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新西兰科罗曼德尔半岛火山岩带是世界知名的浅成低温热液型金矿成矿省,也是新西兰最为重要的金银矿矿集区,在环太平洋成矿带内占有重要的地位。科罗曼德尔半岛浅成低温热液型金矿主要赋存于科罗曼德尔群中新世安山岩和英安岩中,矿化类型主要为石英脉型和角砾岩型2种。矿床的成矿流体特征表现出明显的大气降水特征,并显示有少量的岩浆水加入,成矿物质具岩浆来源特征,为石英±方解石±冰长石±伊利石亚型浅成低温热液型金矿。区内金矿成矿时代为16.3~2.0Ma,主要集中于7.0~6.0Ma之间,金矿的大规模形成与诺特兰德火山弧与科尔维—劳火山弧共同作用有关,区域构造背景由挤压转变为伸展环境的转折期,为金矿形成的高峰期。区内零星出露与浅成低温热液型金矿化有关的斑岩型铜矿化表明,该地区具有较好的斑岩型铜矿化潜力。  相似文献   

The Murray Supergroup records temperate‐water carbonate deposition within a shallow, mesotrophic, Oligo‐Miocene inland sea protected from high‐energy waves and swells of the open ocean by a granitic archipelago at its southern margin. Rocks are very well preserved and exposed in nearly continuous outcrop along the River Murray in South Australia. Most facies are rich in carbonate silt, contain a background assemblage of gastropods (especially turritellids) and infaunal bivalves, and are packaged on a decimetre‐scale defined by firmground and hardground omission surfaces. Bioturbation is pervasive and overprinted, resulting in rare preservation of physical sedimentary structures. Facies are grouped into four associations (large foraminiferan–bryozoan, echinoid–bryozoan, mollusc and clay facies) interpreted to represent shallow‐water (<50 m) deposition under progressively higher trophic resource levels (from low mesotrophy to eutrophy), and restricted marine conditions from relatively offshore to nearshore regions. A large‐scale shift from high‐ to low‐mesotrophic conditions within lower Miocene strata reflects a change in climate from wet to seasonally dry conditions and highlights the influence terrestrially derived nutrients had upon this shallow, land‐locked sea. Overall, low trophic resource levels during periods of seasonally dry climate resulted in a deepening of the euphotic zone, a widespread proliferation of foraminiferan photozoan fauna and a relatively high carbonate productivity. Inshore, heterozoan facies became progressively muddier and restricted towards the shoreline. In contrast, periods of wet climate led to rising trophic resource levels, resulting in a shallowing of the euphotic zone, a decrease in epifaunal and seagrass cover and widespread development of a mostly heterozoan biota dominated by infaunal echinoids. Rates of carbonate production and accumulation were relatively low. The Murray Basin is best described as an epeiric ramp. Wide facies belts developed in a shallow sea on a low‐angled slope reaching many hundreds of kilometres in length. Grainy shoal and back‐barrier facies were absent. Internally generated waves impinged the sea floor in offshore regions and, because of friction along a wide and shallow sea floor, created a low‐energy expanse of waters across the proximal ramp. Storms were the dominating depositional process capable of disrupting the entire sea floor.  相似文献   

新西兰科罗曼德尔半岛火山岩带是世界知名的浅成低温热液型金矿成矿省,也是新西兰最为重要的金银矿矿集区,在环太平洋成矿带内占有重要的地位。科罗曼德尔半岛浅成低温热液型金矿主要赋存于科罗曼德尔群中新世安山岩和英安岩中,矿化类型主要为石英脉型和角砾岩型2种。矿床的成矿流体特征表现出明显的大气降水特征,并显示有少量的岩浆水加入,成矿物质具岩浆来源特征,为石英±方解石±冰长石±伊利石亚型浅成低温热液型金矿。区内金矿成矿时代为16.3-2.0Ma,主要集中于7.0-6.0Ma之间,金矿的大规模形成与诺特兰德火山弧与科尔维一劳火山弧共同作用有关,区域构造背景由挤压转变为伸展环境的转折期,为金矿形成的高峰期。区内零星出露与浅成低温热液型金矿化有关的斑岩型铜矿化表明,该地区具有较好的斑岩型铜矿化潜力。  相似文献   

The south Australian Eucla Shelf belongs to the world's largest cool-water carbonate sedimentary system. During the Pleistocene, it exported large amounts of sediment to the shelf edge and upper slope resulting in an expanded sedimentary wedge. Wedge-internal clinoforming seismic reflectors suggest a stacking of the deposits into genetic sequences. High-resolution stable oxygen and carbon isotope, point counting, grain size, and carbonate mineralogical XRD analyses were carried out to characterize these genetic sequences along a dip-parallel transect of three ODP Leg 182 drill holes located between the shelf edge and upper slope. Oxygen and carbon isotope fluctuations show that the genetic sequences formed as a response to sea level fluctuations. Within the genetic sequences, facies differentiation and sediment volume partitioning occur along the transect. Lowstand deposits are fine grained and contain more sponge spicules and micrite. Highstand deposits are coarse grained with tunicate spicules, brown bioclasts, as well as bryozoan and corallinacean debris. Boundaries separating highstand and lowstand deposits are triggered by sea level fall, and are expressed as abrupt grain size changes or as turning points in grain-size trends. Analyzed components vary in abundance along the transect. Genetic sequences show dip-parallel variations in thickness combined with changing relative proportions of lowstand versus highstand deposits.  相似文献   

Rhodoliths are nodular structures composed mainly of the superimposed thalli of calcareous red algae. Because their development is controlled by an array of ecological parameters, rhodoliths are a valuable source of palaeoenvironmental information. However, despite their common use in palaeoecological reconstructions, the stratigraphic significance of rhodolith accumulations seldom has been addressed in detail. In a study of Cenozoic rhodolith‐bearing deposits from the North Island of New Zealand, rhodolithic units, usually of limited lateral extent, typically occur above major unconformities at the base of deepening upwards successions. Two types of transgressive rhodolith‐bearing deposits may be distinguished on the basis of texture and rhodolith internal structure: (i) type A deposits are clast‐supported rhodolithic rudstones containing abundant pebbles and cobbles reworked from the substrate, and are characterized by rhodoliths with a compact concentric to columnar internal structure and a high nucleus to algal cover ratio; (ii) type B deposits are rhodolithic floatstones with a matrix usually consisting of bryozoan fragments, benthic foraminifera and echinoid fragments or terrigenous silty fine sand. The rhodoliths of type B units usually have a loose internal framework with irregular to branched crusts. The two contrasting rhodolith‐bearing units are interpreted as characteristic facies of transgressive systems tract deposits, analogous to shell concentrations formed under conditions of low net sedimentation. Type A deposits are correlated with relatively high‐energy settings and/or narrow submerged palaeotopographic lows, whereas type B deposits are interpreted as forming in lower‐energy settings. The association between transgression and development of rhodolithic facies is confirmed by observations of a modern rhodolith production site at Whangaparaoa Peninsula in North Island, where algal nodules grow above a ravinement surface cut during the Holocene sea‐level rise, and also by a review of published fossil examples, many of which show stratigraphic and compositional attributes analogous to those of the New Zealand occurrences. The review indicates that transgressive rhodolith accumulations develop more commonly in, but are not restricted to, non‐tropical settings. It is suggested that a combination of factors, such as low net sedimentary input, nature of the substrate, sea‐level rise and inherited physiography contribute to determine the relationship between rhodolith‐bearing deposits and transgressive settings.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have so far addressed diagenetic processes in Heterozoan carbonates and the role that sediment composition and depositional facies exert over diagenetic pathways. This paper presents a study of Oligocene shallow-water, Heterozoan carbonates from the Maltese Islands. We investigate stratigraphic distribution, abundance and timing of diagenetic features and their relationship to sediment composition and depositional facies. The studied carbonate rocks comprise rud- to packstones of the Heterozoan association predominantly containing coralline red algae, bryozoans, echinoids and benthic foraminifers. XRD analyses show that all high-Mg calcite has been transformed to low-Mg calcite and that no aragonite is preserved. Diagenetic processes include dissolution of aragonitic biota, neomorphism of high-Mg calcitic biota to low-Mg calcite and cementation by fibrous, bladed, epitaxial and blocky cements. Stable isotopes on bulk rock integrated with petrographic data suggest that the study interval was not exposed to significant meteoric diagenesis. We interpret early cementation to have taken place in the marine and marine burial environment. The distribution and abundance of early diagenetic features, determining the diagenetic pathway, can be related to the primary sediment composition and depositional texture. Sorting and micrite content are important controls over the abundance of diagenetic features.  相似文献   

John Overton 《Geoforum》2010,41(5):752-762
Geographers have developed a keen interest in the social production of space - in the way meanings and values are ascribed to places as a result of changing social, cultural and political processes. There is a need to explore this approach further, seeing how social and economic values of places are inter-related and how these values are constructed in often deliberate and concerted ways. There is also a need to explore how such values are consumed: how the values in place are traded, appropriated and redistributed, both through the products of places and in land markets. This paper examines the New Zealand wine industry where certain wine regions have been identified and developed in ways which attempt to emphasise their distinctiveness in terms of wine quality and thus enhance the value of the wine produced. Different strategies have been employed in this process of place construction and this reflects the differential role of capital, striving on the one hand to increase the price and marketability of the products of distinctive places but, on the other, careful not to over-inflate land values and thus restrict further expansion. The paper suggests that the issue of consumption of space, involving a complex relationship amongst land, capital and place, is worthy of further exploration.  相似文献   

The 1100-year-old Acheron rock avalanche deposit lies in an active tectonic setting in Canterbury, New Zealand, and has a volume of ten million cubic metres and a runout distance 3.5 km. The deposit comprises intensely fragmented greywacke rock, and the processes of intense rock fragmentation during runout are postulated to have generated an isotropic dispersive stress. Dynamic simulation shows that the runout can be explained as a flow of dry granular material with a normal coefficient of friction, if the presence of an isotropic dispersive stress within the moving rock debris throughout the runout is assumed. The dispersive stress distribution required to model the rock avalanche runout and match velocities calculated from run-up traces is closely similar to that used to simulate the runout of the much larger Falling Mountain rock avalanche in a similar lithologic and tectonic setting. Both events thus behaved in a fundamentally similar fashion.  相似文献   

The Abbotsford Landslide of 8 August 1979 occurred in an urban area of Dunedin, New Zealand, causing much damage to houses and urban infrastructure. Rapid failure occurred after weeks of preliminary movements, resulting in the formation of a approximately 5 million m3 block slide. It caused the loss of 69 houses, with an overall cost of about NZ $10–13 million. After several months of investigations, a commission of inquiry found that unfavorable geology (weak clay layers in a 7°-dip slope) was the underlying cause of the landslide. An old sand quarry at the toe of the slope and a leaking water main above the slide area were found to be man-made factors that contributed to the failure. Slope stability analysis showed that after sand excavation (approximately 300,000 m3), the water table had to rise 0.3 m less for failure to occur. Because the quarry closed 10 years before the landslide occurred, it is concluded that a long-term rise in groundwater levels because of the increased rainfall over the previous decade and leakage from the water main controlled the timing of the failure and, in this sense, are considered to have triggered the landslide.  相似文献   

A sedimentological and plant microfossil history of the Late Quaternary is preserved in two sediment cores from early Polynesian ditch systems on southern Aupouri Peninsula. The study places human activities into a geomorphological and ecological context and allows comparison of natural and anthropogenic effects on two different geological settings: a floodplain and a relatively closed peat swamp. The data fill part of the current gap in the environmental record from northern New Zealand, namely MIS 3 (57k–26k yr BP). There is evidence for an increase in fire frequency in the region after 40k 14C yr BP, suggesting a shift to drier (and cooler) conditions. Pollen records show that conifer‐hardwood forest dominated by podocarps (especially Dacrydium) prevailed prior to Polynesian arrival and deforestation within the last millennium, with Fuscopsora insignificant throughout. Both cores show sections with gaps in deposition or preservation, possible flood‐stripping of peat during the pre‐Holocene and mechanical disturbance by early Polynesians. The identification of prehistoric starch grains and other microremains of introduced Colocasia esculenta (taro) in both cores supports indirect evidence that the ditch systems of far northern New Zealand were used for the extensive cultivation of this crop. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

After a prolonged period of convergent margin tectonics in the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic, resulting in terrane accretion, uplift and erosion of the New Zealand segment of Gondwana, the region saw a rapid change to extensional tectonics in mid-Cretaceous times. The change in regime is commonly marked by a major angular unconformity that separates the older, often strongly-deformed subduction-related ‘basement’ rocks from the younger, less-deformed ‘cover’ strata. The youngest ‘basement’ strata locally contain Albian fossils, and the youngest associated zircons have been radiometrically dated at ca. 100 Ma. In general the oldest strata overlying the unconformity contain fossils of similar Albian age, and the oldest radiometric dates also give similar dates of ca. 100 Ma, indicating a very rapid transition between the two tectonic regimes.The onset of extension resulted in the widespread development of grabens and half grabens, associated in the northwest of the South Island with a metamorphic core complex. In the west and south, on the thicker and more buoyant crust of most of the South Island, the new basins were infilled with mainly non-marine deposits. Non-marine graben infill consists of locally-derived breccia deposited as talus or debris flows on alluvial fans, passing directly as fan deltas or via fluvial deposits into lacustrine deposits. Active faulting continued in some areas until the initiation of sea floor spreading in Santonian times. Post-subduction strata on the thinner continental crust of the northeastern South Island and eastern North Island (East Coast Basin) were mainly marine. Initial sedimentary deposits in the west of the basin, reflecting extensional tectonism, consist of coarse-grained debris-flow deposits or olistostromes, generally fining upwards as tectonic activity waned: those in the east, including allochthonous sediments derived from the northeast, are dominated by turbidites. Early Cenomanian (ca. 96–98 Ma) injection of intraplate alkaline igneous rocks in central New Zealand caused updoming, resulting in shallowing and local uplift of the basin floor above sea level. A long (ca. 10 Ma) period of slow subsidence and transgressive marine sedimentation interrupted by episodic relative sea level changes followed.This pattern changed in the Late Coniacian (ca. 87–86 Ma), with a sudden influx of coarse, transgressive sands in eastern New Zealand. This was immediately preceded in parts of the region by uplift and erosion, probably driven by convective upwelling of the mantle just prior to sea-floor spreading, resulting in a ‘break-up’ unconformity. In the Late Santonian (ca. 85–84 Ma), development of a new, diachronous, widespread low-relief erosion surface, overlain by fine-grained deposits accompanying a rapid rise in relative sea level, coincided with the beginning of sea-floor spreading, rapid passive margin subsidence, and final separation of New Zealand from Gondwana.  相似文献   

D Craw 《Chemical Geology》2002,191(4):257-275
The Macraes gold deposit in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, formed during late metamorphic fluid flow through a lower greenschist facies shear zone. Mineralisation occurred near to the brittle-ductile transition at about 300 °C. Large volumes of host rock in a shear zone up to 120 m thick have been hydrothermally altered by this fluid activity. Most alteration is not structurally controlled apart from proximity to the shear zone. Ductile and brittle microshears traverse the most mineralised rocks and some structural control of fluid flow occurred as well. Fluid flow was slow, similar to that in metamorphic rocks (mm/year) and diffusion through interconnected fluid was a significant chemical process. Localised extensional hydrofractures (m scale) are filled with mineralised quartz. Most alteration of the host rocks was isochemical with respect to the lithophile elements, and mineralised rocks have been variably enriched in As, Au, Sb, W, Mo and Bi, but not Co or Cd. Addition of sulphur has occurred to both host rocks and mineralised rocks, up to 1 wt.% above a background of 0.1 wt.%. Host rock sulphur is mainly pyritic and is not structurally controlled. Mineralised rocks have pyrite and arsenopyrite along microshears. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena have formed from sulphidation of silicates with no addition of metals. Graphite has been added to mineralised rocks along microshears, up to 3 wt.% locally, above a background of 0.1 wt.% noncarbonate carbon. Graphite deposition may have occurred as a result of mixing of two fluids, water+methane, and water+carbon dioxide. Graphitisation and sulphidation reactions released low δD water, which accumulated in the slow-moving mineralising fluid. Distinction between this low δD reaction water and meteoric water incursion is difficult.  相似文献   

本文介绍了新西兰的地震背景以及城市防震减灾工作的组织机构、动作及相关措施。  相似文献   

Demand for both primary residences and second homes in high-amenity areas has led to escalating property values and widespread development pressure in coastal New Zealand. We focus on a major development proposal at Ocean Beach, a greenfield coastal site in the Hawke’s Bay region, and seek to explain the opposition it has provoked. In so doing, we address three questions: first, what landscape values are articulated within the planning process; second, what is the anticipated impact of 1000 new dwellings on those values; and third, how does place attachment figure in the ensuing debates. We address these questions though a thematic analysis of data derived from official reports and proposals, planning submissions, and key informant interviews. We find Ocean Beach to be a place that offers a quintessential coastal experience, often linked to youthful memories. Additionally, the site is valued for its accessibility and wilderness qualities - perceptions heightened by awareness that areas of undeveloped coastline relatively close to population centres are increasingly scarce. We contend that such sites are doubly valuable: in a formal sense, as natural landscapes whose processes and forms receive regulatory protection; and in an informal sense, as sites that generate human meaning, including emotions such as nostalgia, freedom and belonging.  相似文献   


In New Zealand, the Marlborough strike-slip faults link the Hikurangi subduction zone to the Alpine fault collision zone. Stratigraphic and structural analysis in the Marlborough region constrain the inception of the current strike-slip tectonics.

Six major Neogene basins are investigated. Their infill is composed of marine and freshwater sediments up to 3 km thick; they are characterised by coarse facies derived from the basins bounding relief, high sedimentation rates and asymmetric geometries. Proposed factors that controlled the basins generation are the initial geometry of the strike-slip faults and the progressive strike-slip motion. Two groups of basins are presented: the early Miocene (23 My) basins were generated under wrench tectonics above releasing-jogs between basement faults. The late Miocene (11 My) basins were initiated by halfgrabens tilted along straighter faults during a transtensive stage. Development of faults during Cretaceous to Oligocene times facilitated the following propagation of wrench tectonics. The Pliocene (5 My) to current increasing convergence has shortened the basins and distorted the Miocene array of faults. This study indicates that the Marlborough Fault System is an old feature that connected part of the Hikurangi margin to the Alpine fault since the subduction and collision initiation. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Quaternary carbonates in SE Sicily were deposited in seamount and short ramp settings during glacio‐eustatically driven highstand conditions. They provide an excellent opportunity to investigate the depositional and erosional aspects of cool‐water carbonate sedimentation in a microtidal marine water body. The derived ramp facies model differs significantly from modern‐day, open‐ocean ramp scenarios in projected facies depth ranges and in the preservation of inshore facies. A sequence stratigraphic study of the carbonates has confirmed many established aspects of carbonate sedimentation (e.g. production usually only occurred during highstands). It has also revealed several new features peculiar to water bodies with little tidal influence, including ‘catch‐up’ surfaces taking the place of transgressive facies, second‐order sequence boundary events being most important as triggers for initiating resedimentation and a virtual absence of sediment shedding to the basin during the terminal lowstand. Production in the carbonate factory lasted for about 0·5 Myr. Despite this, carbonate production was considerable and included both bioconstructional and bioclastic‐dominated facies and the production of abundant lime muds. A model for eustatically controlled cool‐water carbonate production and resedimentation in microtidal marine water bodies is presented. This is considered to be more applicable to Neogene and Quaternary strata in the Mediterranean region than are current open‐ocean models.  相似文献   

Leaching processes are believed to be responsible for the unusually low-ash content (sometimes less than 1%) of the thick (up to 35 m) Cretaceous coals located in the Greymouth coalfield, South Island, New Zealand. Although leaching of inorganics in peat is a generally accepted process, little is known about leaching after burial. The “Main” and “E” seams in the Greymouth coalfield show good correlation between low ash and bed thickness. The ash content, however, is often less than 1%, which is lower than most known modern analogues (i.e. peat). There are several lines of evidence that suggest that mineral matter may have been removed from the coal not only in the peat stage but also after burial. For example, etching features found in quartz grains and clay aggregates indicate that some leaching processes have taken place. In addition, liptinitic material (e.g., bitumen) in the cleat networks supports the conclusion that there has been some movement of solutions through the coal after burial. These solutions may have helped to remove some of the inorganics originally within the Greymouth coals.  相似文献   

When deriving velocity models by forward modelling or inverting travel time arrivals from seismic refraction data, a heterogeneous but isotropic earth is usually assumed. In regions where the earth is not isotropic at the scale at which it is being sampled, the assumption of isotropy can lead to significant errors in the velocities determined for the crust and the depths calculated to reflecting boundaries. Laboratory velocity measurements on rocks collected from the Haast Schist terrane of South Island, New Zealand, show significant (up to 20%) compressional (P) wave velocity anisotropy. Field data collected parallel and perpendicular to the foliation of the Haast Schist exhibit as much as 11% P-wave velocity anisotropy. We demonstrate, using finite-difference full-wavefield modelling, the types of errors and problems that might be encountered if isotropic methods are used to create velocity models from data collected in anisotropic regions. These reflector depth errors could be as much as 10–15% for a 10-km thick layer with significant (20%) P-wave velocity anisotropy. The implications for South Island, New Zealand, where the problem is compounded by extreme orientations of highly anisotropic rocks (foliation which varies from horizontal to near vertical), are considered. Finally, we discuss how the presence of a significant subsurface anisotropic body might manifest itself in wide-angle reflection/refraction and passive seismic datasets, and suggest ways in which such datasets may be used to determine the presence and extent of such anisotropic bodies.  相似文献   

An exhumed crustal section of the Mesozoic Torlesse terrane underlies the Southern Alps collision zone in New Zealand. Since the Late Miocene, oblique horizontal shortening has formed the northeastern–southwestern trending orogen and exhumed the crustal section within it. On the eastern side, rocks are zeolite- to prehnite–pumpellyite-grade greywacke; on the western side rocks, they have the same protolith, but are greenschist to amphibolite facies of the Alpine Schist. Zircon crystals from sediments in east-flowing rivers (hinterland) have pre-orogenic fission-track ages (>80 Ma) and are dominated by pink, radiation-damaged grains (up to 60%). These zircons are derived from the upper 10 km crustal section (unreset FT color zone) that includes the Late Cenozoic zircon partial annealing zone; both fission tracks and color remain intact and unaffected by orogenesis. Many zircon crystals from sediments in west-flowing rivers (foreland) have synorogenic FT ages, and about 80% are colorless due to thermal annealing. They have been derived from rocks that originally lay in the reset FT color zone and the underlying reset FT colorless zone. The reset FT color zone occurs between 250 and 400 °C. In this zone, zircon crystals have color but reset FT ages that reflect the timing of orogenesis.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection and refraction data were collected west of New Zealand's South Island parallel to the Pacific–Australian Plate boundary. The obliquely convergent plate boundary is marked at the surface by the Alpine Fault, which juxtaposes continental crust of each plate. The data are used to study the crustal and uppermost mantle structure and provide a link between other seismic transects which cross the plate boundary. Arrival times of wide-angle reflected and refracted events from 13 recording stations are used to construct a 380-km long crustal velocity model. The model shows that, beneath a 2–4-km thick sedimentary veneer, the crust consists of two layers. The upper layer velocities increase from 5.4–5.9 km/s at the top of the layer to 6.3 km/s at the base of the layer. The base of the layer is mainly about 20 km deep but deepens to 25 km at its southern end. The lower layer velocities range from 6.3 to 7.1 km/s, and are commonly around 6.5 km/s at the top of the layer and 6.7 km/s at the base. Beneath the lower layer, the model has velocities of 8.2–8.5 km/s, typical of mantle material. The Mohorovicic discontinuity (Moho) therefore lies at the base of the second layer. It is at a depth of around 30 km but shallows over the south–central third of the profile to about 26 km, possibly associated with a southwest dipping detachment fault. The high, variable sub-Moho velocities of 8.2 km/s to 8.5 km/s are inferred to result from strong upper mantle anisotropy. Multichannel seismic reflection data cover about 220 km of the southern part of the modelled section. Beneath the well-layered Oligocene to recent sedimentary section, the crustal section is broadly divided into two zones, which correspond to the two layers of the velocity model. The upper layer (down to about 7–9 s two-way travel time) has few reflections. The lower layer (down to about 11 s two-way time) contains many strong, subparallel reflections. The base of this reflective zone is the Moho. Bi-vergent dipping reflective zones within this lower crustal layer are interpreted as interwedging structures common in areas of crustal shortening. These structures and the strong northeast dipping reflections beneath the Moho towards the north end of the (MCS) line are interpreted to be caused by Paleozoic north-dipping subduction and terrane collision at the margin of Gondwana. Deeper mantle reflections with variable dip are observed on the wide-angle gathers. Travel-time modelling of these events by ray-tracing through the established velocity model indicates depths of 50–110 km for these events. They show little coherence in dip and may be caused side-swipe from the adjacent crustal root under the Southern Alps or from the upper mantle density anomalies inferred from teleseismic data under the crustal root.  相似文献   

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