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国内外生态气象现状及其发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先探讨了生态学、气象学与生态气象学的发展历程,并给出了目前常见的几种生态气象学的定义;其次,对国内外生态气象学的现状进行了简单分析,主要介绍了国际上开展的与生态系统有关的许多观测计划和研究试验,以及国内不同部门开展的陆地生态系统观测状况,并分析了我国气象部门生态气象业务服务现状及存在的问题;再次,分析了生态气象学未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

生态与农业气象轨道业务是一项系统工程,它包括对生态气象与农业气象的监测、评估、预测、防灾、抗灾、恢复等。通过对贵州省生态与农业气象轨道业务现状的分析,介绍了目前贵州省生态与农业气象工作存在和待解决的若干问题,展望了今后的发展目标,并提出近期重点研究与开发的方向。  相似文献   

从气象网站建立的意义、我区气象网站的现状、网站存在的不足、市场需求等方面,结合公众在信息数字化时代背景下的接收网络气象产品需求、网络未来的发展趋势,分析气象网站的优势与不足,提出规范行业标准、完善激励机制、面对市场化、服务精细化等建议和改革发展措施.  相似文献   

我国农业气象灾害评估研究现状和发展方向   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了当前我国农业气象灾害评估中常用的方法和研究成果,对综合模型评估、作物模型评估和灾害风险评估等方法进行了评价,认为目前农业气象灾害评估中存在的主要问题有定量评估能力仍显不足、作物机理模型应用有待加强及灾害风险评价理论和方法有待完善等,未来的发展趋势主要是作物模型的应用将加强、农业气象灾害风险评估将进一步完善和综合评估技术向多元化发展等。  相似文献   

我国农业气象灾害评估研究现状和发展方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了当前我国农业气象灾害评估中常用的方法和研究成果,对综合模型评估、作物模型评估和灾害风险评估等方法进行了评价,认为目前农业气象灾害评估中存在的主要问题有定量评估能力仍显不足、作物机理模型应用有待加强及灾害风险评价理论和方法有待完善等,未来的发展趋势主要是作物模型的应用将加强、农业气象灾害风险评估将进一步完善和综合评估技术向多元化发展等。  相似文献   

江西省生态质量气象评价及其动态变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照《生态质量气象评价规范(试行)》标准,以2008—2013年遥感晴空数据及相关气象、统计、调查等资料为数据源,对江西省生态环境状况进行气象评价,并对其动态变化进行分析。结果表明,2008—2013年,江西省生态环境状况整体处于良好水平,且生态质量逐年略有提升。其中,1)江西省植被覆盖度整体较高,并呈小幅上升趋势;2)湿润指数亦呈现小幅上升趋势,并且江西省降水随季节分布不均,春季湿润指数值平均最大;3)水体密度指数及土地退化指数较稳定,但存在季节变化;4)灾害指数随年度受灾程度不同有较大起伏,夏季是江西省遭受气象灾害较为频繁的季度。  相似文献   

利用南岭生态气象中心国家气象观测站和仁化县各乡镇自动站气象资料以及MODIS卫星遥感资料,分析了仁化近5年生态气象特征,结果表明:近5年仁化县年平均气温较常年平均偏高,降雨量在正常范围内波动,时空分布不均,日照较常年偏少,大气扩散条件整体良好、空气质量基本维持,植被覆盖结构呈现以高覆盖度为主体、中覆盖度区域随经济发展用...  相似文献   

21世纪我国农业气象信息技术发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李春强  应宁 《气象科技》2000,28(2):30-33
根据国内外近年农业气象信息技术建设和发展现状,结合目前我国农业气象信息技术发展的特点,提出了21世纪我国农业气象信息服务发展趋势、总体思路和主要任务.  相似文献   

通过对天柱县村级气象信息员队伍现状的分析,积极探索当前村级气象信息员队伍建设中存在的问题并提出完善村级信息员队伍的建议和措施,以利于更加有效的发挥气象信息员在防灾减灾工作中的作用。  相似文献   

目前中国生态与农业气象研究主要关注气候变化的影响,而脆弱性与风险预估研究仍存在很大不确定性,甚至无法进行预估研究。以生态/农业气象的脆弱性和风险为切入点,从生态/农业的地理/种植分布、物候/生育期和生产力/产量等方面,综述了中国生态/农业气象的研究进展,指出现有研究成果难以满足高质量生态保护与粮食安全的需求,为此提出了未来拟重点开展的研究任务,即生态/农业气象承载力及其优化布局、生态/农业气象的灾变过程与调控机制、生态/农业变化的气象条件贡献率评估及其适应技术、高质量生态保护与粮食提质增效的气候资源高效利用和定向调控研究,以推进中国生态与农业气象脆弱性与风险研究,为中国生态/农业气象科学应对气候变化提供依据。  相似文献   

运用线性倾向估计法,分析1951~2012年影响广西热带气旋频数和强度变化及1984~2012年热带气旋灾害失情况.结果显示:8、9月的热带气旋频数呈明显减少趋势;热带气旋年频数呈减少趋势;热带气旋频数年代际变化表现为近10年最少.热带气旋最大强度呈不显著减弱趋势,平均强度呈不显著增强趋势.29年间,热带气旋造成的受灾人口明显增多,死亡人数明显减少;农作物受灾率和绝收率、房屋倒塌数量以及直接经济损失总体变化趋势均不明显.  相似文献   

Long-Term Trends in Photosynthetically Active Radiation in Beijing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A long-term dataset of photosynthetically active radiation (Qp) is reconstructedfrom a broadband global solar radiation (Rs) dataset through an all-weather reconstructionmodel. This method is based on four years' worth of data collected in Beijing. Observation data of Rs and Qp from 2005--2008 are used to investigate the temporal variability of Qp and its dependence on the clearness index and solar zenith angle. A simple and efficient all-weather empirically derived reconstruction model is proposed to reconstruct Qp from Rs. This reconstruction method is found to estimate instantaneous Qp with high accuracy. The annual mean of the daily values of Qp during the period 1958--2005 period is 25.06 mol m-2 d-1. The magnitude of the long-term trend for the annual averaged Qp is presented (-0.19 mol m-2 yr-1 from 1958--1997 and -0.12 mol m-2 yr-1 from 1958--2005). The trend in Qp exhibits sharp decreases in the spring and summer and more gentle decreases in the autumn and winter.  相似文献   

李萍阳 《气象》2010,36(2):136-141
第18届国际生物气象会议于2008年9月22—26日在日本东京举行。通过简要介绍了这次会议的情况,概括了近年来生物气象研究的进展与动向。从ICB2008各会场的交流内容和讨论可以看出,未来生物气象研究关注的重点问题主要包括以下六个方面:(1)人类生物气象学领域的热浪与健康预警系统、医疗气象、室外工作热环境评价及医疗天气预报研究与应用。(2)城市气候特征与评价及减缓措施研究。(3)气候变化对极端天气、气候事件的影响。(4)气候变化对农业的影响。(5)动物对气象条件和气候变化的响应。(6)污染物跨国输送与国际环境合作研究。加强我国的生物气象研究是应对气候变化影响、以人为本、构建和谐社会的需要,可以为社会可持续发展提供科学依据和咨询建议。  相似文献   

The impact of air transport on the surface ozone variations is analyzed at Kislovodsk High Mountain Station for the period 1989–1996 on the basis of 2D back trajectories. It was shown that the contribution of photochemical and dynamical processes is different for the different seasons. In summer months the surface ozone concentration is governed by photochemical ozone production in semi polluted air from the regions of Northern Caspian, Southern Ural and Volga region. Time of the seasonal ozone maximum appearance is defined by joint influence of the processes of photochemical production and destruction in the eastern sectors and advection from Ukraine and Central Europe. The value of the seasonal minimum is determined by the processes of ozone destruction in the air coming from northeastern direction in the stable frontal zone. Distribution of sectors of the air transport changes from year to year and it can partly explain strong negative trend of the surface ozone concentration at the site.  相似文献   

The secular trends for local tidal datums, tide ranges, and tidal harmonic constituents at 13 tidal gauge stations located along the coast of Japan were analyzed in this study. The general trends for mean higher high water (MHHW), mean high water (MHW), diurnal tide range (DTR), mean tide range (MTR), and relative mean sea level (RMSL) were positive, and for mean lower low water (MLLW) and mean low water (MLW) the trends were negative. The variation patterns were largest at Kushiro and Ofunato stations, both located in the open waters of the North Pacific Ocean. The tidal datums and tide ranges remained fairly stable at the Hakodate station, and an opposite trend was observed at the Maisaka station. The analysis of tidal harmonic constituents revealed a less pronounced pattern. The most distinct trend was observed for the M2 amplitude, which appears to be negative at a majority of the stations. The largest decrease in the M2 amplitude was observed at Kushimoto and Mera stations, also located in the open waters of the North Pacific Ocean. The negative trend is attributed to decreasing water depths at these stations, owing to small-scale local processes.  相似文献   

Since 1984, about 15000 high quality infrared solar spectra have beenrecorded with state-of-the-art grating and Fourier transform spectrometersat the International Scientific Station of the Jungfraujoch, Switzerland.Nonlinear least squares spectral curve fitting of selected microwindowscontaining isolated and well characterized lines of 20 telluric gases haveallowed to retrieve their total vertical column abundances above thestation, leading to observational data bases essential to derive long- andshort-term changes experienced by these species during the last 12 years. Inthis paper, we focus on atmospheric gases of particular interest within thecontext of the EUROTRAC/TOR (Tropospheric Ozone Research) project; secularevolution as well as seasonal cycles of the minor constituentsCH4, CO and of the trace gasesC2H6, OCS, C2H2, HCNand H2CO are reported and discussed. The long-livedN2O is included as a tracer of the dynamic activity of theatmosphere.  相似文献   

Trends in graded precipitation in China from 1961 to 2000   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Daily precipitation rates observed at 576 stations in China from 1961 to 2000 were classified into six grades of intensity, including trace (no amount), slight (≤ 1 mm d^-1), small, large, heavy, and very heavy. The last four grades together constitute the so called effective precipitation (〉 1 mm d^-1). The spatial distribution and temporal trend of the graded precipitation days are examined. A decreasing trend in trace precipitation days is observed for the whole of China, except at several sites in the south of the middle section of the Yangtze River, while a decreasing trend in slight precipitation days only appears in eastern China. The decreasing trend and interannual variability of trace precipitation days is consistent with the warming trend and corresponding temperature variability in China for the same period, indicating a possible role played by increased surface air temperature in cloud formation processes. For the effective precipitation days, a decreasing trend is observed along the Yellow River valley and for the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and Southwest China, while an increasing trend is found for Xinjiang, the eastern Tibetan Plateau, Northeast China and Southeast China. The decreasing trend of effective precipitation days for the middle- lower Yellow River valley and the increasing trend for the lower Yangtze River valley are most likely linked to anomalous monsoon circulation in East China. The most important contributor to the trend in effective precipitation depends upon the region concerned.  相似文献   

In this study,the ability of dynamical downscaling for reduction of artificial climate trends in global reanalysis is tested in China.Dynamical downscaling is performed using a 60-km horizontal resolution Regional Integrated Environmental Model System (RIEMS) forced by the NCEP-Department of Energy (DOE) reanalysis II (NCEP-2).The results show that this regional climate model (RCM) can not only produce dynamically consistent fine scale fields of atmosphere and land surface in the regional domain,but it also has the ability to minimize artificial climate trends existing in the global reanalysis to a certain extent.As compared to the observed 2-meter temperature anomaly averaged across China,our model can simulate the observed inter-annual variation and variability as well as reduce artificial climate trends in the reanalysis by approximately 0.10 C decade 1 from 1980 to 2007.The RIEMS can effectively reduce artificial trends in global reanalysis for areas in western China,especially for regions with high altitude mountains and deserts,as well as introduce some new spurious changes in other local regions.The model simulations overestimated observed winter trends for most areas in eastern China with the exception of the Tibetan Plateau,and it greatly overestimated observed summer trends in the Sichuan Basin located in southwest China.This implies that the dynamical downscaling of RCM for long-term trends has certain seasonal and regional dependencies due to imperfect physical processes and parameterizations.  相似文献   

海南气象影视广告营销及发展对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海南气象影视广告业现状和存在问题,分析了海南气象影视广告媒体的优劣势,并提出了相应的解决方法和经营策略,从而推动气象影视广告业不断创新发展。  相似文献   

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