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通过对内蒙古中部腾格尔诺尔湖泊沉积、粒度组成、孢粉组合等特征的综合分析,重建了该地区全新世晚期1700aBP以来的环境演变过程。结果表明,该地区1700aBP以来的气候环境变化可以分为4个阶段:1700~1170aBP,气候温暖较湿润;1170~840aBP,为温干气候期;840~200aBP,气候转为温暖湿润,间有短期的冷干波动;200aBP以来气候以温干为主,晚期气候有向凉干转变的趋势。  相似文献   

赵志丽  王永  姚培毅  迟振卿  关友义 《地质通报》2011,30(08):1251-1255
通过对内蒙古中部腾格尔诺尔湖泊沉积、粒度组成、孢粉组合等特征的综合分析,重建了该地区全新世晚期1700aBP以来的环境演变过程。结果表明,该地区1700aBP以来的气候环境变化可以分为4个阶段:1700~1170aBP,气候温暖较湿润;1170~840aBP,为温干气候期;840~200aBP,气候转为温暖湿润,间有短期的冷干波动;200aBP以来气候以温干为主,晚期气候有向凉干转变的趋势。  相似文献   

鲁西孟家屯岩组中发现红柱石和锌尖晶石   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
侯增谦、高永丰、黄卫于2001年发表的《西藏高原雅鲁藏布江北岸蛇绿岩带的发现及其地质意义》一文中,把所发现的蛇绿岩带描述为“谢通门蛇绿岩带东起大竹卡区,西至谢通门以西,长数百千米,宽3~5km,由一系列自北而南逆冲推覆的构造岩片构成,其中,基性玄武熔岩岩片、巨厚辉长岩岩片、超镁铁质辉石岩-纯橄岩岩片,依次由雅江近岸至冈底斯弧内部呈叠瓦状排布。变质橄榄岩出露零星,少许孤立的岩体出露于雅江近岸,发育强烈碳酸盐化和蛇纹石化;大量散布的岩群出露于堆积岩岩片的北侧,多在冈底斯弧花岗岩基和弧火山-沉积岩系中呈…  相似文献   

We present here the results of pollen analysis of two sequences of about 8.06 m and 11.90 m length, originating from two adjacent peat bogs in the southern part of Transylvania province, Romania (155 and 122 pollen spectra). The vegetation record, which is supported by 17 14C dates, begins in the Late Glacial interstadial when forest recolonisation began with the development of Pinus, without a pioneer Betula phase. Picea began to expand from regional refuges. After a well‐defined Younger Dryas, the Holocene opens with the expansion of Betula, Ulmus and Picea, followed, at about 10 400 cal. yr BP, by Fraxinus, Quercus and Tilia. The Corylus optimum is correlated with the Atlantic chronozone (after 8600 cal. yr BP). The local establishment of Carpinus occurred at about 6500 cal. yr BP, with a maximum at about 5700 cal. yr BP. Fagus pollen is regularly recorded after 8200 cal. yr BP. This taxon became dominant at about 3700 cal. yr BP. The first indications of human activities appear at around 7200 cal. yr BP. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


贵州西部位于北亚热带云贵高原山地湿润-半湿润气候区,西南季风是该区域水汽来源的主要气候系统。贵州六盘水娘娘山有连片分布的垫状泥炭沼泽沉积,较完整记录了过去的植被和气候历史,是研究气候-植被-火灾-人类活动变化的理想场所。本研究以六盘水娘娘山1999 m海拔的一处泥炭湿地钻孔上部52 cm岩芯为研究材料,通过AMS 14C测年获得年代框架,采用孢粉和炭屑分析,重建了该地区晚全新世气候变化和人类活动叠加影响下的植被演替及火灾活动历史。结果表明:3500~3100 cal.a B.P. 期间,当地亚热带常绿阔叶林繁盛,火灾活动为气候控制为主的森林火灾,但火灾活动并未改变阔叶林的总体面貌;3100~600 cal.a B.P. 期间,气候呈变干趋势,阔叶类木本植物显著减少,当地植被从亚热带常绿阔叶林转变为疏林草地和针叶类疏林,极可能是趋于冷干的气候环境的结果;大约600 cal.a B.P. 之后,当地植被演变为开阔林,同时,出现大颗粒炭屑(>125 μm)以及伴人花粉的明显增加,表明人类农业活动高强度的刀耕火种已经扩张到较高海拔山区。区域对比显示,西南地区在3500 cal.a B.P. 以来,主要以区域性火灾为主,而3100 cal.a B.P. 以后的火灾活动受到气候变干和人类活动的双重影响,特别是600 cal.a B.P. 以来,人类活动(刀耕火种)成为局地火灾和植被更替的主要因素。


Pollen evidence from sediment cores at Hurleg and Toson lakes in the Qaidam Basin was obtained to examine vegetation and climatic change in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The chronologies were controlled by 210Pb and 137Cs analysis and AMS 14C dating. Pollen assemblages from both lakes are dominated by Chenopodiaceae (∼ 40%), Artemisia (∼ 30-35%) and Poaceae (∼ 20-25%), with continued occurrence but low abundance of Nitraria, Ephedra, and Cyperaceae. Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae (A/C) pollen ratios from two lakes show coherent large oscillations at centennial timescale during the last 1000 yr. A/C ratios were high around AD 1170, 1270, 1450, 1700 and 1920, suggesting that the vegetation was more “steppe-like” under a relatively moist climate than that during the intervening periods. Wet-dry climate shifts at the two lakes (2800 m asl) are in opposite phases to precipitation changes derived from tree-ring records in the surrounding mountains (> 3700 m asl) and to pollen and snow accumulation records from Dunde ice core (5300 m asl), showing that a dry climate in the basin corresponds with a wet interval in the mountains, especially around AD 1600. This contrasting pattern implies that topography might have played an important role in mediating moisture changes at regional scale in this topographically complex region.  相似文献   

泸沽湖地区受人类活动影响较小、对气候变化较为敏感,是开展古气候研究的理想区域。本文以孢粉为重要研究手段,对采自泸沽湖草海地区103cm的浅钻沉积物开展研究,采样间距2cm,共取得52块样品用于孢粉分析。沉积物年龄采用AMS-~(14)C测定,经校正之后钻孔底部年龄为3455cal.a BP。经实验分析之后,所有样品均含有丰富的孢粉类群,反映的植被组成主要以松(Pinus)林为主,铁杉(Tsuga)也较为常见,被子植物中则以栎属(Quercus)占绝对优势,栗属(Castanea)和木犀科(Oleaceae)植物也频繁出现,而草本植物则以禾本科(Gramineae)为主,蓼科(Polygonaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物也是重要的组成成分,林下生长有大量的蕨类的植物,主要以紫萁属(Osmunda)、石松属(Lycopodium)和膜蕨科(Hymenophyllaceae)等为主,另外,采样点草海为季节性湿地,水生植物主要以香蒲属(Typha)和藻类植物中的双星藻(Zygnema)和水绵(Spirogyra)最为常见。为了获得该地区晚全新世以来的气候变化曲线,本研究采用共存分析法分别对划分的四个孢粉带进行了古气候的定量重建,年均温和年均降水量分别为:3455cal.a BP至2585cal.a BP,MAT(mean annual temperature)=11.5~18.6℃,MAP(mean annual precipitation)=797.5~1484.3mm;2585cal.a BP至1699cal.a BP,MAT=11.7~18.6℃,MAP=617.9~1523.1mm;1699cal.a BP至595cal.a BP,MAT=8.5~18.6℃,MAP=797.5~1484.3mm;595cal.a BP至今,MAT=5.7~18.6℃,MAP=617.9~1484.3mm。结果显示该地区3455cal.a BP以来气候经历了略微变暖-变凉-持续变凉-回暖四个阶段。本研究还将变化曲线与其他地区同时代的研究结果进行了对比分析,显示年均温的变化趋势与格陵兰冰芯δ~(18)O以及祁连山敦德冰芯所反映的温度变化趋势基本一致,并可观察到中世纪暖期、晚全新世小冰期及现代温暖期。  相似文献   

High-resolution pollen analyses ( 50 yr) from sediment cores retrieved at Chernyshov Bay in the NW Large Aral Sea record shifts in vegetational development from subdesertic to steppe vegetation in the Aral Sea basin during the late Holocene. Using pollen data to quantify climatic parameters, we reconstruct and date for the first time significant changes in moisture conditions in Central Asia during the past 2000 yr. Cold and arid conditions prevailed between ca. AD 0 and 400, AD 900 and 1150, and AD 1500 and 1650 with the extension of xeric vegetation dominated by steppe elements. These intervals are characterized by low winter and summer mean temperatures and low mean annual precipitation (Pmm < 250 mm/yr). Conversely, the most suitable climate conditions occurred between ca. AD 400 and 900, and AD 1150 and 1450, when steppe vegetation was enriched by plants requiring moister conditions (Pmm  250–500 mm/yr) and some trees developed. Our results are fairly consistent with other late Holocene records from the eastern Mediterranean region and the Middle East, showing that regional rainfall in Central Asia is predominantly controlled by the eastern Mediterranean cyclonic system when the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is in a negative phase.  相似文献   

Sedimentological, micropalaeontological (benthic foraminifers and dinoflagellate cysts), stable isotope data and AMS 14C datings on cores and surface samples, in addition to acoustic data, have been obtained from Voldafjorden, western Norway. Based on these data the late glacial and Holocene sedimentological processes and variability in circulation and fjord environments are outlined. Glacial marine sedimentation prevailed in the Voldafjorden between 11.0 kyr and 9.2 kyr BP (radiocarbon years). In the later part of the Allerød period, and for the rest of the Holocene, there was deposition of fine‐grained normal marine sediments in the fjord basin. Turbidite layers, recorded in core material and on acoustic profiles, dated to ca. 2.1, 6.9–7.6, ca. 9.6 and ca. 11.0 kyr BP, interrupted the marine sedimentation. The event dated to between 6.9 and 7.6 kyr BP probably corresponds to a tsunami resulting from large‐scale sliding on the continental margin off Norway (the Storegga Tsunami). During the later part of the Allerød period, Voldafjorden had a strongly stratified water column with cold bottom water and warm surface water, reaching interglacial temperatures during the summer seasons. During the Younger Dryas cold event there was a return to arctic sea‐surface summer temperatures, possibly with year‐round sea‐ice cover, the entire benthic fauna being composed of arctic species. The first strong Holocene warming, observed simultaneously in bottom and sea‐surface temperature proxies, occurred at ca. 10.1 kyr BP. Bottom water proxies indicate two cold periods, possibly with 2°C lowering of temperatures, at ca. 10.0 (PBO 1) and at 9.8 kyr BP (PBO 2). These events may both result from catastrophic outbursts of Baltic glacial lake water. The remainder of the Holocene experienced variability in basin water temperature, indicated by oxygen isotope measurements with an amplitude of ca. 2°C, with cooler periods at ca. 8.4–9.0, 5.6, 5.2, 4.6, 4.2, 3.5, 2.2, 1.2 and 0.4–0.8 kyr BP. Changes in the fjord hydrology through the past 11.3 kyr show a close correspondence, both in amplitude and timing of events, recorded in cores from the Norwegian Sea region and the North Atlantic. These data suggest a close relationship between fjord environments and variability in large‐scale oceanic circulation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Chuna Lake (Kola Peninsula, northwest Russia) was studied for pollen, diatoms and sediment chemistry in order to infer post‐glacial environmental changes and to investigate responses of the lake ecosystem to these changes. The past pH and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of the lake were inferred using diatom‐based transfer functions. Between 9000 and 4200 cal. yr BP, slow natural acidification and major changes in the diatom flora occurred in Chuna Lake. These correlated with changes in regional pollen, the arrival of trees in the catchment, changes in erosion, sediment organic content and DOC. During the past 4200 yr diatom‐based proxies showed no clear response to changes in vegetation and erosion, as autochthonous ecological processes became more important than external climate influences during the late Holocene. The pollen stratigraphy reflects the major climate patterns of the central Kola Peninsula during the Holocene, i.e. a climate optimum between 9000 and 5400/5000 cal. yr BP when climate was warm and dry, and gradual climate cooling and an increase in moisture during the past 5400/5000 yr. This agrees with the occurrence of the north–south humidity gradient in Fennoscandia during the Holocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mau Forest Complex is Kenya's largest fragment of Afromontane forest, providing critical ecosystem services, and has been subject to intense land use changes since colonial times. It forms the upper catchment of rivers that drain into major drainage networks, thus supporting the livelihoods of millions of Kenyans and providing important wildlife areas. We present the results of a sedimentological and palynological analysis of a Late Pleistocene–Holocene sediment record of Afromontane forest change from Nyabuiyabui wetland in the Eastern Mau Forest, a highland region that has received limited geological characterization and palaeoecological study. Sedimentology, pollen, charcoal, X-ray fluorescence and radiocarbon data record environmental and ecosystem change over the last ~16 000 cal a bp. The pollen record suggests Afromontane forests characterized the end of the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene with dominant taxa changing from Apodytes, Celtis, Dracaena, Hagenia and Podocarpus to Cordia, Croton, Ficus, Juniperus and Olea. The Late Holocene is characterized by a more open Afromontane forest with increased grass and herbaceous cover. Continuous Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae vegetation currently cover the wetland and the water level has been decreasing over the recent past. Intensive agroforestry since the 1920s has reduced Afromontane forest cover as introduced taxa have increased (Pinus, Cupressus and Eucalyptus).  相似文献   

The Holocene sediment of Lago Piccolo di Avigliana (Piedmont, Italy, 356 m a.s.l.) was dated by 14C and analysed for pollen to reconstruct the vegetation history of the area. The early‐ and mid‐Holocene pollen record shows environmental responses to centennial‐scale climatic changes as evidenced by independent palaeoclimatic proxies. When human impact was low or negligible, continental mixed‐oak forests decreased at ca. 9300 BC in response to the early‐Holocene Preboreal climatic oscillation. Abies alba expanded in two phases, probably in response to higher moisture availability at ca. 6000 and ca. 4000 BC , while Fagus expanded later, possibly in response to a climatic change at 3300 BC . During and after the Bronze Age five distinct phases of intensified land use were detected. The near synchroneity with the land‐use phases detected in wetter regions in northern and southern Switzerland points to a common forcing factor in spite of cultural differences. Increasing minerogenic input to the lake since 1000 BC coincided with Late Bronze—Iron Age technical innovations and probably indicate soil erosion as a consequence of deforestation in the lake catchment. The highest values for cultural indicators occurred at 700–450 and at 300–50 BC , coinciding with periods of high solar activity (inferred from Δ14C). This suggests that Iron Age land use was enhanced by high solar activity, while re‐occupation of partly abandoned areas after crises in earlier periods match better with the GRIP stable isotope record. On the basis of our data and comparison with independent palaeoclimatic proxies we suggest that precipitation variation was much more important than temperature oscillations in driving vegetation and societal changes throughout the Holocene. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pollen, diatom, radiocarbon and lithostratigraphical data from isolation basins in northwest Scotland are used to quantify the reference water (tide) level, indicative range and age of differenty types of isolation and connection contacts. Tendencies of sea-level movement and relative sea-level changes from the mid-Lateglacial Interstadial (11.8 ka BP) to the late Holocene are constructed from these data. Relative sea-level fell continuously from + 17.8 m OD at 11.8 ka BP to ca. + 5.2 m OD at 10.1 ka BP. From an unkown minimum between 10 ka and 9 ka BP relative sea-level then rose to +6.3 m OD at 8.3 ka BP. The maximum Holocene sea-level occurred within the range +6.6 m OD to +9.3 m OD between 6.6 ka BP and 4.0 ka BP before falling to present. Isobase, age-altitude and quantitative rebound models for northwest Scotland are tested using these sealevel data, but none of the published models shows close agreement with the new results.  相似文献   

The role and extent of climate as a cause of the expansion and decline of human cultures is still debatable. It is clear, however, that human–environment interactions are enhanced and interplay more closely in climatically sensitive areas such as around hydrologically closed basins. Lago Cardiel is located at 49° S in the very arid rain shadow east of the Andes, providing an exceptionally receptive system to changes in hydrological balance. Results of a geophysical survey combined with sedimentological and geochemical studies provide a continuous Lateglacial–Holocene record of substantial water‐level changes. These variations, combined with archaeological results from the catchment area, offer a unique possibility to explore the pattern of peopling within this remote area of the globe and its possible relation to climate change. Human occupation in Patagonia is well documented towards the Andes throughout the entire Holocene. Archaeological data from the Lago Cardiel basin, however, show an apparent lack of human activity during the first part of this period, which coincides with well‐constrained high lake levels. Our results show an intriguing coincidence between low lake level and increasing human occupation, suggesting that the Lago Cardiel basin has focused human use during intervals with relatively lower effective moisture such as during the Late Pleistocene, but its evidence may have been submerged. This interpretation is confirmed by archaeological remains from Lago Strobel, another perennial lake with a comparable catchment located in the same climatic region and thus sharing the same climatic history as Lago Cardiel. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The world's most extensive and active deltas, Louisiana's wetlands, are deteriorating rapidly due to multiple stressors. Their ecological and anthropogenic histories on a multimillennial timescale have not been thoroughly documented. This study investigates hydrological and anthropogenic impacts on southern Louisiana wetlands to guide future efforts toward environmental restoration. A 3.6 m sediment core (JOYWMA) extracted from a freshwater wetland adjacent to Lake Pontchartrain yielded a 5000-year record. Multiproxy data indicate four distinct stages, with the earliest period representing an oyster reef (~4.5 cal yr bp ) marked by elevated Ca and Sr concentrations. Evolution to a freshwater marsh occurred 4.5–4.0 cal yr bp during the St. Bernard delta progradation, marked by increased Zr and Br concentrations. The site transitioned to a lake due to the isolation from the St. Bernard delta and local subsidence (4.0–2.0 cal yr bp ), marked by increased Ti, Fe, Mn and K concentrations. The site altered to a cypress swamp after 2.0 cal yr bp due to increased sediment supply during the St. Bernard subdelta progradation. Both natural (delta progradation and subsidence) and anthropogenic (fire, deforestation) stressors have impacted the site over the last 4500 years. Delta-switching of the Mississippi River caused the significant geomorphological and ecological changes.  相似文献   

A high-resolution pollen and Pediastrum record, spanning 12,500 yr, is presented for Lake Bayanchagan (115.21°E, 41.65°N, and 1355 m a.s.l.), southern Inner Mongolia. Individual pollen taxa (PT-MAT) and the PFT affinity scores (PFT-MAT) were used for quantitative climatic reconstruction from pollen and algal data. Both techniques indicate that a cold and dry climate, similar to that of today, prevailed before 10,500 cal yr B.P. The wettest climate occurred between 10,500 and 6500 cal yr B.P., at which time annual precipitation was up to 30–60% higher than today. The early Holocene increases in temperature and precipitation occurred simultaneously, but mid-Holocene cooling started at approximately 8000 cal yr B.P., 1500 yr earlier than the drying. Vegetation reconstruction was based on the objective assignment of pollen taxa to the plant functional type. The results suggest that this region was dominated by steppe vegetation throughout the Holocene, except for the period 9200 to 6700 cal yr B.P., when forest patches were relatively common. Inner Mongolia is situated at the limit of the present East Asian monsoon and patterns of vegetation and climate changes in that region during the Holocene probably reflect fluctuations in the monsoon's response to solar insolation variations. The early to middle Holocene monsoon undoubtedly extended to more northern latitudes than at present.  相似文献   

郭超  马玉贞  李金凤 《第四纪研究》2022,42(4):1058-1077

文章对中国及周边地区中晚全新世的气候序列展开综述,系统研究了该地区中晚全新世湿度演化的时空差异,并探讨了气候变化的联系及可能机制。基于构建代用指标、沉积连续性、年代控制点以及样品分辨率的评价条件,对中国及周边地区(包括东亚季风区、印度季风区、西风环流区和青藏高原区)的古气候序列进行筛选。最终筛选出59个高质量的中晚全新世气候序列并进行系统研究,使用区域加权平均法获得东亚季风区、印度季风区和西风环流区的区域平均湿度指数序列,并试图探讨其联系和响应机制。结果表明:1)东亚季风区中晚全新世湿度变化呈持续下降趋势,可能主要受制于热带西太平洋表层海温和厄尔尼诺强度变化;2)印度季风区在约4800 cal.a B.P.湿度开始剧烈下降,其湿度演化历史是整个印度洋区域气候变化的一部分,印度洋暖季海温和洋面蒸发可能主导该区的湿度变化;3)西风环流区中全新世以来湿度呈持续增加趋势,可能与北大西洋和欧洲地区温度下降有关,温度下降导致西风环流的南移和增强致使该地区湿度增加;4)青藏高原东北缘中晚全新世的湿度演化与东亚季风区较为一致,而高原内部基本呈南北向梯度变化。另外,中晚全新世典型气候突变事件,如4.2 ka和2.8 ka气候事件,在中国及周边地区普遍出现,具体表现为低纬度季风区出现干旱特征,中纬度西风带部分地区出现湿润特征。


We present integrated mineralogical, geochemical, and palynological data for Late Pleistocene-Holocene bottom sediments of Lake Arakhlei located in the Beklemishev tectonic basin in the southern Vitim Plateau (central Transbaikalia). The sediment samples were studied by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, laser particle sizing, spore-pollen analysis, radiocarbon (14C AMS) dating, and XRF spectrometry. The cored 128 cm long section of lake sediments consists of two units: One is composed mainly of layered silicates (illite-smectite, illite, chlorite, chlorite-smectite, muscovite, and kaolinite) and organic matter (OM) but no carbonates from 0 to 80 cm and the other contains authigenic Ca-Mg carbonates (up to 30%) of Mg-calcite and excess-Ca dolomite from 80 to 128 cm. The sediments also contain a rare mineral weddellite CaC2O42H2O discovered for the first time in Transbaikalian lakes. The evolution of Lake Arakhlei and its drainage basin comprised four stages, with pollen zones that mark the Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate history of the Beklemishev basin. The reconstructed history of Lake Arakhlei for the past ~ 15,500 years followed general climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere. Thus, integrated research, including detailed analysis of mineral components and spore-pollen assemblages in lake sediments, is a workable tool for studying climatic controls of continental sedimentation.  相似文献   

为了更好地理解滦河三角洲晚全新世沉积演化过程,本文对8个钻孔进行了年代学、沉积学、微体古生物学的研究,并结合1984~2016年研究区的遥感影像特征,恢复了滦河三角洲晚全新世发育过程和模式。2.7 ka B.P.以前,研究区发育湖相三角洲前缘,包括河床和水下河道相;2.7~1.0kaB.P.,伴随着海平面上升,海岸线达到现今滦河三角洲一带,姜各庄林场以西区域发育湖相三角洲,包括湖沼相、湖滨相和分支河道、河间洼地等,东部形成海侵型砂坝-潟湖海岸地貌沉积体系;约1.0 kaB.P.以来研究区域普遍成陆,西部主要为决口扇和河间洼地相,东部多分支河道相;17~19世纪,翡翠岛-姜各庄林场一带形成海岸沙丘,并造成二滦河、老米沟等河流由东折向南入海;1915 A.D.,滦河冲开姜各庄林场至翡翠岛的海岸沙丘,形成现今波浪型三角洲。研究区经历了3期地貌沉积组合:晚全新世组合包括西部湖相三角洲和东部海侵型砂坝-潟湖海岸地貌沉积体系;17~19世纪的组合包括三角洲平原和翡翠岛-七里海海侵型砂坝-潟湖海岸地貌沉积体系;1915 A.D.后的组合包括三角洲平原、翡翠岛-七里海海侵型砂坝-潟湖海岸地貌沉积体系和...  相似文献   

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