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以安徽凤阳大王府—江山铅锌金矿为例,通过开展系统的浅钻地球化学测量试验研究,进一步探讨浅覆盖区浅钻地球化学测量最佳采样密度。实际采样平均密度为16孔/km2,均匀抽稀成8孔/km2、4孔/km2、2孔/km2分别绘制单元素地球化学异常图,经过对比研究,发现1:5万浅钻地球化学测量适宜的采样密度为4孔/km2,均匀布孔,能够反映类似大王府—江山铅锌金矿中型矿床类型的特征。  相似文献   

基于高分辨率卫星影像数据,利用遥感、GIS技术获取黑龙江省肇源县内自然资源与生态地质环境各因子分布现状数据,其中:耕地2 541.75 km2、林地161.88 km2、草地349.00 km2、河流128.05 km2、湖泊215.80 km2、沼泽109.17 km2、其他水域84.65 km2、建设用地191.25 km2、未利用地329.94 km2;湿地1 334.54 km2、荒漠化土地775.47 km2。利用地类覆盖率、人均占有量以及景观指数(破碎度指数、平均斑块分形指数、分形维数、多样性指数、均匀度指数)量化分析后,得出两类生态地质环境因子中湿地资源尤其是自然湿地受人类活动干扰程度较大、荒漠化土地受人类活动干扰程度较小的结论。并选取老山村等典型地区进行了多期次遥感动态监测及野外核查,揭示了松嫩低平原典型地区目前存在的湿地退化、土地荒漠化等生态地质环境问题。  相似文献   

对位于关中平原南缘的西安市秦岭段鄠邑区,采用Landsat TM和OLI数据,分析1990~2021年土地利用及景观格局变化特征,并选取高程、坡度、坡向、土地利用类型、植被覆盖度和水系缓冲距离6个敏感性因子,结合层次权重决策分析法(AHP法)评价生态敏感性,识别了不同生态环境敏感区空间分布格局。结果表明:1)在1990~2021年间西安市秦岭段鄠邑区土地利用变化为林地和建设用地面积分别增加了39.31 km2和4.01 km2;耕地、水域、草地和未利用土地的面积分别缩减了41.29 km2、 1.16 km2、 0.79 km2和0.04 km2; 30年间该区土地利用变化速率较大,土地利用程度综合指数从208.48降至204.21,与退耕还林政策的实施及城市建设紧密相关。2)在斑块类型水平上,耕地和建设用地破碎化程度高,分布趋于集中连片;林地和耕地的景观主导性不断降低。在景观水平上,整体格局趋于破碎和离散,景观形状不规则性强,总体异质性和均衡性降低,说明...  相似文献   

湖泊是气候变化的敏感指示器,研究其动态变化对揭示全球气候变化及水资源利用与管理具有重要意义。本文以长江源区多尔索洞错-米提江占木错为研究对象,应用Landsat-5/7/8卫星和高分遥感影像,分析了1989—2021年湖泊面积变化的时空特征,并探讨了冰湖-冰川对气候变化的响应。结果表明,1989—2021年间,多尔索洞错-米提江占木错湖泊平均面积为1 011.37 km2,由1989年的872.07km2扩张至2021年的1 119.5 km2,平均扩张率为8.62 km2·a-1。从年代际变化来看,21世纪初期湖泊面积扩张最明显,尤其是在湖泊北部、西北部及南部地区;20世纪90年代增长最为缓慢。1990—2020年各拉丹冬冰川面积从1990年的797.85 km2缩小至2020年的766.19 km2,减少了31.66 km2,缩减率为1.106 km2·a-1。20...  相似文献   

【研究目的】人类活动引起的土地利用/覆被变化是全球环境变化的重要组成部分,旱区土地利用对区域水文和生态的影响尤为显著,探究土地利用变化及其对人类活动的响应对西北干旱内陆生态与资源环境可持续发展具有重要意义。【研究方法】基于1980—2018年间共5期遥感影像,结合土地利用动态度、土地利用转移矩阵和人类活动强度指数分析塔里木河流域各水资源分区土地利用变化特征。【研究结果】近40年中,塔里木河流域耕地、建设用地和林地面积分别增加1.58×104 km2、1.2×103 km2和347 km2,而草地、未利用地和水域面积分别减少1.33×104 km2、0.32×104 km2和815 km2。各水资源分区中塔里木河干流土地利用类型变化最大,其次为渭干河、阿克苏河和喀什噶尔河流域。自2000年以来,塔里木河流域建设用地当量面积和人类活动强度增加相对较快,特别是2000—201...  相似文献   

在武定县高桥镇以1.12个/km2的密度共采集453件表层土壤样品. 对重金属元素砷、铬、镉、铜、汞、铅、镍和锌做土壤环境地球化学等级评价, 最终评级为一等和二等. 一等区面积约350 km2, 占比84.95%;二等区面积约62 km2, 占比15.05%, 部分地区铜和镉显示异常但未达到污染级别. 对养分元素氮、磷、钾含量值做土壤养分地球化学等级评价, 中等以上约378 km2, 占比91.74%. 养分缺乏地块靠近人口密集区, 推测该评价单元受人为因素影响严重. 最终得到土地质量地球化学评价结果, 高桥镇土地质量相对均衡, 优质区约101 km2, 占比24.51%, 良好区约224 km2, 占比54.37%, 中等区约80 km2, 占比19.42%, 无劣等区.  相似文献   

利用Landsat卫星影像,采用面向对象分类方法提取珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区湖泊信息,分析了湖泊动态及对区域气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:(1)2015年保护区湖泊总面积为489.07 km2,构造湖、河成湖、冰川湖分别占总面积的77.3%、2.6%、20.1%。(2)1975-2015年,保护区内各类湖泊面积变化速率不同,冰川湖最大(1.05 km2·a-1),构造湖次之(-0.85 km2·a-1),河成湖最稳定(0.013 km2·a-1);保护区南坡冰川湖面积变化速率(0.53 km2·a-1)略大于北坡(0.52 km2·a-1)。(3)北坡构造湖、河成湖对区域气候的响应呈阶段性变化规律,1975-2000年珠峰地区气候呈暖湿化趋势,2000年构造湖、河成湖面积达到峰值,两类总计增加22.8 km2;2000-2015年转变为显著的暖干气候,构造湖、河成湖面积均呈减少趋势,总共减少57.16 km2。随着区域气候的变暖,冰川湖总面积不断扩大,近40年间冰川湖面积累计增加43.06 km2。(4)灰色关联度分析显示,年极端低温对构造湖面积变化影响最显著,年均气温对冰川湖起主导作用,年均相对湿度对河成湖影响最大。较其他气候因子而言,降水量对各类湖泊面积变化的影响均最小。  相似文献   

1956—2017年河西内流区冰川资源时空变化特征   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
基于修订后的河西内流区第一、 第二次冰川编目数据及2016—2017年Landsat OLI遥感影像, 对河西内流区1956—2017年冰川时空变化特征进行分析。结果表明: ①河西内流区现有冰川1 769条, 面积976.59 km2, 冰储量约49.82 km3。冰川面积以介于0.1 ~ 10 km2的冰川为主, 数量以<0.5 km2的冰川为主。祁连山是该区域冰川集中分布区, 其冰川数量、 面积和冰储量分别占该区域冰川相应总量的98.47%、 97.52%和97.53%。②疏勒河流域(5Y44)冰川数量、 面积及冰储量最多(最大), 冰川平均面积为0.81 km2, 石羊河流域(5Y41)最少(最小)。从四级流域来看, 宁掌等流域(5Y445)冰川最为发育, 冰川数量、 面积及储量均最大, 宰尔莫合流域(5Y446)冰川平均面积最大(1.80 km2), 夹道沟-潘家河流域(5Y422)最小, 仅有0.05 km2。③近60年河西内流区冰川数量减少556条, 面积减少417.85 km2, 冰储量损失20.16 km3。面积介于0.1 ~ 0.5 km2之间的冰川数量与面积减少最多(457条和 -117.49 km2), 海拔4 400 ~ 5 400 m区间是冰川面积集中退缩的区域(98.55%), 北朝向冰川面积减少最多(-219.92 km2)且冰川退缩速率最快(-3.61 km2·a-1)。④1956—2017年河西内流区各流域冰川面积均呈退缩态势, 区内冰川变化呈自西向东逐渐加快的趋势, 但有3条冰川在1986—2017年出现不同程度的前进, 气温升高是该区域冰川退缩的主要原因。  相似文献   

基于东北黑土地1∶250 000土地质量地球化学调查数据,按照《土地质量地球化学评价规范》和《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》,对讷河市土壤养分、土壤环境质量、土壤综合质量及绿色产地适宜性进行评价. 结果显示讷河市土地肥沃,环境清洁,适合于发展绿色农业:1)土壤养分单指标N、P、K、有机质、CaO、MgO、Fe2O3、S、B、Zn、Mn、Cu、Mo、Co、Ge、V共16项中,除Cu、Zn为较缺乏和Ge、B缺乏外,其他指标均为丰富和较丰富;土壤养分综合等级以较丰富和中等为主,分布面积分别为3 666.74 km2和2 574.11 km2,占全区面积的56.94%和39.97%. 2)土壤环境质量以一等(无风险)为主,一等区面积6 435.78 km2,占全区面积的99.94%;二等(风险可控)区面积仅4 km2,占0.06%. 3)全区土壤质量综合等级以优质为主,优质土壤面积3 806.06 km2,占全区面积的59.11%;良好级土壤面积2 574.11 km2,占39.97%;中等级土壤面积59.61 km2,占0.92%;没有四等(差等)和五等(劣等)土壤. 4)符合一级绿色食品产地的土壤面积为6 461.5 km2,占全区面积的97.5%;符合二级绿色食品产地的土壤面积为38.1 km2,占全区面积的0.58%;不符合绿色食品产地的土壤面积为65.6 km2,占全区面积的0.99%.  相似文献   

运用遥感(RS)与地理信息系统(GIS)技术, 结合波密县1960-2010年气象数据, 分析了西藏波密地区冰川的主要分布特征和典型大冰川1980-2010年的时空变化. 结果显示: 波密县共有冰川数量2 040条, 总面积为4 382.5 km2, 其中, 分布在海拔4 000~6 000 m的高山冰川总面积达4 086 km2, 占冰川总面积的93.2%; 南坡分布冰川1 504条, 面积3 180.04 km2, 分别占波密冰川总量的73.73%和72.56%, 而北坡占还不到三分之一. 提取1980、 1990、 2000和2010年4期面积大于20 km2的24条大冰川面积进行对比分析, 1980-2010年间波密县大冰川面积总体呈减小趋势, 由1980年的1 592.78 km2退缩至2010年1 567.04 km2, 共退缩了25.74 km2; 其中, 1980-1990年冰川变化贡献最大, 冰川面积退缩了16.62 km2, 占冰川总面积退缩量的64.6%. 波密县气象站数据显示, 50 a来冰川退缩主要受温度持续上升的影响, 降水量变化对冰川变化影响不大.  相似文献   

An array of about 200 exceptionally long and narrow drumlins occurs in north-central North Dakota. The most prominent of the drumlins is 27 km long, and their average length is between 2 km and 3 km. The drumlin field is closely associated with, and occurs immediately up-glacier from, an extensive area of ice-thrust topography. Most of the drumlin ridges have small glacier-thrust masses at their heads. Internal structures are complex, but typically include large numbers of gravity faults, which dip away from the center of the drumlin ridges. Materials contained in the drumlins were transported from higher pressure areas beneath the glacier, inward toward lower pressure areas (cavities) by flowing, thrusting, squeezing and other processes. The close and systematic association of the long drumlins with nearby areas of ice-thrust topography indicates a genetic tie; conditions that caused the glacier to form large ice thrusts also contributed to drumlin formation. Major factors involved in the formation of the drumlins were high porewater pressures in interbedded permeable and impermeable materials beneath a thin, swiftly flowing glacier, and the presence of areas of frozen ground near the margin of the glacier.  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is a typical type of land degradation in the Southwest China. An attempt was made to study quantitatively the relationships between rocky desertification and spatial pattern of land use through applying spatial analysis of Geographical Information System in Nandong underground river system, a typical karst area, Southwest China. The spatial distribution of rocky desertification and spatial pattern of land use were obtained from interpreting Landsat Images in Nandong area in 2007 by supervised classifications, and verified and rectified through field survey. The results indicate that: (1) the total land deserted area covers 378.3 km2, or 23.4% of the total area, of which intense, moderate and slight rocky desertification covers 269.46, 54.2, and 54.63 km2, respectively, in Nandong area. (2) There is an obvious effect of spatial pattern of land use on rocky desertification. With the increase of elevation and slope, there is a higher occurrence ratio of rocky desertification in the cultivated land and grass land. Also, more than half of total rocky desertification was dominated within the areas of 4 km from the construction land, and 97% of total rocky desertification was dominated within the areas of 10 km from the construction land in Nandong area. And what can be known from the data is that the primary effect distance of human on rocky desertification from the construction land is 4 km, and the farthest effect distance of human on rocky desertification from the construction land is 10 km in Nandong area.  相似文献   

Landslide hazard zonation in and around Thodupuzha — Idukki — Munnar road (TM Road) in Idukki district, Kerala, India has been carried out using geospatial techniques. Being a landslide prone area a hazard zonation is attempted using terrain fragility concept. Based on the traverse mapping, slide prone areas and palaeo-slides along the TM road were identified. Precambrian crystallines consisting of hornblende-biotite gneiss, biotite gneiss, granite gneiss, charnockite and pink granites form the main rock types. Factor maps of various terrain parameters such as slope, landuse, relative relief, drainage pattern, drainage density, landform, and surface material were prepared and their integration carried out on a GIS platform. Based on geospatial analyses, the study area (438 sq. km) is ranked into four classes of relative fragility viz. highly fragile (8.25 sq. km), fragile (41.25 sq. km), moderately fragile (232 sq. km) and stable (156.5 sq. km). The first two categories together form 11% of the area, the most hazardous regions, which require immediate mitigation measures for slope protection. The study forms a basis for evolving a strategy for the development of the entire TM road of Idukki district. The fragility concept used in this study is a fast and cost effective model for identifying landslide prone areas, especially in the Western Ghats.  相似文献   

为评估建新煤矿建设工程区地质灾害危险性,评价工业场地建设和煤矿开采的适宜性,依据钻孔和矿产资源开发利用方案等相关资料,在野外现场调查的基础上,通过定性与定量相结合方法,对研究区的地质灾害进行了评估。结果认为:评估区内有危险性大区8个,面积0.100 050km2,危险性中等区1个,面积14.965 013km2,危险性小区5个,面积3.459 323km2;工业场地建设为基本适宜,煤矿井下开采在地质灾害危险性大区和中等区,按有关规范、规程要求,采取合理的开发方案和有效的避让或防治措施后为基本适宜,在危险性小区适宜煤矿开采。  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987110000071   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
<正>The lithospheric structure of China and its adjacent area is very complex and is marked by several prominent characteristics.Firstly,China's continental crust is thick in the west but thins to the east,and thick in the south but thins to the north.Secondly,the continental crust of the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau has an average thickness of 60—65 km with a maximum thickness of 80 km,whereas in eastern China the average thickness is 30—35 km,with a minimum thickness of only 5 km in the center of the South China Sea.The average thickness of continental crust in China is 47.6 km,which greatly exceeds the global average thickness of 39.2 km.Thirdly,as with the crust,the lithosphere of China and its adjacent areas shows a general pattern of thicker in the west and south,and thinner in the east and north.The lithosphere of the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau and northwestern China has an average thickness of 165 km, with a maximum thickness of 180—200 km in the central and eastern parts of the Tarim Basin,Pamir, and Changdu areas.In contrast,the vast areas to the east of the Da Hinggan Ling—Taihang—Wuling Mountains,including the marginal seas,are characterized by lithospheric thicknesses of only 50—85 km.Fourthly,in western China the lithosphere and asthenosphere behave as a "layered structure", reflecting their dynamic background of plate collision and convergence.The lithosphere and asthenosphere in eastern China display a "block mosaic structure",where the lithosphere is thin and the asthenosphere is very thick,a pattern reflecting the consequences of crustal extension and an upsurge of asthenospheric materials.The latter is responsible for a huge low velocity anomaly at a depth of 85—250 km beneath East Asia and the western Pacific Ocean.Finally,in China there is an age structure of "older in the upper layers and younger in the lower layers" between both the upper and lower crusts and between the crust and the lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

四面山国家级风景名胜区地质灾害危险性分区及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对重庆市江津区四面山国家级风景区的滑坡、危岩崩塌,选择灾害体、地表坡度、森林植被、水文地质、岩性、地表高程、库水位和地质构造等8个地质灾害的影响因子;在MAPGIS技术支持下,采用综合指数评价模型,通过层次分析法(APH法)及灰色聚类法获取每个因子的平均值;将各影响因子的权重进行空间叠加,据此结合综合评估指数将四面山国家级风景名胜区的地质灾害危险性分为三级区,即:高易发区,中易发区和低易发区,每区所占面积分别为96.66km^2,113.37km^2,23.96km^2,其结果符合实际情况。  相似文献   

The Airekan and Cheshmeh Shotori areas are located about 60 km northeast of Khour, in Isfahan province from Central Iran. Research on characteristics and rare earth elements (REE) pattern in hydrogeochemical environments of these areas suggests the same origin for the elements dissolved in groundwater in these areas. Investigation of migration pattern of REE in hydrogeochemical environments shows that the migration and transportation of REE has occurred through chloride complexes. REEs, leached by water/rock interaction from the Airekan granite, are transported by groundwater and then precipitated in the Cheshmeh Shotori area. Study of the Cheshmeh Shotori sediments shows the presence of a sequence of red oxidized and dark layers. Geochemical characteristics of these sediments reveal that their REE characteristics are mainly inherited from the Airekan granite. Changes in the REE pattern of these sediments with depth show that changes in oxidation and reduction process have not played a significant role in controlling their behavior. It is crucial to note that adsorption of REEs dissolved in water by hydrosilicate increases these elements in depth. The REE behavior shows water/rock interaction between the granitic rocks and groundwater as the main factor of solution, migration and precipitation of REEs in the Cheshmeh Shotori area.  相似文献   

Roadside dust samples were collected from selected areas near the fuel stations in Karkh District of Baghdad City, the capital of Iraq, as well as both sides of the highway between Ramadi and Rutba. In order to assess the probable pollution level of heavy metals (Cd, Ni, and Pb) in the study areas, they were determined in the roadside dust using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The extent of traffic contribution to roadside dust was assessed by comparing the metal concentrations in roadside dust to those of Upper Continental Crust background considering a Cd background of 0.098 mg/km, Ni background of 44 mg/km, and Pb background of 16 mg/km using geo-accumulation index (I geo), contamination factor (CF), and pollution load index (PLI). The roadside dust contains relatively elevated levels of heavy metals. The average concentration of Cd, Ni, and Pb in Baghdad is 0.17, 25.5, and 14.8 mg/kg; in the north of the highway is 0.14, 23.4, and 14.7 mg/kg; and in the south of the highway is 0.2, 27.4, and 15.6 mg/km. The higher averages of these metals were recorded in the south of the highway. The study areas are impacted with considerable quantity of metals. The distribution pattern of the concentrations of metals was essentially affected by exhausted gases emitted from transportation automobile where the direction of the prevailing wind played a major role in the transport of the pollutants, causing an increase in metal concentrations towards the south side of the highway.  相似文献   

The tsunami inundation flows on Banda Aceh, Indonesia reached 5 km inland during the December 26, 2004, event and devastated most of the houses, buildings, and infrastructure along the coast and killed more than 167,000 people. The overland flows from the northwest coast and the west coast collided at Lampisang village approximately 3.7 km from Ulee Lheue (northwest coast) and 6.8 km from Lhok Nga (west coast) as reported by survivors. Inundation modeling based on the nonlinear shallow-water wave equations reproduces the inundation pattern and demonstrates a colliding of the overland flows. The model suggests that wave characteristics on the northwest coast of Banda Aceh were different from those on the waves that impacted upon the west coast. The areas, which experienced higher inundation levels, did not always experience greatest overland flow speeds, and the damage areas mostly coincide with the flow speed distribution rather than the runup and inundation depth.  相似文献   

以长春岭油田C107区块扶余油层为例,综合应用岩心、录井、动态及测试等资料,按层次分析的思路对曲流河储层进行了构型分析。在井上单河道砂体识别的基础上,采用相控对比方法进行了单河道砂体的井间对比。基于现代沉积,提出了"S"型、同向式、背向式和切割式4类点坝砂体的组合模式,结合点坝砂体厚度特征以及与其紧邻废弃河道分布特征,在研究区识别出8个点坝砂体,单个点坝砂体面积在0.02~0.16km2。综合录井、岩心和测井等资料,在单井侧积层识别的基础上,结合对子井分析法,计算出侧积层的倾角为5°左右,侧积体的宽度为25~70m,建立了点坝砂体内部构型定量模式。应用曲流河构型分析成果,指导了热采动态分析。  相似文献   

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