (n+1)th polygon corner. Each dividing point divides the respective radius in the ratioK 0:1. The net of construction lines converges into an inner polygon turned against the outer one and having the same shape.Simple rules are shown for the application of the scheme on pulse frequencies which are multiples or fractions of spin frequency.

Symbole 1-2-3 Achsen des flugkörperfesten Koordinatensystems - a,b,c Hilfsgrößen zur Bestimmung der Iterationsgrößen - E i i-te Polygonecke - H Drall des Flugkörpers - K i Verhältnis deri-ten Drehzeigerlängen zu Beginn und am Ende eines Impulses - M Iterationsmatrix - Integralwert des Momentenimpulses - P 0 Äußeres Polygon - P 1 Spitze des Drehzeigersr 00e - P Drehpunkt des Drehzeigersr 00 - P Konvergierendes Polygon - P i Teilungspunkt des [i–1]-ten Zeigers - r 0i Drehzeiger aufgrund desi-ten Impulses allein - r 0ia Zeigerr 0i in Anfangslage - r 0ie Zeigerr 0i in Endlage - r i i-ter Summenzeiger - r ia Zeigerr i in Anfangslage - r ie Zeigerr i in Endlage - T Dauer einer Flugkörperumdrehung - t,t, Zeitargumente - x-y-z Achsen eines raumfesten Koordinatensystems - x i ,y i Iterationskoordinaten - n Phase desn-ten Radius gegenüber der anliegenden Polygonseite - Drehung des inneren Polygons gegenüber dem äußeren - Abklingkonstante - Phasenänderung des Drehzeigers innerhalb einer Flugkörperumdrehung - 0 Anteil der über 2 hinausgehenden Phasenänderung des Drehzeigers - 3 Trägheitsmoment um die Spinachse - 12 Trägheitsmoment um die Querachsen - Zahl der Ecken des Konstruktionspolygons - 1,2 Eigenwerte der Iterationsmatrix - Zahl der vollen Umläufe des Konstruktionspolygons - Fortbewegungsachse des Drallvektors - 0 Ausgangsphasenwinkel - i Phasenlage desi-ten Summenzeigers - x, y Drehwinkel nach Einzelimpuls fürt - , Funktionen der Iterationsgrößen - , Drehwinkel umx-bzw.y-Achse - Drehgeschwindigkeit der Spinachse um den Drallvektor - Fiktive Größen bei Pulsfrequenzen kleiner als Spinfrequenz - Fiktive Größen bei Pulsfrequenzen größer als Spinfrequenz  相似文献   

In the framework of non-linear fluid theory we use a lower hybrid (LH) wave of the form as a pump which interacts with the small fluctuations with the low-frequency vibrations i or =0, where i , is the hydrogen ion-cyclotron (HIC) gyrofrequency. The ponderomotive force generated by the beating of the high-frequency pump wave 0 and the sideband LH waves (±0) produces a non-linear coupling between the high- and low-frequency motions of electrons and ions. Under certain conditions the HIC waves and the zero-frequency waves both become parametrically unstable and start to grow. These excited waves then heat the ions by stochastic acceleration in the transverse direction, thus explaining the formation of ion comics along the auroral field lines. Electrons would be heated in the parallel direction directly by the pump field as well as by low-frequency waves. Thus a single mechanism can explain the existence of ion-cyclotron waves, zero-frequency waves, ion conics, and energetic electrons along the auroral field lines.  相似文献   

In the ordinary restricted problem of three bodies, the first-order stability of planar periodic orbits may be determined by means of their characteristic exponents, as derived from the condition of a vanishing determinant for the coefficients of an infinite system of homogenous linear equations associated with the exponential series solutionu, v representing any initially small oscillations about the periodic solutionx, y. In the elliptic restricted problem, periodic solutions are possible only for periods which are equal to, or integral multiples of, the periodP of the elliptic motion of the two primary masses. It is shown that the infinite determinant approach to the determination of the characteristic exponents can be extended to the treatment of superposed free oscillations in the elliptic problem, and that in generaltwo exponents appear in any complete solutionu, v for eachone existing in the corresponding ordinary restricted problem. The value of each exponent depends on a series proceeding in even powers of the eccentricitye of the relative orbit of the two primaries, in addition to its basic dependence on the mass ratio . For stable periodic orbits, the oscillation frequenciesn 1 (,e 2),n 2 (,e 2) associated with these two exponents tend, withe0, to certain limiting valuesn 1 (),n 2(), which differ from each other by the amount of the frequencyN=2/P of the orbital motion of the primaries. One of the two frequencies, sayn 1(), is identical with the frequency of the corresponding oscillations in the ordinary restricted problem, while the second one gives rise to oscillations only in the elliptic restricted problem, withe0.The method will be described in more detail, together with its application to two families of small periodie librations about the equilateral points of the elliptic restricted problem (E. Rabe: Two new Classes of Periodic Trojan Librations in the Elliptic Restricted Problem and their Stabilities) in theProceedings of the Symposium on Periodic Orbits, Stability and Resonances, held at the University of São Paulo, Brasil, 4–12 September, 1969.Presented at the Conference on Celestial Mechanics, Oberwolfach, Germany, August 17–23, 1969.  相似文献   

The stability analysis of several stronglynon-homogeneous, self-gravitating, one-dimensionalunstable equilibrium systems is carried out with the help of numerical techniques. The evolution of the perturbed unstable equilibria is studied by following the motion of the boundary curves of water bag configurations defining the systems.It is found that initial perturbations drive the unstable equilibrium states out of equilibrium at rates depending on the typical scale length of the perturbations : the instability rates increase with .  相似文献   

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