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The elemental (concentration of organic carbon, atomic H/C and C/N ratios), isotopic (δ13C values of organic matter) and molecular (predominant n-alkane chain length and carbon preference index (CPI)) organic components were measured for 600 samples taken from a 107-m long core from the Padul Basin (Andalusia, Spain). The record runs from the Lower Pleistocene (ca. 1 Ma B.P.) to the mid-Holocene (ca. 4.5 ka B.P.) with, in general, little diagenesis (removal of components). Two markedly different hydrogeological scenarios were interpreted: (1) From ca. 1 Ma to ca. 400 ka B.P. run-off recharge was significant and water depths were greater (lacustrine scenario). From ca. 400 to 4.5 ka B.P., the Padul Basin became a peat bog s.s. with the major water input coming from groundwater inflow. From ca. 400 to ca. 180 ka B.P. alternating episodes with either predominant grasses, trees or aquatic macrophytes which were linked to wet/dry phases, took place. An important deglaciation episode has been interpreted to occur between ca. 180 and 170 ka B.P. The global climatic changes occurring from ca. 170 to 25 ka B.P. were not recorded in the proxies, though they do show important variations linked to the Last Glacial Maximum and the beginning of the Holocene (ca. 25–10 ka B.P.): (2) Cold phases coexisting with dry periods produced the recession of forests and the development of grasses. After these periods, as both temperature and precipitation increased, forests expanded and the water level, linked to thaw, rose, especially at ca. 20 ka B.P. Few changes occurred during the Holocene, although there were short alternations between wet and dry episodes. Overall, the techniques applied proved to be excellent palaeoenvironmental proxies for studying the basin’s palaeoclimatological and palaeohydrological evolution.  相似文献   

At Lingfeng, (34°17'N, 104°08'E) on the northern slopes of the Qinling Mountains, a stratigraphic survey was made of a 21-m-profile of floodplain sediments on the watershed between the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) and Huang He (Yellow River) at 2500 m above sea level. The sediments contain <2 m thick layers of peat and detritical plant matter that had been deposited on the floodplain of the Langouhe. If the radiometric dates are reliable, the chronology of the site spans some 80,000 years, covering an accumulation process from the terminal Last Interglacial up to <24 ka BP. The phase >73 ka BP had cool and wet conditions with a coniferous forest vegetation. Between 73 ka and > 40 ka colder and drier conditions were likely. The vegetation changed from aPicea-Pinus forest to aPicea-Abies-Larix forest with a later increase of non-arboreal pollen. Around 40 ka the climate was warm and moist. The accumulation of silt and organic matter as well as the development of a mixed coniferous forest with high rates of thermophilous trees(Quercus, Castanea) characterize the interstadial conditions at this time. Later on, the climate changed to cool and moist conditions, evidenced by silt and peat accumulation and a coniferous forest vegetation up to <24 ka BP. The loess in this area was deposited after 24 ka and erosion by the tributaries of Chang Jiang and Huang He to a depth of at least 40 m created the watershed between the two river systems.  相似文献   

The palaeoceanographic evolution of the SW Svalbard shelf west of Hornsund over the last 14 000 years was reconstructed using benthic foraminiferal assemblages, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, and grain‐size and ice‐rafted debris data. The results reveal the complexity of the feedbacks influencing the shelf environment: the inflow of Atlantic and Arctic waters (AW and ArW, respectively), and the influence of sea ice and tidewater glaciers. The inflow of subsurface AW onto the shelf gradually increased with the first major intrusion at the end of the Bølling‐Allerød. During the Younger Dryas, the shelf was affected by fresh water originating from sea ice and glacier discharge. Glaciomarine conditions prevailed until the earliest Holocene with the intense deliveries of icebergs and meltwater from retreating glaciers and the occasional penetration of AW onto the shelf. Other major intrusions of AW occurred before and after the Preboreal oscillation (early Holocene), which resulted in more dynamic and open‐water conditions. Between 10.5 and 9.7 cal. ka BP, the shelf environment transformed from glaciomarine to open marine conditions. Between c. 9.7 and 6.1 cal. ka BP the AW advection reached its maximum, resulting in a highly dynamic and productive environment. At c. 6.1 cal. ka BP, the inflow of AW onto the Svalbard shelf decreased due to the intensification of the Greenland Gyre and the subduction of AW under the sea‐ice‐bearing ArW. Bioproductivity decreased over the next c. 5500 years. During the Little Ice Age, bioproductivity increased due to favourable conditions in the marginal sea‐ice zone despite the effects of cooling. The renewed advection of AW after AD 1850 started the climate warming trend observed presently. Our findings show that δ18O can be used to reconstruct the dominances of different water‐masses and, with some caution, as a proxy for the presence of sea ice in frontal areas over the northwestern Eurasian shelves.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary (MIS 3 to Recent) oceanographic evolution of the Basque shelf has been analysed for the first time based on the sedimentological analysis of three cores obtained from the middle and outer shelves. The cores are located in two interfluves separated by the San Sebastian canyon. The variability of the percentage of the planktonic foraminifera species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sin. and of δ18Obull allowed us to identify the influence of colder and warmer waters in the Basque shelf during the late Quaternary. From 56 cal. ka BP to the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (19 cal. ka BP) the sedimentary record shows a decreasing trend in the mean grain size that correlates with the eustatic sea‐level fall. The last Deglaciation (19–11.5 cal. ka BP) is characterized by a sea‐level rise that produced an important hiatus in the western outer shelf. During the Holocene, the middle and outer shelves present different behaviours. From 11.5 to 6.7 cal. ka BP, in the outer shelf the sea‐level rise that started during the Deglaciation produced a hiatus, whereas in the middle shelf the sedimentary succession records the presence of warm to temperate waters. Between 6.7–4.9 cal. ka BP, the entrance of cold surface water‐masses that only affected the middle shelf has been identified, and temperate to warm waters occurred in the outer shelf. The cold surface water‐masses retreated during 4.9–4.3 cal. ka BP in the middle shelf. Finally, from 4.3 cal. ka BP to Recent, the middle shelf registers a hiatus due to sea‐level stabilization after a generalized transgression, synchronous to a decrease in the energy of the water‐masses in the outer shelf. In conclusion, the environmental changes detected in the Basque shelf are attributed to both regional and eustatic sea‐level changes.  相似文献   

Changes in the ostracod assemblages from two sediment cores collected from Lago Cardiel in southeastern Patagonia (49°S) reflect the main regional abrupt climatic changes over the last 15.6 cal. ka BP. Shifts in species abundance and switches in dominances suggest that these were mainly driven by variable salinity. During the Late Pleistocene, Limnocythere rionegroensis was abundant and dominant, indicating waters with high salinity and prevalence of evaporative processes. Between 12.6 and 10.8 cal. ka BP, Lago Cardiel expanded markedly and reached an Early Holocene highstand of +55 m above present lake level. A major change in ostracod assemblage in which Limnocythere patagonica appears as the dominant species in parallel with the disappearance of L. rionegroensis and Eucypris aff. cecryphalium mirrored this transitional period between the cold and dry Late Pleistocene and the humid and warm Early Holocene. Over the last 4 cal. ka BP, L. rionegroensis returned to the species assemblage and Riocypris whatleyi increased its abundance pointing towards increasing salinities. The variations in size, shape and ornamentation of L. rionegroensis and R. whatleyi fossil valves were examined using geometric morphometric techniques and further compared to those of modern Patagonian sites. Limnocythere rionegroensis specimens displayed high morphological variability during the evolution of Lago Cardiel. More specifically, the switch in reproductive mode – from sexual to parthenogenetic– and the increase in valve ornamentation around 12.7 cal. ka BP suggest that these changes were promoted by the hydrological alteration that occurred in the Late Pleistocene. This exercise provides a robust range of morphological variation for these proxies, which will be useful in further taxonomic and palaeoenvironmental studies adding more information about different factors influencing the observed morphological trends.  相似文献   

Sedimentary cyclic sequences deposited during the Late Palaeozoic Ice Age are widespread. Glacio‐eustatic control of the cyclic patterns is commonly accepted, and the durations of the cyclothems generally match the short‐ and long‐eccentricity Milankovitch orbital parameters. Nevertheless, geochemical fingerprints of orbital parameters are poorly documented in deep‐time sedimentary records. Here, we report on well‐exposed Bashkirian cyclothems of c. 123 ka and c. 400 ka durations from the Valdorria platform. The shorter‐term cyclothems can be grouped into longer‐term composite sequences that are consistent with generally accepted durations of c. 125 ka and c. 400 ka for Milankovitch eccentricity cycles. The stratigraphic pattern is mirrored by the isotope geochemical signals, which show distinct recurring trends. These trends are confirmed by statistical tests. Whereas intrinsic factors and/or subaerial exposure related to sea‐level lowstands might have truncated cycle patterns in tectonically stable basins, rapid subsidence of the Valdorria platform's foreland basin appears to have contributed to a faithful recording of cyclothems of different orders. The patterns and biostratigraphic constraint revealed in this study demonstrate the power of orbital forcing in imprinting sedimentary and geochemical signals in the rock record.  相似文献   

The origin of two acoustic sediment units has been studied based on lithological facies, chronology and benthic stable isotope values as well as on foraminifera and clay mineral assemblages in six marine sediment cores from Kveithola, a small trough west of Spitsbergenbanken on the western Barents Sea margin. We have identified four time slices with characteristic sedimentary environments. Before c. 14.2 cal. ka, rhythmically laminated muds indicate extensive sea ice cover in the area. From c. 13.9 to 14.2 cal. ka, muds rich in ice‐rafted debris were deposited during the disintegration of grounded ice on Spitsbergenbanken. From c. 10.3 to 13.1 cal. ka, sediments with heterogeneous lithologies suggest a shifting influence of suspension settling and iceberg rafting, probably derived from a decaying Barents Sea Ice Sheet in the inner‐fjord and land areas to the north of Kveithola. Holocene deposition was episodic and characterized by the deposition of calcareous sands and shell debris, indicative of strong bottom currents. We speculate that a marked erosional boundary at c. 8.2 cal. ka may have been caused by the Storegga tsunami. Whilst deposition was sparse during the Holocene, Kveithola acted as a sediment trap during the preceding deglaciation. Investigation of the deglacial sediments provides unprecedented details on the dynamics and timing of glacial retreat from Spitsbergenbanken.  相似文献   

This study presents a multi‐proxy record from Lake Kotokel in the Baikal region at decadal‐to‐multidecadal resolution and provides a reconstruction of terrestrial and aquatic environments in the area during a 2000‐year interval of globally harsh climate often referred to as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The studied lake is situated near the eastern shoreline of Lake Baikal, in a climatically sensitive zone that hosts boreal taiga and cold deciduous forests, cold steppe associations typical for northern Mongolia, and mountain tundra vegetation. The results provide a detailed picture of the period in focus, indicating (i) a driest phase (c. 24.0–23.4 cal. ka BP) with low precipitation, high summer evaporation, and low lake levels, (ii) a transitional interval of unstable conditions (c. 23.4–22.6 cal. ka BP), and (iii) a phase (c. 22.6–22.0 cal. ka BP) of relatively high precipitation (and moisture availability) and relatively high lake levels. One hotly debated issue in late Quaternary research is regional summer thermal conditions during the LGM. Our chironomid‐based reconstruction suggests at least 3.5 °C higher than present summer temperatures between c. 22.6 and 22.0 cal. ka BP, which are well in line with warmer and wetter conditions in the North Atlantic region inferred from Greenland ice‐cores. Overall, it appears that environments in central Eurasia during the LGM were affected by much colder than present winter temperatures and higher than present summer temperatures, although the effects of temperature oscillations were strongly influenced by changes in humidity.  相似文献   

In the East Asian monsoon region,eolian deposits widely distributed in the middle-lower reaches of the Yantgze River are among the best materials available for studies on Quaternary climate change in the subtropical zone of Southern China.Typical eolian deposits in this region include upper Xiashu Loess(XL) and underlying Vermiculated Red Soil(VRS) layers.In this paper,chronological and paleoclimatic studies are conducted on an eolian deposit sequence near Jiujiang(JJ) city in northern Jiangxi province.A magnetostratigraphic study,combined with optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) dating,is conducted on the JJ section and provides further evidence that eolian deposits in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River have been formed since the late Early Pleistocene,and that the boundary age between the XL and VRS layers is about 300-400 kaBP.In grain-size records of the JJ section,the median grain-size and content of the 30 μm size fraction increase sharply after 300-400 kaBP,representing an East Asian winter monsoon intensification event.Further pollen analysis reveals differing pollen assemblages before and after 300-400 kaBP:there is an evident increase in plants adapted to grow in a warm humid environment after 300-400 kaBP,implying an increase in precipitation caused by intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon.Global ice volume and uplift of the Tibet Plateau(TP) are regarded as crucial factors influencing variations of the East Asian monsoon on a long-term scale.The deep-sea δ~(18)O record,which reflects variations in global ice volume,shows no obvious change after 300-400 kaBP.Moreover,the influence of global ice volume changes on the East Asian summer and winter monsoons is inverse;the global ice volume increase(decrease) implies a strengthened(weakened) winter monsoon and weakened(strengthened) summer monsoon.We therefore interpret the coupled intensifications of the East Asian summer and winter monsoons at about 300-400 kaBP to the uplift of the TP in the Middle Pleistocene.This climate event is also documented in eolian deposits from the southern margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP) and from the desert-loess transitional belt.However,it is not recorded in the loess-paleosol sequences from the central part of the CLP,thereby indicating differing climate responses to TP uplift in different regions,which requires further study.  相似文献   

Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier variations in the European Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Alps, climatic conditions reflected in glacier and rock glacier activity in the earliest Holocene show a strong affinity to conditions in the latest Pleistocene (Younger Dryas). Glacier advances in the Alps related to Younger Dryas cooling led to the deposition of Egesen stadial moraines. Egesen stadial moraines can be divided into three or in some cases even more phases (sub-stadials). Moraines of the earliest and most extended advance, the Egesen maximum, stabilized at 12.2 ± 1.0 ka based on 10Be exposure dating at the Schönferwall (Tyrol, Austria) and the Julier Pass-outer moraine (Switzerland). Final stabilization of moraines at the end of the Egesen stadial was at 11.3 ± 0.9 ka as shown by 10Be data from four sites across the Alps. From west to east the sites are Piano del Praiet (northwestern Italy), Grosser Aletschgletscher (central Switzerland), Julier Pass-inner moraine (eastern Switzerland), and Val Viola (northeastern Italy). There is excellent agreement of the 10Be ages from the four sites. In the earliest Holocene, glaciers in the northernmost mountain ranges advanced at around 10.8 ± 1.1 ka as shown by 10Be data from the Kartell site (northern Tyrol, Austria). In more sheltered, drier regions rock glacier activity dominated as shown, for example, at Julier Pass and Larstig valley (Tyrol, Austria). New 10Be dates presented here for two rock glaciers in Larstig valley indicate final stabilization no later than 10.5 ± 0.8 ka. Based on this data, we conclude the earliest Holocene (between 11.6 and about 10.5 ka) was still strongly affected by the cold climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas and the Preboreal oscillation, with the intervening warming phase having had the effect of rapid downwasting of Egesen glaciers. At or slightly before 10.5 ka rapid shrinkage of glaciers to a size smaller than their late 20th century size reflects markedly warmer and possibly also drier climate. Between about 10.5 ka and 3.3 ka conditions in the Alps were not conducive to significant glacier expansion except possibly during rare brief intervals. Past tree-line data from Kaunertal (Tyrol, Austria) in concert with radiocarbon and dendrochronologically dated wood fragments found recently in the glacier forefields in both the Swiss and Austrian Alps points to long periods during the Holocene when glaciers were smaller than they were during the late 20th century. Equilibrium line altitudes (ELA) were about 200 m higher than they are today and about 300 m higher in comparison to Little Ice Age (LIA) ELAs. The Larstig rock glacier site we dated with 10Be is the type area for a postulated mid-Holocene cold period called the Larstig oscillation (presumed age about 7.0 ka). Our data point to final stabilization of those rock glaciers in the earliest Holocene and not in the middle Holocene. The combined data indicate there was no time window in the middle Holocene long enough for rock glaciers of the size and at the elevation of the Larstig site to have formed. During the short infrequent cold oscillations between 10.5 and 3.3 ka small glaciers (less than several km2) may have advanced to close to their LIA dimensions. Overall, the cold periods were just too short for large glaciers to advance. After 3.3 ka, climate conditions became generally colder and warm periods were brief and less frequent. Large glaciers (for example Grosser Aletschgletscher) advanced markedly at 3.0–2.6 ka, around 600 AD and during the LIA. Glaciers in the Alps attained their LIA maximum extents in the 14th, 17th, and 19th centuries, with most reaching their greatest LIA extent in the final 1850/1860 AD advance.  相似文献   

We present an updated geological evolution of Mount Etna volcano based on new 40Ar/39Ar age determinations and stratigraphic data integrating the previous K/Ar ages. Volcanism began at about 500 ka ago through submarine eruptions on the Gela–Catania Foredeep basin. About 300 ka ago fissure-type eruptions occurred on the ancient alluvial plain of the Simeto River forming a lava plateau. From about 220 ka ago the eruptive activity was localised mainly along the Ionian coast where fissure-type eruptions built a shield volcano. Between 129 and 126 ka ago volcanism shifted westward toward the central portion of the present volcano (Val Calanna–Moscarello area). Furthermore, scattered effusive eruptions on the southern periphery of Etna edifice occurred until about 121 ka ago. The stabilization of the plumbing system on the Valle del Bove area is marked by the building of two small polygenic edifices, Tarderia and Rocche volcanoes. Their eruptive activity was rather coeval ending 106 and 102 ka ago, respectively. During the investigated time-span volcanism in Etna region was controlled by a main E–W extensional tectonic related to the reactivation of Malta Escarpment fault system in eastern Sicily. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

柴达木盆地察尔汗古湖贝壳堤剖面粒度特征及其沉积环境   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过对柴达木察尔汗盐湖贝壳堤剖面沉积物粒度、碳酸盐和磁化率的对比,结合沉积物粒度频率曲线与多种粒度参数分析,详细讨论了研究剖面形成过程中物质搬运和沉积作用以及所反映的环境变化。结果表明沉积物粒度特征指示了湖泊水位的相对变化。在距今约38.2 ka BP(14-C年代,未校正。下同)左右,沉积记录指示古湖泊的范围和水位已达到剖面位置,之后湖泊继续扩张、水位波动上升;在距今约35.5 ka BP,粒径有一突然变细又变粗的过程,可能为一次较快速的湖面波动;在距今约35.5 ~ 33.3 ka BP之间,沉积物颗粒较粗,碳酸盐含量和磁化率值低,揭示湖泊水位较低。距今约33.3 ~ 27.1 ka BP之间,沉积物颗粒较细,碳酸盐含量较前一阶段高,表明此阶段湖泊水位相对较深,但粒度、碳酸盐和磁化率等指标也记录了三次较明显的湖泊快速但短暂的退缩过程;在距今约29.7~28.3 ka BP,沉积物颗粒最细,指示了此时期可能为湖泊水位最高期。从距今约27.1 ka BP开始,沉积积物颗粒明显变粗,揭示湖泊进入到退缩期,距今约18.1 ka BP,粒度指标的变化和上层的盐壳指示湖泊进入快速盐化阶段,之后湖泊退出剖面所在的位置,此后研究区湖泊水位再也没有达到这个高度。  相似文献   

To obtain a better understanding of climate change in south China in the Quaternary, a clay mineralogical study was undertaken on the red earth profile at Jiujiang, using X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and particle‐size distribution analysis methods. The XRD results showed that the clay minerals of the Jiujiang red earth were mainly mixed‐layer illite–smectite (I/S), illite, kaolinite and vermiculite, with trace amounts of mixed‐layer kaolinite–smectite (K/S). Changes in clay mineral composition displayed a trend of three‐stage evolution. The higher mixed‐layer I/S clays and kaolinite contents in the lower portion suggest extremely warm and humid climates over the period c. 700 to c. 350 ka ago. A gradual decrease in I/S clays and kaolinite reveals a gradual climate change from warm/humid to cool/dry during the period c. 350 to c. 130 ka ago. The higher illite and vermiculite contents indicate a relatively cool and dry climate during the period since c. 130 ka ago. The particle‐size distribution pattern of the upper section was similar to that of the Xiashu loess, while that of the middle to lower section was similar to those of fluvially reworked red earth. A rapid increase in the abundance of large grain‐size components at 2.6 m depth indicates an intensification of the winter monsoon and a cool and dry climate during the period, in good agreement with results from the clay mineral composition and homogeneous structure. The red earth sequences in south China could probably be used to test the response of tropical to subtropical regions to global climate changes.  相似文献   

Autochthonous red algal structures known as coralligène de plateau occur in the modern warm‐temperate Mediterranean Sea at water depths from 20 to 120 m, but fossil counterparts are not so well‐known. This study describes, from an uplifted coastal section at Plimiri on the island of Rhodes, a 450 m long by 10 m thick Late Pleistocene red algal reef (Coralligène Facies), interpreted as being a coralligène de plateau, and its associated deposits. The Coralligène Facies, constructed mainly by Lithophyllum and Titanoderma, sits unconformably upon the Plio‐Pleistocene Rhodes Formation and is overlain by a Maerl Facies (2 m), a Mixed Siliciclastic‐Carbonate Facies (0·2 m) and an Aeolian Sand Facies (2·5 m). The three calcareous facies, of Heterozoan character, are correlated with established members in the Lindos Acropolis Formation in the north of the island, while the aeolian facies is assigned to the new Plimiri Aeolianite Formation. The palaeoenvironmental and genetic‐stratigraphic interpretations of these mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate temperate water deposits involved consideration of certain characteristics associated with siliciclastic shelf and tropical carbonate shelf models, such as vertical grain‐size trends and the stratigraphic position of zooxanthellate coral growths. Integration of these results with electron spin resonance dates of bivalve shells indicates that the Coralligène Facies was deposited during Marine Isotope Stage 6 to 5e transgressive event (ca 135 to 120 ka), in water depths of 20 to 50 m, and the overlying Maerl Facies was deposited during regression from Marine Isotope Stage 5e to 5d (ca 120 to 110 ka), at water depths of 25 to 40 m. The capping Aeolian Sand Facies, involving dual terrestrial subunits, is interpreted as having formed during each of the glacial intervals Marine Isotope Stages 4 (71 to 59 ka) and 2 (24 to 12 ka), with soil formation during the subsequent interglacial periods of Marine Isotope Stages 3 and 1, respectively. Accumulation rates of about 0·7 mm year?1 are estimated for the Coralligène Facies and minimum accumulation rates of 0·2 mm year?1 are estimated for the Maerl Facies. The existence of older red algal reefs in the Plimiri region during at least Marine Isotope Stages 7 (245 to 186 ka) and 9 (339 to 303 ka) is inferred from the occurrence of reworked coralligène‐type lithoclasts in the basal part of the section and from the electron spin resonance ages of transported bivalve shells.  相似文献   

Based on geological and archaeological proxies from NW Russia and NE Estonia and on GIS‐based modelling, shore displacement during the Stone Age in the Narva‐Luga Klint Bay area in the eastern Gulf of Finland was reconstructed. The reconstructed shore displacement curve displays three regressive phases in the Baltic Sea history, interrupted by the rapid Ancylus Lake and Litorina Sea transgressions c. 10.9–10.2 cal. ka BP and c. 8.5–7.3 cal. ka BP, respectively. During the Ancylus transgression the lake level rose 9 m at an average rate of about 13 mm per year, while during the Litorina transgression the sea level rose 8 m at an average rate of about 7 mm per year. The results show that the highest shoreline of Ancylus Lake at an altitude of 8–17 m a.s.l. was formed c. 10.2 cal. ka BP and that of the Litorina Sea at an altitude of 6–14 m a.s.l., c. 7.3 cal. ka BP. The oldest traces of human activity dated to 8.5–7.9 cal. ka BP are associated with the palaeo‐Narva River in the period of low water level in the Baltic basin at the beginning of the Litorina Sea transgression. The coastal settlement associated with the Litorina Sea lagoon, presently represented by 33 Stone Age sites, developed in the area c. 7.1 cal. ka BP and existed there for more than 2000 years. Transformation from the coastal settlement back to the river settlement indicates a change from a fishing‐and‐hunting economy to farming and animal husbandry c. 4.4 cal. ka BP, coinciding with the time of the overgrowing of the lagoon in the Narva‐Luga Klint Bay area.  相似文献   

The Sisimiut area was deglaciated in the early Holocene, c. 11 cal. ka BP. At that time the lowlands were inundated by the sea, but the isostatic rebound surpassed the global sea‐level rise, and the lowlands emerged from the sea. The pioneer vegetation in the area consisted of mosses and herbaceous plants. The oldest remains of woody plants (Empetrum nigrum) are dated to c. 10.3 cal. ka BP, and remains of Salix herbacea and Harrimanella hypnoides are found in slightly younger sediments. The maximum occurrence of statoblasts of the bryozoan Plumatella repens from c. 10 to 4.5 cal. ka BP probably reflects the Holocene thermal maximum, which is also indicated in geochemical proxies of the lake sediments. A maximum in organic matter accumulation in one of the three studied lakes c. 3 cal. ka BP can probably be ascribed to a late Holocene short‐duration temperature maximum or a period of increased aridity. Cenococcum geophilum sclerotia are common in the late Holocene, implying increased soil erosion during the Neoglaciation. A comparison with sediment and macrofossil records from inland shows similar Holocene trends and a similar immigration history. It also reveals that there has been a significant gradient throughout the Holocene, from an oceanic and stable climate at the outer coast to a more continental and unstable climate with warmer summers and drier conditions close to the margin of the Greenland ice sheet, where the buffer capacity of the sea is lower.  相似文献   

The Kenai Peninsula of south‐central Alaska is a region of high topographic diversity with a complex glacial history. The sedimentary record of two small lakes [Sunken Island (SIL; 76 m a.s.l.) in the Kenai Lowlands; Choquette (CL; 527 m a.s.l.) in the Caribou Hills upland] exemplifies the postglacial development of the conifer–hardwood forest over an elevational range there. A herb–shrub tundra was established at both sites after deglaciation. By ~10.7 ka, poplar (Populus sp.) and alder (Alnus) dominated the lowland forest, while alder with minor poplar occurred at the upland site. Lake levels lower than today occurred during the early Holocene until ~8 ka. Subsequently at SIL, the near‐modern Kenai birch (Betula kenaica) – white spruce (Picea glauca) forest maintained prominence throughout the Holocene. However, at CL, alder dominated with dwarf birch and other subshrubs; small amounts of white spruce arrived ~5.2 ka. Black spruce (Picea mariana) grew around SIL by ~4 ka, but never gained prominence at CL. Fire, a prominent agent of disturbance in the Kenai Lowlands since ~8 ka, was essentially absent at the hardwood‐dominated upland site before ~6 ka, and rare thereafter. This suggests an important link between fire and spruce in Kenai forests.  相似文献   

Uummannaq Fjord, West Greenland, held the Uummannaq Ice Stream system that drained an estimated ~6% of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) during the Last Glacial Maximum. Published ages for the final deglaciation in Uummannaq Fjord vary from as early as c. 9.8 ka to as late as c. 5.3 ka. Assessing this variability requires additional chronological controls to improve the deglaciation history of central West Greenland. Here, we combine 14C dating of lake sediment cores with cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating at sites adjacent to the present GrIS margin in the central‐inland sector of the Uummannaq Fjord system. We find that ice retreated to or within the present GrIS margin at 10.8±0.2 ka (n = 6). Although this ‘final deglaciation’ to or within the present GrIS margin across the Uummannaq Fjord system varies from c. 10.8 to 5.3 ka, all chronologies indicate collapse from the continental shelf to the inner fjords at c. 11.0 ka, which occurred at a net retreat rate of 300–1100 m a−1. The Uummannaq Fjord system deglaciated c. 1000 years earlier than the major fjord system to the south, Disko Bugt. However, similarly rapid retreat rates of the two palaeo‐ice stream systems suggest that their collapse may have been aided by high calving rates. The asynchronous deglaciation of the GrIS throughout the Uummannaq Fjord system probably relates to the influence of varying fjord geometry on marine glacier behaviour.  相似文献   

From the synthesis of the malacological data collected from 12 sites in the large flood‐plain of the Seine basin, three main environmental stages have been reconstructed. During the first half of the Holocene, forest environments are prevalent (Seine 1). As early as c. 6.5 cal. ka BP, the first evidence of woodland clearance is observed (Seine 2) and, from c. 3.4 cal. ka BP, the lowlands were largely cleared of trees and are dominated by grassland (Seine 3). This three‐stage development of environmental conditions is consistent with the environmental developments reconstructed from molluscan successions in England, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Our results highlight anthropogenic disturbance as the key factor in the openness of the Holocene landscape and pinpoint the period between c. 3.6 and c. 2.8 cal. ka BP as a transitional phase of this large‐scale environmental change.  相似文献   

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