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Francesca Pasquetti Monica Bini Biagio Giaccio Andrea Ratti Matteo Vacchi Giovanni Zanchetta 《第四纪科学杂志》2021,36(7):1174-1189
Relative sea-level (RSL) evolution during Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5 in the Mediterranean basin is still not fully understood despite a plethora of morphological, stratigraphic and geochronological studies carried out on highstand deposits of this area. In this review we assembled a database of 323 U/Th-dated samples (e.g. corals, molluscs, speleothems) which were used to chronologically constrain RSL evolution within MIS 5. The application of strict geochemical criteria to the U/Th samples indicates that only ~33% of data available for the Mediterranean Sea can be considered ‘reliable’. Most of these data (~65%) refer to the MIS 5e highstand, while only ~17% could be related to the MIS 5a. No attribution to MIS 5c can be unequivocally supported. Nevertheless, the resulting framework does not allow us to define a satisfactory RSL trend during the MIS 5e highstand and subsequent MIS 5 substages. Overall, the proposed selection of reliable/unreliable data would be useful for detecting areas where MIS 5 substage attributions are not supported by confident U/Th chronological data and thus the related reconstructions need to be revised. In this regard, the resulting framework calls for a reappraisal and re-examination of the Mediterranean records with advanced geochronological methodologies. 相似文献
河流阶地是研究河流演化、构造运动的良好载体,虽然北京地区第四纪地质研究程度较高,但北京东部地区对河流阶地的相关研究资料较少。笔者等以北京平谷燕山山前发育的泃河、黄松峪石河、将军关石河为研究对象,通过野外地质调查、光释光测年技术(OSL)详细划分了上述河流阶地的发育序列,在此基础上讨论了部分河流阶地的形成时代、阶地成因及河流阶地对燕山隆升的响应等地质问题,认为泃河南岸发育有3级阶地,北岸发育2级阶地;黄松峪石河最多发育有6级阶地;将军关石河发育有5级阶地。将军关石河至晚形成于中更新世晚期(161.7±7.7 ka BP),黄松峪石河至晚形成于晚更新世早期(121.2±5.4~100.3±4.1 ka BP),泃河至晚形成于晚更新世中期(79.4±3.3~70.8±3.4 ka BP)。泃河、黄松峪石河、将军关石河各级阶地的形成受到了古气候变化和燕山隆升的双重影响,平谷地区燕山在中更新世晚期以来,一直处于隆升的状态,晚更新世早期时隆升速率达到最大,可达0.24~0.34 mm/a,晚更新世中期时隆升速率降低,0.18~0.24 mm/a。以上成果对研究北京东部河流阶地发育特征、形成时代具有重要参考价值,也为中更新世晚期以来燕山的隆升提供了新的证据。 相似文献
河流阶地是研究河流演化、构造运动的良好载体, 虽然北京地区第四纪地质研究程度较高, 但北京东部地区对河流阶地的相关研究资料较少。本文以北京平谷燕山山前发育的泃河、黄松峪石河、将军关石河为研究对象, 通过野外地质调查、光释光测年技术(OSL)详细划分了上述河流阶地的发育序列, 在此基础上讨论了部分河流阶地的形成时代、阶地成因及河流阶地对燕山隆升的响应等地质问题, 认为泃河南岸发育有3级阶地, 北岸发育2级阶地;黄松峪石河最多发育有6级阶地;将军关石河发育有5级阶地。将军关石河至晚形成于中更新世晚期(161. 7±7. 7 ka BP), 黄松峪石河至晚形成于晚更新世早期(121. 2±5. 4~100. 3±4. 1 ka BP), 泃河至晚形成于晚更新世中期(79. 4±3. 3~70. 8±3. 4 ka BP)。泃河、黄松峪石河、将军关石河各级阶地的形成受到了古气候变化和燕山隆升的双重影响, 平谷地区燕山在中更新世晚期以来, 一直处于隆升的状态, 晚更新世早期时隆升速率达到最大, 可达0. 24~0. 34 mm/a, 晚更新世中期时隆升速率降低, 0. 18~0. 24 mm/a。以上成果对研究北京东部河流阶地发育特征、形成时代具有重要参考价值, 也为中更新世晚期以来燕山的隆升提供了新的证据。 相似文献
冰楔假型是反映古气候环境的重要标志,其蕴涵的气候地层信息对地貌演化过程具有重要的指示意义。通过对黄土高原北缘中部环江T1阶地上新发现的冰楔假型群特征的研究和光释光(OSL)测年,结果显示这些发育在冲积砂砾石中的冰楔假型的充填砂体的年代为 (30.01±3.31) ka B.P.,形成环境推测当时的年平均地温比现今要低17.7 ℃。该冰楔假型的发现也为末次冰期阶段性冻土南界的位置和变迁提供了证据。另外,据冰楔与阶地冲积物的关系推测,在冰楔形成的冰冻期河流阶地的堆积缓慢甚至停滞,在(28.64±3.13) ka B.P.之后的气候温暖期河流快速下切、T1阶地形成。这为河流阶地成因机制的探讨提供了依据,反映了气候波动对阶地发育的控制。 相似文献
Planktic foraminiferal census data, faunal sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and oxygen isotopic and lithic records from a site in the northeast Atlantic were analyzed to study the interglacial dynamics of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, a period thought to closely resemble the Holocene on the basis of orbital forcing. Interglacial conditions during MIS 11 persisted for approximately 26 ka. After the main deglacial meltwater processes ceased, a 10- to 12-ka-long transitional period marked by significant water mass circulation changes occurred before surface waters finally reached their thermal maximum. This SST peak occurred between 400 and 397 ka, inferred from the abundance of the most thermophilic foraminiferal species and was coincident with lowest sea level according to benthic isotope values. The ensuing stepwise SST decrease characterizes the overall climate deterioration preceding the increase in global ice volume by 3 ka. This cooling trend was followed by a more pronounced cold event that began at 388 ka, and that terminated in the recurrence of icebergs at the site around 382 ka. Because the water mass configuration of early MIS 11 evolved quite differently from that of the early Holocene, there is little evidence that MIS 11 can serve as an appropriate analogue for a future Holocene climate, despite the similarity in some orbital parameters. 相似文献
The Last Interglacial or Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, is of great interest because it serves as an analog for the Holocene. The climate change and duration during Marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e are considerably well understood for recent and future climate. Despite great interest in this subject over many years, a number of issues concerning the climate circumstances of MIS 5e are by no means resolved. We analyzed 35 published palaeoclimate records with reliable chronologies and robust proxies in typical region of the world to evaluate climate change during MIS 5e. These data indicate that: ① The duration of this warm phase is thought to range from (128±2) ka to (116±2) ka. The climate of MIS 5e was likely relatively stable with a number of abrupt, weak amplitude, cool and/or arid events. And the difference between regions is noticeable for the occurrence, amplitude, onset and duration of these events. For example, marine records from the North Atlantic indicate that the climate of MIS 5e was relatively stable, however the records from Norwegian sea show that the climate of MIS 5e had a significant changes at the beginning and cold event in the Mid-Eemian; The δ18O, δD and CH4 in the ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica imply that climate was relatively stable during the last interglacial period, while in Europe from the north to the south the duration of this phase became shorter and the intensity of climatic events became stronger. In addition, the climatic conditions of MIS 5e reconstructed by climate proxy from China are various and have the subject of some controversy. ②The global climate response to the insolation forcing would have been uniform on suborbital timescale. Nevertheless, as a result of regional sundry climatic forcing factors, global millennial-scale/century-scale climate oscillations were marked by significant local features during stage 5e. ③ Based on the better chronological controls, the estimation of climate parameters, the high-resolution climate records, and precise knowledge of the phase relationship between climate changes in global, the earlier depiction for climate circumstances and environment change during Marine Isotope Stage 5e should be refined and our understanding of the climate dynamics and mechanism and climate modelling should be improved. 相似文献
本文中笔者总结了多年来国内外中国东部陆架晚更新世地层结构研究的主要认识,系统阐述了层序地层与沉积环境演化.中国东部陆架沉积物输运量高、沉积作用受海平面变化影响强烈,是分析晚更新世沉积演化史的理想场所.末次盛冰期(22 ka BP)之前,海面的持续下降形成以浅海、三角洲及海陆交互沉积为主的强制海退体系域.进入盛冰期后,一个新的旋回开始,在海退体系域之上,相继形成了包括低位体系域、海侵体系域及高位体系域在内新的4级层序:22~15 ka BP盛冰期时期,海面降至最低,形成低位体系域,包括陆架深切河湖沉积及风成沉积,以及陆架边缘三角洲和潮流砂体等;盛冰期结束的15~7 ka BP时期,全球海平面快速上升,形成含河道充填、湖泊、盐沼、潮坪、潮流砂体及浅海沉积的退积型海侵体系域;约7 ka BP以后,海面与现今海面位置基本相当,形成高位体系域,主要为三角洲和潮流砂等近岸陆架的沉积. 相似文献
《Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. Geologists' Association》2017,128(2):198-221
This paper reports new fieldwork at Warsash which clarifies the terrace stratigraphic framework of the Palaeolithic archaeology of the region. Sections were recorded in former gravel pits and at coastal locations, supplemented by the use of ground penetrating radar and luminescence dating techniques. The region’s extensive borehole archive was also analysed to produce a revised terrace stratigraphy at Warsash and for the Test valley as a whole. At Warsash, some of the sediments previously identified as the Mottisfont/Lower Warsash Terrace are reassigned to the Hamble, Belbin/Upper Warsash and Ganger Wood/Mallards Moor Terraces. A luminescence dating programme, using test procedures not utilised in earlier dating studies in the region, yielded age estimates for the Hamble and Mottisfont/Lower Warsash Terraces at Warsash and also highlighted the complicated nature of the fluvial sediments of the River Test, suggesting that published luminescence ages for these deposits should be treated with some caution. This study indicates that the data used to construct terrace stratigraphies also requires careful assessment. The use of bedrock height and sediment thickness data produces more coherent long profile correlations than those produced by terrace surface data alone. The revised terrace stratigraphy provides the framework for the Palaeolithic archaeology at Warsash and clarifies correlations within and between archaeologically important sediments of the Test Valley, enabling it to contribute to discussions on the Lower-Middle Pleistocene settlement history of southern Britain. 相似文献
太行山南缘的武家湾河流经太行山与华北平原两大地貌单元的过渡地带,较太行山内部其他水系对新构造运动的响应更为敏感,能较好地记录区域地壳抬升历史。以武家湾河下游平甸河为研究重点,通过野外河流阶地级序及沉积特征的调查并结合光释光(OSL)测年结果,厘定了平甸河4级河流阶地,T4、T3、T2及T1阶地河拔高度分别为61~96 m、35~54 m、19~43 m、3~5 m,分别形成于974 kaBP、739 kaBP、483 kaBP、23 kaBP,根据对阶地成因的探讨,认为T4、T3、T2阶地为构造阶地,T1阶地为气候阶地,阶地资料揭示晚更新世(Qp3)太行山南缘经历3次间歇性构造抬升后至少隆升了90 m: 第一次抬升26~42 m、抬升速率111~179 mm/a,第二次抬升11~27 m、抬升速率043~105 mm/a,第三次抬升16~39 m、抬升速率035~085 mm/a。本研究为河流阶地对新构造运动的响应研究提供了实际材料,对晚更新世太行山的形成及演化研究具有较重要的参考价值。 相似文献
松宗古湖——藏东南帕隆藏布江末次盛冰期 发育的一个冰川堰塞湖* 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
青藏高原东南部帕隆藏布江松宗地区晚更新世期间发生了一次可以识别的支谷冰川阻江形成冰川堰塞湖——松宗古湖的事件。松宗滑坡处的湖相沉积剖面厚度≥88m,其中厚达18.33m并具湖相沉积代表性的连续粉质粘土层底部和顶部的光释光年龄分别为22.5±3.3kaB.P.和16.1±1.7kaB.P. , 属末次盛冰期。松宗滑坡处河谷两侧冰碛台地与湖相沉积的接触关系和空间特征指示该湖相沉积与末次盛冰期董曲支谷冰川阻塞帕隆藏布江有关。湖相地层的剖面沉积特征揭示出这个冰川堰塞湖可能贯穿于整个末次盛冰期,但整个帕隆藏布并没有形成统一的山谷冰川。 相似文献
We present a high‐resolution record of lacustrine sedimentation spanning ca. 30 000 to 9000 cal. a BP from Onepoto maar, northern North Island, New Zealand. The multi‐proxy record of environmental change is constrained by tephrochronology and accelerator mass spectrometric 14C ages and provides evidence for episodes of rapid environmental change during the Last Glacial Coldest Period (LGCP) and Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (LGIT) from northern New Zealand. The multi‐proxy palaeoenvironmental record from Onepoto indicates that the LGCP was cold, dry and windy in the Auckland region, with vegetation dominated by herb and grass in a beech forest mosaic between ca. 28 500 and 18 000 cal. a BP. The LGCP was accompanied by more frequent fires and influx of clastic sediment indicating increased erosion during the LGCP, with a mid‐LGCP interstadial identified between ca. 25 000 and 23 000 cal. a BP. Rapid climate amelioration at ca. 18 000 cal. a BP was accompanied by increased terrestrial biomass exemplified by the expansion of lowland podocarp forest, especially Dacrydium cupressinum. Increasing biomass production is reversed briefly by LGIT perturbations which are apparent in many of the proxies that span ca. 14 000–10 500 cal. a BP, suggesting generally increased wetness and higher in situ aquatic plant productivity with reduced terrestrial organic matter and terrigenous detrital influx. Furthermore, conditions at that time were probably warmer and frosts rare based on the increasing importance of Ascarina. The subsequent early Holocene is characterised by podocarp conifer forest and moist mild conditions. Postglacial sea‐level rise breached the crater rim and deposited 36 m of estuarine mud after ca. 9000 cal. a BP. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Optical dating is a method of measuring the time since the sample was buried from last thermal event or light exposure. Samples such as quartz and feldspar grains are the most commonly used sediment of measurement. Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR) method has become the most acceptable procedure for obtaining the equivalent Dose (De) of a sample. The Standardised Growth Curve (SGC) method provides a possible procedure for measuring a large number of samples; the limitation is that the growth curve fitted by different samples or even different aliquots is divergent. The global Standardised Growth Curve (gSGC) method improves the shortage by normalizing the dose response curves using one regenerative dose OSL signal. The gSGC provides a possible method for obtaining the De value of the sample efficiently and quickly. However, due to the radiation dose rate, operating procedures and instrument error and the selected regenerative-dose normalized dose value, etc., each laboratory should develop their own gSGC which has unique parameters. This study established the gSGC curve and measurement process of our laboratory, and then compared the consistency of the equivalent Dose (De) values from gSGC and SAR methods. In gSGC procedure, the De value of an aliquot can be estimated from the nature signal, one regenerative dose signal and their corresponding test dose signal. It will speed up the optical dating measurement rate of our laboratory and provide reference to establish gSGC in other laboratories. It is found that in the low dose range (0~100 Gy) the obtained De values were well consistent by gSGC and SAR methods. There were obviously differences in the higher dose range (>100 Gy) compared to the SAR results. It may be due to the insufficient number of older samples used to fit gSGC in this study. It is necessary to gradually accumulate more samples to improve the gSGC parameters in the future work. For some aliquots, individual quartz grains do not follow the global standardised growth curve, which leads to some deviations of De from gSGC. However, these two methods could obtain the similar average De value when multiple aliquots measuring. 相似文献
文章简要总结了近几年来在确定黄土中氧同位素阶段2/1和3/2界线位置、年代以及与此相关的光释光测年方面的最新进展。在黄土与全球变化的研究中,更新世与全新世界线的位置及其年代的确定始终难于解决。常用的方法是用磁化率曲线来定性确定这一界线,而其年代则从别处引用。近几年来光释光测年的一些最新进展为黄土高分辨率的光释光年代序列提供了条件,基于高分辨率光释光测年的沉积速率模型较好地解决了这一难题。由于冰期时黄土沉积速率较高,而间冰期(或间冰阶)时沉积速率相对较低,沉积速率模型认为,沉积速率变化的拐点即是冰期和间冰期的界线。运用这一模型,测算得出甘肃省临夏盆地塬堡剖面氧同位素阶段2/1和3/2界线的年代分别为13148±1115ka和2518±211ka. 相似文献
发育于山东滨海岛屿区的黄土与黄土高原等地内陆黄土相比,是沿海地区轨道尺度气候变化和海平面变化的重要记录,对研究区域古气候古环境演变具有特殊价值。本文通过对山东庙岛群岛大黑山岛北庄黄土剖面钻孔岩芯样品进行光释光(OSL)测年、粒度和磁化率分析,并与黄土高原典型黄土以及山东其他地区黄土进行了对比。研究结果表明,北庄黄土剖面0.5m处OSL年代为26.23±4.92ka,处于晚更新世末期,说明剖面全新世黄土缺失,与区域内其他剖面进行年代对比,可推断北庄黄土主要为末次间冰期以来堆积的黄土。与黄土高原典型黄土相比,北庄黄土为典型风成沉积物,但其平均粒径比黄土高原典型黄土粗,且与同区域其他岛屿上黄土相比粒径具有由南向北逐渐增大的变化趋势,这可能与不同阶段气候变化引起的海面升降而导致的主要物源不同有关。根据北庄黄土粒度和磁化率变化趋势并结合OSL测年结果,将该剖面从上到下划分为古土壤层、黄土层和古土壤层,分别对应着MIS 3~MIS 5气候旋回。因此,大黑山岛北庄黄土剖面记录了末次间冰期以来山东东部沿海地区古气候环境变化进程。
在雅鲁藏布江中游山南宽谷段发现了一套湖相沉积地层,形成时代为晚更新世晚期,为冰川阻江形成的堰塞湖沉积物。野外调查发现该套湖相地层在桑日县、乃东县、扎囊县等地均有出露,综合研究认为其为一个东起桑日县扎巴村、西至贡嘎机场附近的大型古堰塞湖泊,面积达700多km2。通过区域调查,该堰塞湖形成的湖相沉积地层在贡嘎县杰德秀镇出露最厚,厚10余m,主要由粉砂质黏土层、细砂层组成,水平纹层等湖相沉积特征明显,本研究称之为杰德秀古湖。杰德秀剖面顶部14C日历校正年龄为15 680~15 105 aBP,属于末次盛冰期。对比林芝古湖、格嘎古湖和松宗古湖等雅鲁藏布江下游堰塞湖的沉积物特征和形成时间,认为杰德秀古湖发育于末次盛冰期。沉积相特征和湖水库容量模拟分析表明,该堰塞湖发育时期,雅鲁藏布江中游山南宽谷段并未完全封闭,为一个湖水面积巨大的过水湖或吞吐湖,类似于现代过水水库。桑日县扎巴村雅鲁藏布江河谷两岸分布有冰碛物,其与雅鲁藏布江中游山南宽谷段的湖相沉积地层的时空关系指示杰德秀古湖与冰川阻塞河道有关,杰德秀古湖是由于冰川阻江形成的冰川堰塞湖。研究结果也进一步说明,雅鲁藏布江现代水系形成以前,其中游不存在面积巨大的众多古湖泊,雅鲁藏布江也不是溯源侵蚀疏干多个古湖泊而形成的,在古湖泊形成之前,雅鲁藏布江已经贯通。雅鲁藏布江流域内的古湖泊是由于气候变化、新构造运动或地震活动等原因造成河道堵塞形成的堰塞湖。 相似文献
Climate variability in the Salawusu River valley of the Ordos Plateau (Inner Mongolia,China) during Marine Isotope Stage 3 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Fluctuations in climatic proxies of the Milanggouwan section in the Salawusu River valley of the Ordos Plateau (Inner Mongolia, China) during Marine Isotope stage 3 (MIS 3) coincide well with sedimentary cycles for palaeo‐mobile dune sands alternating with fluvial–lacustrine facies and palaeosols. We compared the palaeo‐mobile dune sands with modern mobile dune sands (products of a cold and dry climate dominated by the East Asian winter monsoon), whereas the fluvial–lacustrine facies and palaeosols were controlled by a wet–warm climate similar to that of the East Asian summer monsoon. The MIS 3 climate of the Salawusu River valley appears to have experienced at least nine wet–warm and ten cold–dry fluctuations, divided into five stages: MIS 3e (58 900–49500 yr BP), MIS 3d (49 500–40 700 yr BP), MIS 3c (40 700–36 900 yr BP), MIS 3b (36 900–27 000 yr BP) and MIS 3a (27 000–22 300 yr BP). The 19 cold–warm climatic fluctuations corresponded roughly to the GRIP and Guliyan records, and with fluctuations in the North Atlantic climate. Notable peaks in the spectral analysis occurred at 19 500 yr, 1020 yr, 640 yr and 500 yr. Our results show that the millennial–centennial climate was closely related to the relative strengths of East Asian monsoons, which are controlled by the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation, and which is also closely linked to the Sun's precession period. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献