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This study presents an overview of Middle Pleistocene loess–palaeosol sequences (LPS) in northern France and discusses the palaeoclimatic significance of the pedosedimentary record in the context of western European LPS and of global climatic cycles for the last 750 ka. In this area, the oldest loess deposits (early Middle Pleistocene) are preserved in sedimentary traps (leeward scarps of fluvial terraces and dissolution sinkholes). They result from local deflation processes reworking Pleistocene sandy fluvial deposits or relicts of Tertiary sands. A large extension of typical calcareous loess over the landscape, the Loess Revolution, is then observed during MIS 6, with heavy mineral assemblages testifying to long-distance transport from the polar desert area of the dried eastern Channel. A correlation scheme is proposed between the global records of northern France in continental environments and both global palaeoclimatic records and other main western European LPS. After 30 years of research, northern France LPS stand as a fundamental archive of the impact of interglacial–glacial climatic cycles as well as millennial events. Finally, these works provide a robust chronoclimatic framework for the study of the western European Late Acheulean and Middle Palaeolithic and for the relative dating of the various fluvial terraces that they fossilise.  相似文献   

The loess–paleosol deposit in Central Asia is a sensitive indicator of the evolution of the quaternary paleoclimate in the Westerlies, providing insight into the quaternary climate history and its relationship with global climatic changes. Based on the geochemical analysis of elemental composition of densely sampled strata from Talede loess–paleosol sequence in the Ili Basin, the results showed that SiO2 had the highest major elements content, followed by Al2O3. The order of compositional abundance of major elements was generally as follows: SiO2 > Al2O3 > CaO > Fe2O3 > MgO > Na2O > K2O. Trace elements (i.e. Rb, Sr, Sc, Ni, Cu, Ga, Mo, Y, Pb, Th) in the paleosol layers (i.e. S 0, S m, S 1) and the loess layer of L 1 were enriched relative to underlain loess (L 2) horizons, except for the contents of Zr, Cs, Nd, and La in paleosol layers. All of geochemical proxies, such as enrichment factor, Rb/Sr ratio, eluvial coefficient (K i ) and chemical weathering index, display no obvious differentiation in the Talede loess–paleosol deposit. The results indicate that the weak chemical weathering, greater evaporation and low effective moisture in Ili Basin, are to a degree weaker than those in the China Loess Plateau and the climate was warm–dry during the interglacial period. In addition, the loess of Ili area is rich in schistose minerals and implies that the loess may come from the deserts of Central Asia and it may be closely related to the widespread aridification of Central Asia.  相似文献   

While there are numerous thick loess–palaeosol sequences preserved across the Carpathian Basin, well dated sites that provide terrestrial palaeoenvironmental records extending beyond last glacial–interglacial cycle are scarce. Robust chronologies are essential for correlations of loess with other long-term Quaternary records and to further understanding of the palaeoenvironment and climate of this important region beyond the last 125 ka. Here a new geochronology based on 13 post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence ages focused on the lower part of the loess–palaeosol sequence at Erdut is presented. The results show that the lower part of the Erdut profile spans the penultimate glacial cycle (MIS 7 to MIS 5). The considerable sediments overlaying the investigated part of the profile suggest that this section spans two glacial cycles, rather than the previously suggested one. The most likely source of the discrepancy is the use of uncorrected infrared stimulated luminescence signal, which can cause age underestimation if not accounted for. This study demonstrates the need to revisit sites such as Erdut, re-date them using updated measurement protocols, and update existing palaeoenvironmental interpretations.  相似文献   

Pyrometallurgical relics from smelting of iron as well as base metal ores are mineralogically and chemically investigated and dated using the radiocarbon method and optically stimulated luminescence. This study addresses the question whether these pyrometallurgical remains may be used as an exploration tool enabling geologists to discriminate between false and true gossans. Moreover, these investigations make a historical contribution and demonstrate how mining and smelting activities spread across NE Bavaria, Germany.  相似文献   

Conodonts from the Cambrian–Ordovician transition at the Liangcun section in Xishui County, Guizhou and at the Huangcao section in Wulong County, Chongqing are examined for the first time. Both sections are located at the southeast margin of the Sichuan Basin. A total of 1367 specimens were recovered, representing 30 species and 15 genera. Based on the ranges of conodonts generalized from these two sections and another six sections previously studied in the same region, three conodont zones, Cordylodus proavus, Monocostodus sevierensis and Cordylodus angulatus zones are recognized. The index species of the Cambrian–Ordovician boundary at the global stratotype section and point (GSSP), Iapetognathus fluctivagus and its substitute in China Iapetognathus jilinensis are not observed in the study sections, therefore it is impossible to determine the Cambrian–Ordovician boundary exactly. However, it probably lies within the lower part of M. sevierensis zone (the upper part of the Loushanguan Group), correlating with the GSSP in Canada and the Dayangcha section in China. Chronological sequences of the FAD (First Appearance Datum) of C. angulatus, Chosonodina herfurthi and Rossodus manitouensis are not obvious in the study, so the C. angulatus zone here is correlated with zones defined by C. angulatus, Ch. herfurthi and R. manitouensis in the lower Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   

Long, well-dated records of climate change in Australia are rare because most of the continent is prone to deflation and sediments are difficult to date beyond 40?ka. Deep-sea cores, containing terrigenous material, provide an ideal alternative to terrestrial records, because of continuous sedimentation and a robust chronology derived from oxygen isotopes. In this paper, the first of a series of two, we present pollen and spores data from core Fr1/94-GC3 from the East Tasman Plateau. This core is positioned at the southern extreme of the East Australia Current and simultaneously records changes in both oceanography and environments both offshore and in southeastern Australia. In an area of slow sedimentation, this core provides a continuous record of vegetation change in southeastern Australia and the southern Tasman Sea over approximately the last half a million years. Through time, glacial periods have progressively become warmer and shorter. Alpine plant taxa become more restricted with time and rainforest taxa expand to a far more restricted degree during the present interglacial period than the previous one, representing a fundamental shift in the vegetation of Tasmania. We apply transfer functions to reconstruct past rainfall and land temperatures based on the palynoflora that are then compared against the marine proxy record.  相似文献   

We present an array of new proxy data and review existing ones from core Fr1/94-GC3 from the East Tasman Plateau. This core is positioned at the southern extreme of the East Australia Current and simultaneously records changes in both oceanography and environments both in offshore and in southeastern Australia. Microfossils, including planktonic and benthic foraminifera, ostracods, coccoliths and radiolarians, were studied to interpret palaeo-oceanographic changes. Sea-surface temperature was estimated using planktonic foraminifera, alkenones and radiolaria. From the silicate sediment fraction, the mean grain size of quartz grains was measured to detect the changes in wind strength. An XRF scan of the entire core was used to determine the elemental composition to identify provenance of the sediment. We also compare these data with a pollen record from the same core provided in an accompanying article that provides the longest well-dated record of vegetation change in southeastern Australia. In an area of slow sedimentation, Fr1/94-GC3 provides a continuous record of change in southeastern Australia and the southern Tasman Sea over approximately the last 460?ka. We determine that the East Australian Current varied in intensity through time and did not reach the core site during glacial periods but was present east of Tasmania during all interglacial periods. The four glacial–interglacial periods recorded at the site vary distinctly in character, with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 9 being the warmest and MIS 5 the longest. Through time, glacial periods have progressively become warmer and shorter. Deposition of airborne dust at the core site is more substantial during interglacial periods than glacials and is believed to derive from mainland Australia and not Tasmania. It is likely that the source and direction of the dust plume varied significantly with the wind regimes between glacials and interglacials as mean effective precipitation changed.  相似文献   

In the southern Tethyan margin, the Essaouira-Agadir Basin (EAB), south of Morocco, exhibits well-exposed and fossiliferous sections of Aptian–Albian age. Biostratigraphy by ammonoids and sedimentological analysis have been realized for five sections located along an E-W transect in the EAB. The studied successions were dated from the latest Early Aptian to the Early Albian and are characterized by five major sedimentary discontinuities defining at least four main sedimentary sequences. The Late Aptian–Early Albian succession can be considered a gently westward-dipping ramp, marked by a deepening upward evolution. A quantitative study of calcareous nannofossils and calcium carbonate content has been performed on three of these sections. At this time, the EAB was located in the tropical-equatorial hot arid belt. The decrease in both calcium carbonate content and Nannoconus abundances at the Aptian–Albian transition could be the result of cooler climatic conditions recognized in the EAB, and/or of the associated increasing terrigenous input and nutrients, which hindered carbonate production. In the EAB, the nannofossil productivity is higher below the deposition of dark levels, which are coeval with the Niveau Paquier, recognized as the expression in southern France of the OAE 1b (Early Albian). During the Early Albian, the EAB was characterized by nannofossil fluxes two times lower than the upwelling-influenced Mazagan Plateau (southern Tethyan margin) and eight times lower than the Vocontian Basin (northern Tethyan margin). These results show that, with respect to the northern Tethyan margin, trophic conditions in sea surface waters of the pelagic realm of the southern Tethyan margin were lower. Comparable results obtained by Heldt et al. in the neritic realm of the southern Tethyan margin have been ascribed to more arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The Algerian margin is a seismically active region, where during the last century, several large magnitude earthquakes took place. This study combines geotechnical and sedimentological data with numerical modelling to quantitatively assess the present-day slope stability of the Algerian margin. Geotechnical laboratory tests, such as cyclic triaxial tests, oedometric tests and vane shear tests were carried out on sediment cores collected on the study area. The liquefaction potential of a sediment column located about 30 km from the Boumerdès earthquake epicentre of 21st May 2003 was evaluated theoretically for an earthquake of M w  = 6.8. We show that thin sand and silt beds such as those described on recovered sediment cores are the main cause of sediment deformation and liquefaction during earthquakes. Numerical calculations showed that the slope failure may occur during an earthquake characterised by a PGA in excess of 0.1g, and also that, under a PGA of 0.2g liquefaction could be triggered in shallow silty–sandy deposits. Moreover, comparison of the predicted slope failure with failure geometries inferred from seafloor morphology showed that earthquakes and subsequent mass movements could explain the present-day morphology of the study area.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal characteristics of magmatism caused by the Barents–Amerasian Jurassic–Cretaceous plume in conjunction with the geodynamics of destructive transformations of the lithosphere are presented here. The localities of manifestation of magmatism were concentrated mainly out of general contour of the areal occupied by the Siberian superplume, and they demonstrated certain gravitation to the Caledonide–Ellesmeride belts. This suggests an inherited position of both the J–K plume and the initial detachment zone produced by it: this led to formation of the Canadian Basin. The stages in the evolution and character of polycyclic multiphase plume magmatism are substantiated by the geochronology of magmatic provinces in the Arctic region during formation of the Amerasian Basin.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Tournaisian–Visean carbonate successions of the Esfahan–Sirjan Basin (ESB) from Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, Iran, have been used to...  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1051-1066
The Early Palaeozoic Ross–Delamerian orogenic belt is considered to have formed as an active margin facing the palaeo-Pacific Ocean with some island arc collisions, as in Tasmania (Australia) and Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica), followed by terminal deformation and cessation of active convergence. On the Cambrian eastern margin of Australia adjacent to the Delamerian Fold Belt, island arc and backarc basin crust was formed and is now preserved in the Lachlan Fold Belt and is consistent with a spatial link between the Delamerian and Lachlan orogens. The Delamerian–Lachlan connection is tested with new zircon data. Metamorphic zircons from a basic eclogite sample from the Franklin Metamorphic Complex in the Tyennan region of central Tasmania have rare earth element signatures showing that eclogite metamorphism occurred at ~ 510 Ma, consistent with island arc–passive margin collision during the Delamerian(− Tyennan) Orogeny. U–Pb ages of detrital zircons have been determined from two samples of Ordovician sandstones in the Lachlan Fold Belt at Melville Point (south coast of New South Wales) and the Howqua River (western Tabberabbera Zone of eastern Victoria). These rocks were chosen because they are the first major clastic influx at the base of the Ordovician ‘Bengal-fan’ scale turbidite pile. The samples show the same prominent peaks as previously found elsewhere (600–500 Ma Pacific-Gondwana and the 1300–1000 Ma Grenville–Gondwana signatures) reflecting supercontinent formation. We highlight the presence of ~ 500 Ma non-rounded, simple zircons indicating clastic input most likely from igneous rocks formed during the Delamerian and Ross Orogenies. We consider that the most probable source of the Ordovician turbidites was in East Antarctica adjacent to the Ross Orogen rather than reflecting long distance transport from the Transgondwanan Supermountain (i.e. East African Orogen). Together with other provenance indicators such as detrital mica ages, this is a confirmation of the Delamerian–Lachlan connection.  相似文献   

塔里木大火成岩省是我国境内发现的两个重要的二叠纪大火成省之一,不仅有大规模的溢流相玄武岩喷发,还有复杂多样的侵入岩及其组合。以往的研究主要集中在二叠系等显生宙地层发育区,对于前寒武系等古老层系中是否存在二叠纪岩浆侵入未引起重视。本文通过野外地质调查,在阿克苏地区前寒武系中识别出数条侵入南华系的基性岩墙和较大规模侵入震旦系的基性岩床。岩墙、岩床与围岩之间均显示出典型的侵入接触关系,包括岩体内部结晶粗、边部结晶细的淬冷边结构、岩床顶底面显著的切层现象以及包裹围岩团块等;显微镜下观察表明,辉绿岩具有典型的辉绿结构和嵌晶含长结构。锆石U-Pb年代学结果表明,侵入下震旦统的辉绿岩岩床和侵入南华系的辉绿岩岩墙的侵位时代在误差范围内基本一致,约为290Ma。岩石地球化学特征表明,辉绿岩岩床具有与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)相似的稀土及微量元素配分模式,结合Sr-Nb-Pb同位素测试结果,认为它们来源于碳酸盐化的富集型岩石圈地幔部分熔融,而辉绿岩岩墙具有Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等负异常的地球化学特征,可能来自曾被俯冲相关流体/熔体交代的岩石圈地幔源区。本文的早二叠世辉绿岩岩床和岩墙的形成时代、岩浆源区和岩浆演化...  相似文献   

Global, glacio-eustatic sea-level changes massively influenced the depositional history of the Central Paratethyan region. Here, we correlate Middle Miocene global δ18O-shifts with ice volume changes on Antarctica and sea-level changes with corresponding phases of erosion (valley incision) and deposition in the Lower Austrian part of the Alpine–Carpathian Foredeep. This allows the exact dating of the valley formation. Two periods of positive δ18O-shifts resulted in sea-level drops of about 60 and 40 m, respectively. The first drop in the late Langhian (middle Badenian) at c. 13.9 Ma (Mi3b) was fast and caused severe erosion on the emerged foredeep. In a second, less pronounced step around 13.0 Ma (Mi4) in the middle Serravallian (late Badenian), the base level was further deepened after a period of alternating erosion and deposition. The combined sea-level change (80–120 m) fits well with the maximum thickness of Sarmatian sediments drilled within incised valley (110 m). The global sea-level falls affected not only the geological history of the foredeep. The intensive erosion (valley incision) is combined with delta progradation in the adjacent Vienna Basin. Due to this massive sea-level drop, the interruption of marine connections resulted in vast salt deposits and faunal crises within the Central Paratethys during this time.  相似文献   

Five cores from the southern Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas were studied for their tephra and cryptotephra content in the 4.4–2.0 ka time interval. The chronological framework for each core was obtained by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating, the occurrence of distinct marker tephra and stratigraphic correlation with adjacent records. Tephrochronology allowed us to correlate the analyzed deposits with tephra markers associated with Somma-Vesuvius (79 ad ), Ischia Island (Cretaio), Mt Etna (FG, FL and FS) and Campi Flegrei (Astroni-Agnano Monte Spina) events. For the first time in the marine setting, a large single glass data set is provided for the Late Holocene Etnean marker beds including the FS tephra (ca. 4.3 ka). Moreover, unknown deposits from Lipari (ca. 2.2–2.0 ka) and Vulcano (3.6–3.3 ka) are also recognized at more distal sites than previously reported. These results contribute to improve the high-resolution tephrostratigraphic framework of the central Mediterranean Sea. They also provide new insights into the chemical composition and dispersal pattern of tephras that can be used as inter-archive tools for regional and ‘local’ stratigraphic correlations and for addressing paleoclimate research.  相似文献   

Environmental and depositional changes across the Late Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) in the Sinai, Egypt, are examined based on biostratigraphy, mineralogy, δ13C values and phosphorus analyses. Comparison with the Pueblo, Colorado, stratotype section reveals the Whadi El Ghaib section as stratigraphically complete across the late Cenomanian–early Turonian. Foraminifera are dominated by high-stress planktic and benthic assemblages characterized by low diversity, low-oxygen and low-salinity tolerant species, which mark shallow-water oceanic dysoxic conditions during OAE2. Oyster biostromes suggest deposition occurred in less than 50 m depths in low-oxygen, brackish, and nutrient-rich waters. Their demise prior to the peak δ13C excursion is likely due to a rising sea-level. Characteristic OAE2 anoxic conditions reached this coastal region only at the end of the δ13C plateau in deeper waters near the end of the Cenomanian. Increased phosphorus accumulations before and after the δ13C excursion suggest higher oxic conditions and increased detrital input. Bulk-rock and clay mineralogy indicate humid climate conditions, increased continental runoff and a rising sea up to the first δ13C peak. Above this interval, a dryer and seasonally well-contrasted climate with intermittently dry conditions prevailed. These results reveal the globally synchronous δ13C shift, but delayed effects of OAE2 dependent on water depth.  相似文献   

High-pressure (HP) granulites form either in the domain of the subducted plate during continental collision or in supra-subduction systems where the thermally softened upper plate is shortened and thickened. Such a discrepancy in tectonic setting can be evaluated by metamorphic pressure–temperature–time-deformation (P–T–t–D) paths. In the current study, P–T–t–D paths of Early Palaeozoic HP granulite facies rocks, in the form of metabasic lenses enclosed in migmatitic metapelite, from the Dunhuang block, NW China, are investigated in order to constrain the nature of the HP rocks and shed light on the geodynamic evolution of a modern hot orogenic system in an active margin setting. The rocks show a polyphase evolution characterized by (1) relics of horizontal or gently dipping fabric (S1) preserved in cores of granulite lenses and in garnet porphyroblasts, (2) a N-S trending sub-vertical fabric (S2) preserved in low-strain domains and (3) upright folds (F3) associated with a ubiquitous steep E-W striking axial planar foliation (S3). Garnet in the granulites preserves relics of a prograde mineral assemblage M1a equilibrated at ~11.5 kbar and ~770–780°C, whereas the matrix granulite assemblage (M1b) from the S1 fabric attained peak pressure at ~13.5 kbar and ~850°C. The granulites were overprinted at ~8–11 kbar and ~850–900°C during crustal melting (M2) followed by partial re-equilibration (M3) at ~8 kbar and ~625°C. A garnet Lu–Hf age of 421.6 ± 1.2 Ma dates metamorphism M1, while a garnet Sm–Nd age of 385.3 ± 4.0 Ma reflects M3 cooling of the granulites. The mineral assemblage, M1, of the host migmatitic metapelite formed at ~9–12.5 kbar and ~760–810°C, partial melting and migmatization (M2) occurred at ~7 kbar and ~760°C and re-equilibration (M3) at ~5–6 kbar and ~675°C. A garnet Lu–Hf age of 409.7 ± 2.3 Ma dates thermal climax (M2) and a garnet Sm–Nd age of 356 ± 11 Ma constrains M3 for the migmatitic metapelites. The timing of this late phase is also bracketed by an emplacement age of syntectonic granite dated at c. 360 Ma. Decoupling of M1 and M2 P–T evolutions between the mafic granulites and migmatitic metapelites indicates their different positions in the crustal column, while the shared pressure–temperature (P–T) evolution M3 suggests formation of a mélange-like association during the late stages of orogeny. The high-pressure event D1-M1 is interpreted as a result of Late Silurian–Early Devonian moderate crustal thickening of a thermally softened and thinned pre-orogenic crust. The high-temperature (HT) re-equilibration D2-M2 is interpreted as a result of Mid-Devonian shortening of the previously thickened crust, possibly due to ‘Andean-type’ underthrusting. The D3-M3 event reflects Late Devonian supra-subduction shortening and continuous erosion of the sub-crustal lithosphere. This tectono-metamorphic sequence of events is explained by polyphased Andean-type deformation of a ‘Cascadia-type’ active margin, which corresponds to a supra-subduction tectonic switching paradigm.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Across the crystalline basement of Madagascar, late Archaean rocks of the Antananarivo Block are tectonically overlain by Proterozoic, predominantly...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This work considers the Early Carboniferous coal-bearing deposits of the karst-erosional paleo-downcuttings of the Volga–Ural oil and gas basin. The depth of their...  相似文献   

New magnetotelluric data were obtained for the Karabuk profile crossing the Naryn basin–Baibichetoo Ridge–Atbashi basin geodynamic system (Central Tien-Shan). The complex geological–geophysical cross section along the profile provides a good agreement between the surface tectonic structures and the deep geoelectric model. The electric conductivity anomalies revealed as subvertical conductors striking along the flanks of basins may be explained by the zones of dynamic influence of faults and cataclasis of granite.  相似文献   

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