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While there are numerous thick loess–palaeosol sequences preserved across the Carpathian Basin, well dated sites that provide terrestrial palaeoenvironmental records extending beyond last glacial–interglacial cycle are scarce. Robust chronologies are essential for correlations of loess with other long-term Quaternary records and to further understanding of the palaeoenvironment and climate of this important region beyond the last 125 ka. Here a new geochronology based on 13 post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence ages focused on the lower part of the loess–palaeosol sequence at Erdut is presented. The results show that the lower part of the Erdut profile spans the penultimate glacial cycle (MIS 7 to MIS 5). The considerable sediments overlaying the investigated part of the profile suggest that this section spans two glacial cycles, rather than the previously suggested one. The most likely source of the discrepancy is the use of uncorrected infrared stimulated luminescence signal, which can cause age underestimation if not accounted for. This study demonstrates the need to revisit sites such as Erdut, re-date them using updated measurement protocols, and update existing palaeoenvironmental interpretations.  相似文献   

This study presents an overview of Middle Pleistocene loess–palaeosol sequences (LPS) in northern France and discusses the palaeoclimatic significance of the pedosedimentary record in the context of western European LPS and of global climatic cycles for the last 750 ka. In this area, the oldest loess deposits (early Middle Pleistocene) are preserved in sedimentary traps (leeward scarps of fluvial terraces and dissolution sinkholes). They result from local deflation processes reworking Pleistocene sandy fluvial deposits or relicts of Tertiary sands. A large extension of typical calcareous loess over the landscape, the Loess Revolution, is then observed during MIS 6, with heavy mineral assemblages testifying to long-distance transport from the polar desert area of the dried eastern Channel. A correlation scheme is proposed between the global records of northern France in continental environments and both global palaeoclimatic records and other main western European LPS. After 30 years of research, northern France LPS stand as a fundamental archive of the impact of interglacial–glacial climatic cycles as well as millennial events. Finally, these works provide a robust chronoclimatic framework for the study of the western European Late Acheulean and Middle Palaeolithic and for the relative dating of the various fluvial terraces that they fossilise.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(18-19):1947-1986
Loess is one of the most widespread subaerial deposits in Alaska and adjacent Yukon Territory and may have a history that goes back 3 Ma. Based on mineralogy and major and trace element chemistry, central Alaskan loess has a composition that is distinctive from other loess bodies of the world, although it is quartz-dominated. Central Alaskan loess was probably derived from a variety of rock types, including granites, metabasalts and schists. Detailed stratigraphic data and pedologic criteria indicate that, contrary to early studies, many palaeosols are present in central Alaskan loess sections. The buried soils indicate that loess sedimentation was episodic, or at least rates of deposition decreased to the point where pedogenesis could keep ahead of aeolian input. As in China, loess deposition and pedogenesis are likely competing processes and neither stops completely during either phase of the loess/soil formation cycle. Loess deposition in central Alaska took place before, and probably during the last interglacial period, during stadials of the mid-Wisconsin period, during the last glacial period and during the Holocene. An unexpected result of our geochronological studies is that only moderate loess deposition took place during the last glacial period. Our studies lead us to conclude that vegetation plays a key role in loess accumulation in Alaska. Factors favouring loess production are enhanced during glacial periods but factors that favour loess accumulation are diminished during glacial periods. The most important of these is vegetation; boreal forest serves as an effective loess trap, but sparsely distributed herb tundra does not. Thus, thick accumulations of loess should not be expected where tundra vegetation was dominant and this is borne out by modern studies near the treeline in central Alaska. Much of the stratigraphic diversity of North American loess, including that found in the Central Lowlands, the Great Plains, and Alaska is explained by a new model that emphasizes the relative importance of loess production factors versus loess accumulation factors.  相似文献   


An overview is presented of the actinopterygian fishes from the Late Jurassic (Late Kimmeridgian and Early Tithonian) ‘Plattenkalke’ near Solnhofen (Solnhofen lithographic limestone), Bavaria, Germany. The fish fauna is very diverse, with the palaeonisciform Coccolepis, halecostomes such as Lepidotes, Heterostrophus, three genera of macrosemiids and six genera of pycnodontiforms, halecomorphs including two genera of caturids, two genera of amiids, Ophiopsis, ‘Furo’, Ionoscopus, Brachyichthys, Callopterus, Liodesmus, ?Lophiurus, five genera of pachycormids, three genera of pholidophorids, Pleuropholis, two genera of aspidorhynchids and eleven genera of basal teleosts. Although several groups have been subject of revision, most of the fauna remains poorly known. Study of this rich fauna will provide a lot of information on the phylogeny and interrelationships of halecostome fishes.


The chemical composition and microstructure of rutile grains in a ultra-high pressure metamorphic gneiss of the Saxonian Erzgebirge, Germany have been studied by Raman spectroscopy, SEM, EMPA and TEM. Rutile inclusions in garnet contain free dislocations, iron-enriched dislocations and exsolved ilmenite lamellae, while subgrain boundaries are observed in rutile grains of the rock matrix. The previously reported α-PbO2 type TiO2 phase could not be confirmed by our TEM observations. On the basis of Zr solubility in the rutile and the presence of microdiamonds, minimum metamorphic peak conditions of 3.95 GPa and 915 °C are estimated.  相似文献   

The structural characteristics of humic acids (HAs) from two different depths of a sedimentary sequence representing the last 13 kyr in the valley of Guadiana river estuary (SW Portugal/Spain border) have been approached using a combination of spectroscopic techniques, wet chemical degradation methods (sequential oxidation with sodium persulfate followed by KMnO4, and oxidation with RuO4) and analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) in the presence and absence of tetramethylammonium hydroxyde (TMAH). The aim was to obtain complementary information on the sources and alteration of the organic matter (OM) provided by a previous study on the vertical distribution of terrestrial and phytoplankton biogeochemical markers in the sequence. Both the FT-IR (Fourier transformed infrared) and 13C NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra showed a close similarity with the structural characteristics of the HA samples. NMR signals in the alkyl region (0–45 ppm) as well as FT-IR band patterns typical for methoxyl-substituted aromatic rings pointed to the presence of an important aliphatic domain, as well as to lignin-derived compounds. This finding was confirmed using analytical pyrolysis. In addition, the main TMAH thermochemolysis products were typical lignin-derived methoxyphenols with both guaicyl and syringyl nuclei. The detection of methoxyphenol units with three to six carbon atom (C3–C6) side chains suggests that lignin and possibly suberin were only partially degraded. Compounds arising from proteins and polysaccharides were also detected, although in lesser and varying amount. The major products from persulfate oxidation were series of n-alkanes (C16–C33 with clear odd/even predominance) and n-fatty acids, both saturated (C10–C26 with strong even/odd predominance) and unsaturated, which may arise from the above aliphatic biomacromolecules. The major products from permanganate oxidation of the persulfate residue were α,ω-diacids (C6–C11) originating from oxidation of the ether bonds linking the building blocks constituting the core of the HA structure. Aromatic compounds (phenols, methoxy-dimethoxybenzene carboxylic acid and benzene di-, tri-, tetra- and pentacarboxylic acids), most probably derived from the aromatic backbone of the HAs, that may also include lignin moieties as well as other polyphenols (flavonoids and tannins) were also detected. The RuO4 oxidation also released series of n-alkanes (C16–C33), linear saturated fatty acids (C10–C28) and α,ω-diacids (C7–C25), as well as traces of benzene polycarboxylic acids. Regarding the usefulness of the various techniques used, they provide complementary information. Indeed, spectroscopic techniques and analytical pyrolysis provide information on the backbone of the HAs, and on their origin, whereas the oxidative degradations provide different information on the structural features of the HA, particularly the nature of the linking between the building blocks. In general, the data support the idea that the HAs still contain information about the signature of aliphatic and aromatic biomacromolecules contributing to the OM deposited. The presence of lignin-derived residues suggests a large input from terrestrial carbon throughout the core.  相似文献   

A temperature–time path was constructed for high-temperature low-pressure (HT–LP) migmatites of the Bayerische Wald, internal zone of the Variscan belt, Germany. The migmatites are characterised by prograde biotite dehydration melting, peak metamorphic conditions of approximately 850 °C and 0.5–0.7 GPa and retrograde melt crystallisation at 800 °C. The time-calibration of the pressure–temperature path is based on U–Pb dating of single zircon and monazite grains and titanite separates, on 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained by incremental heating experiments on hornblende separates, single grains of biotite and K-feldspar, and on 40Ar/39Ar spot fusion ages of biotite determined in situ from sample sections. Additionally, crude estimates of the duration of peak metamorphism were derived from garnet zoning patterns, suggesting that peak temperatures of 850 °C cannot have prevailed much longer than 2.5 Ma. The temperature–time paths obtained for two areas approximately 30 km apart do not differ from each other considerably. U–Pb zircon ages reflect crystallisation from melt at 850–800 °C at 323 Ma (southeastern area) and 326 Ma (northwestern area). The U–Pb ages of monazite mainly coincide with those from zircon but are complicated by variable degrees of inheritance. The preservation of inherited monazite and the presence of excess 206Pb resulting from the incorporation of excess 230Th in monazite formed during HT–LP metamorphism suggest that monazite ages in the migmatites of the Bayerische Wald reflect crystallisation from melt at 850–800 °C and persistence of older grains at these temperatures during a comparatively short thermal peak. The U–Pb ages of titanite (321 Ma) and 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblende (322–316 Ma) and biotite (313–309 Ma) reflect cooling through the respective closure temperatures of approximately 700, 570–500 and 345–310 °C published in the literature. Most of the feldspars' ages (305–296 Ma) probably record cooling below 150–300 °C, while two grains most likely have higher closure temperatures. The temperature–time paths are characterised by a short thermal peak, by moderate average cooling rates and by a decrease in cooling rates from 100 °C/my at temperatures between 850–800 and 700 °C to 11–16 °C/my at temperatures down to 345–310 °C. Further cooling to feldspar closure for Ar was probably even slower. The lack of decompressional features, the moderate average cooling rates and the decline of cooling rates with time are not easily reconciled with a model of asthenospheric heating, rapid uplift and extension due to lithospheric delamination as proposed elsewhere. Instead, the high peak temperatures at comparatively shallow crustal levels along with the short thermal peak require external advective heating by hot mafic or ultramafic material. Received: 7 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 October 1999  相似文献   

We describe here new Late Triassic haramiyidan mammaliaform and reptile fossils from near the classic ‘Microlestes’ Quarry’ at Holwell, Somerset, U.K., where Charles Moore discovered a huge collection of microvertebrates in the 1850s. Moore’s discoveries included the haramiyid Thomasia (formerly ‘Microlestes’ and Microcleptes) for which he achieved worldwide fame. Subsequently, despite much fossicking by researchers at Holwell, few new identifiable specimens of mammaliamorphs and lepidosaurs have been recorded and these were by Kühne in 1939. The new finds described here from a bedded sequence, not from a fissure, add significantly to our knowledge of the Holwell tetrapods and to the Rhaetian terrestrial faunas of the SW U.K. Our discovery of haramiyidan teeth includes a previously unknown type of Theroteinus, a genus not previously recorded from outside of the St-Nicholas-de-Port locality in France. An archosaur tooth, possibly from a phytosaur, is also recorded. The new lepidosaur specimens add significant detail to the recently described ‘basal’ rhynchocephalian Penegephyrosaurus curtiscoppi as well as demonstrating that the global diversity of Lepidosauria in the Late Triassic remains incompletely known.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Stratigraphically well-defined volcanic rocks in Palaeozoic volcano-sedimentary units of the Frankenwald area (Saxothuringian Zone, Variscan Orogen) were...  相似文献   

A resin nodule was found in glauconite-rich detrital sediments of the Cretaceous Garschella Formation (Aptian to Albian) outcropping at Langer Köchel (Bavaria, S Germany). Gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses of the fossil resin revealed dealkylation and the total defunctionalisation of its polycyclic constituents. Besides many unspecific components a specific one, agathalene, has survived. Agathalene also presents a strongly degraded product, but may have been derived from its natural precursor agathic acid, which is a very specific constituent (biomarker) of recent and fossil kauri resin. Although agathalene is a far less specific secondary biomarker, it indicates the botanic origin of the fossil resin nodule. Besides other potential producers of agathic acid, precursors of the present-day conifer species Agathis dammara and A. australis were distributed in a wider palaeophytogeographic range than today and might have been the botanical source of kauri resin. In view of the east–west directed Early Cretaceous surface current system of the Tethys ocean, the palaeogeographic provenance of the Werdenfels resin nodule probably was a mainland positioned further to the east or southeast of the Helvetic shelf, to where it was transported probably by driftwood of the resin-producing Agathis sp.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(4):257-265
During the excavation of a Late Bronze Age settlement at Mintraching (near Regensburg, Germany) the on-site pedological and geomorphological settings were studied in order to collect data regarding the palaeopedological and geomorphological conditions of the settlement area, as well as to elaborate further on the former Bronze Age surface. Pedological and geophysical field methods in combination with laboratory analyses were used in close proximity to the archaeological excavation site. Studies about the terrace stratigraphy of the river Danube and associated soil profiles provided data to determine the altitude of the ancient surface. This assisted in calculating the altitude of the former surface of the highest prehistoric building found in Bavaria to date. Since Bronze Age, a minimum amount of 80 - 100 cm soil loss referring to the original Holocene surface could be calculated. Furthermore, the accumulation history of black sediments distributed nearby is described. The black sediments, which are rich in organic matter, accumulated in an old palaeo channel close to the settlement since the Neolithic period. The deposits are not the remnants of a Tschernosem soil as previously thought. Erosion and deposition of the black material give an indication of anthropogenic activities like clearing and farming in the close vicinity of the former settlement area which was located next to an old water filled channel.  相似文献   

The Hagendorf–Pleystein Pegmatite Province, SE Germany, is known for the largest feldspar–quartz pegmatite in Central Europe and renowned for its rare elements, e.g., Li, Nb, and Ta, giving rise to a spate of exotic minerals, mainly phosphates. Argillaceous rocks are scarce and eclipsed by the numerous mineralogical investigations on rare phosphates. These phosphate pegmatites are for the first time subjected to a clay mineralogical study, rendered possible by the newly discovered strongly kaolinized aplite near the Kreuzberg Quartz Pegmatite at Pleystein. The supergene kaolin akin to the residual kaolin deposit at Tirschenreuth, SE Germany, was analyzed for its major and minor elements by XRF and micro-chemically by EMPA. Mineralogical investigations involved XRD, IR spectroscopy, thermoanalytical studies, CEC analyses and SEM-EDX. Supergene kaolinization forms a repository for heavy minerals critical for the interpretation of the emplacement of the Late Paleozoic pegmatites as well as a matrix for pegmatite-related trace elements and thereby may be used as an ore guide during exploration of these rare metal pegmatites. The resultant kaolin is also the protagonist in the story of exhumation and destruction of a pegmatite by weathering and erosion. Irrespective of the strength of kaolinization, Nb–Ta–Ti heavy minerals can be identified in the regolith atop the host pegmatite or aplite and used for genetic interpretation of the primary mineralization and the origin of the felsic intrusive. Nb–Ta solid solution series (s.s.s.) have to be treated cautiously because of the disposition of Ta-enriched Nb–Ta oxide s.s.s. to undergo corrosion in their tantalite lamellae more easily than in their niobium-enriched zones. Kaolinization may alter the primary Nb/Ta ratio but not to the extent that Ta is released completely. The most strongly kaolinized new aplite is the youngest member of a series of felsic intrusive rocks in the Pleystein pegmatite–aplite system. The supergene kaolinization extending from the Miocene through the Pliocene can easily be correlated by “minero-stratigraphy” with the larger Tirschenreuth kaolin deposit. The four stages established in the area furnish evidence of gradual alkalinization of the meteoric pore fluids throughout the Neogene and the Quaternary. Youngest stages are found at Tirschenreuth, the oldest regolith stage is present at Pleystein.  相似文献   

Lindera is a large genus of graceful, pleasantly scented and common native trees and shrubs of southern China and neighboring regions of SE Asia. There is a well-documented Cenozoic fossil record not only in these regions but also from elsewhere. A new fossil leaf record has been found in diatomite beds from the Upper Pliocene Mangbang Formation of Tuantian, Tengchong County, Yunnan. The leaves are identified and assigned to Lindera acuminatissima K. Q. Dao et B. N. Sun sp. nov., by comparing their leaf architecture and epidermal characteristics with those of 51 extant Lauraceae species and with 15 known fossil Lindera taxa. The specimens have well-preserved cuticles, with typical leaf architecture and epidermal characteristics of the Lauraceae, including entire leaf margin, intramarginal veins, basal ternate acrodromous primary veins, one-cell trichome base, paracytic stomatal apparatus, sunken guard cells, subsidiary hardly staining cells and presence of oil cells. These characteristics are consistent with Lindera sect. Daphnidium but are different from reported fossil and extant species of Lindera. The cuticles of Lindera are fragile and delicate with only three Lindera fossils reported based on this tissue. In terms of paleobiogeography, the fossil record indicates that Lindera is distributed in high- to mid-latitude regions of the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene northern hemisphere. Coincidentally, the records of Lindera located on both sides of the Bering Land Bridge possibly support the hypothesis that ancient plants extended via transcontinental exchanges through the Bering Corridor. In the Eocene, ancient Lindera spread to Europe through the Northern Degeer Route and the Southern Thulian Route. At the same time, ancient Lindera spread into Central Asia. Climatic changes and tectonization since the Neogene prevented the propagation of Lindera throughout Asia, North America and Europe, and hence the distribution areas have just regressed to the low-latitude regions in Asia and North America. From the Paleogene to the Neogene, Lindera has changed its distribution by surviving extreme climate changes. Quaternary glaciations ultimately led to Lindera becoming extinct in Europe. The new record from Tengchong, Yunnan, with its lower latitude located in tropical and subtropical regions, indicates that Lindera has lived in those regions since the late Pliocene.  相似文献   

Chemical compositions and geochronological data utilising the laser ablation ICP-MS technique are presented for zircon megacrysts found in alluvial gem corundum deposits associated with Upper Cretaceous–Cenozoic alkali basalts in the Inverell district-New England field, New South Wales, eastern Australia. Three localities, Kings Plains, Swan Brook and Mary Anne Gully, produce gem-quality transparent dark brown and yellow zircon megacrysts, mostly under 10 mm in size. Although brown zircon shows relative enrichment in Hf and REE, there are no differences in relative transition metal concentrations between the colours. Chemical homogeneity within a single crystal indicates stable crystallisation conditions. The 206Pb/238U age of zircon megacrysts from these three localities define older and younger groups of 216–174 Ma and 45–37.7 Ma, respectively. The ?Hf values of zircon megacrysts from Kings Plains show +7.51±0.34 in the older group and +10.72±0.31 in the younger group. Swan Brook zircons give +11.54±0.47 and +8.32±0.58, and Mary Anne Gully zircons are +13.67±0.63 and +8.50±0.48, respectively. These zircons from New England alluvial gem deposits have two main formational events around Upper TriassicLower Jurassic and Eocene episodes. Most originated from lithospheric mantle and all were brought-up by later host basaltic magmas.  相似文献   

Ernst Weinschenk was an excellent teacher at the High School of Technology from 1897 till his death 1921, and at the university in Munich from 1900. His studies of the mineralogy of meteorites and the contact-metamorphic mineralization in the eastern and western Alps and southern Tyrol made him widely known early-on. He successfully determined many new minerals with the aid of the polarizing microscope and the use of mineral and thin rock sections. He attributed the genesis of the sulfidic ore deposit Silberberg at Bodenmais (northern Bavarian Forest) and the graphite deposits near Passau (Lower Bavaria) to the exhalative output of sulphur and carbon during the granite orogenesis (Weinschenk 1914).  相似文献   

Environmental and depositional changes across the Late Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) in the Sinai, Egypt, are examined based on biostratigraphy, mineralogy, δ13C values and phosphorus analyses. Comparison with the Pueblo, Colorado, stratotype section reveals the Whadi El Ghaib section as stratigraphically complete across the late Cenomanian–early Turonian. Foraminifera are dominated by high-stress planktic and benthic assemblages characterized by low diversity, low-oxygen and low-salinity tolerant species, which mark shallow-water oceanic dysoxic conditions during OAE2. Oyster biostromes suggest deposition occurred in less than 50 m depths in low-oxygen, brackish, and nutrient-rich waters. Their demise prior to the peak δ13C excursion is likely due to a rising sea-level. Characteristic OAE2 anoxic conditions reached this coastal region only at the end of the δ13C plateau in deeper waters near the end of the Cenomanian. Increased phosphorus accumulations before and after the δ13C excursion suggest higher oxic conditions and increased detrital input. Bulk-rock and clay mineralogy indicate humid climate conditions, increased continental runoff and a rising sea up to the first δ13C peak. Above this interval, a dryer and seasonally well-contrasted climate with intermittently dry conditions prevailed. These results reveal the globally synchronous δ13C shift, but delayed effects of OAE2 dependent on water depth.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The first results are presented for U-Pb SHRIMP-II dating of zircons from the upper part of the Khivachian regional horizon (stage) of the Regional Stratigraphic Scale...  相似文献   

The loess sequence preserved in the Požarevac brickyard in north-eastern Serbia comprises eight loess units separated by seven paleosols. Geochronological investigation using amino acid racemization and luminescence dating support stratigraphic correlations of loess units L3, S2LL1 and L1 at the Požarevac section with loess of glacial cycles E [Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 10], D (MIS 9–8), C (MIS 7–6) and B (MIS 5–2) across central Europe. Correlation with the marine oxygen-isotope stratigraphy and associated paleoclimatic inferences are further supported by magnetic susceptibility, particle size and carbonate content measured in Požarevac sediments. Malacological investigations at the Požarevac section reveal the continuous presence of the Chondrula tridens and Helicopsis striata faunal assemblages throughout the last 350 ka. The loess malacological fauna, which is characterized by the complete absence of cold-resistant and cold-preferring species, suggests a stable, dry and relatively warm glacial and interglacial climate, compared with other central European loess localities. Together these data suggest that the south-eastern part of the Carpathian (Pannonian, Middle Danube) Basin was a refugium for warm-preferring and xerophilous land-snails during the generally unfavorable glacial climates of the late Middle and Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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