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超低频(ULF)电磁辐射观测与资料处理方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
叙述了1982年以来在首都圈附近超低频(ULF)电磁辐射观测网的建设,该台网以埋地电极接收地下电场变化为主,用感应线圈接收磁场变化为辅。采用选择观测频段、埋深电极、隔直、滤波等技术措施减小干扰。给出了记录资料异常图形的分类及处理方法。研究了一些相关因素的可能影响。  相似文献   

过去对Spitak,Loma Prieta和Guam地震的研究表明,大地震发生之前都会有相应的磁场异常。为了确认这一事实并详细研究超低频(ULF)现象,日本建立了一个超低频磁力仪的监测网络,开展了包括小型台阵在内的网络观测工作。文中同时介绍了在Matsukawa台站观测到的与Iwateken Nairiku Hokubu地震(震级M6.1级,发生在1998年9月3日,震源深度为10km)相关的地磁资料。分析了4.5年的资料,并对获得的结果进行了讨论。在地震前两个星期,水平和垂直分量之间的谱密度比的(极化)变化表现出异常情况。这是在相当长的数据分析中发现的一次独特的变化,它暗示了这种异常变化可能是大地震孕育期间的一个信号。  相似文献   

野外观测和室内试验表明,地震孕育和发生过程中可能产生电磁信号。地震电磁现象在防震减灾中具有潜在的应用价值,已成为21世纪国内外地学研究热点之一。由于地震电磁信号较弱,通常混杂于空间场源信号及人文噪音中,不易在观测数据中提取出来。以2003年1月日本茨城县5.1级地震为例,探讨远场参考在超低频(ULF)地震地磁数据处理中的应用,进而检测震前局部磁场异常。在此基础上,讨论远场参考法的优势及可能存在的不足。分析结果表明,2003年1月日本茨城县5.1级地震发生前存在局部磁场异常,验证了远场参考方法的有效性,相关成果可为地震地磁数据处理提供有益参考。  相似文献   

超低频振动问题在工程实践中广泛存在,并且受到越来越多的关注。本文在分析国内外超低频振动校准系统的研究现状的基础上,以超低频振动校准系统为核心,通过理论分析、程序仿真和实验研究,建立了一套可以有效减小振动台失真的系统,并获得了良好的实际效  相似文献   

主要介绍了为中国地震局工程力学研究所振动计量实验室的技术升级项目研制的垂直和水平超低频振动台.水平振动台采用单导轨结构,大大提高了振动位移,达150mm(p-p),同时加宽了使用频率范围,可从0.01~250Hz ,而且加工、安装、调试、维护都十分方便.振动台取消了机械弹簧,代之以自动控制电弹簧,比原振动台的超低频性能大为改善,在控制方面,采用相对速度与绝对速度复合反馈技术.振动台的波形失真度,振级稳定性、横向振动比、低频背景噪声等各项技术指标达到或超过国际标准,为低频、超低频振动传感器的检定提供更精更准确的检定装置.  相似文献   

选取了2008年4月25日至5月12日间的四川台网14个台宽频带地震仪记录到的地脉动波形资料,把速度波形做适当的数据校正和滤波处理后,经积分转换成位移波形.频谱分析结果表明:地震发生前存在低频异常颤动,地震前2~3天开始0.1~0.3Hz频段傅里叶谱幅值逐渐增大;各个台的位移振幅值逐渐增强.其中靠近龙门山断裂带的台站记录到的地脉动变化较明显.  相似文献   

本文介绍了941B型超低频测振仪的原理和技术性能.将无源电路补偿技术应用于优化设计的往复式小质量摆上,实现了测量量程和低频特性的扩展,克服了回转摆式低频测振仪簧片易损、需要调零、频带较窄的缺点.该仪器不仅可用来测量地面和工程结构的超低频振动的加速度、速度和位移,而且可用于爆破、冲击等较高频的振动测量.  相似文献   

非洲磁异常对地磁场结构及其长期变化的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地球非偶极磁场在主磁场结构及其长期变化中起着重要作用.非偶极磁场主要表现为行星尺度磁异常,它们是南大西洋磁异常、非洲磁异常、欧亚大陆磁异常、澳洲磁异常和北美磁异常.在这5块磁异常中,非洲磁异常对磁赤道的形状和位置以及全球长期变化特征有极大的影响.非洲磁异常的重要性主要表现在3方面:第一,由于异常区位于赤道这一特殊的地理位置,所以它极大地影响磁赤道的形状和位置.相对于偶极场的地磁赤道而言,异常区所在的中北非洲和中大西洋地区的磁赤道向北移动,最大移动量可达约15°.第二,非洲磁异常的快速西漂对全球长期变化的分布起着决定性作用,它在该异常区西边的中美洲形成了全球最主要的长期变化区,在1900~2005年期间,最大年变率Zmax超过200 nT/a.第三,非洲负磁异常区与其南面的南大西洋正磁异常区相结合,〖HJ〗它们的变化使西半球地磁场强度大大减弱,也使全球磁场发生显著畸变.这两块磁异常与深部的反极性斑区有着成因联系.  相似文献   

我国上海附近佘山地磁台具有百年以上的历史.本文根据长期观测记录,就其地磁场扰动变化进行分析,首先对佘山台1922-1957年磁情K指数做出量算和分析,其次对1908-19 76年各类磁暴进行统计和分析,再次对佘山1933-1953年湾扰特征作简要介绍,本文最后一节是关于物理解释的讨论.  相似文献   

汶川地震前地脉动低频波动现象及其应用的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对距离汶川地震余震区较近的武都地震台震前连续记录资料的傅里叶频谱特征分析,发现在震前临震阶段,频率为0.1~0.3Hz的地脉动幅值出现快速、持续地增大现象;连续跟踪观测和试验表明,该现象在2008年7~9月间发生的多次地震前在多个台站出现,这种现象具有重现性,在时间上具有持续性,在空间上由震中及其附近或某个"位置"向外围扩散.对该特殊频率波动的物理本质、与震源和孕震动力学过程的关系等研究有可能对临震预测具有意义.  相似文献   

A search for Pc3–4 wave activity was performed using data from a trans-Antarctic profile of search-coil magnetometers extending from the auroral zone through cusp latitudes and deep into the polar cap. Pc3–4 pulsations were found to be a ubiquitous element of ULF wave activity in all these regions. The diurnal variations of Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations at different latitudes have been statistically examined using discrimination between wave packets (pulsations) and noise. Daily variations of the Pc3–4 wave power differ for the stations at the polar cap, cusp, and auroral latitudes, which suggests the occurrence of several channels of propagation of upstream wave energy to the ground: via the equatorial magnetosphere, cusp, and lobe/mantle. An additional maximum of Pc3 pulsations during early-morning hours in the polar cap has been detected. This maximum, possibly, is due to the proximity of the geomagnetic field lines at these hours to the exterior cusp. The statistical relation between the occurrence of Pc3–4 pulsations and interplanetary parameters has been examined by analyzing normalized distributions of wave occurrence probability. The dependences of the occurrence probability of Pc3–4 pulsations on the IMF and solar wind parameters are nearly the same at all latitudes, but remarkably different for the Pc3 and Pc4 bands. We conclude that the mechanisms of high-latitude Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations are different: Pc3 waves are generated in the foreshock upstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock, whereas the source of the Pc4 activity is related to magnetospheric activity. Hourly Pc3 power has been found to be strongly dependent on the season: the power ratio between the polar summer and winter seasons is 8. The effect of substantial suppression of the Pc3 amplitudes during the polar night is reasonably well explained by the features of Alfven wave transmission through the ionosphere. Spectral analysis of the daily energy of Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations in the polar cap revealed the occurrence of several periodicities. Periodic modulations with periods 26, 13 and 8–9 days are caused by similar periodicities in the solar wind and IMF parameters, whereas the 18-day periodicity, observed during the polar winter only, is caused, probably, by modulation of the ionospheric conductance by atmospheric planetary waves. The occurrence of the narrow-band Pc3 waves in the polar cap is a challenge to modelers, because so far no band-pass filtering mechanism on open field lines has been identified.  相似文献   

2007年3月3日位于磁层昏侧THEMIS的5颗卫星、同步轨道晨侧和午前的GOES 3颗卫星和地面地磁台站同时观测到了持续近4 h的Pc5 ULF波.我们用交叉小波相关分析计算脉动的传播速度,用MVA分析求解脉动的传播方向,然后结合两者的计算结果获得了Pc5相速度矢量信息.THEMIS卫星观测到Pc5具有压缩特性,且向阳传播,速度约在6~20 km/s左右,相比于磁层中阿尔芬速度(1000 km/s)较低.这些Pc5 ULF波动可能产生于磁尾或磁层内部不稳定性.GOES 3颗卫星观测到不同情况的Pc5 ULF波,极向模占主要成分,且具有波包结构,具有阿尔芬驻波特性,可能产生于K-H(Kelvin-Helmholtz)不稳定性.地面台站观测到ULF波扰动幅度随纬度升高而增强,Pc5脉动在地理纬度60°附近达到最大值, Dumont durville台站观测到的脉动与THEMIS观测到波形有很好的相似性.  相似文献   

地磁ULF前兆信息研究简述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震前ULF(Ultra Low Frequency:超低频信号,频段为0.005~10Hz,国内俗称电磁波)电磁异常信号是近年国际研究的热点。本文阐述了国际上典型震例前观测到的ULF异常信号的表现形式、目前采用的一些数据处理方法以及震前ULF信号可能的产生机制,以供相关学者参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍第22太阳活动周峰年期间利用ULF波的观测和分析,对磁层近地空间电磁环境的研究,文中列举了这峰年期间地磁脉动的主要成果。有些成果是国际上首次提出和发表的,目前,地磁脉动的观测和研究已经成为监测近地空间电磁环境的重要手段。  相似文献   

A quantitative study of observations of the ionospheric signatures of magnetospheric ultra low frequency (ULF) waves by a high-latitude (geographic: 69.6°N 19.2°E) high-frequency Doppler sounder has been undertaken. The signatures, which are clearly correlated with pulsations in ground magnetometer data, exhibit periods in the range 100–400 s and have azimuthal wave numbers in the range 3–8. They are interpreted here as local field line resonances. Phase information provided by O- and X-mode Doppler data support the view that these are associated with field line resonances having large azimuthal scale sizes. The relative phases and amplitudes of the signatures in the Doppler and ground magnetometer data are compared with a model for the generation of Doppler signatures from incident ULF waves. The outcome suggests that the dominant mechanism involved in producing the Doppler signature is the vertical component of an E × B bulk motion of the local plasma caused by the electric field perturbation of the ULF wave.  相似文献   

An often observed and still unexplained feature of the high-m Alfvén waves in the terrestrial magnetosphere is their equatorward phase motion, in contrast with low-m waves. We suggest an explanation of this fact in terms of a model of wave excitation by an azimuthally drifting particle inhomogeneity injected during substorm activity. The azimuthal direction of the phase velocity coincides with that of the cloud. If the drift velocity increases with the radial coordinate, the particle cloud is stretched into spiral in the equatorial plane which leads to a radial component of the phase velocity directed toward Earth, that is, an equatorward phase propagation.  相似文献   

本文研究了0.1~10 Hz频率范围内的ULF波从磁层到地面的传播,得到了解析解,分析了电离层Alfven谐振器、磁倾角、电离层电导率、以及波频率对地面观测到的地磁信号的影响.数值结果表明:在磁层中剪切波在竖直方向有明显的谐振结构;地面观测到的信号在IAR谐振频率出现极大值,其谐振频率随磁倾角的增大而增大;电离层电导率的变化可以改变IAR的谐振频率,并能改变波的透射,从而影响地面地磁信号的频谱.  相似文献   

经过多年辛勤的努力,地震预报取得了一定的进展,但具有实际意义的短临预报还有待解决。与地震相关的电磁异常现象近来被认为是一种有希望解决地震短临预报的有效方法。在宽频范围内已经积累了前兆信号事件,ULF现象是其中有效的方法之一,短期预报很有希望通过ULF方法来实现。本文主要介绍探测ULF电磁扰动方法的接收原理和异常特征。  相似文献   

本文利用Cluster卫星2004年11月8日的观测数据,分析了磁尾等离子体片中与地向周期性高速离子流相伴随的ULF波.结果显示周期性高速流的速度波动与磁场和温度中的ULF波同时出现、同时增强、同时消失,而且波动的频率都集中在60~70 mHz.这说明磁场和温度ULF波与周期性高速流密切相关,周期性高速流是ULF波产生的来源.高速流波动的相位与磁场波动的相位大致反相关,与热离子温度波动的相位正相关,同时磁场波动与热离子温度波动呈相位反相关的特性.最小方差法分析的结果显示虽然波传播方向有地向分量,但其主要传播方向是向等离子体片中心传播,并与周期性高速流速度方向垂直.以上观测说明是高速流的周期性变化产生了磁场在Pi1频率范围内的ULF波.  相似文献   

The present article displays the results of theoretical investigation of the planetary ultra-low-frequency (ULF) electromagnetic wave structure, generation and propagation dynamics in the dissipative ionosphere. These waves are stipulated by a spatial inhomogeneous geomagnetic field. The waves propagate in different ionospheric layers along the parallels to the east as well as to the west and their frequencies vary in the range of (10–10−6) s−1 with a wavelength of order 103 km. The fast disturbances are associated with oscillations of the ionospheric electrons frozen in the geomagnetic field. The large-scale waves are weakly damped. They generate the geomagnetic field adding up to several tens of nanotesla (nT) near the Earth's surface. It is prescribed that the planetary ULF electromagnetic waves preceding their nonlinear interaction with the local shear winds can self-localize in the form of nonlinear long-living solitary vortices, moving along the latitude circles westward as well as eastward with a velocity different from the phase velocity of the corresponding linear waves. The vortex structures transfer the trapped particles of medium, as well as energy and heat. That is why such nonlinear vortex structures can be the structural elements of the ionospheric strong macro-turbulences.  相似文献   

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