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We present 21 focal solutions (magnitude > 5.5) reliably computed by body-wave modelling for the western Hellenic arc from Yugoslavia to the southern Peloponnese. Mechanisms located within the Aegean show normal faulting, the T-axis trending N-S in the centre and parallel to the active boundary in the external part. Mechanisms associated with the Keffalinia fault are consistent with dextral strike-slip motion. Reverse mechanisms located along the active boundary are remarkably consistent and do not depend on the nature of the active boundary (continental collision or oceanic subduction). The consistency in azimuth of the slip vectors and of the GPS velocity relative to Africa, all along the active boundary, suggests that the deformation is related to the same motion. The discrepancy between seismic-energy release and the amount of shortening confirms that the continental collision is achieved by seismic slip on faults but the oceanic subduction is partially aseismic. The northward decrease in velocity between continental collision and oceanic subduction suggests the continental collision to be a recent evolution of the active subduction.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hydrothermal fluid circulation that was linked to the extensional evolution of the Adriatic rifted margin during the Jurassic opening of the Alpine Tethys. Remnants of this rifted margin are spectacularly preserved in SE Switzerland and N Italy. Five study areas were chosen ranging from the former proximal to the most distal part of the margin. We demonstrate an intimate link between Jurassic extensional tectonics and fluid activity affecting the pre- to early post-rift sedimentary sequences. Nature, composition and origin of fluids are constrained by a multidisciplinary approach based on field observations and including geochemical (O-C, Sr, He isotopes, U-Pb datings, fluid inclusion microthermometry) and petrological methods. Several fluid-related diagenetic products and processes such as dolomitization, veining, hydraulic brecciation, and silicification can be recognized. It appears that different paleogeographic settings and different stratigraphic levels document distinct phases of fluid activity. The fluids reached temperatures of up to 150°C near paleo-seafloor. They were enriched in 18O, had high 87Sr/86Sr and low 3He/4He ratios, documenting a strong interaction between seawater and a granitic basement. Many lines of evidence point to the occurrence of over-pressured fluids and long-lasting fluid circulation due to fault-valve mechanisms and high thermal gradients. Two main stages with different fluid chemistry can be recognized: (1) a carbonate-rich stage that developed during the stretching phases and was linked to high-angle normal faulting, and (2) a silica-rich stage occurring during late rift exhumation of crustal and mantle rocks in the distal domains in the presence of detachment faults and high thermal gradients. This paper provides, for the first time, a large and robust characterization of fluid–rock interactions occurring during rifting along an almost complete section across a magma-poor rifted margin.  相似文献   

We invert surface-wave and geodetic data for the spatio-temporal complexity of slip during the M w =8.1 Chile 1995 event by simulated annealing. This quasi-global inversion method allows for a wide exploration of model space, and retains the non-linearity of the source tomography problem. Complex source spectra are obtained from 5 to 45 mHz from first- and second-orbit fundamental-mode Rayleigh waves using an empirical Green's function cross-correlation technique. Coseismic displacement vectors were measured at 10 GPS sites near Antofagasta. They are part of a French-Chilean experiment which monitors the Northern Chile seismic gap. The spectra, together with the geodetic data, are inverted for the moment distribution on a 2-D dipping fault, under the physical constraints of slip positivity and causality. Marginal a posteriori distributions of the model parameters are obtained from several independently inverted solutions. In general, features of the slip model are well resolved. Data are well fitted by a purely unilateral southward rupture with a nearly uniform velocity around 2.5–3.0 km s−1, and a total duration of 65 s. Several regions of moment release were imaged, one near the hypocentre, a major one 80 km south of it and a minor one 160 km south of it. The major patch of moment release seemed to have propagated to relatively shallow depths near the trench, 100 km SSW of the epicentre. The region of major slip is located updip of the 1987, M w =7.5 earthquake, suggesting a causal relationship. Most of the slip occurred updip of the hypocentre (36 km), but the entire coupled plate interface (20–40 km) ruptured during the Chile 1995 event.  相似文献   

An inconsistency measure can be used to compare the quality of different data sets and to quantify the cost of data cleaning. In traditional relational databases, inconsistency is defined in terms of constraints that use comparison operators between attributes. Inconsistency measures for traditional databases cannot be applied to spatial data sets because spatial objects are complex and the constraints are typically defined using spatial relations. This paper proposes an inconsistency measure to evaluate how dirty a spatial data set is with respect to a set of integrity constraints that define the topological relations that should hold between objects in the data set. The paper starts by reviewing different approaches to quantify the degree of inconsistency and showing that they are not suitable for the problem. Then, the inconsistency measure of a data set is defined in terms of the degree in which each spatial object in the data set violates topological constraints, and the possible representations of spatial objects are points, curves, and surfaces. Finally, an experimental evaluation demonstrates the applicability of the proposed inconsistency measure and compares it with previously existing approaches.  相似文献   

We present a new surface velocity field for Baja California using GPS data to test the rigidity of this microplate, calculate its motion in a global reference frame, determine its relative motion with respect to the North American and the Pacific plates, and compare those results to our estimate for Pacific–North America motion. Determination of Pacific Plate motion is improved by the inclusion of four sites from the South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project. These analyses reveal that Baja California moves as a quasi-rigid block but at a slower rate in the same direction, as the Pacific Plate relative to North America. This is consistent with seismic activity along the western edge of Baja California (the Baja California shear zone), and may reflect resistance to motion of the eastern edge of the Pacific Plate caused by the 'big bend' of the San Andreas fault and the Transverse Ranges in southern California.  相似文献   

周素红  何嘉明 《地理科学进展》2017,36(10):1229-1238
本文从健康地理跨学科的视角入手,以广州市典型郊区的102个样本为研究对象,并选择10个城区街道的927个样本作为参照组进行对比研究,重点探讨中国式快速郊区化背景下,郊区居民健身活动时空约束对心理健康状况的影响。通过构建多元线性回归模型,从微观层面探讨居民城市建成环境、健身行为和心理健康之间的相互关系。结果表明:基于WHO-5反映心理健康量表的评分,郊区样本心理健康状况平均分值只有8.411分,远低于城区样本的平均12.788分,郊区居民的心理健康问题需要引起重视。相对于城区居民,郊区居民健身活动受长距离的通勤及不完善的公共交通系统的时空约束更为明显,健身活动频率更低、时间更短、空间上主要集中在住宅附近。这种差异除了受个人经济社会属性、邻里社区融入等因素影响外,还明显受到建成环境因素的影响。研究结论对弥补过度市场化逐利下造成的城市公共性缺失,维护社会空间公平,完善中国式郊区化下的公共服务设施配套体系,改善郊区居民心理健康状况有重要意义,同时也可为郊区规划及公共政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

The tectonic history of the Western Mediterranean region during the Oligocene and Early Miocene is illustrated through a series of plate reconstructions, from chron C13n to chron C6n. The reconstructions are based on a new interpretation of published magnetic anomaly data and two-ships seismic data, and their integration with known geological constraints, in order to determine style and timing of the backarc extension processes in the Liguro-Provençal, Valencia and Algerian basins. In particular, a reinterpretation of the regional magnetic anomaly field allowed the calculation of the instantaneous Euler poles associated with the motion of 11 microplates relative to Eurasia and Iberia. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of the acoustic basement morphology and the balancing of deep crustal profiles were used to estimate the closure and pre-rift rotation angles associated with the Euler poles of opening of the Ligurian, Provençal, Valencia and Algerian basins. This rigorous reconstruction of the geometry of the pre-rift continental margins of Iberia and Eurasia could furnish important insights into the study of Mediterranean tectonics for older times.  相似文献   

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