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The spectra taken with the Main Stellar Spectrograph (MSS) of the 6-m telescope with a resolution of R ~ 15000 and a signal-to-noise ratio of 200–300 are used to determine the radial velocities and projected rotational velocities (υ e sin i) for 32 magnetic CP stars. Measured υ e sin i values range from 18 km/s (the lower boundary determined by the instrumental profile) to 65 km/s. Measurements of standard stars demonstrate the absence of systematic differences between our and published data. Eight of the 32 magnetic stars are found or confirmed to be binary and binarity is suspected for another four stars. The components of tangential velocity are determined for 27 stars with known parallaxes.  相似文献   

The dependence of the degree of anomaly of parameter Z of Geneva photometry (Z0 = Z CP ?Z norm.) on the average surface magnetic field Bs is analyzed. The Z0 value is proportional to the degree of anomaly of chemical composition. It was found that Bs → 0 corresponds Z0 → ?0.010÷ ?0.015, i.e., part of CP stars are virtually devoid of magnetic field, but exhibit chemical anomalies. This effect may be due to selection whereby only objects with strong chemical anomalies are classified as CP stars, thereby producing a deficit of stars with relatively weak anomalies. Moreover, CP stars have other sources of stabilization of their atmospheres besides the magnetic field, e.g., slow rotation. Formulas relating Z0 to Bs are derived.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of measurements of magnetic-field longitudinal components B e , radial velocities V r , and projections of the rotation velocity in the line of sight v e sin i for 74 objects, mainly main-sequence chemically peculiar stars and standard stars. Observations were carried out in 2011 at the 6-m BTA telescope using the Main Stellar Spectrograph (MSS) with a Zeeman analyzer. Seven new magnetic stars were discovered: HD38129, HD47152, HD50341, HD63347, HD188501, HD191287, and HD260858. Three more stars were suspected to have magnetic fields. Observations of magnetic standard stars and non-magnetic stars confirm the absence of any systematic errors capable of introducing distortions into the B e longitudinal-field measurement results. The paper gives comments on the research results for each of the 74 stars.  相似文献   

The Tycho-2 proper motions and five-band Tycho-2 and 2MASS photometry for approximately 2.5 million common stars have been used to select OB stars and to determine the extinction and photometric distance for each of them. We have selected 37 485 stars and calculated their reddenings based on their positions in the two-color V T -H, J-Ks diagrams relative to the zero-age main sequence and the theoretical reddening line for B5 stars. Tests confirm that the selected stars belong to the spectral types O-B with a small admixture of later types. We calculate the extinction coefficient R and its variations with Galactic longitude based on the positions of the selected stars in the two-color B T -V T , V T -Ks diagram. The interstellar extinction for each star is calculated as the product of the reddening found and the coefficient R. The extinction and its variations with Galactic longitude agree well with the extinction based on the model by Arenou et al. (1992). Calibration of the relation between the absolute magnitude and reduced proper motion V T − + 5 + 5 log μ for Hipparcos stars has allowed us to calculate the absolute magnitudes and photometric distances for the selected stars. The distances found agree with those derived from the Hipparcos parallaxes within 500 pc. The distribution of the stars and the extinction variations with distance found show that the selected stars form an almost complete sample of stars with spectral types earlier than B5 within about 750 pc of the Sun. The sample includes many noticeably reddened stars in the first and second Galactic quadrants that are absent from the Hipparcos and Tycho Spectral Types Catalogues. This slightly changes the pattern of the distribution of OB stars compared to the classical pattern based on Hipparcos. Original Russian Text ? G.A. Goncharov, 2008, published in Pis’ma v Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2008, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 10–20.  相似文献   

We present the results of measuring longitudinal magnetic fields (Be), rotation velocities (ve sin i), and radial velocities (Vr) of 44 stars observed with the Main Stellar Spectrograph (MSS) of the 6-m BTA telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory in 2009. For the first time, magnetic fields were detected for the stars HD5441, HD199180, HD225627, and BD+00° 4535. We show that for the same stars, the longitudinal fields Be measured from the Hβ hydrogen line core and from metal lines can differ by 10% and up to a factor of 2–3. Except in rare cases, magnetic fields measured from the metal lines are stronger. We believe that this phenomenon is of a physical nature and depends on the magnetic field topology and the physical conditions inside a specific star. Observations of standard stars without magnetic fields confirm the absence of systematic errors capable of introducing distortions into the longitudinal-field measurement results. In this work we comment on the results for each of the stars.  相似文献   

We analyzed magnetic-field structures of three three-dipole magnetic stars HD 18078, HD 37776, and HD 149438. The fact that the model and observed phase dependences B e (Φ) and B s (Φ) for HD 18078 computed with the same parameters of the dipoles agree with each other shows conclusively that global magnetic structures are formed by dipole structures. Magnetic poles show up conspicuously on Mercator maps of the distribution of magnetic field, the field strength there is maximal and equal to B p = 3577, 10 700, and 275Gin the three stars mentioned above.Dipolemodelsmake it possible to analyze magnetic-field structure inside stars.  相似文献   

We present the results of magnetic field measurements of four chemically peculiar (CP) stars with helium abundance anomalies which are the members of the Orion stellar association OB1. The stars under study were classified as magnetic by other authors earlier. The present paper contains the results of the extensive study of the stars. Magnetic field measurements allowed us to conclude that HD36540 has a weak field and the longitudinal component B e does not exceed 500 G. The longitudinal field of HD36668 varies with the period P = 2. d 11884 and the amplitude from ?2 to +2 kG. The magnetic field of HD36916 has mainly negative polarity and varies within the range from 0 to ?1 kG with the period P = 1.d 565238. HD37058 is a magnetic star, the longitudinal field of which varies from ?1.2 to +0.8 kG with the period P = 14. d 659. The B e field variability pattern for the stars HD36916 and HD37058 is of a simple harmonic type. The longitudinal field of HD36668 is best described with two combined harmonic functions (“a doublewave”). The variability period of HD36540 is still undetermined. For all the stars from this paper, we measured radial velocities V r, axial rotation rates v e sin i, and determined basic parameters of atmospheres (effective temperatures T eff and gravity acceleration log g). We also estimated masses M, luminosities L, and radii R of the stars.  相似文献   

After decades of effort, the solar activity cycle is exceptionally well characterized, but it remains poorly understood. Pioneering work at the Mount Wilson Observatory demonstrated that other Sun-like stars also show regular activity cycles, and suggested two possible relationships between the rotation rate and the length of the cycle. Neither of these relationships correctly describes the properties of the Sun, a peculiarity that demands explanation. Recent discoveries have started to shed light on this issue, suggesting that the Sun’s rotation rate and magnetic field are currently in a transitional phase that occurs in all middle-aged stars. Motivated by these developments, we identify the manifestation of this magnetic transition in the best available data on stellar cycles. We propose a reinterpretation of previously published observations to suggest that the solar cycle may be growing longer on stellar evolutionary timescales, and that the cycle might disappear sometime in the next 0.8?–?2.4 Gyr. Future tests of this hypothesis will come from ground-based activity monitoring of Kepler targets that span the magnetic transition, and from asteroseismology with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission to determine precise masses and ages for bright stars with known cycles.  相似文献   

The processing of the plates of the Kitab part of the FON project has been completed. In total, 1963 plates were processed. The catalog of equatorial coordinates α, δ, and B-magnitudes for 13 413268 stars and galaxies up to B ≤ 17.5 m for the epoch 1984.97 is compiled. The Epson Expression 10000XL scanner with a 1200 dpi scanning mode and a plate size of 30 × 30 cm or 13000 × 13000 pel was used to digitize astronegatives. Coordinates of stars and galaxies are obtained in the Tycho-2 catalog system and B-magnitudes are obtained in the photovoltaic system. The catalog internal accuracy for all objects is σα,δ = 0.23" and σ B = 0.15 m (for stars in the range B = 5 m …14 m , errors are σα,δ = 0.085" and σ B = 0.054 m ) for equatorial coordinates and stellar B-magnitudes, respectively. Convergence between the calculated and reference positions is σα,δ = 0.042", and convergence between photoelectric B-magnitudes is σ B = 0.16 m . Coordinate errors with respect to the UCAC-4 catalog are σα,δ = 0.26" (9892697 or 73.75% of stars and galaxies were identified).  相似文献   

The paper argues in favor of the assumption that magnetic and non-magnetic protostars, from which CP stars were formed, are the objects that had rotation velocities of the parent cloud V smaller than a critical value V c . At V greater than the critical value, differential rotation emerges in the collapsing protostellar cloud, which twists magnetic lines of force into an’ invisible’ toroidal shape and disturbs the stability of the atmosphere. In magnetic protostars, the loss of angular momentum is due to magnetic braking, while in metallic protostars, the loss of rotation momentum occurs due to tidal interactions with a close component. HgMn stars are most likely not affected by some braking mechanism, but originated from the slowest protostellar rotators. The boundary of V c where the differential rotation occurs is not sharp. The slower the protostar rotates, the greater the probability of suppressing the differential rotation and the more likely the possibility of CP star birth.  相似文献   

We analyzed the chemical composition of the chemically peculiar (CP) star HD 0221=43 Cas using spectra taken with the NES spectrograph of the 6-m telescope with a spectral resolution of 45 000. The Hβ line profile corresponds most closely to Teff = 11 900 K and log g = 3.9. The rotational velocity is ve sin i = 27 ± 2 km s?1, and the microturbulence is ξt = 1 km s?1. The results of our abundance determination by the method of synthetic spectra show that the star has chemical anomalies typical of SrCrEu stars, although its effective magnetic field is weak, Be < 100 G. For silicon, we obtained an abundance distribution in atmospheric depth with a sharp jump of 1.5 dex at an optical depth of log τ5000 = ?0.3 and with silicon concentration in deep atmospheric layers. Similar distributions were found in the atmospheres of cooler stars with strong and weak magnetic fields. A comparison of the chemical peculiarities in HD 10221 with known CP stars with magnetic fields of various strengths leads us to conclude that a low rotational velocity rather than amagnetic field is the determining factor in the formation mechanism of chemical anomalies in the atmospheres of CP stars.  相似文献   

The catalog of equatorial coordinates α and δ and B-magnitudes of stars has been created at the Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAO NASU), for the circumpolar region (from 58° to 90°) of the Northern Sky Survey (FON) project within the work on the rational use of resources accumulated in the JDA (Joint Digital Archive) of the Ukrainian Virtual Observatory (UkrVO). The total number of processed plates is 477. The plates were digitized with the using Microtek ScanMaker 9800XL TMA and Epson Expression 10000XL scanners (scanning mode was 1200 dpi, the linear size of plates was 30 × 30 cm or 13000 × 13000 px). The catalog includes 1 975 967 stars and galaxies with B of up to 16.5 m as of the epoch of 1985.28. The coordinates of stars and galaxies were obtained in the Tycho-2 reference system and B-magnitudes were obtained in the system of photoelectric standards. The internal errors of the catalog for all the objects are σαδ = 0.23′′ and σ B = 0.12 m , and those for stars of the B range from 8 m –14 m , 0.11′′ and 0.06 m , respectively. The convergence between the calculated and reference positions is σαδ = 0.06′′ (for 171124 stars from Tycho-2), and that between the photoelectric stellar B-magnitudes is σ B = 0.15m (for 5130 stars). The external error from the comparison with UCAC-4 are σαδ = 0.33′′ (1928367 stars and galaxies have been cross identified).  相似文献   

We present results of modeling of the sample of magnetic stars. We have obtained such important for magnetic star physics parameters as the mean surface magnetic field Bs, the magnetic field at magnetic poles—Bp, the dipole inclination to the rotation equatorial plane α, and the distance to monopoles from the center of the star Δa. We present some information onmagnetic star physics that helps to understand the derived results better.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the observational data for solar cycles 12–23 (Royal Greenwich Observatory-USAF/NOAA Sunspot Data), we have studied various parameters of the “Maunder butterflies.” Based on the observational data for cycles 16–23, we have found that BT/Land S depend linearly on each other, where B is the mean magnetic field of the cycle, T is the cycle duration, S is the cycle strength, and L is the mean sunspot latitude in the cycle (the arithmetic mean of the absolute values of the mean latitudes in the north and south). The connection of the observed quantities with the α-ω-dynamo theory is discussed.  相似文献   

We present the technique we used to compile a catalog of about 61 000 local stars brighter than K s = 8.2 m which were identified as most likely red clump candidates on the basis of their reduced proper motions in the K s band. The catalog was compiled from the combined Tycho-2 and 2MASS data for the stars with color indices J-K s ranging from 0.5 m to 0.8 m . It includes the equatorial coordinates, the proper motions, the magnitudes B T , V T , J, H, and K s , and the probabilities for the stars to be red clump giants.  相似文献   

Observations with the 6-m telescope revealed eight new magnetic, chemically peculiar stars: HD 29925, HD 40711, HD 115606, HD 168796, HD 178892, HD 196691, HD 209051, and BD+32°2827. Zeeman observations of all these objects have been carried out for the first time. We selected candidates by analyzing the depression profile at a wavelength of λ5200 Å. This technique for selecting candidate magnetic stars was shown to be efficient: we found magnetic fields in 14 of the 15 objects that we selected for our observations with a Zeeman analyzer. A maximum longitudinal field strength B e exceeding 8 kG was found in HD 178892; in HD 209051 and HD196691, B e reaches 3.3 and 2.2 kG, respectively. For the remaining stars, we obtained lower limits of the longitudinal field (more than several hundred G).  相似文献   

The observational data for 24 stars toward the young cluster vdB 130 are analyzed. The spectroscopic and photometric BV RIJHK observations have been carried out with the following telescopes: 6-m at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 60-cm at the Southern Station of the Moscow State University, and 2.5-m at the Caucasus Observatory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of theMoscow State University. Nine stars previously selected as cluster members have been found to belong to different subtypes of type B. A minimum color excess toward the cluster, E(B ? V) = 0.9 mag, has been revealed for the vdB 130 stars lying outside the molecular cloud. Maximum color excesses, E(B ? V) = 1.3?1.4 mag, have been found in the spectra of cluster stars 1r and 5r observed in dust blobs. Inside the cluster R v is shown to differ from the standard one. The overwhelming majority of the remaining investigated stars belong to late types and have minor color excesses (≤0.3) typical of close distances.  相似文献   

We propose a new technique for the optimal prediction of the peak of the next 11-year activity cycle prior to the cycle beginning and of the peaks of several succeeding cycles on the basis of long-term variations in the solar radius or solar constant. The method is based on the already established fact that the long-term cyclic variations of the activity, radius, and solar constant are correlated in both phase and amplitude, since they are caused by some common processes in the Sun. The peak of the succeeding cycle 24 is expected to have the height W max = 70 ± 10 (in units of relative sunspot number). The subsequent cycles 25 and 26, which will be formed during the descent of the current secular cycle, will have still lower peaks with the heights W max = 50 ± 15 and W max = 35 ± 20.  相似文献   

We present a charged analogue of Pant et al. (2010, Astrophys. Space Sci., 330, 353) solution of the general relativistic field equations in isotropic coordinates by using simple form of electric intensity E that involve charge parameter K. Our solution is well behaved in all respects for all values of X lying in the range 0 <X≤ 0.11, K lying in the range 4 <K≤ 6.2 and Schwarzschild compactness parameter u lying in the range 0 <u≤ 0.247. Since our solution is well behaved for wide ranges of the parameters, we can model many different types of ultra-cold compact stars like quark stars and neutron stars. We have shown that corresponding to X = 0.077 and K = 6.13 for which u = 0.2051 and by assuming surface density ρ b =4.6888×1014 g cm ?3 the mass and radius are found to be 1.509M , 10.906 km respectively which match with the observed values of mass 1.51M and radius 10.90 km of the quark star XTE J1739-217. The well behaved class of relativistic stellar models obtained in this work might have astrophysical significance in the study of more realistic internal structures of compact stars.  相似文献   

In this paper of the series we analyze three stars listed among stars with discrepant v sin i: HD9531 and HD31592, which also show radial velocity variations inherent to spectroscopic binaries, and HD129174 which is an Mn-type star with a possible magnetic field. In HD9531 we confirm the radial velocity derived fromthe hydrogen lines as well as fromthe Ca II line at 3933 Å as variable. The profile of the calcium line also appears variable, and with the estimated magnetic induction Be = ?630 ± 1340 G, this suggests that the abundance of calcium possibly varies over the surface of the star. We identified the lines of the secondary component in the spectrum of HD31592 revealing thus it is an SB2 binary with B9.5V and A0V components. While the primary star rotates with v sin i = 50 km s?1, the secondary star is faster with v sin i = 170 km s?1. We find that only 60% of the Mn lines identified in the spectrum of HD129174 can be fitted with a unique abundance value, whereas the remaining lines are stronger or fainter. We also identified two Xe II lines at 5339.33 Å and 5419.15 Å and estimated their log g f.  相似文献   

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